AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyTrotskyismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY MAY 13 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Collapse of and Our Tasks Labor Writhes Under NaziWhip tion of a by HuanPingBetrays Chinese Party; Chen in einer Archio Marxists Wage Independent Du Siu Fights Kuomintang in Jail picture de my on Struggle in Elections in Greece radically changed. We will propose in the units the refusal to distribute worthless official literature, the boycott of the apparatus, the break (Continued From Last Issue)
New Party is Only them with the slogan of reform with the It is understood But how can we build a new party would simply mean to mock at and sensibly, considering the ferry sor the German counter revolution Fascists Attack in the they prevented to appoint po ice commissioners for the other in Germany without breaking with Marxian Policy the Comintern, rejoin the one who, them. In moments of greatest crisis of each unit and the circumstances. to complete its first stage. The Hit.
stra. Bavaria Wurtemberg. Sax.
Guise of «Defense we must proceed not from the Kut our main line will be that of ler government emerged on January ony, etc. These were not just mere despite all, would like to force the quickly changing moods of the per a new party. And we need not 20. At its pompons sension in lotschiefs police ces into the framework of the con this manner les to be steepeda 13 nebes poolelicam shumtion. Chateng relations with the revolutionary Mealed the fate ot parulamentare compented by the rear of suns na commissioners whose ymwers were stitution. We must say that this through and through in apparatus of those Communists who today are party units, in a new mituntion, in democracy and conferred full power ringing of churchbells, blessed wysymbolized by the act of von Epp with their integality, will be incomparably upon the government. That period the sermen in the Potsdan church commissioner for Bavari, in ap least important. Why, even at the main task is to form cadres. But bureaucracy, will blame us tomorrow more friendly, than in the preceding decided for the time being the issue over the text. If god be with us ate. Ex where within the various time when we were excluded from this is not merely an organizational for deluding them, for keeping up worlod when we wanted to be only of communism or Fascism in Ger. the Fascists) who can te szainst States and cities followed in rapid many. With that commences ans. And the god who is always succession the removal of the elected the Comintern and declared our problem, it is a political problem: the fiction of the old warsthel We must not forget also that it the working class which will have on the side of the strong but yunets overnment, linators, mnyors and pushing a faction.
selves a faction thereof, the matter cadres are formed on the basis of off from us, they will go to sentirely new historical period for of the constitution was not of high definite perspective. To warm up Brandlerites or to the anarchists. is not a matter of the Communist its serious repercussions throughound his rightful place in Picisteven regular functionaries and hired est standing. For us it is a ques. again the slogan of party reform The Brandlerites, as is reported, are party alone. The political collare out the world. The German workers into this general setting and made the rise ist colors. At first it took course, and not means to set knowingly a utopian already calling for a new party. at the social democracy makes the retreated without a struggle. The aventure into the stratosphere be ice by the more polite method of Germany. Hitler also fitted himselt embryce who did not wear to or the low any section im and by that to push our own this shows that, although opportun appearance of a new independent Communist party leaders were re dedicating his address to the people granting makently chased will of.
we will, of course, lean on this pocourse the lett Opposition would should prove ourselves doctrinaires that the stalinist apparatus will be useis remained the victor and he will proceed the more ferociously out. All were replaced by Fascists.
sition to husten the rebuilding of only become the hanger on of a then opportunistic politicians will en pable of attracting the left social hasimon bileta tablet consolidate cu terra firma, in destroying the Step Tuy step with these inroads lutions with the constitution also hear from the scene together with What practically speaking will be influencing it in a revolutionary in their previous course.
