AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

HOOVERVILLE Bank Holiday The May Day other statists also had their contesteret efter rense de Conference hoping willen downtown tion, replied with the well knows were done this proposate lett enema Panchot, which intends to reduce lion and the lovestonite position were one bloc against the other or times the most bangla love ones are con este include remehe corner agairt, scale 11 PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES who but yesterday thundered that we the united front from below was International Workers School The American Capitalist Paradise the simon pure Marxian version, are soday beginning to tread in the AMERICAN HISTORY Stalinist Meeting continue their literary discussion. steps of the Anglo Russian CommitA Series of Lectures, by JACK WEBER It is signitieant that the leader of tee policy. From the united from this group Sernich, the Stalinist below the Stalinist zigzag is mov.
Given Every Monday, at P.
In Chicago who is most active in expelling ing toward the united front from April European Background of American History Left Oppositionists from the ILD the top. Therein lies the danger April 10. The Period of Colonization Chicago. After months of cam in St. Louis.
Bureaucratie Contrism cannot April 17. The American Revolution Continued from last issue form them of all revolutionary paigning, at mass meetings and in at the North side meeting, or consistently carry out a correct April 24. The Bourgeois coup Etat the Constitution When months sed in constant mass activities by supplying them print, by the Left Opposition, the May Economic Development up to the Civil War young Stalinistlicy. In the process of oscillat.
fear of being thrown out of his with leaflets and papers and have Tamatie, constantly of local German Stalinists have final May The Frontier and Its Influence ly been made aware of the Fase a very large sheet of paper. Every ism to the extreme of Right oppor May 15. The Civil War the Conflict between Opposed Economwhack by police, when bis clothes few comrades reside in the vil ist danger in Germany. At last one wesent noticing him thonght tunism Stalinism strikes a point May 22. The Reconstruction Period and his ambition and hope begin should encourage and promise to to fade, different psychologien belp to defend their meager dwella protest meeting. But how? The on Gerinany from the stal with the Marxian policy of the Lett May 29. Agrarian Movements June The Early Labor Movement characteristics also appear in the ings aguinst the city authorities anti Fascist meeting held by the inist viewpoint. When he was fin Oppastion. The Left Opposition Chicago Arbeiter Club at the soully given the floor for ten min strives with all its influence to hold June 12. The Modern Labor Movement drinking more heavily wherever task. There is a tendency on the March gavel June 19. American Imperialism new evidence of Outlines of each lecture and referentes will be given to all students and whenever he has a chance he part of most workers in Hoover tol ville to become su psychologically tion of the present events in Cer imagine our surprise when the only the nature of bureaucratic Cent about Germany riem makes this impossible for the any activity, he develops a strange adjusted to their physical and somany on part of the CP comradley remark he made thing about Stalinists. They THE HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES OF THE INTERNATIONAL was that he knew continne their LEFT OPPOSITION childish expectation that he may clal surroundings that they experi Instead of apparing as a brother it! The bankruptcy of this indiv course.
strike in some way, somehow, ence a strong dissutisfaction when organization of the KPD. that is, idual was further exposed by his. At the present the direction is Series of lectures by Max Shachtman, Editor of the Militant tremendously promising opportun attempts are made to transfer them as Communists they are hiding admission that not only be toward the united front from the to a new environment. This state behind the mantle of the Arbeiter know nothing about Germany but top Left Oppositionists must be Four sessions have already been held on the following topics: The ity. This is something like the al of mind should be utilized and orClub. STAMM Fight for Party Democracy: The New Course by Leon Trotsky. uring dream of marrying a milthat he knew nothing about any Fon guard.
The Defeat of the German Revolution, 1923. The Lessons of Oct: lionaire daughter. If this hoped salted into whysicul resistance After a short speech in German. thing else except St. Louis. This, an English speech was made broma representative of the potete The Opposition sher by Leon Trotsky. The Opposition Program for Industrializator opportunity were such that its ben auch action is taken by pol ice.
tion. The Left Opposition Pogram for collectivization. The Anglo realization might reasonably The worker mind today is in Russian Committee. The Chinese Revolution of 1925 1927.
expected he would start to battle anew for his life, till he wins out. a restless state and needs a steady.
