BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerMarxismNazismReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

For the Opposition!
Voices from Germany Form American Section of International Commission bele bariton, lorem et is made ofrecerea The Condition of the Party After the Fascist Victory the ing days creation ot Yester Illinois Hunger March Smashed TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES ants of the march to sheepishly bow to the tyranny, constitutional violations, and terror of the State SOS officialdom.
Hundreds at Stalinist United Refore inviting this delegation to Toronto Meeting Front in Frisco (Continued from Page 1) day came rare event letter his armed forces to terrorize thel (We publish below extracts from thing of plıysical self defense. In shevik Party and of the world la hunger. We will not do penance meetings and gatherings of the un. Germany. Everyone will understand make expeditions; they beat up Toronto. The voice of Internal San Francisco. After an unbe: bor movement. That is just why we are right. We will ale or bun employed; stop all columns of that we have had to change the and kill active communists, open.
tional proletarian solidarity with lievably long delay the Communist they were struck down during the ger, but we will not do penance. marchers coming to Springfield by names. But all the notes we pub is, in the streets, before the eyes out arty in San Francisco decided to in Toronto as Jewish and the German tollers, again Dhave a united front miss meeting Sears of political ebb in the We make collections, but it is tear gas Lombs, clubs, and mar lish below are taken either from il. of other comrades who are part of and of successful counter very risky here: to help the optial law. Active leaders of the legal icatlets or Journals published the defense organizations but who In a stirring protest demenror in Germany. It noems that the repression which has struck them means to fall into the lists of en pirts of the state. Armed guards Every fact reported is strictly ex out bulxing. They are beginning ish pogroms in Germany hundreds population against the persecutions events confirm the correctness of money does no good, since, in the field. The April 6, Springfield moct but true picture. What the prole castor oll workers are martyred, of other workers again had to be of Jews reminded the stalinist the criticism and the warnings of places of deportation, it is impos turned away for lack of accomoda adershin that something is going the Lett Opposition. The shortage Nible to buy anything and furing was broken up and the April 7, inrint neeix above all in these try are killed in flight. The terror demonstration prohibited by is the truth, and not is beginning in the factories; for the leaflet issued just one day pre this owners were immediately Istence of all strata of the popula. need foreign exchange.
the great strategists of renders exceedingly difficult the ex. ing. We need Torgsin coupons, we Jurmeal forces of the Governor. brugaddoccio of bankrupt bureau. the time being the workers remain vious, calling for international pro small The striking miners of Illinois crats. After having seen things as motionless.
letarian action against Fascism.
confronted with the problem of tion, even in the industrial and Do whatever you can abroad. police and company gunmen. The Letter have been terrorised by the state they are able to know what is to ON THE TRADE UNION POLICY e, every proletarian will the The United Front Conferece which called this mass demostra how to get up the meeting. It is cultural centers of the country. It Undertake a campaign for the bene miners of the have fought be done: to fight tenaciously for OF THE PARTY the untion is doubly significant: first be all right for the Communist Party is not difficult to dvations fit of the deported Oppositionists. the combined guards of Torner, the triumph of the ideas of the (From a circular of the Left Opto be in New York to call a united front bearable physical cause it is the first real united muss meeting in its own name. which are subjected the thousands destruction of our comrades: sin mass pressure and have organized to The question is one of the physical leabody, Lewis and Iobinson turu iaft Opwition. positon in Saxony towards the end front organized ascism, and see by the workers in.
of February. Canada Hitler is chancellor. We are leondly because it marks the first stand the suden change of temperaturerl throughout prisons and in Many of them have Hroved for de workers of Illinois intend to use DISTRICT (March fore the general atack against the united front of Communist and re onto for a number of years. White baluation stand the sudden before have the deported suffered state.
docrist organizations held in Tor. Californians with their inflamma of Siberia and Central Asia. Nevertion, to Bolshevism, to the Soviet relief and other demands as listed asking all the party comradex: ist party itself will be dissolved 28 yet the conference has been change of the hot temperature of such privations as today. In the in a realing to you for help. March.
in the program of the Hunger 1low do you estimate the situation und with It all the workers or Ilmited ed to Jewish proletarian bouche Third Period to the cool years of the revolutionary high am fanlling an elementary duty leg it was announced at the sitting Teulization of the bankruptey of tide, the liberal and radical bourge toward my friends, my companions fear the pure of the downs of workers.
