Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorking Class

An Interview with Leon Trotsky Austria is Next in Order against news of all Austrian parties as well able of social ik Leninist Reforestation Swindle The Scottsboro Case we to TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1933 PAGE torical researches, will limit my self to a single Illustration. The Dnieprostroy is considered with Yet (Continued from Page We are slad to print the follow. Answer Given to Views eney or autarchy is the ideal of St Soviet industrialzation.
Bonapartism and Fascismo fute of society, when the matter touches the life and death of ing the nation and of its culture, then Of Louis Fischer Socialist sconomy cannot reject bitov, Molotov, and others) a few moxt ill fated, degrading and ruiu.
In the Austrian Crisis Leon Trotsky to comrade Field in connection with an article AAAAAAAAAAAA division of labor: ont the huge advantages of the world months before the beginning of the us for the proletariat is to bank AAA this party, which represente utlethe contrary work were decided opponents of inpon the co operation of the imper decom.
bourgeois apologist for the stal Europe and Axlu, and perhaps of it will carry it to the highest de the Dnieprostroy plan quote talist governments of the countries appraisal of democracy. And in the instrument or social fact, if democracy was indeed rais positon and compels the exploiting Inlet regime. As tho interview the whole world. Once again, bevelopment. But in practise, it is from the Stenographie, report the surrounding Austria.
Even if we were to allow that ed above the social regime that en classes to seek salvation from Hasedeals with questions of more than who ignores the pould do bet ist society, with an established in 1927, in the Plenum of the Centrallecane of the traditional flabbl. gendered it: if it was indeed capism.
of rev. pot a question of the future social words spoken by Stalln in April. pussing interest, it retains all its olutionary strategy party bourgeois of the Bolter not to talk about revolutions ternal equilibrium, but of the Committee of the of the Dnie as because of the influence of ex society into Applying the ancient juxtaposlsociety, then shevik Led value as an essendo ques. at all.
slven technically and culturally myself as of Ermattungsstrategie und tions in dispute in the Communist respekton germinator only that na baterwestend counter strikland on the talk. of our constructing Enterressure terale and out the the should be the neu austrials where movement. Ed. tional soil, that it does not recollectivization is forced to export prontroy through our own means. tle Entente; the apprehension of the constitution was created by the Sy of exhaustion, and the strutesy LENIN AND SOCIALISM exhaustion, decisive IN ONE COUNTRY sult from imported money or pam. as much as possible in order to The means needed are great, ser. Ilitlerites to push matters to social democruey, where the probat the strategy plilets or agitators, and that the import as much as possible. cral hundred millions. Let us not the end, just now)
allowing in letariat comprises the In the question of the united capitalists will do more than the Question: Is it true that the same the rest ocului culmination even in this case force in the nation, and the social which was applicable after a fusha questions of revolutionary strategy ism? Is it true that by its very tion, which is the latformon plough and renewing his culp eaten Austrian front as well as in all the broad communistit tordening capitary theory of the permanent revolu. Mest ess, instead of repairing his means tour some kind ons on moth the interne e proletariat. And sun ble of applicuton today when there living remans nothing for capitalism exgards steel as continuing the au. Socialist system. omust further 1924, was born in a time of Bol. Bankrupts Laughter one can see pranister and postponement through demonstrates in Canis kina could have got extremely hacer der er stor eresiaOle the rest ist strategy exhausting hoe perlesen the efforts of the Stalinist faction countries, and that students Set by series of allures both the Congress that our industrial plass character. The process thus check it. The Austrian crisis is the ex and co. Tedd atality to the victory temporary of capitalism, and decomposes with the class chemy but its own to revise it in un empirical and cladist, Soviet Union World cremont Tome and abroad consisted the must be adapted to our resoupent would burst out in the course pression of the decay of democracy of the baseists, Imposius tease effective stimulus to world revolutheory a consistent line Yet of This sense of the continuity of thony Answer: The statements quotedings and actions after 1903 Menores that decision of the Con woks with a redoubled force and exet no other appraisal ou ourd the greatest sacrifices and is found in all your political writdemocracy need sacritices and dificulties upon them, the revolutionary tradition runs gress. Stenographic notes of the at a tenfold tempo. To build its part.
