BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

between one of the accidents. Thensistent polies laid right for Germany (presumably he means Lenin and with which she has been associated brilliant and solid, and will have a the Trotsky, although no names are for years by all lovers of the dance. sure appeal for all music lovers.
of ot May Day Throughout the World Wage Cuts for Beet Workers poliad in dampen of Washington Conversations Prepare the mentale united front tactie the Ground for New World Conflicts The«Daily Worker» and the Defense doen om att providers of the Russian Bolshevik Leninists dels alimentos traten erhalten Sinted The forthcoming economie co the hardships onto the agrarian sidering the situation of the imprisation of the deported and imprint PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1933 Retraces Steps MooneyMeet SHAW AND STALIN Gala Affair George Bernard Shaw, the patron cerns itself chiefly with the growth in May Day It will be an uneven policy. Here salnt of Russia and the man who of capitalism in England. Continued from Page 1)
Why An exceptional evening of artistic chalk talk to illustrate his lecture.
tion in the Congress in the words it will be weak, there strong. de read Marx before Lenin, with party find it inadmissible to apply by no or then did the leaders of the Labor entertainment has been arrangea Maria Winetskaja has an estabManifesto of Cannon: the greatest by pending on the strength of the dinary person No the International Workers lished reputation both in the opera Left Opposition.
far advance we have yet made in out attempting to analyze the pec. Marx conclusions to the very School for its gala benefit program houses of this country and abroad, were establishing our identity and pres. The May Day Manifesto of the aliarities of the Fabian mind, it country from which they (Continued from Page un the case of the demonstration Lett Opposition will not rest adversely It the party attempts tendenciou similarity of ideas of the English proletariat are no May 18, at 8:15 at the Town rich and powerful voice and her are only the by. Hall, 43rd Street and 6th Avenue contribute to make the evening one against the Hitler Birthday Cele with that. Mooney is still in jail to revert to the united front, from which exists on Socialism and products of a below as the demands, the good authors of bratlon In Teutonia Hall, New York. Much remains to be done. The work done so far in the Mooney the theoretical exponent of social down at the very outset Maria Theresa, of the original to be long remembered Yet this best disciple of Marx Isndora Duncan group, will appear Albert Meiff taught violin playNow, in the May Day manifesto, heights. And with it will rise the movement and not only in theism in one country.
Mooney movement will be in his speech a few weeks ago. Ainds his counterpart in the best in three groups of dance numbers ink, in association with Efrem the International leaders one more star of the Left Opposition.
wrecked, Shaw tell him: Front from below. not negotiations reply to the sabotage and disrup. This must not happen. We dol Nibility aphasizing the inadmis disciples of Lenin. Stalin is alto musle by Chopin. Her style rep. Zimbalist, at one of the premier. Now we need United The Congress was a smashing of applying Marx doc great lender, he says, because he England or Russia a nationalist: All the didn say whether they made by the other Communists pretation of the classical dance five years. His playing is both munist worker belp being bewild ship. It is true that they held back ble which has seen with its own che ered? Can this latest step any large sections of the workers from eyes how fruitful the united front, were all or any country) extolled en in de buce Increase the store in en Stalin because he mentioned) were due primarily to Diego Rivera is not only the men a Marxian policy. From this line greatest mural artist of this gener. 50 cents, 75 cents and 00, box Tickets are priced at 35 cents, their cables people, change their policies take off to overcome the division of hum will permit the had deleted Marx. Shaw tioned that at the time the Labor of reasoning it follows that the ation, but has won a unique posi seats 00, and are available at with the weather, expect to main the workers and unite the ranksappointees to ram this down throats. The party members must party was organized in England October revolution was a mistake. tion as a speaker on art from the the International Workers School, tain the usly at all?
authority or even to be for Mooney release.
they knew about Marx and German a defeat: while the nationalist pole proletarian viewpoint. To the in 126 16th Street, as well as the What. plication or the correct united Front new turn and press hard to re Sefore the best wishe publike there was to the Chinese and German tevoli terest always aroused by his aprown Hall box office The revolutionary movement is tactic. We are striving with might tain what we have won at such not a single word about Marx in tions was no mistake but a great fact that his subject will be the In view of its extraordinarily high matter how deeply the disease of correct the The Stalinists are The Left Opposition will continue the fact that Marx, in studying ask, for whora? The stalinists, completing at Radio City, whten cause which it represents, this en bureaucratic centrism, of unex. swinging far to the right. The pol to Aght for a correct unted front the development of capitalism, used long before Shaw discovered them has aroused such wide spread dis tertainment program not only de plained commands from above may ley they pursue will be a resultant tactic. Only with the use of this not Germany for his experimental also knew how to calla defeathe cussion; to top it all, for the first serves but will richly reward the have penetrated into the ranks of between their opportunism and the instrument can we build the move work but England. His monument victory. The infallibility of the time in America he will deliver al fullest support.
