Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFootballFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyGuerrillaHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Crisis in German Communism World Economic Situation Today conditions the said: TIE MILITANT PAGB SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1933 The Left Oppositon organ Die Permanente Revolution has been ban ned until the end of May.
There have been no mass demonstrations in Berlin since the mighty German Two days before the (Continued from last issue)
Prussian soldier type. They love Reichsbanner meeting in the Lust.
warning Alternatives in the How It Stands Today and of June, but the solemn to cover themselves with the de garten on Sunday, February 19. It The factors which presided at of the world crash was given only Reichstag elections forty thousand corations of war days, especially was estimated well above 150, 000. the birth of the crisis may be re Its Next Perspectives by the break on the New York Fascist storza troops, preceded by Decisive Class Battles the iron cross. When they meet The Relehsbanner troops formed a sumed as follows: overproduction, Stock Exchange in October. On two hundred armed auxiliary pol. AAAAAA AAA they click their heels and salute in solid gigantie square in the center. the excessation of credit. When called the attention cf our high level of prices, AAAA the other hand, Industrial produe ice in Nazi uniform, marched tion in France continued to in social the stiffest military fashion. In But they listened to their just re and the com through the streets of central and in its gonnine sense with composition the Stahlhelm is made elected leader Karl Holtermann production will be reduced to the June, Western Berlin. They were greeted democracy, would not only have up of bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie proclaim the empty phrase pre joint where it does not suffice any rados to the following facts: that crease until the month of the prices of commodities, after an 1860. therefore expect by most of the Schupos (German united the working class of the more solid layers especially viously coined by the stalinist Rem more even for the reduced consump police) with the Fascist salute. It would also have forced the but more than that, it was an at. But it is precisely the fatally workers from the Prussian landed Then the demonstration dispersed raw puuterials begin to be drawn to rise: that industrial production apparent contradictions, in the force behind the wrong molley pursued of centering estates. At its inception it was for Such an event leaves a distinct im. on: when prices will be reduced to in certain lines, such as steel, was course of the developinent or the producers are no longer sufficient even to mainwe then Fascism claim that they are the the attacks against social Fase the republic and democratic. Today pression of gigantic forces at hand the wint where many its ideology is reactionary. In the but not being utilized. masters of Berlin. To the extent ism instead of a united front with recent elections it had a common On February 31. the social dem. on the one hand, while a certain rates had reached such a low point draw from an examination of the will have to go out of production, tain fixed capital; that interest What conclusions do that speculation was beginning to available statistics?
election figures, the claim appearted the Fascint hordes to terrorize ticket with the German national ocrats of Berlin hud engaged the amount of buying is encouraged by take hold of the markets, and that For several months now, the that one can speak of weight of kial democracy which has permit ists. Jointly they express the pol Sportpalast for a commemoration the low level on the other; and in general the most important pre world crisis, instead of continuing ed to have heen confirmed two days the workinx class in the streets, to itical organization of the ton of the littleth year of the death of when the detation of credit and Inter; though the real contest is sweep the elections and to sit in Papen Hagenburg Seldte section of Karl Marx. The commemoration the release of liquid capital has conditions for an ultimate recor. to grow Shoems to have stabilized allery were beginning to be outlined.
the im at a level fairly yet to come. The streets of Berlin the overmanent claiming them on avrerentiation between this section Stampfer, the editor in chief of the rates to the point where hungry by the beginning of the wave of so far.
the Harzburg united front. The speech was made by Friedrict lowered the basie level of interest This perspective was reinforced close to the lowest point attained powing support of seventeen will undoubtedly witness some seriotes to be used as a preparation and its bigger and much more tur Vorwaerts. But he had no more capital speculative affairs, then Workers resistance in England. The political and economic will be more and more Out in the West End the brown for the thual coup Etat. This Fascist fags from practically every licles pursued by the stalinist Nazi, is still to come. And it may Marxist requires a great knowl. we have the sconomic framework later in Germany, where it was a pre conditions for a recovery exist.
shirted paraders were greeted by is the eutastrophe record of the bulently violent half brother. the than commenced saying: To be tempted to have some serious reverberations. edge, where to be an anti Marxist within which a recovery can take companied by a beginning of re it is therefore not excluded that the present temporary breathingwindow. In that section of the big leadership to date.
and petty bourgeoisie they couldIn increasing neasure the Fase of the working class movement thing than the police found sur politically in positon to assert its. Comrade Trotsky had proven as com may develop to the point of becoming a. return the greetings to their ist bands roam the streets exercis.
