BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpartacistStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorking Class

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Organ of the Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 Bast 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mat matter, November 8, 1928 at the Port Omee at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 22 (WHOLE NO. 169 NEW YORK, SATURDAY APRIL 8, 1933 PRICE CENTS Weekly Communist League of America (Opposition The Tragedy of the German Proletariat in By Leon Trotsky will have to be drawn from the Communist organizations: the mill and of weakness of the Communist wards will come not better dayemy everything that could be sur branded agents of the bourgeoisie, inittees of The most powerful proletariat of precisely in order to snatch the taking hold of theers and for itself, found itself Europe, by its place in produc proletariat from the demoralizing weapon of the united front of forced to improvize proposals for tion, 1t social weight, the strength influence of the social democracy.
which it has been in mortal dread the united front to the reformist of its organimations, has manifest It it has not succeeded up to the up to now. To the extent that it summits. Thus do artificial, false of it be to my wel and the thirst tariat found itself impotent als workers when the conditions die. to the question of Fascism it is the cause of the completo demorat davantages under the conditionscadar dan hal target the Finalistorical violent attacks against the work armed and paralyzed at the motated a courageous revolutionary enough to refer to the speech of antion of the party at the moment panicky retreat, they are to be tempest.
historical Offensive: it proclaimed the ap Thaelmann, official leader of the of danger, when the leaders lose Pound exclusively on the side of Taking into account the peculon which one must base all future test, the direct and immediate proach of the revolutionary situa German Communist Party, who, at their heads, when the party mem reformism. Forced to reply to a sarities of cach country and ot It would be patently stupid to the post Leninist Comintern. There Wy: it worked up agreements with the Comintern in April 1931, de fall prostrate, when the principal roaneraey chose the worst way: it Hows from them, of organizing the believe that the subsequent evolo is the first conclusion that must petty bourgeois phrasemongers and nounced the pessimists that is, historie positions are surrendered does not reject an entente of the united front on an international tion of Germany will go the Ital immediately be drawn.
then his domination step by step the Stalinist bureaucracy, the Left under cover of the policy of the allowed the moods of panic to rout punishment. The strength and the seek. It has come to such a lack of the Right wingers on national lan rond; that Hitler will streng Under the perfidious blows of the tail of the social democracy the following terms We have not theory bears within itself its own does it accept it; it plays hide and coptionalism. that is, the theory without serious resistance: that Opposition maintained to the very united front; it proclaimed the us. We have soberly and firmly obstinacy of the apparatus only of self confidence, to such degrada peculiaritics, is suddenly forgotGerman Fascism will enjoy long end its fidelity to the official third period and the struggle established the fact that Septem augment the dimensions the tion, that it no longer dares to ten. the Stalinist bureaucracy reyears of domination. No, the fur party. The Bolshevik Leninists now for the conquest of the streets un ber 14, 1930 was in a certain sense catastrophe.