the Communist party, the CommuI al achievement, Das Kapital, con leadership is preserved, even with the aid of Bernard Shaw This milst worker cannot go on switching correct Leninist policy of the o. ment to free Tom Mooney.
his line of march with such fierce THE MILITANT mountebank has the temerity to say that Stalin has been successful in friction have their function in Entered as a second class maill bis policies.
ties as well. And any one of these matter November 28, 1928, at the As for America, Shaw advises us numerous Stalinist turns about Post Office at New York, to scrap our constitution. But May 1st was a red letter day for milestone in the proletarian strug face, without explanation and with. Under the act of March 1879. The sugar beet workers of beheerder met het payment. cr form pro how Not a word about the water resolutional working relasyon sa com targemetentiomos tenemos out previous preparation, musta: Published weekly by the Communist Mountain States are to be paid wides a flat payment.
The growers association, eszed have us throw overboard not a running high, with the determined the turnouts seen on the streets of breaks the camel back. League of America (Opposition) this year according to the income from the crop, that is, they are on by the bankers, are bent on the lifeline but an anchor, since it slogans of Free Tom Mooney and New York for years.
at 126 East 16th st.
The bureaucratic reversion to the share basis, however, and propose makes no difference to him whether the Scottsboro Boys from the capi The efforts of the leaders of the EDITORIAL BOARD to be paid on a share basis. united front from below. if, in that throughout the months of we use Marxism or Stalinism. How. talist frame up dungeons, and jeers to break the unity of the rev.
to James Cannon The Great Western Sugar Co. May, June, July, August Septem ever, in this all important matter and boos for the bloody role of olutionary forces on May Day and Maurice Spoctor has printed two forms of labor ber and October not more than 75 tbe Left Opposition will eventually Hitler rising loud above the 100 lice did not sure with the of the whole previous Stalinist Max Shachtman the din of their shameful Arne Swabeck third period course, it does not contracts to be distributed to cents per acre per month be paid prove to the American working New York traffic, more than 10 Saturday, May 6, 1933 stop with the mere mouthing of growers. One form contemplates the field workers. They have to class, as well as the world phrases in manifestosis bound to Vol. 6, No. 25 under nor stor ards a common frou e done marched and des proletarian reel slon Whole No. 179 the share basis, but the division of wait for the balance, if there is letariat, that this can only be do. 000 working men and women in the ardor of the demonstrators the powerful Call forth a violent renction within Subscription rate: 00 per year, the crop is left in blank, to be any balance, until the farmer gets under the banner of Marxism. the red banner of the ranks of the party. Many re Foreign 50. Five Cats per cow led by cach grower and his labor his last returns from the com BELLOWS. volt. This demonstration marks a struggle on May Day. The salu sponsible and serious comrades pany.
tory and perspicacious act of Carl Winters in calling upon the Social breathed a breath of relief when The company looks after its inthe March 6, resolution cleared terests at the present time with the ist workers not to leave the Square the road for actual progress in aid of the Beet Growers Associaafter their demonstration had conmass united frout actions.
tion, but in years past in deflance cluded, but to wait for the United ginning to march in, and the cheers This association, according to the applied to the American socialista in the Mooney and May Day conter report of its Sterling district dir (Continued from Page 1)
possible and thus breaking down ector, as written up in the Sterling (Continued from Page 1) Union merely on the ground that that greeted him in face of the ences and actions has thrown the de berican reformist party into convulsions on the contrary, as the nation, the international price Advocate of Sterling, Colo, March cesses are incomplete and in part dangers of the prosent crisis in the again the dynamic power of the it points to the real dificulties and provocation of the police proved Interests 124, 1933, looks after the farmers even contradictory, must not only Soviet Union, as affecting the sit Leninist united front policy and ism, has assumed increasingly heavy interests by pushing the burden of be admited but conphasized in conthe innate possibilities inherent in concrete results.
