BolshevismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY APRIL 8, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE WITH THE SPARTACUS YOUTH MOVEMENT Joint Meet of League and Weisbord Hathaway Before Membership NOTES 1, 000 Youth Protest Fascism Lays Ground for Close Collaboration time in a Next.
New Expulsions in go lelaki teren from other online store mere the be a sec the Stalinists and the that after a transition period of Upholsterers to and Portable delegation of the Postal Committee and then to ralization Saturday, our League which marked a new The speech of Hathaway, the social Fascists. Therefore the Over one thousand young work participation, four of the five elect meetng held on party district organizer at the better to expose them, and the bet. SEME MONTHLY YOUTH PAGE ers and students massed before ea were among those who were April 1983 between representa advance on its part towards our IN MILITANT the German consulate last Satur strongly against affiliation to the lives of the National Committees fundamental position, especially on meeting Sunday, April 2, was in ing the united front call we offer day noon and marched to Rutgers Youth Committee Against German of the Communist Lengue of Am. the question of Centrism. The for erica (Opposition) and the Commer position of the and outline much the same as the one to refrain from criticism of the The National Youth Committee Square, in a protest demonstration Fascism.
munist League of Struggle (the of Weisbord on this question, is he delivered at the recent party social democrats during the united of the Communist League of Amer against Fascism. delegation of The Yipsels, they workmen declaration on the relationships that the group as a whole fully membership meeting. However, front action!
ica (Opposition) is planning to thirteen which included a repre League youth of the Circle Welsbord group. adopted a joint rejected and the declaration says Hathaway has had two weeks in This miserable rationalization is print semi monthly a youth pagesentative of the Left Opposition Circle and the League for Indus between the two groups which accepts comrade Trotsky views on which to dig up new quotations either a denial of the possibility in the Militant. This will be sup youth, was elected to present a re trial Democracy have arranged for we print below, as the first step this question as obtained through and arguments. Therefore it took of the united front, or else it is a plementary to its regular monthly solution protesting the terror cam a mass demonstration against Ger. towards a further consolidation of reports of his discussion with comhours to clarify the YcLars on the as that in China where the will give the youth ny opportunity manding an immediate step to the man Fascism for Saturday, April the left Opposition in this counrade Welsbord last summer through Youth.
his letters to us and his discusentered and merged in the Fasc After an hour and a half on the Min Tane Without Care publish timely and interesting terrorism, and the release of all Committee Against German has sion of the question in print, par.
As is known, our League events of importance to the entire political prisoners. Nous warte ism has offered to elect to cont been engaged for ticularly in his pamphlet What banking crisis which he does not criticism betrayals such as that by revolutionary movement. It will the German consul, yet understand, Hathaway came to the Kuo Min Tang and by the Brit further cement the ties between listen to the resolution.
undamental questions in reply our National Committee Germany. First, by a flock of quo ish trade union leaders are inevit. the youth and general working The demonstration was organized case, has pledged the cooperation with the. Auct this demonstration, and in any dispute on ing which our readers have been tations from the 11th and 12th able. By criticism we can loosen class movement.
by the Youth Committee Against of its atbaliated organizations.
that the question of Hitler coming masses, and by our sets we can all material for the youth page United Youth Conference Against New York Spartacus Youth Club pute, a considerable degree of (a) Acceptance by the Welsbord Plenums of the FCCI he proved the hold of the reformists upon the Comrades are urged to send in German Fascism elected at the Members and sympathizers of the informed in the columns of the asking its cooperation with Militant. In the course of this dis the League in the next period on to power was not a major one for me kreaties en man sies aree it. Communes of the Militant and Young Spaar selama bebe nenew York Portrete will meet at 28 tot in bedste start makes them at ta imother itep group of the theses adopted by the the forces of revist policy and leadership. Just astacus to: Joseph Carter. Loune 24th youth2hganizationsed for the ele din Square demonstration forward in the collaboration of ence of the o. that it olution rise, the forces of counter the masses of Russia came to ac Spartacus, 126 East 16th revolution come to a head. Hath cept the Bolsheviks.
New York City.
first time in the history of the Left the organizations and their event adopt an attitude toward tho a way, therefore, concluded that This four and a half hour speech, Opposition, it signed a joint call al fusion.