der of a and Having surrendered to the en face to face with the leaders of ist parties to address proposals for the Second International, the a united front to the Central Comanalysis of the German and inter tants of our cadres are arrested, party, it replaced the. in such a short space of national conditions, and not from our publications forbidden, our struggle by leaps adventures or we have siven to the development times the stabilists are trying to the electors of Ilindenburg who parties. Only yesterday this was purely historical analogic. But literature blazed the trail of Fascism. proclaimed a capitulation to 80this much is already evident: It. hurried to In the it identified the social democracy no more grounds for laughing. y clarify the whole chain of crimestive on March to the from September 1930 onwards, we the Oppostapend the Bulletin ofists from the mass trade unions: events. Today, the Fascists have vulsive acts which only increasing In a special appeal of the Exceu lessons of Stalinism for the last cial Fascism! This do all the great demanded or the Communist Inter Russian language. But if, togeth with Puscism and rejected the unl. Referring to the creation by the committed by them. now that the real countries. The resulthies for years by under the table into dationde a short range policy in er with the whole proletarian van ted front with the mass workers socialdemocracy of defense groups press of the Communist party do not say a word about social political system reduced to dust. the apparatus is de Fascism as the main enemy. They work out a long range policy. Be the consequences of the first seri. Sressive bands of the National So same spech that these groups ait. stroged, that the bloody Matters do not rest there: hayfore the decisive battle is possible, bus victory of Pascism, they can cialists: it sabotaged the slightest ter in no respect from the shock of Fascism waves with pendant no longer speak about the great ing declared for the moment the hat to say. Shadow of the responsibility for local defense, at the same time it and that both of them are prepar: the Fixecutive Committee of the not antipodes but twins. They arenn, the Executive immediately Socialists over the Karl Liebknecht House, cal democracy and Fascism are to reorient itselt, it will have to understand what the official policy of the Comin systematically deceived the work in de comanen formation to anni Comintern is starting out on the no longer insist on saying that the forgets it and no more than twenty has happened, distribute the reſtern. Today, Thaelmamis arrested from below but also from above. As a preliminary the defeat of the conditions under which the united and in this manner regain confid the left Opposition, the Stalinist as friends and drew the noose the Bolshevik Lenint renction, The new 218bbas not, however, breathe a word about the inadmis lable in all countries, in spite of he defeat, trace out the new road, beginning of the struggle against of friends as enemies and enemics Faced by the sharper than all social democracy. They do not front is admissable and acceptence in itself.
democracy requires no comment all its strength to derail, to be breathe freely any longer, nor to policy of Stalin, that is, the of. Ist bureaucracy has abandoned the fully enumerate those cases in this followed by a panic stricken se The criminal role of the social sisted the even if indirectly. 28 tighter and tighter around the neck same ranksas Thaelmann, But been effected under the impulsion sibility of the united front from the difference in national cooki. ary: the Communist International fudle, to enfeeble the German pro speak, nor to think.
was created fourteen years ago letarint: it halted, it curbed thel Out of the vast literature devoted is precisely this polley which is tonal. The latter has succeeded cracy, unexpectedly for the work (Continued on Page 4)
What of Rakovsky? Hitler and the Stalinists Beat Up New Organ of 2ndGillespie Meeting Oppositionists Red Army German Left Conference Again Rejects New Federation Plan co of an atack by cho pamerican stalStalin is still silent. No news from Christian Rakovsky. The embassies keep still. In spite of the numerous news items that have appeared in the prese, the wreckers of the German revolution refuse to let go of their secret. IF THEY HAVE ASSASSINATED RAKOn Sunday, April 2, a group of members of the Spartacus Youth Gillespie, nl. The April con of a new federation of labor is ALIVE THEY ARE AFRAID TO ADMIT IT. This fact alone gives America has reproducel Europclub went to distribute Young The first issue of the new paference called by the Gillespie lacking and therefore this conferTrades and labor er of the German section of the Assembly ad enee definitely rejects this project.
the measure of their panie, their fear of the action of the Bolshe can capitalism on a grandiose Spartacus and the Militant to the pational Lett Opposition has journed, adopting a polley of vik Leninists.
scale, but it has reproduced Eur New York District membership ordinating the work of the Left. Due to the limited and sec that the market dem banky y refuses tot wes Stal rises complain pean soclulitism only on an in meting of the you held at stay Just belo received Perelt on his significant scale.
Casino. Our comrades called Unser Wort, and is pubwing inside the F. with the tional character of this conference Thaelmann, WHEN THEY REFUSE TO SAY WHAT HAS HAPdemocracy has lished in Prague. Hitler has apPENED TO CHAN RAKOVSKY? YES, in the name of what work of building new Industrial we cannot at the present time form e of European soiocl, and as the Pansion percame out, parently not been told that this unions from the nuorganized work permament organization. Such revolutionary cal democracy. This law of an we started to give out copies of is a counter revolutionary organers. The conference adopted the an organization of the Left and Let us develop our campaign. THE CENTRISTS WILL HAVE even development has also retain our pers We had distributed name of Progressive Trade Union progressive forces on a national TO ANSWER FOR THEIR PAST. KAISE THE QUESTION OF ed all its force the cor some two dozen coples when a 80 fara ned the hus therefore banRAKOVSKY AT EVERY MEETING!
