BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionKidnappingOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpartacistStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

At Any Price Huan Ping and Chen Du Siu in of Colonization The Second Gillespie Conference comrade chen is sin, imprison de libero materialen be applied.
The Kincaid Trial e colonie internet in de winter any en el marketuruntis met tranh LEAGUE ACTIVITIES International Workers School AMERICAN HISTORY The Stalinist Shift Chicago Meet Adopts Series of Lectures by JACK WEBER Fresh in the memory of all calcitrant peasants Kiangal, Given Every Monday, at P.
readers is the despicable role play. Hupeh and other provinces.
Davenport, Iowa. united front To the Right Joint Protest April European Background of American History ed by the official Stalinist press in Nanking lack of seriousness in conference was called for March April 10. The Period of by the oficial party. The connection with the arrest and im the present campaign was even The second session of the Con prisonment of our comrade Chen more clearly indicated by Chiengo. The mass meeting on conference was called a united April 17. The American Revolution gress Organization Committee of the German situation held by the front action against hunger. Again April 24. The Bourgeois coup Etat the Constitution Du Hsiu, leader of the Chinese Soong, minister of finance and actMay Economic Development up to the Civil War the New York United Front Free Chicago branch of the Communist the party has shown how it zigLet opposition. This founder Tom Mooney Conference revealed League, proved to be a great suc: zags from one extreme to another May The Frontier and Its Influence Chinese Communist movement, He said to a local newspaperman: that the turn of the party on the cess. Over two hundred workers May 15. The Civil War the Conflict between Opposed Econom and the leader of the party during We simply have to put up some united front is showing a danger. athered at Redifer Hall on March conference as it is of great imic Systems the whole of the revolutionary resistance this time. The public May 22 ous drift to the Right. Palmer of 26, to hear the position of the portance to the workers, not only The Reconstruction Period period, was the special object of opinion of the world has turned May 29.
the Federated Press, chairman of Left Opposition on the united front in the Tri Cities but throughout Agrarian Movements Stalinist hatred because he honest against Japan. The League has the committee, reported the follow and the turn of the Communist in the entire country. According to June The Early Labor Movement ly acknowledged the role he had given China a favorable verdict.
ing: Some time between the first ternational, presented by comrade the number of delegates that June 12. The Modern Labor Movement played in the Chinese revolution How would it look, in such cirand second sessions a little in Albert Glotzer.
June 19. American Imperialism and revealed at the same time that cumstances, if we falled to resist voted there must have been 72 de formal meeting took place in The main feature of the meeting legates. There were many local Outlines of each lecture and referentes will be given to all students. this was to be attributed to the Japan invasion of Jehol?
fundamentally false and Menshe it is simply a matter of face. Palmer office. There were pre was the discussion that followed unions represented with the Trivik policy of the Comintern. At to use sent two members of the CommuniGlor speech. An THE HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES OF THE INTERNATIONAL Chinese expression. But invitation City Federation of Labor also ofLEFT OPPOSITION the time of his arrest, the Stalin another important factor which 1st Party, Muste of the CPLA, and was extended to any party repre ficially represented.
Palmer. They called Norman sentative in the hail to take the ist journals all over the world has determined the government A Series of Lectures by Max Shachtman, Editor of the Militant While the Resolutions CommitThomas on the phone to discusstoor and present the position of could scarcely contain themselves attitude is the popular clamor for Four sessions have already been held on the following topics: The with joy. Instead of helping resistance to Japanese imperialism with him the question of drawing the party. One active party mem tee was meeting Tony Miuerich, rethe into the Mooney moveber, Hans Pfeifer was given twenty presenting the state anti hunger The Defeat of the German Revolution, 1923: The Lessons Oct. the workers to save comrade Chen more and more insistent. The gov ment.
minutes in which to present the match committee, was seated as a delegate and spoke for one hour.
BY position of the party and to de: The pitiful part of Minerich Dicker with Thomas Der Topposition Pogram for collectivization. The Anglo tron at the hand of the Kue Min safety, ignore it. This clamor has tionThe Left Russian Committee. The Chinese Revolution of 1926 1927.