But the Stalinist leaders continue only progressive class and extergrew the suppression and complete maluating its organizations. He has proscription of the workers press, will become much improved If it.
na maniatrendy opened a number of con: their meetings and their organiza however, the Stalinist bureaucracy will bring the USSR to run, then usd party is liquidated and even ad veriod? This question, naturally, as by their wholest. which they that Our party has fought in cal democrats are to be internet. The communist press and even Agreeing with the fact that the sontzation in Germany in the next hund. By their ultimatism, as wela texture, leedd fearch har en las centration camps in which the most thonix, Bootie will recall the constitution mig in enwarty, one of we, ask our opponents, brenk with the Stalinists will only slow up the brilliant fashion. Despite the and kept under the Faseist lash. the Socialist pres formerly countit will be necessary to build of creating a the inevitability interests the comrades most. Must do not want to and exnnot renounce Fourth International Let us however return. Gera moratorium of a kind. Ilis arcu. No, that would be absurd. We must cratic opposition, playing in the comment Marsh Show Hotectory Dachau near Alunich. It has accred. The commit auxiliaries the German Communist Party stiu enly 10 perlent of the party mem workers organizations, and pri den scare crow. From this point of trary that the models of the folling in located at Henberg in Wurtem organizations are disolved and promeant a centralized apparatus, tensers, true, the most valuable ones, marily in the units of the old party, whew also, the perspective of a new struggle boldly and courageously. ne Potsdam, 400 Communist neuted right along with the neces of newspapers, thousands of units are critically incined and listen to insofar as they exist.
When the party places itself imperatively on And from the stalinist headquarters prisonerx were on their way to thesary emergency decrees. But in all tens of thousands of members, mil. us; the remaining 90 percent and Third International proclaimed the the order of the day: ions of votes. We declared our mainly the new recruits, have not complete break with the second this it is maintained in Pravda of latter camp.
No Illusions!
of these the PLINTH had fully selves a part of this party and by at all understood yet the mistakes did not prevent the Commuhists March 6: The working masses of Fascist Strategy in Name of Behind the majority of political Germany cannot be intimidated learned the art of taking the measthat took a responsibility for the of the parts. From this follows from olikie within the social dem Turks an unexpressed sentimental They are on the side of the Com.
working for considerable and logical objections, there really either by provocation or slander. Defense ures in the name of the defense a we to these 90 of sr. security of the people. The Chronologically one can trace the world of course, not for the sake of percent, step by step, what occurred ocratie parties and even of conquer consideration: the Stalinist appara munist party and under der sweeping rapidity of the Fascist Frint strategy managed to put the Stalinist apparatus but for the and only after that, start to building the majority of the French tus is under the blows of Fascism, ship will put an end to the Pascist rise to the full fledged dictatorship the pition of being the offendersme the working class or anizations in sake of the lower units connected a new party. This is an abstractly party together with Humanite many devoted and unselfish com regime.
and to the just as rapid, disorgan: the terrorist monster against which time, that is, prior to a catastrophe, or speaking philosophically: a new party cannot and must not to save the organizations. It per tion here. The working masses were social democratie movements to workers who had cause to speak It is necessary to make a correc. ixed retreat of the Communist and they were defending the people The to renew the leadership of the party. rationalistic and not a dialectic prevent our working in the units missible under such conditions to prevented from being on the side blunt strategy could become possible in the name of and to take meas.
Now, when the official apparatus, approach to the problem. of the old party. discourage the fighters? This ar of the Communist party by the only in view of the failure of the ures for their own defense, and armoreul hy ultimatism and illegal ity, must transform itself completely we could place 90 percent of the very slogan or a new party will two lines from a verse of a it is well to add that the new tasks Socialists alike.
Their common of the propie, failed to do so.
into a stalinist agency, there can young Communists into a big school antagonize against us the rank and poet: Elevating illusion is more in Germany will belong to the new failure punt this strategy hasts to which they had given all be give full course 6te basis are. ism.
the road for Fase. To put it more correctly, their par.
trough the lower strata from which But as these percent fell into we had also contiets in the past litter truth.
