BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communlet League of Amerten (Opposition) at 128 Dast 16th Street, New York. Entered as second class wall matter. November 28. 1828 At the Post Office At New York. mnder the act of Marsh, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 28 (WHOL NO. 175 NEW YORK, SATURDAY MAY 27, 1933 PRICE CENTS Fight Against War! on American Soil Evidence Muzzled Roosevelt Program e any Mooney was orderedluck toont all tiells of class struksle on This is the basic approach of Revolt Gathers Wave of Militant Struggles Sweeps Needle Trades Addresses Against Machado and Party on Elections Regime in Cuba in Minneapolis The workers.
WITH GERMAN WORKERS TOM MOONEY. NEW YORK CONFERENCE ON JUNE 18th TANT LABOR STRUGGLE Theory and the Theory of Degeneration) On May 30th, the fingoes, mu and Stalinist bureaucrats, Fitler On Thursday morning a thousand On Wednesday afternoon, May tear its martyr from the blood Roosevelt has thrown two more uition makers, war mongers and grooms himselt for the role of the workers demonstrated against the 24, Tom Mooney was acuitted by stained hands of the bosses. The ingredients into the mixture of e ting patriots will gather in super Wrangel of the world bour Pascist envoy Hans Weidemann, at about Chled when an verdictment he me the three time fort eit biberal medicines from which he fa Socialism developed to completion the festive places of the nation to Bevisie. The hour draws close.
Young Workers, to the Fore! the Army Bise. few minutes prepared daty mrade bombings mouth is a tremendoux factor in business. He appeal to capitalists without it state. But the transition letarian whose body rests beneuth Most concerned and vitally af lerore after to ruine winex voluntarily, and he Trerial from God to socialisertle cross the other side of fected by the danger of war are had been going the meeting for which he was originally framed achieving this end.
for some tifteen. While the suittal does uot So worker in the United States, trade anelations for the regula prokes to them that they form clemunds an extreme strengthening the ocean.
the young workers who will be minuten, an attempt was made by clear him lolly of the original of the functions of the state (die They will talk of his bravery and used as cunnon fodder to coin the the police to cud the demonstration, charge it prover the entire untences world, can now doubt on of the industry: tor good meals Booty innocence. No worker can ure, he throws in a bill for public tatorship of the proletariat. This his heroista in laying down his life blood money for the imperialist but this falled.
ability of it When the representative of the makes him both guilty and not fail to see the crass swindle historic dialectic of the state has to make the world wafe for de handits. It is they who must raise bust class in this frame up. The of over three billions. These med the works expenditure in the amount Da sulliciently illuminated by themocracy. But their eulogies are the strongest and most determined IP. got through speaking and guilty of one and the same thing take the only served to open up icines go to join the minimum wage theory of Marxism.
The economie basis for the with how breaking through the forest against the coming slaugh the Chairman was about to an fatalities all caused by the bomb the eyes of still larger masses.
all lies and deceptions. The truth ter.
nounce the next saker, the police ins in 1916. The ense of the ruling ering way of the workers state war propoganda. It was for it is they who must say to the this time reinforced by Nenty of class of California against the the indumating of all struta of extation contrarizations or handler is the high development of economic Morgan millions that the Ameri. war mongers that they are ready dicks, begun to muul the workers. stran labor leader is thereby con: Justice and a bitched Californish Class control, lowering of tarif walls, no power when productive labor nou workers had their bodies riddled to put an end to the system that the workers put up a good fight, siderably weakened. It is shown to justice is pitched to high key. licies of International cooperation, The work of the National Tom good will and disarmament, and longer needs to be driven and the with bullets. And it is for essentially starves them in peace time and using stones and sticks against the be on it last legs.
But the procedure of Judge Wara Mooney Committee of Action can distribution of human goods to the name purpose that a new war must have recourse to war to clulus of the cops; many workers longer needs any juridical control. is being prepared.
settle their contlict for profits and were caught by the horsecops, who conducted the trial, speaks not fail to swing labor behind the rest of the reformist hocus.
