AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerKaganóvichKamenevKirovLeninMarxMarxismNon-aggression PactParis CommuneRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceVoroshílovWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY APRIL 1933 TIE MILITANT PAGE For the United Front of Defense Against Hitlerism ard gennever well Letter from Moscow About the Left Opposition its ed, and their fatheir being inform.
of well(Continued from Page 1) Landtags, the municipal counsel, museum and that his grandmother first chancellor and its first prest. YOUR LEADERS DON It is impossible to find in the The Fascists can ask for nothing lors, etc. are compelled to come should become converted to Luth dent, has led the country to Hitler.
in this sense: they are not oppon to the physical defense of entire social democratic press a better.
cacheranism. Whence then comes this Wels will surely reply that to a WANT TO FIGHT!
ents of a criticism based upon other when the Nazis resort to prudish sensitiveness among the so large extent it is the fault of BolToday the social democracy has facts but they are against sus loaded canes and chairs. Are more cal democratie politicians who shevism. Surely the day, has not known why the social democratic general phrases, postponements to subject of the already begun de However, it still remains to be paration for the struggle. There even ceased spanking of struggles puteloos, insults and calumnies. Al examples needed?
very laudable attitude! But how will fail at. is the limit to be found between case is also true as a particular with the Kaiser, Ludendorf, Groe to repeat this explanation ad permitted criticism and inadmiss the inevitable struggle in which so come these two welghts and two the united front with the commun munists. usinstead of answering the start something, and then. And werts reminds the government manners of the Com consolations. Only let the Nazis sunizations and press, the Vor.
chie demteple and communism are seules: one for the bourgeois partists it will forego its right and its simple question in what way shall therehanteestarde step by step, they empltalist country the conditions of the impartial Judges? As a eral rule, the criticism engaged for the leadership of the les, the other for the Communists? duty to tell the workers what it se light the Fascista storile simpleases the criticimex. above working class cannot and must not The leaders of the Center consl considers to be truth? The Comple reason that the social dem. tranquilly take over one position roduction group the workers in all prevent them from closing their der that every infidel who denies munists certainly have no need of when he can raise no objection to ranks when blows threaten the the dogings of the Catholic Church, that. The united front againstocratie leaders do not want to fight after another. These petty bour factories. These words indicate geois reactionary malefactors do that the leadership of the social the essence of it.
The question of whether or not whole working class. Isn this the only Savior, is one of the Fascism is only one chapter in They cherished the hope that Hin pot care for risks. Now, they do democracy accepts in advance the obvious?
the criticism of the Communists in spaned and shortly destined for the book of the struggle of the pro Hitler. Now they are waiting for not need to risk anything at all: destruction of the political, econgood or bad is a question apart. TWO WEIGHTS AND If the Communists and the social prevent Hilferdins, who has no before cannot be effaced. The past want to fight they lost the habit enemy will retreat without a nght. created by the generations of clemoerate had the same opinion TWO SCALES particular reason for believing in cannot be forgotten. We must ot fighting long ago. The struggle And ihey are not mistaken in their the proletariat. In spite of this on this subect, there wouldn be the workers will remain grouped calculations.
The Vorwaerts is indignant be establishing a united front with memory of Ebert alliance with frightens them.
by the industries themselves.
ut from each other. Let us con cause the Communists accuse the the Catholics in the government Groener and of Noske role. We Stampfer wrote regarding the of course, it oftens oecurs that then, what good are proletarian orcule that the polemic of the Commann, Noske, Hermann Mueller, the Center the seconden However knecht died. We Bolsheviks have tice has not yet died in Germany. Leaders are not inclined to make ocracy and the trade unions wash social democrats (Ebert. Scheide and a parlament Together with remember under what conditions actions of the Fascist banditry at to combatanco dust taetrefter in order Kantzations if the question can be demthat fact leven the mortal danger Hitler. The Vorwaerts has a legt not for a single instant did the taught the workers to forget noth. Vorwaerts, February 14. of Poseism or do away with the timate right to indignation.
meel for joint resistance?
