AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinismSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1933 Declaration of the Internat Left Opposition Held in Copenhagen, June 17th Within Cuplast exprey rumustralism by the omnipotence of an upon itself where it could, the in ants to renounce criticism, the cracks in the German government evitably suffer sbipwreck in tbe u program of action for the future Le country. by degradowaly 10 Iratus.
sin is tue ruit of the annuiliyofand in the tendency to replace their of this initiative over the whole in reality. this theory remains bei weon ascism and the social proletarian revolution of 1918 to nitimatums before the working class. Tront. Smashing up against a new from the Fascists; that corresponds unfar is 18 a matter of ar alliance of the Stalinist bureau it the con of of adapt themselves to ilitler regime leurly as the Autumn of 1920, that decided, the of the not ouly begun his work. The victims tested by the experience of struggle. rus, we, Bolshevik Leninists, protuberable privation, brought sire to participate in the revolu organizations; to participate uclonging to the International mination of the general line clearly defining their program anul TO renounce the infamous Alt Upposition.
which passed through the adven(Bolshevik Lenimists by attaching themselves to a work competition with Fascism under the slogans of national tures of Etshonia and Bulgaria, Liberation ers organization. In other words, and people revolution. FOR THE CONGRESS OF through the capitulation before the STRUGGLE AGAINST FASCISM Kuo Min Tang, through the not less infamous capitulation before between Fascism and the social down with betrayals and the other solini. Fuscist Germany starts out in order to have the right to vote To renounce the theory of The victory of Hitler in Germany the trade union bureaucracy in democracy, shouts down shows that capitalism cannot live England, through the Canton ad formula with the barren formula of be interested in the suspension of Neither the work against war noring class in the struggle against nec nous owner and you were sture, trough the compulsions et social Fascism, which has no con mutual criticism, transforming the very advanced capitalist disintesto order asulated inust eeuse suurele petux bourgeois nationalist The policy of the united front a silent conspiracy behind the ented in modern history and of a the march against Fascisan requires Pascism; tuliers. Bathur che dictatorship of break with the mass trade unions, the protetullut ure cuu upen uictu through the theory and practice of should have been built on this sen masses, the aim of which is their thre tening tension in international any special urt which ties beyond. 10 mobilize the European under torsuip man capitan! Lither social Fascism, through the policy eral strategie perspective. Step by own preservation. We, th and step in the course of the last three vik Leninists, say that never and come very much sooner than the warial. The organization which is anti Versailles chauvinism baudes Ok the desperate pretty bour people revolution, through the years the Lett Opposition followed under one conditions will we toho masters of the day think. It will. ancapable of analyzing precisely the site de recull the Soviet United rejection of the seus populuce!
Tensive and offensive battles, of 10 will unremittingly revolutionary shock is needed.
To prepare through an ascesan was not and cannot have through the banishment and per crisis in Germany. In its periodicale contrary, we any progrun of solving the crisis secution of the Luft Opposition, and in a series of pamphlets it denounce it to the workers.
NO MIRACLES; ONLY WORKERS MASS, of achieving unity in de convene an extraordinary congress gathering about it the broadest open and honest discussiou and tu CAN Ol capitalist society. but that does titly, through the complete stit submitted all the stages of the DEFEAT FASCISM Censive actions with the reformist of cach section of the I.
not mean that Fascist will fall ling of the independence of the protrurgle to an analysis, unmasked SURRENDER CRITICISM BUT workers, unburdening them at the the period of one month, to examine automatically a victim of its own letarian vanguard and through the the ultimatist character of the RETAIN SOCIAL FASCISM for democratic cen. Lormula only from below, took The social democratic press places same time of their reformist pre the experience of the struggle with At the same time that it con great hopes in the existence of judices such an organization will counter revolution and to el elaborate contrados. Nu, lu will maintain substitution cuptstaprinciples and dull witted a tative of rundtede defensive or the stalinist bureaucracy od zes were bloc. Along this same path, fun fue ot war as well us of vascism. 11. To convene a democratically Civilazutu kuu by trouucing AMSTERDAM CONGRESS only yesterday greater suvagery into the essence of bureaucratism workers in this direction and de Leipare and look beleros ni levels. damentally, marches the Pravila of Live customs. The victory or basc resides in the distrust of the masses annnded incessantly the extension revive the theory of social fascism. denied the existence of antagonism in u priod of two months; MISERABLE FAILURE 12. Keinstate the Left Opposition heby. it democracy but today counts The Amsterdam Congress has into the ranks of the its the proletariat tuke the late un conscious revolution na vaty boy set out on this path, the reformist Those who were only recently the stagerlistens twee des contre and shown utready its inconsistency to sections and all the organizatious will use as wg us the proletariat naked commands. In Germans, as bureaucratey would have show preis: masters of Germany, fallen under trugenberg. Contradictions in and the course on the offensive or the that it controls.
