BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Commandet League of Amerlea (Opposition) at 128 East 16th Street, New York, Entered a second class mall matter, November 23. 1928 at the post ofice at New York, ander the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 24 (WHOLE NO. 171 NEW YORK, SATURDAY APRIL 29, 1933 PRICE CENTS Unite on May 1st Against World Reaction!
The Under Fire WHY WE MISSED AN ISSUE st Allard the Russian Movie; Inflation BillDeceptive Fascist Terror reformism May 6th, p.
Labor Temple Roosevelt Retreats before Petty Bourgeois Pressure and Rages Against German Masses and other organs of the big inter exhibited at a limited and private Roosevelt in the last two weeky: Bold dollar to mean a to drive the official leadership of decade in the 20th century, from also in the Uch or Swiss, and of strength came in a bill for silsubmissive existence. The tradeel by an enemy armed to the of the International Left OpposiRed Baiting in Hinois Workers Must Join Forces in Big Demonstration Despite Sabotage of Socialist Party Leaders During the past week the Mui. hardest for payment. The linotpye necessary to insure the regular ap In recent days, the reactionary, were disorganized and defeated by The working class faces May, cal democracy in the monstrous Ig to work up a red scare in ime for the real militants who friends sinking why it had to skip us with an eviction notice, the poing the loss of our machinery and wave of international reaction, incluse in the effortless capitulation Llinols has even attempt huse very methods. Now is the tant received numerous, anxious company presented us with a forebearance of the Militant has not Day this year in the midst of crime gainst the German working Having talled to break the magnio their shoulders in struggle and inte. No one and least of all per company cut of our credit: the loss of our home.
a périod of Internal as well as ex196 sounds the death knell for till movement of the progressive Xerifice, to remember the bitter the small start which struggles with and a number of other people dun It is simply thinkable that ternal crisis. With bestial brutal both the social democracy and miner by froutal attack, the cual experiences with Walker, Howat, mountainous obstacles to get out ned us persistently.
Under these circumstatices there these catastrophe will materialize.
ity bloody Fuscism bus smashed talinism, for the two great disOperators have decided to supplend Edmondson and to say to all the paper has to be reminded of anent the physical terror of the the leading forces in the new move the fact that the loss of an insue was no alternative. We were forc But it will unless everyone un the proudest, the best organized, tortions of revolutionary Marxism, state forces and the Lewis gang ment: Nobody cau lead us again these tests, not merely a to skip the issue. To make derstand that this is the danger the traditionally strongest working the struggle of the working class technical setback and loss of matters worse we we were unable to and acts uccordingly Kical terror within the union. They to demoralization and defeat.
sters withil cumpugn of ideolo onto this slippery path which leads time, but a political Netback rake together enough money to We must, we will promptly. Auf capitalist Europe the gainst capitalism is from now on overcome this have developed great solicitude well. That is why the whole move, get our letters to our friends aperisia. We must have help imme sind of its staunchest and most less extermination of these two man proletariat. 60, 000 thou strecubly tied up with the merel The Present Course of the ment watches the appearance of pealing to them to help us in the lately 200.
about the political opinions of Leadership the Militant with such close courageous fighters langulst in the pestilent errents within its owo some of the leading miners in the emergency. mountain of corrie The present trend, however, is intention.
union specially Gerry There is only one way to avoid dungeons of sadistic Hitlerism. The breast spondence lind uccumulated await the catastrophe and raise the nee this direction. The course of the But it could not be helped. Here ing postage. At this point let us csary sum resolute sucritice. The penetration of every club, of every And with their well known concerattial leadership over a cousider is the reason. Our financial crisis say that even this form of assist movement is straluing itself to the street, of every home, Austria, a Brown Shirt pest continues its. Left Opposition Must Lead The lead in this struggle of the for the welfare of the miners they are period now has been to seek Wild es been derpenting with the ance will be a great help in the limit. It calls now are warning them to get rid of tabilization of the untou at increasing depth of the general circumstances him and all others whom friends to make a concrete demontadel of working those revolutionary tighters, ou all its small country but a tremendous. Orking class belong historically class power whe, in 1917 under the leadership or By almost unbelievable efforts, stration of their sympathy for the stands next in order.
