BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Some Fundamental Aspects of the Again le has a matter of molt condtaliste word nie so mom and Fascist Terror Rages Over Germany Present Crisis in Germany Stifling All Workers Organizations ities, Social Democracy Passive Before Menace of Austrian Fascism OL cap SATURDAY APRIL 29, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE extreme Left.
Union of its strongest ally in the Finally his body was literally dragged along the streets in a parade preservation. Soviet economy was item in the balance sheet of ten headed by musle and when the at an impasse. The tactics of the years of the rule of bureaucratic orgy was over, it was thrown into bloc of four classes in China and Centrism in the Communist movea coal cellar.
of the Anglo Russian Committee ment. The course of Stalinism, Some of the capitalist papers. This is the second of two art working class and the peasautry as had only increased the isolation of which began with the repudaton of of groups.
peared in the Militaat of April in dictatorably. The reset sont ez basis of the bureaucracy itself. tion, has wound up in the Transm after time workom Plese detea was to prove that the come was too serious repercurssions, at times the fundamental perspective meant, helaas to the ultra Left which frightful teolation of the workers born 1928. until the completed fee supported by the Soviet govern endeavor to soothe the pains a bit All the elements of the objective in reality, also a rejection of the entrated ever femene mended period fatherland. The stalinist bureau. paration of the road more Fascisme ment, alleging the manner in which the plaining steis rendere part of it. clearly reevaled the political char. cracy too, has been caught within But to this must be added the bit funds were turned over.
isolated excesses. That, however, solution of the German crisis under By repudiating the perspective or acter of Stalinism as that of the trap of its own logic. It haster experience of the Communist at the leadership of the Communist. direct connection of the Soviet gov Fascist circles. Goering made that Its method appeared clearly as Soviet Union from without and from outside of the Soviet Union, but erament cannot be underestimated perfectly clear in his speech at a bead by the ravages of the world and which cobey had gained control. and terror lacking in all foresight inther Brown. Sbertsetter on the requeratie apparaties which Stalinized in every fibre of its bu. It is but one out of many similar Essen, on March 10, where re said: democracy was becoming increase of the possibility of conducting end irresponsible for its consequa marchers The alliance between the now experienced its August the of the Reichstag building and in the role of protectors of Jews reformism In the country (the pianism of their theory of social stituted for the polley of opportun, the proletarian dictatorship Is being tortures nevertheless this must road for intervention. There are calling for police protection.
When ali social legislation practical with the practical tasks. The uto of commands from above, was subtical basis of Soviet economy and now undergoing the most horrits of the Soviet Union and pave the to put a stop to every Scoundrei Stalinist leadership of the party ism in one country predicated their ist block. In place of the united ing threatened by that same head. be said out loud.
among the flamboyant declarations you claim that here or there peoeven went to the fantastic extreme utterly barren strategy and tactice front with any conditions in lead disaster in Germany. ch, the Workers Under Bestial Tortures of Goering the one proposing tople have been captured and malexposed as social Fascista twin united front from below only. course of vacillating bureaucratic carve out a bigger piece of the treated, one can only answer that: brothers of Fascism. The pro revolution coupled with the The perspective of the perman The highest fruit of this blind pol. Centrism. No time is to be lost. Il The Nazis are advancing through Ukraine for Poland so that she Where anyone planes, there the gress achieved by the Five Year ist evaluation of the imperialist icy, which was accompanied by a communism, if the Soviet Union streams of blood and tears. The may object less to the return of shavings fly.
