AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY APRIL 15, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE For the United Front of Defense Against Hitlerism. ies, the workers have already subChina, in India, in Indonesia and tion, a theoretical affirmation, but that we are both unable to form dictatorship of the proletariat is proletariat will reduce to minore valuable things. Wilbin the An we clearly the unite front. The Communistslonits in their time were able to steel Helmets and the Fuseistiawathe mal lackward coun wond will bring about a decom utopia. In that case, in the united we do not separate the soul from simple (Continued from last issue) against this particularism and Leiwig, new elections, etc. what stilling of freedom of opinion? No, perspectives but would also lead sive by seeking mutual understand step in this sense. Obviously, in immediately to a radical attenua ing and an approach to the social our eyes, the Reichstag is not a organes white is to meet the image prevederhale van brand to the the outlines ar perces mobilie telere not for me.
which the democratic workers. The revolu capital historical conquest ining what these may be the sit. the present time, such an objectat. Constitutional fetishism bordags disposed to tread the road of the It just because you are not tion of the dictatorship in Soviet Union.
tionary unanimity of the over the proletariat nust defend against uation itself is dictating the nature tive is invested with a progressive the best uid to It must not be thought that the whelming majority of the German the Fascist vandals. There are of these organs. In many localit character only in China, in Indo this is no longer a prognostien revolution and the dictatorship necessarily connected with them the repression which the framework of bourgeois democracy gested tlic form of organization of other backward colonial and semi the living reality. ask you, so one single purty. But nevertheless methods of the keu terror which revolutionary dictatorship will ex and parallel to all incessant strusof detensu cartels basing themed countries of Europe, the na Weimar democracy blazed the trail objection is not worthy of a cou were the pioneers. Covered with slavishly copyiug Soviet Russia, of ietarian demokruey have formed selves on all the local proletarian tional frontiers are exactly the for the Fascist dictatorship, how scious proletarian. Yes, the priva crime, the Russian Ossossing muking a virtue of each of its themselves in the course of many organizations and establishments. same reactionary chains as the is one expect it to blame the time of the Russian workers are classe did not welteve This is an initiative wbich must feudal frontiers were at one time. trail for socialism pluds, the Russian workers wow new regime would last. The bour Marxists. To protit by the experi press, trade union, factory comº les entrades de preselecommodusent second ranged, Huren una wave fan worked with the majority on the intelege mense ishtes, the team are posted Bildenunciare counter in eine het huisel tule binte pe care is not so much to completo at we sociale democratie in the name of what they are gooiste furope and America suence of the October revolution does mittets, clubs, cooperatives, sports center with cartels by linking en into senility. The nation, like democratic Reichstag?
they should undergo a defeat, hu could hold on only at the cost of wount the difference in the social the destruction of bourgeois dem them up with each other and by all economy. and democracy, as al Thao develop, it is putre munity would have learned a great atterrille tension of furces and an structure of bations uud above allocracy as to crush the first outyou cannot.
preparing German workers conCapitalism Me domination of the bour has ceas Kress of defense.
deal from their experience. Now implacable punishment of our class of In the name of what did the Germenices. The victory of the the relative and the lines of proletarian democracy. As yorum the proletariat. to our mission, it consists in plac The fact thut the unemployed felters upon the productive forces workers is no longer growiriat in the years of the imperialis quite a different character. The muke the socialist revolution in a democracy already created at the recall important section of the man working class sacrifice itselt tetariat in Germany would and the employed workers are be and civilization. Let us have to believe that one culi allegedlying the elements of proletarian coming inercruxingly estranged again Goethe: All that is born in being degraded under continuat war? Or again, in the years of arme recouis having lost institutionul, peaceful manner, foundation of the Soviet system of from each other bears within itself doomed to perish.
deadly danger, not only to the few more million beings may these social facts exclude collective greements but also for be sacrifice for the corridor ibility of any stable and method these sacrifices lead, what do they ny how of retaking it. The al preme Court at Leipzig thut can end, it is necessary to break the the trade wions wtihout there for Alsace Lorraine, for Malmedy. al development of labor party of man are only those saerifices viet Ruskin would multiply, not lines. The German proletariat will free from it the kernel of workers bourgeois democracy and crude reunited front between covered with three, live, ten row out even if, in the face of all pro future. That the list ohjection for our salle Olution. But in its revolution, it of the proletarian revolution.
