BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

UNITE Weekly THE MILITANT Star Funding Convict Patterson Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Comanet League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered na merond dame med matter, November 28, 1928 at the Poet Omce at New Yor, wder the act of Marsh, 1849 VOLUME VI, NO. 23 (WHOLE NO. 170 NEW YORK, SATURDAY APRIL 15, 1933 PRICE CENTS AUSTRIA NEXT IN ORDER!
United Mass Protest Must Save Scottsboro Boys of the American Committee Appeals for Exiled Russian Bolshevik Leninists Genuine United Front for Mooney Formed by the St. Louis Workers Film to Be Shown By Leon Trotsky NOV The situntion in Austria is not analysis, as well as the fresh ex, closer that the Austrian social We have already called the cualitatively different from the sitperience in Germany equally be democracy will link itself with the attention of our readers to the uation in Germany, but only lagspeak the fact that the Viennese policies of France and of the lit Fund which is being collected on viciously prejudiced jory com rom the legal point of view the dation, corruption and inflaming of behind it in its development. After police and bureaucratie dictator tle Entente, whose task consists in prejudice the political life in Austria had ship cannot long maintain itself. keeping Austria In the state of the German section of the Inter the posterioresentatives of state had to case. Its witnesses ignorance and develous Int overturn in Germany, the cul head. The power must be taken impotence, the greater will be the work. Our comrades we carry our talist Southbrought Sharked up by the prosecution in bextlality are lessons which have mination in Austria drawing either by the paseists or by the rate at which Fascism will turn ing on under live greatest of die woord vertaliter contribute to get out o crame up cases. notorious proberen burned into the consciousness And of the workers the world over.
closer not ly duyes, but by hours. workers, Scottsboro boys to lie tried in the her testimony was tatly contra large sections of the workers know Austrian is passing through a per. The possibility of Postponement in the eyes of petty turgcots juper Unser Wort (Our Word. masses. Along this line, only the which came out less than two State Supreme Curt.
new trials ordered by the United dicted by Ruby Bates sensational what these trials are worth. Their ind that is analogous to the period According repudiation of her former evidence experience teaches them dally what We do not know what weeks after the proscription of Bruening Papen Schleicher in going armed intervention of the Entente, to Alaburau law the jury is charg. Other evidence introduced by the capitalist justice is. In their un Germany, or to the period of Helal on back stage. But there cannot e. outright occupation could the whole Communist pressed with the duty of fixing the pen defense left no doubt that the derstanding it is an inseparable Fascism from conquest the Hitler rogine, has now beer alty.
This jury decided on death state chict witness was a per part of the eapitalist system.
in Bavaria, that is, the period of be any doubt that the governments preve in the electrie chair.
sem Bonapartist dletatorship of those countries which surround of power. But in this, the question followed by the second number, and oppress Austria have brought of Austria Bermany If Hitler with the ques. this time six pages. Our comwhich maintains itself by the mou into action all the levers. Not a tion of Fascist juror. The weakness of the state The capitalist press the handrades report that the copies of With this verdict the blood lust legul case was compensated for by maiden of these brutal orgies, has fun and Paucist camps. For Aus single one of these governments, Ands a modus vivendi With France the paper which are smuggled ridden, southern capitalists have crosses flamed against the night to its masters. It pretends to be Fiery not been slow to discharge its duty tria too we prefer the term Bonanot even Italy, has any interest in and there is hardly any reason trom Czechoslovakia into Ger will find many, are eagerly read and reaffirmed their intention to soul sky from the bills surrounding the astonished by the verdict. The New partism (In contradistinction to all seeing the power in Austria paes to doubt it then France other purely descriptive and abso Into the hands of the Fascists. The a modus vivendi with Fascist Aus spread from hand to hund by the out the lives of all who dare to town. Armed mobs threatened to York Warta Telegram feigns astonresent and struggle against the in storm the jail, lynch the boys, the ishment. It is sure that the verlutely meaningless formulations leaders of the Austrian social dem tria. In both cases, of course on mutant workers. But the obvitolerable ous difticulties created by talism editions to which capl. witness and the defense lawyers. dict will be overthrown in the such as clerical Fascism, legitimate on the indeholde et mijn one this the bonds with the proletariut, Ger trump of the men and Austrian To think that terror regime make it imperative share croppers in the South in its the court room. The prosecution ap Hypocrisy it strives to keep alive clear characterization of the fea whole kame; in their eyes the Fascist Austria would immediately that the vanguard throughout the ruthless scrumble for profit. That of the Aus destroy those barriers which sep World should lend financial as impar ture of a government that veers in revolutionary sest needs be arate it from Fascist Germany issistance to our German comes between too irreconcillable camp: trian proletariat for our class and our cause. As out. But in its summation it reach tial, above the classes. The It is towards this end that the far as the Scottsboro boys them provincialism and medieval bigo of justice. But it cannot see what eil the depths of narrow minded also bemoans the sad miscarriage a government that is forced to au tumranted by financial and other to place much too great a signifie toy military and police apparatus can be brought to the nations of to cum cendera de tiene pochoty set Faserserience of the leading roopposition est devenue nec rived at det er der Gr. To read and the ele make it remains to be done manger hapo the social supart that is ebbing the former utente. This reckoning ism for wagging its tail before decided to establish a Fund for process of law. There is no such und to be foreseen from the begin the victims or commute their sent.
