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Austria Is Next in Order to re Voices From Germany Inflation Bill Deceptive was a were socialist party PAGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933 the policies, in the slogans and in the methods of mass actions. With the reservation of preserving complete freedom of mutual criticism and this reservation is unalterable can duck the Communists must be prepar (Continued from last issue)
backThe old view about the Bonapartism and Fascism Braun! As it a class when Hitler should have finally mortal danger without incurring ed to make an alliance with social Reprint of Article in By their seemingly dreadful but In the Austrian Crisis any danger! As if the victims of democracy for the sake of the most wardness of countries seized by in Manchester Guardian social democracy not only summonin reality pathetic chorus of It wo ed the lascists to power through are attacked. the Austro Marxista Fascisixed Eurillst wars, will doing the Communists must givetained. Though it was possible to tives of new reveal their genuine suffering, they that they will be left in words, under the present conditions not surpass one hundredfold the themselves a clear accounting of apply it to Italy, with some exag, be begins with the little snger or the came out the stone lowest at cerita pesce, anarch of developments in order to plied to Germany, which is a high big toe, but once it has begun ittion by stages.
will not go beyond mutual threate a self sufficient means for the de and future!
disclose mean tx that they are chloroform only as one of the weapons in the SITUATION IN THE HANDS OF cruity between the political goal therwery heart of Europeason for For many the choice between party has been thoroughly wrong.
There is one reason for Bolshevism and Fascism is rather its leaders started from the absurd ing the proletariut to facilitate combined struggle of two camps. THE AUSTRIAN PROLETARIAT. and the reformist methods.
Otto Bauer welcomed with cestaVasclat surgery. genuine prolo The strike must be accompanied The united front cannot merely ist society has outlived its strength. Beelzebub. shall find it difficult National Socialsits represented waren politician on the contrary with and supplemented by the arm tie amazement the fact that the signify a summation of social dem The national and international acto say anything comforting about two varieties of Fascism. that would be duty bound to explain with on the workers, the disarming German workers save seven million de retea and communist workers wortugomisms which break out in it this. It is clear that the twent they were, in Stalin two formula no the Austrian workers that been stroying the democratic structure manits. Any contemporary of ours ocracy, like Fascism, stands to de tory: that no other way out seizure of the material apparatus down of the newspapers, etc. etc. Jions there still remain Catholicae world antagonists are decontury within the memory of bu undoubtedly true, that social dem.
caught between the paws of bia coma pertlets from power, and the the election, despite the closing parties and outside of the trade un suster masses of the League of Nations. Where who wants peace and comfort be ſend the bourgeois regime against These people opine that the emo workers and unorganized of the state.
mains for him except to destroy Once again we repeut if the estions and the thoughts of the pro Not a single one of the old forms the progressive class shows itself fore anything has chosen a bad the proletarian revolution. But the proletarian organizations; that in methods of the two parties are enthis instance there is no escuplug tablishment of a Soviet regime letariat are created by their piddl of organization which are ladenlupable to seize power 80 as to time to be born. Desperate People tirely different. Social democracy Hitler movement has been little unthinkable without parliamentstruggle must be prepared for iu cixure of power by the Communist Marx and the history of Europe and the heritage of old antagonisms socialism, capitalism in its agony acordance with all the rules of revirtad we admit that this but they have not the slightest can suttice for the present tasks of an only preserve its existence byed to victory by 17, 000, 000 desperary government and mass organizaaltogether olutionary strategy and tactic.
