Anti-naziBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyLeninismMarxMarxismNazismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

no THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES The s. Continental Congress NEW SUB DRIVE Unity on May Day applause.
of (3)
and social League in Action in Stalinist Opportunism The role of social reformism, Communists Must Break THE BATTLE out of which labor or on a new sub drive. This one call it what you will it swell Well we re back at you. We re fum. hat one ne for it. But Philadelphia In Mpls. Elections bowlen arises tublished by the Marx. Thru Closed Door Policy Pharis munc. Em is scheduled to run from now to way to build the Militant.
ists since the post war period. It the end of June, roughly about six If you don like revolving funds Philadelphia sectional united Minneapolis. con April 22 the grows almultaneously with the adwords, coining weks. And it got to hum from thut shouldn stop you from wet.
front conference against evictions United Front Conference for the vance of the revolutionary move ting four of these cards. You can give them away to unemployed was called on March 30. The Un Workers Ticket Election Campaign water te latinis to tact any brave granted without an intensive strug organized labor movement who has start to finish.
was held in Minneapolis. The As a result of our German cam workers. One way or another you employed Councils of West Philamajor Jurt of the conference work upon rising tide of struggle. The ble on the part of the workers is done everything in his power to THE GERMAN CAMPAIGN delphia called it. The conference was expended on clearing up wreck more active do the reformists be Recause on a national scale Suchtaney in its ranks. She ajrontle of paign, we re a bigger organization can use these prepaid cards to more acute the clas struggle the a serious error. It is precisely throttle the slightest note of mill.
made an effort to be age wrought by party oppor.
composition only. It was almost tantsupulley are the us. The Militant reaches and is over. Get started right away.
treason to connect local with a conference where before only to retreat, cripple and destros resistance was not recorded, that lets of labor into a battle, a bat of territory. There are more of Give it a boost. Help pat the drive This is the Of course New York will have an donal or international problems. The opportunism of the district such conces at their decisive mo the ruling class in this country tle for a new Americason to the end by a greater number of workNo trade unions were represented leadership consisted in this: the ments. In the democratic era of was able to carry through its drive farmers of the United States, to the objective requirements exist being able to start sooner. But one local, one church. attempted to get around the deep capitalism they flourish like the against the masses to lower their call addressed to the workers anders. Interest in it is keener. All advantage being closer to home and New York hon had to oceny second reformist proverbial musbrooms after a rain. living standards and at the same convene and druw program for a successful drive.
ence of social Fascists or of a ned was of putting place before.
isn always united front from below. As a with united front workers and naked dictatorship (Fascism) without serious difficulties The weakness of the subjective al council of the working people reason to put this drive over with on top. If memory serves us right matter complete somersault and now aple. P: fact the party made a ket behind which would hide the us in Germany they are thrust the same time this form aside as a hindrance to the process factor: the state of consciousness in the city, state and nation to a great wg baug. The financial o sually comrade from some its to this of the other city who pears ready to enter into united for the Communalt ticket would of completely decapitating the proof the American workers, are flow re are invited. a) Pro what it should be. It nlp and clean ur of heels. If you re west frouts with social reformists, with allow the purty to unite with in letariat ing from this the absence of a congress out reserving the right to criticize. dividual candidates who have a Quite contrary to the third per mass Communist party with corressive organization of farmers; tuck to get the issue out. All kinds of the Hudson call it a handicap In such united fronts Bender, the following in the labor movement iod theorists of Stalinism, social rect policies, and a militant labor Organization of Labor. of troubles descend on us. One race and set out to give New York it a drubbing. But you ll have to that would bring to the polls reformism in the United States is movement, is in the main the rea Cooperative Societies. d) The So week it the press, the next conference leader, feels like a fish and the candidates on not deud, nor is it in the processon for the lack of great class bat cialist and Farmer Labor Parties, the linotype. We laugh them orr. step some. So let er go!
in water. He said: This confer votes And watch next week issue for ence was called to compel our re: the Workers ticket. Just such an of extinction. The span of life thes. Whatever struggles have tak single taxers, and other liberal poli: They re growing pains. Our batthe first reports prosenttiseprobleme legislature dividual tied to be vea dicawatter reformismdur this country is not recente bergen koment of them may bolos e punemployed Reagues and how about being the teraz only by mass action can the work has made the circuit of all political sent. The decisive question have been. The ere end their misery.