But the philosophy of Can be organized by the Stalinists. value not so much from the point their contidence their workers per True, the stalinist press of all the the school of Hitler. Today already despite the slogan of reform. We Pushkin is not the philosophy of world talks of the regeneration the party but from polities in gen the life of the active units of the of the century, we struggled against nust be recognized. It was the hussed, but primarily for the ty leaders failed to give such they are not only half. torn from reed not doubt, however, that in Marxism. When, at the beginning For the moment the end truth of view of merely recording what ties and more articularly their of the German Communist Rote more considerable part will become Fahne, leaflets, etc. etc. That the indiferent. These processes will de Siven to the relations with their adventurism of the Social Revolu. which contributed so much to ren of these events for the future tasks. ership at all. The Fascist strategy.
local organizations would start to velope reithin the next few weeks questioentral Cur metee perspective in the Narodnik camp, but even in ship. They have nothing to do with tenants entered the coverenent ried out nevertheless became super own Central Committee than to the tinaries, many good souls not only der the party impotent of leader. As soon as Hitler and his lleu. lthough crudely and clumsily car Stir after temporary duze was and months counter revolution, just Here we may expect ever sharper our midst, indignantly broke with a Marxian analysis because they they set as their first aim the con lor. The working class lack of these van harty, ale po as revolution, worka fast. Uuderontliets. The Central Committee the Leninist Iskra which, yon see, are not based upon reality and can rol of the police, not for the strategy, and where any was shown, tus of such a large party, disposing the influence of the decomposition will defend Stalin and itselt: therein allowed itself to criticise terror result only in of a numerous personnel and money. of the party. the ebbing a way of lies its main objective. The worker untereitullly at the time when the fusion to the darther con tional coalition, but for the Fascists its false strategy. hastened the dedemoraliuntion created themselves. This they accomplished cun Issue illegally and semi legally the masses, the political sterility of Communists will demand honest an temans were perishing in the by the serious defeat suffered. Above in the name of the defense and leat.
replied: the. people, as To fully comprehend the enor.
ture there is nothing surprising in nents for the old party will keep on ove stood on the position reporthe home of our criticisme combliste proces the complete failure of resistance. It may seem. llaving the affairs ou charm presented here it is that. But we must repeut again themselves and others: what we did not advocate the breaking cisely in tears from individual leave in a blaze of torchlights, Bewell guarded in the hands of Goer art with the process of the the German Communist Party has away the revo Parliamentary democracy took of the Interior regime of Prussia necessary to make a historical comheroes no Allegal apparatus connected with o do? In this situation, to providel of discipline. Now the situation is lutionary Bolshevik revolution under Lenin the masses. What it has are the terrorism and in leading them to the road of mass strukgle. The and Trotsky. For example, at the remains of the old organization illegal apparatus, appended to to Man which by will of Hitler found counter revolution, the Bolsheviks themselves in an Illegal state. This the German proletariat save new mobilized the weight of masses is not one and the same thing. It and through their sleep antagonism the German Communist Party is to the Kornilovints impelled the active to lay it is due to the fact save hundreds and thousands of ly and delay, in order to Mensheviks to fight unitedly with that Hitler has just started his exThe letter printed below was known about the old Man He revolutionaries from fruitlessing the last 12 months in Greece force and in a section of the work. Anse there. Pekeletice The events that took place durformed into a positive Communist them under the slogan of the de.
ecutioner job and that the reac. tion has mot penetrated deeply recently sent us by one of our Chinese comrades. More exten ago and will stand trial in April.
enough into the party. Both these TROTSKY He has written a defense plead Prinkipo, April 9, 1933 proved the correctness of the thesis ing class is considered as the only Also, at the time of the Kerensky sive reports on events in the attempt to strip Petrogrd of its processes however are on the order of the first convention of the Greek Guarantee of the revolution.
