AntifascismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE TAE NILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1933 Leon Trotsky: The Tragedy of the German Proletariat It will is The Opposition false The Crisis in German Communism Hitler and the Red Army less the capable (Continued from Page 1) mence to commit all the opportun up the united front upon rottengle national congress, no interna always the case but as the transised for a long time the cause of icy of the Comintern, the Stalinint treason which they attributed to foundations and to give the notional congress, por even a plenum lation of a document from Hu the masses, the strategists appeal ist bureaucracy sought implacably treat from the theoretical com. us only yesterday. This time too formist business men the possibil of the Executive, no preparation manite, transmitted from Paris by to the individuals. to those her to refurbish its reputation with the mandments of Stalinism. Chips and the prediction has been realized 19 Detext or another.
of it up under some in the press of the party, no an the telegraphie agency Tass. What mits ybo bave found no place in aid of some grandiose adventure fragments of ideas and principles literally.
arbitrary alysis of the policy of the past. stupid and humiliating ruse! At the ranks of the masses but who, or another (Esthonia, Bulguria, are thrown out along the road like In making a dixxying swing to Criticism in general, all the more and there is nothing astounding in ter all the successes, after the real just the same, are really tighting Canton. Doesn this danger ex so much ballast.
wards the positions of the sunbeated front, should obviously corre discussion in the so under the conditions of the unt this: at the very first steps in a ixation of the first Five Year Plan, for the cause of the workers ist now too? In any case, we front put by the Comintern for all the fundamental guarantees which spond to the real relationships anding worker we party, each think after the disappearance of the Barbusse and General Schoenaich deem it necessary to raise a voice The conditions for the united front. the executive tramples ask the function classes. after the entry into so will once more be mobilized to of warning. Adventures which aim to replace the action of the paralthe countries (committees of ac alone can assure a revolutionary preserve the necessary proportions. aries: why have the Bolshevik cialism. the stalinist bureaucracy save Europe from Hitler.
all no longer dares to publish in ital. Here we have a ready made yued masses, disorganize the masstions and stockagainst wage refront. The Stalinists take into con Fascism must be refuted: It is a the sections and why are they sub own name the manifesto of the libretto for one of those charlatan. es still more and aggravate the ductions) present nothing new, on sideration and accept the hypo concession not to the social dem. jected in the USSR to arrests, to Executiye of the Communist Interesque presentations with which the catastrophe.
the contrary, they are the scbem critical and diplomatic claims of ocracy but to Marxism. It is not deportation and to tiring squads national that how it feels itself Stalinists are in the habit of maskThe conditions of the present duction of the slogans that the tual non aggression. Breaking its evil work in 1983 that the ally and see further? The Stalinist The manifesto is not the sole the Amsterdum bloc of the centaitions of each country in particu more clearly and concretely two and of Holshevism, they recom. like political life itselt, of which conclusion is capable no and International. Through the in the struggle against the sciai democracy as they are favor Left Opposition formulated much with all the traditions of Marxism must be criticized But criticism, bureaucracy cannot permit such a reply to the initiative of the see rists and the pacitists accomplished lar, are just as deadly for the soand a half veteris considerande toe which case the united front is realized, to halted for an hour. It what the present itsele honestly before the the revolutionary trade union Coming in Nothing country of the spect But the Stalinist bureaucracy bas social Fascism. The united front abandon all attacks against the Communists disclose corresponds to workers, to face the Bolshevik oppositions (R. of Germany for stalinist neutrality. the pact. succeeded in converting the crisis ey serve the purposes Leninists that something decisive social democratic organizations the on such bases could yled that during the joint action. That e of the united front, pushing for not and does not dare to It can and the Anti Fascist alltists have not even issued a man of capitalism and of reformism into ance and the socalled Italian Gen festo of protest. Now a new edi a crisis of Communsm. Such is the results in Germany; but for end it should have been carried out just what it says: To abandon all ward the provisional ally and, in the struggle for its own pre eral Confederation of Labor, the tion of the Amsterdam Congress balance sheet of the uncontrolled In time. Time is an important attacks. up the social dem what is more important, giving a servation, the depreci. Communist International is con is being prepared, not against war command of the epigones for the by will last ten years.