Comrade Roberts criticize the is at present dirting with the purto possibilities and actory and light with their scope entirely too narrow. THIS CONFERENCE. The schemes to set to complet narrow parliamentary base as well as thesaud for under the given conditions and The bulk of the struggle was carrieduce the acceleratie of Through sounder and firmer and wider base (Continued from page 1)
as the creation of illusions that un Cuemployment lusurance. He was state of class struggle in the red on almost primarily through visitance, the strength of a just under our paperIf you are you der capitalism the workers can end endorsed by the party controlled ted States. And to this we must the direct initiative and activity cane, and the pressure of our will welcome this drive. If you a united front with the Police De democratie mass strength we shall have been sleeping too soundly purtment! First they attempted, their misery. Only the dictator outerworkeur bie kendorsement of answer in the allrmative. To der the Communists.
ENDEAVOR to win for all men, now is the time to get up and with rotten congratulations to the Growing Mood of Struggle women and children of this Nation hop to it.
new xlice commissioner to whom but in order to lay the foundation whch consisted primarily of imme cry the Fascist Hoover Govern it is necessary to fight back the diate demands and was void of the as the Daily Worker does in its 120 crisis will prove to be at TRUE FREEDOM FREEDOM llave you got all three you they stated: We have always coFROM POVERTY, HUNGER AND of the History of the Russian operated with the police and have SECURITY. Emolution by comrade Trotsky? Here not attacked them, to get the fruit of our victory lies not in the Communism. It did not even most delirious moments, results great impulsion to the class con ECONOMICE In scious development of the Amer phasis mine is your chance to get a set for lice to deny the united front de result but in the ever uphold the wel of an independent aving that it signifies that the path jean workers. This is evidenced by The mere statement of Green, nothing. All you have to do is to contratton the right to Union immediate wion of workers. Al working class political party, al of reformism has already been a growing mood of struggle seen in pencered with a dash of militancy, come out on top in this sub drive. Suure com May 1st.
the conclusion of the speech RoCommuuist party.
above all, of a That is the goal every comrade Frank was out to be elected, be beaten and is covered with the foot. Brett demonstrations of unemploy is an eveloping movement of can houtat. Let repeat it so the workers without stud within The pressure nud the anger o berts was given a goud round of accepted the help of the party and steps of American Fascism. ed, the auto strikes, the movement fear of a The Communist party as an or had promised nothing in return. Four years of crisis have torn or the linois miner and the re the American proletariat for mili there ll le misunderstanding their ranks forced these vile socent organization of the Progres tant struggle This fcuris accon alwut it. To the comrade who gets cialixt lackey to retreat from this Walter Frank first leatlet prae deep roles in American capitalism. sive Trade Union Educational Comuated by the thought that this de the greatest number of subs by awardly maneuvet. But they ul reminded in the resolutions com tically told the workers they noded They have poseul weaknesses that mittce at Gillespie. In all of isleping moment may form under the 30 of June we will give with were to be perdit the leadership of the Communists out any strings tled to it a set of operation with Commissioner their Left proposal of As usual, our Workers Unity. The result was appeared absent during the pro the events the Communists have bure until now been the main the three volumes of the History Rolan, the smasher of the March long term credits to aud that the party back stage dicker sperity years. The impact of the his role will increase with the de factor in those class struggles all of the Russian Revolution by conoch, 19:30 demonstration, to keep played an active and leading role.
recognition of the Soviet Union, ing with this opportunist office crisis is demonstrating to Americanvelopment of the struggle. It is ready taking place. It is axiomarude tole the runner up, to Claessens an their stripe are now tie that when Groon wishes to And to the worker dividel. Gierher, ee, than important to remember this.
pod klijas perialism more clearly do with the conference. proposal Loft Opposition. We do battle in the interests of the ulve that smart that you get dickering with the police chief tot that all workers organizations from all party members we met that if ever, that it must direct and basel With these remarks let us examproletariat the real purpose in such from rummuting along that almost only to prevent united demunthe Soviet Union down to the small the party jersisted in its opprtunity cconomy on a world scule. Weine the call for a Continental Con militancy is to check the movement and if tangent we ll give a bond stration but to prevent the social est workers group boycott Germanism we would lile a will a of to see workers, who will demonstrate goods, met with same rebut. candidate against Frank In that of the United States in world at Ball in Washington on May and it begins, or if insuccessful in that, mat, new or old, according to ? ted Front demonstration, to remain ing some resolutions, which the lists saw the light locul Stalin fairs on the political field, and an The leading elements in fram lo canalize it into the stream ofnicy. Now isn that on Union Square berorum We did, however, succeed in passward. As though the from somewhere intensitied activity in the sphere of ling the call and the conference are reformism.