clearly through the answers which in this question contradict each Fischer makes both statements. Plenum, page 110. policies upon checks, masquerades, However, we understand only fortunes upon the proletariat. Simultaneously the Left Oppositions on the issue of principle Soviet Union has an international manent revolution, in contradicwhich Mr. Fischer, following the revolutionary significance is a comtion to the theory of socialism in toin in the course of several the plastering up of cracks, and too well on the other hand, that THE AUSTRO MARXISTS ARE petty political moratoriums woulu theoretical diagnosis alone is alto Stalinists, takes for granted as monare cually recognized by having been decided against Trot friends and focs. In spite of the one country. was recognized by carried on a struggle against the mean for the proletariat to extend gether insufficient for the purpose CHLOROFORMING TILE the entire Bolshevik party during stalinists in favor of collectivixar more time for the still weak Aus of supplunting democracy with the PROLETARIAT existence of the Soviet Union, how the period from her to 192. coms Lion. Only when the kulak retriun Pascism in which to achieve soviet regime. The matter touches sky views the living cutisciousness of a class.
ever, the proletarian revolution the detent of the proletariat in Lused to deliver grain to the State its murderous mission.
Here are his answers: Despite the experience of Italy Ir in the course of a joint struggle and Germany, the leaders of AusQuestion: Lenin and all his corded a victory in any other coun. push to the creation of Stalin a sharp turn. Being the empirie Otto Butter contines himself to the proletariat understands during the list years has not re Germany in 1923 gave the decisive did Stalin, under the pressure of THE STRUGGLE FOR against Fascists the majority of trian social democracy do not unfollowers were convinced at that try. In Rusin itself the proletar. theory of national socialism: the the derstand the time (in 1917) that only a revolu lat conquered in spite of the fact downward curve of the revolution Ixt that he is, he novel to the vald moralixations subjected for Soviet dictatorship, there to live and altion. In order on the breuthe, these people tion abroad could leave them from that there was no Sovict State in gave rise to stalinism, not to the purpose of three years the coffee or the surorities of bourgeois will be no stopping the Communist fool thenselves. This they certain doom. They did not hope existence at the time elsewhere. theory of the permanent revolution for two or three years the collec democracy over Puscist dictator ists. But if, despite all the lessons cannot do to survive unless revolutions in For the victory are necessary, not which was first formulated by me tivization of all the peasantry, the Europe and Asia weakened exter only certain objective conditions, in This theory is not bound liquidation of the kulaks 10 slip. As if the struggle is taking it received, the maority of the ing the otherwise than by foul Dal hostility and gave Red Russia Internal as well as external, but to a definite calendar of revolu ve Year Plan into four years. every state is reducible to armed decides to reput once more the munits. We are not the ones to class, and the compression of the laws! Kugels aptly remarkul, that of the forces of counter revolution, defeat in Germany upon the Com as a place letween two schools of stute, worker s, even after the smashing Bauer places the blame for the entrenchment, fly air. Fischer. the party, the leadership, the stra world wide Interdependence of the the Loft Opposition declared that detachments of men with the maxperiment of formal democracy, defend Germau Suliuists! But Was Lenin speaking only in a integy. Our differeces with Stalin revolutionary process.
the new tempo of Industrialization terial appendage in the nature of then the Communists will be comtheir chief crime consists in their mediate military and sense of saving Russia from defeat acter. Suffice it to say that if we mude that Trotsky would not have the liquid course of thras a sence of the present this ended to take to the same ground, having given the social democruts political are entirely of a strategical char. Question: The statement is were above our forces, and that Jails, etc. At of the kulaks state has been coin in the guise of an opposition.
and subjugation, or did he bave in had carried through, in 1917, the neglecteil Soviet home industry any class in e years pletely revealed in Anstria. The the possibility of preserving their Today, at any rate, the overinence up the basic part of the Russia developing on its own soli would not be in existence lolay, usefulness of the Third Internal to say so we find ourselvered in the course of a number of workers follows the social dem upon it the tactic or debuxing and of policy of Stalin, the Soviet state more than Stalin would ignore the wakes to fantastic taskutse wlitical struckle which has devel whelming majurity through the dictatorship of the It is therefore not true that the tional. Do you agree with the this time le radical than the years upon the buses of democracy ul. This means that there cantatal capitulation, despite all the proletariat to the ultimate Com mere existence of the Soviet Union conclusion that there are no whites stalinistraw Revolutionary, maliam lux been pushed to agulusest even be tulk of revolutionary crimes and betrayals committed by goal?