Fue suscini democrats and Communlsts of course. All this may be called ability to representation heard you make. The first, me rest or Broms, to powition ve the will wakil German and not in us threatens the vital kernel of means before all the united front national defense. But humanity parliament should grow rapid not the only one of the employed and unemployed will not progress because of it: is. would the bourgoixie wait for bourgeoise compromised that Ruxian. um convinced that it workers democracy. This alone wurker Without that any seri on the contrary, it will fall back peaceful expropriation? The gov. The suffering of the itussian IL IN to very likely that it would will uk much better than lictates the program of the united front. We are ready to destruggle in Germany is quite ward into harlarim on all fours, ernmental machinery is entirely in workers are considerable became be able to get its armies to march dia.
ſend your printing plants and our unthinkable.
The way ont is not in the na its hands! Even admitting that intensia, as a consequence of about proletaria Germany. WHAT SHALL WE DEFEND?
own, but also the democratic prinThe Red Trade thion opwition tional liberation of Germany, but the bourgoolsle allows the moment de Istorical factors, was born Le sure the civil war would be in (1. must enter into the in the liberation of Europe from top and permits the proletariat the first letarian state which, evitable for that pure, lascism. Very good, but we social dem ciple of freedom of the press: your fruction. That is one of the prin which the bonreole cannot relanc feliefs weer uiteenlicht be out forget that kis having behind it the Soviet Union must coulder that an absurd are materialists and that is why trade comunista ne contains barriers. It is a problem na nartamentary represent com a extreme provers, is oblissement content or the herocrats provave nevertheless to come a los parties principles, bet tied the cial conditions of the success of wolve any more than the feudal within the trade unions must enjoy at an end to relationer istement in the same way that the there intel only a tiny skirt with ustantial sections of the Heary to have a clear ideal yet have the strength to establish Hence storm troow disperse this parlia try of Drop The wroletariatsition of sein drawing front of defense Josole? For it the body. So long as we do not the rights of workers democracy the coalition with the for the pulation. In this counnalty bourgeoisie. The dictatorship of what there is to defend. If we the Soviet system, we place our and in the first place, the right of doubly reprehensible. prolecamarilla todny disperses with full freedom o criticism on their tarian revolution is necessary. stroke of the pen all the parliatrs, the dictatorship of the prole chevroletariate dragermure delen me thing and you another, setves on the terrain of bourgeois part, they must repect the statutes federation of the proletarian rements which displease it?
dictatorul Of of the trades unions and their dis pilies of Europe and the whole. Then, down with the Reichstag the harshext forms. Thence the allured than the di But at the same time Do you Coinmunists consent to dewe do not entertain any Illusions.
cipline world is nesiry.
and elections?
consemences which towed from it: the proletariat in Russia.
rend the Weimar Constitution?
The defense against Musclem is Social patriotism in the program No, that not what mean. the development in the bureancracy In that came why the dictatThe question is a fitting one AS TO FREEDOM OF not an isolated thing. Fascism is doutors of capitalism: Internt we are Marxists and not anarch: Which Bolts the mower and the torship?
and will try to answer it candid. THE PRESS only cudgel in the hands of fin tionalism is the program of the ists. We are supporters of the chain of crrors committed by the. To annihilate exploitation and ly. The Weimar Constitution re ance capital. The aim of the crush gravediger of bongrois society. utilization of parliament: it is not political leadership witch. And what will you do with the ink of proletarian democracy is to This antagonism is irreincible.
