BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninNon-aggression PactSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

WORKERS THEMILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 Bast 16th Street. New York. Elatered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1828 at the Pont Omice at New York, under the act of March, 189 VOLUME VI, NO. 21 (WHOLE NO. 168 NEW YORK, SATURDAY APRIL 1, 1933 PRICE CENTS For the United Defense against Hitlerism! Talk with the Socialist Workers by Leon Trotsky with Imperato This brochure addresses itself to be no question of a danger of war the social democratic workers, even but of combining the forces of though personally the author bethe social democrats and the Communists against the attack longs to another party. The disarms in hand which has already agreements between Communism and social democracy them by the deep. consider them irreconcilt by all the preceding governments neute character. The saviors enn me and says: Don you come too attack, Instead of smashing the democratie leaders are not lacking national socialists.
events frequently puts tasks before weimar constitution; second, na, tually in Intrigues only because the What propagate the united front? ranks of the workers, will cement in tried out and skillfal policies.
atble. Nevertheless, the course of which stood on the ground of the afford the luxury of engaging mu: late to Incredible as It may seem, the did you do before this? them.
All the more reason for how social democratic leaders are subtional socialism, that is, the trooproletariat is abandoning its post. This objection would not be cor. The brochure from which take they could have chosen such a stituting for the question of the the working class which This is not the first time this extract was written two and slogan which runs counter to their genuine defense against the armed tively demand the joint action of of the petty bourgeois countertions without battle and is heating rect.
finance capital the retreat without plan, without that the question of a a united front a half years ago. There is not the own interests.
the two parties. Is such an action arms and incites against the work system and without direction. The of defense against Fascism is slightest doubt today that if this. The formula has been borrowed of the political controversy between actions of Fascism, the question historical experience and theory ors.
The aim of capital and of the that does not constrain itself to what myself had the occasion initier would not be chancellor at this type of pact consists in this: It is exactly as if one were to said tasks. Now, it is much easier the organizations of the proletar where and how to strike the next 1930, after the first great success of the German proletariat would causes for war engage themselves to prevent the derailment of a conditions and the character of the Landowning caste is clear: to crash from discussing right in public to say on this subject in September the present time and the positions two states which have suficient substitute for the question of how de 548e in a joint action when iar, to rip them of the possibil blow: by frontal attack; by bear of the national socialists. Address. be unassailable. But one cannot for a determined period not to re train, the question of the need for not of taking the offensive for the but also of defending thensive ing down on the Communist Left Ing myself to the Communist work return to the As a result of sort to the force of arms against mutual courtesy between the travthe mistakes which of attainment of new objectives, but As can be seen, twenty years of ting of communications, etc. The for the defense of the material and ed to pass the problem of defenso ously circumscribed pact with The Communist party must call ted and the time which was allow example, has signed such a riso. The misfortune, in any case, is and third rear of the trade unions and cut classes.
of defending the positions already ccracy with the bourgoiste have exploiters whom it has saved dis. moral positions which the working is posted today with infinitely great and Granting that a war were to that the ill conceived formula of in Germany. The German proletarnais acknowledge That is how the question is posed of the capitalists. These individu it were sonte worn out bowl, they in the German state. The fate of just as before. Even right now it Poland, the sald pact would in no even be able to subserve the in one law: the ask themselves if it lat is in a situation where it must while retreat and give up its positions. struggle for protit. And they con utilized for To be sure there is no lack of duct this struggle with a fierce and into the discard or be thrown trade unions, of the newspapers forces intesor of the proletariat. come to the aid of Poland. Non dragged in by the hair. The enright away.
the montblys comoren alde egemente au med her states of the libraries of the working plan, a system, a combination of no way does it common ac not to attack each other, windbags to cry that we are als u hothine determination este probleem The bourgeoisie enjoys the tutelaks, et rectly legedly in the presence of a rev. at nothiner still les at their freedom of maneuvering, that is communist worker at stake. The forces for the defense. But above tion for defense; on the contrary, way eliminates their struggle, their of the choice of means of time er must say to the all, one must have the will to de it excludes this action: without polomites, their intrigues and their olutionary offensive. These are own law.
people who obviously do not know The class of exploiters would and of place. Its chiefs combine social democratic worker: The polfend himself. hasten to add that this, the pact would have a quite maneuvers. The semi official Polish how to distinguish their right from have preferred to arm and atom the arms of the law with the arms ley of one parties is irreconcilable: only he defends himself well who different character and would be Journals, in spite of the pact, form If the Fascists come tonight does not confine himself to the de called by a quite different name.