Plan was a powerfully vivid de epoch as one of social convulsions, growing disinterestedness in the to, live, Stalinis must be destros specially arranged Fascist torture In general the Fascist press con efforts to halt the isolated exYet there is some veidence of monstration of the superiority of wars and (the struggle. That is above alls what munist movement, was the debacle the Marxian perspective of the per: chambers almost defy description, cerns itself very studiously at the cesses. Recently a certain celeStalinists themselves even went the pretty bourgeois wants to avoid of January 1983 in Germany. The manent revolution, only the return in their naked reality the actual present time with reports and esti brated Berlin lady, a demimonde, furtber with monstrous exaggera The petty bourgeois Stalinist bu failure of the German Communist of its defenders of Trotsky, events are much more bair raising in tesat the shting capacity of threw her fashtonable home open clamation of the establishment of self with the possibility of sbut against the Pasclet onslaught, ita ists to their rightful posts can indicate which are smuggled out But the gruesome torture tales Lomatic corps was much fn evidThese gentlemen wero few years. What more could be world. On the basis of the theory scene, is the culmination point of vanguard of the petty bourgeois outside of the German borders.
desired? Yetme. Comments in the of building a socialist society with the whole headless course of Stal polson which had been paralyzing will attempt to relate a few exam found throughout the Reich and guiderhand better private of Germany failed miserably in the in the isolated Soviet state, stalininism in the Communist Interna it and clear the road for the effec ples culled from reports of eye witknown. Eye witnesses also relate stormtroop considered this a big face of the tasks and the possibilismo proceeded to tional disaster up on the international proletariat.
It is impossible to grasp the ex. The problem of the Chinese rev. Party of Germany deprives the new upurge of the revolutionary veracity, however, need not in the brought there from the Fascist bar of the poor chauffeurs to pulp. That The collapse of the Communist proletarian revolution and for a ing names of the reporters, whose prison of the police presidium trim, went to work battering some sibility of the stalinist faction for posed as one the took there was Communist International of its one movement in the International.
it without considering the particu Chiang Kal Shek (the national throwing great mass party and the Soviet SAM GORDON. lates: In the Nasl barracks they with their teeth smashed by rifle papers promptly carried a warning After lar polley, pursued in the light of bourgeoisle) into the arms of imtheir fingers in order to get from butts. They tell of the unfortun from Fascist headquarters ambassador, fundamental perspectve. The bigh:1perialism, of not giving the imperthem confessions and addresses. ate prisoners being thrown on the Sackett, could cable to his papers ly unrealistic policy of the ultimatialists an decision for intervention In the Nazi barracks in Hedefloor, trampled upon and kicked in at home that law and order pre.
ist united front from below was not aganst Soviet Russia where. to relea manstrasse there lay in one room the abdomen. It is the Fascist rails in Germany.
about 150 Communists who had storm troops who administer the the whole zigzag course initiated by The Fascists themselves were surIntervention was forestalled. The the rise of the pretty bourgeois cur defenders of the permanent revolubeen tortured until they were half tortures. This became too much prised at the ease and speed with rent of Stalinism within the Com. tion, the Bolshevik Leninists polntdead. They were muntst Internationul. It ia this ed out that the problem was one The Bonapartist regime in Austo attempt to convince them as to run the and wben they were naked had to even for some of the old hardened which their brutal onslaughts succeeded in consolidating their poslbasic perspective or rather, lack of strengthening the bonds between trla has registered some import how much more to their advantage of perspective which prepured the the Chinese masses and the Soviet ant advances in the past few it is to leave the masses under the down auntlet until they brokel Schups in the Berlin Moabit police tion in power. That fact we need In Spandau, near Berlin, almost, station. About a dozen of them not doubt in the least. It is cob.
German catastrophe it is for Union, that the Chinese masses weeks. All of these are directed, constraining direction of the all Communists were arrested and protested and were immediately demed by events. The absence of that reason that the disastrous pole could be won as fighting allies only of course, against the social dem leadership.
resistance from the workers intaken into the barraks to be tor disarmed.
To this servile whining, the sotured. woman comrade was tak creased the tempo of the attacks to Jey in Germany can and must be through the development of the Ocracy the organized represencial democracy added a touch of en from her bed at night, taken stigmatized as a polley of betrayal, proletarian revolution and the set tative of the workers. The latter certain functionary, a speed which in itself became an in the struggle against the treach ship. That required the independ toward serious resistance, restrict selty, the social democratie mayor ped and thrown into a cellar. party had his legs so badly crush Fasists to be so much more merci Bolshevism grew and developmenting up of the proletarian dictator is showing ever les inclination pathetic humor. On April 1, Karl into the barracks to be horsewhip Ramer, who had once been a fase ever seater provocation.