blood boil. All of this, inevitable Governor of Alabama will pardon was prouide refies fenden Cheehostility on the part of the victor It can be said with ussurance that member of the Opposition uris. It is murder one according outweigtied the irgul evidence ence to a term of imprisonment. There.
the ward Bonapartism the urge of the nationwid national socialism of all strategic calculations, the throughout the world is being ing to the nicettes or the law and or lack of it.
assessed a day wage for this with due regard for the devious That is how it was in the Moouey ter of Justice. that the case is a legal one, a mat(Continued on Page 4)
break with legality, a long period plosive growth in Germany. The making an urgent appeal to all courts. It is class murder.
purpose. In addition, we are course of justice in the higher and the Niteco und Vanzetti trials out of the channel to be taken the same frame up, prejury intim of bourgeois of civil war and the bloody Fase our friends and sympathizers to democracy.
ist dictatorship by means of millcontribute The says the same tary and police measures that are ly to this Fun and generous thing but says it more openly. The sereened by the paragraphs kept branch has already sent itself the attack on the and the Comin reserve in democratic constituuota of 75. 00; the other branch munist Party for organizing a mass tions.
es will act correspondingly.
protest movement, which the Times There obtain historical epochs The need in great and urgent. only implied, the when the social foundation of the Under the Inows of Stalinist per illegal period, who took an activo The response should be generous makes explicht. The record of government above all classes xecutin and the increasing bard. part in the October Revolution, predly! Send all funds to St. Louis. genuine unity niove attern Makers Union, reformist organization in Scottsgrows at the expense of the exhijn of the crisis in the Soviet who fought during the civil wurs, 126 East 16th Street, New York, ment to mobilize the workers of Molders Union No. 10, boro Case is foul blot on the treme wings during these periods Union, thousands of our comrades who laid the foundations of the this city for the freedom of Tom pages of the is now well under way.
Bonapartism can place to deal Borlof the Russian Opposition, in pri Soviet State. Even now, all all Hnemployed Citizens League, les for economi, Egle of the Negroon an entire historical epoch. But son or exite, are enduring such pri of them remain absolutely devoted political and soBesides the organizations which International Labor Defense, clal equality. From the very bethe Austrian Bonapartism of tovations that their very lives are and firm soldiers of the proletarian have already endorsed the move. St. Louis Waiters Union, ginning of the case it assisted the dny like the German of yesterday, in danger. Comrade Tocul No. 20 as revolution. In the three of donker prosecution to the best of its abil.
draw in every other working class ter, duling in the short interval le mission for Telp to the Imprisonstitute the surest detachment in its Communist League of America ity. It strove with all its reorganizatiou in the city. Below is (Opposition. sources to hamstring the defense tween the democratic regime and land Deported Bolsheviks (Left camp. They were subjected to to be found the call sent out loy organized by the All International Workers School, through the fight it rabidly attackthe regime of Fascism.