League as the American section of the coming of auto power filled with confusion, contradie for the Conference with the official is a necessary to the pro tions and outright mis statements The joint meeting was made the International Left Opposition SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB Young Communist Teague. The letarian revolution, and not a vital was supposed to clarify YCLers, demonstration was the first genudanger to the working class. He many of whom are so new in the CLS to the National Committee of and contrasting the one to remarked that in Italy and ACTIVITIES in ine united front action yet organied against German Fascism. The other. c) that the Weisbord group parties still know the previous united front Poland, Communist Brownsville On Maren 30th the New York various organizations participating discontinue its claims to exist and carry on activities. He from below policies, and have al Spartacus Youth Club held a meet marched under their own organiThe udvice of comrade Hathtion to regarded the fact that the German most no idea of Communist hising preparatory to the April 1st xation banners and leading party in putting out an Illegal pa tory. Is it be wondered that they demonstration with Joe Carter, group, including at the various Left Opposition has been taken up away to arouse a lynch attitude the Left Opposl in all Communists against the cooperation between the two or ganizations on this basis, during hem per te scorestere culty to lieber phe hall! ese it to the wondered Committee Tett Opposition, a meeting places comrade George Steppaspiring bureaucrats which the possibility of joint work tactics.
that even the stalinist bureaucrats speaker. The proceedings of the Clarke spoke for the Left Oppost mass organizations atliliated is tested, the question of a fusion But already the Nazis admit that themselves bewail the low political United Youth Conference Against tion. Continued from Page 2) between the two organizations be the Communist party. So fearful Fascism and their meaning were there are 000 held in their con level of the referred to the National Conference YCLer.
As yet the Youth Committee have the leaders of the Ameri: union. Only to the rank and file of the Le for discussion.
centration campe, and Dutch Communists put to the number at 80, 000.
united front, the false policies of Against German Fascism repre can Youth Club become of Trot to hell with the leaders. argued The Joint meeting which followDaily the German party loses its YOUTH CLUB SOCIAL the YCL and the activities of the sents predominantly left wing and skyist influence that they have the Third Period heroes. These ed resulted from an acceptance of best members by arrest and mur. The New York Spartacus Youth Left Opposition were elaborated Schol Students Ass which to the Lynch campaign against those mem that the united front would be Wetsbord group. Following a disder; its weaker members drop out, Club will hold an affair for the on, discouraged or terrorized. It Fase Young Spartacus, Saturday even number of questions and soune League had initiated the united and refuse to kow tow to a party party line had taught them. And dicated by the declaration printed shame of the Young Communist bers who question their policies, a failure, since that is what the cussion, the nature of which is inism can consolidate Its power, the Ing. April 8th, at 126 East 16th discussion followed.
front, withdrew at the eleventh controlled executive machine.
German party will be only a tiny Street. There will be dancing, en hour, the Friday before the demon member cry for more discule so, inspite of their good they made it easier for lions, below. declaration was finally the adopted unanimously, which in nucleus, all hopes of immediate tertainment and refreshments. All revolution lost. And Hathaway comrades are urged to attend.
stration, under the pressure of the on the differences between the of corrupt F of Lunion local bus dicates the nature of the discussion APRIL ISSUE OF THE reaucrat in consultation with and the further stepe that are to maintained that the party can vote of 32 to 23. This pressure id is met with slander and lenders of the Socialist party, by aficial party and the Left Oslo. Deamer the Upholsterers Inter be taken. We print the full defunction under Hitler without ser YCL OFFERS UNITED FRONT YOUNG SPARTACUS ious losses. shown by the false report in the The member asking for debate bas national, to break the negotiations claration beolw: In line with the turn of the ComApril 1st issue of the New Leader the tuger of expulsion pointed at with the Unity Committee and the Hathaway, as a good Stalinist, munist party and Young CommunIA general appeal for funds for that the Rand School students had him. few of the more energetic Furnithout a legitimate protest Young Spartacus has been sent out decided to withdraw from the untbureaucrats have discovered a real on Workers Industrial Un. RESOLUTION OF THE JOINT could not admit that there is a rev. Ist League, comrade Helen Norts to all branches of the Communisted front on the previous Tuesday. markable method of serving the in from the rank and file who might CONFERENCE OF REPRESENlutionary crisis in Germany, and in the name of downtown section League and the Spartacus Youth The students of Brookwood Labor terests of the club spying on their la ve been attracted by our appeall TATIVES OF THE COMMUNnihilation. Instead Hathaway took sterecha soath and asked meeting of been negligible. Although IST LEAGUE OF AMERICA our refuge in false sentimentalities and elect delegates to preliminary costs of publication are small, it the Saturday parade in order notities. Members fear to contide in it the Conference, walked alongside is working havoc with club activAnd this is exactly what hap(OPPOSITION) AND THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF Stifulser hopes. His The party conference for youth unemployment is not very easy for us to cover to 1s still fighting. sounds very much relief to be held April 9th. She them. We appeal to all sympath to break Socialist party discipline each other. Suspicion rides high. pened. Our committee appeared at The New York Yipsels were detin! The club executive committee credentials. They were not admit STRUGGLE the New Lender jubllation after and Yipeels circles in the neighbor year, bundles therty cents Ritely instructed! to boycott the de meets behind closed doors. Ilsted to the membership meeting correspondence between the Comlike a Communist equivalent for stated that all youth groups, clubs Izers to get Previous discussions cents a copy.
tlon under threats of dis snobbish members have divorced but their credentials were taken, munist League of America (Op.
