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WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communlet Lenge of America (Opposition) at 128 East 16th Street. New York. Entered as second class mall matter. Novem har 1974 at the Port Omee at New York under the act of March 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 26 WHOLE NO. 173 NEW YORK, SATURDAY MAY 13, 1933 PRICE CENTS In the Illinois Minef. elds Prospects of Development SMASH heCircleofDEBT: National Mooney Meet Lays Basis for Broad Fight of the Progressive Miners First Genuine National United Front Gathering of to the to see American Workers in Recent Times Marks Progress Three Tendencies in Communist Movement Clearly Revealed in Clash on Policy and Resolutions; Left Opposition Defends Marxist Position rent.
The Scottsb ro March Congress Sidelights and crim3 43 3 1 47 ganized.
The financial situation is a For that funds are needed.
little better but still serious. The They are needed badly and they eirelo of debt which was closing are needed at once. To delay may in onu UN so tightly as to almost men the loss of another issue The Progressive Miners of Amer tween these two camps, always ehoke us has been widened suf. or the appearance of the next ica, which took shape in mass strug landing in the camp of the Right ficiently to enable us to get out issue in half size, gles against the Operators, their wing in the final analysis. It is We are conflent that with the this issue in full size. That is state and the Lewis machine, and necessary to prove the above state due to the money sent in by some continuation of the response to which attained a certain stabiliza ment.
of the branches and a number of our previous two appeals we will tion of the union, now running The main thing necessary at this comrades.
surmount the crisis in decisive fashion and be able to appear reginto a new period of clans stormsstage is to point out the road ahead Whatis required now is to wid ularly in full size.
that will determine its life or death, and the necesso unite the di plans for the or its crystallization either as a summer break through it altogether. The ed into reality. We appeal to union of clans struggle or a union erett political forces within the next issue, at this writing, is all our friends and sympathizers of class collaboration.
Left wing minimum program.
hanging fire. The difficulties to make another effort, another The operators, the Peabody Com and Unemploynient that stand in the way have been seerafice. to SMASH THE juny, the state and the Lewis The first attack of the Peabody detailed many times before. The CIRCLE OF DEBT.
machine have planned a new drive forces in the point now is not to complete a against the Progressive Miners. The bitter supprescent period was the and reign of ter Air Mail! Wire funds! to the list of them but to sweep them MILITANT at 126 East 16th first blows in this new campaign ror against the State lunger arch. away Street, New York, Chicago, Ill.
have already been struck. The union The backbone and bulk of the Hunwide united front movement in part of the leaderships of the Amer.
was not prepared to meet them and, ger March were the coal miners and One thousand and fortyeight del. behalf of Tom Mooney. As the first inn Federation of Laobr, the sotherefore, they have weakened the te smash the Hunger March meant egates, representative of all sections working class gathering of such a cialist party and the independent union position. This does not to deal a heavy blow against the CHICAGO UNITED of the labor and working class po charcter It was accomplished with unions inder the influence of the mean that the position of the Pro coal miners. The coal miners receive, litical movements, met in response to some success. But more than this Socialists. In spite of the sabotage gressive Miners Union is helpless at the most 75 cents a head for FRONT SYMPOSIUM the call uued by the Tom cometentialities for mobiling the masses evertheless dll make consideratie is the fact that it indicated the of the reformists the congress On the contrary, a systematic cam tamilies, while the workers in Chipaign and correct left wing policy: cago and other cities receive far Free Tom Mooney Congress in a workers struggle through the progress in comparison with the the same polley of struggle that more. With a majority of Dorog the first grent practical demonstra news of public demonstration on il 30 May and The congress the ulted front tactic.