struggle militantes. They are say character. These reg om inti sve redhead last week with an accident by straining every nerve and te ideas of the left Opposition for The dark powers of Europe, in a thoroughly discredited Moneshevik ing in effect to the miners: We lorner, the ban on the demonstrA fire burned up the keyboard. To repaired the press and linotype. tionalism, for the clarion of Marx. spired by the victory of Teuton social democracy to the October proposed agreement with Governor which made our linotype useless. source to the breaking point we the ideas of revolutionary Internahave nothing against you a coal matter of fact, long for the Taylorvilleterea hep Pelion on Osa digkers. As the new wage contract in all broke down.
press They are working once more. But is, the Militant. Save the Mini Pascam, are putting their heads victory: to those heroic figures who together at Rome, plotting Dew in the years of the civil war and that capacity you are necessary the situation remains as desperate tant!
Just as these burdens were as before. factory ninety perfor the production of our profits. She and number of Air Mail! Wire!
holy alliance, a crusade against intervention stood at the head of What we object to is the fact that suportato nel relaton, Puce course of thrust on our shoulders our credit cent completed is useless for pro immediately to THE MILITIANT, the Union of soclallat Soviet ne retarian fortress; to those indexoit to purposes publics. In Japan reaction stalks ble Marxist battlers who, when reunionism, which sulted us to jer the land. In China the proletariat action followed revolution with the fortion, and have begun to fight does not yet dare to lift its bleed betrayal of the German social deming head. In India the wpurred ocracy for a second time in 1918, up this Ident and stop listening to heel of British imperialism digs when petty bourgeois Ople who stir up the spirit of class nilitancy and resistance, we into the prostrate backs of the filtered into the ranks of the Compeople munist movement through the will be satiatied. In other words, And in our country too, in Amarency of bureaucratic Staliniam, If you will transform yourselves o the into keep, we will eat you up and Threatens Workers Standard with New Measures economie stress and unprecedent of the leninist standard of world then we will have peace together.
The attack on Allard as a Com As announced in the previous The prospects of inflation have up to il price above the present Fascist Germany presents today ed impoverishment and insery, revolution against national socialmumist, conducted in sensational issue of the Militant, a unique film been brought considerably closer market, and the redefinition of the a frightful picture of devastation forces for a solutions that can time, the revolutionary road to be articles in the Taylorville Breeze of the Russian Revolution be by two actions undertaken by smuller of a once powerful revolutionary only further enhance the enslave collowed In China, in Great Britgeneral cumpaign of reaction showing on Saturday, May 6, 1933. One is the emburgo on gold, which amount of gold, Juwn to a reducand working class movement. The tent of the SOS of tollers inain and last but not least, in Gerexts, is obviously a part of the cut the paper dollur international ton or 10 jrcent from the present Communist party has been destroy the cities and on the farms.
many itself. The lead belongs to ed, vanishing under heuvy, wellagainst the rogressive Miners. This film to be shown completely, us This step apears to represeut a aimed blows. The stalinist policastrophe of 1914, has the working ousands of tried and tested BolNever since the days of the cat. Trotsky and Rakovsky, to the The object of the red scare is for the first time, reveals the actual und level as nationally, from gold them in to discredit the union before public and authentic pictures of all the level. The immediate result international Lett Opposition was pressure from the petty bourge the working class, gagged and never before has it been go threata decline in the international price visie, especially the agrarian pretty bound to the Fascist hordes.