Young Spar the German elections, The Iron hood were being approached for and donations for this Conference.
Pront stands like a rock.
action. One Yipeel who themselves from the rank and tile, and the matter was referred to position) and the Communist tacus.
had voted at the Rand School stu: half of whom consist of raw work their executive board meeting League of Finally Hathaway got to the unlComrade Bill Dansker, chairman If the response does not improvedents meeting for continuationers with no political background. which met ten days later.
have ted front, and here the finest re of the meeting, greeted the offer or in the next week, the April issue of participation in the united front All this is furthering the discon Unity Committee met and gimon work and a possible eventual Tbeled the principle ground sults of his two weel research the YCL and pledged the whole of young Spartacus will be a four was officially criticized by the tent of the membership, which is elected a committee to go before fusion of the two organizations.
comwere revealed. The first was his hearted cooperation of the Sper pager. It will include an article City Central Committee of the realizing that the present policies the Executive Board on Karl Marx, America entrance argument to prove that there has tacus Youth Club. With this fact is the point This is the first time that the into the World War, reports of the Central Committee, where a leading to its speedy corruption At the same meeting of of the American Youth Club are been no change in the basic posl.
Here again the committee, out of departure the Joint conference ted front. There are three forms section of the Lift Opposition for on the jobless line. Scottsboro and German Fascism appeared of the united front, the united a nnited front. It is not merely a Mooney cases. An analysis of the once again to offer the Yipsels The result of the attempts to itself open to the indignant attacks of collaboration mentary trade union procedure, left Banizations agrees upon a program the with the reformist leadership, and ficial party but also a sign of the united front against Fascism, and work, a sub committee of five was skyist influence has been an ex, addresseu to whom it may con Communist League of struggle front with the leadership and rank rosiglos in the Young Communist este latest developments within the Socialist imity. Although the education which is superncial beceran los tend of to the unton as an adopts the following standpoint: sentiment was strongly in favor of cause of its one sidedness.
which had its edect on the others Internationale prethe theses of the reformist leadership was practic.
Two ed until 1927 when the Anglothe ist month bave occurred in bers of the union as another atence of the International Left op comrades Layton tempt to ignore their organizu position.
Russian Trade Union Committee and We were excluded, under tion. The spokesmen for the UnCommunist was dissolved what this led to the all embracing danger of dis ity Committee made agitated and League regards of America (Opposition)
Hathaway omitted to say. Then the 6th Congress of the Comi morale of the youth. Among the trom their jobs.
It is difficult to speak about the expelled from the party and fired, increasing tempo, the return from ruption. Both were known to have actant anti leadership Ilm. International Left Opposition and tern it was discovered that the young people, there is a process of exile of many former Opposition sympathies for the Left Opposition. which allowed the huream Poschea as the American section of the Another section of the social democrats bad become the diferentiation going on all the seeks its way out of all that is Most recently there have triedra slander was conducted against both Eation by sayingThe Upholster au come with Wihle ecter into collabor.
ruling parties, that they were so time. One section la evolving to occurring by switching over to great many from Kharkov many of us prior to our expulsion.
youth ist, now former capitulators. campaign of discrimination and patiently to wave aside the dele supports it as such.
cial Fascists, and hence any united the side of the opposition but it another track, chiedly, to study had been arrested there and chtet er at the trade. We always have of America (Opposition) in varlfront with their leadership was im remains dissatisfied with critical science is only genuine and always will every upholstererous with objective of tarian revolution. But now the so tion and organizational formula gues.
repeaters, e. former capitu. commend to the membership my lators. The returning tourists cial democratie parties are again tions. However, many are fright Thus, for instance, one of the land directly in solitary confine removal from the post of assistant Raked if they would extend the itself accordingly in this collabora organiser and to place me on a Workers Industrial Union.
fire opposition, andership is unsteaened by the experiences of opport workers in the Control Commission were per te ndihet are to the three months probation on the answered that they do not recos en la secondangereunt opposition?
same invitation to the Furniture tion.