Following right on the heels of Free Money Congreso comes the stonie Antitorium in Chirago on An wide, bold and constant utilization est period. The incomplete report was so successful in the birth resive Miners facing the summer ton of working class united front the subject of the united front marked the first attempt belated The efforts to orgnize the cond the following representation: stage of the union can bring it by (Continued on Page 4)
the Fall of the year, the perlod folicy in recent years the National which in itselt marks a great step though it was, to organize a nation. gress met with resistance on the Representation at the Congress Lorward in the revolutionary move.
when production will start again on Organi Dele the winter basis, in a powerful pzations cates The united front of workers orsition to fight the Operators.
Local and Central Bod Tendencies in nizations, System Salotaged 114 ies of the AP of 147 53 Independent Unions The Peabody Coal Company, the 75 117 buretuaracy. had within recent County and City) and Lewis machSears become almost utopian Communist Party Ine, represent the combined force The Scottsboro boys must be previous attempts of the state de cream or many workers. The The Money Congress was a big has done more to expose the so attempting to crush the Progressive freed!
partment to terrorize the laboring Blooney congress showed that it step forward for the Commuist einlist and of misleaders roletarian Party Aliners of America. The Progressive The Scottsboro boys shall be pulace of these sections, it was was a realistic possibility. It uroused arts and hud many positive qual than all the clander of the Stalinists Socialist Party Miners of America, like all unions freed!
the workers in the camps of an ities, which we must acknowledge and their theory of social Fascism.
of the working class, is com sed With these demands echoed forth truly an imposing spectacle of classrtles from their apathy and in at the start, even though Commu which is the motivation for the Communist League of of different tendencies, groups and in unison by five thousand throats, and race solidarity.
prired in them a new interest in mists do not stop to pat themselves united front from below. America (Left Opp. 6 factions with different policies. The the Scottsboro delegation, composed Most heartening of all was the this central problem of working on the back. It was, at the same Communist Pary (Opp. lathor Party When the Stalinists opened the local and National Destruggle against the bosses and their in the main of Negro workers way the Negro delegaticn, got up class action, a problem more acute time, top heavy with a whole series agents cannot be separated from Washingtonin militant protest mostly from various churches and than ever at the present time, when of the most elementary and funda door for all workers organiza struggle within the union the marched through the streets of the onslaughts of world reaction nental mistakes and blunders that tions in their turn on the united fense Org.
correste program. Within the union against this particular brand of Lodges took to the word COM and national capitalist reorganiza can always be expected from Salin front they hoped to find a way to stephaf organizations 104 198 153 We have a sledecinte herausziteke nich justicer o metode moint in the area de direction er at delegatione etcelle are beginning to be felt in all ism. At least one can say, without keep the Lett Opposition out, com remplayed organizmus the Socialists, Right and Left wing: The march which was arranged revolutionary appellation Com. It is to this new born spirit that step in the correct direction, even find themselves in the awkward Women Organizations 83 132 the Stalinists; the left Opposition by the National Scottsboro Action The Right wing is by no means Committee got under way Saturdays had replaced the lourgeois the arrangement of a symposium on though only a start.
Blister which had been the social the united front in Chicago must sition of being forced to take thel (YCL, YPSL, SYC s) 37 defensive under the hammer of the veterans Organizations homogeneous group. section Alay 6, after some delay. The delay designation before the march began. be attributed.
