AnarchismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

WORKERS THE MILITANT. OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ Published weekly by the Commodit League of America (Opposition) at 128 Last 16th Street. New York, Eatered as second class mall matter. Noven her 1928 at the Post Office at New York Yunder the act of March to 1879 VOLUME VI, NO. 27 (WHOLE NO. 174 NEW YORK, SATURDAY MAY 20, 1933 PRICE CENTS of the Communist League of America (Opposition America Intervenes in 5, 000 Walk Out Help Pull The Organize Fight Chicago Meet Unifies In Philadelphia European Conflict Jobless Movement Militant Thrul Against Mass Evictions Dress Strike officialdom Two Expelled by Stalinists from employment insurance in howMove to Unify Unemployed NATIONAL FEDERATION FORMED. SOCIALISTS FORCED TO Philadelphia, Pa. On Tuesday Our appeal to solve the conBULLETIN HITLER DANCES TO ROOSEVELTS TUNE. ORGY OF PEACE INCLUDE ALL COMMUNIST TENDENCIES IN CONFERENCE TALK PREPARES NEW SLAUGHTER AND ATTACK ON May 9, the dressmakers rose in tradiction between the political As we go to press we learn LEFT WING CARRIES PROGRAM AFTER HARD STRUGGLE.
rebellion against sweatshop condiadvance of the League and the from the evening papers of the financial situation of the MILI savage assault made by the Chiengo, III. The Chicago Un were, in the main, divided into The last week was marked by states imperialism and another tions and starvation pay in PhilaPolice upon demonstrations in TANT have met with an excelhectic development of the poli strong twist of the American noose delphia. That day 5, 000 walst and New York at the Home Relief employed Conference held at Lin. wo different wisitions at the con neck, lent response. Since last week coln Center on May 13, 14, 15, onded ference is Right wingers and left Bureaus where unemployed work dressmakers, 56 percent of the tical tension on the European con around Euro nice that the capitrade, went out on a general strike report the following returns have tinent and by whirlwind American It is not ers protested the slashing of by forming the National Federation wingers, with the delegates intervention to allay it. The surpristalist press in this country has wel: call in their industry. Their work been made by our comrades and relief and the cessation of rent payments by the city. The thugs ingly easy and rapid consolidation comedi Hitlers kowtowing to Washing conditions, never good, had been America, with the national office within the two main tendencies friends: Comrade Konikow in in uniform brutally slugged the in Chicago, and the election of a marked the high points of the con National Committee of 13.
ference and made it possible, thru while France and the rest of the now goes into one of praise for that it could no longer be tolerated. Boston paid another note on the workers. Many were taken to the ironing out of secondary difLinotype machine; the Chicago the hospital for treatment.
Huge Representation Three national organizations, conclude the Lerences on immediate demands, to onference with ananiTerlel of internalists tied to comedy of armed England will ernment had in past years been strife to keep what ludicrous, part of the general Wass of to 15 and even lower Militant Workers Club shot in the German pacifism.
to hours, etc. which the state govThat France and nine dolars; comrade Duell in The working masses of New York two others in the process of forming mux decisions. The amendments their stringsled to increasing boldness on the part of Hitler on armis hardly likely. That forced to concede, were withdrawn. New Haven sent in one dollar in ting their first dose of the organizationale repeticomte cop the ports or the committees the foreign front and served as the Hitler comrade Koehler in Youngstown, Hall, the friend of the people, has saturations with 526 branches from then the report as amended was cause of something which is being equipping German military forces was a spirit of resentment against described by the universal press as to France levelradually, to such slave conditions which brought a friend in Los Angeles one dol the New York unemployed from Eates from all parts of the United The greatest numerical weight of States. The Workers Committees, the conference was held by the a war hysteria comparable to that be sure, and on the facDonald on this upheaval.
lar; comrade Kaplan in New plan is just as sure. The tension The extent of the strike and its of 1914.
tion with their election backers, Workers Leagues and Unemployed socialist delegates, who were instruwas undecided, as long as it was the race of armaments will go on fact that for about half of those As long as the fate of Germany has only licen temporarily alloyed. depth, can be further judged by the York, three dollars; comrade the landlords and the bankers, the Councils were represented.
a half dollars.