well as in other countries, the stal self impotent to restrain the pres the boxt of Fascism, are licking this ruling camp de reunitentas. But most truudits against China.
AUSTRIAN WORKERS uves not rise.
MUST TAKE OFFENSIVE Suciai democracy delivered the init bureaucracy posed continual sure of the workers for the united boot in order to gain indulgence they in themselves are powerless. Even in the domain or acitation, the Le bourgeoise and thus, once it fixed for it, from above, the dates barrier at each step. Fascism would exuctly to the miserable nature of resting the victorious development Cracy with the isolated pacifists has But it is necesary to begin to un.
aguin, walled decling cupitalism or strikes or for the conquest of hare opened all its wounds. The the reformist bureaucracy.
of the Fascist dictatorship which noc achieved anything substantial dertake the discussions between the Second and Third International by It is the social democracy and it the streets, it arbitrarily fixed local defense bodies would have that does not at all signify that is dependant upon the whole situL must be id openly: the antiCongress, which in its inone which gave the buurgeoisie much putting the question of Austria in red days or red months for it grown irresistibly, in fact trans there is no difference for the relation of German capitalisin. Weional compositions Dirst place. Everything has not been it ordered it to accept all its slo forming themselves into workers formists between democracy and must not expect miracles. Only the the possibility to an, in the Fascistan and xig zags without criticism: councils. Marching on this path, the Fascist boot, and that proletariat can put an to owing stage, on the the German proletariat would have social democratic masses are in end to rather an acciueu al meeting, is bunditry. Descending from one step it demanded that the proletaria dealt a decisive blow to Fascism capable of struggling against Fase proceed on to the broad historie act, just where action itselt husactive defense the American proaset Fascism. So that the latter can called to create an appearance of tot get that country. Ily starting Immediately on the road of the to the ower, a pursuit of the recognize its leadership lesser evil, the social dewention, and on this monstrous swept away the coke would have ism when an issue is opened forth, a lecisive turn is lecessary tofauiteu. conforming to the letariat, supported by the proleunited front in advance and without and with one last them on the arena of struggle.
in the field of revolutionary leader project of its organizers, the con finished by voting for ultimatism it based struggle, Karchy. The whole situation laid FASCISM BUILT ON LIES; ship. It is necessary to return to cress contents itself with a barrenariat of all the countries of tionary teid malsai, Hindenburg who in his turn summoued Hitler nise from end to end and impo the basis for the revolutionary victory of the German proletariat. COMMUNISM ON TRUTH ageous development of the offensive, les policy of Marx and Lenin. We appeal, in the history of the struggle could, by the consistent a Europe, Bolshevik Leninists, do not come to ainst Fascismit risks becoming arrest the power from the hands to power. Demoralising the procent, against Fascism.
STALINIST BUREAUCRACY The policy of Fascism rests upon this congress to entertain any only but negative at the enemy; the internal relation letariat by illusions of democracy NOT ACCIDENTAL ERRORS BUT quantity, for the most serious of forces in Austria assures victory.
in decadent capitalism, the social AN ERRONEOUS SYSTEM TAKES PATH OF SABOTAGE revolutionary policy can only buildl false ever, nor to save crime in present conditions is red Austria will immediately be demagogy, lies and slander. The illusions Our aim is to democracy deprived the proletariat clear the road for the future.