Dertion of the masses is unthinkable al methods, the extreme expression ist Germany has lost falth in de fons. The mission of Fascism, bow.
orable correlated by the untry. inkling of what imeshusisha re the united front. real mobiliza using the most brutal, anti culturate people; it proves that capital tions of the workers in trade unbodo tu future which the restor serverance and creativeness the without the creation of elected or let which is Fascism. That histor cuying Europe which was convert: ever, is to destroy both. deten THE GENERAL STRIKE of forces in the servoirs of power, Otto Bauer has been hinting that in the event of a the part of the enemy. the worken ily, is already unthinkable in Aus whenever it is assured of a leader trade, industrial and transport en in February 1920, wrote as folla madlouse but was not provided cial democrats should have been with stralt Jackets. The victory of based on this antagonism. But blind We lower by the social democracy. It sponds to the historical background. les, the unemployed and the con Ou the analogy of the electri the party of despair was only pos leaders refused to take this line this too is an empty threat.
Isn it obvious right now that tiguous layers of the population cal Industry democracy may be desible because Socialism, the party The workers were left divided, de beard it more than once in the branding worker party is not bring the struggle to had there obtained a far seeing which gravitate toward the prole sued as a system of switches and of hoje, was unable to selge power. renseless, without plan or prospects, tariat. In other words, the situa fuses directed against the violent The German proletariat is both before the attacking enemy. This Germany. The general strike can repared not be produced out of one vestits conclusion then the general revolutionary polley from above. Lion in Austria calls for workers shocks of national or social strus numerous and civilized enough to position demoralized the proletarpocket. The workers may be led trike by sharpening the situation the German workers would have soviets, not so much in name as ingle. No epoch in the history of achieve this, but the party leaders iat and strengthened the self couto a general strike, but to do so call only hasten the crushing of the long since overthrown all the baribeir nature. The duty of the Com. man has been so filled with anta have shown themselves incompetendence of Fascism.
riers blocking their road to hegemunists is to persistently bring forsonisms as our own. The switch. ent.
Predictions one must fight and not play bidel proletariat.
The Austro philistine will catch mons, and moreover, that they ward this began in the process of es of democracy urefusing or The social democrats, with their and seek with reality; a call tol breaking under the violent pres peculiar conservative limitations, september 1981, wrote as follows: Two and a half years ago, in battle must be issued, one must up these words in order to imme. could have done so with immeasurstruggle.
The circumstance that Austria is sure of class and organize for the struggle, arm for diately deduce reasons in favor ot ably and incomparably less sacriinternational hoped, along with the other parliaantagonists. That is the kernel mentary pirties, to educate Fase ger in Germany: It expresses the Fascism has become a real danthe struggle, widen and deepen the moderation and cautiousness. Aloes then the inevitable sacrifices channel of struggle, not contning For, is it permissible for a party of the Fascist regime? The same separated governmentally from Ger which explains the rapid rise of is gradually. They gave the extreme hopelessness of the bour oneself to the legal forms of strugtake upon itself the grandiose must also be satu about the Aus many and tags behind the latter in the store pain its internal evolution could play My opponents relied on the fact tindenburg, the Field Marshall of played by position of chief drill sergeant to geols regime, the conservative part gle, e, the framework dictated risk involved in the revolution trian proletariat.
social democrats in by the armed enemy. And first of ary methods of struggle? As Of course, the policy of the una decisive role in the salvation of that the process had only laid hold the llohenzollerns; they voted for relution to that regime, and the inall, the party itself must be per the Austrian proletariat has the ted front is obligatory at present der a bold and virile polley of the But replied: The strength of in instincts and wanted to light. But to shake that regime. Whoever sent Germany and of all European of the triuge of the civilized world. lim. The workers had the right competence of the Conumunist party the idea that unless it engages in of workers can depart for their front is no place the crux oelniroletarian Vanguard. Proletarian ternal and world antagonisms in the social democrats held themdenles that is either blind or boast meated through and through with freedom of choice! As it millions also for Austria. But the united decisive battle, it is lost.