moro terroristic important events and actions bel of the paper dollar to a discount pour cuisic, termed by the wall ened with attacks from The attack of the forces of reground for The Socialist party is 16 percent, that is an ression, to intimidate the member fore, during and after the Russiaollar became worth 84 cents in pidly developing Left wine apparently beyond recovery. Only in. The German debacle crippled and with disintegration from with action can be countered successfulis, an American Lalicy and direct action of the ruship and consolidate the conserva levolution, and covers a period of the hangsly only by a struggle against distive Right wing in the union (the 20 years of Ilusia life. any gold standard currency such turniers movement. The first lest atempting to maintain an humble, Putere the proletariat. Attack application of the Marxist policies its parliamentary skeleton is still like the ominons shudow over the integration from within, by the concealed agents of Lewisism, and record of events from the first as the French, English pound, which vor currency Intation, which was the ben the cataster peesblesseny rist til martstrengthed stable during this perioadelcated 15 to 33. The size of the underst waren bestany of base on Savoredbiera waxe horreta well as in the capitalist countries.
path of conservatizing the organi days through the death of Lenin in relation to the gold currencies. minority and the continued agita.
zation. If they can succeed with and the exile of Trotsky to Prin. Since then, the dollar has been ristion among the farmers decided quarters are sacked and now the of the economic convulsion of worla Against the forces of reaction must this campaigns of demoralizing the wipo: the July uprising: the Koring steadily, and as of April 28 Xvustveit to unge his tactics, puen tatem inte hacist states or ende toerekening hoia ser sanserindo revolution. This difficult task, union from within, then the Prowllow movement; the Social Rev. was quoted at a discount of per. Where Hoover would undoubtedly turn them into Fascist gressive Miners organization as olutionists; the rise of the Bol cent, e, had risen from 84 to huve continued in bull beaded op guns. All Communist and even receded from the scene, Heaten this duty imposed by the dark sit tation threatening the Internationa center of resistance to the capi sheviks; the rule of Lenin and cents in gold.
position, both representing primar social Democratic delegates are un withont a struggle.
In its dealing with other coun ly the interests of nonopoly fin. ceremoniously removed from the The treacherous role of the so only by the restablishment of al working class, can be solved miners throughout the country, us Bulsheviks. the soviets; the rise to. dia. con Fascists, that is, where erally. will have become a thing of War on the all the Russias: tbe 131. 000. 000 than it paid out, auce or intiation, throuehppearcils are not dissolved altogether the fact. Social democracy hasment of the Leninist united front counsurrender was clear long before munist movement and by enforcefronts: grand United States received in 1932, sists in offering first the the past.
scenes of the gold and new elections prohibited.
Comintern this and more is to be against 100, 000, 000 in 1931. This embargo and the speculative risel The savage howls of the roaming of Auguse nrut great debacle tactic in the general working class Long ago, in the The Enemy Aim 4, 1914, demonstrated its movement.
The game of the operators and seen in this outstanding factual balance is payable directly or 10 in stocks and commodities which Fascist bandits who murder, pill impotence and its capacity for The May Day mobilization stands their agents is an old one. And Aim of the historie Russian revolu directly in gold. As long as the followed with the amount of press heart rending groans from the tor better could have been expected under the sign of this task. Every it; to to be followed, in ac age and destroy are pierced by the working class betrayal. Nothing there is only one way to meet it, tion.
balance of payments remains in cordance as all experience has shown. That is to assert the Independence of the auspices of the Film Club of dollar will tend to rise toward par, petty bourgeoisie, by as little cow which actually take place are in upon the condition of the thorough that only rejection of the disasThe film is being shown under favor of the United States, the are put on the government by the ture chambers. The bestialities from it. Victory could come only Communist must be made aware unmasking of these traitor s, upon trois policies the union. To reject all advice the New York Branch of the Com becanse it will tend to receive more cessions to their demand for indescribable. of the offered to it by the class enemy. munist League of America. Opclaims on the world gola than it Hation is practicable, the so called This is the crowning height of the dissolution of the bonds beIsm, only a test centr The union will not thrive and position. The Committee in charge pays out.
controlled inflation. Should in the many bitter experiences suffer have followed them. Victory could revolution, cati prevent the destruc tween them and the masses who Marxist perspective of perinanent grow by conciliating the bosses, of the details wishes to announce The gold embargo alone by capitulating to their ideology to the Film Club members that fore does not constitute inflation, come necessary, finance capital will the little serious coletariatrisce come only if the Communist party tion of October and halt the hand by domesticuting the union and they must obtain their SUBSCRIP, which is a depreciation of the Boarrange itself (through re bor performed by the social de inocratic carried out this task, if it itsele se reaction. Every worker must making it acceptable to the bosses. TION TICKETS IN ADVANCE, paper currency in comparison with rowing from the Federal Reserve Chieftains on August 4, 1914. This proved its capacity for struggle.