not certain that the proletariat of as fiercely as before. The final out it is their first strike a novel Vomvas of Pittsburgh, one and McCooeys, the Currys, the Briens Ohio Independence meeting to be less split retween their right and and the rest of the honest men industrial Workers Unious, both in ruptey of the main current of the that country would not rise against Worth wild, however, rest with experience. All categories operaWashingtion tors, cutters, finishers, etc. have In acklition the Chicago, Newits own rule, the ruling classes of have cut off all payment of rents the process of forming national list made them a sorry figure Hitler and the Mussolini Pact struck. This so successful walkout ark, Pittsburgh, Minkapolis, for the unemployed. This is no employed organizations were also in the conference, which swamped race, England, etc. not only had significantly also. Hitler Telera was in response to two strike calls Toronto, Montreal and Boston mall matter. It cuts into the lives represented. Fanizations were up in their own contradictions by delegates them in defeat and wrapped them no objections to the Nazi Storm ted his determination to stand by that were issued, one by the In branches all sent in various con of more than 1, 000, 000 unemployed. from political Troops but regarded them as war the Four Power Pact of Mussolini. ternational Ladies Garment Work tributions. But best of all has their wives and children. Tam also present, Al. Glotzer represent obtaining manimous decisions on The amended reports.
been the response of the Kansas many brutal eviction order tellsing the Left Opposition.
rians in the defense of civilizaThe direction of this Cnlon, the other by the United tion.
the Soviet Union. has been Front Committee of Dress and City and New York branches the jobless masses of this city to Political tendencles from the ex. The Leit Opposition Objectives But the moment when it became clear before this. The danger of Waistmakers and the Needle Trades which by their efforts have pack their belongings and to rent treme right to the extreme left at.
clear that class strugale in Ger: war against the workers fatherland Workers Industrial Union. The steered the MILITANT through a sleeping place for themselves on tended the conference which was played organization representing the worst of the breakers. Final the park benches, the subway or the high mark ip to the present in our political view (Left Opposlcided by the passive submission of the preponderance in this looming NTWIU is a sorry one. The re figures of the exact results of a flop house if they can get into the united front of workers organi tion) went to the conference with the workers betrayed by the social attack against the fortress of the sponse was overwhelmingly to the the respective efforts of these one zations. The following political ten the following objectives: ists and kept divided by the Stal world revolution remains to be right wing ILGWU of Dubinsky two bare not avail This is the fourth year of the dencies were represented through To fight for the seating of all juist bureaucracy the allied cap decided.
and Reisberg. But both unions were week we will give economic crisis. The masses have different unemployed organizations: netoployed organizations, especially italists immediately saw the Xo amount of pacifist talk, no taken by surprise at the turn out a full and detailed report.
watched the degradation of their Republicans, Democrats, Agrarian the themployed Councils, which the So little did the standards of life with little or no reformers progressive Borders Borders Committee had specified in menace of German rearmaments amount of tirtation with the USSR of the wonderstand.
in these nume Brown Shirt forma. by Ilitler or by Rowevelt can Clear water is ahead at last. resistance. So long as they were srour socialists, Riebt. wing so the call would not be seated.
cover up that danger. To gloat To the doubtful credit of the There remains one more line of able to get by on the handouts clalists, militant socialists, left wing breakers. If we clear this we It had iseen the original Intention the Stalinist Daily Worker does. ILGWU must be added an effort To have the conference adopt of the Versailles victors to solve over the fact that Litvinott de to prevent a walkout. At the gen ehtise that the response of our mainel dormant and passive. The Workers of the World, Musteites the correct position on the united the German crisis by maintaining tinition of aggressor nation has eral strike meetings on Wednesday, their stranglehold on Germany on been accepted by Geneva, can only Pres. Dubinsky admitted that the MILITANT through the worst pitiful Goles would be retracted if centre Communists, ultra Left com asis for the memployed organiza new plane showing a Fascist have one meaning: To support all International office considered concrisis it has ever faced. In that the workers and not fight for their munists and the Left Opposition. tions.
maintanance and for the granting the lifterent political tendencies conference be the establishment of to the forefront of war case we will have taken a long That the perspetive of the (Continued on Page 4) ditions inauspicious for a struggle.
step forward on the road to the for of the only half way substantial We restrained, we cautioned.
the extermination of Soviet solution of the oentradiction le form of relief under one national employed organizaRussia, where it could make gains tion.
only as an agent of of all of the powdesirous ar struggle toute face ding ween the political advances of ers of Western Europe and only to the League and the financial forces and a foot hold among the To oppose any political, racial, warnings have now become a sinissituation of the MILITANT.
workers, was as a matter of course color or creed or discrimination in the degree to which they consented ter fact. Kellet has either been the unemployed organizations.