is capabile ulussuring the victory anu bracket but this picture. It tries toodhraw the maximum. dan the clashes between armed detac dictatorship as an actual task. le soclul democracy. Hency Crotsky That afirmation of of the revolution in other coun a matter of proportion Mr. Fischer s, like a series of tries. But it is also false that the shade what makes it revolutionary but fact by its name, clearly and pres the antithesis of bourgeois and so the policies of Wels Stamp iarity with the theory and the velopment only in the nation. Answer: Such an affirmation is at the same time it does not per cisely, and to draw from it all the viet clemcracy but the antithesis fer. But there is a distinction others, proves his lack of famil revolution ripens anational soil. possible only because of lack of mit us to set ourselves fantastic Meccary practical conclusions comes to history of Bolshevism. In 1917 Otherwise what purpose is served familiarity with the history of the alnis that is what makes it real Iustead of this, the Austrian solism. We accuse for democracy Stalinists who have managed of bourgeois democracy and Fasc. Banability upon the Austrian will be unable to shift the accuse the Austro Marxthere was not a single Bolshevik by the Coromunist International struggle between the staliuist facistie.
Question: If we accept the son on our part that the struggle but of not lighting for it.
cial democracy demas ant admis ixtx not of zation of a socialist society in a italist. conomy, the more highly it initiative of the Five Year Planviews that the policy of Stalin has is being carried on for dem spitalism resorts to Fascism not putene The Austria suelatedom: komplete in Russia. In the appendix to any developed, becomes the more de und of the accelerated collectivima a purely empirical character, is de cracy. As if the question liest of caprice but because it is ocracy is not only the leading single country, and least of all in History of the Russian Revoluted article sovint els bolition, in uninterrupted and the moment and incapable of cont saying that we are not ready democracy is capable only or erit trongest, us regning the pupurs tion give a detailed and docu mented study of the ideas of the Socialisteretoging toward a larp nuggles with the Stalinists. seeing far ahead, how can we ex. to make any concession what oleixing, grumbling, curbing, threat. lation, la democratic prty in cause it is Not having the possibility of oc plain the victory of Stalin facBolshevik party on the October Answer: revolution. This study. hope. National self sufficienpying myself here with long his. tion over the Left Opposition ever to the Austro Marxist as reing. and biding time but is in the world. Tonsiards the theoretical une historicall capable of taking into its hands bility lies upon Answer: Above, emphasized Austelun social will make it impossible in the fudemocracy, solely and entirely. All ture to ascribe to Lenin the theory strea es ficare a fost conto back the more fatal will prove to be must come back of Socialism in a single country.
to the decisive importance of obtlie соnѕициенсеѕ оr its present Here will limit myself to a sin jective conditions. Without a cor.
gle quotation, which in my opinrect strategy the victory is Impos.
The Austro Marxists Nuy If we ion has a decisive character, Lenin xible. But even the most correct are deprived of liberty, then died in January, 1924; three (Continued from Page 1)
of the crisis by still further exstrategy cannot give the victory (Continued from Page 1) tossible for the entire capitalistlull light to the cut. By such months later Stalin expounded in writing Lenin conception of the able minimum and paid in credit ploiting and degrading the working under unfavorable objective condi that a different verdict wuld have clowitz ut the conclusion of the time for their vacillations, when prey to und him to the skies. And subterfugge they want gain proletarian revolution. quote tickets. There are today hundreds class. Against this the American Lions. The revolution has its own een obtainel had not the Commun trial Liebowitz, according to the in reality they are losing the most organize a laws: in the period of its culmina ist Party entered the case New York Times walked to precious time for the preparation the tion it pushes the most highly de boureterorowl of large families close to staryawarker can and will Oh. to action on this burget.