The transition from revolutionary The war to end all wars was markets. The young workers must traceed through the strets and even more for the bankruptcy of the old ranks, it they pursue trying to staw for time with dictatorship to classiess society but a gigantic recarsal for a new show the exploiters that the guns treaten with blackjacks.
cannot be accomplished by decree. imperialist contiet, more bloody, that are placed in their hands will waiting for some improvement in The Army Base, housing a regl than the acquittal itself. The judge outlined at Chicago, conscientiously cilat e lettresolved by more wauton and more destructive never be used against their fellow ment of the Reforestation Army were in recommending verdiet of not they challenge the leaders of the the economic cycle The basic outlook from which these measures proceed is that caplthe ilght.
u poate from the scene withering tory of manklud. The Jockeying or ruce. That they will direct their come of American Imperialism to fused the class war prisoner in their mase following to join in ples that all the HI Way to the extent to which the lor position, secret alliances, the weapons instead against the self. this third assistant butcher, Hansistent of the case be presented Orial Now is the time to bring the talism is benevolent, since he powerful and culturally higher race for armaments, brings Europe sume exploiters, their real enemies. Weidemann, who though without mase movement in the defense of expects it to raise wages without him, was before a judgment is arrived at.
socialist society conquers all the and the whole world closer to the Down with imperialist war! Turn the Brownshirts to de duecoats.
living functions with the aid of its brink of a world slaughter.
the imperialist war into a civil war! ably defended by the The frame up has, it appears, Money to a successful culmination. strexle: that capitalism is inmanifold and tlexible organs which The fake pacifism of Roosevelt, These slogans will ring Despite this, he managed to sneak become so flimsy that the coastal Closed ranks in a successful struggle telligent and foresighted, since he no longer stand in need of coercion. the ill concealed asinously ththe rest of the nation on National leave the pler by another exit. 10 pilete exposure. The prosecution period of working class ascendancesis of voluntary trade associa.
of batch the streets of New York and over of the boat in the Harbor or to barons are in utter dread of cam. to free Mooney will open up a new expects it to regulate itself on the The Withering of the State or Hitler wints itself refused to present any argu in the United States and serve as tions: and that capitalism is cap able of cooperation on the national The process of the liquidation of holy crusade aguinst the first Youth Day, May 30th. On this day workers were arrested The the state takes place along two Workers Repablie.
de the young workers and students San resistance to the capitalist offensive clicerent rouds. To the extent that stroyed the reatest bulwark of the must gather their forces for mighty tant, was too smalthough mill meats against the verdict and the starting point of a smashing and on the international scale.
The 17 year struggle to free Tom the economic, on the political front liberalism, that is, of the most prithe most senlle and discredited the classes are being liquidated. October Iterolution, the revolution demonstrations in defense of the real effect. The tight against Quentin prisun.
that is, dissolved in a homogeneous ary Gerinan working class of plans of the imperialists.
society, coercion withers away in xations, with the aid of the trench Ovlet Union and against the war Haselsan must be broadened; as one speakers stated, to include looney is bearing fruit. Only one and in the defense of all the Last powerful push on the part of other victims of boss class oppres mitire form of capitalist self(Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
the direct sense of the word, drop. ery and capitulation of the socialist the laloring muses is needed to sion.
justification as typified by Adam Smith, which may be summarized ping out forever from social cireuas, Let every capitalist act for his lation. The organizational tunc own best Interests with the minitions of the state, on the contrary, mum of state intervention, and the become more complex, more de tailed. They pentrate into ever new from Hochman and The present degraded standards tion in either union to assure. or fields which until then remained as nntion as a whole. This is the of the Needle Trades workers are successful outcome of the two inwarantcan anything. It Dubinsky if beyond the threshold of society formula of the bly bourgeoisie in leading them to revolt. The ranks strikes. The Right wing begotia. is tot their good or bad intentions the early stages of capitalism. Even (the household, children educawith the of the workers of various crafts Le The Left wing that dictate their action of class in tion, etc. ond for the first time classle home of liberalism, subject them to the control of the show very definitely that an mder will criticize itsur, post factum, collaboration, it is their very poin England, the party that formerly lying current of militancy is coming for lack of preparation. sition as reformists that brings stood for Collective mind.
Another revolt accompanied by a to the surface.