The bosses and their Governor Ble against Faschem have seen and the perspectives of the strug. Sama. More than ever, the of an Opposl.
by the sponsor, the Left Poate the border die Schmacionet sooiste rendered Nurhatantial assist in idees and in arms. hope that categoricaltion Left wing inside the trade un Zion. that the Labor Party (m hat burner les intestinate agents ance to the deported and the im. you will win in your hearty to workers and are doing everything and manimous opinion was the relons, the re entry of the Iced Trade severely to the test of its life. of formist) has made plans to similar conference of all the Englares up in the rucket of its pre revolutionary ebb, of world crisis Ward the fighters of the October Iible to stop it. The Governorsult. The conclusive victory of Union Orgasesents itself asu vious experience and lands. on and of famine in the cach one may be, we must make to brute forte e which suceded in au organization, the Modest as the help of fears the mass pressure of tho un llitler is generally estimated as a trade unions, question of prime importance.
lub trade unions and labor of by the Workers Cultural Federation. the vanguard of the October Revure of it, for the need brooks Snaxhings woy for the eabody the loss of the legal apparatus orns of Red lists for the elections party Refore the 12th Plenum, the party izations shortly to which That small, till now obscure organ olution can expect support only delay.
the March. Governor scarcely exists any longer. After demanded the presentation at all would become a part.
temFlorner, oflice pent which will sweep The call of the Comintern for lantion will start the Blue or its most devoted and its sur subseriptions can be sent to the al Co. and other capitalists, will to and of the bureaucratic to the factory concils. The most est friends.
united front action of the Comlinis feet! The united front massHow necessary and urgent this SIDNEY HOOK, Treasurer of the mittee of 20 to present our deashes. Social democrats and trade Red lists in the factories and to following address: munist and the reformist organiza allow us to send a lobby com a aratus, it has scattered like aetve comrades, forced to present is, is attested best of all American Committee, ganization. with the wholehearttions, even at this late date has dieeting will be called by this own extract from a letter from 1234 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, only to separate the leaders from ince latas rexist carry ont this Tilley of the mands. Such a gesture can serve unions are already had its response. Signified suport of the Communist party! Moscow which have just received Scattered and in the reformist federations, cant is the fact An accounting for the sums re the masses. The best and their not very significant actions in the were kicked out by the hundrede, that the Lert of the onWhen came to that united Pogle Zion and not the Stalinwith regard to the deportes ists sponsored this conference. The front conference found thereally want to write to you espeelseivel and for their distribution Governor urge the workers to best case; in case of an attempt at and lost the leadership felerat Frosition in the trade union weeks ago in an editorial reply to senting themseyles and almost all ficult is the least one can call it. wherbererilically to all the in place of man without the concrete examples are given of lightest contact with the members Stalinist press even at late as two some thirty people, mostly repre and their difficult situation. Dir will either be published in the stay home and to endu committee battle: cecipitation.
press or sent masses of unemployed. number of every lamentabletions, and in part, low even the Such a comunittee Nighed: the Militant dented that a change familiar faces. The small room Their situation is horrible. The workers, he will consent to see. he state of the party organiza of the reformist trade unions. This polley bad taken place and that was so big and the anticipations comrades are literally given up to TROTSKY. Workers Committee to visit the Lion. In the large centers of the line has led to the isolation of our the organimausses and reformist organizations was the representative of the ments. They are not given work.
Chairman of the Commission Governor, without the masses behine, the party has not had any party foolivered them, bound permissable.
told us that the next meeting will they are deprivcil of rations, they hind them, or after the masses meetings of the nuclei since Janu and has warm for lielp to the Imprisoned and have becit driven out by boss terary 30. Meetings of 60 functionar hand and foot, to the reformist clothing, inust The Left Opposition was repre take place in a smaller room: it have insufficient they are never through with suf Deported Bolsheviks (Leftror, have no power. Such a comiex are called out of whom came bureaucracy. The party federasented at the Conference by the will be less expensive.
ferings, cold and hunger.