To thel found them easily united.
the riching themselves, training themselves reactionary bourgeoisie the brow cient grounds to call a halt. The interests as against the other class far back as the Third Congress ot the crisis may then be transformed friends, not excluding the in 1921, in an economic into a depression.
meeting was broken up. More cs of society.
Jews. But in Berlin North the for the big Intttles in assassinations hordes promised something which over, it is now reporteil an com But, if these economie and poli ambled the present one that a re of the intensity of the crisis, the situation which in certain ways re On the other hand, in view working class section which in pon the workers. One look at a it had never enjoyed before common opinion in capitalist polected tical conditions pender safichepencovery under certain conditions political as well as the economie Gay the whole section was folated spuiking in a political case emhody its hopes of doing away Reels is one of the end otsd be themelor tipo defe such this militaney and aggressiveness of the system (rise of litters, and the by a strong police cordon and every sth. Tak tag and bobtail of with the hated and working class demands. Their rav admission for neither Communist must find the means of re estab workers. He polemicized agniest progress of internal contradictions and the arrests were mounting. To general that of roaming bandits aging fury, worked up on high and por social democratic deputies. lishing their protites and restoring actives of working class action war esapitalism, it is unlikely that he per within the general cries of postIn Germany the highly developed the elrentation of capital for the depended on the uninterrupted her such a recovery could be followed hares topic hand in curte proof of bour cuix clements to a large ex leashed first of all and most di technology has been accompanied capita Heiheine kindere were more tensification of the crisis, and that wy o prolonged period of stabiliza gullt.
a recovery would weaken the night lon, not to speak prosperity ure of expressions of everyday life and the crises. The slum the aim is much broader, as discipline. In turn this has pro tion of capital determine economicing spirit of the proletariat. He On the contrary, it is rather proSuch is now the normal proced section. those impoverished by the But which zo to make up socialdemoeratss shows yles, even organizaciones send your bused close conditions of crisis. profit is to be showed that while in fact, putong bable that the solved and turn gere not only in Berlin but throughout by the efforts of each country on and increasing in intensity even sular part of their lives are downing class parties. The broad aim discipline. The highly socialized and in the super exploitation of the auld no longer be a question such a stabilization within the from the recovery, under to draw the maximum of profit though, compared to what is to end loves the stephai, the leecial is, of course, necessary if the Fase production has produced in the Ger. proletariat by all methods wage general arabis at en pitalistin, care, this is mere guerrilla war. But it recruits also other more or conguest. But within it, kisbe the great workers conscroustess and of it is only when the enpitalist aguin Father vedy of a partial and term cernational collaboration has The False Outlook of the Stalinists ments. For example in Germany the reactionary emp. Because of result of a social system based in production lont here comerty America, for instance, the great. The class struggle could in less demoralized proletarianele the dangers of complications for is consciousnes as an inevitable begins to find his profit in increasorary recovery. As all well know come more ridiculous and lying serious setback to the revolution three million workers who have its retreaty. Thus in more ways workers live practically the whole begins again.
after the turn in the crisis toward sharptess under such conditions, screaming and empty boasts of vie have lost practically all semblance affinities in the Fascist path apt ers organizations, in the political, kept with a view to facilitating. We have continued to study the ex bised on a stronger strategie of of their social lives within work Now capitalist statisties are not recovery was no longer doubtful.
tory mude by the Noscow Pravda unemployment Insurance. to become breathing spells for the economic and social spheres.
They arxian economic research. The Inter developments of the situation. Situation for altroworkerstrategie under in the least change the reaction to these elements divide mainly be heavy attacks which it can utilize parties, trade union the have their own workers political data are insufficient for even an aprIn September and in October, well or would again be in demand, consumers proximate estimate of the rate of reported that the first uncertain could these results within the disorgan tween the and the Fascists. the better to gather its forces. co operatives, workers sports or surplus value, and even the rate signs of an ancible realm of Held of economic struggles, up to frederanks of the practically anni. the most conscions going to the Workers Possess Remarkable Colextended, beginning with recovery, in more effective resistance in The set back former.