Flowever, let us this remark is too much. how can propaganda and their polemics in cut off his tall: that would hurt It is impossible to read these want to leap And all their dis selves to the sidelines while waitlook at the other side of the picture: the front with such anderers? What on Hilferding part with regard it. We accept the devi just a stead of a call for fighting unt conceal this fact.
Just a short time grouped together by the indusHelentes communisten one or have we here? sentimentalism to the Communists? Either a com nature has created him. We have ted front, we get the consoling 160 the keperlasserting that so tries break the bonds of disciprtspy athaimaply publishes the really smacks of hypocrisy. As a that is, of the struggle of tend social democratic leaders nor of died. Now, the bourgeoiste has to undershtegality, there is no room leaders, obviously, will intervene speech German social democracy cannot a rejection of all joint action. An do need the will of the social dem own, too. Armed injustice always look at what this legality was: a of pacifiers and mediators and on the subject of the house Kretion have forgotten that Wilhelm Lieb or nothing!
The social democracy ocracy to struggle against the en comes out on top of disarmed jus series of promissory notes on the will force themselves on to the Act. In this same issue a cartoon knecht und August Bebel often as has never put such ultimatums to emy which is actually threatening tice. The whole history of human coup Etat. Still, this coup workers backs to re establish the has as its caption: The Bolsheviks Serted that the socialdemocracy bourgeois society. Every social it with death. For our part, weity proves this. Whoever makes Etat was possible only because the positions they have lost.
are signing a non aggression pact was rendy, for the sake of definite democratic worker should reflect are ready to carry out in the joint an appeal to this self evident social democratie leaders lull the The lenders concent from the with Pilsudski, but they refuse to objectives, to come to an agreement upon these two weights and two struggle all the promises which ghost of Justice is deceiving workers to sleep with phrases eyes of the masses their refusal to Hocial democracy. Now, a cartoon mother. The founders of the social suppose at a meeting, even towe have made. We promise to the workers. Whoever wants the about the legality of the coup deht and their dread of the strug is also a polemical aggressioni democracy certainly did not demand day, someone should ask Wels how tight courageously and to carry the Fascist violence, must agitate for Etat and console them with hope about non agression paers. Social and it so happens that this part that during this occasion the devil it happens that the social dem fight to a finish. That is quite the struggle and set up the organs of a new Reichstag yet more im democratic workers your leaders cnlar one is of the proletarian united front. potent than those that preceded it Vorwaerts completely forgets the should check his horns in the ocracy, which gave the republic ita lenough for a fighting agreement.
do not want to fight!
fact that a non agression treaty ex THEN IS OUR PROPOSAL isted between the Soviets and Ger.
many during the period when the MANEUVER!
social democrat Mueller was at the head of the Reich government. Continued from Page 1)
Here the social democrat will ly, the party apparatus issued a are your relations with Nikolsky? committee chairman when wanted At the restricted and closed party The Vorwaerts of February 15. it who had broken oft From soubete the water over hectographesThereupon Eismont was fee at the Park of Culture and Kirov suidwe will deal merci again interrupt us to say: Since you do most same man ser de defends in the mouth to mouth there is now be and other mattigraphing machines Shown Nikolsky su testimony and Rest, where 30, 000 partiet pated. leskly not only with party mee: desire to fight against Fascism, first column the of honen ing Issed the statement presom. in offices; evidently, the Opposition that was immediately followed up the same Voroshilov replied to bers who carry on counter revolution your proposal for united column makes the sensation his departure for exklo, The publish Its documents.
aggression pact, and in the fourth ably made bos Zinoviev prior to utilizes these machines in order to with an indictment charging pre Rykov at the Plenum, And he was tionary (e. Opposition) activ front ho obvious and the effecten factory committee at the Aschinger made was our leaving the oppost In January, at a Moscow party viously, this indictment was in re you would have said, and what shally in factories or in villages, printed in the Vorwaerts to the defended. who Co. betrayed the interests of the tion in 1927 It is reputed that session, Kaganovich said, the ference to this words about the line you might have workers during the ngotiations for Kimeney too joined in with him in Istrinsk region (near Moscow) for necessity of getting rid of Stalin. You learn how to work among the lo do not fulfill the plans, etc. effect that the workers need unity 400 members of the party have been and not maneuvers.
