BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxismNazismNon-aggression PactRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers FederationWorking Class

SATURDAY MAY 20, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Heckert Explains the Debacle Labor Writhes Under Nazi Whip Communists have been massaered in when it signalized the proletarian and when to strike! Such an agree tacts in the main the. Build National Jobless Union Unite to Save Rivera Paintings Petex the Sunrd the flower of the proletariat against suffocation and extermina tion, in order to protect the work Trotskyismviews press, not only our own, Com the opposition is criticizing the The Stalinist Hypocrites the Leninists and then fight intendente en son your the sociani (Continued from last Issue)
kicial democracyfor their party which has fallen into the Answer the Roll Call The German working masses in Workers Leaders Lacked Misitions and prestige But from hands of the executioner. BlackHeckert lies when he says that we are prepared to defend any stinctively knew their enemy and Strategy Against Fascists normously strength and selfTrotsky demanded in his article workers home, any printshop of were seeking the means of defense: wwwwwwwwwwcontidence and the social democratie guards will add: the Opposition is helping the executioner. By com Comintern and the policy of the in the Manchester Guardian of worker newspapers against the box workers each in their own way. Ruots. Suve for its election Vic. Elections to the Factory Councils March 22 (see the militant of April attacks of the Fascists. And we de but the leaders falled and disarmed leaders escaped exposure.
party policy had turn up its own bining a specious sentimentalism de: the with venemous falsehood the Stal Fascism, said comrade Stalin 29) that the basis of the united mand of you to come to our aid The social democrats prevented the toples, which were empty. it was hide the is a fighting organization of the front with the social democrats be in case danger threatens our OP Workers from preparing the in reality isolated from the masses articularly demonstrated the Com.
The factory council elections Central Committee behind the ap bourgeoisie, an organization which form of government and the mass united front of the working class trusted in the constitution the defense of the parliamentary ganizations. We propose to you the reuse, councelled patience paratus, the apparatus behind the supports entre le democratiye seher trade unions. What di Trotsky skuinst the Fascists. com Trotsky Whicha, however, they said to the new Fasest minister for culture rution that the Belehatag and this before the decisive hour bed. argue, ami with considerable justimunist party Westkness. One can responsibility for the false strategy, social democracy is objectively the article really say?
There Social democracy is unthinkable regime, for the moderate wing of Fascism August 1931. for the distship: that means is no ground for assuming that the without parliamentary government Hitler violate it and resort to and propoganda, could declare, in elections huid March 5th, the criminal legal methods. The helping the executioners of today Nighting organization of the bour and mass organizations of the At the Xl. Plenum, we recall. cratic leaders who had demo. Nech on March 31: We brokerty could not at all mobilize its Communism with one blow and we full strength because of the pres.
had long ago and tomorrow. Trotsky The scoisin can achiere decisive sue workers in the trade unions. The Manuilsky declared that only a given up their pretense to socialiem tuve isolated the social democratic sure of the Fascist terror. But within the shops and factories at Tragedy of the German Proletar cess in the struggle or in the mission of Fascism, however, is to bourgeois liberal can detect any and the factory council elections matint. The Militant, April 8, 1933. conduct of the country without the destroy both. defensive alliance contradiction between Fascism and with sine completely bound upperty from the people.
bourgeois ideology had The Party in the Industries ters are different. That is at the active support of the fighting or between Communists and social bourgeobs democracy. Is Heckert also long ago abdicated the Inst llow well was the party rooted source of production and exploita ganizations of the bourgeoisle. democrats should have been based not fundamentally. something of pretense of actually leading a fight in the industries? We remember thout where the workers are the But the has nevertheless These organizations do not negate on this antagonism.
a bourgeois liberal?
for the defense of the democracy, that for some years there has been most accessible med where they found an ally. This ally is Trotsky. one another, but rather supplement What consequences did the Left (From Unser Wort So when the last shreds of democ. within every German factory, shop respond in the most direct sense Being a political vero in the work each other. They are not antipodes, Opposition draw from the existence Continued in the next Issue racy went down in the torchlight mill and mine a factory council to a correct revolutionary program.
ers movement he has nothing to but twins.(The fighting or of this antagonism?