Tang butchers with which he was come from bourgeois and petty Politically this meant that they further strengthened the position speech was that he actually satd nothing of Interest outside of The sessions are held on WEDNESDAYS, at P.
threatened, the Stalinists hastened bourgeois circles who see their inlay down of the 0. But he made stressing the united front at all to assure all and sundry that terests menaced by the further unthe conditions on which the plen for the unity of the Commun costs and making a bid for unity Chen was an agent of the Kuo Minchecked advance of Japanese im.
would partielpate. Thomas, acist forces and declared that be with the leaders of the Federation Tai ng!
perialism. They have been joined would cording to the report, pledged. Die vlolence against members of the Of Labor in the Tri Cities at all self personally to work for costs.
the ed, and no news about him can be the workers organizations, participation of the on the left Opposition and protest such trade unions (little as they really After that a general discussion (Continued from Page 1)
basis of a management committee methods of solving disputes beelrutes from the loft On obtained. declined, stating that we exist today. have been silent.
But only a short while after his The mood of lethargie despair for the National Congress to between Communists. As an active took place with confusion ex. but behind this motion the new the attitude of the conference and arrest, took place the arrest which set in after the heavy proseveral workers held din Chicago, consisting of remember of the Unemployed Coun participating. Much against the presentatives of the cils he ILD, LID, five trade unionists, and to extended a publie invita isted. The representative of the federationists of the other dele that there is no political discrim. one of the official party Ination here and hope this will luan Ping. Commissar leaders, letarian defeat of 1027 has atili to the Opposition to partici. Left Opposition spoke presenting combined forces of of For not lifted. The workers are sunkthree liberals. This unofficial ar pate in the State Hunger March; the policy of the Left Opposition sates, en efter these motions passed the political organizations to send into sovietot 1927. Shin this worlyn hys and the one man see rangement was submitted to an invitation that was at once ac the name of the branch.
policy committee recommended fraternal delegates, but if we go instance, the approval.
Mooney for his He cepted by the Chicago organiza During the morning session the that the conference endorse the on the executive, our inembers will subject for use was made the proved singularly incapable of Credentials Committee tried an international agita wired back adding two representation.
to TUUL. conference in Detroit penetrating their ranks and aroustives of the Mooney Molders De in the course of the discussion side track the seating of the Left September and send fraternal de lected through the different union. In this protest movement, a ions they represent.
ing them from their stumbers.
of course, the party was only do. Jehol will be taken by the Jap.
fense Committee.
The new committee received some ing ith elementary duty, in which The Left Opposition immediately of the Chicago Left tion was presented by a member as to the name of the organization witational call. The Sealinists are blows from the new federailey were criminally Pemes with anese of that there can be no. by it has only saw no. Only SH ings be made public and that all gested further that the resolution whether it should have a to let Opposition and other Left Thismate the conference and male Chen Du Hxin, and are so to this attack by the masses of the work future negotiations be conducted be sent to the German consulate a seat or not. But upon a slight wing delegates, but at the openly before the entire working and the Daily Worker and Militant insistance when it came to voting time asking the conference to ensures thet e te cilat Hieroso strong. Now we receive the news from the first step would have to be class. This demand provoked for publication. This proposal was the delegate was recognized and dorse the TUUL conference. This brillantes that it cannow left opwsitionist in Shanghai the overthrow of the Nanking Gov.
discussion. The discussion reveal. carried unanimously with an had the full right of the floor to gave ammunition to the Right wing before if a BLER is that while comrade Chen fate ernment and its militarist alles de much confusion on the port of amendment that a committee elect the discomfort of the party leaders. and those who had just continues to remain unknown. in other parts of the country. For luan Ping like so many stalinists this a Communist party is reof the Committee. Politically the the resolution before sending represented, but its leaders were they used it effectively. The spirit before him, has turned renegadequired, and there is no Communist united front. The feeble attempts ment of the meeting a committee Council, and other party auxiliar notches. When delegate Fraser the escaping from the fate which comparatively small group in the of the Molders Defense represen was elected representing the Com les, some of them not even exist obtained the floor he moved that the counter revolution held in store cities, torn by internal dissension Continued from Page 1)
tatives to settle the matter on a munist party, the Left Opposition ing.