The question of the united front tasks (deeper intervention into ecooned Left Oppositionists.
has sharpened the internal contiet nomic affairs tarifs subsidies creacions repared with shingtonico con proletariat. The paper states the oned and deported Bolsheviks of the Evidently the childish argument Both the strength and the weakversations at Washington the treacherous et die hard set ved at political organization of capital. Mieting imperialist interests. The said. Smith is the sterling disor food and manufactured goods in the Union as the cabele halafu demonstration showede Whxt. re within the tremendously and government financing of private therefore be a battleground of congrowers were agreed, Mr. Smith the idea that there is a shortage ls implied, that wboever tells and meas of the party were brought to increase the left wing trend with the League of Nations, has increas. lasle conflict between the Unitedtrict director) that with the com the Soviet Union, that the produc the counter revolution. And Priy serves of sympathy are latent in men in it.
The whole Chicago district of the specially the Japanese occupation has already blazed out in the pre payment to growers, the growers factory in quality and quantity. think that the real counter revolu but the inability of the party to liminary skirmishes and other numerous ic Manche riedigue lati orationsPole around the gold standard and the and fast wage agreement for com prepared for sowing this spring the real situation in the Soviet dax struggles to rally them in the centerins cannot bind themselves to a hard that many areas which had been tionists are not fully informed of mobile these masses in its every locals have been expelled by the icy of the League Hillquit clique on the very issue of The struggle for world markets. market, will be moved to pensation to field workers.
international arena. Ap.
are suffering from a shortage of Union, its strength as well as its factories and the trade unions, to the united front with the Commu carried to a higher point by the All that is left for the agricul seed? From the official publications nists, which the former have car force of the crisis, is being met propriately enough, after Washingtural Workers, there, is to oppose of the Soviet Government, of the weakness, and have to wait for us integrate them in the party is strik to tell them about it?
ried through in several localities. with a series of proposals, constiton comes London.
this combination of bourgeois and Communist Party of the Soviet No it is obvious that the whole and criminal course of Stalinism The powerful May Day demon tnting the program of the economic! It is entirely probable that agree petty bourgeois enemies with a thion and of its organizations editorial is nothing but a piece of proof of what a brake Bureaucratie strations and the healthy reactions conference of London, which ments of a technical character may union of their own. Last year they from Pravda. Isvestia, Economie political blackmall and ideological Centrism is won mass action and of the socialist workers to them to a restoration of the free mar. be reached as to cureney regulation, manifestemendous will to Life and the rest! Do these facts terrorization, intended to turn away the growth of the Communist movewere in themselves the best vindi ket of the Manchester liberals. At Perhaps even as to certain details organize and fight but laced ex constitute counter. revolutionary other hand, it took taken ening open attack and veiled in only the most elementary applica them.
within the brief period of the station of the free market, to ste. Interests, but on the contrary pre Due to the fact that most of them lone else prints them, accepts caiize, as we do, the urgent necessity bring huge masses into the streets are xiexicians, Spanish weeks, in which the had given bilixe currencies and raise world are the ground for it.
Monopoly capital will not volun. comrades should be sent into the from them?
speaking or draws the necesary conclusions of preserving the physical exist and to begin a movement of the up the blunders of the united prices.
aries who collectively consti morass of reformism and towards front from below.
Nor are these alms separate and al agreement, the specific advan an effective strike to begin with issue as it denounces our commit tute an enormous reservoir of rew. the camp of Communism. The The responsible party comrade distinct. The contradiction cannot tages which it derives from its coo the beginning of the thinning toc for calumniating the Soviet olutionary energy and experience. continued and correct application could not have overlooked all these be solved even by developments and could not have by part, one problem at a time. The will it create any international peUnion, writes in the same tone Such writing is a disgrace and of this tactic can create a serious missed inist bureaucrat will have a dim with the securrency stabilisation litical authority which can decide possible to win them at all, can be as the optimistic article of the igment. Our answer is to relouble the described in another part their significance. The stal connection of on the ranks of the social.
struggle for markets has from above on questions of wrested from their enemies if they norant misleading bour our efforts to relieve the desperate of this issue) If accepted and car.
it is that prevented the leaders of action on the gold embargo and by markets. The only kind of interna season as workers have it within Times, Walter Duranty (see Daily ported Bolsheviks of the Left or throw the party back into the iso on ma de using negotiations with oticials on connection between the internation is that which is imposed by a vie make it impossible that there be area of spring sowing. It has conto call on all friends of the Octo stion from which it is beginning top as merely a method of delay al ing. hindering and disrupting the licent nt of commodities is equally on a defeated enemy bloer in tiehet a erop. GEORGE SAUL sistently concealed the difficulties berevolution forassist is The Telt Opposition, whose tae.
united front on March and why close; the purpose of the manipula words, the Treaty of Versailles on political international this suddenly becomes a fact only tion of trade barriers and wage a still further enlarged scale. By within the framework of a peaceful American workers. Is that sup.
struggle tion in the Soviet Union from the The American Committee of the Inties and policies were vindicated on April 30.