the new wage scale. They openly so saying. have no means of five months all the nuclei were in Elsmont could not withstand the letter carriers. At present, Voro already sent to Solovsky for fall This type of argument has quito secret behind this rolemie als lt But the report in itself is quite what happened? The apparatus and said that Rykov and Tomsky and file member of the party, but being said for purposes of in. is an empty phrase. Yes, we use the word betrayed: The verifying this Bict at its source. the hands of Trotskyists. And pressure and betrayed Tolmachoshilor, at any rate is not a rank ure to fulfill the plans. All this a convincing sound.
In actuality thidation.
Cominunists are positive that the a criticism, based on facts or characteristike or the clrcles with proceeded to enter into a discussion knew about his point of view. a cader.
male efectonderdele vexetom which Zinoviey and Kamenev were with testmate Bloggtone must not think, of course, ple: new electons to the factory Dejection and depression are rife social democratic and trade unions be dealt with. The same Kagan kov and Trotskyists as they ought to merely rewaky, ax committee of the Anchinger Co.
who of the Right leaders, the attitude the apparatus. If anything, there the struggle to the best of their The sympathy for the Left Opovich reported, Khichkov, a wo could testify that while he, Eis towards them has been radically are cren fewer anecdotes being ability. At the critical moment a we united front, ask the Vorwaerts within the apparatus circles, es floor in her nucleus to announce Stalin policies, he was much too Moscow Party militants, Kagan dotes are being punished (in cases bureaucracy will pass directly over In order for that to happen, the who know and remember the past. ovier counter revolutionism. She ism. reference of this Plenum, spoke with great animos creed: been enough an which succeeds in exporting Vorwaerts would have to stop being. The Lefts have a program, real was, of course, expelled immedi authoritative witnesses could and ity not only about Rykov and Tom. ecdotes; from now on anecdotes carefully hoarded financial itself, that is, social democratie en real characters and leaders. ately.
must have become transformerl, un sky but also Bukharin. The lat. mean expulsion, as well as be will emigrate at country.
journal. If the Vorwaerts believes very often, sometimes where oneArrests among the workers, espetraya? and have called for a dangerous, has been slightly part and the country is not conducive moment. All these actions have the opportune the Communists, its first duty would least expect them. Howevercialy among the young Commun charge being brought against Rykov doned.
to open the eyes of the workers to among the apparatus functionaries, ists, take place continually. The of Among the Rights there is great elements in the party seek out development is inevitable. But we the faults, crimes and betrayals who were educated during the last majority of these arrests pass un and Tomsks: failing to report. As ons but not in organisation or established by paychological guess the most influential in the reformThe connections are do not confuse this segment, today of the latter. How could it be period, there is considerable fear noticed. Party circles become ac They are strong in each other.
is well known, in its own time, otherwise The need for a fighting of the left opposition should it wanted with mass arrests only the against Zimovley and to the democratic tral leaders. However, the arrests By Communist is understood the the trade unions. The proletarian or the agreement flows from the existence one to power it would deal barab. When the latter are connected with Kameney in relation to Riutin and Ideas. They are now without cen work, is he Communist or no ist bureaucracy, with the social of two parties, but it does not dolly with all those who in their own Individuals more or less away with the fact. Political life time took charge of Stalinist re known. Thus, for instance, the folsllepkov reduced itself to precisely among the Rights continue. Rehonest party member, not a career nucleus of the party will fight with goes on. Each party, even though hals. It goes without saying lowing is current in connection the same thing.
with the arrest of the group of In connection with the affair of cently there were important ar ist, not an informer, not an agent it adopts the frankest attitude on that all such doubts and tears are Nemchenko, a trade union tune the Eismont group, the word wax rests in the People Commissariat of the apparatus. In other words. sure blows, and it will carry bethe question of the mited front carefully encouraged from above.
