BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT MARCH 25, 1933 World Economic Situation Today Victory or Defeat in Germany?
ucross the situation, olution durian Serenga na mense sedam roletarianere som er revealing to les te International Pre Conference of e over to see the des the Left Opposition Presents Thesis Danger in Turn situation by the French LAB Theses on the Balkan tries (by the Greek and Bulgarian sections jointly. Theses on the dictatorship of The question of the positioned How It Stands Today and cuts and against taxes ardeich, stelike the proletariat; democracian and (We publish herewith a second Alternatives in the turned the fire of aroused national working masses hardest, WeakNew Italian article on the German situation, ism against the former enemies importance, and above all for Marx Its Next Perspectives es the bourgeoisle to that extent. position. Arne Decisive Class Battles border, particularly ist revolutiouists. Comrade TrotIt is the ravages which Possibly the American League beck who is at present in Europe, ugainst the Versailles treaty and sky has proved irrefutably the tactics had made in this field which will prepare a thesis on American close to the scene of the events. all that it implied.
connection between the atravel hare permitted the bourgeoisie to imperialism.
which he deals with in his corNow that the Fascist brigands plebian movement, composed es errors of the Comintern for the tained in preceding cycles.
As long as the proletarian rev. carry out its policies since the respondence. All the projects for these above ten years and its wrong estisentially of the pretty bourgeoisie believe that the maintenance of crisis, without effective broad re mentioned must be prepared for Yations of the world on has not definitely broken The course of the further devel: recruits also from the bourgeoisie the direction of their fire has enund lum prileturial, but drawingwer is securely within their grasp with its persistence in ignoring the the back of capitalism, the latter sistance from the working class. publication, by April 15, 1933.
will always have the possibility of What the policies of the bourgeA discussion period of three lopments in Germany will decide and rom the proletarian their demagogy is a coat of arms tirely changed. While continuing turns which it has not foreseen.
oisie consist in, we know mass whether the epoch shall continue to a certain extent.
It has a large At the present moment, the crisis epmpleting its cyclical crisis, that ynemployment, the attack on liv months is to take place, and the and finally secure the proletarian busty in Germany particularly by under which ruthless working 1x of passing from the phase of ingestandards and on social reller. International Conference is the revolution or whether we has lasted over three and a hall cute crisis into that of depressions dans taxes, the proletarianiza to be callel for the month of July. race an entirely new epoch. This Virtue of the numerous middle the Internation is carried out, shall class years. The working class, which class there. Gerntany has yet a buukers and the up to 15 year bad reacted only and even to a recovery in busins tion of large sections of the petty! The sections are enlled upon to decision, of course, extends far be.
What then are the conditions feebly to the political and economic which make possible an improve bourgeoisie.
prepare special funds beginning yond the German borders. And to large farm population maintained and owners no longer appear in their vocabulary characterizing the offensive of the bourgeoisie, has lement in world economy, and are in the mass organizations, the today in order to assure their reelther case it will spell the begin through decades by protective tar the reactionary enemy. They now feel that they presentation at the International ning of the end to Stalinist dominajunker regimes. While this kept against the Communist and work can move their troops directly Germany, in England, in Belgium. There reasons to belleve that this workers forces, split up and mutu tion of the movement.
agricultural prices high it in Czechoslovakia, in Poland, lately posibility may be realized effecally distrustful, have had to give Conference way time after time. The social Accepted by the pre Conference on the one hand it now possi in the United States. On the other tively in an upturn!
hand, the crisis, which had kept It is clear that the conditions for democratica Jenderalatan has been the international Left Opwitton ble to afirm that a victorious Geru sem se le counter wielele farmers to state powers are put her haben diese. Paris, this juncture could be accomplish proletariat. En indust helposal. This aim las moved up to by her in the very center of their campaign.