for him!
we cooperate and send fraternal de.
and shot through with traitors and legal technical basis were simply and the Spartacus Youth Club. Rank Stalinist Opportunism brushed aside. It was obvious The party was represented by comlegates.
id not endorse. The Stalinists killing, raping, kidnapping, smash Tangist, Wang Chin Wei, clear that the question could not be disrades Hans Pfeifer (an aldermanic After the discussion, the Resolu compromised and agreed to this ing the untou relief stations, People Tribune of February 16 ing of the tasks of the Chinese cussed aside from its political es candidate who drew 1100 votes in tions Committee bringing in a re opposed, but only after much har progressive miners reported. Wilton and it carried by 107 for and 15 tonblue workers homes, beating 1963. prints a sensational article revolution even at this late date, sence. The stalinists gave their his ward) and Norval Allen, a was the reporter, political interpretation a Rightist Negro comrade. They to done Evidence Proves Frame Up Communist Party In this arts spreading made to order slanders content. They refused to put the gether with Joe Gigants and workers and against foreta labor Next the policy committee asked The three main witnesses of the cle, the renegade repudiates this the meant Opposition. Leaders for 15 delegates slanderous attack on the Chicago Nathan Gould of the Spartacus resolution to endorse the conference on record against the Glotzer of the Left Opposition, and which was adopted unanimente again. Transition forces and state are eabody men and the whole Communist past, exposes are arbitrarily changed on orders the made evidence consists of contradictory the Communist International and from Moscow and even more freCongress by the Labor Committee Youth Club.
hunger march in Illinois on April hay. But again, when delegate and frame up material. But this the Chinese party and announces quent changes in the leadership of the Socialist party. This state. The resolution signed by the was also adopted by the conter Fraser could obtain the floor, he lewowe mheanase. baroc Practers that has a result of my conversion result from the constant arrests ment, issued on March 24, says committee elected by the that the Communists use the Con meeting represents further evid tigation of the conditions of the gates. Again the TUUL support testifying for the state contradict released, together with comrades sies and traitors within the ranks.
gress as a tool to wreck other one of breaking down the walls working class organizations. Labor between the party members and unemployed and to bring in suggesers compromised and this motion each other on the shooting of the Yu Hei and Hsu Shih Keng. who Under such conditions, the party tions as to remedies and to deal also carried by an overwhelming mine bose who was killed. One have also com con cannot possibly grow.
Aetion, Muste organ quotes the the Left Opposition. It signifies with unemployment generally was majority says the bullet came for the rear clusions. Yu Fel was nothing. The arrest not long ago of Chen and the other said the shot was less than Chairman of the statement without comment, though that the campaign on German has brought in, with clauses in the relater they elected the fraternal tired from the front. Another Executive Committee of the atral Du Hsiu, a leading member of the it is an active participants in the not been in vain; that it has real solution that one Catholic, one delegates to the TUUL conference. Peabody witness says he saw Mat nese Communist Party and as an occasion for the spread Chi Lett Opposition, was used by the conference and probably will be in ly penetrated the ranks of the Hebrew, one Protestant, one Five were nominated and all uutozzo with a sub inachine gun. Hsu a member of the presidium of ing of the Chicago Congress class conscious workers. The bank of Commerce, one Retail animously elected. The delegates while another says the defendant the Communist International and rumored that Chen bad sold out to vicious reports it was line Winter, Nessin, Moore, Baliam united to hamstring the attempt comes more and more evident in ployed Council, one Federatoin of Mayer, Crorkin and lines.