Oposition) has written an appeal persecution only for having critie.
the Free It is true that the Bonapart for help which we publish below, in the policy of the leadink fac Front Conference through its sec Mooney United John Led Club, ed the and the Communist An American Committee of this thon within limits where internal Announcement has just been retary, coinrade Martin layer, who communist Party, Party. Clarence Darrow and Arparliamentary base and that the commission has been organized, criticism constituted the vital ele made of the first private movie is also secretary of the local branch International Workers Order, thur Garfield Hays of its legal Fascists are much weaker than was consisting of Sidney Hook, treasurment of Party Xrelle Tradex Workers Indstaff, and prominent in its executive councils, offered to enter the the case in Germany. But in the Max Fastman, Diego Rivera, Bolshevism. Among de Wörtera wink of the dirt authentic and of the Cul muntat league of Am ustrial Order, first place, the Christian social alverton, Herman Simpson Bolsheviks of the left Oppusilon. ents and actions of the Russian case on condition that all the law.
are melting away while the Naxland Field, Necretary. This the figure most widely known revolution.
Young Cominumist Imague, TO ALL DISTRICT COUNCILS, yers in the defense would agree to are growing apce; secondly, le committee Is appealing for support throughout the world is Christian The most important film Volders Union Local No. 59.
disassociate themselves from all orLOCAL UNIONS, TADGES: you hind the backs of the Nazis stands to all friends of the October Rev. Georgevitch Rakovsky. former have ever ser, one ganizations. This was equivalent Fascist Germany. The question isolution who want to help keep member of the Central Committee to see over and over.
will want TO ALL LABOR ORGANIZATIONS, POLICAL, FRATERN to a demand that the resettled by dynamkes. Theoretical physically alive the tremendous of the Party Chairman of the The timing of these events was AL, CULTURAL, EDUCATION.
tire from the case.
Moscow Trial Starts The black thread of treachery The arbeiter Veitung itself the prisonedl und exiled Bolshe the Ukraine, Soviet Aminossador in hen working directly under the GREENGalice with the string runs through the policy of the disturbed the ghost of Bonaparte vika of the laft Oppition in So Paris and in London, The trial that is taking place in and its white, liberal when it wrote about the 10 hviet Russla. great part of the Left Opporsi various governments and noted oflicall issued from San Quentin prison Morow at present, involving the supporters and executives: John Brumaire of wolfuss. but the so We ask the friends and sympath tion tried in 1928 1920 to be ruin elals leaders in Rusia cial democratie sheet this Party The life and time of the Orur nga. by TOM MOONEY, the St. Louis British organizers of sabotage con Haynes lolmes, Oswald Garrison disa diteranya attle. We would support the work of the American ot renouncing its right to criticism, hogy ne me korniloval counter Kevlakke roka NESTE Nors het foreign thin periarthrough it today. At the last week in sain trom the Austro Marx Committeu and contribute as liber. There were several thousand best blationary Attempt The Rale PROMO CON PERBINCA Pists too hasten the collapou be so meeting of dts directors they orda ists, In general, for the analysis of lly as possible to the fund which dividual capitulations of this kind: Miliukov The Acts of the social wions and working class or viet economy, brought to a critic opted a resolution the Scotts politic from the class oviy wpolat: It is raining.
exaggerated bopes in the Hive Your Revolutionaries plain the pant; but they motivate To All Friends of the October Plan. The experlence of the past Bolsheviks The Role and Deeds alate FREEDOM OF TOM MOON ment. As we go to press, the stor The board commended the firm.
says: themselves in actual polities by Revolution In the prisons and in the places ority of the repentant becoming leaders of Bolsheviks The Growth SY and to work for the building of les cabled from across still bear a mess and fairness in which Judge four years has resulted in the of lenin ww Trotskyd other pychologic combinations that are second hand and by the hope that of deportation of the Soviet Union again the object of ferocious per of the Soviets The Bolshevik In TIONAL CONGRESS to be held in ter. We expect to have a critical And: opted a resolution at a large FREE TOM MOONEY NA confused and contradictory charac Horton the trial everything will turn out somehow there are thousands of Illinois, April 30th in the end.
who built up the Party Helsbe video secutions. Sutice it to say that surrection and rise to power to account and an evaluation of the the meeting expressing the beliet its among those arrested and deported The Civil War on various front May 2nd, 1933. We are sending you proceedings in a coming issue during the last few months and The Red Guards and Red Army herewith the call for the election The Militant.