ganizations (Friends of hilated vanguard nature of profit can be estimated only on the fluid and lectivity and Organizational football, anglers, etc. workers the basis of very incomplete and stock exchange speculation and in weighs heavy upon them. During Fascist Stahlhelm Unity Aims at Discipline freethinker associations, esperanto delayed data. The law of uneven the commodities markets, had been the most advanced political de these years of growing Fascist dan ger the stalinist leadership of the Working Class Destruction Meanwhile this heavy pall important consolidated for the time being goodly portion of these ele over the working class, Welor chess players clubs; they come development plays an together in the huge people house role there the figures for France, withont making further headway, The Reformist Theory and coinbat fascinanda socialdemments are attracted by the social won it like an alp. The burden existing every city, in workers for instances are in general imb, between the high points of August the Stalinists That the reformists should vae.
camper Fascism and social Fase Pascist movement. However as it krim silence foreshadowing serious The German workers are born into other large countries Ameronty a little progress could be seen illate, between the hope of a near of the Stallixed Comintern. movement changes its program and to witness German workers looking mostly receive their burial from on unemployment. Different fig trial production and in trade. that the cross will never finish At the eleventh Comintern plen its whole structure likewise under at a swaggering Fascist storm them also. Brondly speaking, that ares arrive with different delays, There nothing surprising in that is only to be expected. Their after the German Reichstag elee seois elements begin to recede to cognition of the enemy and then iliaries, all these organizations are months and often are not compare covers to be uniform and homo Marxian analysis of the crisis to We must not expect the re theoreticians have deformed the um held in April 1931, that is 2008 a change. The pretty bour troop with eyes which express reis excluding the CA and its aux ranging from 24 hours to two this geneons, any more than the crisis the point of assimilating it to the the Fascists recorded their first ment assimes it real role of cham another in a careful whisper not ideology and under social democraheather Netic leadership. As usual the so guided ly rather summary and to stabilization before that. The law talist, in his own well un these which great forward sweep. Thaelmann, ploning and defending the big bour destined of freedom of expres calixt party recracy permite complete indientions. But they will of mueven development is fully self interest, should for erstood reporting on the German situation, seolsle the last defenders of the capitalist system. This change is skon increase the After September 14, after the already in the making in Germany, working class meetings and ment as among various countries, purchasing power of the workers.
sensational successes of the Na The Stahlhelm on the other hand monstration of any kind are totally own direction and control is not Perspective for Coming Period and as among different branches of That is the logical consequence of tional Socialists, its supporters makes quite a different impression, prohibited. The same is the fate seriously threatened.
As early as Angust of last year, economie life. In America, for in the theory of social collaboration. To be continued)
throughout Germany nourished not less reactionary but still dir. of the press, social democratic prael in studying these questions at stanca, in 1920, indnstrial produc in which the worker disappears as great expectations. We did not atterent. They represent the old tically as well as the Communist. ARNE SWABECK. Prinkip with comrade Trotsky, vel tion began to fall after the month the creator of surplus value and appears as a simple consumer. Unthat time permit ourselves to be the Marxian perspective of the perder these conditions, according to misled by the panicky sentiment of national socialist reformism.
ist ont of sheer meanness continues whole working class and at any The conception of the permanrate within social democracy. That ent revolution was set u up by the to reduce wages instead of increas New Illinois Mine Contract ing them there were even within our own great Communists of the middle of end.
ranks certain comrades who not the XIX century, by Marx and his overest In the last issue of Die Welt warned against it, waking up.
only signalized but also (Continued from page 1)
ning a better contract after such But that the official Comunist mated the great danger of this debueline (the radical bourgeois Ber: The Left Opposition foresaw the adherents, in opposition to that a tight than by compromising with parties should use such a line of when they say that only ALWAYS to most comrades. But we (Thaelmuth von Gerlach, the well known internationalist orientation, the known, presumed that all questions the working class will struggle carried on during a mann and fellow bureaucrats pacifist, who has since been report. guiding line for which is furnlahed should be settled peacefully, in face similar conditions and the Bains, before a fight. With snehuontimist can foresee or evolutionary was y way, by united front of the boses.
the scale, the PMA union would be reductions in WAKO We the coming period, on a national the end of the crisis. declare soberly and serenely ed under arrest and subject to the by the Marxist conception of the reformist that the erection of the rational or state and the labor fukers the The stronger in the fall than now. crisisa cause for surprise.
the class strug respects Hitler best day which quotes the following conversation conception, viewing et essential difference could be smashed in such short wares to re establish the will be followed not by better days between penal leader and a pro ale as an international phenomenon the bourgeois revolution of us as race, with more sentimentaliterende studia Fery dombtful in the PA Por obviously the recruelto We know quite well that solution to be realized decisively earlas erence helista factant de relatere weakest the DNA tone the strak sain throughout the country. The the moving power of deconomy anders workers have a different ideology come to power again economically the foresight that is necessary in methodologieal character. The and the Lewis machine? Our opin tract. not after a defeated strike, For this reason Varga, in the of civil war from that of the Fase and fifteen more in order to be in coping with the problems posed for revolution of 1848 did not turn intolon is that the present contract when compromise must be nerey. Inprecorry is compelled, first to shape as a military power.