an instrument for transforming fallen under the iniluence of this of the exploiters; to end their intutietis, of rights and of laws. Let social democratic press if you of society, but a means of rallying bureanu. racy. If at the end of clination to think about re us commence from the top. The should suceed in seizing power: labor power. There raise the rate of even immensa DEMOCRACY AND the workers. However, in the de 1918, when the lower was com tablishment of exploitation; to put republic has at its head a prest will you prohibit our papers fell for the united front of the DICTATORSHIP velopment of the class struggle, a pletely in its trans, the social all the power, all the means of deut. Do you consent sou com Russian Bolsheviks prohibited the proletariat: the struggle for the moment arrives when it is neces democracy had entered bollly unroduction, all the resources of muists, to defend linlenburgenshevik papers?
daily brend, extended and sharp the democratie constitution to be is to be master of the country cluded all The social democrata consider sary to decide the question of who the road to socialism alliance Troletariat and to permit it to need for that don make Itselt What do you mean by our pahad con civilization into the hands of the against Fascism. hope that the. You put the question badly.
ened. Leads directly under present above the class strele. For finance capital or the proletariat. Wister urope would have re the interest of the socialist trans Fascists to power.
Then comes the of the proletariat provede possible wable the whole utilize all the forces and means in relt: Hindenburg having called the tsY Iu Russia the dictatorship workers control of production.
The factories in the mines in the the experience undergone by on democracy online general constitute nimerity woorde en orientative and career onder society: Thore les no verament presided more only after the overwhelming maj of the workersCan it be that the Corrections thanks only to the labor cut leaving a trace, just as the es recente minority is organizing and or time and with infinitely hess THE GERMAN BOURGEOISIE to be defended against Fascism over to the side of the Bol in the third place comes the parli sheviks, whereas the petty bour.
during the latter have not the right to know wary The November revolutionarming. So to speak, half of the sacrifice. It is not our fault that WILL HAVE THE REVOLUTIONament. Where these lines apixar, seols debris of Menshevism under.
IN GERMAN AND NOT the fute of the proletariat emergtook to assist the bourgeoisie to where the owner is directing the brought the social democracy to nation to crush and strangle the this not happen.
establishment, why he is reducing power.
Yes, the dictatorship in the So IN RUSSIAN ing from the elections of March right for the restoration of demThe social democracy today of secondary reforms, but of viet Union at the present time has will probably have been determin ocracy. that is, of capitalism.
production and driving out the spurred the powerful movement of the life or death of bourgeois so an extremely burcaucratic and dis. Still, it often happens that our ed. But even at this juncture one Now, even in Russia we did not at workers, how he is fixing prices on the road to ciety. Never have such questions torte character. have personal Commernists are promise them mercial secrets. What are com. The whole political life which fol: appeals today to the parliament of press the present Soviet regime wait, as soon as we will get into prove to be hostile to the govern pers. We were led to do this by Whoever ly criticized more than once in the democrats with this threat: Just composition of the Reichstag prohibition of the Menshevik pa mercial secrets? plot of the cap lowed in Germany evolved on the to the supreme Court at nelie which is a distortion of the work wwer, we ll put you up against en liter takes it into his the incredibly harsh conditions of italists against the workers and basis and within the framework of is deceiving the workers and in ers state. Thousands upon thou the wall the pople as a whole. Producers the Weimar republic, and consumers, the workery, in practise, is helping Fascism.
The results are at hand: bour.
sands of my friends, till the prisons Only a handful of imbeciles de tre socialdemocracy shows lucted to save and maintain the this two fold capacity, must con scols democracy is transformed THERE IS NO OTHER ROAD and the place of exile for having windbags and brassarts who, as determination to fight for the int revolutionary dictatorship. In Soquer the right to control the rally. pettically, into a Fascist What is to be done under reaucracy. Now even if one judges devil at the moment of danger, can socialdemocracy with all their as have already said, infinitely of. The is runmask fraud and deceit in order ononch: bourgeois democracy, just such conditions. my social dem the megative sides of the present make such threats. serious rev. Ste Communists caunot and do the press will necessarily feel the more to (lefend their interats and Sovlet regime it is necessary toolutionist, while acknowledging the interests of the people as a whole, the instruments of one and the The proletarian revolution.