factor in politics.
ula. means to abandon the free whole proletariat. To abandon this in advance the contidence in it not Pan European Workers Anti the anti Fascist bloc of vacated Ilypocrites will be found to say: What therefore the practical dom of political criticism, that is, fundamental duty is the first stage only of the social democratie work Fascist Congress. The list of factories and impotent.
criticizing the value now of the proposals of the the principal function of the rev. in that criminal and shameful polers but also of the Communists.
Executive? For Germany, it is at one capitulation is engendered Chinese Communists with regard of the Executive is accompanied by a factories, although by the matter of fact, things go this time guarda will add. The Opposition those invited, 18 is proper, is con Quals do? Nonto, as a rty which has fallen into the party.
icy which stalin folsted upon the the publication of the manifesto fused and vast. factories (they suc a hollow a hands of the executioner. Black a minimum. The policy of the united front assumes front. not by practical necessity but by to the Kuo Min Tung. set another drcumstance, extrane forts of Stalin Losovsky the com as far as the holding of con: is helping the executioner. By that is, stable positions and a cen the panicky state of mind. The Matters stand no better wila reous to the question we from gress. The tendency towards in combining a specious sentimentalbeen ousted trallaved leadership. Tbe Left Op reformisto come and will come to gard to the second guarantee. Hay amining, but which we are ex. munists have the factories in the dividuals has two faces: Oskastalinists will endeavor to hide throws an ex ractically all the ism with venemous falsehood, the poaltion put forth the conditions an agreement to the extent that ing denounced criticism of the soccedingly glaring light on the pre world. local labor organizations, istic and adventurist.
for an active defense with the per pressure of the masses force them paratus does not even think of ithe attitude of the leading station belonging to party or not, sports, days extended the Right hand to the Central Committee behind the spective of passing over to the to. The demand for non aggres ing the right of criticism to the int group towards it. In Prayda Fascist and peasant organizathe liberals and beld a bomb in the apparatus, the apparatus bebind the party, to eliminate the quesletariat has reached the state of tempt of the reformist Icaders to turn itself is effected, as is the lished not as a direct and open ap to invite all those individuals who last ten years attests that after astrophe, strategy, a disorderly retreat, without even extort an auxiliary advantage. To custom, after the manner of a bu peal of the Executive of the Com are really fighting for the cause of every great tragic defeat provoked for the disastrous regime, for the rearguard battles. In this situa submit to blackmail means to build reaucratic revelation. Not a sin intern situated in Moscow as was the workers. Having comprom for at least askravated by the pol criminal leadership that means ist and social democratie workers yet being able to rally in time the helping the executioners of yesterday and today.
may and will be realized for varipowerful resources lying dormant within its ranks. But it is necesThe policy of the Stalinist buous episodic tasks, but the systematic realization of the united sary to be prepared for the worst reaucracy in China wino disastrous than it is at the prefront is inexorably thrust back for But there, must be no illusions can this scores within these general workers. The Alternatives in the leadership failed completely to ever, the per ty dhe pasta linkite www sent time in Gelrehind the affair took even take the initial steps for the party of Stalinism will no the Decisive Class Battles working class defense. Thereby louger rive the initiative or leadback of the world proletariat, unwrote that the key to the situa played their role; but the third XXXXXXXXXX. It also luld the road open for ershin. Now there remains as the About Afteen months ago, we organizations the Communists havo (Continued from Page 1)
der conditions which were IncomHitler to smash the workers or revolutionary hope only the Inter prehensible to it. The critical tion is in the hands of the Ger: results. The stalinist party lead el Fascism and seriously weak Kanizations beginning with the national lett Opposition. It is not because they desired the vie voice of he Opposition hardly man intat bahas now lost thisers, with the inauguration of this ened the Communist yanguard.