10 It is a symposium would like to go back into the fold was caused by the Bus Company The march was undertaken pris in which the Left Opposition will due primarily to the rejection or other words, as we have pointed out Negro Oragnizations The success and step forward is Communist League of America, Farmers Organizations 7 of the Lewis machine and another backing down on section would make to remain in progetto che nese demonster the delegation to the to present a bill known as for the first time be able to put the united front from below by so often before, to close the door to Shop Commitres 11 sing class collaboration with the that the state deurtment had had to Congress. But the new deal Lovestoncite Right wing and the iween organizations. In a few workers. And likewise to open the the first time in the history of the ressives, but progressives practi Washington. It was later learned Negro People, to the President and side with the oficial party, the ceptance of the united front door to contact with the American It is to be observed that this is small contra tormpanyinst the rear och hand in the Bus Company ac president gave a deal to the black socialist party: The fact that months this policy has been able to work for us, but for American Inbor movement that In most of the struggles that have all in all about 600 delegates, not soon forget. He refused to and the have imally atter to obtain greater results than the cou workers is to open the door anitted front gathering on a nation within the union up to largely Negro Stalinists, with the united front for us. Axk llathaway. Jinor andal scale has over en held. This tuken plato determine its charland South Brolls from Harlem see the delegation. He was too ever so many unanswered challen from below, could obtain in the the su ering committee of their anuthe present, comprised the busy, so his secretary said, con. ses, consented to bring their views fact was generally recognized and acter and role, these seven ten delegation. By bus, truck and auto, vening with foreign diplomats. face to face with those of the left whole punt period. In fact, the last the Mooney Conference, or few months has demonstrated that consider the conference and judge in consideration of the fact that the dencies in the main divided into other delegations came mainly from (Continued on Page 2)
two camps, the Right wing element Eastern cities such as Buffalo, RosContinued on Page 3)
the united front of organizations for yourselves congres marked the beignning and uniting organizationally, but the ton, Newark, Schenectady, Philanot the culmination of the moveleft wing element remaining unor delphia, Baltimore, Norfolk and Progressive Miners of America ment that considerable hope must Richmond. The largest delegation The heaviest weight outside of Le expresed for the future of this The line up in the main was as came from Baltimore composed the organizations under the ideo movement, if the tactic applied (in follows: The Right wing consist of almost entirely of Negro members.
a section desiring to make amends As the caravan proceeded on its As we go to press, word arrives his immediate dismissal, screening militant revolutionary workers and logical influence of the Communist site of serious errors committed)
to Lewis, of the confused class col. way it was greeted in elty after of the outing of Diego Rivera, the whatever work Rivera had alreads sympathizers should show their Progressive Merke en time from the is extended on even a broader scale.
laboration progresives, and the city by Negroes who lived the great revolutionary artist, from his completed and preparing its de las identified himselt and his art of the lightest forces in the con. clock on the atfernoon of April Right wing socialists who work streets and showed their solidarity job in Kadio City, and of the instruction an act of vandalism with their cause by attending in ference was the A, repsoth, by John Werlick, chairman of within the Progressive Miner The by applauding, cheering and with tentions of the Rockefeller interests, which, characteristically enough, big numbers this Saturdny night.
Left wing in the main are: the mil clenched and praised tists. Par owners of the enterprise, to destroy comes at a time when the world The Evening of Entertainment was laste this and Muste that. duced Louis Scott, the personal rep ilave Left Wing Socialists, and the acah passed through the events the revolutionary paintings he has attention is occupied with that other arranged by the International Worke but facts will prove nuste was creaulizer of the Tomgress, to make Stalinist and Left Opposition wings stricken sections of Wilmington, already completed there. Imned outrage of capitalist barbarism ers School, should be turned into the first report on the pre congress of the Communist Party. The Muste workers defense of revolutionary reparations. Scott reviewed the Ites usually straddle the fence betimore and Washington. What iately as soon as the events got the aute de fe of Hitler in the a powerful demonstration of the using them.
of revolutionary public squares of Germany. art. Continued on Page 2) unsuccessful efforts made to enlist the services of the socialist party Immediately after the New York and the American Federation of and sympathizers among them, gath Labor to takep got wind this, it mobilized a the early support received from the ler building, carrying banners and prompt and spontaneous protest ac ACW, ILOWU, and the o. and their later withdrawal because of Rivera Murals, Down with eap buildings. The deminstration was the participation of the Communists.
Surpassing all expectations, and their roles: the rise of the Bol italist vandalism, etc.
broken up by the boss police with On April oth the Senate passed by the founding fathers. Its nes representing the Conference of Prog.