The sessions are held on WEDNESDAYS, at P.
minating in statements which had ifteen aggregate of platitudes often cul internatievenin! His entire were devoted to in Bethlehem But if one asks him of what maling and vital element. The to be retracted immediately after the siander of the local members ture is the opportunity he expects piring iniluence of mass demouloud guffaws from the audience of the Oxition. jarticularly toAllentown Bethlehem Pa. We to find, he answers that it may strations and action must reach happen that he will by chance and lonal lecture hall and the printed these people, for whom the uuemotion that only recently the Spanish active in my auxiliary organiza ate enough to have been educata roll in the streets: or save a page have little appeal. The Fascists and their king were chased tions.
ed and organized by the 14th rich man son from the East employed councils should approach out with machine guns and that Concentration the same is bound to happen elso say. One of them asked the hoars from the District office of the very good job; or he may invent the settlement on this basis The whut where. Asked who a lascists the workers why was he exile Banizers rather disorganizera. it was that question. Trotsky is a friend or in Philadelphia. Each of these or something: or be may inherit Worker in Irerville deeds. ontinued from pruge Contined from ge 1)
chased out the big fortune; oor.
every other worker Heusa Natisand who it is that is standing and from the Soviet Union, the work laims that the previous netween these two face of the Stone is only half of the processo At the Lol by such faint hoperers the business of making are mere the head of the government in their crs Republie German Stalin made all the blunders and mistakes. inist Janus which took place in the same time they must reorganize fint, almost nothing in his mind, living. The value of spare time place, the speaker was puxxel, but it remarked. that being a German, but that he (the preachesolation resolutions committee od the Mas ander to undersell the other he sticks to his cabin, hamiermands of immediate relief, should and improre production at home but strong enough in his sentiment constructively employed for the de like a good stalinist he quickly reo one could tell him anything the right pattern for Day Conference.
covered to retort: It was the Rer about the German situation! This of all the workers troubles. Let Here, again, as in the Mooney capitalists on the world market and latehes it inside and out, and not be overlooked the revolutublicans and the social Fascists, individual walked out of the meet us see what comrade Towers on Committee sension. Nessin leans The liquidation of the who are only slightly different from ing in feigned disgust, internal goes out for his kilt. He hastionary worker far to the Right. Winter position debt is a major part of this. And lost his ability to concentrate on The actual work in the East orders from above is doing.
evidently the other fascists.
In January 1933 the local branch is not as clear. He appears to the move the imperialists are mak anything sensible.
that others would follow.
tiver llorerville where there are Another such clumsy turn speech was the assertion that the rune failed as the other work of the Allentown issued a call stand half way between the ultra ing now with the banking struellow Con such sehological fea at present workers in 80 shacks, ers down everywhere except in the Criet, because of lack of time, but mother with the participation of Na donbit further developments of attack on the lesser exploiters Bowless for him; nothing is left wrade. Pur store seriod he Soviet Union. That was meat of nevertheless to the point dealing 35 delegates representing about 25 will make the picture clearer: On The banking crisis brought a thoughts and memories. The hope advanced workers and was and the working of his ambition, except wloomy represented a sull section of more course for the Nazis present, who crushing bo to the intescalina organization. Among them were In the days when the Left this point. It was not at all sur slanders of the political bankrupts also organizations controlled by the position was hammering on the other factor to the surface that we les hand towere profuse in their applause on who call themselves Communists, datertly unemployed councils sates of the Stalinist conferences have always pointed out. Now the which the fathersistence it unemployed many questions asked, the speaker to present their viewpoint we prising therefore when after the At their complaint of lack of time and fraternal organizations.