there ally becoming equivalent to the apparatus. Exactly where will the cannot help thinking of its own. In the course of the have been made in factories. Moreenko son. They were confronted and Tomsk not only Rykovembracing many super authoritative unconscious. In order to discern des on one side and those who future.
word oppositionist (conscious or line of demarcation pass between months, arrests on a large scale was arrested, among them Nemcb. party tops, that At its head presumably the turncoats, traitors and desertADVERSARIES CLOSE RANKS than a hundred workers were arwith the indictment charging them spirators but also one member of rested in the Amo factory, where with conspiring terroristle acts. the Politbueau; a delicate hint at were the chief of this commissarone another, the comrades make IN THE FACE OF THE Opposition circulars were detri and they were harshly cross exam. Kalinin. There is no doubt that lat. Konor, and his colleagues Kov use of the most diverse methods. want to fight, on the other? We COMMON DANGER buted. few dozen workers were ines, the yoke them divulchow Rights, although son possible that the of having maintained connections terlocutors begins cursing Trotsky, perience. That is why without Let us assume for the moment were arrests in the Calibre fac such ideas. Nemchenko son reported to have replied, There sing out insurance to the tak with Petlura organizations in the not in the lofty official tones, but possessing the slightest confidence Aschinger Co. factory committee the Baltic factory in Leningrad. that Communist member of the tory (30 to 40 workers and continual talk at home that the At the Plenum of the CEO Voro keeping in touch with the Petlure alone serves as a sufficient token cracy, the Communists cannot abshilov sald, turning to Tomsky, center in Poland. It is possible, and affords the possibility to turn stain from addressing themselves declares to the social democratie Street and set the locally was districts man reinhang the country on the You cut out to telking that you are of course, that there were isolated Hels. conversation into proper chan mather while plantjole in this member: Because the Vorwaerts buted at a factory in Kovrov: inala na neredeysot at Nemchenko a leader. That all over now. You chcemenissariat, bout them atentire THE SITUATION AMONG arate those who want to fight from those who want to desert. If we question of the wage scale as an obtained in many other places. is, of course, possible that er but you are just an ordinary case as a whole represents an obwict of treason, do not want to send only those reports that have eth which are deprived of lead rank and file Communist in the Ronor was born in Galicia, jolnedlarly about the exiles and their plen and the rest. let them prove are mistaken in our estimation of wish to write to you particaWels, Breitscheid, Hilferding, Cris.
within some or of vious as know, defend, together with you, my bead reached me.
and you Fascist. have already informed you that ership and of the possibility matter how indul during the coccobert day ortrait of tual tolk going on about terroristic serving of trust.
to nucleus; work in the wall new the Bolsheviks during the imper harsh situation. Harsh will have that we are liars by their actions.
horrible. We will declare a mea ratta discuss and criticize, there is ac per produce proof that you are realist war, or shortly thereafter y do. Their situation gently we wanted to view this ae bruke producing plant he participated in the Civil War, our comrades are literally throwe public squares. If a is meretion, we could only characterize the Stalin was so drawn that the next acts. But most probably, what is at and think he sympathized with the menty of begrare o condo y maneuver on our part, it is unburdened himself lenn prike intelligent communist, the of Trotsky. There was a great to the like is provocation for the pur mer. can the prove winy devo aso. Of his later history. Know tronk they are deprived of a which serves the interests of the serious Bolshevik, will say to the databout felis, many were arrested pose of intimidating and vilitying tion to party, working only among nothing. Notwithstanding the clothin the res a scarcity of war cause are but the. The You social democrats struksle the letter carriers? Give me the curt and detailed charter of the clothing they cannot get out of remain in of my enmity to the views express. From time to time misunderstand against those elements in the ap opportunity to step out before the accusations, no one helleyes in the sufferings caused by cold and your party because you have faith ed by the Vorwaerts. atn devot. Ings of this type occur in other paratus which are inclined toward masses. Now, for example, was the opinion that the chter is sim received a letter yetserday from in Tis leadership this is a fact the their validity. Everybody is of hunger, opportunely a renough in its program, in itse tactics and ing and shall devote all my energy enterprises. At the factory Pro the Opposition proceeds not only to undermining the dangerous in letarian Labor. on the 22nd of by means of arrests but with slanrefused permission by the districtly preparing for an instructive They think to starve us out. with which we reckon. You refluence which this paper has among January, the leading article of the der as well. Those who criticize trial of those supposedly guilty of We shall starve to death, but wells your privilege. You are by no We shan repent. We are right. gard our criticism as false. That the workers. But am doing In that wall newspary, turned out to ed with embryglement. graftnep dedicated to are smeared with filth, being chareMARCH ISSUE OF the collape of rural economy.
and shall do it by my speeches, Lenin shall not repent.