former publication of Educational Conimittee. It was scale is a perspective to be aimed ism is concerned couple of the leaders came down the German Left Opposition, Die attended by 164 delegates, repre at. The three conferences at Gil VICTOR SERGE ARRESTED 18 weaker than any of the Europ and began to tell us that we were Permanente Revolution until May senting 20 organisations, with the lespie have taken the initiative and yet the Stalinist bus not to be allowed to distribute 31, without any prospect that it Progressive Miners of America prepared the ground for one that having 61 delegates, and the Unwill eventually develop upon Vktor Serce has just been arrested in Leningrad. Once again all the zigzags and all the mis comradely manner, asking them It will be recalled that acemployed Councils 30 delegates: broader national scale through cothe Stalinist police is acting in the dark. It has been Impossible for takes with a fabulous exaggera what valid reason there could be The rest of the delegates were operation of all Left wing and procording to the Staliais the best from API, locals amt some for attempting to prohibit this. the German section of the inde gressive forces.
reasons for his arrest. Back in 1928 Victor Serge was arrested, shortA year and a half ago, the Stal. The best way to understand the Opposition capitulated to the of pendent unions and several TUUL The conference goes on rely after his expulsion from the party as an Oppositionist. After two Inists thought that an attack on viewpoint of any organization is ficial party and was liqutdated On. The workers political or cord as recommending the program months he was released, under the pressure of the campaign which the USSR by Japan was a matter to read and study what they pro shortly before Hitler took power. unitions represented with frat of was carried on at the time. Again we must rise up, demand an a of days, and on this prognosis. pose. This was and is the only The new paper is the best ernal delegates were the Communale session to the con of the workers who are ist League of America (Opposi struggling for the regeneration of counting, help our comrades who struggle in the vanguard against dictated by the bourgeois press way in which any young Commun. proof of the vitality of the op tion. the Young Spartacus League the labor movement and its liberathose who are preparing the ruin of the October Revolution, policy. We on the contrary de ogies which are alien to the inter an analysis of the perspectives and the Young Peoples Socialist tion from reactionary policies and RIAZANOV AND SMIRNOV ARE DEAD clared that, as long as it had notests of the working class by an of Communism under the present League.
leadership. This conference de assimilated Manchuria, the danger alyzing them.
regime in Germany, letters from The highlights of the conference cides upon the continuation as a Riazanov has just died in deportation, at Saratov, to which Several. The thom, however, whom German workers, and comrade the vengeance of Stalin has exlled him. This Bolshevik, this Mariwere the struggle between the decommittee to keep in touch with Trotsky Talk with a Social legates who wanted a new federasympathetic trade union bodies and ian seientist, underwent the fate of all the Intransigeant Communists inlsts accused us in this connectical type, refused to discuss with we have met before of the fanta: Democratie Worker.
tion of labor and those who wanted will be ready to act jointly with against the Stalinist bureaucracy. He died at his post, tion of being in the service of them at all. We have instructions In acordance with the declan educational committee; by the them in the preparation of who starter. a Japanese general staff. In general, fact that the Progressive Miners of broader conference on a national these gentlemen draw their argu to prevent any distribution, Conference of the Left sions of the International Prewhose ideas he had spent his life. Stalin dild everything to shorten of them stated, and if Wildlife, for his purpose remains the same: TO DESTROY THE metns from sewers and drain ples, tinde you will süfter the conseqution, all members have been America were the solid backbone scale.