He was followed by Muste, sian Revolution was exhibited last tcherin, Rakovsky and the many Company thugs in uniform were liness which has characterized their a bill introduced by Senator Black, ative formulation is imposed by the ressive Labor Saturday evening before a packed sided duties and roles of Lenin and lined up provocatively in front of Interventions always in strike pick of Alabama forbidding, for two necessity of clreumventing these on behalf of the Arrangements com audience at the Labor Temple, New Trotsky. And even Stalinemers the entrances. Before long a deetings and with which militant sears, the shipment of interstate does not strate the constitution limitations by legal language which mittee. Muste proposed the election York City. Before the intensely in ing publicly for the first time at all of mounted police and cops on workers are well acquanted. Both and foreign commerce of commodlof a presiding committee to be in which burst into applause and song hibiteul Heral, which is here ex foot charged into the crowd and en the decadent bourreisle has only thes made in Industries which dowply equally to all industries. The committee were: Mathews of terested and enthusiastic audience, Lenin against workers revolutionary art, The provisions of the bill did not charge of the congress work. Among grandiosely and The these proposed and elected to the. Bolshevismes the breaking up and fire reeled for the first time, the actual power; the Civil War on the various demonstration.
day week. The restricted scope exempted as were several others.
and authentic pictures of every im fronts, with map illustrations on to the Civil Liberties Union: John Diego Rivera is to portant event and action before and the scope and progress of the civil Diego Rivera is one of the fore. Radio City paintings anak on his of the measure, formally, is made Nor were the thirty hours a week Werliek, Ellisberg. Alex Prazer Nias: the various Congress of the most artistic geniuses of the pres this coming Saturday night, Maymentary, cretin capitalist parlia entirely binding. The bill provided of the Wm. Leader of the after the Bolshevik October Revo, wars; grand scenes of all the Rus at Town Hall necessary for the the limited dow extension of hours where Hosiery Union of Philadelphia. lution Chus. Bloom of the Molders Union As it stood the bill was a national of St. Louis: Selina Burrell, Womof the causes and events that cul tionary leaders from all over the his work from the first with the minated in the Russian Revolution world at hand; the most astonishing his native Mexico and internationlegalization of the stagger system en Auxiliary of the under the leadership of Lenin and and interesting pictures of Lenin at of Hoover and Teagle. Its osten Farley, George Smirkin of the Trotsky: and moreover every inch the height of his powers, his exally. The high character of his abil. GALA BENEFIT sible motivation was to put men YPSL; Moore, NAACP; Ralph Chap of the film is a first hand picture pressive countenance while speaking, its, which is of world renown, has back to work. The bill, in this lin, Al Renner of the ProPROGRAM sense, represents an attempt on the letarian Party: Louis Scott, Wm.
nien on the spot. It includes events this extraordinary leader. Pictures the capitalistic class which is ac part of the more far sightedl section Patterson, Secretary of the ILD, taken by John Reed, the American of Trptsky and other Bolsheviks in customed to judging art, like every of the capitalist class to anticipate Muste; Jack Johnstone, Bolshevik. It is necessary to see action on the numerous war fronts thing else. according to its market this grand picture to realize what and in other fields of work. Toward price. Rivera, who is by no means Maria Theresa Amter ing class for a shorter workday and Lovett. Chas.
of the original Isadora star of the operatie and and, if possible, as they think, to Newton and George Smirkin Banda for the ideals of Bolshevism and his family at work in Prinkipo, time to time accepted assignments take the wind out of the sails of were elected secretaries of the Conis revealed in the ten reels shown Turkey where they have been exiled for work from various bourgeois Duncan group, In a series concert stage, in a program this struggle.
gress last Saturday of folk songs of dance interpretations No falsified film by the false leader of Bolshevism. enterprises. But he has invariably The of session The bill had another aspest. oral was Alex Frazer. Benjamin ella versions of the Russian Revolution Stalin.