Waze and gunpowder smoke, established by the factory council That it at the very foundation, Jose: he goes licking the Fascists ganizations of the booky trampled upon by Fascist heels, law. This law, it is true, imposes where the class strongle receives to to the It to their miserable position became definite limitations as to their is dynamie prowion. At the talked about and to come out at socialdemocracy by laing social cial democrats into a bloc against SUB DRIVE revereal. se Ik Wers but nevertheless they have present time it is necessary to add any cost, even if only for one small democrats, destroying trade union Fascism. No common platform But Hitler found the Weimar been in the position of functioning in with the increasing suppression hour, from political oblivion. Mar headquarters and suppressing the with the social democracy, or with The sub drive is catching on. coustitution, written by the social as important organs of struggle of all of the rights of ordinary auding scoundred that he is, he entire prees. That is how the leaders of the German trade Subs are rolling in. The seeds democrats, sutticiently flexible to in a certain sense they have fur democratic channels and the gen drags about everywhere where this whole business of supplement unigus, no common publications sown in the German campaign are serve his purposes. He could, by nished an embryo structure oferal campaign of terror the party workers blood has town in searching really looks Naturally they was duty bound to increase its This development was then, in ately, but strikeun ton Alfree of this is to be seen by three facts out all measures necessary to com should be an important basis for forts to connect the more solidly working class of Germany is suffer. evitabiele en the case. Glied only how to strike, whom to strike The subs are from new con plete the first stage of the consol Communist party activities. And with the masses in the industries ing bloody sacrifices. Hundreds of idation of his power, including the there is also the place to actually in turn it was to be expected that They are widely distributed crushing of the Communist party gauge the strength of the revo the contacts below would be the and the throttling of the secullutionary party. But it is precisely stronger expressil. The party.
and the best leader of the German gates? Why did the Gerist mother and even with Noske and geographically: Germany, thousands of Communist revolution as standing before the ment can be concluded even with in this neid that its fatal weakness however, was tot rooted in the working class, comrade Thaelmann, at all between 1924 and 1983, if Gruezinsky. On one condition, not The list of Militant Builders democrats.
are imprisoneul. But the ally of the this development was inevitable. to bind one own hands. Trotsky: includes the names of comrades and The Communist party leaders was most glaringly demonstrated. industries. That was proven by the To be consistent in building up In this we can now much more factory council elections held during erts his utmost in throwing theitspolicy upon this inevitability. Letter to German Worker. Com. Criends which never appeared in started from the absurd ideale in munist, this list before The list speaks for itself: concentrating the main fire against clearly perceive the disastrous fall the priod of seven weeks. To at responsibility for the Fascist setz, 1924.
December 1931. the social democratic party as the acy of the so called united front tempt to give a picture, am preure of power from the shoulders of Capelis, We must therefore openly tell twin brother of Fascism. It was from below practiced by Stalinism. senting a cross section of these.
the social domocracy on to those There was one voice which dia Caplan, Kansas City. precisely the deep antaogoism be. The actual results prove a thous election results, reporting mainly of the But what is the not consider this development in the social democratie, the Christian Ruby, Chicago. tween the social democratic work and times stronger than words that the larger concerns.
real meaning of the titler Trotskyevitable.
That was the voice of and non party workers that Dunne, Minneapolis. ers and Fascism which should have this sort of policy contradicts all in the Leung Werke, a chem1. Oehler, Chicago. ist platform of the united front. Trotsky and the Lett Opposition. Piscists want to bring the downfall to tenets of genuine united frontal factory and one of the biggest Konikow, Boston working class defense. But even policy. The so called united front concerns in Germany, the factory conceived in order to justify the lockert knows it. He knows that of the present (Bruening) govern social democracy.
its and its authority ment in order to seize power them Czapko, Bethlehem.