Opposiof the conference, the heavy work Around point one of these proWe declared furthermore that ences. Meanwhile on the floor for a correct policy posals the conference almost spuit. strong naked to contribute a day pay plicat lng him in the Menshevik trial. stalin banished him wunder earried on by a group of delegates the new federationists were inpolice constraint, chased him out of the Marx Engels Institute which the danger of a Fascist victory faların squad had been organized up for the specife purpose of helpGermany danger for the world stairs by the bureaucrats in the ing the German section. This around delegates Fraser and Steed sistent, but finally the motion passorganized and createxl. And Riazanov died in de hor bad og tornite Messrs. Ramain and Co. have again become free en revolution and above all for the membership meeting and they now money should be raised as quickof the rogressive Miners and the ed with an amendment by delegate policies of the left Opposition were Lore. The amendment said we Soviet Union was more real and came hurrying ly as possible so that it can be vindicated 100 percent; and the continue as an organization gineers at Magnit gorsk.
more imminent than the danger We had been the State away to mitted at once, in view of Smirnov, former leader of the old group of Decists (demaction of TUUL delegates and urgent needs of the seratie centralists. who was close to the Opposition in the years of Japanese intervention, carry on work in the trade unions The the entrance and now without any European Stalinists shouted the Stalinists who had the largest and independent unions. These that warning they began to rip the German Opposition the enor The papers from our arms.
we were panic stricken.
caucus present, but had to trail delegates aimed their amendment 19 And how many other revolutionary workers, how many of ours, mous tasks which now face it.
Working behind the policies of the Left Op to the tail of that The American League has set American Stalinists, more imped themselves into a are falling today, when more than ever their firmness, their experiorganization, position and the militant miners.
ently, declared that we were con specimens of Staty. the young One thing can be said for the (Continued on Page 2)
CPA tenacious and perse verting activity in support of our imprisoned on tipton dollars to be raised there our come!
Stalinists. With their new turn, and deported comrades is needed. We are at present considering the attention of the world proletariat our comrades. Outnumbered many rade in Germany and their work, they are doing far better than formation of a Relief Committee, about which we shall say more from the imminent danger in the times and with papers under our and we appeal to all friends of the Opposition to help us reach before, they are learning to work OPEN FORUM later. Continued on Page 3)
events brought their vertitication.
the quota as soon as possible.
with other forces, they are learn For a year and a halt, the immin ent Japanese aggression has fallvarce but are still very clumsy The Tragedy of the and antagonized a considerable ed to take place (obviously this number of delegates and left a does not mean that the danger of bad taste in the mouths of many German Proletariat SNEEVLIET UNDER ARREST incommunicado Japanese Intervention does not with no reason given for their inexist in general. During this time, 22 Kincaid miners, charged with position of the PMA officials that sourued.
Taylorville, III. The trial of the greater danger than this is the delegates when the conference adSHOULD NEW COMMUNIST Comrade Sneevliet, president The report of the polley comPARTY BE ORGANIZED the nas of Holland (revolution carceration. We must also ask our with a few blows, hus defeated the murder is under way to the File: has put the damper on mass pres: mittee brought out the different ary trade union organization. re comrades to recall that the Stalin principal ally of the USSR, the seasons occur with packed hall sure. They are leaving the case tendences IN GERMANY?
struggle of the day signed and other of our comradescounened to advance by the lies and Illinois coal fields. The first two The bulletin of the Progressive proceedings. After reaffirming the Speaker: spiracy for the manifesto falsity in of Stalinism.
by him, appealing to the Dutch ter revolutionists. Speak up up for trial, whom the Peabody Miner (March 31) speaks of the policy of the previous conference MAX SHACHTMAN as follows: Weber, for the policy committee saflors to show their solidarity with your LD branch and demand their year and a half ago, we wrote cont the mutineers of The Seven Pro immediate release. The ILD must that the Red Army. In its principall the lumpany intends to burn in opening of the case state case read three proposals introduced by International Workers School Hall electric chair are Emil Dupire, The Almsiness of mass, ought to turn its face to the coal miner and Mattonzo, chief of has been well shattered in the delegate Fraser as follows: 126 East 16th Street vinces. The Centrists have not be a genuine class defense organi West to have the possibility of police in Kincaid and supporter of first stage of the trial. Yes, to Policy Committee Proposals mentioned this arrest in any one of mtion and not sectarian body smashing Fusclem before it can the the workers, but we are not decidther publications! The workers ot for the defense of supporters of unite with European and world in the frame up evidence given by the one clerk and the Beatody Coal Council, as indicated by this con The trial so far clearly reveals ing the case. Eleven fariners and of the Gillespie Trade and Labor Sunday, April 9, 1933, P.