The left wing press bus not even forth betrayals. Their historic poMinneapolis, May 19, 1983 The duced to insignificance, nor has it The general manner of posing the wave of terrorism has broken loose as much as mentioned it, because sition is that of collaborution with local branch of the Communist any wwer in single major question does not change whether in Cuba. The guerilla outbreaks in The sains that have been won by of the obviously favorable situation the ruling class that is where League (Left Oppisition has ad country today. It is a symptom of le concerns a single country or the the central and eastern provinces the sacritices of the needle workers of the Interuational which indicated their betrayals How from and not dressed the following Open Letter the political backwardness of Amer.
whole planet. If we should assume of the Island are only one, and over an extended period of ups and once more that the stalinist huve sund or bad wishes or promises to to the official Communist party: ca toxtay that this political system that a wealist society is realizable perhaps not the greatest of the dandowns have completely wanished. torgotten the role of Communists in curry out decisions. Does this very election sould be a lesson fshed up out of the ashcan of within national boundaries, then sera threatening the dictatorship. The erlais hus given the bosses the trade unions.
the withering away of the state in the cities and especially in right of way to slash wages and from the statement made by organs of the the Freiheit and worker. In the free for all primary country as the New Deal.
could also uceur within the Crane Havana, virtual civil war exists increase hours without any resistewelpliin, it is obvious that the or remind the International clique emolis suffered political set Roosevelt program is the combina116 representative Salle Daily Worker not to criticize election the working class of Min The distinctive feature of the work of a single country. The nec between the student tertance on the part of the exsity, or defense against capitalist rorist orgunization and the famous But the tide has been turned. dresstnakers forced the Interna or their just misdeeds and warn back of the mayoralty candidates tion of this reactionare atropian chemics threatening from without porra at the service of the mor the intolerable conditions have tional ito a struggle. He said: the workers to be on guard! That nominated, Bainbridge represents theory with a practice which conis in itself entirely compatible with derous peudo bompartist Machado pointed out to the worker the one to meet the emit left unanswered.
old the boss controlled polities tradicts it absolutely the increasway the way of struggle. Thesployers more than halt was, but the weakening of state coercion regime.
The very purpose of the Left while Anderson represents small ingly direct union of the State with Nuw one alternative: either to per since even the arbitration, the wing in the reformist uniones is Anderson break with the Farmer characterizes the decaying phase of from within the solidarity and which. Butcher sluchado is now sing ish starving or wage a battle for traditional American method minilated by the abovo proposals Labor party shows that he can al world capitalism. Even capitalism, conscyus discipline of the socialist ociety should yield the greatest in his swan song and the vultures some improvement.
settling disputes was rejected, we of the NTWIů. It is the duty of the Lord to drop even the pretensions United States, the system of capt: results on the field of battle as are already darkening the sky in These moods of the needle work were left with no alternative but communist in a union to fight and of being a Labor Party man. His talism is being propped up by all well as on the field of production. Prepuration for the feast. change to call a strike.
lead the workers in the struggle The Stalinist faction declared as sions, new contracts, new loans Boston and Philadelphia. Both International leaders could not but is especially heated and comes to keeper serves everybody from tion. Forernment lansert in the of government means new conces ers have been expressed in two rethe dressmakers in far back as two years ago that the and a shake up in those quarters strikes had been called practically concede to the militancy of the lead in the preparatious for a behind a counter. Outside the beer larger farm operators, more inten: In face of the impending strike against the reformists, the socialist administration would as it does kinds of governmental supports of the New York cloakmakers, the trade union fakers. The struggle Big Capital, just as a small shop Reconstruction Finance Corpora.
How, serve every body, including subsidies, tarifs, loans from the classes in the are liqui where political jobs are given out.
datel in the main. that the question who will prevail is decided With the increasing intensifica the Vice Presidents of the ILGWU workers.
strike. That is the time when the issue, the Farmer Labor party pro sive government intervention, bank completely and irrevocably. moretion of the crisis in the sugar in charge of those centers. The Needle Workers are Asserting secret couferences and supplemen gram is so much like Anderson Int. security Issues, industry, and than that that we entered into uustry, due to high tariff walls in strikes have also been foisted upon Themselves tary agreements between the oth that they have virtually withdrawn railroading.