villas in Switzerland like Otto the matter lies in the context of Austria would immediately become not declining but growing. Goutek, promising to give the sigual Piedmont for the ntire German proIt is quite possible that the Cen letariat. The victory of the Aus expressed this idea in a series tral Committee will actually issue trian workers would provide the of pamphlets which have appeared a call for a general strike, after German workers with what they during the last two years in Ger the open. that is to say, the lack at present, with a material many. Thus in October 1931, decisive) blow had been dealt. But drill ground, a comprehensible plan wrote: this would mean that after leav(Continued from Page 1)
Wo extract the following pass this is also an illustration solo action and hope for victory.
control of production as a road to The advance of the National Soing the stage, one calls upon the tota u kome protest, wo man ages from a series of letters re cial Fuscism. thats Fascism Once set in motion the German accidedly deslationary also the the dictatorship of the proletariat. clalists to power means, above all, protects its twin brother, as Stalin proletariat would immediately prove balancing of the budget by redue waked up to the fact that the fight the German proletariat, the breakThe Daily Worker has finally the extermination of the flower of estion of impotence. Just so dia ceived from Germany.
the liberal opposition call upon the People This fact should open wide the powerful than all its enemies taken expenditures forced for higher wages and unemploy np of its organizations, the destrue.
people not to pay their taxes after. The occupation of the together. Upon the parliamentary through against the workers in ment relief is the proletarian anation of faith in itself and in its the monarch had told it to go to House in a large German city, with eyes of the workers.
As a rule, nothing ever came a long workers tradition, occurred democratic plane, Hitler with his government service, the veteranswer to intation, and has made this future. In view of the much greatAt tho Reichstag session of percent of buman dust appears and pensioners (the Intationary demands.
The last of these, how. antagonisms in Germany, the helli following of it. In all. the the first slogan in a group of seven er ferocity and bitterness of social About ers at all to the belated and puppeal of the police occupied the Peoples of the German proletariat, Otto on the plane of the actual correlbave been through increasing bor and anti Marxian Housewives, probably appear mild and almost Hlouse promising to leave immedl Wels, said Every one of your prolation of forces. The Austrian so party already baBut let us allow that the Fascately if they found nothing.
At eos rekordine please beterests escla democracy has behind it aprowings involving eventually print organizes to light bisher prices bumane when compared with that ists will give the social democracy though the searches were fruitless the wo could be accepted, if not Proximately the same percentageing more money, or gaming on the economie class struggle at thel The Stalinist faction said that It means attempting to of German.
the police, nevertheless, remained ployees of votes. But whereas the Nazis an increase in prices or rate of strike at the last minute, and that ed, on being asked by the admini mous majority. Applause from which play in the life of the coun not reducing expenses. The te ery store, instead of at the point the vast political literature devot. the workers will respond solidly factory, a od to this question shall only to the call. What then? What Istration as to why they did not the social democrats, laughter from try a secondary and to a major forestation program, the addition of production, in the is evacuate the House, that they were the right. See 25. 1933.
the Saarbrucs degree a parastie role, there is be to being a step toward the milit. lrpudhonist not refer to a speech made by the official leader of the German Com.
the goal the general strijke remaining in order to prevnt its Volkstumes approach.
hind the Austrian social democracy arization of the homeless youth also a Nowhere is the struggle for immunist arty, Thaelmann, before forms must it develop? How shoula The People House was sur to make Hitler swallow! Poor the flower of the nation. The ac and the unemployed, was easier mediate demands in the the the Executive Committee of the it defend itself against. military rounded by workers. There with Communist International in April ian social democracy exceeds over for private capital to cut wages against inflation linked up and police repressions, and against around 200, 000 of them. ImmediIII.
the the ultimate aims of the revolu 1931, when he exposed so called the Fascist pogrom? Wiseacres ately after the occupation, the fac Wels sald: We the socialist the German Fascists. This can be government, of si a day and keep tion; they remain purely ssolated pressimists e. people who were capable of foresight in the will reply that it is impossible to tories were informed of it and the party were the first to try to do completely revealed only in action. The development of the celical answer such questions beforehand, demanded that the administration stroy Bolshevisme (that is the The initiative for revolutionary ac crisis during the period following made for carrying these demands, We have not allowed panicslogans and thereby opporonllowing words: That is the usual subterfuge of take the necessary steps.