its true that compared to the Kanttory of Hitler but out of political reached beyond the USSR to the the task our ranks are still extreme blindness. At the same time, we workers of the other countries.
its hold dextruitool The extent of to which the social democracy has one example among many others ly foolile. But the Luft Opposition must be just to them if they had The Chinese experience went prae outside of the will of the party Communist leadership not by main on the workers in the industries of an important functionaries con BONCRNCS the first and most impor desired the victory of Hitler, they tenlly unpunished for the statin ers the possibility of drawing up inskranizations and in the the Betriebsrate (factory county Special courier from the Central Weapon of a Marxiane approach, an they did. Now that Hitler entirely different der the stages short, of fortifying themselves, of manner winning them over, but by elections in the Berlin mun. Committee.
It was called shortly Marxian itnalysis and of Marxian coupls him to prepare a coup to: eyes of the world proletariat. in power, and his whole polley of the drama developed before the elections and sixty program. Of truly monumental ward the East (the revelations of eachi At ing over to an active defensive. splitting away the Left wing and circlectric and gas works hela lefore the the Opposition raised When this will occur, we have the Communist opposition to form March first. One may say that functionaries were to participate importance is such a weapon to the olish Ukrainian program of lite be whole course of no way of knowing with precision. ebeir own small organizations in workers employed by a municipal of this number only five showed dager Coering are sufficiently eloquent) development was announced in adit was by virtue of this that the the stalinists say, He who prevance. The stalinist Perhaps much quicker than the though not always in new organ ertheless the results are illuminThe sad truth is that today, at Left Ouition in the past, facing Jren to call on the Red Army in calumniated the Cureaucracy the time of this writing, the party the failures of Stalinisin.
Opposition, frhopes. But in any case, it is not Zations at least in every case in ating.
curuldures Hollist construction.
In the gas works 3, 838 votes which should function as the proshow the correct road. When the puted to it ideas and plans alien those who issued the ment of an exodus of all Communist ele the ments.
polley of the united front in Gereformed the o. Hval freeints received 2, 362, Communists liels nens exists no longer. Comintern, hamstring by the Stalin. But even leaving aside the questo it, expelled all those who dared were were counted, of which the social letarian vanus and all its wine, failed in this decisive wit tion of ll to the German prole to pak of the united front, help 1, 295, and Nazis 161. The Com public meny.
Chunke recouble the power which the it. If the central position has sur majority of the workers remained which they had formerly held lets, It gives no leadership what the International luft Oppositishock troops of world Imperialism. ers off from the slightest possibil tion against German Wascism, the defense committee cut the work rendered, one must fortify oneself in the social democratic organiza bere. In the electrical works ever, its own leaders are either a seriously to solidify its rakso the Stalinists deny this Janity of emerging upon the road of which under arrest or fugitives, its head in the Internationul conference held In the approaches, one must pre tions and by and large also under 320 votes were cast, of pare polnts of support for the fu their ideology and leadership. The the socialists obtained no less than quarters are taken over by the pola rectantly Delegates from eleven Ber? The most that they can say the many struggle, disorganised the ture offensive. This preparation new opposition organization vege 3, 034, the Communists 166, and the ice, its wuclei are disorganized and different participated is that Litler is not yet today, vanguard, paralyzed the proletarsignifies, Inside of Germany, the tasted in an isolated and sectarian within the clerical start of the seized its membership. The parts are are our organization for me its es true, and we said so some time ted front of defense will the social frightful demoralization has and began in a small measure to capable of carrying on a war. That int. In this way, Kthe unicritical clarification of the past, existence.
support to the vigorous spirt of the Stalinist Leaders Prevented municipal gas and the. demonstries. then stalinists Vanguard of the militants, their re Trend Towari Communism council elections gave ship, it is sacrificed by an incom tritdistinction to the wilable of Com War, who united front of panic and of cani lower results. In the gas on themselves with assembly, the organization of rearretent bureaucracy, the strength failure of the Stalinist Comintern guard combats wherever it The Stalinist leaders, caught in section out of a total of 2, 001 votes of its numbers faded to the vanish: one must say that in that fact will not be able to avoid carrying tulation.