socialism. From this, according the and Europe, the competition the leadership of the NTWIU, becials and the bosses take the place from the theld after Latiners de Roosevelt is all for a free hand to the laws of Marxian logic, it with the rowing beet sugar in cause of the lack of a positive and The positive trend of the needle of a real tight. Where do the Content in the primaries. Thus the to the Mitchells, the Insulls, the should have followed that the dustry of the consumer countries, correct policy toward a united workers towards in the bones. lonists stand for the historier sole small business leadership of Pan American Kreugers but at the necessity of class coercion is in and the ever increasing warehouse front.
the main liquidated and that the surpluses, the Cuban government the xTwiU, the demand to deal a time such as this? Their mouths iurch the masses of organized labor of the capitalists as a class, ex.
The deep roots of unity imbeded with the problem of the united front are to be shut by promises, not that make up this party. This pressed through the apparatus of period of the Withering away of financial Income has been reduced conclusion, insofar as it has been school teachers and other govern workers, makes it absolutely impressed hard upon the leadership of the put in time of the prepara Farmer Labor party that its leader interests of the individual capitathe state had begun. But such a to a minimum. attempted by some indiscreet doe ment employees have been unpaid in the NTWIU to pursue a straigot manding a perspective. They want with such promises the Commu interes program is not for their list posisble for ti Stalinist leadership The rank and tile members are de tions and during the strike. ship and triuiries, was declared until very recently, As counter revolutionary.
but have been weltalls to keep the wrong policy, without in to know more about the future of mists become a rear guard instead The Communist party, the only tradletion between words and nets, Ilowerer, let us leave aside the the army and police loyal. At terruptions and breaks.
In spite of the comparatively willing and capable of telling them. Worse than that, they become, in sponsible for the development and mistakable language. While the their union than the leadership is of the vanguard of the workers. party of the working class, is re the facts themselves speak an un.
perspective of socialism on the almost sole remaining support the call of the strike both in Phila expressed its positive trend in the to all the betrayals and selemes terest in the class struggle, the raise wages, they know that the Let us proceed not from ers of the regime, are wavering delpbla and Boston, the right wints recent elections in the three im of the reformists.
brought to an absurdity by the trovince report serious defectious reformist press has hardly Blven portant locals 22. Where they. The second decision on the dress cotomy as Karl Marx called it. wages 20 to 25 percent in the midmarch of development, but from the actual state of affairs: the USSR (Continued on Page 2)
cognizance to the struggles. Prior clected either a complete or partial to the strike there was no prepara state of the Left wing administra (Continued on Page Continued on age 4)
dle of June; the appeal for miniis of course not a socialist society tion.
but only a socialist state that is, Both unlons had been forced mum wages is made by the same to an appreciable degree to deal government which has established a weapon for the building of a with the question of unity. a day as a fair wage for ex.
NTWIU Vacillating and Stalling acting labor under military disas yet far from abolished; the The leadership of the NTWIU cipline; the Black Bill for the 30 question who will prevail is not The Two Faced Policy of the Centrist Bucreaucrats vacillating more and more Its Police, Bosses in Onslaught on Left Wing hon week by making no mention decided the possibility of capitalist last plenum was held in New York of wages clearly implies that wages restoration not excluded; the Toronto, Can. Stalinist forces inference, they were forced to endorse on May 13th and 14th. The two necessity of a proletarian dictator Toronto revealed in glaring fashion him as its speaker at another main decisions, which were evenrers against the workers has cul and submit to the bosses, Ostensibly the lower standard of living for The drive of the fur manufactu the workers to break their ranks and that the stagger system and will be cut in proportion to hours But there still remains the ques: been thrown byn recent events when this cooperation is amazing in 16th, are worthy of consideration minated this week by an agreement this driver is directed only against the American worker are to be station of the character of the Soviet on Friday. Slny 12th, at Spadina view of the fact that the night of They are examples of utter and of some 50 bosses of the Associated a screen to split und demoralize state, which does not at all remain III, they attempted systematically the meeting called by the o. criminal confusion.
unchangeable throughout the whole to break up a mass meeting on the the party issued a lettet denounc: The efforts of capitalism to find One: The NTWIU declares its turers with the of Fur Coat and Trimming Manufac the workers.