revolutionary workers) says thotion can come at present only from the bank holiday showed the presinto action, such as the March 25 say.
people who have nothing The socialist) administration Frankfurter Zeitung of the 1933. oor Hitler, you como only. Austrian proletariat. What is sence of forces making for the son of workers represento Sanizamongering to divert us from our on path. We are convinced that the there necessary for it? Courage, kind of limited and unstable imwho hope in their hearts to get tried to calm and cify the work after Noske; you haven the honor courage, and once again, courage! Provement which ts possible with a brand united front basis and on 14th of September, 1930 (when the along without fighting, and consequently shy away in cowards at au, the police will save up of being the first whol ers by saying: That will not help a national scale to determine the the ReichThe have ice and superstitution from ques from the Fascist bordes. It is useOtto Braon, active fighter for to lose but their chains. And by crisis of capitalism. Steel produce extent of the wage cut which is stag) was Hitler best day, eacha The he to do methods.
from our headquarters, because it demitere apuesias has resighed Europe and the whole world. The general strike is only thel will be returned to us again in alhis seat as mematas in order to sae wedi non increase and cong scadership, not the mouthing or has been chairment by the party of the Reich rinkipo, March 23, 1983 mobilization of revolutionary forces few hours. The socialist party stag and the TROTSKY. this period, apart from the usual The party should immediately Today the Fascists have no reason but still not war. To utilize the categorically refused to defend the retire from political life and to go general strike successfully as a workers Home. However, the to rest. True pil VOLKSEITUNG SALESMEN that this was in spite of the actuny proceed to the elaboration of to be pleased.
That quotation is enough!
detlation which was going on tion of the light for higher wages Thus, while bourgeois democracy centimetenesche only to the mobili. At this time the was already ner of democracy and socialism cident here which was insignificant normally tend to reduce business bration, and shoulde agitate amonged to power by the united efforts lar of tbe zation of forces, without engaging alisent, it had abandoned the field.
that is possible only About o clock in the afternoon within strictly defined historical several Storm Troop contingents launching the fllegal organizations. day the miniatures of the nation has not been settled, but it from conference to fight intiation The social democratie leaders are tive while it lasted. Last Saturall strata of the workers for the of the leaders of both the workers We repeat the question of in calling of a nation wide united parties.
con din porta ne boue ver matterpartial. with blackjacks and revolvers in in the sport organizations, to join Teutonia Hall to gorge thmeselves new robe The possibility continde tilby Hitler Difficulties task when the enemy wavers and land. Between the time that the the steel llelmets and to continue with food and drink in celebration or the open door to idation. was. FIELD. Hitler government has lost no time in setting a fast pace. It anwaits only for a push in order to workers left the factories and the their athletics there, but on the of butcher Hitler 14th birthday recognized in previous articles in nounces that it will educate the retreat; when the classes are still left with a widel ders to come bave the express or condition of no political activity.
posseeing socialist party Several scores of them attended the Militant (Starch 8, 10) where Under Fire camps. Hitler promises to exterthis monstrous anniversary. And its contradiction with the actual concentration Held for retreat and maneuver. None factory to the Home, the People In Magdeburg, the seat of the to protect them from the wrath of ty deflationary policies of Itooseminate the social democrats, that of this obtains at present at the house warded by the wlice was Reichsbannerheadquarters, they the workers they came surrounded velt and the banks was shown, as (Continued from Page 1) is, to achieve, in much harder contime when all the contradictions in the session of the Storm carry on the struggle against Fase by a veritable cordon of cops.