The purpose of the conference wigir of the united front from bejected the theory current in the capitalist systein, is of all things committee. He also led a body of sot sick at heart and instead of offered them plenty of time it they was to protest against tbe rapaci low the difference between our American Communist movement inclinations. Under the Intluence the City Hall, fast September. The giving a facturl answer to the quesoffered American would meet in at some. plan on the that Imperialists of capitalistie propaganda for bet. unfortunate incident on the corner mudslinging method to many of the stunned and wordless, and they the relict of adult workers to. 41 was not as clear to The Leninist application of the walked out of the meeting const a week and. 27 for children. The ist workers demand was: cash relief of 00leeming today. ole as it is when it comes to a struggle against tul ceas to dexine it even, prefer kilel, selled the end of his work. great and the working class or other imperding to remain by himself in derably crestfallen.
united front in the Kornilov period per week and an additional 00 vantage for us is an indirect result ialist nation their unity can be isolation that is nis tot in this to around the ball any longer thane ROBERTS.
for each dependent, and other de of the party half turn on the obtained the tight because the clety ho becomes an anti social checked the work temporarily, but in Petersburg, cited by the left Opposition, was painted as a Trot.
mands for relief.
united front question.
that incident should not stop the skylst lie by him. Lenin could not United Front It was also decided by the con leretofore, we had to fight for run parallel. However, we also But after all, the case cannot be councils from selecting others for ference to hold a demonstration on admission to the conference. That know that a constant fight between cause he was not in Petersburg! from the Top?
Feb. at which no other banners is how we won the respect of the the groups of financiers to gain hopeless for us, the class conscious the work.
The demand of the Opposition for were to be displayed but those call party membership hegemony of the whole it the ex section of the workers of Hoover The Hoovervilles should be cum a united front with the social demToday we are all seated. We pense and elimination of the other ville. We should systematically be verted, from what was first a mere from top to bottom) was distorted the XY. Free Tom Mooney Con delegation perpetrated another sinnings of worker democracy is a point of elementary underling the others. They are at pre workers stroughold: that is to was.
utilize the opportunity and the besections of the American financiers on the job of educating and organ Beographical locality into a trend by the speaker in his reply as it Stronghold with sentiments, nationality. common customs and an unconditional bloc with the so the control, a serious discussion by the move that thanks be extendeplin our conception of the uni not to many Stalinists.
the Trotskyists wanted to build Terence, in which stalinists have shameful deed upon the conference, accordeel the Left Opposition to standing to the Marxist, if it is Nent knit together by notions of Mutiary spirit and a purpose to the workers in jungle feeling. It is to us to of its own.
cial democracy. In is dona of face to the party.
ted front. The question arose in from the chain stores, por counter revolutionary consciousness. We of land and said this is mine.
ortion of 45. 00 for leaflets. It was on weight into the. and to throw the election enmign that Hoover Transform some of that into econ. When the first man set off a piece to broaden and Roosevelt are leads and tails hea Cluss should make that our goal.
Trotskyism Blattner did not connection with the problem the enslavement of the workers bejust a simple trick, for the money on the conference from the point of the same coin is correct, but to His frenzy broadening the conference.
achieve anything new.
If we could draw them into semun, until we see now, in Rous.
did not help him any either. The It was the unanimous sentiment was never given. On Feb. the or view of strengthening Cominn stop at this point, as the Stalin oil into the class struggle, then Nean words man, born free, et.
ly to the arguments presented and thereblem is the crux or demonstration started on the basis ism. The latestoncites prstie alsts do, is to leave tunauswered an life with all its drawbacks wonllerywhere in chains. This cannot workers present listenedd attentive of of the Committee Their other important problem. Imper. De worth while for all of them so on mach longer, the future le the approach 10 of the united front, with a mass different policy. They in front ialists support both Hoover and they would have a purpose.
did not allow themselves to be the land AF of It was longs to the proletariat, not to cap or with a content manifestly hostile Roosevelt but different groups of it is for the workers themselves italists, the profiteers, the the platform was swayed by the lynching spirit.
landIn and to send a delegation to the one in the Trainmen Hall. conception of the imited the discussion that followed our XL (ity Central Committee and the mer. Tanry Heinliach and the to the party and sympathetie to American financiers enst their lot 10 grand the unwelcome opportun lorussychological character of comrades Giganti. Mashow. Martin. AF of Central Trades and bor. organizer Powers. resolu the social democracy. As a result, with each office boy. It is true y placed in their hands by the and the inheritors.