Increasing in Sharpness day after a turn in the world situation can able to play its habitual and disFeliruary 8, 7933 day with little interruption from but he considered from the standastrous role of pacifying. Bulling.
ed only in opposition to stalinism dustrialization, and by virtue of the fascist hordes no longer direct its very beginning, bas entered into out of purec. conomy there is putting a brake on the actions a period of relative calm on thene such thing The class struggle the masses. The Communists bave aplici violent collision with it could afford to sacrifice her agricul their fire against the Versailles policies. On the other hand it osture and drive the peasants into tribute have practically ended and world scale for over half a year: is fought out on all frontsco not been able to tear the masses Kincaid Miners away from the reformist leaders, and the more optimistic circles of the mis political, ideological Continued from Page 1) present and the inauguration of a did not attain such a wide expanse for Germany can easily be obtain the working class in Germans geobie was not forte nate great difficulties. Military equality bourgeoisie ape even beginning to be and downs of the struggle but have weakened their possibility would and therefore bad to iind specificed. And more so by virtue of the in the world economic situation? Feriod of the past ten years has non polleies of Stalin and LOBO on as bread a bus is lossible. The also signal the trans of means to create this social counter direction of the Fascist fire which Are we were preal turn politically the net result of the Sanization by following the trade would golan the enlarged conference new and reaching sky.
discision centered Around the the revolutionary movement onto weight aguinst the proletariat. To is now turning eastward toward What effects may we expect of it be the consolidation of the powthe labor movement. Ce ofer of the hourgeoinle, the set back The political conditions which character of the united front pri new basis. Although fricht an extent that was also accom the Soviet Republic. The first inon the strategy and the mully narrowed basis of retarded Nished by the development of a tinations of marily. It is of particular of the proletarian offensive of render possible the recovery are the levelopments, it will It is painful to have to capitalism within the framework portance to the members of crisis.
will be record that is to Left Opposition to know the post ben within which there large and conservative state bu ing relation reports of strain reaucracy.
Between the two govBut its lower layers ernments.
errort at an answer.
questions which justify a serious 15172. but it is the truth. Thel of the elbility of throwing all tion of the International Labore rem for the curse of Stalinism were bit hard by the general pau The Gierman Hists and the Nibility of the Stalinist fracsay, the The Possible Variants We all know that the crisis bastion in turning the policies of the the burden of the crisis on the Defense which was represented by The outcome of this gigantic sodation of the post war crises German big bourgeoisic know vers bitherto unknown. We can uneas he world revolution, the perman ixing its resistance, these conditions positiones the LLP was done in tontist in which prection. portant at the present sun etare sul that within the working class Pation to the united front he said the decision will turn, nobody can to clean out the unreliable so sources of sympathy and support ure it by the number of unemployent revolution, and in losing much therefore exist.
ed, by the decline in production and trade, the number of bank of the enormous Intluence and present we must also take into ac in effect: The ILD is prepared to as yet preclict. The fascists have cial democrats from their jositions to the German working class moreof participate in any united front cr. alreadenines an enormons advan in this bureaucracy.
ment. Its existence is no doubt ruptcies, and a host of other in tlge within the proletariat which count a whole series of factors Ofecting the interests of the work take while the working class has The derinan Fascist movement clear to them even if they do not dexes which show that it is not Communism once enjoyed in a more strictly economie kind in or heavy one in this respect.
der to be able to judge of the posers. We are prepared to unite ben kort disurmed and unprerar anybody, no matter who they ed. But in the process, which this has its evolution of discount the present stranglehold as capitalism bas known ever since of revolutions in the various ad the near future. The historicall its birth. But besides these quan yanced or colonial countries would function of the crisis is to sween of course, that we shall have the elas relations may turn the pre coloring necessary to recruit anertial of this sympathy and sup titative indexes, we have also the love rendered imagible the recov away certain factors of economic suha baxts, we are prepared to its an duidvantage Intomas movement. In the beginnin loft. They recognize the world right to our independence On Nent Many intervening the leaders, who rose from the impleation of the advance of the qualitative signs of an Internal de ary and the relative stabilization of instability which have grown out be trunk and file, promised to drive communist moveinent and hence generation of capitalism. The bank: capitalism after 1923. But more of the inhereut contradictions of participate in this movement. That factors will still have to ing crisis in the United States, the than this every partial victory of capitalism. and to replace them has always be our position, falling away from the gold revolu the proletariat led ly It by conditions which permit of the the This has not always been the rer. primarily depending upon the foreign. particularly Jewish. Cominternallar. Challenge to the countries, Japan, Spain andlemand organization. In strike leadership tem.