their left. There is no doubt that in the proletariat with the least in bandity. The proletariate. com: to sack the hall of your organizatensive but who, at the first occa at the mouth when they speak of What sense then do the social the Soviet Union. For its part, strike But today the problem is with the aid of the military and defend itself. Its troops are split urins in hand. Do you promise me the offensive to pass over to the Soviet press star trom mak and its does the formula? Do the Communid. gime. The fact of the matter is ing compliments to the Polish reto proceed to the regrouping of the le. But it is afrail, and with ulaly on whether or not it is at organizations? Or else is that the social democratic leaders forces for the defensive in polie good reason, that hegur means by all possible to combine forces. Sandrat ton you will run to my alar democracy adopt towards this squeebreaten to suck the social Therein lies the essence of the role of the present period. All derstand a problem clearly is to sutticient to drive back the work interminable discussions on the propaganda must be attuned undertake a crusade agutust the trying to substitute in convention to NON AGGRESSION PACT to this diapason.
Communists? As a matter of fact, diplomatic formula for the poll.
The social democratic leaders something entirely different is in tical tasks of the proletariat.
toxicated by phrases is to help the will no longer have any right workers do not become conscious of The more seriously, persistently propose to the Communist party to question. If one wants to use the JOINTLY ORGANIZE THE adversary. One must see clearly supervise ne peuters els actor peremptorily in the debate the arte vetetively we carry in the wholude rencontres persone couple the language of alplomacy, it would be emy, that makemonopoly capital and Mupte fattende for monopoly cepi German proletariat may find itself neditation, the more we will pro When read this phrase for the in place to speak not of a nord ag DEFENSE, DO NOT FORGET spared by tal, wants to become not a supple. Fascism.
crucified for years on the cross of pose in cach factory, in each work first time in the Vorwaerta, Igression pact, but or defensive THE PAST, PREPARE FOR large feudal prope, are along inentary force, but the mule govern the November er quarter and war, ictive or thought it was an incidental and Alliance agianst a third party, that THE FUTURE ganizational measures for the denot very the whole front. The enemy sing force in Germany. This situa. IS IT NOT TOO LATEX fensive, the less will be the danger formula of the non agression pact, not to halt or to exorcize an arm. journalists translate their thought happy pleasantry. The is, against Fascism. The aim is More prudent social democratic utilizing two means with a differ tion occasions incessant conflicts It may be that here my social seckans te habe isters and the more the present time it is at the center and determineChereaucoutal ent historical origin: first, the mill between the governmental allies. Continued on Page 3)
Stalinist Persecutions Workers Youth Form Genuine United Front New III. Mine Contract Russian Left Opposition Forges Ahead in the Party in New York Protest Struggle against Hitlerism Left Wing Criticizes Provisions of Year Agreement different Inner Dispute on United Front Policy Following this, the cele manager the Concentration of Big Capital As sou have been going on dele National Committee of the YPSL, sulate in New York.
fact here is the arrest of former, with the apparatus. The experi gates, representing alty five youth the New York University Socialist Five speakers from permitted mittee of the Progressive Minerscuss it before the referendum voto Moscow. The most important attempt to find a common language One hundred and nineteen Gillespie, The Scale Com to study the contract, and to disLeft Oppositionists, this time not ment endured about four years and organizations met in New York, Club and the Rand School Debs political tendencies were rauk and filers, but leaders. You led to it breuk. In its own time, March 24 25, at a conference to Club Youth clubs, youth sections to discuss the report. Ilerman of Union of America has met with the is taken probably already know about the it was explained in all the nuclei plan concrete action in the strug of Left wing unions, the Menorah the YCL stated that talk about the union, to renew the contract leadership of the PMA consider the All indications show that the arrests of Smirnov, in the purty, that all the old Bolle against German Fascism. Tbel Oriety. a Jewish group, the Fascism was insufficent: one operators holding contracts with hensky, Ufimtzev, Ter Vaasheviks broken with the left delegates were overwhelmingly Lett Priends of India (Gandhi followtions would show whether the or expiring April 1, and recommend to contract they present as the most. and that this fact alone wong and communist. including the ers)the various workers schools. sanization is ready for a struggle the membership of the union to they could contains from the opet Pereverzev, and many others.
organizations against Hitlerism. Carter of the lana contract for two years. Alators at this time. The strategy Leningrad, Olga Ravich was ar that this declartion created a great Young Communist League Opel were represented.