this simple historical lesson bad from below was only a mask to council clection results were the ls in this cruel fashion that are on the upgrade in selves: we, the Communists, conD. Marcus, been lost to the party leaders. cover up the refusal of the stalinist following: The Reformist ticket Friend, Lynn, Mass. Their bloated exaggeratition of leaders to build the bridge of the received votes, Communists the facts have exposed the counter Germany. Cognizant of this, he un sider the present government as an Morris, xarty strength and frivilous pro workers unity of defense, composed st, Christian trade unions 285, revolutionary meaning of the plat londs his bad conscience in out enemy of the proletariat, but this bursts of wrath of unprecedented government supports stselt upon Thorworth, claiming of the general political of all organizations, Communist, cits 2014 and steelhelmets 1043 form of the social Hitlerite Trotsky.
your confidence and your votes; we Koehler, Youngstown. strike could not become a substi social democratic and trade unions. In the Wolfen Pilm, the second who has strained himself to prove shamelessness.
want to fell this government in tute. On the contrary, it threw Actual working class unity largest chemical concern, the results that the social democracy and Angelo, Springfield, Ill. Heckert and His Straw Man alliance with the Fascists (ReferA. Konikow, Boston.
confusion and demoralization into against Fascism under the condi. were the following: Reformists Fascism are not twins but antiyoles. Under the appearance of his speech with a dastardly mis should attempt an insurrection, we endum) Kotx, Newark.
the ranks and accelerated the party tions existing in Germany would 942, Communists 1795, Fascists 439, Latinen, Chicago.
catastrophe. In the industries and have tunmasked all of the bureau teclhelmets 198 votes.
united front, Trotsky, Hitler aux quotation. Revolutionary Marxism Communists will fight against them Chicago.
within the mass organizations, cratie incompetent leaders. And in In the Hamburg Street Railway impose on the German working liess since the Stalinists are power order to support the Braun BruenJ. Swetow, from which the united working this the Communist party leaders. council clections the Reformists class the social Fascist tactic of less Jourard, Toronto.
class defense should proceel, the equally with their prototypes of received 1319 votes, the Communists in fighting against genuine ing government, but in order to the lesser evil, that is to say, the 189, the Fascists 158, others 106. Weinstein, Detroit Kaplan, At the Elevated Railroad in Hamreactionary united front which Basin, Pittsburgh.
bure the results were Reformists brought Hitler into power. Fritz Heckert: What is Happening in Thomson, Chicago.
1102, Communists 416, Fuscists 160 Bornstein, Chicago.
Germany. Rundschau, No. 10, Roes, Baltimore.
At the Troisdorf Dynamite faeBasle. Wolfe, New Haven. Continued from Page 1) to jurticipate in the united fronttory the Reformist Fritz Heckert, member of the Continued from Page 1) ting. Should any organization at of the has made his reS. Gendelman, New Haven. from the John Roud Club and the interruption from a socialist dele votes, the Christina Maced 1200 Reld, Tonawanda, frorkes Schools that they sate Not we. on the other 2010, the Communists isu and the port on the siuation in Germany that it is in the local units and not tempt to prevent the entry of its in the national committee that we organization into the united front, to the His report has have that there the need for force them into the united front. lon the Club Plan Prepaid Cards to their organization after voting that the sleukers of these two or At the Bremen Street Railway Most of these are subs coming in would have to refer the matter back and there was a reason to fear escists 19.
appeared in its entirety in the In the struggle for immediate continued effort must be made to ternational Correspondence. It has.
been unanimously approved by the tioned are state unemployed organi minority and manner which disrupt and. criticism and take this opportunity to explain to At the mass meeting held in autent the purses of the united the Steelhelmets 100 and the internal democracy of these that their locals take part in tinally compromised on the word Plan is. half year sub of 26 14, the John Reed Club was not the delegates of these two orai At the hoenix Itubber Factory, This only characterizes ations joining the federation should the word The committee our new readers what this Club: Irving Planoway Arfont. Ile therefore prone that christian trade unions 72.
