BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Philadelphia Dress Strike Fight Against Evictions. family merely preferred rauez THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1933 The fakers have had a free rein too long. Will the party comrades and its Left wing militants recogThe organization has demanded nize it will they adopt the realOpposition and Unem souro monthly from the city. This (Continued from Page 1) from the shock, take stock of forces istic Leninist tatcics of the Left morning new papiers state that more lessons and warnings (Continued from Page 1) would have the right to participate One and policy and leadership, and so Opposition: Only in this manner ployed in Los Angeles Mayor Organized labor now Iras the in the broader conference (where 20. 000. The cuuse for this lib is very important it proves abso be prepared to go forward.
can the defeat be avenged and a chance of a generation to fix wages they could be swamped ly the host Los Angeles art of the machacrality Isu duul om, a combina butels the correcties of the trade victorpus struggle assured for the into the general scheme of produe of local party auxiliaries. By this Boston Also On Strike future, LEON GOODMAN tion costs and to promote collective procedure, the also not Front anti Wascist letter of the ity, and the forestalling of our League. The strike marks a victory After we received the article bargaining. Labor leaders do not included in the original call, would was an anti Hitler united front movement by a political concession of the Right wing union; a defeat from Philadelphia printed beym to see it, however You as be barred from the preliminary on low, we also heard from Boston employers scem safe in assuming deliberations. The protest of Cohen ril 28.
record for the freedom of Mooney, which dominated politically and comrades that a dress strike Big Crowd Sixemore of the Attends continuing stupidity of Inbor. of the CPLA This cynical but clear sighted Stalinists to retract and passed the WW Nucceedel in foreing the This confercuce was not called bas elected a delegate by proxy organizationally the Left wing by the Communist party but by a to the Free Mooney Congress in union. How and why?
May 16. As in Philadelphia. Successful Affair applies with equal force The strike call was issued after united trout provisional organizachicago, oxtatement of the unemployed motion of Lewitt to sent all city.
to the Licnuf German groujas.
Some time ago, when the months and months of negotiations tional Ladies Garment Workers But the failure to organize power: wide organizations present.
Union has taken the lead; the roof tinut the united front from placed in evicted family beru and the clothing bosses. after Int Workers School ral memploy the sectarian policy the meeting, if we may call it that.
Next came the choice morxel of organizations falls turnout whows a very good arely response and the Industrial ship hus sone the way of the man, Thus, was arrested. After months of restraining. general call for union conditions took third period and the struggle thorities at least 1, 0000, the verdict New, weakened by years of a u nine day trial, costing the au. the place of definite demands. The Union (under stalinist leaderof over 1300 at the Town Hall in the division of the employed anation of the Unemployed, Rubenstein Isefore an enthusiastie audience of the stalinists which resulted in The Lovestonite from the Associafor the streets was hud by the way hot guilty. This was a vic sectarian third period policy, was ship) is all the more surprising, since it is known that the New York City, at an entertainment unempel. Yet, great opportunitook the floor to make the most fact that either the Communist evening is still stand before the movement from the leht wing camp. He NTWIU only recently held a party nor the Young Communist tory for the unemployed.
eram viven Spices May 13, under the the tonlay. Wich hundreds of thousands demanded that the conference le ignorant of the strike date. It just The unemployed are turning on managed to limp along with an Plenum in New York which Langue were represented ulicially International Workers School, Diego jobless about to be forcefully restricted to temployed organiza was tlicir assumption ir ciscom. ected gas, light and issuance of its prepared, and date supposed to deal with We are their presence there water in the tens of thousands less strike leaflet calling for it fundamental problems. An acRivera proclaimed his admiration brown out of their lodgings, with and respect for leon Trotsky as relief checks drastically slashed by the only. This wonld mean that would frighten from the broad. number of ball hearted arrests strike nt the same time. Two big count of proceedings at this plenum and an analysis of revolutionary leader and as a the vity, great masses of the jobless the only organizations eligible united front the three branches love taken place on this account, all the socialist Labor Institute the present strike movement military genius who is needed, now can be set into motion to frustrate would be the Unemployed Councils too.
and the Grand Fraternity, were more than ever, for the defense of the starvation orders of Tammany and the Association of Unemployed, and the various forces partiel.
the friends of the Polish Political Friday, April 27, a member of rented by the ILOWU. The thousthe Soviet uion, Prisoners, the LSU, the leur, and organization was placed on the lands of workers who responded to rating will appear in forthThe program coming issue of the Militant.