everyone. Quite the contrary, it is suarl Yet it may be usked, are the handled states and to re exterminate the Coromunist move other countries; the unstable and in the struggle for social insurance, To be continued a decide departure from the prethere no wibilities of a middle abitate the farmers. They proment throuchout the world they Ilgainst wage. FIELD.
viously knowil position of the LD course in between these two exmised to restore the middle class are alrvaly consciously and delib and as such marks positive step that much mossibilities are fading during the folation period. They imperialist intervention against the sold basis of many others, notably for shorter hours, ot Germany, the strangulation of the world market by a host of restric Soviet Union. This is the doublego in arriving at a correct postlyon away find that they could at this edged sword by which they aim tions on the international move on the vital question of the united take only mean postponement of front remains yet to be seen, and is a justponement creating new adthe thral decision. But likely also ment of commodities and capital; to accomplish their immediate goal this conference will be test for vantages to the proletariat for a the fact that the regime of the in Germany and simultaneously the organization. But if it is decision in its favor.
rally the support of allies of the to follow a correct back up its class domination by impialist powers really prepared the normaltonal obator sections in the sense of the organisition, it will be a decisive force and extremely tense. Hitler pro(Continue from last issue)
The lines are now sharply drawn economic and political concessions to the workers, but reveals more Reconciliations On the Reorganization of the zational fornis deskribed in the in this movement. If not. if it claim the extermination of com International Organ of the ILO (Continued from Page 1)
and more nakedly its character as The German southern states, reto the the organ of capitalism; the fact After a period of delimitation of the Cas well as the adapta trong time, it will only continue to connism and Marxism, not only in of the most fundamental import and selection the ILO has passed tion of the section to the fonda le prestige in the eyes of the orany but throughout the whole worldsrupt the united front of the monctamentos, bare now declared that their unity in the aims against ancy, that a sixth of the globe. into a new phase, which is charae mental control of the work.
of a Communist working clans, The Pravila comment on this world Communism. French imperthe USSR, bas torn itself away terized by the advanced crystalline organization The real work of the conference advantage the Fuseists in the gov: from capitalist domination ai tion of its cadres, the expansion of collective and responsible work till lie thead. There are excellentiment are particularly vocifer Massage, repeats that during the listswho once greatly feared the this shows that we are dealing with its organized forces an the etc. lent pilities for the creation of not alutleute until they have renched that solely during that time, the completely reconcited to that fact a crisis of a different kind than strengthening of international On the International Conference mass movement that will the healthy. crises of the past. cobesion.
of the Loft Opposition kle in the interests of the indlicted the gol. In reality this means a Communists will refrain from it. And not at all chisturbed Voices recognition on their part that the tacks against the social democratic in France This means that, contrary to the The leading organ of the ILO bas In order to prepare seriously for univers who run the danger of be power is not securely in indicating rapprochtheir organizations.