Stalinist regime. This demonstrates the city federations. Force and it then read to obtain weekly issties to the militant is ottically represented. It distributed nation, although they had voted Marburge the Reformista Peelved to what lengths the callousness of it The Stalinist, who at first dial their participation in the united But with our Club Plan Prepaid leaflets stating wanted in effect against certain points of the 1305 Totes and 13 delegates, the the Stalinist grave diggers of the froht.
Cards, it is only 50 cents resenteil Big Step Forward world revolution has gone Conse. not want a centralized federation, delegate, To get the advantage of the fifty! and prerented from expressing its Nound by the points and would to a charge that it had been gagged wlution state that they were Pascist clected Que thenuselves others none.
quently it is not a discussion with decided to support the amendment The whole Left wing was united Heckert that we have here but and one of their speakers, Lamson, on this formula, including the Stal. percent reduction the following own point of view. The hall was continue to farticipate in the council elections ont of a total of In the various Kiel And already supported the amend inists who had voted down the same snb must come in on the card: city of over 600, and as many more This involved of course a retreat formists and fell to the Pascists.
conditions must be observed: the crowded to the limit of its capaited front on this basis.
rather with Stalinism ment. Howerer, stalinist delegates proposition presented by the dele the cards are sold from the center 61 delegates elected, 57 were Rehas Fascism succeeded in taking discussion with us changed their a few weeks before. When the vote four; they must be paid for in adHeckert proses the question: Why were open to reason and after some rates at the Blooney Congress just in New York in minimum blocs oti Were turned away.
by the Jolin Reed Club and the Irving Plaza Mass Meeting These results are only a general Workers Comrade Abern opened the list wition that these points agged tabulation was to be made the reschool from their previous cross section, if a more complete of class forces brought about worked in organization with the then the report was adopted line, June 1, when the sub campaign Opposition, pointing out the land in the order into which they The Party and the Factory Councils forth the fundamental realignment the report of the committee which the formula of the united front. It is getting close to the dead of speakers on behalf of the left them and deprived them of legiti sults would show even less favorable through Fascism, he goes on to city, county, and state federations unanimously.
prove, with wearisome scholasticisi, leading up to a national federation. The National committee elected of three volumes of the History of the necessity for united working had been driven, they accepted when we add the total votes cast the permanent betrayal of the so: The vote was 56 for the majority consists of the following with reprethe Russian Revolution (first prize class support. After several others courado, Peld motion and. these factories where exact social democracy leads the prole The final vote to adopt the disputed tna organizations not sufficiently Militant second prize) had better Reed Clui insisted on having the which was accepted by the com lowing results: The vanguard of the world prole sectio received a rote of 73 for represented. hustle.
floor. lle was finally allowed to mittee.
The Reformists scured a total of 18, 008 votes, the have it, on the insistence of rep United Front at Columbus Circle Communists 3, 493 and the Fascists tariat, saw that in Aug. 1, 1914. adopted as a whole unanimously. Chairman, Tom DixonWorkers Today the question is not whether The constitution lays down the resentatives of the Left Opposition, Meeting 3, 210. There is a serious weight or not the social democracy has and repeated in effect that the John The Wednesday mass meeting and expressed in these figures but not betrayed, but how it was possible following additional important de Vice Chairman, Guss, Unemployed Ohio Jobless Unite Councils.
Reel Club could not allow itself to demonstration, while not impressive on the side of the revolutionary for the social democracy to conduct sisions. There shall be no discrim.
be gnuged. Comrade Abern, speak from the standpoint of size (some arty, despite the elections taking such a polley for 20 years and yet ination against race, color, creed Secretary, Leach Workers Comm. Continued from page 1)
succeed in rallying the working or political opinions. The Federa Treasurer, Statman. Industrial Workers Unemployed Unions.
rectness of the club understanding most) dla represent a genuine attacks upon the workers. That talking about working class unity of the united front, and specifically united front of all sections of the more than anything else perhaps masses behind its banner. Heckert Indiana but, in our opinion, have entirely of the necessity as well as the limi inhier movement. This was clearly vives the He to the delusions of refuses to answer these questions. Lationship with the EMPLOYED Conners. Allen County How did it happen that the masses industrial unions, and all other Harrington United Producers dinerent things in mind when they tations of criticism within the pointed out by comrade Abern for krandeur contained in the empty Unemployed Association.