Satir, Bornstein, ete, participated. Alliance to invite them into the tion committee was elected. At they antagonize the were as adequately presented as istam in, it was proposed to offer of about 1200, moved that the Tom they differentiate themselves from dle class and the workers. This 16 values in their lives and direct it lent, irrevolute and extreme in se The views of the Left Opposition work of the conference. To bring ter this, someone from the crowd they attend. In this time werences that in the main they are united capitalist class, to use their leisure the workers in Ilooverville is exway. against the industrialist, the mid time in sorting and arranging the tremely emotional impulsivevlopossible in the five minutes that them a number of places on the played the man which comemade airerences on to the point in the test front against the other besser into collective mass action. The tim. display the mainly the harshbanner, was dis and help us make clearer have this unlA resolution was proposed by put to the number held by any sympathizers, be removed and not three wings in the communist exploiters and the workers, clearly workers in Hooverville have a treer emotions and the less refined revealed in their program, it is also mendous asset of non work at by other single group. It was further where the resolutions committee The resolutions adopted by the true that the different groups of exceptional opportunity depends comrade Trotsky wrote once: All The realization of this This is just what is needed.
the meeting, demanding that the proposed that the invitation Specity was to pesent its demands to the conference were not satisfactors. dominierona dhe strupeint, we mainly on the workers themselve Morts enght to be made to con ALL workers organizations for yang hot attack other people demonstrated at the court save a false perspective of the way and the advantage of one group of and partly on the revolutionary or sentrate the bitterness, the anger, tinciers candidate, united kanixations. Nesin was elected house. This motion was seconded innger: it was Hathaway The against the other group of tinand conncils. Their forcei leisure the masses. to give those emotions Roosevelt, ganizations, particularly unemploy the pirotest, the rage, the hatred ot front the purust Fascism. The Stal to this delegation, inists which is re wash bally taken. not against the or motions to include demands for wish for, provided they will use it woul, to unito, to solidir ALL THE and a general melee began. vote Resolutions Committee voted down they could languagea the lights Fes closer les for a resolution para entende cocommteteasupra comer than merebut com powered to create the the ARTICLES OF THE MASSES.
of protest against the ascist ter leallet to the Socialist and Fof was carried by an that the Committee issue a set of the platform. The motion credits for the Soviet Uion. The st. the Wall Street crowd and constructively Granted that the workers sell overwhelming latter demand was simply ignored workers and the muddle headed expression must come mainly forces to simultaneous action.
to summon all the revolutionary ror to be sent to the German cm. workers asking them to raise voted with the rest of the comrades pinind that we have to distinguish is how the war lords in Chiations do to help them along?
The writer of these lines refecting the first Winter umiddle class and reformers.
in That through his own initiative, what UNEMPLOYED COUNCILS and militants were sold ita use their oranizations the questions of should the revolutionary organiza ENETRATE INTO NEW TERcussion held long after the meeting participate in the Conference and But we remained in the minority demagogic Affo of the leadership Hight imperialism and that is the of Powers. from those RITORY: They should systematically PAUL SCHWALBE.
was over. asking them to demand that they and Powers had to step down from The special resolution on Fascism how the capitalist politicians from participate as organizations. This the stage. This was defeat number avoided most of the errors of Hath Roosevelt on down to the socialists Oehler Meeting was voted down. The vote was one.
away speech but was an abstract Tht Wall Street.
one for all the others against.
It looks us though Mitchell is At collected In St. Louis proposal, Winter proposed an open and distributed them in and out front of all working class organion fout to draft Pole as Con Dolicies of the Communist Following the rejection of our all available copies of the Militant our proposal to demand a united with the wrong group of finan. Continued from Page 1)
bling. The YCL was to make it letter to the SP and F of em side of the hall few days later, mutions in Germany against Fase troller. La Salle Street support which played into the hands of during the period of clear that it will refrain from all St. Louis. The two meetings bollying the proposal of the dele the Slovak Rovnost Ludu (a rty attacks on the participating groups Oehler in St. Ration. lively passage of arms ist daily) wrote the neel The conference decided to issue Pole against the Wall Street man, social. All talk of fusion front unless any of them the nited arranged for com radende landete took place over this proposition be not for the first time slander an open letter to the Socialist party serve. Tu truth is that it is not and false lle supported Joel was in spate comrade sort of Governor Meyer of the Federal Re with the violate accepted.