done so with an eye to the socialist Albert Meiff boy moneybags understands that berg reported for the California del was given by the bourgeonio, film We would not whet the readers future, filling his frescoes with a nen and by Stalin hirelings in the appetite it it were not for the fact live long after they have ceased any reduction in hours through con. egates on the work of the Mooney violin virtuoso, formerly of the faculty of the Curtis Institute gressional legislation without explicommittee in that section of the ful, first hand versions are given in Hundreds who wished to, could not to be private property, with the of Music cit provisions to the contrary means country. He was then followed by a corresponding wage cut. The Robert Minor who made a report remarkable editing of this film fulcnuse the entire Labor Temple was The murals Rivera was doing at this extraordinary film. For the chtain their Nubscription tickets be establishment of the workers rule.
administration tried to sugar coat on the Mooney case, its history and And. For the First Time in America!
sotne pruise must be given to Max disposed of days before the exhibitadio City were of the same char.
this aspect of the bill by introdo present status. The report, as a Eastman for his brilliant job. tion. The Committee takes the acter. The special panel which the cing an amendment through Secre reriew of the whole case, was done in a chalk talk, on his widely.
Axelbank is tary of Tabor, Perkins, providing well. It lacked, however, collaborator occasion here to apologize to the Rockefellers and their agent partie discussed frescoes in Radio concrete The audience was gripped to the half dozen persons who did have clarly objected to depicted Lenin for a minimum wage.
City characterisation of the present stake deep when it saw Yudenitch White Bulucription tickets and yet did not clasping with his hands, the hands Opposition to BIN Guards execute hundreds of Red obtain admittance. These comrades of a soldier, white and a Negro Opposition to the bill as a whole should be done. The discussion that soldiers in groups of threes. Here can get a refund or exchange tick worker, with a background showing Saturday Evening, May 13, at 15 and in part developed from all sides. followed the report also assumed a The New York Times of May re more or less agitational character all its bitter meaning. All is shown: SECOND SHOWING an unemployed demonstration carports that: Spokesmen of the without correctness.
a record of events from the first The second showing of the Great ards saying We Want Work. Not rying bright red banners and plac. TOWN HALL, 43rd St. and 5th Ave. sugn, anthracite coul, cannery and Cannon Takes the Floor decade in the 20th century, from Movie of the Russian Revolution Charity. Free Tom Mooney and building materials industries ap It was only when comrade Cannon Tickets: 35 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents and 00; Boxes 00.
early Russia in Czarist days; the take place on Saturday night, May Workers, Unite.
peared before the House Labor not the floor, that a different note events leading up to the July upris 27, at the Lahor Temple on 14th Now on sale at International Workers School, 126 East 16th (where hearings are was sounded. In the short period ing: the July uprising; the Kornilov Street.
The Radio City authorities de St. and at Town Hall box office being held on the bill following its of five minutes allotted to the discounter. revolutionary movement: Subscriptions can be had at the manded the removal of Lenin like11258A ge by the Senate) and opposed cussion, he stressed above all the Kerensky, Miliukov, Chernov, Rod Film Club of the New York Branch, nese and other changes. The artist the thirty hour week measure as question of polley and program of Auspices: International Workers School zianko and numberless other too 126 East 16th Street. categorically refused. Thereupon the being too inflexible.
activity. Presenting the position of numerous to mention here they The subscription ticket is 35c. Rockefeller interests proceeded with (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
Rockefeller Vandals Threaten Rivera Frescoes With the miserable weather and the road, a crowd. Oppositionists. many Capacity Crowd Hails Russian Movie; ered as protest before the Rockoren entzation, et tung het. Opposition 30 Hour Bill Legalizes Stagger System Second Showing Saturday, May 27 secologie uns eingehenes have de cons and Furthers Plan for New Wage Cuts Jutwe mad here the best portrayal basines may season MariaWinetskaja Diego Rivera Committee