to establish the power of the protation cam are being recruited Full time wages for forestry veloped, determined and fur seeing for the boys is to remove from tun hund. The judge whouk it) prives them of liberty. it will be The reforest. It feels that the only remaining the beach and grasped Judge Horor defense. After the cuciny de workers. hope letariat in one country, still does recome among those ww receiving No victimization of those who to the most advanced positions. Yet in which mire latest pre warmly. Mr. Liebowitz, who had a hundred times more difficult to not signify the full victory of Sorelle cialism. The main task of SocialHomeless Still Homeless Abolish the relief dedue guard, but also a rearguard, and is called for the organizatiless Negro without then, was will be accompanied by military ism the organization of Socialist What becomes, then, of the home. tion system!
besides the proletariat there are trembling. He said: am taking and police destruction of the pro still in future. Is possible to fulan the less and the wandering? There was. Organize within the camps the peasantry and the bureaucracy. Hon of a new defense committee wack to New York with me a pieletariun press and the proletarian production remains still this a great agitation before the clec for better conditions!
No one revolution up to now hus capitalist press and the Suve ever met. Mr. Liebowitz, and ucts while the wcial dunthe taak, is it possible to achieve the tions about them. The Scripps. ayment of City Relief in brought all that was expected of apparatus. The enemy prepares definite victory of Socialism in one Howard syndicate, for example, es cash!
it by the masses. Hence the inA. and all country without the combned eftimated that 500, 000 of them roum other the chlet defense lawyer cracy Wides its time and whines. Unemployment Insurance.
forts of the proletarians of several the country. The January census CARL COW. ment, of a lowerng of the activity overtime to counteract the spontadvanced countries? No, it is im of the Committee on Care of the possible. For the overthrow of the Transient and Homeless showed of the vanguard, and consequently ancous mass protest that is arising of the masses lu the class innumerable: Wot Fascism, ir of the growing importance of the against this monstrous verdict. institutions of capitalism. it ventures against us! The events bourgeoiste, the efforts of some 1, 226, 00 homeless and transient The Chicago May Day rearisuured States faction has the theme of Buscles That is their word of criticism of this grossachushetoric. The party which this we the raised on the wave of in capitalist.
of our team of the Distory whon 200. 000 are youths. Boys and Conference have the For the definisirls, unable to go to school, un tion. Look luck at history those) But it is no part of the contrary it is playing up its white when it held in its bunds ulmost tive victory of Socialism, for the able to get a job, a burden to their Chicago. The Communist party who guided the revolution resoney will crumble Into dust organization of Socialist produc poverty stricken family, join the in Chicago concluded another vest time of its culmination in the role or policy to conduct a coursellephant. Il permits Lelwitz to impregnable positious and powerful tion, the charts of one country, ranks of migrant youth in a futile pocket united front for May Day. their leading positions long after sind ends support to such illule hailed as a hero.
pecially of a pensant country like search for work in other cities. The united front from below, then the turning point. In France, the done, we this is what it hasBut if the is silent about when it is completely expelled from want our criticism to be its hero it went out of its way to the legal arena.
Russia are insufficient for that. To Be Continuel)
tide is moving across the the middle and every once in a be required the efforts of the pro United States, hiteh hiking, walk while from behind, has driven the the guillotilcobinism perished on clearly understood. The light of attack the Left Opposition. On ange the from the first day of April 7, Patterson, National Secret totesians of te verledence de couring riding the freights, bekking, party with its back to the wall. or leadership was achieved by its courageous entry into this case the. La fired a broadtries. Stalin closes the er stealing. Traditional hoboesJohn Williamson made the key. The technique of the proCONS reactionary practice of a predatory. that it was making a mis will disociate us from that READ AND SUBSCRIBE means of arrest and lanishment against living as position of these ideas with the are treated as some TO THE MILITANT of the most Daily Worluer. The Militant of words, such are in general the night in jail, a meal of beans note address. He pointed out that gentler, but its essence is datory March 25 warned the party and the characteristic features of Lenin and coffee and twenty four hours to the call was sent to the Socialist same.
capitalist South. It has held aloft conception of the proletarian rer get out of town. They are clubbed party and of organiza Question: Ilow do you reconthe bar of mass struggle ou be take the allowing Lebowity to dicrush and put all these matters in (Problems of Leninism, by railway detectives and hobnoblons calling upon them to unite cite your criticism of the Soviet brothers in the face of a reign of Cune. It said: Ile (Liebowitz) is Scottsboro their true light. Against whom is phasis mine. is this directed? Surely not against with jutty criminals in jail. The for one May Day demonstration. In Union in the capitalist press with terror. It lit the Only in the Fall of 1924 dia good citizens demand government his speech at last realized that your revolutionary sympathies? 15 kindled Wuse of protest on four defense from a platform given him which setting a free hand to attack that. We warned against in time.