Civil war in Germany would have unable to call a strike. They too reduced or eliminated in various Our belief is that the response The objectives became the lett Hitler no other choice.
thought the call ill timed it was too of the past three weeks will not parts of the country. New York established principles by conference With the inexpensive triumph is now falling in line with new late in the season. At the time of the slacken but will continue.
in Ohio decision one other delegates over his Internal enemy, the Nazi walkout, the ILGWU had registered dole to be dispensed to the Amerion the one hand, Independent of chieftain naturally gained inspira1200 workers. Its leaders expected Despite the excellent response can workers the dole of starvaour and on the other hand, through tion to drive for much better only an additional 600 to come out.
of the past week the MILITANT tion and evictions.
Youngstown, All the organiston with us fought for tho barguin for a place among the The Young Communist League This strike proves the general appears late this week. That is The capitalist class is determined untions in the Mahoning Valley some positions, thereby enabling the equals in the family of robber cap three weeks ago expelled two more due to the financial situation to carry out its cynical hunger pro that claim to represent the inter united Left win to carry its proitalist nations. Now, if he is to of its members on the charge of Communist position, that strike which set is back. If all our gram. Listen to what a capitalistests of the working class will be a attack Soviet Russia, he wants to Trotskyism. Herman Gladstone, struggle can be successfully waged comrades and friends will coninformation agency, the Kiplinger given the opportunity to prove how Onr delegates, while concentrating make sure that he will have the member of the for two now, despite a severe unemployment tinue to make their response Washington letter has to say and serionsly they recognize the need on the above ter were unable to Lorce behind him to dictate his own years, and Perry Mayers, member situation. The strike has many prompt, next week MILITANT draw your own conclusions. Continued from Page 2)
terms and to turn the balance in of the for six months, were can appear earlier. Continued on Page 2) the immediate future. At the sugam of the six hour day, five day favor of Nazi Germany in any case, the victims this time of Stalinist cent gestion of a Left Oppositionist, the week, with increased pany, which in The Inck of proletarian resistance party democracy.
Youngstown Fourth Ward Unem.
the main was lost in the resolutions devlish of flirtation the sions was laid at a recent district ployed League has appointed accoral dratt programs from committee of three to meet with which is a club in his membership meeting held by the similar committees from the Aus different organizations, including a hands for the purpose of shaking on the German situation broad united front protest League and League of Professional pleased in their own press and intown Unemployed League, Fourth statement of the Left Oppkrition the positions of the Western pow. and the line of the Communist movement of working class organi Groups) Right Opposition, meetings, and that it referred only Ward Chemployed Council and the were pissed out to the delegates.
party in Germany. Hathaway, zations against the threatened deC. socialist party and an to the past actions of Rivera and central branch of the Youngstown Our xtatement will appear in a com and listen songs farscists strength there expounded the united front policy maintense mat utadists Chemnational The official morty representatives front not to those which took place gram and issuing an appeal for of the participants in the united Chemployed Council for the purpose Ingine.
The Floor Struggles only served to further alarm his in true Stainist fashion.
Rockefeller interests culminated were in an embarrassing position since the united front action began. inity to all labor organizations in the conference came when the creThe first difference of opinion in Allied opraonents, whose aim is, ofl At the conclusion of Hathaway Wednesday in an open air mass on the one hand, the disgraceful In other words, it was not a non the Mahoning Valley.