lead the workerts into error about The Stalinist bureaucracy, how on truth. That is why we are e a prop of strength for the of all its powers of resistance. Errors are inevitable in the daientul bisturie responsibility on their own errors the parties learn, but nevertheless actual sabotage of Organization Bureau for the the Naturally, we do not doubt that their actual forces and the real come workers. The whole situThe attempts to cast this fun struggle of the proletariat. Through ever, took the path of unconscious obliged to condemn tens and perhaps hundreds of methods of struggle.
ation will change abruptly in favor Only on one condition, ean the of the revolution. The European Communism are absurd and disbon select the cadres and educate the the revolution. They forbade agree. vocation of the present congress, thousands of workers are seriously est. Without Communisin the left siders. But in the present menter of Communists wide social whoch has given in its appeal, an repared for struggle will be rep congress of struggle Against Fase: proletariat will feel that it rer necessary a long time ago, taken the road of cous system which renders a cor the common organs of defense state of things in Germany, speak and we inclined to believe that the modest role, if it shakes off the only this consciousness is Anarchism, huve simply swelled the lightinylants of this system are a large the name of counter revolution of the anti ascist struge. Annent delegates will be seriously dis hypnosis of the bureaucratic im to win out all its enemies.
terrorism, or would rect policy, impossible. The social created by the workers and, undering of the powerful Imposed in their majority, to do espressarios who stund behind the It is the Which occutroops of Fascisin. The example of bureaueratie strutum, armed with arles, expelled all the defenders wality, for the moment, the German erything possible so as to crush scenes, and puts on the agenda a pies the central position in the Austria shows only too clearly that chormous material and technical of a correct revolutionary policy workers are retreating in complete Fascism. Nevertheless, the Confree discussion on the causes of the strugyle with world counter reto where Communion is extremely less than ever, weak and the social democracy masses and conducting a furious that such a manner of acting was the bitter fact which cannot be it has been conceived and called to responsibility of the leading proshevik Leninists, reigns unchallenged in the ranks struggle for selt preservation at especialle created to isolate the blurred by Words. In order to stand time cannot, we are profoundls Letarian organizations and on a subscribe to the policy of official frame work of the democratic state the proletarian vanguard and its ronds between the social democra centrate is forces the proletariat. a kulticance, Fascisin is a formi. struggle it is by taking this path, well five minutes before the catus pares, step by step, the triumph Such is the essence of Stalinism in eine reconfusion and deleintegration in anderstand what has happened. We ne compact masses of me will become a factor of rev many. The same method is being applied also for the Soviet Union Fascism.
prepare the unobstructed ascension precisely the illusions which led workers well organized and well The platform of the International but the situation in the first work In the last years, the Left Oppol of the Fascists to power. The re to the catastrophe. We must may directed. We need a firm basis in Left Opposite for the struggle as at present. The basically false SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC CADERS sition, before the eyes of the entire sults are apparent!
gives the only corers state has never been so tense what is clearly, honestly, openly.
the shops and in the unions. We rect LICK HITLER BOOTS On the oth of March, when the The situntion in Germany is heel the confidence of the masses against seism. As the most impolicy the uncontrolled bureau The top layers of the German er the peasantry into conflict with the In order to preserve the remainder is, three and a half years ago, at only declared itselt ready for the will be legion. Hundreds and The probten is not solved by solemn Xe the following: proletariat, has sowed discontent in of their legal positions and the the very beginning of the world united front from above true, on thousands of workers in the comme bor boy sensational spee cher. This congress, hastily improPROPOSALS OF INTER the working masses, has tied the benefits that accrue from them. In crisis, the left Opposition wrote: a national and not on an interna munist party tional scale but consented, so as Severe tests await those who resistent represents isolated groupes NATIONAL LEFT OPPOSITION hands and feet of the party, hints vain! Punism has brought with ANALYSIS OF FASCISM to satisfy the reformist bureau main faithful to their banner. The without any links between them.
weakened all the pillars and props it awwarm of starved and rav IN AUTUMN, 1929 enous locusts who demand and will during the period ot the united are giving their whole hearted es isolated as before it from the proposals of the Second Interna Revolution thats no need more recenter Just as revolutionary situations front. jump from incredible sympathy to the victims of the millions of proletarians.