Stalin discover that it is especi action to relieve the municipalit Germany is the most important it Whether the party and the ally Russia, as distinguished fromies. Something had to be done for country in the international situr Fue that you are turning the continents. It took a long step by the He attacks the will disassociate themselves own forces build up socialist the Democrats fervidly promised on the party call for united regime the best possible arguments of the white and black workers by Scottsboro boyu four times seen. We hope they will. And the that when one considers these facts in Biocletits mowafter having estate it cleted, to take care of them front with all organizations, he and material, and giving ex radi ing the black workers lished its power and assumed the adso. At the same time, Meral started to call the and cals and near Communists an exstrekte in which they were vital Gact that the muss movement has the tirst step to repair it is to white workers were leading the relation to the equally regrettable sooner the better. Much time has wrote in a new edition of the same he reforestation of land denuded ignorance. According and progressive group clamor for. of social Fascists, etc. Such cuse for maligning Moscow work, the victorious proletariat by the lumber and paper interests llamson s) own definition of social abstaining from jurticipation in involved.
revolutionary acton. But some time last summer the to the vanishing mint, it begins to und tell him to confine himself to can and must build up socialist the lyday or rugged Individu Pasdim, it is the greatest danger.
society. Can and must! The pro alism.
Answer: The Sovet State does here to lng. Following theedoet tertering on the brink of a rotten case.
of the An Ideal clamation of this new conception birds with one stanice to kill two Now, if that is no, why do you not need either illusions or camounion of the United States Supreme and dangerous pece of opportun is closed by the same words, such ches! Conservation und Unemstome, and do it with their organizations?
for a united front with them tlage. It can claim only that court it did nothing to organize the The verytiet, the events leading central and most immediate task is But that is not enough. The are in general the characteristieployment Relief. However, features of Lenin conception of ure they this dilemma: Either they ing that it was willing to cooper world, in the first instance The sent a letter stated by the facts. The clearer and movement behind its legal defense up to it. and particularly the role to organize the protest movement the proletarian revolution. In the course of a single year Stalin as ciptrelief, in whcih ease they do delegates untli the County Com will understand the contradictions use conservation funds for muni ate, but that it could not send any opinion of the working the ferences to set the workers cience of the about him con the protest movement will find the It did not call the united front con of Liebowity and the criminal site of the workers. it that is not done cribed to tenons firm the analysis of the Militant other leaders and be directed into of the funda the up to the hilt. atterson rushes to reformist mental question of socialism. The they recruit the latter, then con their action. The Socialist party development of an isolated con retained as its chief defense law. hurls a bouquet of slander and celving news of the verdict channels. There are first version represents the real servation funds cannot be allocat. stalled for time by telephoning and the higher will it appreciate the yer, a notorious Sunter lawyer, its utilisation of the services of Negro newspaper in Harlem, began tradition of the party, the second fe youth is lost in the shuffle called to establish Joint proposal identifies the fundamental methods it allowed him to attack the Com the contexborot cause. Sou! And death sentence. Plans are already ed to city rellet. America home delaying meeting after meeting results achieved. The less it a Democrat, a patriot invective at the because of Amsterdam News, a petty bourgeois after the death of Lenin, in the of the New Deal.
for action.
Moreover. Liebowitz, prominent attorney in a petition campaign against the course of the struggle What about the dignity and bon.
against Trotskylam.
or of honest toil, ask the army Yes, we know that the lead errors of the Soviet bureaucracy, without meny. lte allowall home to Mr. Liebowitz carrying out the under Question: Is there reason to be ment? The men get 00 a monthers are afraid of a united front the less will be the danger that. Terent his attacks on the mass line of the in the court from all to organize a march lleve that the world revolution, or for doing the work of regular for for they have much to lose. We by the parts of the country on inevitable revelation of a series of social upheavals on the esters. It is exploitation in the must force them futo action! Out these errors and of their consequ movement which had saved the room In this partienlar case. Mr. Washington to protest the verdict.