National Youth Committee of the referendum The Conference opened with an Left Opposition, explained that the be held Saturday. de union will of the Scale Committee and the the 25th.
rested. In Kharkov Karetny, the impression upon wide party circles. tion. Lovestone Group, the Na The present leadership seems to be the wife of the People Commissar ot At present the arrests of former tional Youth Committee of the address by the temporary chair reason for the united front was Gillespie office has sent to all Agriculture of Ukraine, who him. Lene Oppositionists create even Sework serta corporation che man, the delegate from the group that all workers organizations, les constructeas and the contract instead of the one year con nection whatever with the Oppus, Just to the contrary. Many way. Several socialist groures were pre read the appeal of the Left wing hebben weltede selt, it is sald, had and has no con greater impression. But this time and the National Student League Rund Sicheated students. The son, were attacked by Fascism, that this date Wed: March 23, the ing spell which is to enable them tion. Nrachkovsky and Pereverzev were arrested in the Par Fast and This proves that the Left Opposl. sent, such as the Rand School Stu Nocialist parties to the Communist right of critent ye retain our majority of the miners have not to consolidate and strengthen their the groups per amendments to the old contract as best but the way the action is be seen the new contract or the union. This intention may be the they are being brought to Moscow. tion has shown its correctness, dents Ass n, which had initiated and Socialist internationals for a ticipating. He declared that it was proposed by the Scale Commitee. ing carried out is far from the Many arrests were made in the since all those are now returning to the conference, the Brookwood la united front Hitlerism. It the social democracy which paved bor College Fellowship one of the delegates being a member of the Contained a criticar the German the way for Hitler and the Regardless of the changes or lack best for the interest of the minere particular, the above named Lif (Continued on Page 3)
Social Democratie Party polley of changes in the new contract. in the PMA. Continued on Page 2) the miners should have more time shits. All told about a hundred of class collaboration, etc. and the Shortcomings of Contract people were arrested at one Nectarian policies of the Communist The shortcomings in the contract time or another to thel scale committee cadres of the Left Opposition. The of the two Internationals on the at least of as much of the new chlef arrests were made in Moscow, hasis of the class struggle.
contract as we are reliably informed Leningrad and Kharkov.
on, are the following: The contract calls for know, the repressions in two year period instead the party care hundred and thirty delegat. Hitler bankrupt program and the the provisional committee, comrade The Bankers Holiday has passers to mold a single national bank of a one year period. Such a con full speed for the last few months. es from one hundred and sixteen German Communist Party will con Joel, a member of the Communist But nevertheless, then theresence the New York United Front Stay taking advantage of his every fail Vorkers school, save the reported as one of the major moves of system; finally, so as to liguldate a militant union. On the contrar Smirnov, Preobrazhensky and his report by a reply to the critic bring the antiquated banking struc down upon American Indus Right otract will favor the in the union and the others have made a tremendous im 197h. For the most part, they mixes!
inn of the Communists delivered by ture up to the level of the present tries.
small operators with whom the But lathaway surprised pression, not only because old party were the same delegates who make members with great reputations all the morty united frontenders mightily when he toke on the set very far when the overwhelmialists. For years they have been of attempted capitalist reorganiza of the crisis, and especially since us the previous speaker. He did not day needs of the American ImperSuch liquidation in this perloa contract is signed. At this stage tion and made the attempt at re committee report: four AF Of Lenee and the united front wing majority of the delegates striving to legalize unlimited branch tion is called deflation by the capi we have the new banking those concerned are former Opposi cau bg seen from the credentials question of broadening the confer.
thought he was reading from the members of sympathizers of the banking, They have been able tallats but in no way conflicts, at that open wide the doors for in him coneiliation with the Stalinist bu unions were represented by Six Militant! To le mure, his speech criticizing for only through a bitter struggle and this stage with the currency Intation with possibilities of a wide soclalists!
finally, cracy. The political conneydelegates there were no represche on this point does not settle thel. Joel reported that the partial victory in this field. The son of the internal debt proceeds upward, it is not advisable to algu perexile of Zinovlev and Kamenev isi YPSI.
self evident. Ola revolutionists. The proceedings were the usual Centrists there were yesterday and forced several Yipeel circle dele locked resistance carried on by the the one hand, bankruptcy, merg lod, unless a special clause experienced politicians made the Six cyclinder, Stalinist machine at the same. It is not excluded visional committee; that the city middle of the struggle between the the right moment, and properly contract does not provide for this.
concentration liquida, serted taking care of such price cates to withdraw from the pros who are at present caught in the lon. And on the other hand, at changes and Inflation. The new day before.
fair. In li last Sunday dull routine that under the pressure of events, Committee refused to participate Smimov and Perobrazhen points of grent importance for the the turn and the criticism of sky Bolsheviks from the day the movement as a whole stood out and the cott Opposition, they may, for the Conference and had even woletariate and bourgeoisie, and controlled through a graduated There is no fundamental altter must plan the process of Inflation. ence between the contract present party was founded; they belonged must become known to our move a time, make an effort to carry out from the provisional committee to trall behind one or the other camp Senator Vandenberg.
from Michigan, in objectinelican for referendum and the Lewis to the center of the Left Opposiement.