claptrap of the sucial democrats, rettected and will continue to lent. the first International Conference is railroaded to all or to the hands until the working class more What attacks are meant? Ou more audible. While the internas there is not only a cyclical, but fleet necessarily to a creat extent of the Lo, the pre Conference bas electric chair by the allied inter ment is completely destroyed. In viously not physical attacks on the tional objective is yet concealed in also a general crisis of capitalism. the general condition, the weakBut we must also take into account tests well as the progress or decided to have theses prepared on est of reaction. The working class this manner they serve as the soiul demokratte orgunizations, these volets it amonbtedly is takmost deadly instrument of the Te The culy significace that can being forin in the minds the fact that the converse propost our sections and group. The birth the following political problems of Chicago, as everywhere. must be Theses on the German situa ville case. They must be mobilis actionary German Junkers and bis attached to the passage is that inwith the Taylor emainted Thus we see today in actual de tion is also true that there is not difficulties of the as an intertion (by the German section. bourgeoisie side the united front the Commun welopment the enormous danger anly a general crisis of capitalism, national organization have, through but also acyclical crisis. We all weaknesses and mistakes, foundl Theses on the Spanish situr ed into action to prevent a deliber To fully appreciate the serious ist International pledges itself to Against which the tion (each of the two tendencies ate attempt to cut into a movement cannot afford to lose from our thelr expression in the progress of will work out its own theses. ca of militant workers in struggle for one constituted by the Fascista refrain from all criticism of the Lortowwition a long time ago raised its votee of serious warning. Project of a platform on the their bread and butter. Silence derstand the extent of their social swing sight both of these facts in our our leading international organ, discussion of the crisis.
The The pre Conference is of the Ger species of bureaucratie opportunism We all know why there cannot opinion that the present stage or USSR (by the Russian section. will only help to defeat the miners. His within contemporary Theses on the international many. The Fascist movement is a which characterized the whole able Jonic German capitalism tobet capitalism without recyclical development of the lo demands course of the Stalin Bucharin lend say still constitutes the weakest erisis. As Marx sald his mas leading international organ, which crship from 1924 to 1928, is post link of the imperialist chain. Its terly analysis in the third volume might assure its evolution into al tively breath taking! And therein tremendous convulsions lendem of Capital. The last cause real political center, capable of lies the outstanding danger in the basis the unevennes of develof all real crises always remains leading the ILO in its entirety.
the poverty and restricted consump The pre Conference has de The failure of the German Com The General Federation of Labor, by us refused to issue a call for tre borne in mind that the nitra alisedy stageBut to the the tendency of capitalist productional form, which in its opinioning class against Fascism is to adam International showed a growth anse, they maintained, was organi of a peculiar kinilit is not the Stalinist regime has completely cetinite proletariat this poses tion to develop the productive best corresponds to the present large extent explainable by its of membership tup to January stations affiliated to the All German much kindred to the extreme radio failed to master. On the one hand forces in such a way that only the stage and the degree of consolida false trade union policies. When 1930, Heleration of Trade Unions they calisin that characterized curtain it poses the posibility of breaking End of 1928: 4, 866, 926 must await a from the the entire society would be their love you It has determined the for Etat, on July 20th of last year.
federation. The Cat Interna Infan of the Comintern in its the weak links in the imperialist July 1920: 4, 942, 084 y, as it is the specifte trait chain and the posibility of the proAmit (Vol. II, page 568. mation of a so called tional, Vol. No. February of an opportunist group in Comletariat seixing power. In this Plenum the party call for a general strike Jan. 1, 1930: 4, 948, 267 The eyclical crisis is therefore composed of one delegate each, of met little response in the ranks of However, with the intensification 1933, page 73. munism which has been frightened sense the uneven development of not an accident, but a normal part the Russian, Greek, German, Bel he workers. Similarly, on the out the economic crisis in Germany.
The same author, one Pere into a leap to verbal radicalism by deras becomes a Sever favoring the of the functioning mechanism of clan and French sections, which is caston of the apointment of Hitler the growing unemployment and the cosnikov. sive some interesting in catastecheie consequences proletarian dictatorship in the use capitalism. It has, in other words to meet at least once every three 18 Chancellor of the German Reich failure of the reformist unions to formation which throws light on day before. The hureaucracy But at the same time it also a definite role to play in the capt, months to investigate and solve the on January 30, the call of the struggle for the workers jobless the present sitation.