The solid ranks of the bosses, way out of the crisis on the hacks of the workers. by cutting cessful the economie construction. Peroute Branch at the rett oppo tem she meaningless fury, as dis cloakmakers strike under the aus been directed against the Lott wing bureaucrats cun and must reinforced by lie Roosevere parte the healthter the relation between sition. The happenings of the rupters of the solidarity of labor loss of the International, provided wing in the attempt to force the be smashed by preserving the un gram. The Wicht for higher wagog town and therefore wountry. the broader evening came as climax to aand allies of Hitler. Why the enforce the provisions of th impend into the discredited International is not a struggle of the atreetly counterposed to the appeal the ILG leadership will promise to workers out of their union and front of the workers. This to meet the threat of inflation is ld be the development period of successful anti Fascist as comrade Spector pertinently of Soviet democracy. This does not activity on the part of Opposition asked, did they tolerate them at ing agreement in shops. It Pur Workers Union.
furriers alone.
away of startet since weitering torces, and this demonstration of eliberanti Fascist conference and further declares. Its readiness to The drive was inaugurated a few In the Wednesilay and Thursday to which Roosevelt appeals. The to the benevolence of the capitalists mocracy is also a form of state ruptey has made a deep Impression in Queen Park? The crowning the past betrayals of the Interna: Langer, the militant worker and police terror, the workers showed for the right to organize, is counter tale omcial stalinist ideological bank elect comrade NacDonald to speak blnd itself against any en dit echter niet weeks ako by the murder of Morris demonstrations the face of light for better working conditions. Pility of this form and text in Left wing circles.
however, best tion of and during the strike. Murderous reflects the relation of the masses The meetng was called by the the leaflet Lett Wing called The Freiheit of the same date wacks upon the 1: Intely in defense of their Unionposed to the appeal to the capitafollowed in the attempt Workers of other branches of the and union rights to the workers lists to provide uniform conditions to the Soviet regime. The more. ns an extension of the actions which has naturally the proletariat is satisfied with the tivities of united front conferences forth objections from those bodies heralds this declaration as one that to terrorize the furriers into sub needly trades have joined the fur in their industries by means of demands of the riers in their struggle. The fight trade association rules results of its labor and the more against Fascism, which included not associated with the party which clarifies the attitude of the NTWIU mitting to bosses.
must be extended and all workers beneficial its influence on the village, both Opposition and Stalinist represent being dragooned into sup towards the strike.
Wherein lies this clarity? Does Farly this week notices were called The working class will only sink attempts to boot on paper, not siven the former ample opportu. The meeting itselt opened with the decision to the workers posted in the show ordering agaiust the attack. The acteate or deeper into its misery unless it sees in a program, but in reality. in nity to expose the utter Income an analysis by comrade Spector of building of a cloakmakers depart. the Of Lunion, setting tension of the drive against all the clearly the hypocritical nature of everyday existence the weapon or tence of the Stalinist leadership the German situation which the ment, whether the Left wing par May 25 as the deadline. The work progressive unions that are resiste to sevelt program, the attempt mean the ex.
aside the independent class diminishing minority. The rise of sugestion of one of the Stalinist audience of five mundred followed ticipants will remain in the ranks res in most of the shops immedi. Ing the wage cut and speed up action of the proletariat in defense the growing majority against the prime example was the serious attentively. But when, in conclu of the International to fight in the of Its vital Soviet democracy, while as yet not leading lights that the Conference sion, he introduced Jack MacDon interests of the elonkmakers. Teacely went out on strike, militantly drives by which the capitalists are ernment Awarenests by the gov.
It of the to the capt.
wing Workers, unite! Your interests wage levels, work Sup and living standards are threatened. ing conditions, union rights, for after the Stalinists had succeeded have Smash the terror of the boss class the benefit of the working class In keeping comrade Jack MacDon suddenly and without warning, to champions of the workers and honeycombed the market, the fakers and their henchmen against the presumably. Continued on Page 4)
ald off the executive of the con(Continued on Page 2)
thelr interests, as though a promise are distributing leaflets calling upon furriers union. Continued on Page 4) Stalinists in Toronto Attack on Furriers Union the state, is equivalent nevertheless of Control asking them to protes and interruption broke out. The lusions about the possibility of the misleaders and the police.