This erous petty bourgeois idewlosyetence of the Chinese Communisting itself to baren protests and of the elty and Rovernor of the When consciousness returned she social democracy. In this strus Party and a course toward Sovieta meaningless gestures.
kle it led the proletariat of Russia The Stalin faction had its way On March 31, the Dollfuss gova pompous deeree to victory and showed the working For the sake of not losing Chiang ernment dissolved the Republican Heimwehr. the proscribing the noticed that she was not alone beled in the prison tortures that it be less, not needing to fear anything legitimitist (Has Has was surrounded by others groaning came necessary later to perform in their way. An army in open class of the world the way, crent an amputation. Storm troops went retreat becomes an easier prey for Kai Shek, it handed over the Com. Schultzbund. the socialist de burg) Fascist military organiza or dying. Some are allowed to go to the home of Ruth Fischer, once the enemy whose ferocity increases ing for it the Communist Interna munist party to the bourgeois puo fense organization, Sakterist more tion: Let some think that this cut after they have been tortured: party leader, and not fiuding her with each step in pursuit. And in tional in the fire of combat. Stalin Min Tang bag and baggage. The than ten years of its existence. was serious counter action and others never see daylight again. home, smashed all they could lay this case the tortures inflicted upon ism arose within the Bolshevik result is well known. Chiang Kal. The Schultzbund has grouped a sigual for active resistance to party and the Communist Interna Shek and the Chinese bourgeoisle around it the most militant section the forces of reaction, it must be The Kassemats in Spandau is their hands on and took her thirthe working class are an integral part of the Fascist consolidation of power.
tional as u reaction to Bolshevis received all the Stalinist aid glee of the Austrian proletariat and has explained: The proscription of the old antiquated prison to which teen year old boy as a hostage.
feeding upon the fatigue of the sofully and in due time slaughtered always been the only real bulwark Heimwehr was merely a gesture most of the bigger game is being It is not only the Communist. There are In this there is a serious lesson viet masses after the years of the the vanguard of the working mas against the ambitious putschists of the leader. Its purpose Thaelmann, Torgler, Pleck and victims who suffer barbarie mutilawar and upon the ex; made their peace with the Im from the monarchist and Fascist to point out the injustice strenuous Cats of the West Eurperialists and in 1929 came to the camp. On the night when the the Tollfus actions and to de. Koenen, among many other Com. Cions but social democrats as well. to be learned by the working clase temporary Karl Bockel, the editor of the elsewhere who still eling to reformopean proletariat in the to 1923. It was in all 1918 brink of a Volksstimme was a Union itself.
against the Soviet dissolution decree became known, monstrate the old sucial democratic woman of the League for Peo However, the torture methods apicemain unprepared while the reacthe working class masses of Vien principle of Gleichberechtigung as Lehman Russbildt, the en to a pulp and died in the street.
talist democratie constitutions and ideology of the pre Bolshevik per eral strike and the nobeleht leat parts led the city on the spontaneous readers in the Viennale rundtag ples Rights. Whom the Fascist, Plient to the socialist member of tissos treneribens cits tercers Every symbolically it sems, put in chains, the Relchstag Bollman, from Saar 1917 held on to the idea that iting example of the period of outiod. Stalin had as late as Marchi preceded it, is an equally Illuminat protest demonstrations and rallies, challenged the deeree and Interleaving him unable to move forbruecken, are of the kind which be hammered home, never to be The official reply of the social polated the governor, demanding is the task of ocratie) government to consolidate mediately upon the heels of the of its forces, embracing the vast also dissolve the Nazi (Hitlerite) relates the beastly beatings that tion entirely in the shadow. portant role in guiding the preparain which the masses were the chiet one country. The the achievements of the revolution orientation toward socialism in majority of the working class and military organizations. Here is were administered to Thaelmann Fascist storm trop broke into his long for the future. For it is a disasters actor. On the higher plane of the the Chinese revolution of conseguently, or the entire Viennese Seltzea solucion externe Nazt for igure is now but living corpse Beatnim sto insensiblity. To Createst prover reactionary perioa.