workers through the trade unions, who were deceived and betrayed of Washington.
speak of unity. At this time we united front particularly after the the Lett Opposition in opening the best of the party leadership con by the bourgeois republic, should workers organizations. The Federation has the perspective of estab. Didwell Peoples Council of and actions of either of these or impermissible non aggression pact that we do not overestimate the victories in this field. Thus for are not going to review the attitude party had offered an out and out, speakers list, as well as the fact juring up altogether non existing counter revolution instead of the anization.
find their way to the Fascistlushing one national unemployed or Bellingham.
Lamson Unemployed Councils gantxations in regard to united to the socialist party proletarian revolution? The Fase Comrade Rivera spoke in Spanish, pecite issue around which the grew held in June 1229 declared The Committee on Program Hugo Oehler Unemployed Union of follow both of them very closely with Bert Wolfe of the Lovestone united front was built.
ist party is not older than the The and Policies.
Communist parts, it did not have Ohio Unemployed of the workers to close their ranks and critically in this genuine effort artist went on to an appeal John Reed Club and Robert Binor Germany came forward for the is translator. The revolu. Joseph Freeman spoke for the which the council elections in Communist Party of more time to win over the masses.
The third struggle of importance Truax East Unions Evidently. Fascism disposes of the In the conference revolved around for united defensive struggle.
Zimmerman Workers Leagues for the unity of the workers against or the Workers School. Minor first time in the sharest struggle material support of capitalism, but the report of the committee on proWe might remind the stalinists, capitalism and Enscism, and de: remarks, generally satisfactory. guint reformism as the bearer of Its ranks are recruited out of hu ram and policy and tried to tear Lone Mo, Unemployed League however, that this is another won clured that his paintings represent however, Iaid down the bureau the united front of the organized man dut. Its Ideas spring from the committee sittee to pieces and dismiss Nattock Workers leagues cratle ultimatist line of the party and unorganizexl, became tri.
the barbaric middle ages. It is not them. They especially took excep Welsh Association of Unemployed, derful opportunity to prove to the the banner of the proletariat capable of solving social questions. tion to the program position on Capitalist buildings here and in no revolutionary action exceptiumphal march in the most imporworkers in particular that the Atexico contain my works, he said, under the leadership of the Com tant Industrial fields and large the united front. They did not suc The Conference marks Communism, on the contrars. ceed in dismissing the committee, advance!
a real socialist leadership is determined to but if you will it, and unite, the munist party and was rebuked for factors. The labor masses elected bases itself on the force of the first they did succeed in causing two of HUGO OEHLER do everything in its power to keep day will come when those buila. it by the following speaker, Her countless red factory councils under that in of groups around it the tower of the majority report of the committee, Meetings in reveal the tre here nature et de libera ere out his mht. he con leatist lecturing and communist ou Nothing more, nor less. The only Left Opposition will do its share to belong to the workers.
Committee. The meeting was stute power, the employers and nation, the proletarian vanguard. to resign. The rest of the committee Its Ideas are the most progressive agreed to stay and fight it of the 20th century. It out with Kansas City, Mo. In the second depends upon the attitude of the eluded, and when the day comes the correct application of the Lentrumble is that it was an attempt capable of solving a tho awe 18 them as well as Guss of the Unem of a series of two lectures held in CP and its local functionaries, that something more than at day. the whole, the meeting did consti it did not possess which subse questionsployed Councils who was to bring Kansas City, MO, May 12, and 14, they pursue their so called united or talk is requiredinting inist tactic of the united front. On to escribe to the party a strength that ism able to triumph over the of work relief, a social insurance the role of Facism in the present cialists will gain at thele expense. out it, if necessary aguinst it, com the issue of class expression in art.