the as the lascist dictatorship are ocratic interlocuter will ask.
preserve a correct historical per inescapability of revolutionary vio not want to establish the dictator effects of it. do not think that facts and figures in hand. The same class: the exploiters. It is function, un hip of the proletariat against in this field the German proletarspective. If the German proletar and its struggle for workers control. And then se teh more conferrous and later derstands the ele same production enn and should be absolutely impossible to prevent The dictatorship of the prole civilized than the Russian prole the application of violence in the ratie Workers. We want to come To be sure, do not want to say the slogan of the united front.
the replacement of one instrument tariat.
In the other by appealing to thel As in Russin? The privations mororw, this would not owner to socialist transformation of society to this dictatorship together with that the workers state will toler.
tariat, wet to take the open has well defined limits. the Compon. And we regard the common ate even for a day the regime of the on the ground of oranization. Constitution, the Supreme Court at and the sacrifices? The complete up imense cconomic and cultural munists cannot prepare themselves efetulust Fascism is the first the hourgeois) freedom of the eration between social democratie press. that is, the state of affairs workers and Communist workers in which only those can publish papers and books who control the is only necessary to pass over from printing plants, the paper manufae words to deeds.
The third session of the Con cipate in the Chicago Congress. suggesting that a majority of the Wise noods no introduction to our to the opposite extrexne of Right tories, the bookstores and so on.
THE IRRECONCILABLE CHAR the New York United Front Free Louis Scott, Mooney personal composed of Chicagoans. Ilow this Soviet Union and the working class to which they are pushing the party fools) freedom of the press Kress Organization Committee of the letter was not issued because Management Committee should be readers. Dis attitude toward the opportunism. This is the direction that is, the enpitalists. The (bour sig ACTER OF THE SOCIAL Tom Mooney Conference revealed representative, thought it inadvis would avoid giving the. con movement is well known. It is today.
nifies the monopoly for finance DEMOCRATIC AND THE step deeper into the opportunism present time in view of the stage to the demand for the dropping of people in united fronts when they engineer such dickers with the of hundreds and thousands of pecapital to impose capitalist preCOMMUNIST PARTIES That Muste and almer would judices upon the people by means Now, if the common defense inating political current in the cond. Instead Scott sent a personaltiations Committee, with two Stalzations participating in the united is their politiet milieu. But that the virus of lies in the most per against the attack of capital ference. It is in control of the letter to Julius Gerber! Paliner inlets on it, replied that no front. But that is not the case the Communist party should be feet technical form. Proletarian ther and form a genuine blue off the party seriously means to the Daily the two parties on all the ques unild a united front movement and sharply criticized the. for its stunts: the slogan was held in rete party invite him to spruk? This to the repertoire of opportunism of plants, of the paper manufactories of April which name sociated with adventurous in this united front. Why does business is the special contribution nationalization of the printing a tion? Then the polemic betweca bring pressite to bear on the sum sabotage of the movement and its serve, no to spok, in case Mooney is not the way to build a united stalim pries of social re and the bookstores in the interest the two would take on an internal, tain left social demoxrats, of the the site front are the instruite implied that it mikt have and, and his ce was apparent tenturers tuink they will use over the leadership of the Chinese dom of the press without linotypes. through their ranks the organs party and the Chicago Congress trial and was sentenced to be baus:pportunist substitute for it. These movement. For people who turned ate the soul from the body. Freedixantrons effect on the negotiato alla Noon ad nauscam: Wise to fool the masses into berevolution to Chiang Kai Shek, of without printing presses, and with complete union of the scial demeven go so far as to dream of mens they must we.