workers present were attentivetween Nessin and Winter. Nessin against me, recommending that and of inviting them to on the German question. The argued that we must give the ap ers Club because of my counter one united May nanization or La Salle Street vs. Wall Street. criticism of the Yipsel attitude to the Workers School (that is, the and sympathetic to our viewpoint was opposed to the open letter. He be expelled from the Slovak Work participate in the Militant as well as other literature pearance of wincerity to our pro revolutionary activities At the tion. The conference demonstrador domination bave their connee the Conference officially to critic. reals the opportunist nature of the of The group of tuanclers struggling wards the Conference and asked Communist pirty. It clearly re agree to wain the next room, ndjoining the was atrnia that an open letter lessly called me stool pigeon and inster the demonstratiome to match Working class or capitalist pol demonstraton and the permanent aeratic organizations tor Tosal to the SP and AP of He instigation of Powers, they shame allow all organizations participations all the way down the bank live the Yels and again invite Camintern manifesto statement ing structure.
them to participate in the April on not attacking the social demon the south sidefour or five The Left Opposition proposed an Allentown they, together with a dreds of thousands of leaflets will the lever that will pull the greateven Stalinists were in session.
the Yiels who had refused to The open letter to the SP and AF of few misted and fanatical work be printed calling on all workers ist number of factors for the class Resolutions on the defense of purpose of their meeting was the asking them to apiroint committeesers, decided to expel me from the and workers organizations to un interest. The group of imperial Soviet Union, against the join the Conference were not to formation of a literary club. to meet with a sub committee of Slovak Workers Home for the simite for gigantic demonstration ists supporting Roosevelt was suc the release of all class war prison for the demonstration before the persecu be eriticized!
tion of the Jews in Germany. for which evidently was a flop because the Congress Committee to work ple reason that a In the disenssion of preparations copies of the Ministributed a few The Left Opposition will do its ut. cessful in its first major move alongers, trd for a united front May German consulate it was pointed no workers attended to hear the out the means of drawing most to achieve this nim. STAMM.
this line. Will it be able to keep Day demonstration against Fascout that the only paper which car ture. They were invited to attend the motion was defeated. Winter Trainmen Hall, Powers it up? At least Hoover may take ism and for the class war prisoners Find the call for the Conference our meeting. They came in, sat carried.
to break with the united front, INTERNATIONAL WOMANS DAY is that whenever you hand the upon the Communist International groups pledged that their press down for about five minutes and As it stands now the party issuing a mimeographed leaflet call.
then returned to their retreat to swinging to the Right. The people ing the local leaders of the Davenport, Iowa. International hait billion just hand the workertional and the International Comtraitors to the Mooney cause. Sim Women Day was observed a glast of beer or any other slop mittee of Left Socialist mirties to boycott the Olympics to be held in bankers a billion, or the navy a the Labor and Socialst Interna Wodstration. resolution to carry announcements of the ultaneously, he issued another leat. Davenport, Iowa, by members of and the let calling the workers of Allentown the Workerre Educational Forum. call it tilabor will cement a united front of OEHLER against Berlin carried permanent comto another demonstration at the sponsored by the Communist Ler.
Fascism was passed.
Important news! The Spanish Stalin and is preparing to take a Court House Feb. 14th. About gue of America (Oppositon. meeting was held, with about 50 PEEKSKILL MEETING which numbers two to three trip to the US So the die is a half a dozen of us showed up workers inattendance. Comrade of the first time the viewpointites instructing the permanent com one comrade on the committee. The ed from the fourt for these intercede the different politicu. cendencies present. The Left Opposition has For the thousand members, has just taken cast, Defeat Number Two.
to its bosom the Socialist Rev.