The speed with which the state present procedure sald: If the gov seated when the PMA is far to the contract. Such a contract is pretion from the day it was organix Hathaway made the report. His even in this case. In view of the ted front. He proceeded to critic moritoria were called and the ernment continues to license bankser strong ed.
speech was marked by the utmost past, and the dubious circumstances ise this action when, once again, quick follow up by the new Ullmtzer one of the leading Ural confusion on the question of Fuse Surronnding the new half turn it the YClers and sympathizers bootional administration, with proother (Lewis) contract and had Bolsheviks and Oppositionists, in ism in Germany and the Aght will most ruthless deflation been forced to compromise. This prove that a to the subject. Several delegates, leser his own time he was sent to Vienna, against it. According to him, the speeches to more than feed and hissed and told him to stick mises and minor concessions to the lng upon the basis we are ember than it was when it fought the ELS chairman of the trade bureau. danger of war has become more being made in reality. That is including the temporary chairman, sufficient tovuteta. proved to be in the history of this or any other present compromise comes without force to line up the maj nation. we are going to needless a struggle. the referendum 15 Ter Vaganyan. old Bolshevik. acute since Hitler accession to in the best case.
rose and protested against comrade ority of the states to drive through y massacre the savings of the Am. carried, at least so far as the leadfounder and editor of the magazine power, not because the inevitable How for the party is from a Joel remarks.
the new law and for the power toerican people. What else is to be ership is concerned. Under the Banner of Marvism development of a triumphant Pasefurn can be seen from what Comrade Joe Carter of the Na. be given to those in control of the Roosevelt administration must do workday lett font entirely. orted the national question, etc. Gruet mest intervention of the discussion followingHathaway 1st League of America (Oppostlon. Industrialists and the urban and campaign in the last election.
author of books on Plekhanov, onism makes it the spear head of tbewed. Wagenknecht, in the tional Youth Committee, Commun reorganization of the banking in order to function for the group yet this is a burning problem for structure. The majority of thel of imperialists that Stein Lettisti Bolshevik, spent US according to Hathaway: report, spoke for the united front took the floor and stated that as backed many years sentenced to hard le the danger lies in Hitler attempt from below. In the cliscussion both member of the provisional com rural middle class were taken off is a government action to basten the PMA is confronting great odds its the whole working class and eapeIt cially the miners. It is true that bor, hero of the Civil War, former to recapture the territory of Geroints of view found supportersmittee he protests against the in their feet and fell in line for the the process of weeding out the and an uphill fight against the to organize an anti Versailles bloc chief of a Red Division, subsequ.
ently head of an aviation school. many lost to the Allied powers.
small banks. It took the crisis operators, their state force. mur unclarity and possible dispute exThis can mean only that the utmost red or its spokesman, Hel national emergency.
that the committee had What Was Aimed At? several years to weed out small der frame ups, the Lewis machine Mrachkovsky Bolshevik from the Hathaway analysis of the perts in the party on the united unanimously agreed to criticize the banks through bankruptcy. The and the general effects of the foundation of the party, leading spectives of German Fascism were iront question, which became ob actions of the Yipsels in its report. Regardless of the fact that the new laws speed up this Jerisis, and therefore they will have Civil War, subsequently in com coretold its mechanical collapse breaking out into the open. This delegates could discuss the report and indirect has contadig er det med at finde hit by the time. duction, but It cannot organice lite pake the watery Romy letrameup verzev old Bolshevik, one of the the conditions of the masses be between Nessin and Winter in the cluded. Joel continued with his perialists was the reorganization capitalism production.
leaders of the Ukrainian Oppoal cause it came to power in the up session of the Mooney Conference speech explaining why it was in of the banking structure for the American Imperialism must vietliñs whom the Peabody Coal Company wants to burn in the elecla; Trotsky letter to Pereverzev Suncture! But Hitler has come to osewhere in this feelit was to leteibe med for united front, Gull banks and sectional banking thing possible on an international orter Franklin counts and stWir Was Totercepted and published in power in the period of the down be seen again in the discussion be and the present plans of the Com. Influence over the dominating scale to obtain them. However, this stations are that a powerful strike the press by the stalinists on the ward curve! The workers will be eve of Trotsky deportation to come quickly disillusioned with (Continued on Page 2) on April before the German con machinery so as to enable the bank (Continued on Page 2)
in Wement will be upon its within Alma Ata. Ravich old Balperiod of days. Confronted with these shevik, Intimately connected with Friday April 21, 1933 at p.
conditions the leadership doLenin during the emigration perlod, member of the Petrograd Party IRVING PLAZA HALL 15 St. Irving Pl. for the Benefit of THE MILITANT Ausplees: New York Branch Communist League fight. All this is true but it is Committee, etc. Editor.
of America (Opposition) and Protomagia Club. Continued on Page 1)
na on the present to enter haben die toerefore they struggle ob: the