Towers in this rolewortes that theism and for well in the official policy has tended to ditions, the task which was beyond. sity and when every serious comands of the social democrats, the organization is de wity that its members held a protest demonstrathis question. The divergence of tween the rogressive Miners and helm II. Hitler political army is puts on the agenda the quesof itself; Lion opposite Teutonia Hall.
tion of power and the perspective chief of police was a social dem. They sent the members home to Several party speakers iutere the contradictions are the type of unionisin against which made up of officials, clerks, shop of civil war.
spoke reflected in Roosevelt latest man the rank and file rose in revolt. Keepers, from the platform regaling the aucuvers, which have the character Since the inception of the new the intermediamen, peasants, all and doubtful classThe general strike could prove to men were members of the social VII.
dience on Roosevelt sism, etc. of a sharp turn without at the movement the left Opposition has sin point of social conscious be a sufficient means for repelling democratie party.
After the streets were cleared. Was so greatly concerned with orted front so the party Chairman rame time doctively answering the warned against a repetition of the news they are human dust.
It is a paradox that Hitler, for only in the event that the enemy is the Fascist hordes arrived at the sanizing and preparing the strug summoned the editor of the Volks question.
unprepared and forces and experience (the Kathe doors to them and they seized it had note Fascist bands that zeitung, a reformist sheet from the in the Militant of March we left wing on a rolley urged the militant elements to all his anti parliamentarism, is much lacks sufficient People House, the police opened Elenginst The Imily Worker and Inflation consolidate their forces in a fire stronger in the parliamentary than time to hide a single crowd. He took the platform mak y clearing ont the workers with the ordinated members in het restauranter med species sly represente in mod clasy policy of demanding repay pervested akulin new when the de conting our heads. On the other Putch. But even in the of class in the social plane. The Fascist eritieixed the struggle. This warning latter case, after having repelled the a bhayed the secretaries and the thing was in the hands of the Pascbers applauded vociferously. The positors as to volving a contradicsoreaching to the union and and the process of production. The must be dust remains dust after cach new venturistic onset general strike functionaries from their desks. The ists.
only restored fundamentally that House is still occupled today. What! Do they still talk about speaker.
tion with the fight against Intia ing direct and indirect supporters productive forces of the nation are of the conflict, and consequently The economic administration was the massivity of the socialist party! Then came the plece de resist gave the enemy opportunity to the Storm Troops. All VIII.
order to provide for ance of the evening. The chairman At Since then, although some its forces for a resolute counter hands. Hitlers struggle for con Reichstag proutilize the experience of his own Yanke, and of this party controlled and attend 5, 000 banks out of 18, 000 failed to attack. the circumstances thetrol is the Volks.
are before him. The new attack. But the general strike derers and better yet the personnel Tanditag. Rood Stalinists up to xeitung from the platform! How note that the Daily Worker, has not reconcile itself with that of the change of trade and industry is defert and to prepare better for allnets are consumed by these mur. Schulbert, deputy in the Saxon led meeting distribute the reopen after the bank holiday, we strategy of the militant forces can dificwe only beginning. His main turns out to be completely insuffi) must be paid by the trade union yesterday, are such marxist Lento far will the party swing to the dropped this slogan.
leading circles in the union. The changing the dent even for defensive purposes onde Naxis organize visits, with passed over to Fascism without In the militant of March 10 we Progressive Miners of America is in Hitler favor of forces not but in favor of in the event that said, The workers must be told the product of a miners revolt. the proletariat. The mere fact of more so it he lerns ur the state 30 Pfennig admission so as to ensbut the door in their face and departy ready to struggle, that is our that the present banking crisis may militant policy which is impossible the workers. The spring which will upon their coffers.
manded a probation consisting of answer.
hysteria, that there is a possibility welopment depends on a sustained increase the sale of apparatus or even has at hiss The swastika flag adorns the pretty treason and tespionage on the XII.
develop into a period of inflation, without a free posal Its benevolent will compressed No matter what the The leader of the party in Wed which will amount to a wide at Communists in the heation of has been too tightly basic reason the trade union bureaucrats are low this also The most case itselt. After the extrading, one of the strongest workers Such a situation must be met with progressive character of the union, ordinary decline of the workers for the conflict may be under the in the IX.
present conditions the general theirs and are wracking districts, has called upon us to demand for higher dollar wages, which has distingiushed it from the standard of living during the years to how to establish It is a fact that strike will close the ranks of bour a new registration of the member frauds in the elections. In sever the ruins.