YOUNG SPARTACUS The situation in Kazakstan is We take up collections, but here means obliged to by criticism and persuasion. But be completely composed of excerpts otism, etc. etc. This facilitates the Fascists want to do away ar from Trotsky articles on Lenin. liquidation.
bitrarily with the existence of the terrible rumpus. Many of the The following method is widely Spartacus, which is ready for sale. Goloshchekin, who brought Kazak. With a Chervonet2 means splacing you. But on their side the comSpher March number of Young has turned nomad. Faithfut this is tied up with the greatest Comist on faith, and no serious Vorwaerts. promise you that participants were excluded from the applied. During all sorts of au. is a lively issue containing articles stan to the outermost limits of dis yourselt in the lists of the enem mnunists have the right to put no jointly with you will defend your party.
thoritative conterences, particular on the burning questions of the aster, has finally been replaced.
paper to the utmost of my abil The workers in factories are sul ly those ies, and running the chance of be! che social democracy and not to with collectividay. Its ity. but am waiting for you to len, dissatisfied and irritable. The zatlon, nalization, inflation, Smash Fascis article Unite to However, there has been appointeding exiled. And even money doel consider the social democrats as discusses the in his stead the no less faithful. not help because nothing can be Marxists, revolutionists, and genuthat at the first appeal you authorities are taking advantage the conditions of the workers and manifesto of the Comintern for a Mirzoyan, former secretary of bought for it of the passport system primarily other burning questions, the chale united front with the Socialist in Baku. The matter goes no further exile, and practically nothing can munists would have no need for were the foleo Fahne, regardless of In order to ship out of Moscow all man proposes that the discussion ternational. The call for an ant than this shuffline of personalitet he sent out of here. What is need the setting up of a separate party youth litude towards its views. the undesirable and even the least proceed in the spirit of forthright Fascist Conference sieged by on the soil of economic and othered are coupons from the Torgsin, hind a separate International. We is this not an irreproachable way Suspicious elements in political Crankeress presumably to tie the Humber of youth roups including difficulties there are sproutins dix and foreign currency.
of posing the question? Does not oppositionists who had repented at ate all sides of the question. Con the Left Opposition, the New York Nationalistle movements, in partier a campaign for the benefit of the in the clouds, but on the foundation Do what you can abroad. Start must take the facts as they are.
forteresse de toute whole diverse times. The purpose behind currently, every eritical statement, Spartacus Youth Club and the lor in Crimes, where many author. exiled oppositionists. What is in which alle previous development proletariat?
this is clear; toward Spring stormy particularly, if there seems to be Young League, an item Itative workers were arrested. volved is the physical anthilation was laid down. If you sincerely social democrat to alter the opin all those are being liquidated be serves invariably as a reason for Front. a review of comrade Trotof our comrades, sincere and devot believe that your leadership will Bolshevism and of forehand who have any chance of inquiry and surveillance, and ion he has Grain collections, as well as other ed revolutionists.
for sky pamphlet The Only Road Many of them lead the workers to struggle against North their loyalty to the revolution, to inaneuver can you distrust? Then what Communist he does not demand that the stations.