course, to hold on to that balance speech, one of the expelled members meeting at Columbus Circle and in attitude of the John Reed Club aggression pact, but an attempt to dential committee reported, leaving of power which they have held soot up on a point of order and asked mass picketing at Radio City and toward River in accepting his ser present the organs of the united marily for two national movements loyed Councils. Delegate Oehler This is going to be a test pri out the credentials of the Unemtihtly ever since Versailles. There that there be a thorough discussion later at the home of Rockefeller. vices and his donation, then slan front committee from being used that are at present contending for more anamendment to the report about sanctions and preventative, they would have an opportunity to ign the active and often leading his money without doing so, was allegations as to his activities in refer to the Unemployed Council for the setting of the Unemployli lay, the reasons for all the talk among the members themselves, so Throughout the whole protest camdering him and promising to return for an attack on Rivera based on leadership of the local workers. To the credential committee asking War that so swiftly threw all of express their opinions and hear role of the Left Opposition, with well known, and reinforced by a lexico, in the Soviet Union, in movement inaugurated and to this ment Council delegates and the Europe into a frenzy last week, those of the other rank and flers. which Rivera openly showed his vicious attack on Worker of May The full right of criticism was marty, and the Unemployed Leagues organizations that were also left on Rivera by Robert Detroit and elsewhere, in the past. day dominated by the Communist fraternal delegates from political It was at this point that Wall After a period of organized heckling Political sympathy, was evident.
Street New Deal president in mong the leaders, Hathaway got At the first meeting of the pro 11, which in effect said that it specifically stated in point of the which have been built up by the out. Telegate Waters of the Work American cupital investiments, or was late and to continue the meet: Friday, May 12, representatives of capitalists. On the other hand, was no obligation on any partici ing with an open discussion would the cultural and educational orga many members had definitely stated pating organizations to abandon its follow the CPLA lealership. Both could have. This was agreed to by war debts and private contracts mean to remain overnight. Before nizations of the Left Opposition, the that they would split unless the own point of view. The delegates the CP and the CPLA do a lot of the representatives of the Unem.
tying of of America world borgemony were this Hathaway had spoken for official party (John Reed Club Club took an official part in the at stake. Isolation policy, which (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
Workers School, National Students protest. Continued on Page 3) ployell Councils to enable the Left under the pressure of financial and The Committee Resolution wing of the conference to concentrate on one instead of two amendYoung Plan) had shrunk to the Reed Club delegate insisted on seat size of a flimsy formality. was placing as the very first item on delegates from the Unemployed definitely thrown overboard.
the order of business, after the Councils and fraternal delegates Retaining the traditional hypocnames of those present had been carried by a vote of twenty nine risy of imperialist pacitism, taken and a chairman elected, a and a half to twenty five and a half, resident Roosevelt addressed him Tickets beaten, blinded and mur John Wardshot on the streets of long resolution which in effect Kansas City, Mo. thereby establishing at the start the The local branch of the Left principle of no excisions from the self to the nations of Europe with dered! Peaceful miners shot down West Frankfort.
condemned Rivera for a whole Kansas City, with the tradition Opposition increased its membership united front. Without the support something that amounts to a post their homes or on the strets! Henry Arnold shot in his home series of past acts bavors nothing of the Workers World and they almost half when four new com of the Workers Leagues, the love litical ultimatum. Noney talked Relief headquarters smashed! Wo James Attis shot at the home or to do with the question of the Radio other left wing struggles still en rades were accepted into the group the stalinists would not have been and all the high and low politicians men wives and mothers of miners a friend.
city murals around which the prostonetes and the Left Opposition, of Europe listened.
beaten and jailed! Local union and Wounded by Bayonets Shrined in the hearts of its mill. In addition to that the members seated.
test action turned.
The Washington administration may meetings broken up! All these Mike Spada In view of this, the chairman, tant workers, witnessed revival and sympathizers pledged 8000 The second important struggle had been careful beforehand to are regular features of the struggle Frank Breenan Ben Shahn, of the group of painters in revolutionary activities, which 125 spot cash. In response to the revolved around the question of make clear that it would definitely of the miners of Illinois to organ Walter Werner assisting Rivera in making the we hope, will prove to be the turn appeal of comrade Cannon for the what kind of an organization this oppose all sanction (the occupa ize and function within a union of Wounded by Machine Gun tion of the Ruhr, etc. but dropped their own choice the Progressive and Revolver on the committee drafted a resting point in the organizational upkeep of the Militant and contin delegates. led by the Workers gentle hint to Berlin to bide its Miners of America.