They. Criticism of the communwith the leadership again tions the Comwho are not admitted into possible.
although fully aware of the missariat of Agriculture, apropos colonies. either the employed Section of the club. My nize this organization but will acthe Bolsheviks entered into a unt they seek for some He forgot to mention that in 191? seriousness of the entire new way youngster said, agreed withing their they have cause the case was. postponed three or four cept only individuals. The commit ence, which may appear in the situation of the expulsion of a number of statements filed regard times, until was expelled from tee could not ted front with the Monsheviks and out. For the last period, there them in a great deal, but if don admission of the correctness of YCL for refusing to fight against posals, and present the unity proClass Struggle. will be regulat.
captiulation, and their the YCL was expelled from the rosa ed in content and tone by the left.
the Social Revolutionists, who con has begun an increasing influx to do the expellmg, ll be expelled the general Ilne were deemed in the Left Opposition. When my above standpoint.
stituted the provisional government the Left Opposition of new people myself. And, continuing the consufficient and a complete dls sympathies for the Left Oppositioned on a demonstration before America (Opposition. on its part, The Unity Committee then decid The Communist League of against Kornilov. He to commit who were never before sympath versation, he added, It thought arming was demanded from them were firmly estanged its recom some comrades expressed them the Communist League of Strugto the that the Anglo Russian etle to us. Thus, for instance, re the membership of Local 76. As will welcome the cooperation of be permitted to finish the (The authorities as a rule deal tive Committee the general strike. He forgot all youngers from the I tired of all these interminable ple than with the exiles; their ofllice: three months activity in to force their way into the fusion two. In 1928 the discovered the reply. Hold your horses. The finity.
but who ll guarantee refuse to disarm (e. the case of Lor the duration of these three leaflets were issued by the Unity been sufficently tested in the perthe united front from allerede Ne answered all objections with the black yesterday and so on to in. With every pressing month if they voice in any of the other activities allow them to enter. number of abilities of common work have social democratie party was in a Pive Year Plan will show you. that another leadership will be any Borschev, a worker fro a months. One Executive Committee Committee calling on the memberiod of collaboration between the bolume od petrom inte beheer the at a party meeting and announced way out for me personally lies in or because they disagreed with the last proposal, was rebuked by the ate their leadership to hear and It is agreed that the ComHathaway next argument was that the Opposition was correct the sphere of science. The compolitical classification of the Op organizer for his willingness to support the committee when it munist League of Struggle shall equally ingenious. The Trotskyists on many points, and it was time rade who told me this had spent position, and do not reckon them allow such he stated, belleve that there are to take stock of the past. An ten years in the YCL working Selves as such, forrikinstance against theminterreak up hour or frontex afctate to you any longer. remaining differences before the elements who are comes before them, over the be given the opport sew on the to bring only minor differences between the other comrade (from the of the club heads of their nt of social democrats and the Commun. plutions to the effect that his studying first in the Workers he second time because suspected of not of punishment for a crime but left the party and to all try and conjointly with his work kent. They were exiled for the ganization. It was a clear case fight for your rights! and similar membershp of the Communist ists. Therefore they feel that critIcism in a united front is useful. Attitude was wrong and no meth ulty and later in the university. ronewing their the League of because they hope that thereby the od of political struggle, he replied. There is left only to add that many itles. Oppostion activ. of punishment to prevent a shone were broadcast in in the forthcerca (Opposition)
pre conterence social democracy will be reformed.
crime of hanging first and de Communists (te. refuse to bear responsibility for others find their way out in drunk. The colonies live in isolation un termining the guilt afterward, But by this time Thiez was able discussion and at the national con During the trial the organizer party bunglers that there was ab of the integration of the Communto so rllo his following against the Stalinista) know that there can the strangling of the partyand of damentally the youth tends to be for instance Katya with her accused me of believing that there solutely no protest from the mem ist League of struggle into the The decision on the question never be a real united front with the working class. Both were come militant, assuming a critical year old Infant was sent to Cher should be reports of minority bership when he ordered the man Communist League of America attitude to what is transpiring, din; she was selves theoretically as well as or confitement. Her only request in when the membership had passed on the street. The more serious the latter after opportunity has forthcoming national conference of ganizationally.