Ists, and that he proceeded to state anists in the present the socialist revolution. But that will weaken rather than streng sary, but before a strike, and when deny obstinately that there the essence of the Stalinist view frenchman: But the corridor repochor The het. are re democracy. As to the German res. This is the opinion of the Left wing proaching and most of the minescovery, second to admit the existas follows: On the other hand we will wit dor can be solved of itself, without pudiating, as it does, tunda olution of 1018: it is a proletarian in the PMA.
will be shut down. Trade union ence of a stagnation at approximness that ther Social Democrats It wont take longen before mental ideas of Marxism, et noces de moderne des plated regnes social The Right Wing Wants Peace headers must know how to com ately the present level of the succeed also in Russia the groping the bourgeois counter revolution, through mass pressure and need ultimate mass little warning along this line ex of the crisiment of the bottom the bottom of they are now already in a measure oles the Ukraine as far as Odessa bungling of the strategical meswhich is compelled to preserve trules and can only growcept to the hot headed ultra Lefts, the crisis itself.
succeeding, to form terror groups and we. In turn, set the Corridor posed, to the perpetration of for the civil war from their mass and anxik (Weltbuehne, Feb. Against the revolution, to the heap pseudo democratie forms after the through such struggles. The grow. Above all we do not want on All this is the purest third per supporters, which will surely in his solution of the Nazi chler. Iat.
ruary Ing up of defeats for the proletar. victory of the proletariat. Troting Right wing in the union want, promised when we have grown the partial stabilization of capital struggle, before iod. this time rebaptised end of sky. the future fight side by side with less mass struggles and long con the battle ather over sim. The breath taking event The petty bourgeois character of tracts and the of thel the Fascists against us on the tain is, of course, rather the last few weeks and months in Ger the social democratic bureaucracy people in the mining towns. The espect stronger.
ism Already. after three and a other side of the barriende.
plitied. In their calculations, half years of crisis it seems fair. HUGO OEHLER.
enough to say that German reactionaries, intoxicated Up until the very Inst that is to the actual estable with their recent and rather easy many are a case in point. The that grew up before the war, turn. Right wing want peace, but thel Fascist reaction is almost without ing aside from the revolutionary Left wing knows that you can only stabilization is over. There is that the partial of the Hitler government, on Jann. Siccesses, are counting without obstruction consolidating its power the movement into the quagenong to maintain the union and Chicago Conference fore in the fact that the theoretiof the great founders, di have peace if you are strong nothing to be surprised at there ary this year, the Stalinist their host the International work and preparing for its next stepmire of realistic and practical its conditions. It is the Left wing blows are cians of the of Germany, in must be concentrated upon the hand has not as yet, by far, said struck in the face not of an un reforms. The course of the petty and the progressives who are kecutives concluded a meeting al. have begun to speak of a The Association of Railway Ex.
their monthly paper Die Internatio social Fascists. What are the Its last word. But it is necessary organized proletariat, but of the bourgeois leadership led to the ing on the dangerous results of this policy?
to face the situation clearly, to best organized working class in the capitulation to the monarchy in Franklin county, men whom the the Drake Hotel in Chicago that were soundly scolded in an issue at fourth period. For this they The actual results are that the look eye to eye with the facts. And whole capitalist world. Germany, August 1914. The fulfillment of Stalinists call traitors. was attended by executives of fifty of the Inprecorr late last year as criminally false policy of the incom the facts point to a shifting of the possesses not only the strongest the pretty bourgeois ideal, after the We may ask the question: How nine roads. They held a one day being in appearance very radical, petent party leaders has 80 far specifie gravity of the world poll. social democracy in the world, but collapse of the monarchy in 1918, much work will the PMA miners closed session and elected but having for its actual resulta In proletarian revolution, the counter. reaucracy. As a party, the held its own in the elections. The put a feather into its can to So accounting for the eventuele the revolutionary obstruction on the lefact, a strike struggle for a bet association. None of the members weakening of the work at the demon ter contract, rallying the UMWA would comment on the procedings who parties. And the third votes cast for a workers party nications, the next butt of its at set back that has been soffered, it and was crowned by the setting up hind this program will cut the bune says the following. It was The Stalinists prefer to keep to the period. then, not to speak of the Germany indicate conscious support stabilization. for its policies. According to the tack The defense of the Soviet is therefore indispensible and ord of the democratie Weimare ground from underneath the Lewis understood that four major issues fallacious perspectives of the rethere are today severna om democratic revolution stands first on the order baste policies to these two trem etaterne de lettroncomplete tweedem The Pas Chenstronger todas as the Democratie administration the crisis without making through world the greatest import to probe the public. That only the proletarian control and strengthen the one proletarian movement. genuine failed to stand the test and the type of republie can only head off and a far greater influence. It mergers, and readjustments in the even that of the temperience and one million, allowing that many for its Soviet fortress requires a re test. The basie policies of the 80 the reaction all this has been inists, for years undisputed in the neay reduce the number about defense of the world revolution and leaderships that failed to stand the three courget that tentrem potent has an excelent chances of win Industry: reduction of passenger past.