tions in the testimony of the Pea Shanghai. It is essential. con ceeding to Hankow for a personal to make the negotiations public, the course of the active life of the Labor te prestis on this com The conference unanimous body witnesses were brought to the cludes the turncoat, before any. mittee to They so qualified the conference movement.
atbore condicionado e solutions strikers or they love surface. The says that Smith whething constructiwe can see undertake, who is the directing a military pronouncements that what will be issued will omit the essential part of the delegates was immedi vitle frame up Victims and for os, tired at the relict station which in many respects is hardly armies in the interior. This calA Approximately 1200 Workers, facts given above and give a highly distorted picture of the proceed presenting various revolutionary tion was voted on paragraph by Chicago conference; for the Spring Done who was killed, was seated was in order to assist the National by the which made no of of the trade unionists the resolu elected delegates to attend the says he tired ahead. The mine litry, be completely suppressed. It seols press and sedulously spread inga.
ing to discuss the German situa paragraph. The paragraph whichfeld Hunger March and for the in the back seat of the same car. Gorernment in this campaign, and fort to conceal its satisfaction at tendencies, gathered in mass meet sier dealt with the Chamber of Com release of Minerich and others who is has come. 30 a clear case of frame up also to rectify my past errors, that Chen fate. The Kuo Min Tang our stalinist masters of revolution Welis street, in Chicago, on Sun merce and the Retail Merchants were arrested for the Scottsboro but this does not prove that Pea 1, together with comrades Yu Felprison In Nanking to which he was ary strategy and tactics shouted day, March 20th, 1933, under the Association camera modelom ultete boysi andmetest the danger of body is losing. They had a limsy and Hsu Shih Keng, have left the sent has literally swallowed him down the wind that we could make auspices of the Communist League delegate from the Left Opposition, Another motion was passed to other class war prisoners and yet under the banner of the Kuo Min is not known. No one but his jailFascist leaders Today they are their strenuous protest against the seconded by several in the hall, it set up a joint committee of action these men were sentenced. The Ting for the attainment for the ers beginning to crawl on all fours be Fascist terror reigning in Germany WAS strike out the Cham with the TUUL to carry on work in workers must not leave the case in goal which have always had in inter has seen him. No Retail different areas. This is attributed putting the hands of the courts controlled view the betterment of the condi. have been published.
to him fore these treacherous fakers. They today against the proletariat of ber of Commerce and the are trying to prove to the Thomas that country and its revolutionary Merchants Association. Le for the cart before the horse and make by the Peabundy Coal Company. tons of the Chinese workers and Now a contrasto on December es that they are good communists: leadership, the Communist Party after Left wihger, party members of the motion quoted above. Un our disposal but under and around Like Bessedovsky and They are in full flight from the and the Young Communist League, and sympathizers and some trade ted front action of such bodies these necessary defense measures creatures of Stalinism, Huan Ping sar for Foreign Affairs at Canton 14 Huan Ping, a prominent Stalinother ist Yes man who was commisultra Leftism of yesterday. And also against the terror inaugurunionists opposed the adoption of must spring out of concrete strus a powerful mass movement of the was a mighty Trotsky Killer be in 1967 they bow down before the old Idolated against the class conscious to widers of the of fight organizations to be established ined to fight for the release of the then the reaction. The busident of the All China Trade Un.
with the reaction gles and not mechanical paper American workers must be organ fore he of Right opportunism!
working masses in the social dem.
over the fence into unist paring the December corand lately was preocratie party and the trade unions ing for its adoption, with the de here and there. All through the frame up Kineaid miners on trial reaucratic regime in the Comintern ion Federation and Bureaucrats Fall Out that are struggling against Fasc llegate of the Left Opposition tak member of In the discussion Winter and the German bourgeoiste through in the lead against its adoption. put up against the new federat Taylorville trains up such types, whose only the presidium of the China branch IIUGO OEHLER. qualifications for leadership are of the League Against Imperialism, their servility to the apparatus, was arrested in Tientsin.