letters to friends has been that a resolution forbidding minority Left wingers in the delegation went been given by the intervening per (Continued from Page 1)
Over to Hathaway and asked him As among the youn so also it they should stop us from distrl. among the party members the same allowed to die. At the end of her that the constitution contained the unity negotiations might have ston, to judge the maturity of the her baby be looked after and not reports the organizer explained home feeling that the failure of iod of collaboration and discusarms, we defended ourselvested to butine Hathaway shruggeda pehole proceech and der Dorobserved the color career cay tender o evils to centras en inge consernetinha cording but been prevented. hehe parts were conditions for this action and the note that even during the fraens, to explain to these hotheads that satisfaction with conditions in the Ania, with a daily allowance of his knowledge of working class triumphant. Didn we tell you representatives of the two organisome of the YCLert there tried to this was no way for workers, let party and in the country surgeonty kopeks (a pound of bread organizations. This reveals the they kept repeating jubilantis, zations at the font conference will stop the fight and said we should alone Communists, to settle thelr over the barriers of party disch costs two to three roubles. The high handed, arbitrary.
be allowed to distribute the paper. aisputes, thereby lent tacit support pline. And on the other hand, plcture of other colonies is not cratie rulings of the Stalinist is impossible with the leaders. Someone had put in a call for to the action. Hathaway may evade there is also to be observed apathybrighter. The material conditions clique.
FOR THE COMMUNIST sirens of the approaching automo Party membership meeting two ing for the promised boons of the Nevertheless, the morale among would have remained in the club Members now assure me that LEAGUE OF AMERICA biles. We had time to distribute a weeks ago are on record; We first five year plan, all the more the comrades to militant. Many had not attempted to organize a a mass meeting to agitate for the The Unity Committee has called (OPPOSITION. Signed) Max Shachtman Cannon came up to us and asked for them toward the Trotskylst. That is have spread unbelievably, which is are ailing, in particular, Solontzev Marxist class outside the Martin Abern adding their protest against the clear and indisputable with such to be gathered both from preus seurvy. notwithstanding the covery of this fact caused the the rank and Ale, to unite against amendment wage cuts and lay offs. Such meet FOR THE COMMUNIST shameful conduct of the attackers. direction and leadership one can ports and the conditions as they fact that the latter has served his Executive to make an LEAGUE OF STRUGGLE time, he remains in confinement. asking for expulsion. Their ex ings are always beneficial and are (SignedAlbert Welsbord had no desire to give the cops any rades who took the words at thelr The authority of the clet transfer to exile but he refused to an attempt to create factions in are organized as a substitute for a Sam Maher pate with the YCLers and possibly out the shameful and anti Com to some infinitely equal Vera Buch great negative cause the membership meeting to munist action at the Stuyvesant quantity. There was a period. As a result of a hunger strike formation of a Marxist class reshops, or with the understanding vvvv www disturbed.
THE LILITANT counter revolutionary are to be dropped, they will not Entered as a second class mail An hour or so after, when the the YCL and the ideas of com. matice, and without much without out. or them were relok were let moved from Stalinist influence con that all further attempts at units Musya was freed after she had act.
went back and walked down sec. who witnessed the attack, they thing Inevitable, but now all that lain in bed for six monthus. she The expulsion of comiade Lav striving for. We, the left wing Posterior amber 28, 1928, at the leaving the meeting. number of and gangster methods can only reat times spoken or is the greatest Minusinsk, where she se now to someone tore buen precedente en main malice groupes de cervewing Under the act of March 1879.
ne and tell us that they in no way too well the club and the fist of had the occasion to hear from toh but in her letters to relatives their yolce in protest. But that it is above all important Jue of America (Oppositist at 126 East 16th St.
supported the physical attack upon the police to be convinced simply many even from workers in the high EDITORIAL BOARD us and did not think that the because it is a so called Communist apparatus that his removal would he James Cannon YCL other soon.
Geyev has Maurice Spector action or had done so.
We warn these young people: If rehabilitation of the party regime, brought back to Moscow been club is evident by the discontent thoroughly and openly on the floor Max Shah from of the rank and nie and thelr con of the union and that all points of Arne Swabeck These comrades were they have the interests of the YCL etc. etc. December 1832. ov solitary confinement in Upper tempt for the aristocracy of la view be heard before final action Saturday, April 8, 1933 in the latter opinion. We have it at heart, they will stop these hoolFrom Exille Urals. Because of pernicious an bor as they term the snobbish is taken in the future.
Vol. VI, No. 22 (Whole No. 169)
from several of the beinbers of the ligan tacties and meet us on poll Throughout the last period there emla, he has lost his eyesight.
Subuription rate: 00 per year.
YCL present, that the group went tical grounds Le to be observed, with an ever November, 1982. ONE OF US. ELLIOTT. UPHOLSTERER Forniga 82. 50. Five Onts per The Morale of the Russian Proletarian Youth Oppositionists Slugged at YCL Meet is not closely sympathetic to com bed. Her spirits are still will soon be too cowed to raise munism.