The conference represented thou tions.
then we could consider a general lieving that Hathaway and Wine on the English General Strike to out paper is a miserable fletion. In ocracy and the Communist party. Kind of workers. The Congress almer reported that Clarence rike!
All of this. Talmer told is, he led movement symbols of a uni Purell and Cook, of the fight the proletarian state the technical the platform are dream! What separates the comight all the duty to speak in was conferring in Chicago with text to Hathaway! And all of Struons objection was made to brusse it is a little mattter to turn the disposal of groups of citizens But all this is nevertheless a vain Organisation Committee has the senior had told him that the against war to Rolland and Bar means of printing be put at Intuit from the social democracy name. What it has to say the. the WW. reported to the Congress wise by Linn of the and over to a brank Palmer and in accordance with their real numare antagonisms on fundamental hus a certain force and can consti and the Chicago Federation of questions. The simplest way of tuto a presure on the and ADOT over the question of parti control of the Stalinists which the Jelt Opposition to reject him choice of method of building a unito hortance. But how is this in the the Let opposition. The motion of Muste the initiative in and the raskating the essented their the AF bureaucrats and sputina chica como desereports one was defra. motion to refer ted front movement to get Mooney will obtain printing facilities corbe done? The social democracy disagreements in this the social misleaders to remove the barriers Seulor said that they had come the left to raises its volce the matter back to the speakers ont of Jall! Against them and all respondng to the number of its democracy considers itself the dem. they have crected across the road to this understanding ocratie doctor of capitalism; wel to the united front of the Mooney Chicago Heleration of labor Warnings that this road leads to That is how the movement for carries on and will continue to that time this number will be very Fitxpatriek agreed that it Prank the swamp plays into the hands of its revolutionary Brauery. movement.
are must be open Walsh would state publicly that the enemics of the Mooney move one release stands now. The wage an Frroconellable strugkle. high: otherwise the very regime of the two parties appears with jar and take place before the eyes of the participation of the Chicago ment and discredits Communism a gove the movement with impurt: STAMM. the dictatorship of the proletariat ticular clourness in the light of the entire working When the Stalwould be impossible. Nevertheless, And the Stalinists pursue the recent evolution of Germany. this is done the workers of both the Booney movement they mightinists make a united front WD their Ne Gleeper into the swamp TO OUR READERS: let us leave it to the future to Icipit laments that in calling ties and in either will see who would also consider the question. tee to reject our criticism and progreeted the party turn from the ence of our renders for the failure nfcal means of the press, not in come in. On the basis the Aluste and almer in the Commit solve this question. But the prin Hitler to power thie who We must again beg the indulgciple itself of distributing the techbourgeois status in the way of unity and classes have disrupted the inte why This is the way to teach Palmer got to Walsh. Walsh SunAt this session, at the conclusion ultra Teftism of the united front to publish in this issue all the art nccordance with the thickness of.
gration of the workers into the the workers that the Communists that had nothing to do with States and the warns the bourge are the kesmen for the unity the propaganda and of the Mooney of Palmer report, the left op stalinists were steering a correct work. Once more it is a question with the number of supporters of from below with the hope that the cles which were announced last the checkbook, but in accordance from it (Vorwaerts, February 15, This is not the procedure the would not ask the Chicago FederalOrganization Committee, publish a They showcu little under of pressure of space which has a given program, of a given curstanding of the nature of bureau. obliged us to omit some of thel 1033) Leipart thus makes himselfarty is following. It ignores the tion of Labor to participate in the summary of the negotiations up tocratie centrism. The Stalinists are material which we planned to indent, of a given school, is, hope, the bourgeois organs of the united front. In. Chtcase Congress with Communists diete works out our det for the kino Incapable of pursuing a correct pel cludo. We can assure our readthe most honest, the most demthe watchdog of state by desiring to preserve it tend it has entered into Negoti. because Nockels and Fitzppata second. He was about to pro to the extreme of ultra Ieftime that the articles will appear letarian principle. Isn latters tion was of order lack ocratic, the most authentically profiey consistently. They move eitherers that so?
from the proletarian revolution. ations Committee outside of the the past on ceed to the next Item on the agenda or next week as announced.