Opposition). mittee will be used by the Gov. together at one time and 17 at an dissolve the independent Unser Kamf Club and Spartacus When the names of the delegates erner to fool the workers, notwith other. No leaflet has boen issuedtions and lead the o. towithin the Youth organizations. Let us now were being called banded in the standing the intentions of the comby the party, at Cologne for ex wards an opposition trade unions.
refer back to the mass demonstra following note: Being a member mittee. Only the mass pressure ample.
of the Communist League of Amtion itself.
of the workers can be of value in Since the prohibition of the The first speaker was our com erica (Opposition. an organisa(Continued from Page 1) Dolicy under the circumstances fighting the bosses. Just to thes, the apparatus has vanished (The following letter was senc to rade Spector. The response tion which is fighting in the forefrom the gathering at his appear front against the danger of Fuse among the miners. To portray the would be to boycott the Governor. degree of mass pressure exerted by in thin air, without leaving behind us by a sympathizer. It paints, in cins, precisely to that degree any instructions. In the Cologne living term, the heroic struggle ance must have nettled the stalinism in Germany, ask to be scated horrors of the unemployment among In line with this policy the Hunger district (3, 000, 000 inhabitants. the of the German proletariat against ist leaders, as it showed that their at this united front conference as the Illinois minery needs someone March Fraction of the Communist will the capitalists and their gov Communist party has had 14, 000 the ascist bands and our Hitler members for years. Official figures police. now that the summer months are on and the Spartacus Youth inmediate demands.
soon as his chance came a party cost upon us, the economie Rit. Club issued a statement. The state Workers! Do not let the terror new members and 18, 174 dropping our dinner when young who had show that in 1932 there were 13, 868 was a flop.
Hamburg We bad just finished Comrade Spector in a true in motion not to seat me. Another nation throughout the statement was then shown to several ofism of the bosses stop us in our out, that is a fluctuation of about gone to his room, came back runbureaucrat jumped up and made a ternationalist speech pointed out supported him by saying that there sewing worse osliter factories more sult was that they immediately saw must return to our cities, to out for me whole number of districts. There is some slicoting at Koten the Ilunger Marchers and the restruggle for our percent to the. to our work one of the principal leaders was a it tional working class. That the to no avall that at the Tom Mooney organize in order to get their requestion but one of the internation in the city. reminded him and more workers are forced to correct and refused to go to seelers organizare and to prepare years and participated in the action. We run to the window.
to increase the member of the Nazl party for Jewish problem would only pro united front conference the dele her from the state. That is why she Governor. But, of course, the activity to There is a frightful massacre. Wo to Bavaria in 1923! witness a horrifying buttle letariat over capitalism. The suc dustrial Union was seated as armed forces of the whole state to political tactic handed down to that will be powerful shortest The Youth (400 members) could neighbors are all aroused was smash the terror of the bosses and t even get together a general the Communists. They are going the Hunger them from above. When it the USSR which we must defend is not even a single coffee stand March. But despite the reign left in a quagmire and could were their government, as Instituted in meeting: nobody came. All this is to seize something. etc.
thien our Fast drop of blood. Organ which it controls in this city. The terror that was het kloose the worst see through the trap luid for them torners terrorism against the green in all the districts, espe. The soon. detect searchlights ized united front action of whole German in het listening to reasot the call of the Unemployed Coun. Governor, he wchided the increased terror against the strike Liebknecht House, isolated groups there too. After about quarter Cultural Asociation Was the unemployed workers, the works by the Governor. so when the workers, employed and unemploy, cially in Berlin.
international proletariat would de adamunt ers responded in great masses to committee before in the sky. march in that direc.