So whale away comrades.
conference leaders had completely they pued a leathe one week be international economy. In prepar. the socialists and their allies in the Aim of Conference In that respect at least there are CLUB LAN SUBS and join the latter dentistration.
Yes. Everything good. All subs Bolan, that the Synare be cleared They demand of their collaborator, forgotten. They were. 1) against cure the second United Fronting for this stage, American cup American Federation of Labor.
the commissary plan. 2) social Workers Ticket Conference vio nalism must first of all settle ae Page one of the call is adorned no differences between Green and count. New ones, renewal, club before the United Front at we expense of the lently attacking Frank, repudiating counts at home. It proceeds to with a cartoon showing how labor his socialist tomrades who signed an subs. We want to pile up kurude Wernment and employers: his Indorsement by the parts, call lower the standard of living of the driving the money bags out of the call and have taken the initia total that Mit will the forte et re enters it. their screen Since the crisis a series of unin: posed to describe the statement of ence. They are going to bring But if you re smart you ll con ranks in a united manifestation of The NOother words week without reduction in pay. Octs eluss. Caracter, in a fair, general terrupted wage cuts has taken William particular interest are the last two This process is being com. head of the of L, also ap from poverty, hunger and economic carls. That where the heavy cialist brethren of Wels and BreitThe narrowing down of the conter statement of the communist pro pleted. And it is being completed peuring on page one, as an introsocurity. Under what kind of pro scoring will be done. You hayon scheld and all those who have dirgru Will this political, economic forgotten about them? You rectly sold out the German workers euce proved a boomerang to the ram and principles.
At the conference proper they thus far, without apparent resist inction to the call itself.
ance by the working masses. Green declares: For we shall in minimum to Fascism, have rejected every erwas met with the objection by a subunitted a platform with paraWhatever the level of recon be on the march. We shoulder the change take place? Un meinber they conca don for fort toward a joint Communist and mate congress that will be attended by that; that important. And each socialist demonstration. They bave FIGHT with every delegate from the Puole Zlonists Kruphis added, others deleted, and but this was beyond the scope of on the basis for being what he by smashing the living standards weapon at of it proceeded to may be it will be carried our command. We this a merely another toplan plan? half year sub. And they count for police in an effort to sabotae unithrush Frank the The conference adjourned with always was in the wise ted struck.
The American work politician. the situation. American capitalism mined shall be the END OF SUF. and destroy at once the growth of Now if you re very low ont lagers that they huve learned their must show socialist the revolutionary movement. To pay close attention and the election of a committee of ae opportunist radical tion whclh is to carry on the work Frank defense before the work has not yet been seriously burden WERING. We prefer the council do this it is not enough to organize our advice to the letter. Take two lesson from Germany. They must to this committee. Nothing was Irty had broke its agreement with social insurance. With brutal caltable, but we do not sun the BAT a united front movement in the dollars, shoot them in here for show that they will not permit of the body. Roberts was elected ers in the conference was thai theed with the problems of ready to struggle for the demands of the four of these prepaid cards and their ranks to be split, that they said about our class war prisoners him and had changed the original lousness it has resisted every de TLEFIELD. am mand for these. To expect that LEAD the hosts of labor into a suffering unemployed. These peo ring up a starter of for subs. will march together on the First (Tom Mooney, etc. When, after platform disgusting melee.
been BATTLE. The die is cast for ple must rely on something else: Then you can go out and Meanwhile the opposition dele these demands would have resell of May, in spite of everything.
the conference, Roberts asked the a substitute offering for social re these cards. When you resell them Workers, make the First of reason for this, the cynical ans gates were uuseated on the report May, organization that will sound rea you have your two dollars back. a day of united proletarian action!
of the credential committee. An wer was given: Do you want un honest party member made the resonable and capable of achieve Now shoot them in again for four Show that the tragedy of the to be bere all night?
jort. When he came to the matter of why the Opposition should not the revolutionary program of the you re concerned they re the same hy learning the lessons of reformbe seated, he stopped, went into a on April 22nd last year, Nick was required to give himself up at Communists.
two dollars. But they re working ist betrayal and Stalinist national On March 31 comrade Sam Gor huddle with the leaders, came back Gramatakis, unemployed worker, Ellis Island so that he had no time Isn this clear in the nature of overtime piling up a score toward socialism which made it possible what.