Levels has been to maintain as high exhausting the alternative possible conferingen ting the London con the Daily Worker any excuse for ternational Commission for again on May 1st, marched in the The serious Communist workers a level of prices internally as posities or rather impossibilities of Help to the Imprisoned and United Front parade under its own will reply to the bureaucrats and sible, while at the same time ex peaceful agreement, as well as by ference are a further step towara denouncing the appeal of this com Deported Bolsheviks (Left banners and slogans. More than. of Opposition. 150 members and sympathizers of the Branch of the CommuBy FIELD, that the socialist leaders will at nist League (Opposition) formed tempt to delay, hinder and disrupt one of the most militant continthe united front of the working gents of the demonstration. From class. They always have.
its ranks echoed the only real in ternational slogans of the entire What the Serious Communist parade.
Workers Will Say (Continued from page 1) The German Workers Will at the top at Crossroads. Interna thought into a super historie ab heard our shouts of Long live the We also know that the masses of can replace the perspective of long The Isolation of the Apparatus Rise Again; Stalinism reformist workers do want united months or civil war? Of course, The Communist party has gath. tional Proletarian Revo tory of the proletariat and not ske. and, as we marched into Union actions. They have shown it on they have replaced it. few weeks, Never!
ered during the last years up to six million votes. Into the struggle it lution or Extinction only of its defeat is also solved Square, hundreds and thousands of May Day, they have shown it by on an international scale. This cheered and applauded this slogan ing leaders inside their own ranksly the possibility of that more fay. agreements between the Communist thousand. Even the members of the wanted, not to carve out a career, lat of Russia, We can see, furthermore, the pro orable variant on which we count and the social democratie organiza party did not respond to the appeals but to save the proletarian or its victory in 1917 from still forward for the Lett Opposition. which attained tarlan international. great step cess of swift disintegration that is ea. Ilitler setzed the material apresente, retele enterprises der om dies of the This fact alone in overtaking the Second Internation paratus of power. He routed with tricts, etc. as well as agreements dicates the frightful isolation of the ganizations, just as the leaders of waiting for etory in other new era okens before the van.
al after the collapse of the German out the least resistance the appar will inevitably break off from the lation will grow. The masses are ly obedient to the commands of the cial German Communist Party is der the sign of reaction, under the with other Left wing groups which apparatus. With och day this to the German Communist Party, blind countries. And the opposite process guard of the communist social democracy and the impendatus of the Communist party. de official social democracy. movement!
can also develop unevenly, while the In Europe May Day passed unI not interested in shadings and tri. Moscow bureaucracy, think first of liquidated politically, in other coun effects of the German defeat.
ing debacle of Austro Marxism. prived the German workers of the The average German worker as fles. They take events in toto. The all of their apparatus. Secondly, it tries, and primarily in the USSR. Any 1st in Paris, once the home The reformist fakers have already press, forced the reformists to well as the average Communist feels begun to be be expected that in the future they al and to submit to the Fascist re shipwreck. His organizations, press, their anxiety with empty formulas, 1933, despite all its based on to a decisive test. Historie event plcnles! No disorders and demonalarmed and it is to break with the second Internation well as raveller who has suffered bacle. Will inevitably turn their in 1914 the social democracy came the marty has not ye yet been subjected to the party which quloted nearer to the seats of power, yet in of the Commune, was observed by will especially exert themselves his hoeps for a better future all with boasts with shouting for working class unity and for united action in the The sharp change in the situa lism. The thoughts of the shimorrow of the victories of to. degradation, it came nearer to jails. unfold themselves, irrespective of strations, says the capitalist press. United Front Now?
are drowned in the waves of Fascthe e chess board of the Comintern.
and led headlong to a ca We need not doubt that in the end In Berlin the hideous swastica refuture.
tion is clearly revealed in the ques wrecked are directed not toward The socialist masses are moving tion of the united front. To pro building a new ship but toward get the situation of the German Com our general estimate of reformist Absolutely true st the courtrainats; laved German working class, were its will be disa hercat does this change sponsibility for the German defeat? plans of litler for a conscript. en to the left and the socialist mis pose a united front in Germany betting shelter and a plece of bread. munist Party changed so radically policy?