included Maria Greater New York have called having salitaged the conference. Rubenstein further stated that his the Unemployed Council as well as streets The unemployed deter the strike call packed them. The two or three German speaking or. mined to make a demonstration in Garrick Hall on lighth Street Theresa of the old waders buscan rectly or indirectly affected. Irroth was unanimously op ganizations: Workingmen Benefit, the form of a continual meeting 24 rented by the Industrial Union, Right The polley to be adopted mustad, as well as a chalk talk Hective of color, nationality or posed to the participation of any Maennerchor, etc. And by no means lours daily at a pitched tent before was desolate.
shall we forget the Cremation so the workers former home. The thousands Scores, instead of be on the recognition that the comrade Rivera on his Radio City litical creed to come in huge litical cronis. This dressmakers are now in the ILGWU mural paintings.
ciety who were present, too.
tactie had won shelter for the TIere is the latest fruit of in amion, whose maintains, are who also acted as translator. com bureaucrats, as Introduced by comrade Fieb. Sagain the wallace monste spet prom na nich. Sie bereitende could only succeed in onting all before.
The only cominunist organization correct policy. The shibboleth the NTW correctly their voices and their fists against trade union bodies which have a openly participating was the Left In the small hours of the night, United Front Committee tacked not to be trusted. The demand for rade ktivera declared that the art the mass evictions and the reduction Huge unemployeul membership. div Opposition.
iding the cmployed from the jobdwindled to delegate of the Left Opposition and 35 warming could not replace an isolationist not far enough. What now. Class which is historically on the less) and all political bodies which The Left Opposition stands solids are directly interested in the relief was placed on the resolutions comtherisches before very mech that it has been rejected? The swing. was necessarily superior bonfires, the strategy of years. The militant! Left wing must demand ONE in mittee. In this committee he pro alice and roll squad swooped anies of the struggle upon al workers to lend their art of the bourgeoisie.
Kubenstein attempt to take refuge posed three resululous, In addition down and brutally beat the u IXTW and CP members into work UNION. One union in the industry! vitality and artistic value to the hehind this movement and calls questions political strukkle.
to the two already pupupused. One caployed. It was not that borror with the masses from the shops ve must insist on entry of the Tle illustrated his talk by drawing Beting support to stay the hand behind the Ickwardness of ft he red. that of the rueolutioue, on the struggio borrors, a was into the wing union. Many Needle Trades Union as a Lloe into in colored chalks, first, the plan of the Tammany 27th!
against Nascism, atood for clubed but one of themselves. The times the Left Option comrades. The International: without diserim of Radio City as a whole, then the Turday. May cor. All out on members of the Association of Unemployed was futile he united front with all labor organismployed are aroused. in the strike halls and on the line, inntion and without loss of privil structural lines of his main panel directly implicated the Lovestone group by saying that this stand entions against the list arty. Fugle, of private property. or themy fault, they all went to the Inrecognizes the superior strength of Irinting including the porta atate bacist attacks, So the lessons of the class heard the worful story: It not ses. This demand, which frankly fully the principal features of the of Conference Against Evictions represented the unanimous opinion particularly with the and Relief Cuts of his organization. The conference Pere rollelist party wiele onderdelen te state are being beaten tornato dust finere born as down the lakereis en wat betereline. com coin which was the On May 1s, in answer to a call opposed this proposal as a man.
for refusing to participate in this baume. We are busy drawing con. the Lert wing ball to go to the Netely their splicing tactics. Let The affair was not only financially of the Unemployed Coucils of Rubenstein withdrew from the con conference.
tism winted out that the struggle wuths.
Other resolutions, on anti Seul rebellion into revolutionary Marziston could the NTW union officers will be found of entering. Shall the tige of the Left Opposition. Inference took place to organise splitting the next to injury and throw overboard their precious we cater to expose the fakers. IS. the struggle against evictions, re. The conference then discussed against Fascisin and anti Semitisin CURTISE line. As long as possible they The building of a militant union on lief cuts and to prepare a larger and accepted a draft call for action by the Jews could rata allying!
only be waged uwited front which is to take place and for the June 4th conference.
they expected a miracle, they clunk the policies of the class struggle by the lower on June 4th.
to instructing comrades to go is what brings the union members themselves with the proletariat, and demonstrated that only new Organization Notes. As But of course it couldn last look tim ultials that aim, correctly Two Expelled from YCL Represented at this conference hey succeeded in barring the lett part in this social order could abolish religious It is no longer possible to ignore pursued, will in itself serve to ex. Continued from Page 1) the Unemployed Councils, struggle the left Opposition had and racial prejudices.
New York City the hundreds of dressmakers in One them.
The third resolution on the De The affairs held recently by the Reisberg union.