stands. Nessin again advocated its henchmen, Hit willingness to be made the scape Rightist position. Winter role is story Sosialists have been persistence when selected as the counter the stulinists who desired to hurry becoming clearer. He is carried entist attacking the German prole organizer, made the closing speech with their wrong tactics shifted Huan Ping. goat for the blunders of their su prominest of member of CEC, arous.
along in the Right drift. His job Tolay, aside from the hundreds which lined up the party and its the conference toward a new fedevor readiness to sign statements Einstein, Russell, and others pour thing. This proposals are designed raided in sandswastowals have adoption but who voted for it Between these two forces nirting tioning obedience to which allernment, where they maintained to make it possible to point to et attacks of the fascist forces. With only the vote of the Left Op the young committee received some careerists, The attention of the entire New less place hunters are able to ad DuHsiu (Madame Sun Yat adventurers and spine silence over the arrest of Chen front. This may fool some for a of the Communist party are rotting position against it.
hard knocks.
York movement should be called to just themselves. The genuine rev. atone made one feeble public proSen time but as the party swings fur in the Fascist dungeons and under Then the next resolution on GerThe Stalinist Proposal ther to the right this false face going tortures paralleled only by many, against Hitlerism and Faseartist will Meinwhile Huan Ping was taken be assigned other that of the medicaval period.
Another struggle developed over make this united front and the con selves and have the refore them text at Chen arrot. chores Comrades haemath Torgler, adopted as it didn concern the wing socialists who asked for the tre Workers Industrial Union of fond them are expelled from the for believing that he has earted his bled waters and evoked the anger are in prison. Direction and was turned down ate of the of Workers and Farmers for co ashop (united front. confer. Therein lies the essence of Ballam poured oil on the trou. Mleck and Remmele, the leaders of workers of Rock Island County endorsement and sending of dele. the TUUL On February 16, this party and consigned to the cate the Kuo Min Tang. It is reliably the Communist Party of ference with only the vote the con gutes to the Continental Congression took the initiative and call gory counter revolutionists reported that he is living in a ex private residence in Nanking under of Moore. It is a pitiable sight to as to their condition is not avall left Opposition against turning it omle Reconstruction to be hela me consisting of workers from a planation of how the Chen see these bureaucrats fall out able But that they are victims of down. This was the statement of in Washington, which is not a uni number of shops, unton and non ilsius could be expelled from the is not satisfied as to the genuine front and has excluded all left union, for the purpose of devising party, taited by the bureaucracy ness of his conversion to Kuo Min ted to must be the fight in the party in the mustard rub and the castor rty representatives.
The Tom Mooney resolution was wing and Communist forces. The ways and men of effecting the and left in the lurch when e thel alive and not in jail is definitely It is carried out into the open at In this regard, we, assembled in also attack. Tang principles. But that he is sht up without recommen Congress is a political rallying unity of the entire trade into a ed by the class enemy. While to the top? Why isn the party demand the ninedite cessation test and here again the rest oppost: revolutionists and class conscious ferenc Unity Committee of 32 shit, he defended by the burean Whether reports of Hunn Plug membership allowed to participate of the murder and torture of the tion, through its delegate, made a workers and is to be used as an was elected to earty out the ideas cracy and having been trained in Nin Tang principles as a result by the resolutions commit: center for reformism against the single militant union. At the con Huan Pings could rise to leaders known.
converted to no discussion in the party press? Jers, by the Fascists.
in the discussions Why is there German working class and its lead motion to adopt the resolution. anti Communist rally. Our dele folder enceintly on the the school of irresponsibility, te The reactionaries made flight sates opposed this and pointed out organization of against wage cuts moment.
cannot! We demand the immediate re against the adoption through mak. what is meant, recommending that mitlees to the united shop com ray the revolution at a cruciall of his arrest are reliable or not, the fact is there have been so many The Stalinist to in lease of comrade Thaelmann anding an amendment. The gathering Erst a communication be sent ask and layofts and (2) the organiza allow the party tervene in its disputes. That would other lenders of the German Com fairly rocked as the struggle for lenge all working class organiza upholsterymerasterong union in the Shanghai correspondent, which sounds quite credible at Hebate ser sub coinmittee of 12 was also formation, will be found below.
