BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismNon-aggression PactRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

TE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 13 1933 The Foltis Fisher Strike The Designs Behind the Four Power Pact Congress Sidelights Hitler and Goering have declared the last few months were lok and Chinese Eastern Railway. mannen they represented, that the which are in our favor. It proves ment of the and was shon, and the small perlah. Pased by the facility of capitalism into its second chap thy and all the bigger butchers of More power to the left wing of the tactics that flow from this is the discussion of her they put in Yet this name Kubin says, two letariat or not and whether the cialists and the Nationalists is de tern.
by tion without placing the respons than to rally sufficient forces tie versary: in the West the Soviet Communist Party of Germany in and to mobilize the forces of the the Luft Opposition ist aucus, while AL Lessons of Stalinist Blunder Policy in the sky wrote an article for the NetNazi fascist Diplomacy she believe e riems thaprepare Political Notes on Incidents at the Chicago Sessions York It is not our business to worry Hitler Victory Jay Rubins article, striking a direct preure on the company as the heading The Forum, under and the about who will next put fire to Continued from Page 1) nee not on the six hour day and Cafeteria Chain, in the April issue a whole Means War Against the ber of misstatements and misleading to her the contempt the court order and cele masse waitsevien lietend the Untou take in general on the victols to the Fascists. It will in the store we frate because we eles a light aufnet water uts: le effectiveness of the Food Workers er, he forget to mention that the of July 16. This perspection? We quote from the Pravda: blow after low rains down upon vry time the delegates from the clementary working class demand Impressions which might hamper the was waved in the faces of the strik it was reprinted in the militan tory of the Fascist counter revolu deed, be all the worse for the unbe held, for training was none to ona muestion of freeing a framed.
Industrial Union What is to follow? All the them unexpectedly. In the Far Progresive Miners were put on sille proves that the failure te He says. The membership first to weaken and capitulate be surprising rapidity. To be sure problems, which in the course of East, Japan is only waiting for a committee, they were alle to exert build the movement cannot be at little faith in the possibilities of iv. Why does Rubin cover up that their struggle prosed chance to grab for itself Vladivo e great pressure, due to the tributed to objective conditions, so the Foltis Fisher workers. This lack the real facts about the so called against the enemy within their own aliem, stand with the same force At Japan buck there is to be more than once upset the well laid that there is something rotten in of faith expressed itself clearly by muss activity and indulge in dem country, and not against Russlan before the government of the Fase sure, a China. But this China is plans of Stalinism and were a great our own rank the membership not participating agoric lasting about the effect of Communism. But such declara ist dictatorship as well. Never in sick from the effets of the crim. factor in helping keep the Moones We expect nothing but betrayals actively in this work.
The fact is that it was not the pressure on the injunction ortions are very cheap. It is only the post war years has Germany inal Stalinist policies of the last Conference on the faith of work from the reformists and reactionary der?
membership, but the leadership ons pressure, which did not ex powers who participated in the pointent with towekane contradis. not to be reckoned with as a point the correct tuited Front, in generar atton, therefore, is to the hands of been in such a weakened external er democracy on of Labor The which failed for a long time to see ist, with the correct line developed World War assured cach other up tinction to Italian Fascism, German of support for the Soviet Union, help keep the Stalinists within the communist Party. But the party the possibilities of the Poltis Fished by a number of comrades in the to the very last mmoent of their Fascism came into power under the And in the West, Hitler is march: dixed bounds and helped round is in the hands of Stalinism and zational drive was started early in as their starting point the real In reality, the world bourgeoisie diversitatiivation and the entrance his side, Mussolini, Pilsudski, Hor powerful toorements on this staro basic international questions and 1932 on the initiatve of a group of nature of the cafeteria organization is rather comrades in the Cafeteria Depart the small number of workers the lack of danger with which ter of revolutions and wars. num dying capitalism. Capitalismns Progressive Miners of America.
determining factor in this glaring number of liter has succeeded in his task, ber of countries are taking mea. once more drawing up to its full contradiction between favorable conditions and the Communist Par.
plan proposed by them. For a drawn into the strike activities. In clans for the bourgeoisie. And it external political and economic world of socialism which does, to Until the afternoon of the third ty present position in the Ameri period of months these comrade stead of a lot of wind about mass drawing the consequences there position of Germany and for the be sure, bear within its body the day the conference was, in the can class struggle.