But it is not only a question of rates; revision of the wage scales. criticizing: we must prepare ourd an evaluation of various functionaries, trade union counting and the cial democracy have long been co operative and what is left ofset back already suffered in Ger those of treachery to the working amply proved by the development leadership of the Bolshevik party What more need be told to the selves, theoretically and practically.
social democratie local government many.
class and the betrayal they achter et prenes culminating in the coming and the Communist International working class? They want gover to take our place in the recitalot al officials. Its former petty bourThe Warning of the Opposition When the International Left Op. All the less surprising because it treacherous role of the social dem. the social democracy dustries, mergers and reduced pas.
theless the conscious support of six over the Hitler danger and raised eriw of 1914 and 1918. The key tion to the Hohenzollerns in 1914, greater significance. The White and air transportation and more wat ons tans in the objective sitsone to Photlete This leave never position first sounded the alarm merely complemented their treach cracy, begining with the capituia treachery, assumes thereby all the senger rates to meet modern bus sible the million workers. the solia section the implications it had for the successful realistance of the donough the best ra xement past of the social democracy ante. Ha ese cuts for the workers in this and our tactics to it. The slogan in industry, in the main employed revolution, the stalinists accused with the Communists and the entert pol into the let het depths waster But why did not the Comores erranizing to find a way out Opposition has been struggling for tion in their hands That is yet a sign to draw the attentions of the working class from the social dem med the end from the a Fascist of the Bolshevik International cost of reorganization used by the ston, credits and setonome produs: formidable strength.
workers away from the threat of acrats and for real lover. lished fact. The rejection of the the paramount question that boration with the Soviet Union, cracy has been saved because we doing this, the shining lights are highly important and concrete que compte peter pour cent devrolu pro sou by the German events. This roads realize that the necessity of seen in these perspectives, because greatest importance for the action before the eyes of these six their own lack of forcaight, their ist united front tactic. But in national socialist reformism, has which depends the successful pre that they can shift the burden on revolutionary movement of the continue to prate about opposition nationeerty of fundamentalepta more necessary to give a complete trap for the social democracy itsellus at present. Without the correct holder class and small stock world proletariat.
million workers. They can now own inter evaluating the events, it is once worked in the last analysis, as paration for the tasks that face the perspective and the FIELD.
to Harcism and sabotage action. tion. Blinded by their practic characterization of the social dem and has served to add the growth answer to this question it will be railway industry have not yet Would it not have been far better altra bythetr empiricism, these ocracy, especially insofar as it has fascists. Seimure you power this is the impossible to make up for lost cealized this need on part.
Trotsky masterly analysis The evitable exposure so as to be recogship only see a danger when they ing of the Stalinist role in the sit menidate the working class move suffered and to arm for future establish railroad councils of re and is ready to be to press me nized in their true light in front come up square.
SAM GORDON presentatives of the 21 crafts. They have been unduly detained by lack of these six million workers? Is it has been must follow the lead of the Minnea of funds. Send funds and donkthey are only now, two started out on its road of working tury. Another article on this question polls Railroad Council to fight the tions to help us publish this work munist pressure for a united front years after the Bolshevik Leninist class betrayal by substituting for The responsibility of the stall will follow in the next issue. plans of the railrcade.
Present Crisis in Germany ently will have the crisis evid.
Nazi: before bes bet ne vend tellow in the it not now clear that a real Com to hideea with the Hitler danger. The German Social democracy course of more than half a cen