contains some very interesting in a statement entitled Why Left prestige. So it maneuvers desper We demand the release of all a very sharp talk the representa do not send delegates. The left the Communist Party which ately to retain its weakening grip victims of Fascism notwithstand live of the Det his position clear, not only on the scious workers smarted this pro the AP of They were to ask Opposition made wing socialists and other class con elected to visit the membership seems to bear the stamp of authmeeting of Local 76 of the UIU of 00 on the party But its base is haring their political tendencies.
enticity, and purportedly written the rowing and the day of reckoning toward to the revolutionary German resolution which deale posal. The TUUL delegates, appears in the webis approaching. Then as the the united front of the working class with the German situation, but Stalinists and Gerry Allard sup for the endorsement of a printed into Jehol is now in full swing ruary 18 pointing out that it would be an ported the motion to send two decatlet calling for the unity of the The Chinese defenders have robune, organ of the Rubelline act to build the party shoulder to for the defense of the German Ital etrayal at this oresolution legates against the above trocomtrade. The leaflet called on all coiled before the first onslaughts, Leftist Wang Chin Wel. en shoulder with the party member working class against Fascist at was voted down. This the mendations. The motion to send upholsterers in the show to unite although there has ship.
and regardless of mon afiliations, to flerce fighting. combination of tton and use. It speaks for itself. STAMM.
party through Jack Wilson to come two delegates was For the proletarian revolution in were elected. organize shop committees and to circumstances has acted to compel February 28, 1933 Germany.
fight wage cuts and lay offs. ROBERT.
Then a compromise was made not! At the beginning of the confer the Nanking Government Submitted by the Communist to elect adelegate from the comence a delegate from Georgia farm.
It passes human understanding, cohorts in the North to make at its Communism and se puede Amerike composition;ference but to endorse the resolutsikad on proposalsten tax the cap committee from them. Sense when fast a show of resistance to this Militant are requested to help this to Syndicalism HANS PFRITER, member of organizations representeas and the endorse carried without the Stalin in the preparations. How can has no desire to tight and is put ite and work arethe Tete doposia the Comunist Party of America. conference.
ists saying a word.
basi by NATHAN GOULD, member of the Spartacus Youth Club of extreme of no onests it may be tion and Young Spartacus League cedure? So intimidated are the This lack of seriousness is suffit pace. Reports should be The Party has gone from one elected giving the miners the larg for unity when we fly in the face wantonly sacrificing the lives of try and events in the class stru LEON TROTSKY united front to unlest delegation.
countless Chinese soldiers in agle. Report your activities. But Some fundamental considera Chicago.
ted front at all The Left Oppoel of this simple organization pro: struggle it does not take seriously. Dear in mind the limitations of tlong on the relation of the party Communist League of America JOE GIGANTI, member of the asked What price united front? were given the right to put repre social Fascism that wharles by ently indicated by the fact that and to the point and as Stalinist union brier to the trade union movement Left Opposition. The Right wing of the party can sentation on the Executive.
it was with not a single airplane has been sent abound secondary and extraneous sparing with particular reference to the experiences of the French labor the greatest difficulty NORVAL ALLEN, member of be seen by the actions taken at the movement. 15 cents the Communist Party of Amer conference. The party tried to bide its face even to the point was made of the reactionaries. All the leadict to the unten teseit, Ethat renders, while the Japanese are re should feel himselta parte con radie HABERT GLOTZER, member not sending oficial delegates. No es pecades were made farver or is to say, to the secretary of the ers. The Nanking Government re Milliant may accurately reflect the Ploneer Publishers 84 Erst 10th Street, New York. of the Communist League of body spoke officially in the name the leaders of the of (Continued on Page 3) serves its airplanes for bombing re. work and progrees. GEO. PAPOUN.
America (Left of the party. Not one Opposition. criticism paragraph, Stalinists and the Upholsterers of become Kuo ng The