no. veutischade biocale admitted by the petrified Weimar democracy, how Bill and the soldiers bonus epoch and proved that its rise to The unity must be that of organi rnde Rivera will stand in his place and particularly significant was the wine congress. Such is the method controlled trade union Left The program and policy commit: power in Germany was primarily zation, each group remaining or along wth the rest of the revolu proportion of workers who took of inflating one own strength out Faseism Vietorious. and a unanimous report, cutting down below. He showed that Ilitler the right of complete political Preparations were announced for. Following the meeting several minimizing the strength of the Heckerte maintains that while he original program but actually victory had not only crushed the criticism. Unity of all labor organlan open air meeting and mass pick hundret of the participants marched chemy. It is typical the selfof the communist party was so in their second reportina Gomertime to come but also paved the way for welding together the entire May 17. When the united front sted Radio City, singing and shout mortally dangerous to the partyaltogether correct. in slogans of Preserve tivera as the events have now so decisively policy of the which led to using on the minority report did Workers Fatherland. The re employed, organized and unorganthe seizure of power by Fascism to be able to better fight the Right ism was held responsible and Stalin one mighty defensive struggle School Insisted that the resolution attempt to interfere, although The way to get NO for the sake of unity, in order visionist theory of National Socialised conservative and radical, for John. the delegates of the and the like. The police munde no position has many times warned: murals, Down with Rockefeller, proven. Against this the Left Reed Club and the Workers The had wing tendencies fighting the report was characterized as the organi against unemployment and misery: previously adopted by the commitforeseen the inevitability of this as a whole which the Unemployed wer of working class defeats.
few obviously the plain egin by the throng is not to Fuselst development. Heekert says Councils, in the main, supported.
The progress of this movement will tee be read and voted on again, clothes men were of exagger literally around ating one own strength. Not During the discussion that foll be reported regularly in the Mill point by point. This time they ob Radio City.
When the committee made its lowed members of the official Com tant.
only that, but the Have the and the Com second report, the struggle revolved munist party, of which there were only to the Finally the procession moved to tently separating the consis militant minIntern foreseen the inevitability of around the formula of the united several present, were repeatedly recriminations based on past events 54th Street, in front of Rockefel orlty from the bulk of the trade revolved urged to take the floor, but they strictive circle of a general capt the united front, but also on point! Unveil Rivera murals!
unconiected with the purposes of ler house, and shouted in unison. union membership in the factories social democracy? Did they warn around the following formula, pre remained silent and thereby lent talist decline.
He foresaw attempts 4, commending Rivera for his cour passing in front of the house seven though appearing under the the workers in advance against it? sented by delegate Oehler: In this weight to the speaker contention of American imperialism to improve ageous stand against Rockefeller. eral times, the meeting dispersed. sramul name of unity lists. con Yes, they foresaw and they fore united front each organization re that Stalinism cannot stand the test its position at the expense of other They were again voted down on the campaign has demonstrated tributed heavily to the isolation of warned. As far back as 1924, tains its organizational indepen of public criticism.
imperialist powers, the downfall of both points comrade Stalin had already given cence: refrains from slander and a steady definition of the develop personal attacks agninst each other: lectures, May 12th, was devoted to proletariat to its historie task of International Workers School, sta the Left Opposition stands: unity that though the party apparatus The first of comrade Cannon Stalinism and the rise of the world the soundness and effectiveness of the party and to the disorganizaComrade Field, representing the the united front tactie ofr which tion of the movement. One can say ment of social democracy toward but maintains the right of minority America Road to Revolution. In creating a new social order.
Fascism which has been unexcelled expression and freedom of crit a clear, Marxian analysis of the Both meetings were well attended doubtedly many others were rep banners, without compromise to it certainly managed to be consis ted that his organization, and un in action, withont confusion of berer followed a consistent policy iveness, a definition which became the united front exclude an unern told the coming of a cyclical re much force to the rapidly growing anxious to have the John Reed Club to opportunistic non aggression extent of disarming the workers.
the bass of the program of the ployed organization from participa covery taking place within the re. League in Kansas City. and the Workers School continuel pacts on the other. FIELD (Continued in the next lesure)