Far East, the comrade says in not guilty. This defense yesterthe Bolshe of the day. They will go parallel a note, are soon forthcoming.
vated it Left Opposition which convened in These conditions imposed upon wwer the slogan to each other, nourishing and accel.
day was sent here by his lawyer. Ed. Here in brief, are the details, as Chicago Symposium. erating each other.
follows: Shanghai, China For an illegal Communist party of May and June 1982 coupled with directly approaching the masses capital. The subsequent breach 1) It is a classical type. This (Continued from Page 1) many peasant uprisings in almost which become passively inclined. made in the name of defense of a special selection of people is nec. Dear Comrades: am sorry to tell you about the type is just the same as his Dec. Opposition is in itselt a tribute to every part of Grece and especially giving an easy victory to the reac prvolutionary order against counterof the catastrophe and have a clear wear collapse of the stalinist Party. laration of Revolutionary Literat the Left Opposition great historic the General Strike in Athens and tionaries. These duties our com revolutionary attempt. And again, bather such a selection can be great change in the Communist marked a new period for Chinese working class action as well as to tionary movement could have gained a first step they decided to put up the insurrection, the heavy attacks hunde in ocother way than can the movement. Many faithful and im lite. 1925 27 revolution is its prod. its growing strength and influence many victories once the activities independent candidates during were made in the name of defense on the past. it Telem collapse of the hered in the Kuo Min Tang party ra. Comrade the needs tervet National Executive Committee, will be senuine Workers Councils sup the same time agitating for the formally established Defense com evitable in itselt, will release elegade takes the steps he must regtion into the political revolution and represent the Communist League plemented by the peasants commit other candidates of the party. Left Opposition. Herbert Zam, tees. The Stalinists sabotaged this ments and clear the soil for the ister at the Department of USSR why he became a Communist.
By running their candidates our canized and a late as October 22 the Communist detined to be: An organization of creation of an illegal revolutionary Keturn Students Registry of CEC 3) There follows, in detail, the lovestonites). ransition concrete proposal of the and the herole struggles of the Greek comrades did not expect any treperty.
But, one of the German comrades they must officially publish a detailed 4) The Communist party new organizational Secretary of District proletariat were not guided by a mendous victories. On the con le armed forces of the proletariat cbjects: politically the party is, of account as to why and how they tactirs, follows the Draft Pro and Hyman Sebeld, the Nocialist peasant uprisings were drowned into the thousands of workers that revolution and the defense of the Communist Party, central body of action. Also the trary as Marxists they explained fertiliorusle ainst countergathered at their election rallies conquests of the revolution. No course, a corpse organizationally became renegades. These renegades gram of It is alive. This formula reveals all formerly belonged to the CEC 5) condemnation of the KMT party. The time: Friday, May 19, blood because they were spontane. why they ran their candidates and class conscions worker will today at p. The place: 3322 Dougbest of all the erroneousness of the of the CP. From the bourgeois point of view las Blvd. Chicago. Admission ous and left without direction.
what they could expect from the deny the historical right and cor.
1xosition of my opponent. party The first brave renegade is the meaning of nation contains 16 cents. The symposium is to be The high priests of Stalinism elections. Also they carried out of the Bolshevik strategy carried which is dead politically have a live organization mot Hwang Pin. He was a member or elements but now the Kwas held under the auspices of the oth were unable to apply this method articles in their daily paper Pallan in the name of defense. Yet since an Lolitical to Japanese Imper! cialist party. to the proletariat. Its leaders falsition with the famous united front this important turn in policy.
organization is only a tool of policy. Te went voluntarily to Nanking over anchuria to KMT desn Chicago workers, attend en masse from below. The catastrophic reIt however, the party is dead we! When he registered, the Party not really know Its master Interna alism. In short, the First of all, they explained that led the lessons of October.
must the diagnosis openly, only did not know anything about tional Imperialism.
sults of this criminal policy created ARNE SWADECK before the face of the workers, his action but urged the workers to confusion among the workers en they did not expect to get thou(Continued in the next issue)
6) So he is not a traitor. For with all the necessary conclusions collect money for the theorman he did not sell his nation but rather Now on Sale on the Newsstands 2010 a Copy reformists were able to strengthen didates of Athens, comrades George Vitoris and Charalambos Alexopou.