every night so that the once robust home, destroyed all furniture and certainty that this consolidation of situationen create din by the procacea Britisha General Strike on a large Bonapartists to be cautious te mations is impossible according to a special confession was demanded bring him back to consciousness bis. Stalinism reproduced the of the coalition law. The social dem. from him in the form of a declaracks were torn off and a lighted no one can say for how long, but all the busie defeats of the social on a smaller scale as well as the withdrawing the right sal exocracy will in no case break the tion all made ready for him to attorch applied to his feet. As be we can clearly perceive its fateful democracy its national reformisin. bankruptey of the opportunist pol. Istence from the hands of those law, though Dollfuss may tear til implications. It not at all be its short sightedness.
to writhet in pain one of the gang icy within the Soviet Union itself who have been responsible for the to shreds. These formations tach his signature. It was bureaucracy, raised to power to the Kulaks in the spring of 1028 Anally the country up to the present. An dependent de les tecia tienes Poin communist party hande organized dorty, pe teren het Tore here will nevertheless again become preThe German Social democratic the bloodless insurrection of the maintenance of law and order. In are not constituted in the form of prove among other things that the threw mustard into his eyes sa vine what the Stalinists conceived of There is your black red and gold their third period estimates. But and. Stalinist that was Yes, have dissolved the Heimtions by the struggle of the work empiricists pushed the bureau to warn their masters against the wehr. But did not for a moment terror groups to murder and sibilities.
ing masses within the framework cracy toward a sharp turn to the blind wrath of the masses and imagine that a formal decree or pllalge, giving names of alleged mouth open and urinated into it. Bhant with new revolutionary poeof the bourgeois state, rejected the dissolution of an association woula The German mean anything in a practical sense Exist perspective of the permanent revolution even within the nar.
armed by the illusions at was diswhich in. For, the men who serve the evitably resulted from the peridlrow bounds of their own country.
ideas, continue to exist. Needless leadership. They, who became the of tatorship for the Weimar Republic.
only on the social democrats, not calculated to inheritors of the monarchy, allow.
Their basic motivation was the fear (Continued from Page 1) means the organized workers. The on the Fascists, who appealed (Continued from Page 1)
for the preservation of their bureaucratie powers, the little poste presentatives to provide transporta approach must be made to the against the governor to the Feder a matter between the united front witigate the disappointment of the ed and themselves helped to preand positions which the petty bour. Lion for them. It is not a little trade unions. No time must be al government. The first princi conference and the but a mat party members who still have táith pare for the counter revolution to geois layer of the movement had matter to ask workers to suspend lost.
ple must at all times be; the printer between Mooney and the in the infallible line. On the Man. conquer by stages. That is the attained to. In the end, thelr their activities, pull up their The the of and shaky policy inevitably a neutral Austrients (Seitz goes For Theatest this position and tested such well known socialists as seske through the bourgeoise strane caught stakes, so to speak, and march to the Negroes to explain that the reactionary tulationist attitude. We them within the trap of its own Washington at the risk of serious The terrifle pressure which the parties can only lead either to that the Congress Organization Professor Iteinhold Niebuhrad Bruening. Papen and Schleicher to moved Professor Robert Morss Lovett, tions, the emergency decrees of toele wind landed them in the lup Aghting with the police and armed party is bringing to bear on the submission to Hitler Germany or committee issue a leadlet to the The Peoprts of the sessions of was disarmed by the Stalinista Frans Daniels. Hitler. The German proletariat of Fascist reaction.
forces of the state.