vincing the leaders of the necessity more concentrated pressure on the powers butve been ugainst German German mark is hanging on by a in order to rejuvenate itself in the In fact, the Stalinists intended to Political Forces of this work At the beginning, the office comes: pirticularly after their efforts any confidence in the authoritarian ment in driving the country toward to the Stalinists have squander enable them to carry on two days of Without a doubt, the two main me the comrades who had proposed through a broad united front had any authority. They had no way of mass demand are mounting Un munist parties of Western Europe Dig May Tony Stadium muss meeting welche sections held Conference his helen na dear my het hout, without been defented by the sectarian line ot knowing whether the conquerors emplement is not decreasing. The have been calle ruins the ten gears and end up the conference by pass Opposition. The stalinists who have consultation with the of the office conference policy Comin a membership.
gumda bit vold of a concrete proneveral years up to a few months er, The union is faced armaments granted to Germany veloping. The whole humdrum The perspective is rather un gram of action. At the end of the go by kicking us out of conferences meyer, who had already applied for with certain charge of this work Comrade Ober. sentences culiarities, as for in would not be directed against the about the national revolution is favorable, especially when we take first day the mass trotext of the del were forte Tergnize us offl passport to the Soviet Union, and stance. Foltis and its 19 stores em world bourgeoisie itself. On the calculated to veil the impotence into account the crisis in the so egates promoted the change in cells. The presiding committee viet Union as the most significant plans, caused the Stalinists to rewal forced to nominate us for the was, to the knowledge of the TUUCuloy 050 workers, spread from one other hand, they did not stake too of the government when it cos factor accelerating conter revoluirea continue with a three day Resolntions Committee. We were this requires very large forces to outcome of the Pascist crusade German capitalism. The Puscist tion. in a short time.
session. On the second day, they clected to the Permanent National the Naturells and carried cond half of the different stores. Though the wise uncertain. At present, how atrace of a positive program terordene worden lever ons Committee on committee the party tion of some important points of heartedly. An excuse is. for the world revolution. on forgot about the distance between the stores The was found in the fact that summer make it impossible (my emphasis victoria ater revolution has been lies and demagogy cannot be con August 4, 1914 the Second Inter everybody entertained with props This was not due to any change It is possible to do verted into bread for the hungry. national collapsed and on October and speeches but nothing substan, of heart lwy the Stalinists. It was was coming on and that many of both financially and physi. business with it, without taking The clique of the capitalist mag: 26. 1917 the Third began tontial on policy and program. Instead to the fact that the Iert Oppo As a result, three But what conclusion does he draw the armament industry are climb xocial democracy which is to help the earth. The coming war will conference on policy and program, entonch, in relation to the pressure months more were allowed to go by without results. The work was from these admitted facts? Thating to the skies. MacDonald visits Pascism in continuing the decep bring in its trail a householder the delegates of the conference had of the Stalinist forces, to demand was the comrades just mentioned were Nussolini. The latter pulls a tion of the masses. The. had left for the Soviet Union with Kadle Trotsyites. What a shameful his pocket. In Germany. the first to supplement the Fascist terror call forth a famine against which afternoon of the last session before had delegates from bonn fide trade time Comrade Obermeyer contradiction!
armored cruisers approved at the with the deception of the masses.
the misery of the list war will report on resolutions and policy nitons, employment organizations, out leaving any responsible comrade Fascist terror, nor apar pale. Only the dictator was given and then the halt das defense committee, etc. that could In charge or any pressplanation and the food industry. especially its viet politicians remain blind to all social democratic leaders are cap. to lead the masses out of this more than fifteen hundred delegates decisive action of the conference ence Inetween the textile industry leaving her docks. Only the soothe treeserons manent eroporto ship of the proletariat will be able that was left was to be used by the not be ignored without ignoring a further work, or any or justification of this negligence cafeteria branch, from the stand these concidences. Thes Voro able of restraling the rising wave Today it is necessary to call atmisery.
to discuss the program, itself. For example, to ignore the Naturally it would not be correct point of mass participation? Has hilos declares in salutary address of revolution in Germany.
Large delegation from the Progressive Miners of America would have to blame this comrade for this ac he nothing more concrete to propose to the Red Army on its 15th anni The cadou success of the tention to the acute war danger The United Front to ignore the most important mass bility on the TUUC and the leader hind the Fortis Fisher Workers. Union is guarded by the non ag, its Bolshevik tactie lies in this can only be done by leading the a united front of the workers will proletariat against the war. That ship of the union, where it belongs. Any child realizes that. What we gression pacts, dangers threatens that it understood, in face of the proletariat in every one of the parree Tom Alooney. One could ex. big sign in the hall said: Only organization in the conference.