of (Continued on Page 1)
above all during the last few in action from the uprising through of delegates to this Congress.
weeks are: Zinoviev, one of the the Russias Grand Scenes of all the freedom of TOM MOONY founders of the Party, permanent Congresses of the is rightfully the deepest concern of member of the Central Committee. Communist International The the entire working class. It was Chairman of the Communist Inter Bolsheviks and the Death of Lenin because MOONEY was a feurless The April 7th State Hunger, til law by the mayor, martial law national and of the Petrograd 80 The Exile of Trotsky to Printighter in behalf of organised labor Committee of henemployed the town where te parede cores collaboratoen est venin hermanent Chis and more is to be seen in that he was framed and has to my are being thered into regular set muitas rakning er en form Councils was fiendishly smashed by citizen of the town to stay in to Lenin in the position Russia and the Russian Revolution, life behind prison bars.
of the Central Committee, the greatest film on the history of ready spent nearly 17 years of his army camp, presumably for fores of Infantry drill under the striet the urmed state forces the com house on the day of the march. In bined forces of the state militia, Livingston, the American Legion of Chairman of the Council of This is a limited, private andIn order to give the widest pos lion will be regimented by May 15, cation and recreation will the state highway county sheriffs and their deputies, ers of America were deputized to the Moscow Chairman of subseription performance under the sible support to TOM MOONEY, we according to Robert Fechner, a completed supervised by govern and some localities, the Amer keep the Hunger Marchers from one of the indefatigable founder New York Branch of the Commun mass meeting on the day of Moon pishing for the full quota of ing men of them. says Adjutant police, the members of the Progressive Min People Comaclet Sunirnov, uspices of the film Club of the feel it is necessary and timely that tional head of the Civilian Con ment authorities.
ican Legion under the direct leud going into Springfield. Tony Minot the Party during the years of ist League of America (Oppostley new trial, April 28th, we also 200, 000 by the middle of May, when Purey of Fort Sloeum. Let see in St. Louis (in addition to the servation Corps. The government We intend to make self support ference of county sheriffs Horuer was held several days cils was arrested in Benld at a agafrist Koltohak, member of the kets in advance. Subscriptions are the fight for MOONEY FREE with mittee of the Unemployed Coun Committee, leader of the struggle ters must obtain subscription die organize a joint demonstration and thereforestation program is to be what he means by that. Do the previous to the State Hunger mass meeting and is still held in Council of People Commissars; strictly limited to the seating ca: DOM. This will give added weight The 1, 800 supposedly men actually receive the 30 per homeless month there began a reign of terror and inville where he was taken atter of the Party, one of its best known facity of the halla Che timpwin and pressure to the root youths from New York who modra at all. The Investigators of the ers.
theoreticians, member of the Cen242 East 14th St, New York City, and serve to unite broad masses in the mit vietims of a novel brand are in tinent of Publie Welfare be shown at the LABOR TEMPLE, MOONEY CONGRESS in Chicago ed the buses for Fort Slocum are New York Home Rolle Bureau of tral Committe, who carried out unIn the northern part he state armed forces not only til very recently important dip sharp.
on Saturday, May 6th, 1933 at ed the Hunger March but are tomate functions the struggle.
of efficiency known as the New to supply 7, 500 unstate, after the large Chicago de smashed One!
legation met the delegation from trying in every way possible to could also cite scores of names of the ticket at once at the head. EY MAY DAY DEMONSTRATION tary corps areas from New Ene list. They are neither homeless Members, obtain your subscripWe therefore call upon your or Deal. According to the govern married young men between the ganization to endorse the MOON ment plan, each of the nine mill ages of 18 and 23 from off the relief Rockford at Ottawa, the Hunger prevent the growth of the Unem the best known revolutionary Bolquarters of the Communist League LAND PARADE IN ST. LOUIS and land to the Pacific Coast, will be tor wandering. 25 of every 30 Marchers were attacked by the played Councils. The reason for sheviks (V. Kasparova, So state highway police and casted this is the desperate plight of the novsky, Eltsin, Kossir, 16th Street, New York, of America (Opposition. 120 East also to send three representatives a recruiting or conditioning con carned by the deducted and worker is to and clubbed. Over fifty Hunger une mployed workers, especially Muralos, Dingelstedt, to the United Front May Day Conter for the forestry workers of that Home Rellet Bureau which promptover to the Marchers were arested and Karl (Continued on Page 2) Smirnov, Sapronov, Grunstein, ference which will be held Lockner, the chairman of the IlliMratchkovsky, Oufimtsev, PereverTurner Hall, 1508 Chouteau Ave work clothes, army grub and lively deducts that amount from the nois Committee is still being hela Perth Amboy tsev, and others. who, during the family budget, plus 50 per week nue, on Sunday afternoon, April in jail. After the battle with the (or over per month) from the most difficult years, constituted the 16th, at P. sharp.