Amsterdam have held enthusiastic the official regime of Stalinism.
perialism. In answer to this, the Peabody Coal Company and the Company are deciding the ADMISSION: 15 Cents demonstrations for his release. We caseference representation, shows that Auspices: Branch, Communist the The bulletin, to referius to the a sufficient basis for the creation League of America (Opposition)
INDO CHINA declare our complete solidarity with stupid and impudent of all, de danger of conviction due to the clear out frame up evidence, says the revolutionary action of comFor the Sending Workers rade Sneevliet and all those Comclared that we wanted to drag the officials of the conducting the defendants are virtually clear IN THE NEXT ISSUE Delegation! USSR into a war, interrupt its the case. All stategical vantage ed of all charges by the testimony munlsts hit by the terror for their The tremendous Importance of ation of the tew within the Progressive of Amersupport of the rebellious Indonesthe material contained in the ica, the second article on the The International Red Ald has the victory of Imperialism. The points are in the hands of the of the prosecution These are lans.
Pealkody Con Company. The dangerous statements because the present Issue has compelled us to slowly awakened to the case of the old fable says that nothing is 80 officials do not seem to cards are stacked against us. We German situation by Sam Gorthousands of Indo Chinese victimal dangerous as an ignorant friend. realize the significance of this omit a number of items which cannot as though miners are don, a reply to the second swinSPAIN To appeal for military actions we planned to include. We were trying the case and not farmers anxious to include the dle of the Lovestone group in atJohn Hogan, Peabody attorney, and the Peabody Coal Company, tacking the stand of the Left Op Not word from the IRA on Nin of French imperialism. But of against Japan while there was has been drafted by the state at and their law and order. Where sent and timely article rery ur.
course, they slander the imprisoned not and could not be an immediate by comand Lacroix position on the German question, rade Trotsky on Germany. parti etc. etc. We have been forced The International Red Aid con Left Opposition militants. That danger in that direction, meant to one and we leading the prosecus ever there are Peabody miners the cularly the leading article which also to omit from this number tinues to maintain a shameful sil does not prevent the bureaucrate distract attention from the real time she consists of eleven militia or the sherits Forces the arrived just in time to be print the continuation of comrade Troted in this issue. Consequently, ence on the fate of our Spanish from being forced to accept in Ite danger of Fascism. Obviously the farmers and one clerkan Stalinists carrled out this task, reactionary jury that can easily holding down the miners and im Nky article which began in the comrades, among whom are Nin and entirety our slogan, send a workers we must bold over for the next last Issue (A Talk with to (Continued on Page ignore all contdadictory evidence ported gunmen carry on a reign for inciting the delegation to Indo China. Continued on Page 2)
and frame up material. far issue such articles as an examinpersecutcodience. The 1st Worker. The next issue will publish it in all likelihood, toreaders of the Miltiant will remem Friday April 21, 1933 at p.
ber the vicious way in which these comrades were arreated by the 80 IRVING PLAZA HALL 15 St. Irving Pl. for the Benefit of THE MILITANT Ausploes: New York Branch Communist League uation on the threatening sitin Austria, which is gaincialist police and bow they were, of America (Opposition) and Protomagia Club. Ing in signdcance every day.
Defend the Class War Fighters Kincaid Miners Trial Starts Social SPRING DANCE FESTIVAL Jazz Orchestra. Songs. Other Features Fether