This measure, just as infrequently it leads to the arrest and Social Democrats on Germany, cadenas de metal the winraine Merch cial democrat make a pledge for many others, serves as a means of of individual groups. It is said make the issue a predominantly less repressions encompasseverernment and to the Soviet Gov. what is this maneuver of which the duration of the agreement to self defense for the apparatus to that Smilga suffered for his eriti German campaign number.
wider circles of peasantry, local Just this moment there has aring? Think this out carefully. Is the Vorwaerts is continually speak keep silent on his opinion of Com the detriment of the party, for cal speech at a conference where Reports on the toy workers and Communists among them.
munism. Such a demand would be is quite self evident that the Let the most touchy questions of rural anti fascist youth conferences, the leadership has completely taken to death in exile. Can this possibly your leaders who want to frighten The rived news of S. Sosnovsky this not a maneuver on the part of absolute commeunist. have trust would have striven to lead dubitable that Smilga, in any Conference, the conditions of the No trace has been left of the tor among his relatives.
not convinced you and you have every movement into Soylet chan event, did not represent any Op homeless youth reflect the The report uver and thus keep you activ mer dealization of the peasant, has not been verified.
away More than semi Oppositonist ities of the youth movement. Sev. in practise, at any rate. At preonce during the past few years. Conclusion in the next number)
not convinced me, we shall critic. nels.
ize each other with full freedom, In factories there spring up oda group. But, nevertheless, he paid eral items on the Young Communist sent the Stalinist upper crust con. there have arrived dark reports each using the arguments and ex opposition groups which function for his attempt to speak out upon League. YCLer Speaks Ninth siders that it is possible to get out about the deaths or comrades in. TROTSKY.
But when the Fascist wants to During arrests there found the very intimate and super auth. International a statement of a new and extremely enforced meth. But in many Instances they turned literature, THE MILITANT force a gag down our throats, we Trotskyist chiefly oritative circle.
will repulse him together! Can home made circulars, theses, ex From well informed sources the the Chicago Club against physical ing undertaken in this spirit, es is expressed the alarm for Chicago comrade, the appeal fods of subjection. All work is be out untrue. In such rumors there Entered as a second class mall an intelligent social democratie tracts, etc. From out of My Life following is related about the man assaults on Left Oppositionists, etc. pecially since the last Plenum of friends and leaders. firmly hope Post Ofice at New York, old matter November 28, 1928, at the worker counter this proposal with comrades have selected The polemies between Communist three Oppositionists were arrested. ated. While recruiting supporters, ites of the French Left Opposition in the cities in order to put through bring myse to believe this rumor. League of America (Opposition)
On this ground, Tolmachev and others was liquid Spanish youth, the report of activ tive workers are being mobilized ovitch death is untrue. cannot Published weekly by the Communist and social democratie newspapers. In many cases, the ideas of the Eismont shared his view with a youth, Karl Marx Confession. the decisive policies in vilipena rog, ailing. From among the DemN. Muraloy is now at Tagan.
close intimate of at 126 Fast t 16th St.
no matter how bitter it may be. Opposition get a cannot prevent the compositors of Workers are dorond intuitives speaking of the situation in the reprints of two proclamations of Political sectons, in machine and ocratic Centralsts, Smirnov Martin Abern his Nikolsky, an article on the Paris Commune. They will be placed there in the EDITORIAL BOARD to our slogans James the papers from forming a fighting by different paths. At present the country and, in particular, of the the Commune, complete the lively tractor stations, in commissions is stm in Suzdalsk, in solitary con Alax Shachtman Maurice Spector Cannon tense of their presses from the at acutely are those that deal es confidant shared this mont Tews Sportaceuse our youth paper, Young for sowing and harvesting, in pro finement. Sapronov in arheoa: tacks of the Fascist bands. The suppression, bureaucratic despot with functionaries from the Con Comrades are urged to order bun. Their chief task is to break down about the Democratic Centralists. Vol. VI, No. 21 (Whole No. 169)
Arne Swabeck Saturday, April 1, 1933 Bocal democratie and Communistism, and unbearable conditions intral Control Commission. Eismont ale orders. Get subs and donations the softness of the local Com nor about the Workere Opposition Subscription rate: 00 per year.
deputies in the Relchstag and the factories and in the party. Recent was ordered to report there. What for our paper.
February 1988. Forelon 50. Five Cents per copy knew about at the con workers.
bullets. No from the falte culpa on ene