THE TRAGEDY OF THE FORUM framework of the Party, and along police in which the marchers de OPEN food budget. Others are removed GERMAN PROLETARIAT SHOW SOLIDARITY OF OR. Boston Meeting fended themselves courageously, with them, hundreds and thousands GANIZED LABOR IN ST. LOUIS Welfare Hst.
MUST NEW COMMUNIST they were forced to turn back to The Farmers Revolt and of the younger generation (YB while our delegates are deliberTHE CRISIS IN THE margin upon which relle famAnyone who knows the narrow. PARTY BE ORGANIZED ington, Decator and other places the American Workers Yakorin, Nevelsen, stopatov, som IN ating in the Chicago NATIONAL MOONKY CONGRESS on the next SOVIET UNION Ilies live, knows what hardships these deductions are.
jolice nansky, Sermux and others) who Y?
steps in the fight for the FREEDOM the highways leading to SpringNow the Home Relief Bureau of Speaker: went through the years of the civil OF TOM MOONRY JAMES CANNON, AND ALL Lecture by the Department of Public field, stopped every auto and questioned every person on the way to war, through the years of enorm. National Secretary, CLASS WAR PRISONERS!
JACK WEBER ous difficulties and of grandiose Forward to the Freedom of Tom ALBER WEISBORD, hns on its lists 180, 000 te Welfare MAX SHACHTMAN almost a million individuals. It ward Springfield. And if they Mooney!
victories of the proletarian regime.
could not give a good account of International Workers School Hall National Secretary, LAS spends ten million dollars month The situation of the imprisoned For a Mass Mooney May Day Editor, The Militant themselves they were turned back: caring for on Sunday, April 23, 1933, and deported Oppositionists, the Demonstration. 126 East 16th Street are about or these there even farmers coming into town to 8:30 at BELMONT HALL on what is called majority of whom have been sepFREE TOM MOONEY UNITED sell their eggs had to go thru a at the OLD HALL FRONT CONFERENCE 150 Humboldt Avenue work relief under the City Comarated from their work and their Sunday, April 1933, P.
hard drilling by the state highmission Work Bureau. Each man family for the past five years, is Smith and Meclennan Sta. Endorsed by: works five days every other week, way police.
ADMISSION: 15 Cents absolutely extraordinary. They reADMISSION CENTS Tom Mooney Molders De On Sunday, April 23, 1933, P. or a maximum of ten days a month In the southern part of the state fense Commitee, the state authorities were even Auspices: Branch, Communist present the left wing of the Bot Joint Auspices: Communist League For this he gets 15 a month, but Unemployed Councils in St.
of America (Opposition) and Anspices, Boston (Continued on Page 2)
Branch, Commune is cut loose and numst support more vigilant, especially in and League of America (Opposition)
Comintult League of Struggle Lonis, ist League of America (Opp. his family on this sum. Those on around Macoupin County where the miners have organized power Friday April 21, 1933 at p. SPRING DANCE FESTIVAL Jazz Orchestra. Songs. Other Features to se per month the budgets are ful Unemployed Councils. In Virden, a small mining town, pared down to an almost unbelievthe IRVING PLAZA HALL 15 St. Irving Pl. for the Benctit of THE MILITANT Auspices: New York Brooch Communist League whole town was placed under mar. of America (Opposition) and Protomagla Club. Continued on Page 4)
Illinois Hunger March Smashed Roosevelt Reforestation Swindle be ot the abroad.
be entirely from the or