The Lovestone right wingers had in the handling of the strike was so as to avoid similar mistakes in slied with Hitler hypocritical de Dereito traders, how to solead en steuerle against its own bourge that practiced a united front for their lover fare iesenere ver minutes out that the tactical line followed from the whole history of the strike Pravda recently declared itselt sattare vetras amor en sociar dem sicipating countries to the poslasseuse such a slogan from a party at rule bisht to obtain the right to vacillating and opportunistic. He the future.
claration says, The union exposed this move We must drop the kind of sorolley with regard to his foreign forces out of the firing line, how (From Unser Wort, organ of the (making the workers buy shares called Bolshevik self criticism what position does the Soviet continue the struggle under new to retain its cadres and how to slogan Inned by Stalinism. Within their right wing policy was even German Left Opposition. it, can be concealed the united front worse. clear line of difference the part of Holtis as a which consists in covering up the means of breaking up the organi. mistakes of the leadership and AAA conditions.
AAAAAAAfrom below. There can be no united on policy could be seen between front between workers. There can them and the Left Opposition. The zation built by the workers, as well blaming everything on the memberbe a united front only of workers right wing had no pressure of imas a way of indirectly cutting the whip. On the contrary, criticism of SCOTS RO mer oiusses are turning SUB DRIVE organizations.
portance relative to the pressure of wages of the workers.
the leadership will be needed and everything in Germany on its head They are completely denuding 1st week two pager we were in Becanse of the lack of space in (Continued from page 1)
the organized Stalinist The Foltis Fisher workers were will prove healthy in the future.
had pressure themselves, they are exposing be the progress om die Scott and Goldman and rolley that was able to make Scott, representative of the fold drastie inroads futo the Stalintst to utilize this indignation in wh. sofer. Lorem in the confidence reached the care of the workers hereby they are conducting milSeveral comrades have got or toes Defense Committee said he original plans ont Foltis, but the union utterly failed cs and mistakes of the leadership had refused to see the delegation mechanism of Fascist domination, sub drive ularly to point out to the workers By doing this, the leadership assembled outside the White House, lions of new fighters into the camping start. Here is the standing wanted to safeguard the conference with our pressure we were able to from communist control. This went throw our force with the Stalinists that this was indirect wage cut, mutt once for all, learn that when a concerted boo echoed and reechoed of revolution. Dunne.
over big with the anti communist on specific issues they were and thus to help prepare the strike it begins an organizational drive it throughout the entire Capital The theory of socialism in one elemet. Oehler. the minds of This position has nothing in the main correct and thereby Csapko in common with the anti Stalinist keep intact the unity of the con Central Strike Committee decided and at all costs. The method of sented to speaker of the House, the stalinist When the strike was called, the must be carried through consistently grounds. The bill was then pre country has built. ans, fence Marcus sition of the Left Opposition. ference as well as weaken the antithat it must be spread to all the changing the leadership by de Rainey, to Vice President Gurner around every nation, which it can Morris communist tendencies of the och Newby ference that the Stalinist blunder This meant a large distribution of the loss of contidence of which Illinois, De Priest. These gentry these people at all that the risc Angelo go, pointed out that the conference function in a united front.
Goldman, a delegate from Chica helped free. This is the correct leaflets, mass picket lines, demon Rubin complains.
of the Negro and White ruling A. Konikow was a good start but too narrow, strations, and in general dramatix Opportunitie tactics must not demagogically and cynicalls classists cannot possibly wait until they be but will heartening sign is the appear paying that over 75 reent was The Resolution the attention of the unorganized action, but must be exposed and tention. As the marchers were to resort to the means of war, and suce of a number of new names. ieft wing workers. Scott, who reIn the past the Stalinists had to food worker Jiminated.
awaiting the answer of the presi war against the at that. We hope it will come time he pied to Goldman criticism on this be criticized from the right, because Falling into a Trap geunine united front condent the police initiated a novel It is hard believe that neapolis and the fields: Instead of this, the leadership fell Terence must not be rejected in method of provocation by seurrying inists are really so at the Stal. hey hitting is coming from Min and many other joints made a poor their united front from below was job of it. He said on this point an ultra left deviation. In this con de lut Goldman objects to having a ference, where the united front of Into the trap laid by the boeses, or favor of fake office conference and down the line on the probability they do not even want and Dehler. We must adopt the policy of motorcycles creating a raucous din to see where they have landed with work is done in and around the conference with 75 percent Left organizations replaced the old formfake negotiations for a settlement, dramatizing our strikes, as opposed and emitting volley after volley of their theory. They are sitting at steel regions of Bethelhem. wingers. Goldman had pointed out wa, we had to light them from the ther demoralize the strikers. The to the AP of method of conduet carbon monoxide. But the prove the wheel of an auto which is to remind everyone about the thint 75 percent of the conference left, because they deviated to the in order to stall for time, and for cation proved futile.