the rise of their own policy, could cust, the socialists obtained 1, 151, ing point because it meant nothing alone lies an enormous importance on war does not a correct strat And now finding itself right in possible walting meanwble for the not tolerate criticism, they made the Nazi 413, and a neutral mod when associated with an utterly but was a sigortal for their tanes: egy demand that Hitler he prevent front of rain, the leadership of the groupotwwhdrawe together fontos a bureaucratic caricature of the erate ticket 40. There was no raise colorate da se correct principles of centralization Communist ticket.
great army. This preparation sis and disipline. The Among the and policies.
Today is being resignal for the falling of stulinism is that the German workers get more than anything else. Let the nifies at the same time the defense within these rival organization clonalt tar to the closely corded in Germany and with fate and the rise of the Intl Opposi td of Hitler before he gets rid of world revolution go lost, provided of the proletarian positions of 2, 547 votes.
the German workers? Marxists that vain prestige may live: the countries closely connected with were deprived of all rights of seri. the socialists polled 1, 916, the class throughout the world the have often made fun of parlia bankrupts How contusion and ous discussion and participation in Naxls 443, and the Communists greatest crime of Stalinism. AIONE SWABECK.
Germany, or located right near it: decisions. They could not find 136. In all four elections there What is becoming of the Commentary cretinism. but kolkhoz smear up the traces. The cretinisin is not worth a bit more that the in Austria, in Covakia, themselves at home in these or was a percent participation intern? Undermined and almost countries, ganizations which were Poland, in the 1, 200, 000 votes at One cannot sow grain and plant mainly lost only warty of GerScandinavia, in Belgium, in Hol of their function and stripped Here is again telling proof of reduced to impotence by its concabbages with his back turned to the first blow, with a general rise langs de Cermenge de base al ser and Davenport, lowa. On March 18. The Wind (1978, votreba energie test en retourneurs melhores set photo from The party bureaucracy became workers following the social dem trolling Stalinlet clique it has like: Founded by a powerful circle of struggle against criticism of and sidering the most eleverne relancers in the regard to the en Geeblán attemption 1933 the Lott Opposition Branch langer which is not paralyzed ten political victory in the orname proletarian fortifications. Without opposition to its false policies. For On the contrary. It proves that were made by it they were made of the Tri Cities was forced to exfor an instant ceasing the attempts example, Schulz would become an the workers are holding fast to upon a false road.
What will be noral and physical degeneracy, for assimilated the pacifist wisdom of what the workers in oman who Del Claussen for cowardice.
way. In 1924, Stalin proclaimed as to halt the disorderly retreat of Oppostionist. He would be expel perhaps the German workers, it is neces. led from the party. Next the de sary forthwith to create fortified mand would be made for his con the Fascists and their campaigation embodies such serious conse brunch and attacking the Left Op the only permissible one? Let party 8, 000, votes If the prole.
period of its severe persecution by conquer in Germany? This ques breaking the discipline of the the purely defensive war being had still given the the socialist party just at the its future if the Fascists finally Communist proletarian positions around the demnation and expulsion from all for the Hitler parliamentary tlequences that it is difficult to fully position publicly. The expulsion Flitler attack us first, then for en we will tariat, deceived and disarmed by direction, from the RGO, from its both apparatuses, has this time which is immediately threatened players clubs, anglers clubs, etc. munist party among the workers of Stalinism in Germany and perhartment and agents of the Chi social democracy: let the National In the first rank comes Austria, Creethinker society, from its chers proof of the weakness of the Com certain. We see now the eclipse Section with the Police Deways the reasoning of the German given the Communist party almost in the industries. All in all, how haps in the whole Comintern. But ber of Commerce, This was done by the serie de chantie the Aus alicnate the workers from Come reason for a genuine united front present situation is the question de celuussen. cal years of age, a tal este constitution, one was ready too bad been able to show that it has by the Fascist cataclysm. One can Such a method could only help to ever, it is one more excellent a far more serious aspect of the after a trial where these people socialists first openly attack the five million votes, this signifies only. well. that le went to the seize munism and benefit the treacher between the and the SP. That the eclipse of the Comintern itself tow who thinks he is a little bit late to think of its defense.