feat Fascism. The welcomes the cd, is the prelude to a period of Anyway the delegate of the cils for the March on Springfield. committee for organizing the whole Since the occupation of the tion. There are workers hustening munist and reformist organizations as kiveen, want other imeak eramanga localities at mange hundreds demonstration. And so, again, it leadership of the Illinois miers under the are thinking of self defense, but, of an hour walk reached the negatinst the recommon enemy. For asume rivers and contentiomerskea Southern her waited for her to the stulinists had accepted the cores new attacks against the unem out plan, and only byer individual cops everywhere in squads. In one realization.
for the floor and vigorously pro start because of the lack of trans rect policy of the Left Opposition ployed.
trans the movement could have been corner is a crowd of workers and will pass over the speeches of tented against bringing this kind portation.
uhend, at least, a few steps cups. keep on walking. All of After the lunger the Left Poale Zion the German of factional fight into the united state as weekeinuen aha FROM THE PALATINATE up! kept JOSEPII ANGELO.
worker and the Right wing reprefront. lle said that corruptamushed and the various columns proceed with increased activity to Here, a large number of party sudden: Ilands right oil. At the next corner: sentative and come to that of com. of fuker would come in of the Marchers were forced to liring about Ehrlick, the Stalinist spokesman, he would set the floor right away. turn back to their home towns, STATEMENT OF THE COMMUNI out the mass pressure nee members consider that there is clear the streets! Stop or wo tu break this new offensive. nothing more to look forward to Comrade Ehrliek also made a very but when militant worker who is the Governor Issued a statement IST LEAGUE OF AMERICA (Left unemployed and labor organiza trade unions can save the situa ways, along with them. After united front of all trade union, from the party, and that only the The people crowd into the door.
is ing, Comrade Ehrlick did not lack offering his cooperation, he a committee of twenty, pleked by the gall to stand up and say, we shouted down. These are the the Hunger Marchers. After MARCH TO SPRINGFIELD, the accomplishment of this task. struggle. Complete passivity. always stood for united front ac methods of the of and the Governor hnd put on a reign of Governor llorner has invited We call upon you to demand. comrade from reports that again. This is the place of the ts that tragedy. The searchlights scrutinorganizations, and that it was tion of Communist and reformist Socialist party just as well as the terror the like of which has never committee of twenty restate) workers, 50 for families of two, inonths.
unemployed. 00 for single of its 14 members in the last few roofs, the Hor immediate relief for all al nucleus (typical) hay lunt 41 oulize every wingiks. The moment every door, the alone After that some of the delegates of Illinois, this gesture was noth to Springfield to consult with him ote: we stop, a ray of light blinds our Ins. before the elections, were against this. The united asked me again to explain what ing more nor less than front from below only. social kind of an organization the Left hng and a political snare Cornish At P on April 7, 1933. Bearing Unemployment insurance at there were many party members yes. The cops in helmets keep the crowds moving with mightsticks Tin mind the events which preceded the expense of the employers and who had the point of view: First and revolvers in band. Some among Fascism where, oh where, lle ye Oppositon is, which willingly did. The Jeft Opposition warned thej this invitation, we have decided to the state.
That closed the discussion. moFascism and then we come. The them are carrying a kind of subemphatically boycott this liberal The six hour day five day tion WALS carried to send a tele. state comunittee in advance those of the Governor and to issue werk, with the reduction in pay. Troof a broad united front cireuiate among the workers, of Wascism will lead to the machine gun.
est issue of the Kamf, the Stalin in Washington with the request to Governor was nothing more than this statement to the worker of long term credits to and refrom below. Meanwhile, no gener discuss with them, observe every After writing the above, the lat. gram to the German ambassador this maneuver on the part of Except that political chicanery and that to go the State of Illinois. 1st organ, in the Jewish language deliver it to Ilitler, cognition of the Soviet Union. al strike, no fighting cartels, but thing that is going ou. troop of of the conference in which they int. everything went smoothlymittee of twenty would not only rights of the workers by sumbit. nl withdrawal of all troon from to warm and liquidate came off the press, with a report little accident with the Trotsky before the Governor with a com The Governor, after violating the Rexcinding of murtial luw the formation of artisan tro 150 Naxis is marching into the dify the come eremu get the mangulust rased even the sloscowhere Theatre La betrayal in the eyes or the thou ironically requested a meeting with him Nyodicalist. aw the Red quarter (as they have been doto him. the Rep of the evi tormtroops should be said in for usure than a week. the be widely developed it could not do the of unemployed that the Fascist storm troops were workers shoot at them from the the ism Conference will base itself on very well die.