be transformed to the new party, Rights Defense Lengue under the worked to save the nation of op 500 votes. For the and the exterminution of Staliniam The MODERN their position as a result of the los, they emrades Alex a prerequisite for the extension Stalinist stupidities and the only they fer, what will be the stages in the to do something for him, that is to doesn command the army to fight section that kept high the banner is Sakkos and John Kefalas, 400 of the October Revolution. This against Japanese Imperialism but of Communism was the Left Oppo For the candidate of Oetylou, com struggle is not going to be confined development of the new parts, what Let his release. But Hwang took the relations between the builders a hundred thousand dollars from concentrates at Klangsi to fight MONTHLY sition. Despite the heavy sacri rade Petro Androni 100. These ex only to the balot box but will ex May, 1933 Issue the death of Comrade Adamopoulos pectations were realized with the tend to the broader arena of the questions, which will have to be ry Hwang will be executed by tion all these are very important the workingmen that revolution is to free China from the hand of international imperialism.
in the picket line, our comrades exception of Salonica, where the re daily class struggle. The financial answered depending upon the de the KMT. But only three days after 7) He is not guilty. His guilt action, attacked the Labor Centre, disadvantages of the Left Opposl. CONTENTS e unable to overcome the treach: killed seven workers and wounded tion will be overcome. Joney and velopment of the whole situation, our evolutionary Hwang disis fighting against the KMT which ery of the reformists (whom the 106. confiscated the registration whatever it can procure are not My Country Tis of The But in order that the answer shall matched a very brave article, My now prepares to sell China to the (Cartoon. Charles Pollock Stalinists assisted to a great exnot be false, not illusory, we must olittent Creed to the Chinese we are collecting money to pub tent by their Social Fascism thebook of the workers and thus pre the decisive factors of the class Southern Golgotha tablished by history: politically the cording to his 15 years of revolate it into German, English, etc.
Hank Fuller ory) in smashing their reluctance vented them from voting. Comrade struggle.
Nicholas Murray Butler: The to fight when they saw. clearly that Andron was arrested during his Stalinist party is dead. Ambigullutionary experience, the Commu. It can prove our Trotskists are Open Mind of Morningside the Strike was spreading to other election campaign and was beaten The Daily Worker of May boasts ties and subterfuges are impermise wist movement has nothing to do quite different from the Stalinists.
ible: they would only throw us off with the national salvation that though we are in prison we fight McAlister Coleman cities of Greece and assuming an into unconsciousness.
acute revolutionary character. Wol The Archio Marxists ran their about the mains of the Red Oppo our own path.
rather forces upon China more col the KMT; but Stalinists capitulate Seaffolding (Poem) men and children joined their fa five candidates primarily because ition in Salonica. Although we thers and husbands on the picket the Stalinists did not run on acent election, we are in a position lack detailed information about reMary Lapuley The Party Dead line.
The Organization Alive? he says, take the roubles from to the KMT when free Excommunications and Comrades! tell this news to The same comrade writes: The They have common ownership for USSR and spend it for themselves.
Exorcism as Critical Methods American workers.
Stalinism in Greece, as in every important, in order to speak to the to state that the Stalinists in SalMax Fantman slogan of reform is meaningless, as the other country where it is confront masses and prore that communismenica always were able to muster we do not know now what and how tells us that the only road to life women members. In conclusion he Buffoloes, Moose and Babbitts IN THE NEXT ISSUE port they get from the Spartacus ed with an actual struggle, succeeds is not responsible for the crimes of a majority on account of the supto reform: but we are also against is under the banner of KMT. Charles Ferguson only in one point, that is, in dis. Stalinism.
group (Left Opposition tenthe slogan of a new party since we three principles!