Liebowity closed his appeal to the The party says that the struggle an immediate possibility by 1921 the on and degrading to the united frout from below were the workers State Itsell, may de Jehowity to dictate the line of engaged in the litical defense of it. This it must do without delay.
Eurasian continent, ceased to lie crudest sense. This humillating to with it!
Admit that the tactics of encertbontanthority, not only of out making any public reply. jury by intoning the Lord Prayer must rise to a higher stage. But it the present ruling. Worse than this, it allowed He was not asked to nor could be has not given the signal to organize Answer: What shall we call an class gut West they call this wrong, and that you have made a eline The Soviet Union needs the the situation in Germany was pro named. Investigators of the Pub. Otherwise the worker areas are capable not only of sing contine the defense to legal lines is militical. There is more of sense of outrage. They are erger Immediate possibility? In 1923 racket wy labor. And it is well turn (the Manifesto) thinking and critical friends, such he defende. It firmitted him to the accurl, but his legal defense The meses are burning with a foundly revolutionary but what lie Welfare se economic pressure confused as to whether you wanting hymns in the hour of suc order a National Students Leagueis silent alm, the whole Only the Communist party can give was lacking for a victorious rev. Jon families to get essentially. It permitted him to the same. And now. latterson to fight. They seek leadership quote of to unite without their organizacess, but of not shrinking in the delegation out of town. It permits and, that time, wrote a study about bitter irony of this situntion. Auld such confusion their leaders nalists of the type of Wischer se press that he would not tolerate his masters has a word to ray. In ment from being correct leadership and directlou to.
one delegate said, On Mo you verted into text for my elimination from the with the brazen self interest of all the socialist workers to the capital calumnies, malicious Inventong and appears a note from Foster to ists. That is its duty in the sitgovernment. In 1925 27 the res the business men they have con Fascists, and on Tuesday olution in China was destroyed by verted a twenty million dollar re pect them to unite with ou en prejudices. But these gentlemen the impression of a fair trial. It ment of Llebowitz was tragie, enThe capitalists tookykling to give Stachel. Poster says: That state uation yon.
the false revolutionary strategy of forestation fund into a new scheme overstep the limits of their mission Call the united front conferences!
the Stalinist faction. To this last for pauperizing workers and creatAmerica (Opposition) NON of devotion to the Soviet the ense. llorton was careful and condemning the southern the workers! at their indignaquestion consecrate my book, Proin the basis for national conscript League of morons. issued by the Pioneer Publishers, Cory means human cannon fod were nominated for the committee gern, we shall never conquer them. favored the prosecution in his den statements will be used against us trame up! The Citizens Conservation and Communist Party (opposition state If we fear to speak of dan adanya pearance of hostiny mass indiscrimately as to the defense. Ile unquestionably lantern Jawed, etc. etc.
These thon mount to the skies! United, here they can smash the Scottsboro New York, 1932. It is quite der trained with funds intended for of Action. Gebert tried in the if we close our eyes to the dark Scottsboru boys nese revolutions in case of victory ocratic party in power, ilke its mass organizations be represented. We have helped to create, we sball Tvated on the outrageus speeches in the courts and among the mass.
The Dem, shall not le IBVING BERN.
never reach socialism.
of the prosecution. But he madeles. Surely our party statements would have changed the face of Republican predecessor, to rise out! STAMM.
and the evitability of a certain disillusion agencies of capitalisin are working as duite bis bit to nurture the Illu The Vorwaerty also repeated times never kept which restless leader of they can.
They the the to bo to your (Wil ism, masses, motion.
re the olution was a correct strategy. At boys into cap. One realizes the tions or genuine united front hour of defeat and danger. Jourted him to say in the capitalist But if atterson is silent one of the strukile and save the move.
Delegates of the Communist when they attempt to give us le chose an objective jurist to try (orging the chief lyncher, Ilorton Organize the pretext movenient of