don delivered a lecture on Danger und stammered out the reasons was arrested while participating to make any preparations Organizations are invited except of the Russian kevolution. What Leninist internationalism, under spite the rain tile meeting was well Grough the meeting without allow. City Hall, which was turned into the morning at Ellis Island, the Communists and revolutionary emuld be simples. Somebody Wonce the banner of the Bolshevik me motion in the unemployed demonstration at ever, other than to notify the the call? To secure this aim all the three volumes of the History Demonstrate under the banner of attended by workers desirous of ing discussion.
revolving Opposition. are invited. But the Comhearing the views of the Left Op position. Several Communist party Brank, the only pon party cand into the crowds trampling them unamwany WILS in process of liquida last party, the and While the conference rejected of the police. The city finest the Commissioner, Barnes stated Workers Eren the single taxere called on horseback, and afoot charged that it was not because the surety members and sympathizers took date, and thus destroyed its Unemployed. the rev asked questions. Comrade Gordon to call it a united front, for wen clats, men and women alike, in taken into custody again, that are not invited. The intentions the floor in the discussion and front character, the party continueader hoofs and beating them with tion that Gramatikis was being lutoury wing of the proletariat made it clear that we refuse to thought out opportunist reasons. It discriminately. When. woman there were many cases like his to build a movement that will go The conceal shortcomings Diy isloating is to be the name, the cover for the comradek Grament a les unearlessly it was hecause the security put up What kind of a batere and what its appearance in the trade union bership rights Gordon pointed out the reasons for workers and storekeepers voter intervened. This resulted in his by the Spartakos Club had been kind of true freedom will this befold. The mechanical applicution On this basis to revive the withdrawn. Another hearing was when the heart of the proletariat is of this policy by the Alternation Left wing in the to fight the weaknesses of Soviet economy The allermanic candidates, all arrest.
The Daily Worker of April 23. severely grilled.
at once installed and Gramatikis to be excluded from participation? Painters Union is a half hearted for the unity of the two organizaHerbs to be found not in the Stalbenring no mention of Communism, 1932 gave considerable prominence present representing the battle nor a true frodom ire the worst errors of the old Thira All the independent work of inist conception of socialism in one just candidate on workers tic to the story of the arrests and but when another bond was de Leaders of this movement carry Period sectarianism. But Con the will be strengthened country but in the Leninist theory ket. Leaflets are the same, carry.
of the permanent revolution.
lively discussion ensued in which with occasional mention of en workers arrested except that of puts up bail. Gramataikis in the of a reformist movement that will the demands of the present situato both the organized and unor Aing the name of the Conference mention the name of any of the Pused, stating the L. never the revolutionists from the confer and inadequancy to advance a pol will be in a position to justify its the point of view of the Left Opdorsed by At an alder. George Powers, the leader of the turned to a cell, this was reence. The real aim is the building icy and a perseptive that meetslependent existence and to provo position was brought home. manic campaign meeting the Op demonstration. Two days later it criminal section as a defaulter, to attempt to check the rising clasetion. Without a real change there sanized workers that the bureau great deal of literature was sold. position criticized this aspect of announced a mass protest demon be deported at the earliest possible conscious American proletariat the party campaign. Petty funcstration against the police terror moment.
tionaries rose one after another, to be held April 2011. It failed That the socialists, who con Recently the Alteration Painters the unity of the painters and that The Anti Nazi Demonstration Sympathizing with the forlorn stently profess their adherence Union sent an open letter to the the is leading the strugeach giving a more confused, op to report this demonstration and position of this portunist, explanation of tbe inimever once did it mention the two of our commitant workerto Marxism and socialism, take the centUnion, outlining the con Even for such a proposal In Philadelphia bodies of the called on the lead in this movement only testifies Painters Igle for unity.
The Stalinist policies and tactics in as permitted the rabbis, the capitalist fused Farmer Labor party faction tims.
talk the matter over politicians to capitalize on the leader in the Ward P. Club for the a for anti Semitism of the Nazis (and who was chairman of this meeting unemployed worker In the hands of the police, the charge. After wer with those in dekeneration. It is in the name of owing the mem action pending unification. The keeping them wait Marxism that they are creating conference It Gramatikis ing for a long time, John Ballam this to divert it into safe channels. Jaranged by the Workmen Circle was rightfully beaten, causing him appeared and said he was busy. lats: It is in the name hership of both unions for united present proposal hangs in mid air bring atemon conditions of the trainters in this alone that of unity in one organithat they are attempt action for the improvement of the as it gives no perspectives, let of Phila. arranged a protest dements on an election regullt eterism unfront. cited the wise polley of One the expiration of this sentence. They were not eno rinform that may tionary labor leaders, liberal poll not suflete, as an Oxamination the Alternation Painters Union united welfare Island for about a month the next morning, which they did in joint struggle with the reac city der la town name at Reyburn the party in the farmer labor uni. De was sent to this Islande for Balam was not coming in that day tical groups, single taxe it is quite obvious that this but on insistence that he had made The Communist, revolutionary of forces in the frustry will show. the revival of the last wing in the count for the fact that only 500 new policy, and then unconsci deportation.