On the left wing develop and hours, lours on the banking crisis The TWO, the CI LA, the Associa pledgeil all its forces, the use of tion of the Unemployed (controlled its headquarters for information and fense of the Soviet Union showed that Hitler represented the spear. New York Branch of the Commu. After it saw the response and its function within the ILG? What hour on the role of Trotskyists by the Lavestoneites. the Iww. congregation to the jobless in the in head of the attacks on Russia, and it league of America (Opposi own weakness, the NTW issued a question! The class struggle itself he devoted to the German Situa and the Barnch of the Left fight against evictions and relief GEO, CLARKE the countries intervening between alleviate the financial situation of strike. Not yet one union but one The NTW will, because of its milition. The meetink one could see, kes sent which delegatek voln To this end Herman, district organizer of the The conference began by an atnegotiate with act as a leaven. Already, with YCL, informed one of our comrades, tempt of the Stalinists to exclude Kameneve Capitulates Again Russia and Germany must join the the Militant, as well as to take wittee of 50 tit elected a tant past and its foresight and cour was carefully plannel in advance. rales Wilton, Lewitt and Clarke, anti Fascist bloc. he party voted care of other financial obligations.
From the capitalist press we against the resolutions of the movie showing on Germany in the ILGW before the eyes of the the strike not yet completely in reply to their ingniry, that there e Left Opposition from the pro learn of Leon Kameney new, The party seems determined to 11143 and the Congresses of the Ntrikers. The Dubinsky Reisberg etiel, voices of protest are raised will not be any diseission at this visional gathering through orgamo abjeet to wake of the anti Hitler struggle Coininter brought 30. 00. The Rubin clique refused tolve the Reisberg dues ngreement will not. Lerner. section timub Benjamin to exclude all true, this is an ale of fraternal German and First showing of the movie of the committees so much as a hearing satisfy the dressmakers, nor luizer, theatened one of the com organizations not invited in the iolitical extinction to physical exrades in the hall, two minutes beJewish groups instead of a labor Russian Revolution at the Labor or even to take a note of the strike their tables, affair. The local branch of the Temple netted an excellent return. meetings. This is how the lakers Piece work and home bundlestore the meeting started: You get call for the conference. Thes, the termination. miserable alterna Stalinists benevolently granted, tive, true, but a miserable choice.
sition against this. The consensus through the medium of the Intermeliin to an offer by recognized some of the sorent Nots, are ignored up and ASK for a discussion and Opposition took a determined Do The gala atrair at Town Hall, held for unity and ald in a in the settlement. In many shops you ll get carried out of here, and of opinion of revolutionarios hereational Workers School. at which strike struggle. The fact that in workers are asking. What did we plty you when we get you outBY REQUEST. SECOND SHOWING OF THE is that Stalinism is ready for a go kivera gave his chalk talk several bis slop the employers Bet? Our pleee work rates are ide on the controversy over his murals lliged the ILG by shutting of the not increased last Saturday we This was the meeting for clarinice sanitary disposal.
EXTRAORDINARY MOVING PICTURE Is this fication, and this was the discusCall the Cremation Society!
at lockefeller Center, brought in wwer to aid the ILG walk out also worked till six o clock.
is not accidental.
our union? The terms of the set. sion. Hathaway, however, did see it Indsome protit, which will reActivity of the Left Opposition On the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION the.
Does this mean that industrial tlement in the hands of the class the necessity for a question period.
The comrades in the Los Angeles Now, a second showing of the unionism and class struggle policy collaborationists will prove sell. So there was a question period in First hand and authentie film of every event in Russia branch of the League are very ace on the Russian Revolution is dend? Most certainly not. it out. 10 percent raise in wages which the members were told to tive in the class stressle particu: will be held at the Labor Temple rade union Held (they were sup 35 conta docs are paid, a 25 cent The comrades objected to such um from 1908 through the death of Lenin and exile of Trotsky to Prinkipo. Films taken by over 100 camera movement, the Chemployed Cowing will very likely be rosed to be our teachers in prac raise per week for a dress worker Communist tactics and Hathaway men working under the various governments.
operative Relief Assoclation in tical work) has here succeeded in getting per week. 40 hour thundered that all yClers with STRICTLY LIMITED and PRIVATE SHOWING which they are very influential dispersing a heritage of militaney, week is promised after Jan. 1, 1934. Trotskyist ideas must be driven No tickets obtainable at the door The organization is slowly pro The branch has about completed in dividing Left and right workers. At present, 14 hours. In actuality, from the league gressing. We are developing alts quota of 75. 00 for the Left and in discrediting the left wing. even at this early stage the dress At their units the expelled mem LABOR TEMPLE, Sat. May 27, 1933, at p.