ternational scale, such an agree each word of the ruling bureausinecures for themselves. The developed more than once in cracy, a secondary result of the monarchy, which later and sumptuousness to characterless con the height of hypocrisy to demand BY INTELLIGENTST the concretization of the slogans olution has need of militants who penury of the reformist bureau: the conflict between liberalism went over cessions! The Stalinist bureau silence on the fatal policy of Staland the methods for each particular speak the truth, even if it is harsh, defeat of the proletarian organizathe heads of both opponents, so a cracy, having stilled criticism withinism because its German repre The isolated individuals from country for revolutionary situation can but who, on the contrary, mainthe uninterrupted chain of tions, represents the chery out of the clash between develop in its own party, had evidently lost sentatives have at the same time the intellectual bourgeois circles TO principally condemn the tain an unshakable loyalty in the social dem its understanding of criticism in the become its victims. Great historic will color the anti Fascist Congress formula of the united front from hour of danger.
of the social democracy since ocracy and Fascism two antagon political struggle as such. Revolutionalism. The supreme law of the Congress.
Aligust 4, 1914.
are not settled by sent as they colored the Amsterdam below only, which means the reIstic praxey of the bourgeoisletionary criticism determines the It is not very perfection of the united front generally: SOUND THE ALARM: The leaders of the other social which will pass over heads of attitude of the proletarian van struggle is to conform to the end manent color. The advanced work democratic parties are now trying both of them.
guard, that To reject and to condemn the SOVIET RUSSIA IN DANGER!
to separate themselves from their Theproletarian revolutionist party in 19. of the most critical goal. Only the Marxist explanation ers, la is true, appreciate greatly theory of social Fascism; contemporary society of all that has happened can imbue the sympathy which the best repWe sound the alarm before the German brothers brothers in arms. It would would be worthless it he did not towards all classes, parties and the vanguard with self confidence resentative of science, literature IN no case and under no world proletariat: the Soviet faththe epoch of the groupings. real Communist party It does not suflice for it to express and art have for them. But from condition to renounce the right toerland is in danger! only the however, to believe the words of bourgeois revolution, how to esti can no more renounce criticism, not its sympathies for its victims, it that it does not at all follow that criticize the temporary ally: fundamental reform of the entire the left critics of the reformist mate the conflict between the even for a day, than a living or must become stronger in order to the radical scientists or artists are TO re establish freedom with policy will save it. The international, all of whose sections liberals and the monarchy, and sanism can renounce respiration. overthrow and strangle the butcher. capable of replacing the mass or program in the Communist parties and all of such reformis program of find themselves on different degrees instead of utilizing the struggle in the policy of the united front does of the same road. As in the time a revolutionary manner, threw not exclude mutual criticism in any the Italian example. That, bbw lead the proletariat. And yet this control, and those that make up the Thousands of its best fighters, at German Fascism slavishly follows canizations or of undertaking to organizations which are under their the Left opposition in the It.
of the imperialist war, in the two opponents into one pot. The case, on the coucratic apparais assured to Hitler for a series of Those representatives of the bourit demands ever, does not signify that power congress pretends to leadership! Anti Fascist Congress.
their head, Rakovsky, at the process of the fall of the bourgeois Communist it not worth a copper it. Only two TO renounce the policy of in present time fill the prisons and the democracy each section of the who in the face of the collisions tuses, one of which is weighted years, as was the case with us. Keois intelligentsia who really de dependent Communist trade union places of deportation of the Soviet Second International is ready to Union. From the tribune of this rebuild its reputation on the back of another national party. But Roosevelt Intervenes congress we send our fraternal greetings to our valiant comrades basically they do the same work.
in arnes. Their Leon Blum supports the militarist (Continued from page 1)
to mount of persecution will shake number is growing and Imperialist French government.
the fllusions of bourgeois pacifism their courage. In the difficult days Vandervelde, president of the Sec.
ond International, luis not with and to help prepare the slaughter to come the proletarian dictatorship will find in them not only wise drawn, as far as we know, his of the working class.
signature from under this same For workers there are no ag Versailles peace which has given co the development et store interena gressor and defender nations.