the At the time of his arrest and would be in at 12:30 and asked to and militant workers must break The painters in the city are divid: of Der Only the closest party circles with election united fronts. He kis was a member of the Spartakos of our comrades spoke to Nemser, the congress. The congress with the terganized the consti: have shown time and agaita thote participated. letmoet alle were for said, Did not we have in this hall Club, the Party Greek workers who after listening, said there many doubt kereta lorem atended by tute the maority, the second are they do not know how to do this.
who due to lessons of the past rewing of four hundred followers, by the After being held was necessary to speak to Ballam shades of opinions and atms. While the workers in the which it is necessary to follow the tactic controls the bulk of the organised outlined above which proceeds ror. Not all the cheers for the Farmer Labor party! Why did it land, he was released on bail, a nor at o clock and although con and reformsim, tho Lert wing must painters and the third is the mill from the trade union policy of the of Germany and the Alen ve us there? Was it not because 000 bond being put up for him. stant efforts were made to take iné united front. It must fight Alteration PaintersUnion.
counter with could remove the doubt, still un you told 118 it was a working class This hond was given by a surety the matter the leaders of the against the exclusion of any section demand for a gen the rudependent organizations the the way to build a real influence up later with him and for the left wing among the paintworkers as to the correctness of the front policy of the party founded. was provided by a member of the they successfully dodged to present a counter program of for unity. because the workers voiced, from the minds of these arty? The last election united company and the security for it with others of of the e Working class. It will have Left wing strategy is the struggle In such a situation the key to ers of this city.
Stalinist policies.
nurtured, and built the formidable Spartakos Club.
Ballam was not coming in that day action, free from the confusing relexpertencing drastie rednetions of WILLIAM KITT.
of the Left Opposition in the march bulwark against Communism in the rele arose between Gramataikis to the Daily Worker, which bas growing class consciousness of the tions, widespread unele Post Office at New York, NY.
The paraders were glad to see us reformist Farmer Labor party, al Since that time, some petty quarA report of this case was sent formisin designed to throttle the their wages and working condi THE MILITANT with them. Perhaps we were right masses. This last united front and the ruling clique at the Club, failed to publish it.
Entered as a second class mail after all? The comrades were un election policy launched the opport the Stalin clique causing his ex The must not be permit. American workers. Such a tactic, on the one hand, and the matter November 28, 1928, at the able to understand the absence of tunist Walter Frank into his race pulsion. Soon after this took place, ted to abandon a militant worker Intelligently and correctly carried of the painters, on the other, feel Under the act of March 1879.
an attack on the socialist position for political office with the label, he received a No campaign of clarification and of workers candidate. fighting for EUs Island authorities to present in trampling the banner of Com workers assenobled in the congress will support the militants if they League of America (Opposition)
otification in his need. The Spartakos Club out will win the support of the the need of a unified struggle and Published weekly by the Communist Only this week has the party to cuerade of names and the comedy the surety company which had prebon petty revengehe above elementary an organization whose maman cepure are convinced that perception at 126 East isch sposition. him that munism the dirt by putting emergence of sun a discussion. This demonstrat endorsements, the left Opposiel his bond was in the process of class duty and class solidarity. We will be that of fighting the This would also facilitate the tank Martin Demo EDITORIAL BOARD James Cannon party members that only a sincere candidates in the city elections, and quired to put up a new bond. The and in the Spartakos Club organization of militant class strug Max Shachtman This struggle for in the Maurice Spector and honest turn can bring results campaign for them on a clear cut letter of notification was addressed to take up the case and demand be whese purpose will be to fight present situation should be formu.
and extend the influence of Com out spoken Communist banner and to him at the Spartakos Club and that their leaders take immediate for the interests of the working lated as folows: Vol. VI, No. 24 (Whole No. 171 munism among the masses, program.
was not delivered to him by them action to free Nick Gramatalkis.
SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933. Propose to the Distriest Subscription rate: 00 per year. FORSEN until the very evening before he ESTHER FIELD. ALBERT GLOTZER. Council of the that the Foreign 50. Five Onute per COEY and Refuses Aid to Greek Worker a Alteration Painters United Front Arne Swabeck