Eroup of erstwhile seiks. Mills into ition in Germany.
not to speak of the Communist bosses laugh at it.
bers hardly were given the chance 242 Fast 14th St.
Subscription 35e.
class conscious battiers, In a few weeks the first picnic movement. The Left wing can and The Stalinist policies which left to defend themselves, interruptions in this as well as in other activities of the season will be given under it will be resurrected. But again, the workers in the reformist unions taking place whenever they would Auspices: Film Club, Branch Communist League of we suffer acutely from lack of the anspices of the Branch. Other only on the basis of a correct polley to the unrestrained merey of the atteint to speak.
Amerien (Opposition)
affairs are being planned. Now the comrades must recover reformists are dismally bankrupt. GLADSTONE MAIN RESOLUTION OUTLINES BROAD PROGRAM OF ACTION IN FIGHT TO FREE TOM MOONEY Adopted at the Free Tom Mooney Congress viene aplica Mooney and other brictims class and race persecution. The or remainede divided for the corrupt Calls for Council of Representatives of Various Held in Chicago, April 30 May more than ever an international share croppers and cause in which the workers of all South, no less farmers in the who conspired to hang this labor!
Organizations with Different Views than joining of organizer.
The Free Tom Neroney Congress. the ruling powers of California is listed to situation, the world wide againstment in the cities, Mooney and countries of the world must be en great masses of white and Negro The frame up and sentence to fight.
workers in asembled at Chicago, April 30 to continued by those sinister forces In this the eles, deather and meet hom ser ka to Billings would sist this attack expressed in the the period of common action and May 2, 1933, to decide on ways and part of the tactics of the Ameri demand for the liberation of testifies to a growing solidarity not bave been possible if labor had frame up of Mooney in 1916. while such organizations are loyally menns to obtain the liberty of that capitalist class to throw tbelalar cantie pronomy, is which makes now for a greater been united for their defense.
Tom Through this breach of unity has carrying out this agreement. Dit strength in the struggle for the militant champion of the workers whole burden of the depression upon rights, Tom Stooney, 32 years a the workers and farmers in lowered imprisoned martyrs is increased in ing of the two mighty currents of any time the whole of labor had of legal rights.
The power of labor to release its rights of the exploited. The joinTheir 17 years of imprisonment Howed a Torrent of tyranny in the fercices of opinion on policies and ave been possible if at form of injunctions and deprivatio tactics, of course, can und must be member in good standing of the In standards of living and denial of proportion to the successful strikes totest and demand for the free been united in one firm demand aliscussed in the course of working ternational Mollers Union, No. 161. relief and to enforce the acceptance which are now beginning to dem. dom of Tom Mooney and for the their release. Call for Unity out the proposals for common action and to coment increasing wave of this through a ruthless reign of onstrate that the working class will freedom of the nine Negro boys in order to clarify the issues.
This Congress calls upon trade criticism of even the sharpent sort of similar persecution of workers, terror not tolerate the lowering of the framed up at Scottsboro, is the unions and the working class have tions, on the exploited farmers, and posed to united action.
For such disunity the trade unions and all workers organizashould be directed against any opfarmers, and the oppressed Negro These persecutions are connected standard of living to a starvation historic mark of the developing paid and are paying a terrible price on all intellectuals and professional masses, adopts the following dec with violent breaking of strikes, the level. The power of the laboring strength of the exploited masses la ration: cutth of wages, the fall of the masses successfully to demand the against oppression.
The legal murder of the innocent people to form an agreement of coNational Council of Action The brazen frame up and condem membership of the trade unions liberation of Mooney is greatly in Brother Tom Mooney for 17 years Sacco and Vanzetti was a part of operation for those objects on This Congress hereby establishes later to life imprisonment, and of million in 1932, it fall of total of thousands of American workers dom, must now become the livingers. It could not have occurred it, united action for the release of Tom Actionrom Mooney Council of nation of Tom Mooney to death, and from onr million in 1920 to two creatment at a time when hundreds the symbol of working class martyr the price of disunity of the work which it is possible to obtain a United Front for Work Warren Billings in 1916, Wawis in 1941, the suffering of millions of that the American people of class to lite imprison payrolls to 38 percent of what it in hunger marches are a living symbol of the unity of the working prior to that time, the unity of the Mooney and checking the persecu ers Rights and the Rights of the mentin workers in defense of Tom Mooney tions of the working class.