Can we even dream of union with united front and its organs with rick.
to when the miracle happenaar anFive Then shall we shake hands on The Vorwaerts prides itself every mer of the Federated Press to Nockels. Nockels sald that it?
day on the fact that hundreds of draw the and F. of Chicago Federation would not go other, and spoke for the motion.
Read d like to think it over a bit.
thousands is of social democrats died into the nose behind the hacks of Communist there.
and the Chic into the Congress if there was one and it carried. ask for nothing else, my dear We attribute this stroke of good a finer and freer Germany. It its own membership and the work. Nothing daunted Palmer report fortune to two causes. Palmer V. CALVERTON friend: the aim of all my refleconly forgets to explain why thising class. Hathaway article ined back to Clarence Senior. Senior report was too raw for Communtions is to have you meditate once more upon all the great problems of proletarian policy.
Germany of titlerIlugenburg. In it appear that the negotiations are have the Chicago Federations to line Stellen wir And the front LEON TROTSKY 23, 1933 reality, the German workers, like taking place openly before the labor, the and the present to put the seal of author the workers of the other belliger eyes of the working class. This is. participate but it they refused the recipe tercubaut vote tunisie Crews wessin, Winter, op het ent countries, died as cannon fod false. The Crisis in Communism)
der, as slave of capital. To ideal The party has two (names on the question of participation lam, Moore must be mightily pleasTHE MILITANT ize this fact is to continue the unknown) on this Negotiations nevertheless.
ed with the results of the Nego in the April Issue of the Entered as a second class mail treason of August 4, 1914. Committee. What they do there! Earlier in the week Senior had tiations Committee and content to matter November 28, 1928, at the The Vorwaerts continues to ap except to commit the party to wired Palmer the conditions on let it replace the organs of the MODERN MONTHLY Post Office at New York, peal to Marx, to Engels, to win those behind the scenes maneuvers which the would consider the united front in broadening the Under the act of March 1879.
Palmer does not requestion of participation. These Mooney movement. They did not Now on Sale at Newsstands helm Lelknecht, to Behel, who is not clear.
Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition)
struggle for the unity of the Gers Acoerding to his reports Palmettere in commumber the man attend the meeting of the com ALSO ARTICLES BY ROMAIN ROLLAND, ROBERT BRIFat 126 Fast 16th St.
At seems to be doing all the work of al Chicago Congress must be com The speakers committees FAULT, SIDNEY HOOK, KAZAKEVICH, HARTLEY EDITORIAL BOARD man nation. Lying ration of back door bargaining. Last Satur posed entirely of Chicagoans. This, which Nessin is the chairman re that time, it was a GRATTAN, ANDRE GIDE, ABELARD STONE.
Afartin Aber James Cannon completing the bourgeois revolu day he reported the following: the sald Palmer, was to insure control ported through one of its members Max Shachtman Maurice Spector tion. Every proletarian revolu second session of the Organiza for the 2) the Mooney move that, among the speakers for the Special Introductory Offer: Five Months for One Dollar Arne Swabeek tionist had to Aght against the tion Committee voted to issue an went must drop all talk of a gen Mooney mass meeting which is be THE MODERN MONTHLY Saturday, April 15, 1938 Box 97, Station New York, Vol. VI, No. 23 (Whole No. 170)
herited from feudality. Every pro of La Inviting them to enter to these ultimatist conditions if the committee nivitation is ac Subecription rate: 00 per year.
letarian revolutionist had to fight the Mooney movement and parti the Negotiations Committee replied cepted, Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Forolign 00. Five Cents par copy pacitie al cordial character. Crts of the SP and the A, of landen aust the Communist kot raw deal at his forthcoming movement. But it is the Stalinit formism within the Communist of the workers. We do not separ.
ity Prinkipo, February. TROTSKY.