of emphasizes the impossibility tallet economic process, which most important problems raised be Communist party for a strike found all but the most ad. thousands left the unions. In 1930 ference of the party, it was reveal petty bourgeois tendency swinging subject to the conditions or At the Inst Berlin District Con. the Cominter is not ultra Leftisthuilling cialism within one sinof Marx has described as follows. fore the ILO. per se. but entrist, that is le country, in the USSR which is Crises are only violent and tem(1) The naming of delegates to vanced revolutionary workers, porary solutions of existing con. the Plenum is to be assumed direct the Hamburg dock workers, staying over two hundred thousand (233, that about 250 delegates (nearly between Marxixin and Higulation this very stable equilibrium of on their jobs. revolutionary the following year, the unions lostuli the unions. At a district contra Leftist, swinging to the Right decay enpitalism. These two pro 068) worker quit the unions. a quarter of the total voluntarily ism. The innately opportunist. the world market tradictions, violent eruptions which ly by the sections named.
re establish for a time the equilt. In case of contlicts of op party which was able to rally 182, 000 workers (expulover fire millions to its parliament. but must go hand in hand Despite this process, the reform. hinety ne of de delegates were able of the wildest plunges in that are the routery cannot heart stabilization or even prosperity, de admission) the minority has the best several hundred thousands to ing their hold over the employed. trade union opposition. In Saxony, disastrous for the revolutionary accialism in the USSR Arst of all pression and crisis, which take right to demand a final decision by respond to its extra parliamentary The unemployed flocked in large of 4X members, only 250 working class movements. The first presupposes a policy of preparing so that a policy of building toward place in a cycle of five, seven or means of a referendum of the Da action, the general strike numbers to the Communist party members of the revolutionary op distinct signs of that swing are al eleven years, are something entire tional sections.
To understand this one must er and its auxiliaries; the employed sitiou. Page 74. ly different from the fundamental (d) The organ which assures umiue the party trade union pol. and organized remained under the Altogether, according to the es who yesterlay refused to sit in class for the extension of the ready visible. The stalinist hero the parties of preparing the work which impresses its specific char tical execution of the und pracicles in the past few year and its control of the social democrat.
movement of capitalism as a whole the political continuity figures of the National Committee down with the This is substantiated by an art of the revolutionary trade now knock acter on a whole historical epoch. Interuntional leadership as the the necmento the general trade union knecht and Law of Lieloletarian revolution by the solzure of The Third Period Polley For instance, the half century beternational Secretariat. Composed, ele in the Communist International siton. 34. 000 new members tearfully at the doors of the unite of the imperial in the weak linke chain.
At the height of the third per the refortuit trade untons have notion during the vist nine months. Jewish hourgeoisie to protest mildly. The entirely false strategy of Effects of Stalinist Strategy nomic progress, punctuated by et comrades who are capable of fod. when the social democracy only not become relatively less po (Page 78. crises, while the past twenty years fulfilling this function. It is selectate the reformist trade uniona werful, but according to many in against Hitler anti Semitism. the Stalinist Comintern regime has have been in the first instance aed by the Plenum. an integral part of the capitalsst dications their strength has even wrong application of the legt united proletarian front, today dictions. As a result the proletarAre such conditions due to a These who were too proud yester. run counter to the dialectics of period of economic declino. to the Plenum, and can grown. Page 60. correct day to take leadership of a the developing capitalist contraTo envisage the possibility of a by the Plenum. For the first time state apparatus, the German party line. Hardly. They are the The Twelfth Plenum of the Ex fruits of the Stalinist pol complain pathetiendly at not being lat has suffered defeats and become period of stabilization of the eyell the pre Conference Itself has 18 organized its own trade union cencal crisis, followed by an upturn. sumed the selection of the ter. It may be remarked that our Jecutive Committee of the Communicles allowed to march at the of atsarmed, despite the objectively in no way implies the restoration The must be a real center for American party was instructed to ist International held in September decisive turn has to be made a united front of tbe bourgeois favorable situations, and the most of capitalism to its former vigor. connection. Information, control do likewise in the same period of last year was compelled to TeThe ultimatist wlogin of united and pretty bourgeois trock conts of murderous reaction has at present that is, the solution of the general and with the growing development forined. On November 15 and ael political impulsion. In accord the Trade Union Unity League was cord the practbeat futility of the front from below under revolation various religious denominations crisis of capitalism.