Charles Rudolph lution consisting of six points, which activities of the Left Opposition, uance of work in the coal fields. Leagues, desired a national organtto. Philip Masonovich were voted one by one, as a guiding and lead it to greater heights.
tell the Nazis that he would not The list of murders and outrages Raymond Tombozz 30 stand for German rearmament.
grows as lewis gangsters, coal Edward Thomas against Rockefeller vandallemand In spite of the Stalinist slanders subs in the Militant drive, Com tion or the orig wantedder tot un But at the same time, he just as company thugs, deputy sheriff Pete Borgone a demand for freedom in class ex of the past few years, comrade Canrade Caplan of the sub drive, warns the delerates from the Unemployed categorically demanded French dis gorillas and National guardsmen pression in art. Point of the non visit proved to be a huge all those in the race for the prize ation committee and united front William Denison armament a precondition for with machine gun, bayonet, bomb Clyde Perkins (shot four times) resolution stated that, while this success.
holdin Germany in check.
and blackjack carry on the fight on the three volumes of Comrade local and sectional committees. The Joe Poder From his arrival was not a fight for Rivera as a Priday, May 5th, to his departure Revolution that they must in ith conference, supported the posiIristory of the Russian usteites, who are calling the July Hitler Reichstag Speech of the reabody Coal Co. to force And many others.
person, the committee commended The Roosevelt message was a starvation wages, slave conditions Slugged his courageous action in his con Tuesday, May 16th, the revolution crease their efforts or else he is tion of the nemployed Councils.
bitter pill for the Western powers and a gangster union on the miners Mrs. Rose Menzyk troversy with the Rockefellers. ary movement in Kansas City took a sure winner!
Raymond Tomboaxi (slugged, ar. This was accepted by all the dele on a new lense of life.
The report of the constitution to swallow but they had no alter of Illinois.
native. It takes finances to impose The casuality liste of dead and rested, whipped in jail and held gates, including the John Reed Club Last but not least, a Young committee was rejected, the com.
wounded as published regularly in under water until unconscious. sanctions and to insure again the Progressive Miner are eloquenti Mrs. Anna Damaret (fractured that since the fight was directed Road to Revolution and The ship of nine, was organized by elected with Dennis Batt from the Point aroused a fight. It stated His two possible lectures America Spartacus group, with a member mittee lixmissed and a new one consequences. Hitler Reichstag speech, on the other proof of how the King Kongs of skull. against Rockefeller, it should not Tragedy of the German Proletariat comrade Dutr.
Detroit Citizen League as Chair hand, while indicating a turn to a Capitalism treat starving and Mrs. Thomas Wakefield (severe be weakened by recriminations as. which were given on May 12th The Branch feels that the favoring a National Federation with man. They brought in a report slower tempo in the reestablish struggling workers in the era of internal Injuries. to certain actions of Rivera or ot and 14th respectively, attracted Left Opposition should recognize city, county and state federations.
ment of armed equality with the new deal and under the bene Leal Reese, attorney for any of the participating organiza overflow crowds. The results of that the perserverance and patience Reverend delegate from the other powers, nevertheless showed fcient reign of of the grinning, demo John Boetta tions included in the united front the bankruptcy of the e. active of comrades Shorty Buehler and Workers Committee amended the that this was to be done only by cratie dictator in Washington. George Filkins, age 65 (face comm. This applied to the united ties were very evident at these Kassen have borne fruit. It is they report of the committee and advoAn incomplete list of recent hacked to ribbons, hand and col front action itself alone, oblously, meetings. After scorching attacks who have received torrents of abuse catod a ruttonal federation of or bowing to Wall Street wishes and not at all on the basis of French casualties follows: larbone broken by gangsters in his as was brought out in the discussion on the Stalinist regime comrade from the Stalinists since the forganizations which give the local or British pressure.
Murdered own home and scores of others. While open to some objections as Cannon not only invited but urged mation of the Left Opposition in hits the right to enter or stay out America was to be considered as rs. Emma Cummerlato shot by John Falber (struck in the face as to looseness of phrasing it was the party members or sympathizers and, now that headway is of the federation. The committee guarantor of European peace, as a sniper in her own doorway.
by a tear gas bomb and lost the made clear that this did not bind present to defend their position being made all credit to them!
a sort of super arbiter. All in all, Joe Colbert shot by gangsters in sight of both eyes. the right of any of the participants not one arose to take issue. Silence and many delegates pointed out a handsome victory for United his own home. to make whatever criticisms they reigned. Continued on Page 3)
Broad United Front to Preserve Rivera Murals ers CP Heroic Sacrifices Mark verder te online ap on Cannon Meetings Are Big Factor incontro Resistance to Operators Onslaught Reviving Movement in Kansas City