It was precisely the fallure to working class front ean withstand establishment of a solid, united is what they are alming at with the is a limitel, private showing and thrown wide open by Roeserelt value of claims against the banks the later unbridled Wrecking, the carry out this task, it was precisely the dastardly schemes or the care new Communist hunt. To underne tickets can be obtained at the second step, demand from in the form of deposits, through drowning in blood of the workers the disregard for its stand this and to fight against it door.
is the elementary duty of the lead Mtember. btain your subscripsim to choose any, al or none of commodities to counterbalance 1920, the murder utophan Bureaucratic cream for to the proletariat into the new Dark ing elements in the unton, includ tione ticket at once at the head four different kinds of inflation osses lank investments) so as Luxemburg, perlidious collabor made the Stalinized Communist cialist in one country that has Ages Of Wage slave savagery.
Socialist treachery and Stalloist nals under attack.
ing Allard and the other individquarters of the Communist League through bank credit: the issue or to obtain as much benefit of 88ation in the restoration of capitalwarty of Germany and Commentar bungling have helped the Nazis to But the response made to the 10th st. Continued on Page 3)
of America Opposition. 120 East unsecured greenbacks, the use of little loss as wsible, in the domsilver purchased in large quantities estic sphere. On the international International a partner of the soturn May Day in Germany into 80 black day of the proletariat. The attack in the Progressive Miner scale, American intlation would mean a loss of strategically advaninternational holiday of the proleup till now does not in the least tageous positions in the export of tariat is celebrated in Berlin this indicate an understanding of this capital, and would relatively year as a day of nationalist destrength of the enemy and underestimating the inner resources of strengthen the position of French buch under the ting of the hooked cross. The workers in the rest of the progressive miners movement, capital, and of Anglish capital to The fourth session of the Con. trivial character, the sensitive so the extent that it was able to work stands as follows: an appeal 18. is undisputed leader of must show their indignation. They Legally, the Scottsboro Cane carry out the mass action and the the world and here in America as is always the case with pro.
gressive of all hues, they par kremy Organization committee of cialdemocratic scadersh. decided ontemporary usreement with being taken by the defense from the mareh, as, Indeed, it should be. must protest against the Brown Serever wage the course of the stalinists in their ago Congress By this they deli. sunt of March 8, has been verited the cases of the other defendants otseerive conditions aside for the internationalised They must how Nooney Conference established that to withhold approval of the Chie pretive, pointed out in the site Jury; the trial Judge has continued leader of the march them, leaving erful united Red demonstration of to war of the attack. by denying the cialist party failed to bring the for Mooney release.
French bauking and currency ar under the present circumstances is success or failure as an organized stration that the International charges of any Communistie in latter into the movement. Palmer The Committee Statement on rangemnts.
impossible; and, frony of Ironies, mass demonstration rests squarely working class is girding its loine fluence in the union. Thus, by imreported that on Thursday, April Palmer went on to say that upon Inflation? Rather Deflation! he places the blame for the pre on the successfully or for battle plication, they disavow any tend. Clarence Senior informed the receiving this news, the negotia Actually what has happened judiced atmosphere on Liebowitz! ganized and militantly conducted eney toward class struggle milit wwgotiations committee that the cous committee decided towel and since the bank holiday has been the applied for a while march can raise the protest move must know that every Wection, tendwhole ancy, which is what the bosses, of the had decided a statement to the capitalist and process of steady deration, not of habeas corpus for two of the ment of the masses to greater ency and shade ese recevolution really mean when they talk of not to approve the Chicago Mooney radical press summarizing the nation at all. Since March 8, boys on various legal grounds. elights. It can inspire the terror aryana labor movement en el tema Communism. Thus they lay the Congress negotiations and stating the refus the lowest point of the banking With the temporary full on the ized masses of the south to strug, together in ground for the proscription not Our readers will remember that al of the to participate in crisis, the Federal Reserve hants legal front the mass protest move. Ele for their democratie rights and battle can weld its forces in a unifight for common only of Communists but of all class.
struggle militants inside the union.