practically admitted the charges. Stin, when Hitler openly attacked or three times that number it it power now country into a revolutionary bat These are only some of the es way exists to defend the German Stalinist regime has long ago re He is about ft. in in height. enemy while he is still weak; who feats and distress Its ous social democratic chlefs. is yet the key question. No other it not of the Soviet Union.
The better than the ordinary worker.
power. But it gave the proletariat tleground, Austria would become He who does not outstrip the nothing save confusion, zigzags, deof the stalinist methology working class, its rights and its duced the Comintern to an ap: Mr.
proletariat what Piedmont was for strategy, by which the party lead. Ons onmarch of the brown batal its own bureaucrate clique in the land wife who have had and are passively lets hin und his rear succeeded in reaching the ballot for the revolution of the German lart from the general organizations against the murder pendix purely of the interests of Mrs. Behr arc husband strengthen and Yes, five million Communists still the revolution of the Italian bourlers sought in their way to prepare Ilong than through a united work Soviet Union. What will the de struction of strongest Cominterne carried inforgiation to agentsurd, create an army for himse. box, one by one. But in the faehaving contact with the police reinforce himself, protect geoisie. It cannot be predicted the proletariat for its present fate ing class.
receive support from abroad, 88far the Austrian proletariat, tul situation. In no wise could It how Socialtat Bureacrats and party outside of the Soviet Union of the Chamber of Commerce.
pushed forward by the events but correspond to the rhythm of work sure himself of allies; who leaves tories and on the streets, there Stalinists Partners in Betrayal the only mass party outside of the These three individuals atacked to the enemy the complete liberty aren any. They are disconcerted, paralyzed by the reformist bureau ing class developments. While the The socialdemocratic leaders Soviet Union mean? The mere Communism openly in the press of initiative; such a man is yoke of the apparatus, they bave Under the cracy, will advance along this German workers went through a practical aspect of this question when they were confronted with traitor, even if the motives for his road. The task of Communism is period of radicalization culminat complacently accept the to help the events against Austro ing in the great strike wave ex Reichstag election victory. They Through the German party were employed Council and through Tony to imperialism, but consist of pets bas baralyzed their will power beup enormous difficulties. facts. The party, through un treason are not to render service lost the habit of independence. The bureaucratic terror of Stalinism Marxlam. The policy of the united tending throughout Germany dur sek solace in their own statement frofit is one of the means. The ing the latter part of last year, that, Germany is not Italy maintained the solid contacts with Minerich who is at the present bourgeols weakness and political fore the of came for the terror conditions which the manifesto of in many instances forcing the trade meaning thereby that Hitler cannot world despite the white terror rute the mining region, have made open the sustification of a policy of of the Fascist bands.
the Forecute to the opposition thus the disastrous and criminal Staling class wrought by Mussolini. between Germany being added to tlon, and have used every method conditions can only be weakness openly: stalinist in Germany has retain all their force.
However, the policy of the unl. could only the indeperve as a brake upon erfal working class, a potentially destroys trade union sects that Hitler faces a far more ww: Fascist dictatorshipe practically from the branch of the Loft Op but we have to give a clear acon, the advanced workers of this ted front embraces within itself the general movement. The social tar stronger antagonist than dia stalinist regime will concentrate The position in the city of Davenport. count to ourselves of it. We must country will speak of the period not only advantages but also dan democratie leaders, despite all Mussolint, yet the Wels. Braun yet more purely within the Soviet through personal slander the com USSR have yo thoroughly disor bureaucracy only with a burning gera. lobit east yearly readers toebim their wollents were not dislodged tre se vor 16. Fontawiane Featernity Union in an attempt to give lite rules of the Lett Opposition with ganized economy and the relations entre de la medicindy withe words of the back of the masses, to pas authority renforcedet bort the They have succeeded in maintain: to its reactionary utopian theory the assistance of the local news between proletariat and peasantry, hatred and curses.