The Stalinist bureaucracy, raised ask: how are we Workers will leadership over the Mooney Mussolini Italy. Austria must and of Workers call the Congress Organization Commitsabotage of every correct measure e to be fed, trans and May Day issues is the direct remain the state and Vienna the ing on them to raise the stage to power within the Soviet state ported there and back, and defend result of its turn from the ultricity of that classical German cul in their organizations and to detee and the developments reported of defense. In this lies the sad by the October revolution is to edit attacked? The preparations Leftist policy of the united front ture, German civiligation, German mand that their organldations par. Have served to illumin de in the labor and radical press testimony to the serious weaknese do not answer these questions in tromb elow the roles of a revolutionary party which petty bourgeois bureaucracy more and no less than this was to encourage workers to from here to one which comes democracy. Stormy applauseticipate in the Chicago Congress of the the Stalinists and the rests upon the foundation of below to one which comes among the social democrats. The motion carried unanimously. progressives in the Mooney move false ideology and is paralyzed by produced on a higher historical participate in the march.
question. If the party means it Practical result: the proscription the Stalinists voting for it.
stage. The anxiety for its own ment.
seriously It will apply that press of the Heimwehr was annuled. This was the same motion made The Lovestoneites have played a German proletariat failed to rebureaucratie incompetence. The The Scottsboro Bill self preservation and perpetuation ure now on the of and by the Dollfuss cabinet the very by us at the first session of the Is along this line that staliul Agere the comintern. And it must be One purpose of the march is tol bureaucracies to enter a united next day, the proseription of the Committee in March. At that time for smaller role. All of it has been ceive the support from its internatime disruption and sabotage. The April tional basis the Soviet Union and started on its career with an at bill, the Civil Rights Bill, provides boro boys out of of the Love said plainly that the gullt of the tack upon the Marxian conception for the enforcement of the thir. Here is the weapon with which democracy tried to counter with to defeat our proposal. The reports that Zimmerected manager catastrophie defeat suffered is not of the permanent revolution detendrements to the Constitutions against Negroes in the ment immediately proscribed these time acquires great significance in testimony to the influence of the those who were directly charged fourteenth and atteenth to strike at the reactionary restrictes corporio The Federata o veh sno sletir shoulderse borbe floke of storico around the ed by Tortsky and the Rus.
of local 22 of the only to be laid at the doors of Stalin faction duclared a struggle democratic rights of the Negroes with which to strike smashing organization would come under the the movement to tree Mooney: Allow this influence is exerted to working class but must be traced The tion. This raises the fight for the Of Lunions. Here is the weapon and warned the leaders that such view of the latest developments in Lovestoneltes in Local 22.
to the end against the permanent to a a higher political plane it blows at the whole system of Jim Original ban. The Seltzes, Bauers cording to the New Leader, the build the movement for Mooney revolution in 1923. Two years la dramatically focuses attention on Crowism. Here is a means of and Danneburgs now reply with of the voted six to five release can be seen from the same to the highest seat of Stalinism in ter it broadened this breach with one of the burning problems of the forging the unity of the white and another feeble warning Watch out, against participation the Chic issue of the paper. Under the re the Comintern and the Communist socialist society in single country munists will lead a march on the To realize them we must bend ex Germany look where they are tietpate because it cannot afford to prints a letter from the Local to the most lortomarket policy for marker on possible y no establishing seves of the entire nation the com creat opportunities lie before us. carizations were alsolveda. Os case sering that the same must per recomes he encom Workers Aasta parture from the road of internademand that capitalism declare it ment and set the massies in motion. álogies and all kinds of sentiment unity. This reflects the pressure that the Bexcutive Committee of world movement which is fraught Within the framework of nation, self openly on the question of those The key to the problem is the uni al appeals to the past that the on the leadership both from the Local approved the action of with sinister implications for the al boundaries the perspective of provisions in its constitution which ted front. Concretely now, that leaders of Austor Marxism try to without (Mooney and the the Local delegate (Nelson of the future. One may rest assured that the permanent revolution signifted guarantee to the Negro masses means the open approach to the cover up their own democratic and the penetration of this inttu Lovestone group) in withdrawing the Fascist enemy will endeavor to steering a course toward the potet political apuality with the white front anderende of his forme united bankruptcy and helplessness. ence, Into the socialiste movement from the March 12 New York Uni. Ession of destroy then the German front conferences. This the party their own impatient workng class itself. The entire Chicago Ylpeeted Front Free Tom Mooney con working clase organizations is not tatorship of the working class could serve as a conclusive guarantee for tremendous force and significance No back door negotiations with the moderation.