tional workers movement, and above German Pascism its present dimenFor morers there can only be all the European, has reached a wars and revolutionary ON GERMANY wars. If the Soviet Union is to del tratht. The German Comparty is smashed. To think FIRST CONGRESSES OF exist as the workers fatherland, The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
of re establishing it on the old basis VINDICATED BY EVENTS the preparations for imperialist war 100 pages. 25 102 pages 33 must be mercilessly exposed. If the per cover and under the old leadership is a Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over holes utopia. There are defeats All the fundamental principle workers are to be forewarned Postage 06 extra per copy that are unrdonable. The German theses of the first four Congresses against the coming butchery, it is Communist party will now be built of the Communist International: criminal to play around with nonOX RUSSIA on a new sin. Only those elecr the decadent character of im.
sensical dabblings on agressor perialist capitalism, on the ineviments of the old nations and partial disarmaPROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF t tability of the decomposition of free of Naisele. who have ostage. 01 extra per copy ments.
can take their place bourgeois democracy, on the impasse Finally, if the murderous aim of among the builders. Well organiof reformism, on the necessity of the eapitalists are to be defeated, ON SPAIN zational sticcession be followed in the revolutionary struggle for the the working class of the world THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER the development of the other sec dictatorship of the proletariat, have found their irrevocable con must be rallied into a solid, compact Postage. 01 extra per copy tions of the in its entirety?
fighting mass by the Leninist tactic History has apparently not renfirination in the events in Germany.
of the united front, step by step On the Trade Union Question ered its that rerdict on that. One But their correctness has been in their everday struggles, and up demonstrated ad absurdum :not COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM thing is certain. very little time to the unified struggle against imhy victory but by catastrophe. If Postage. 01 extra per copy remains to correct the monstrous perialist war. The role of the despite almost fifteen years of existence of the I, the social dem American wokrers in this task is, Communist International will go in view of the world position of On the Theory of Socialism in One Country and the down into ocracy sileceeded in carrying the American capitalism, doubly great. ermanent Revolution Leninist beginni. ith the glorious and the infam.
policy of the lesser evil to its conclusion, that is, to the THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT We, Bolshevik Leninists, propose worst evil that can be conceived of THE MILITANT WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION to make the experience of the fall in modern history, we must look for 180 muges paper cover of German Communism a point of its cause in the fact that the ComEntered as a second class mall Postage 06 extra per copy cloth cover 00 departure for the rebirth of all munism of the epigones has shown matter November 28, 1928, at the Postage 06 extra per copy its remaining sectious. We are itself incapable of fulfilling its Post Office at New York, ready to concentrate all our forees historie Under the act of March 1879.
ON CHINA to that end. In the name of this task we extend our hand to our BLUNDERS of STALINISM HAVE Published weekly by the Communist PROBLEMS THE CHINESE REVOLUTION fiercest SHIPWRECKED REVOLUTIONS League of America (Opposition) 430 pages per cover 100 cloth cover 60 It is times of yesterday.
to say that in the at 126 East 16th St.
Postage 06 extra per copy battle against Vascism, in the de Up til 1923, the marched 100 Pages 25 Cents forward in all countries, almost EDITORIAL BOARD Censive as in the offensive, the RolPostage: Six Cents Extra Per Copy Martin Abern James Cannon without a halt, weakening and shevik Leninists will occups their Max Shachtman Maurice Spector places of struggle in the semmon ousting the social democracy. In Pioneer Publishers Arne Swabeck PIONEER PUBLISHERS the last ten years, not only did it ranks as they have oecupied them Vol. No. 27 Whole No. 174 not make any new quantitive NEW YORK, e here and always.
84 EAST 10th STREET, Saturday, May 20, 1933 the banner of Marx and conguests, but it suffered pro 84 EAST 10th STREET found qualitative degeneration. The Subscription rate. 00 per year.
Lenin, forward for the Faralon 00. Fire ante por out proletarian revolution shipwreck of the official Communist Works by Leon Trotsky Leon Trotsky ON.
THE. 00. 15 the heritage ROMEO. 13 for GERMANY. final ons Stalinist end. 23 OF world