And by that they concede the main aimer of the Federated Prese include the reasons advanced by duced the total moneskad re the sdige in this great elans drama mas action with the white work tires to attain the world over. In the committee decided not circuts in which we are fighting for the ers. And since the whole move the the great battle for the demands of the beses. Allard und, as it is now revealed, water leavement is the satiscale om by over 1, 600, 000. com, both de demostrat en rights this site are ment is being conducted under the release of them conext lande rette know had. The statement unsatisfaccidedly the value of paper white workers. In the forefront of which the whole working class be given a tremendous impetus worthless strategy.
The clasy conscious members in to participate in the Chicago Con reasons advanced by the for to increase the buying power of the stands the march on Washington banner of Communism, a succes in serried ranks on May 1st. streets Congress in its press, delayed, laia Chicago Congress. Had this been ures, those for the week ending ige of Communism in the eyes of Socialist Party Sabotage be vente necontrack her realhe purposesowa ultimatist conditions and done the parts enla yeduba tbe mor: April 26, 1933, show that this de The March to Washington the masses.
In face of this, how criminal are enemy on the ideological tront. tinally said no. The reason ad. In the movement would be more nation is still going on gold holdthe perfidious actions of the treach The operators and their tools have unced by the according to clearly established. The statenentings increased over 20, 000, 000 and the Harlem, jetty bourgeois news march with no spirit, the morate erous leaders of the Socialist party decreased paper, The Amsterdam News. Rid of which is low will react on the ers. These fakers have turned down been unable to smash the move Palmer, is incredibly trivial and would be more convincing ing the rest of the first wave of movement unfavorably. The spark the genuine offer of the united struggle. Now they absurd. It seems that Mooney the socialist workers. But it is 74, 000, 00 are trying to During this period also interest Negro masses this paper issued not be struck. The would Front May Day Committee, comwhich called it into life and sus the from 1913 up to date. S. Into the movement and that rates have been coming down, call for Afty thousand to mareh onlose prestige and the prestige of s, etc. for one demonstrawithin, to rob It of the militancy he sharply criticized the course of efforts were made to draw the posed of Communists, Musteltes, of those very qualities which have tude of the toward the Chic theraponsibility for the fallure that the demand for money is less. on the scene the initia: tion in New York. Their obsequi It is from this point of view that oux, bootlicking services to the distinguished it from the corrupt ago Congress. copy of this to build a united movement square than the amount Roosevelt policies, up to stration passed into its tive in organizing such a demon we criticize the preparations for capitalist class need no other proof antonism of Lewis and, eventually letter of which several coples mustly where it belongs on the to drive it back into the Lewis have been sent by Mooney to vari. Palmer concluded by saying that the sharp turn taken by the gold Since then the Amsterdum Nom the march. The call asks all par than this. Not content with this mind the tragie fate of the pre of the And upon this basisbe done that it was now no longer the four way inflation bill were enthusiasm was not sustained by and the organizations sending re ers ranks the fakers made vious Insurgent movements which and other objections of an equally (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) the determination necessary to Continued on Page Continued from Page 2)
the Sabotages Mooney Struggle Scottsboro March On Capital lowed himself to fall in with this been knocking on the back door of tory. It offers no analysis anding to increase the cures tend and the unity of the black and banner of militant masa action, dom for the Scottsboro boys will the ment in operatize it from wrote letter to Palmer in which something. It clearly shows that tained it in struggle to purse it and objected to the present attithe Defused. It this places further sign of deflation, indicating the capital. With the entry of the Communism would also suffer.
SP offer.
camp. Now is the time to call to lous Individuals fell into the hands he couldn see what more could embargo and the introduction of his shown that its first burst or tlcipants to supply their own food vile treason in breaking the work