nominally for a crime with which wft to xtarve without social insurall exploited classes have reached The need of unity is a life and other acts of savage violence, frame securing united action which arise wody which will supereede any or Negro People. In doing this we had been established. Countless Difficulties stand in the way of declare our purpose not to form they had to comection, and this ance with women and childrenrungoint at which they in death question of the American. kashing quicket lines, attacks out of divisions in the ranks of anization, but to bring about con frame up had to do wholly with aving of hunger in the cities, with tend to resist aggression.
the fierce economic struggles beteus of thousands of farmers dis The joining of white and Negro on unemployed autherings, such the working class. Yet, tween capital and labor.
possessed of their land and driven workers together in defense against Disunity in the Past acts of violence as have become ent time, regardless of these differ existing organizations. We propose Framed up by private corporal to the cities to join the unemployed their counmon misery brings a vast In 1916 the frame up of Mooney epidemic since the World War: ences, the needs of the working council of representatives of the reaction class call imperatively for united various organizations with differfearless leadership in the struggle framed up and tried before military compel the release of victims ofl of the workers. The labor movement ary forces because the workers for the improvement of the stancourts.
on the rights and interests of the desire to fight for the liberation dards of living for the workers, Just at the frame up and impriworkers.
of Tom Mooney and other victims the continued imprisonment of sonment of Tom Mooney was conTherefore, even while sharp dit of capitalist justice and for the Mooney and Billings for seventeen nected with the preparations for ferences will continue to exist on democratic rights of the working years is an insult, a challenge the cutry of this country into the declaration of ruthless class war world war, o now the continued is the culmination but rather as Case. This congress is conceived not shall be concentrated on the Mooney ticipate in the movement up to many questions, between the vari class and exploited masses.
now, and their persistent attempts ous workers organizations. It is to sabotage the struggle, must not necessary to bring about concerted should not supercede the Tom Such council, particularly, in the course of his lone murts. viction of reapitalist elus justice. the starting point of a new more All the agitation and activits in any case lead to an entantoninent action of all workers and of their muy Molders Defense Committee, the dom, courageously endured in San with the increasing slurp attacks ment to rally a powerful multed in the next period shall be con of the united front with reorganizations for certain Immediate General Defense Committee of the become the foremost His lambe the foluess workers in forced labor Mooney and Blues connected with the militarization of the struggle for the liberation of second National Mooney Congress the contrary, the leading organs of workers and workers bodies. Defense, or other workers defense with a goal of at least 10, 000 dele the Mooney movements must make. We proclaim the first of these to bodies, but should strive to elimsuch, he is hated by all of the camps on wags standardized at 2. The next steps along this line gates.
enemies of labor. and, as such, we er dry while thousands of millions shall be a series of local and dis: The policy for all this work sanizations and their leaders are dom of Tom Mooney and Warren bodies and to unite support of the costs, in the interests of the work ayers are diverted to the treasu have the aim of broadening the ing class, to secure his liberation ries or private bankers, and the movement in setting ever wider scale and all the local organizations to them even if they have pre be made possible under present mittee should continue to function leading committee on a national ment and that the door is left open In order that such unity of action sooney Molders Defense ComThe imprisonment of Tom Mooney spending of hundreds of millions of has become the keystone of a whole millions in the preparation of a motion, drawing in new forces not workers organizations. Only in this will it be possible to reality rather between workers organizations, it charpe hoge Tommatooney defense Cena pole eriting the united a front and event was is it possible to unite the various organisatoren e tyre nehehestis opinion of this Congres that coutelle met ons we directiport The arch of criminal frame up ruthless second Imperiaist war by attacks and dentals of the rights talist nations and aganst the Union enting the solidarity of workers, farmers, and the opof Soviet Socialist Republics.
litical opinions and tendencies into proper ground upon which to fight oragnizations which enter into such olders Defense Committee through pressed Negro massen. In the midst Just as Mooney was first saved This work shall lead in the a single fighting unity in the in every attempt of the leadership to a united front shall refrain from financial assistance and by devel.
of the present cconomic crisis. from the gallows by international next stage of the struggle to a terests of Tom Mooney and the sabotage unity.
attacks on other participating or oping the widest possible mass national and international Mooney cause which he symbolizes. The to millions of American workers, the part of the Russian workers, Day, at which the attention of th the failure of the leaders of some for the delegation of the Communist bor has at times and promovement for the release of Mooney (Introduced by James Cannon ganizations on the issues served as an and Billings the imprisonment of Tom Mooney by just so the struggle for the libera working class of the entire worla) working class organizations to par League of America (Left Opp. Instrument in the hands of those (Continued in next issue)
altlough taking on tion detectives solely because of in fruitless Search for work or increase in the strength of labor tol was not answered by a united front were made. casier for her had action to halt the eneroachments ont view, but having the common Motions Presented by Left Opposition at Chicago