took part in the Hunger March, Hunger March, which is in es negroes and strikers. For the right before the burning of the Reich de Nazis return the sbots, the representatives of organizations GREEN and that the correct revolutionary sence, a request for part to pricket, demonstrate and organ stag, the International which don exist and have no folAid or police with them. This morning.
ixe. For the right of workers to ganized a meeting where the speakibe same thing in Barmbeck.
lowing amongst the masses.
the highways.
e, the Spartacus Youth Club, Uner spoke for two hours against the To come back to the original subser Kamt. If this is true then We ask the editors of the Kamt At the last membership meeting this strike by forcing their men to the Furniture Workers Llustrial. Hunger March arrested in the titler.
conditional release of all leaders of without mentioning a word aboutocratic leaders do not want any why the continual venemous at of the Furniture Workers Indus go and do a day work in that Union is a. xtruggle In the initiative in the down and pursued, adopted the tacit logical for a paper to write Lield Thursday, April Stalinism while the lenders of the union written on roll of lister your pressie trial Union (Upholstery Section. shon, forcing the men to scat. And that its primeiples are not Hunger March Fraction, kirtisan struggles process more tic of mixing with every socialist Communist Jeugue of America editoriale against people who once more demonstrated its impot. Inve shown by their action that which can be torn of wherever from the members of the Reichs demonstration. Sunday, the socialSpartacus Youth Club don exist and be kemi are faced with burning problems which mentary on time fraiche et seems The membership must oblise the latnuer than from the Communist ist leaders, finding that Commun.
ele necessary.
karty which is waiting for in ists were participating in great In times of strikes, hours count. Neumann Is New Leader wilt is this state of the party which driven out by the police. Many 80 not so illogical; they are only try demand immediate action.
number in their march, had them ing to cover up the truth, which is In his report on shops, the or they fail to understand that un leadership of the imion to change are economie organizations its Unser Wort, the illegul paper of in making a deep impression upon cialist workers protested. That the growth of the Left Opposition anizer of the union earted on ou to better the living stand. 17 polley with regard to this strike the Cierman Jet Opposition, the the comrades and is making them same night the soclal democratic and the crisis inside their own the Newport Furniture Co. one of immediately.
ranks. Workers Unity also devotes the largest frame making shops in ards of the workers and that in Imorts in its second issue: the of the more than a whole page of the the city. The workers of this shop dustrial unions are necessary to The only way to rally the furni. The Stalinists have already Stalinism has ideologically shat Communist OEC recommending to last issue to refuting the ideas of have gone down on strike and they achieve the solidarity of all the the Industrial Union is to show olitical crime. Ernst Thaelmann has thus delivered lioners whose causing disorder and to force the ture workers around the banner of a scapegoat for their latest tered the proletarian vanguard: 10 the functionaries to mix with the the handful of Trotskylsts who look to the for lead workers.
the proletariat socialist masses for the purpose of don exist. Even the Lorship These workers who have not to have this knowledge means them that the union is willing to a been deprived of his function to the Pascist socialist leaders to call the police (1. must also condemn the not recolved any wages for or not to have the lightest concep take up the light of the workers in the grounds of impropuer cou victory is assured in advance.
halt dozen Trotskylsts who have weeks are fighting against the interne og industrial ou nuntios naust shop which was once controlled by He mame, or none other than Heinz DISTRICT Berlin against the Communist worken.