The Left Opposition power of the dollar if it develops. maintained it it permits the honnd economic struggles can be expected geois parties, the state apparatus ship because they did not save a small districts in Silesia the must fulfill the task which history Representatives of the workers ing of Communists. At the pred with confidence.
united front of the bourgeoisie the more, they have facilitated the task so votes in the preceding election. party comrade read, by accl crease needed. The struggle for crux of the problein of the before him, like his principal strugHitler principal difficulties are preponderance will fall inevitably for the Fascists: into the hands of the most extreme tionaries are abandoned to re on March Is this possible with How to Defeat Fascism. After on as broad a front as possible, as for it it allows the operators to further gestures and phrases canthe better func whilst they only received or dent, comrade Trotsky pamphlet, such higher wages must be waged What is a progressive unlon Eles in the International arena and determined elements, e, the prisals, for the membership cards out fraud?
reading it, she said to us, have it will gain in strength if fought dictate the opinions of its member not be exepcted from Hitler in the Fascists When face to face with carry all the necessary information the general strike, the counter as to party membership, etc. The revolution will be compelled to createst crime is that of not hav ocrats has provoked such indigne have deceived myself. Continuerllonately weaker if it has to be of workers of all political opinions and sanguinary a war to fight out been blind for years. had con. on a national a basts and be pro ship?
An open fight for the right immediate future. He has too long The betrayal of the social dem Aldence in our Now see that fought out from shop to shop.
We. Including Communists to parti inside stake all its forces on one card in ing safeguarded the membership tion in the German proletariat that to give me literature. want to also proposed that such workers cipate freely in the life of the un seriously of war against France.
for him to think order to break the ominous danger cards.
one hears it said: if we catch a continue to fight but with clear committees could well carry along ion is the only way to reply to the On the other hand, he will try with with a single blow. In so far as Naturally, they have sent a vis social democratic leader, we will view and open eyes with them the the general strike remains only a orous telegram of protest to presl beat him up.
masses, organized into consumers retty bourgeois attack of the reactionary press. all his strength to prove to France The resolutions of the local un and the other capitalist states the Atrike it inevitably under these condent Hindenburg who will surely XI.
Here is how the party sowed con leagues, into committees for the ions and of the Ladies Auxiliary, necessity of supporting him in his ditions dooms itsolt to defeat. In make good use of it. They have order to snatch victory the strategy not forgotten to paste up a placard failed. We need a new leadership the appeal of the aphoarding, substitutions, justified show that the rank and file can be Bolshevism. Allowing for all dismembers: abuses such as printed in the Progressive Miner providential mission of fighting of the strike must grow into the calling for quiet and the mainten composed of the best remaining peared, which the party distribut price advances, etc. On such a mobilized to fight on these lines. ersion, the foreign policy of Fasestrategy of the revolution, it mustance of order.
forces. 2, 000 social democratic ed, many comrades of the basis, the struggle for immediate What is needed is an organization ist Germany is essentially directed elevato itselt to the level of reso This example shows how wen workers, forming part of the de said it was a fake maneuver of lute actions, replying with dou the socialist party protects and fense groups, have addressed up the socialist party and that it could mands could, under Communist of the flight and leaders who are against the Soviet Union leadership, deevlop to the boldest equal to it.
Prinkipo, March 1983 ble blow to every blow. In other defends the workers interests. But asking us what we intend to do not originate from the 1, revolutionary demands, to workers CANNON. TROTSKY.
folto to immediately from the Xiu