Lack of space and a delay in the Bari mails have forced us to relegate An Adventure in gracing the name of Communism. The thousands of Stalinist votes dency. do not consider that the fate of the Stone Age Finance Every action of the Stalinists shows are not a genuine proof that they The same article is also signed by Chicago congress to the next issue soveral important documents on the old party is finally decided. One George Britt Itut the Daily Worker falls to this very clearly. The aim of the are able to mobilize all these votcontradiction is piled on top of another Stalinists. One is the Chief Among these are the main resolo Variations on a Baedecker Left opposition is one of defenders. On the contrary, they are pla mention that on February 16, the other, despite the fact that the of the organization Committee of tion, and the motions and amend. Poem. Stanley Burnshaw ing the banner of Communism tonic gestures of numerous pretty Labor Center of Salonica was at writer is an observant and keen and another is a member of ments presented by the delegation which centrism soils.
The Catholic Chureh bourgeois and newly radicalized tacked by the police and soldiers comrade. If the party is politically the CEO and member Red Trade of the Left Opposition; supplemenand the Labor Movement While Stalinism allies itself with sot the October revolution, are Incolved in the clash with them and workers. The stalinists, as cusur of the military Garrison and that dend, that means that its fate is Union International, his name is decided. The apparatus will not Yue Fee.
David Saposs tury notes by comrade Glotzer and resuscitate it: as testified by exper Dear Comrades, these gentlemen Cannon. In the ext taste also, the It Fell Upin an Afternoon ment under the banner of the able to get thousands of votes as a killed and 103 wounded. With Workers and Farmers bloc, it reofficial representatives of the Soviet the Left Opposition handicapped by (Short Story. Edwin Seaver lence, an apparatus can kill the were all well known plongers of discussion on the new tasks in Ger fuses not only co operation but even Student Forum living but not resuscitate the dead. the Anti Counter Revolutionary many, opened up by the article of support to the Bolshevik Leninists.
such heavy casualties it is not sur In view of these favorable con prising that in a small Union the If the slogan of reform of the old Trotskist Struggle comrade Trotsky, will be continued.
The Theatre It even resorts to physical violenceditions of Stalinism, every vote of Stalinists were able to muster a party is meaningless, nothing After these renegades deserted, luding among things, a The Literary Front peration of the Archio. comrades is a genuine vote majority remains but the slogan of a new many rty branches and cells recent resolution of the The Literary Caravan Marxists with the party; it does Communism. All the influence of The Archio darxists have already are opponents are mainly fright through Camat mere reversen state the Germeture open ble the Declad Reviews by Sidney Hook. not let them approach the masses Stalinism will be transferred to the made headway in the heavy task near the party and never gives Archio Marxiste once they sucot creating a United Communist ened by the relation of forces: we, were arrested.
Dale Warren, Benjamin ation of the International Left Mandel, wil Herberg.
them the opportunity to speak. But ceed in sweeping Stalinism aside movement by sweeping aside the Bolshevik Leninista, declare as liq As to our Left Opposition since Opposition to the Anti Fascist Con.
Lidated a big organization which is the Old Man (Chen Du Stu) was gress, to be held in Copenhagen the Michael Blankfort.
to stifle the voice of small Oppo nist Party. The most powerful the Stalinisto prove that the blows still capable today of issuing ten arrested, no one cell has been decoming month. review and an.
Subscriptions: 50 per year times as much literature and spend stoyed by KMT. Our organization alysis of the reformist Continental 256 mos.
sitional groups, it is unable to sti struggle between Stalinism and Bol of the Greek Opposition are becomfle the voice of the Archio Marr shevism is taking place at presenting effective. The development of thousand times more money than is strong and our comrades are Congress at Washington has also The MODERN MONTHLY ists. The Greek Opposition has in Greece and its development is the struggle will be reported reguwe, and yet, we proclaim a new faithful.
been withheld for lack of spade, Box 97, Sta. D, New York, outstripped long ago the stage of earnestly followed by those who larly in the columns of the Multant.
party in the name of the small heft Avery valuable bit of news until nert week.
a mere Opposition and is trans wish to see the rising of Bolshevism CALDIS.
make HC Union.