18 basing himself upon this Further on in this report we pay, a forty hour week, etc. So In the intellectual and leading document in his rejection of the Half a year ago Heinz Neumant centers of the social democracy is united front.
learn that Spector voted against termined are these workers to win craft unionism which has divided sidered such, although the workers all the proposals of the Left wing the strike that the police terror the workers. We must organize have not paid due to it for about was discarded for big theoretical to be observed a spirit of fear Finally, the next day at 9:30 and supported the Left Poale Zlon. and gangster attacks serve only to the workers into genuinely broad year. has asked for the leader mistakes. Neumann confusion stricken capitulation. The probi AL, the dramatic moment: The Do the editors of the Kamf be make them more militant in their industrial unions which will em ship of the Industrial Union and tom rastly different in its shad. bition of the Reichstanner in Reichstag is burning. The presse their reply, What are a few lies At the last membership meeting and which will abolish all trade through with the sell out policy of the factional struggle that ensued, slightest protest. In Leipals. the pre were supposed to be found in the interests of the revolution? Un motion. That the Furniture Workers will then become more educated or stand for passive resistance to man went to Moscow to repent, pared to defend their own agninst Karl Llebknecht House. There posters Industrial Union in the shops and better equipped to accomplish boss tion of the Stalinist leaders, the which it controls, make a decision the necessary tasks.
by the recognized all his mistakes and the storm troops if they attack as are arrests.
displayediately come conceded Thaelmann cor. Nazi bands and not as police!
of must March 1, 1933 number of lles seem to be growing that no man be allowed to uphol. We must have a very critical at are the only ones who really take chapter of struggle had been con tered is it only for the time be to their aid, show them that we on all questions. An In Berlin, the terror has shattained any gains by such methods. ers of this decision in order to siples and travel from blunder to in their struggle against the boss shipwreck and holcus polcus the groups of five. not a singe leaf esta of the revolution have not ob shop and that we notify the strik our union who run from their prin an interst in them, and are willing cluded on the ideological front. Ing the party. In spite of the to on Communism and give more and to in blunder. paralyzing and compromis. Other shops will follow. We must disrupter of yesterday has belet, crease their militaney.
ing the union in such a manner as be on the job to lead the way.
instructions come to these Syndicalism GREEK IN ELECTIONS come the historical leader of to groups. An instructor who came with a burning sense of to cause to membership to hang It is In view of the opportunist elec shame that am forced to report in shame every time its name is The militant elements in the un day. But the patron of the theo to speak exclusively an organizaby tlon tactie of the official party that the Stalinist bureaucrats voted mentioned.
ion will fight to wipe out every retician Sauerland. the irrespon tional questions, is interrogated. LEON TROTSKY which appeared on the ballot as down the and thereby it is not enough to set up and restige of of Lism that has sible careerist of the Canton in What have you to say about the some fundamental considera the Workers and Peasants Bloe placed the union in a position bellow at the top of the lungs seeped into the Industrial Union. Surrewelinatione whit better litical situation? lle replies: the Greek Archio Marxists (Left where it is scabbing on workers in about Thiex, the organizer of Local and put in its stead solidarity of than tions on the relation of the party Do not talk to me about it, we to the trade union movement Fortunately, the Stalinists have ourselves don know where Opposition participated independ another section of the industry. To of the of L, who is dis all the workers.
with particular reference to the callyeded the presenting the can. com spoke for this motion was told to licht against wage cuts and lay xanization of all the furniture the adverteerd weer leeren ding Cietoward prestereted eldress. becanding on the Let us open the gates to the or lost every shred of authority among stand! It is the intention to experiences of the French labor movement. 15 cents munist program before the work one of the leaders. You are too ofts and in the same breath, ont of workers into the ranks of the revolutionary Starxism, which the majority of the members.
Pioneer Publishers ers at rallies as well as in advanc revolutionary tonight, comrade. the side of the mouth, defeat a Now is the time.
The bosses throughout the dty motion which would prove to the Left Opposition alone embolies The discouragement is ing the campaige for great: 84 East 10th Street, New York.
Communist party.
have organized their men to break entire trade beyond a doubt that SOL LANKIN. and represents.
comrades no longer even dare to March was shoot!
is Disastrous Policy In the Furniture Workers Union and mostats and wo es por entre Wels we in a united