And now as a result Left Opposition was present Imittee to invite the YPSL to purti Committee was empowered to of this Papeun, organizercalled olutionary Party. which numbers Spanish into Mr. Balbontin front is completely smashed and speaker. comrade Jessie Behr, who eekskill, New York on Saturday. Committee. The lett Opposition Rand School, the Young Circle The miserable roping of the stupid act of Powers the mected at a mass meeting of the procipate in the April demonstration raten its membership and parti fully 8, 000.
Let us call things by their name. Impossible menagerie illuminates the workers look at each others as spoke on the subject, Shall women March 23. About 100 colonists introducedia conter resolution League and the League for Indus.
its entire political course. Stalin enemies.
the of Spain has gone from and his clique expel the Bolshevik: work in in factories This followed to With the best of Intentions and by questions and heard comrade Carl Cowl analyze which criticized the Ylpwel boycott trial Democracy.
anta. in a comitadely spirit Left the entire called few of the other comrades sub need of effecting a united front of to join the permanent committee the mass demonstration before the discussions the German crisis and the urgeat of the Conference and invited them Separated from Maurin Right conguardand it falls swooningly committed tenue to no a valitakse topic.
All are urged to participate in attention to the mistakes porting the positive side of wing group. Finally, on orders into the arms of. deputy same epithets were hurled against Let us hope that this Interna ed discussion, in which socialists, Lers refused to Fascism. After considerable heat first motion was passed. The rors will gather at Whitehall and Political Bureau (Bullejos Adame add that Mr. Balbontin has nothing After a from Moscow, it expelled its entire bontin. It is hardly necessary to me as preotymployed councils rallied more women comrades anarchists and Stalinists took is. Yipsels!
tional Women Day will have criticize the South Sts. Saturday, April at Trilla. It has just taken a new whatever in common, neither imme were formed, one was also organ the work of Communism, 11:00 Members speaker was invited to a At the conclusion of the of the step merging with Balbontin diately nor ultimately, with Com ized in our township with our parSocialist Revolutionary Party.
first Spartacus Youth Club and symSchool delegates pathizers of the left Opposition munism. Delegates were elected ranged in the near future, at which withdrew because of the criticism will meet at our headquarters at Bloody) Balbontin and Company Spanish proletariat brut disastrous state. Peter ned our chantarche dania al provided the party is in the MINNEAPOLIS MASS MEETING Ismooth the social democrats Jabalias can contribute nothing to the Harrisburg on March 1: The dele youngsters will be excellent mater. would again be prescuted. This despite the fact that they had is supported partly by the radical mistakes.
bourgeoisie, partly by the poverty made a report in the Bethlehem hands of the memebrship with IN THE NEXT ISSUE stricken layers of the peasantry mass meeting against Fascist and the Communists. Later, how The Spanish The next and the anarchist circles.
next issue of the Militant Left Opposition 10 Hall. About 400 work workers democracy as Its gud terror will be held in Minneapolis, ever, they returned to the Confer. will carry some highly important It dis must clenounce to the proletariaters, youngsters the new re internal principle All this seminates a sheet with quite a this open sliding of Centrism into cruits of the Stalinist machine edu be with the goal in view to raise Mayor Reception Room of thel in the next day session the shed light on Saturday, April 8, at P. In the ence.
correspondence from Terlin which trong demagogue porte de contradiction in order to realise the out to listen to the delegates and well induce independent thinking Court House Comrades rong communistieague madera fairs there. mushrieved state direct sion! Mr. Balbontin, its leader, banner of Communism again, the was torture to listen to the re from which springs the much need. Communited and Clem Forsen of the statement on the previous session witnesses. In addition, there will notorious adventurer, is a deputy, first task it must achieve is the ports. We pity these young enthod Initiative that is so sadly lack (Opposition) will be the speakers. there was too much politcrl squrb Germany, as well.
League of America The official reports were poor: be reports from other parts He was, It seems, won over Dy publication of a weekly paper. usiasts whom we regard es victimsling today.
the or forming The Youth United Front in New York ism. complete reperea tincident in the Stalinists Merge With Balbontin to sue, the