10 party trade union course.
gained the upper hand. What enorAgainst this langer opportun mous crimes! But by this the Admission of Failure ary leadership has to be thrown On the contrary, the fundamental of the the relations among at Berlin, the Revolutionary overboard. The several hundred ist trend, an alarm wignal inust be stalinist regime has only succeeded character of the degene Wasgore and more through the ked trade unions and opposition ions (metal workers, miners) lave unlong members of the Red trade sounded immediately. The united postponing the shocks which will capitalism in the present left now lo recovery in capitalist eco spondence. lons (which would try to split of against the capitalist offensive and for the workers economic needs and Trotsky, and not of Stalin and position of domination in the move.
covery may be expected to be limit termined on Paris as the location formed. The old policy of the Stabilization Has Ended, page 30. gram of the united front of work Purcell, of Pepper and la Follette. Without entering into discussion This means that such a re e) The pre Conference has de locals for the red unions) was have now stagnated.
ed, temporary, uncertain, and lit of the tle Inclined to extend to a point International connection can condemned by the Comintern and instant se sufficient. The pol Stach a change of policy is es for the united front with the social of further developments in Ger production and of trade recorded the regular publication of the founder Lenin and Trotsky of form binel with the slogans lors de perlilly imperative today when se democracy from top to twettern, in many and without even excludere In the ternational Bulletin, which shoula ing the General Labor Union which pendent leadership that is, lead. Times 13 33) thousands of work to the wall and compelled to act the next stage, it is neverless well same way as the cyclical crises the ascending period of capitalism Rion organ of International discus. would try to destroy all reformistership in strikes which in practise en are returning and not only a bulletin of in unions, withdraw the revolutionary is independent of the union organi lays the brandstrike masses, a united front in which attempted counter revolution will were, in general, short, and were formation and of the exchange of and militant elements from the nations and the workers themselves movements. The workers reformist unions, and organize and united front from below diy struggle for the positions lost in retains its followed by new periods of econ experleners.
will above all, the Communist party still meet its complications. The over de bewone revolutionary the revolutionary worker the past period. against worsening dom of criticisrendence. Its free conomie. of the prees, of means fauteure is by no cycle, so the crises ent financial Ufe of the Bulletin. unions was revived.
from the mass of organized labor. of economie conditions, wage cuts, its Ont of 13, 129 local branches of ete. At such a time the revolution rema in a word, in which it The working class is hoopment.
of the descending period are pro it will be sent to the sections, caskeri trade to remember that the Gerinan a Communist party and is feated. And it is more important longed and followed by relatively payable on receipt.
feeble and short recoveries which (g) In order to assure the Inde. Icy. The need for struggling with are led by Communist and Left within the reformist unions can sigeantly opposed to the nonastill Thoresenses great resources with working clars, though unprepared would be far from reaching the pendent financial life of the the militants within the trade unwing Fiven in branches further the interests, both economic gression pacts proposed by the stalby the tribution of the national organiza Arawal of Communist workers took for united front from below.
pulsions being with court alumiste al frame used to be the calls to racement ca nu miere at the persona period for this secintede merecy: That has becomes to reach winem heveuren (Based on a speech before the Paris branch of the The pre Conference charges place. Nevertheless the reformist Thus, in the district of Hessen and go over the struggle for a so only too high but leads directly Stalinism.
French section of the Lolt Opport the to conduct, and to follow unions did not have any way sail Frankfurt, the leaders of a number viet Germany.
to disaster.
To be continued tten on Dec. 27, 1932. attentively, the rouhaplog of the Ing.
of loonl branche controlled JONSPH CARTER. ARNE SWABECK.
for his role it is important to sa social de TucaraLettism to that ce se develop their own inevitA Trade Union Balance Sheet In Germany Pettons and serueta dents for the countered position every best the manuelle more of be an necessary.