Such a march can acquire fore the eyes of the working class with pleas for discipline and voked because of its participation The reason speaks for itsell. finally completed so long the Soviet revolution. On the international it it is a culminating point in Clarence Seniors! No hiding be excuse their perssivity with aists.
they in united fronts with the Commun. From the report of our delegates Union remains a bulwark.
scene, created by the establishment weakness of this march. It is not in this work the Lart Opposition frappened to the big German and approach to this aspect of the unl captured control of the Tom Mooney of events have come true. They Wind Frank Palmers and Mustes! frightened appeal to recognize what Had the party adopted correct munist party, which has apparently Opposition warnings of the course It is evident that the official Com. With felghtful accuracy the Left perspective pointed out a course the highest wave in an organized will do its loyal best as it has Italian social democracies? The ted front problem, had it ap Molders Defense Committee, were given correctly and in time October revolution to the rest of there have been no united front movement. The delegation sent by proves that it is necessary to go the eyes of the openly before bent upon running the show for because they rested upon the basis appears, proached the members of both its own aggrandizement, Only the victory of the conferences of working class or the New York Branch ganizations from coast to coast League to place itself at the disof the slower.
parties and the entire working determined under and is of a Marxian analysis. But they thestarian dictatorship in several There has been a burst of protest posal of the Scottsboro Action Com ferment within the ranks of the pressure on the pleadership. united front of all workers organic basis also that we have long ago There doubt, a substantial class, it could have increased the stances not to permit a genuine were not heeded. It is on the tries could assure the establish the be catererkendelse mittee for work in the movement Austrian social democracy and in forced it to vote favorably on the nations sounded the alarm in regard ta regardless of thelr political the edurse which will be pursued viet Russia with all its economica protest movement, but it cannoting leaflets in Harlem calling on streets are still filled with march the in the Chicago Courgess As we go to press delegates are in the next stage. That is the one assigned the task of distribut the working class generally. The question of the participation of or social views. self. And it is a fatal error Mooney Scottsboro mass meeting. ment y to tive called for a policy of intense try, even with the best and sincer Our comrades are going on the social democratie impotence and movement and Communism in the try. Present reports indicate that concentrated upon the efforts to it in the breakdown of movement. The advantages to the press from all parts of the coun polating Eastward, will be attention and active aid to the de lest of motives, to make it a sub march to Washington. And every the rise of a new and firm vanguard united front are clearly indicated it will be a very large Katherine destroy the workers republic. But velopment of the proletarian rev.
olutionary movement in the capl stitute for an organized protest where the Left Opposition is cal that will be able to show the way and need not be discussed at this with possibilities which extend far the stationstone te the talist world, in the first place.
ing on the party to issue the call out in time? skilfull tactic on point Secondly, it called for an internal But the march is projected. The for united front conferences policy of strengthening the Soviet party and the LA must bend approach the and of best assure this. It remains to be and Muste, having drawn losing last indletment against him. Both fatherland. Its defense can be and the part of the Communists could But Hathaway. Stachel, Palmer Mooney is standing trial on the is also disarming the proletarian regime by Increasing the share of every effort to organize it and to build the defense and protest seen whether the latter have learn. cards against the bureau events will be reported in the secured only through the most imthe soclailst sector in economy 80 rally the masses of workers be movement.
as to maintain the alliance of the hind it. In the first Instance this!
ed anything from fourteen years crats, have rigged up a Manage forthcoming issues of the Militant. placable struggle against Stalinism. STAMM. of a vegetative existence or not. ment Committee for the Chicago STANM. ARNE SWABECK.
of Scottsboro Marchon Wash. Splits Mooney Fight Congress which is Russia.
ment of a retreat