leaders will use every possible tween the two parties now would depressed spirit and political in. Within the two or three weeks of We condemn the apparatus of the bears the principal responsibility is chambers and concentration camps tory, however, just as in an ordinary masters of the day. The proletarbourgeois court, not the one who con banner lay furied in the torture There inevitable trol of them. The task of exposing was deperiod when the social dem quences of such exigantie catastro times it could not have changed in Serembate Communist Party guest for found liable, but the one who has of the bestial Brown shirts, Vienna loosening their control of the der the yoke of advancing Fascism of the more enduring of the firm in general, is an epoch of sharp tan comrades express themselves atus of the German Communist Partroopa gunrded the streets, asinis more urgent in this especially fav own masses on the other. that tied up with the thought of a new them attentively so as not to trip reaueratie centrisma citer les no matter tongs of history. The distribution itant is a member or sympathizer orable situation, time should have been utilized ship. of a certain political current, which. therefore, holds all its force as the democracy licks the boots of only method of fulfilling the revo and sees in that the only means for the German proletariat And theme of the catastrophe of course, not adopts its policy to the needs the However, let us not slander the illustrated by the pitiful si The Leninist united front tactic, Now, after the defeat, the social. As which in the present sit delnde ourselves, we must give our bases itself on a definite social stra. But justice in general is not an atstration took place. The bankruptthe deepest layers of selves ves a full account of the extent 19. optes sis policy in the needs or und tribute of the historic process. And cy of stalinism and the treachery of this is il the latest of social reformism is graphically is our duty to apply it We have Breltsheid considered it necessary to the report that in the majority of start according to a new plan, the question of what factor would win court of history ho interest in predenishing the scare the bourgeoisie by na bloc with enterprises the old shop committees long and stubborn work required, out in the German Communist Par. serious than the bourgeois court. once the citadels of proletarian Te stalinist prestige of the bankrupt Communists, now Wels and Co. are have been ousted and esta coincide with the needs of the lively not only from the communists so quietly that the foreign press dia to the comparison of August 1th, struggles remained opens Nered the will not stop there. If other sec spot amid these heavy clouds of reNearly all those opposing, object reaucracy, or the logic of the class munist Party is only a stage. It Soviet Russia was the only bright revolutionary working class.
Second International The Left Opposition will continue itself.
The proposal of a united front newspaper, or of the Liebknecht proletariat consciously and by the Communist Party, it means that bu. Otherwise they are doomed. In this fascism should have been heard a matter of the editorial board of a cialdemocrats, you see, betrayed the events of such gigantic import could the German lesson, they may right the Russian working class for her its work of explanation and clarification and find common ground now would only place the Commu House, or even of a parliamentary came nearer to the seats of power: relalle centrism is absolutely way, the march of history gives to long ago but even these shouts with Communist workers on this nist In a ridiculous position faction, that is, it is not a matter the Stalinists, however, did not basis. Together with them and in and would be of service to the sociall Of distant helghts, but of the very know how to defend the prot!
And from this follows the the other sections still some addi transformed into concrete action need of a new party.
metelless struggle against criminal democratie party administration base in production of the proletariat and landed in jails. This tional time to reconsider. We, the can once again herald the dawn of Stalinism, it will help in re estab Politics knows no absolute formulas. the shop. The lack of resistance is, of course, very essential and not The Argument of the International Left Opposition, are only the historie a new day for the upsurge of the lishing the Marxist Party of the its slogans are concrete, that is, against the ousting of shop com accidental. But we don have to Scale interpreters of the march of devel. European proletariat. new rise International proletariat.
But the question is solved on an opment. That is why we do not of internationalism means the doom (What has been sald above does of the will of the mases under the In the first place, the majority of international scale. object the opbreak with the Third International. of Stalinism but the upsurge of a GORDON.
not, of course, exclude, even today, influence of treachery and sabotage the social democracy even in 1914 ponents who turn a correct historic (To Be Continued)
Soviet Europe and a Soviet world.
tarily abdieate, through internation field there now as so to organize The Daily Worker in the same ace of thousands of tested revoln. socialist workers away from the Better wages for them, if it is and in part using the same figures scandal to the Communist move democracy. The latest zig zag of The Collapse of the and the Left Opposition their strhggle against the disruntI even days have destroyed complete. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAN did not draw even one hundred AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA does not prevent the proletar for the regeneration of the prole.
the Time.
ship tastrophe.
Sher Hitleruation in Nazis. This reformaced by on a new historie base but