sive adaptation to the ally, to op of socialism in one country. It papeits and th choice ing their party intact but they is doomworkers there was no other real continue to sabotage all strugele will pay even less attention to the Commerce plus the American Les that the necessary premises for an, ed. From now on it will only deportunist vacillations. This penthout berwarded or save under remain within the condition of two express guar: trim circumvented the constantly for Hitler.
utterly criminal condency in Aact that the three above men today.
threat. tioned people were officers of the We take into consideration the be reborn only on a new basts and. can reedom of criticism of the ally Ward Communism. That sympathy for any sign of struggle initiated cong the worldproletariat And Quion of Unemployed, and had a force of this argument. We know with a new leadership But we have sought in vain also luce of the mortal Coinmunism Increased, is by the Stalinist party leadership of the destruction of the strongest barred by the lice of this city. polley become transformed into acts also upon the fate of Stalin we were that the consequences of a lying. The law of unequal development reedom of criticism within the proved by the various parlament Ry their own course they have party existing within a capitalist To re The Union of Unemployed Rank Bjective obstacles along the road ism. In the various countries, it to criticize one directly and immediately to capl. tinued to record galns, not at all is being shattered and wiped out tern certain temporary retreats, con party is unable to fight, where out most a death blow to the Comin workers were present andere come fundamental change in the policy. decomposition. To what degree tulation to reformism. The policy commeusurate with the Nazi gains, by the first heavy blows the to the of the united front without party but snins nevertheless. One can Is In power: The martynicedes consequences as a defeat in Ger against these degenerates and calls sure the Soviet State, in addition rebirth of the other sections of the additionally weakened by the denned their action. The branch the methods, the leadership of the the tragic experience of control of the apparatus by the strengthened the party victories in then assolint and Hitler is many today?
party, leaves the leaders a free the field. But not so in actual on all party members to demand to everything else, of a real cap Comintern the future will show.
Fall of Stalinism Signals of the party the reason for the city for defense and freedom of Rise of Left Opposition any case the swan united front between these indivi initiative Internationally.
song of the Stalinist bureaucracy ence which supplement the adven working class contact within the economic conjuncture ahead of These, of course, are considera duals and the organizers of the Prinkipo, March 21, 1823. has been sung. The German proleturist experiences.
industries. Despite the parlia him. True as this is in its ab tions arrived at on the basis of Party. We call upon all workers TROTSKY.
tariat will rise again, Stalinism How tas the Executive acted mentary election victories the party stract sense, when substituted for the furious onmarch of German to repudiate this leadership which never. Under the termble blows of the lower bank bemens cat times the could not lead in struggle against measures of struggle it becomes Fascism capturing one strong posi is undermining Communism in its laying a stable basis under the the enemy, the advanced German Left Opposition predicted that un the constantly growing Fascist re entirely false. The economic contion after another and already desperate attempt to stop the In. MILITANT is the best way of a workers will have to build up a der the blows of events, the stal action. It remained paralyzed and junctures alone will not defeat having eliminated its main opponfluence of the ideas of the Left suring ita regular and unhamper new party. The Bolshevik Taninand Hitler. For that is required a ent the Communist party. They Opposition in the Tri Cities. ed appearance. The most stable ists will give all their forces to this from thelr ultra Lettism and that, methods the Staliniat leaders united working class, oriented, or must yet take into account the placing themselves on the road of sayed the social democratie buganized and prepared for such a possibilities which despite all still Communist League of America, sutecription to Get subg from Prinkipo, March 14, 1983.
the united front, they will com reaucracy, enurmeusly strengthen huge task. In that the party exists of the German working class (Oppositon) Tri City Branch your friends and comrades. LEON TROTSKY.
fact in Three Expulsions ime for trian proleta and transform Hitler rolls Germany