at top drive we reput: the drive runs to was left wing in order to show right of the Leninist concept. In down only Foltis Fisher stores which were in a strike.
speed, but they close their eyes June 1; the unit of scoring is a that we have been able to bring the the main resolution, they had a sencertain comrades struck were those where the twin the union who have been accused The marchers then assembled it and tell themselves that the road sub irrespective of its length; to left wing element together in a tence stating that there would be groups had already been organized, of favoring individual acts was a near by park where they were leads to the main thoroughfare.
the comrade who stands first in the united front but that we must now no attacks on organizations partimeaning shops out of 20, proven to be correct, when the addressed by William Patterson, of Hitler, however, and all the other list goes a complete set of the three build up and around this Left wing more than so percent participated Weird Negro Inperialist powers are forced to columes of comrade Trotsky His a broad layer or other Americas sipating in the united front. This its complete silence on the candidate party non aggression pact, no matter in the strike activities from the trike and thus bring the question to press President Sarebbe conduct war. The rise in the content contade Rennaista keseluations. to workers the comrade who stands second, Some members of the conmittee One must not confuse two different how one tries to explain it away.
borind volume of the Militant, either and most Stalinist cannot disting. kinds of atackx, slander and criti In spite of the decision of lawr Trome to all food workers, and es. Wright, Ruby Bates, former star ternal contradictions and the conformat, that is, the first issues up ish positive from destructive criticism of policy. We presented Recially the Poltis Fisher cafeteria witness for the prosecution and now year Food Workers Conference to workers. This was a little late sochlef witness for the defense; and tradictions between the powers to the summer of 1931 (old format. eism.
themselves are becoming sharper turn the face of the union toward far as this particular strike was Clarence Hathaway who spoke in with every new day. These con 0931. tossthead or the issues from the summer of minority report on the main resothe shops, not a single general concerned, but it shows the right the name of the Communist Party. tradictions must be brought out in of 1932 (new lution stating the following: Each membership meeting of the FWIU rund for the future. utterson stressed the new keynote format. The fact that after four years organization entering the united has been called to mobinize support. In conclusion, we must expose of the campaign to free the Scott, to the open. There is only one opponent which tightly Interwoven of the crisis the American workers front obligates itself to discipline for the Folie Fisher organizational and eliminate certain right wing boro boys when he reiterated what international finance capitalism can COUNTER REVOLUTIONARY. crganized the largest, most repre. Action but retains its complete The following is a letter we have sentative united front not on un independence and its right of erl members of the cafeteria Depart. and particularly the cafeteria De wamely that no attorney or that is the Soviet Union. There received from the Canadian govern employment; not on social insur. Continued on Page 4)
this drive, as a result of the sep. They have completely abandoned boys free only mass struggle cau boudoirs of the diplomats, the of the National Revenue Depart.
secret maps which pass from hand ment; NOW OFF THE PRESS. throughout the union. The heavy the principles and rules of the union Becomplish thar.
financial burden of taxation for this to 50 percent without explanation ted Front was not as broad as it East. It is a matter of dividing a 31 Orange Ave.
Port of Toronto, It was unfortunate that the Unl to hand, and upon which are inMarch 20th, 1933.
work has as all fallen on the Cafeteria to the members, and under the slo should have been. But here the Mr.
Department, contrary to the policy gan of save the shops have com blame reuts squarely with the sixth of the earth and the their of the TUUL.
of Toronto, Canada.
Sir: en Rubin talk about the mass es does not like a worker because attempt at a United Front offered treaty draft (of Mussolini) pro pamphlets entitled, In Defense of In the face of these facts, how the following was. When the leaders of the socialist party who appetite is tremendous.
First of all, article of the Relative to your importation of pressure developed by the union is a good union man, the worker them. The only two political or vides that By LEON TROTSKY which was supposed to have result is sacrificed, thrown out of his job. caniations represented on the march which the four powers the Customs Postal Branch of the Russian Revolution. enteredi Poland, the Little ed in Judge Bondy refusing the and so actually eliminated from the outside of the Communist party, was Japan in the East and America, as this Port under manifest Nos.
wnion. This has happened in so The Only Rond follows out the line of thought advanced by He say, The union, through the many cases that it is a genuine the CPLA (Muste group) and the protector of the whole premnon The Commissoner of may 190213 and 192101.
Trotsky in what Next and applies it, in a brilliant Marxist anference of the TUUL unions, to and to the confidence of the men in the reflected glory of participat line outside of Europe and in cole lottawa, has refused permission for TUUC and the ILD, called a con. threat to the future of the union Opposition. The CPLA just thrived Join attempt to follow a alysis, to the situation in Germany as it developed up to the period immediately preceding Hitler accession to power.
gether with the Civil Liberties tvers in the union.
ling in an action with Communists. nial affairs Against whom? Such these publications to enter Canada, Union, obtained a legal staff, and if these lessons are fully learned As for the political aspects of a European alliance can very well but advises that same may be re The Only Roard is an indispensable document for an under mobilized sentiment against such an and properly applied, the union has dealt with in a future issue.
the demonstration, they will be be directed these stated there was turned to sender upon payment of standing of the social forces at work in Europe. It throws the light of Merxist illumination on the roles of bourgeois demorder.
The writer had proposed a real lutionary trade union movement, pendent upon America, and Roosto 34 by you.
GLEE ROSS evelt, who feels the point of this should you fail to arrange for ocracy, Bonapartism and Fascism in the service of the capitalist but it cannot go on as it has done repression of the working class.
unions, and mass political and fra in the past without paying the alliance pressing up against him the return of the parcels within Young Workers Revolt It makes a damning indietment of the treacherous passivity of self, will attempt with all the ten days from the date of this greater energy to turn the whole letter the importation will be the social democracy which held buek millions of workers from Against New Deal jected on the ground that was weheaviest penalties in loss of gr struggle against advancing me mace of Fascism. And it harsh too soon for such a step.
Working Class youth which en alliance against the USSR. seized in accordance with the re ly condemns the criminal and capitulationist policies of the Instead, this office conference indiegulations of the Canadian Customs burepueratie centrists in the Stalinist apparatus of the was held, with the social Fascists Under the Leadership corps, deceived by the Roosevelt putable. Furthermore, the Ameri Tarife and the of yesterday and the liberals of of General Ryan new deal propoganda, is in revolt. can bankers are naturally counting BERTRAM today but without the mases. The logical consequence of the Already 371 of the Camp Dix upon culling great riches from such COLLECTOR OF NATIONAL Against these policies which, in their totality, betrayed the German working class to the butchery of Fascism is advaneed REVENUE III. The strategy which grew rolley which led to the catastrophe contingent of 407 have quit. a war, since the American arma.
of this conference was purely in Germany by the rejection of the Forty five of these are charged with ment industry will be in a position the concrete analysis of the Left Opposition which, now, must assimilated be in order to lay the ground for the resurgence of legalistic and in fact opportunistic united front of workers organiza inciting a revolt and 141 refused to fill the orders of the whole fluous. This is the fourth of his They proposed to Aght against tions under the leadership of to take the special oath for for world.
pamphlet of the Left Opposition the revolutionary movement.
the injunction by behaving like very comrade Stalin was poignantly estry service. The rest left because The powers, England, France, banned from Canada by the author100 Pages 25 Cents cond boy, and conducting their depicted the other day. The ofti of illness and discontent. Germany and Italy are guarantee ities. We recommend to the StalPostage: Six Cents Extra Per Copy strike no differently than the AF cial Communist party marched in There is increasing reluctance ing European peace. But who is Inists to give this the united front with Rabbi Wise mong workingclass youth to furth it that threatens this peace? The thought and to figure out just how L depending on legal arguments in the court room, not mass pressure and Judge Hofstaedter at the et enlist in these thinly disguised Soviet Union does not even begin their designation of us as counterPioneer Publishers in the streets. They were violently Jewish anti Hitler protest under, concentration campo. In Nassau to think of starting a war All the revolutionists and renegades jibes 84 EAST 10th STREET NEW YORK, opposed to action proposed by com the leadership of General Ryan, County only 213 of the alloted 805 worse for her. The German Com with these actions of the Canadian rades for the purpose of bringing so to speak.
jobs have been taken.
Imunists, too, did not think of be government. It appears to as that so far: The ONLY ROAD growth tha