Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerKamenevLeninLeninismMarxOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

MARCH 25, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Trotsky Sounds the Alarm Signal on the Danger to the Soviet Regime end the It is presidenticably circulates bourgeoisie in NO that Lote linist ol.
mono party, Party Regime. The Capital ReDemocracy Ag Economy (Continued from Page 1) tional isolation of the proletarian, lous deportations of Zinovlev and true features of which are only now tive farms have spread over too, takes in the plan merely because it is self evident that an State. But, in its turn, the present Kamenev to Siberia, Stalin arrest becoming distinct, in the light of extensive a field at one blow that they were declared holy in the spe must be and will be put to the and collective farms, in tractor and isolation is the result of the policed Smirnov. Preobrazhensky, their pursonal experience. the workers government cannot cifications of the day before. The Bonaprtist regime of a single leadles and state institutions, in party Glorious overestimation of the in 100 former Left Oppositonists con party are the coming clear cut the the break down of kolkhozi. The must be radically gone over, and revere him, because that is the organizations, even within the Centernal sucesses achieved in tral Committee itself. The damag USSR is just as criminal as the un of this fact must be plumbed to the borels reservoirs come into clear neasures of repression must inevit. all those which are obviously no most shameful perversion of the er is that image up against which derestimation of the tasks of the bottom. Those concerned are old Opposition and Democratic Cen. only correct mode of activity lies in must be immediately stopped. The But the matter touches not the the bureaucracy stumbles at every international revolution. It is ab Bolsheviks; they had built the tralism have factually disappeared sacrificing quantity to gain in qual inevitable loss of billions today will expulsion of Individuals, but moment, while staring into mirrors solutely essential that Soviet eco pirts, carried it through on their from the political arena. The pro ity. Upon the political plane this safeguard against the future loss changing of a system.
Stalinist the other hand, the dislocation of reinforcing the foundation of the driven unvergrond participated interinedinte groupings in the opwise, to wit, sacritice space in or safeguard against the worst thing clique that ronomie relations and the growth dictatorship of the proletariat and in the October Revolution and the liton of the last years are grav. der to gain time possible, against catastrophe. rumors to the effect that the Left actually. culture medium for the ture Socialist state but that is with the faction of Bolshevik ists, the only faction that has a strength of centrifugal tendencies said with assurance that the indus not otherwise than with a sword Even at this moment it may be Opwition will return to the party It is necessary to check the bacilli of bourgeois counter revolunot enough. Should the European Lavinistx. When tested in the fur in the kolkhozi and to open up antrial growth of 16 for 1933, set in its hand, and that it will imtion.
down the work. the pressure of food nace of (in February clear presents and that has not economieally rational outlet for for the sole purpose of not break meliately begin merciless reprisals the de a nomie di proportions first of all, retard the revolution for decades, to the Niile of planned industriali ven though not quite so clearly. the peasant poor, the rural work istie first stages of yesterday. will This joints lle must be refuted.
the disjointure between the cits no economie successes nation, and turn out absolutely unfeasible. In repuliated and exposed. There is and the village hat last of all the can save the Soviet Union. The kulut an influential section of an analagous process is to be obtine beste bateri kolkhorn colective farmers. It 1932. industry grew only 1:26 no fecling for revenge politics.
commonplace kulak remainders problem of capitalist encirclement the rett Opposition, became right served also on the International is one or the survivals of bourgeois roses us face to face with the ented by the perspective of a split, scale.
wychology augment the absolute strategy and tactie the competente de to the buren uerary and posing the question of an interna, may prove viable in the nearest tual attainments in 1932. In order ated by it in the future to know incapable even of those kolkhezi which have demon in the plan. The point of depart tivated by it in the past, and least tical relations of the country, immistakes and crimes willing the bureaucracy to take to It wn time this fact played a newers whatsoever to the most future, in accordance with their that still higher coefficients may be only too well those historical res the road of further suppressions of Within the USSR, where the ground underfoot.
thousands of. est shown by their.
alley of bureaucratic aratte breeding the malignant embryos of State, its policies could still mas for long tried the intlux to the of the centrifugal laws that govern resume their di all Soviet secial activities, thus posal the mighty resources of the Stalinist bureaucracy and retarded right wing (Brandlerites) because The Staliniste, of course, will Those resources which are liber the blinds of party members into that our readiness ated by way of lowering the mpos Centrism. We are motivated by the Bonapartist regime.
querade its bankruptcy for a num ranks of the left opposition. Today opportuntsm, ceased completely to to retreat from wo collectiviza must be immediately directed partly considerations of revolutionary Me method of economie management, capital of the revolution but not experiment made by the honest, the Bolshevik Leninists, and they 20. 10. and maybe even to into the funds for coordon and policy, and not be revenge. We Repressions become the chiet ber of years; squandering the basic we have the balance sheet of the exist ns an international tendency tion to (the percentage be econ. partly light The innke exceptions beforehand by actual este of the must be We are ready to work hand in hand the collection of seed takes place semences. On the world arena, tion: after deporting Zinovley and gether an international conference, and not set bureaucratically be improved at any price. Rakov. with every one who seeks to pre and preparate struggle against wory against the social democracy Preobrazhensky. Ufimtsey and the conditions, and at this conference the restoration of capitalism. socialism people must live like hu. storation of the parts are made for where the open struggle is compul. Kamenv, Stalin arrested Smirnov under the present and most difficult forehand) signifles capitulation sky. spring Nowing.
During the construction of veut catastrophe through the reslackness which is bred from starand all other forces of bourgeois so rest! This blow at the top had xation by apathy proceeds in the city, the policies of bureaucratic been preceded in the course of the they are clear answer to the steet elfs why then did these man beings. What is broached for an honest party regime!
form of savage penaltics. Shortage Centriem have already succeeded in past year by the arrests of several blems of the world proletarian collectivization 100. as they set and not a military campaign, or a tows members of the party to say of food is met by mass expulsions exposing themselves in all counbundred rank and file capitulators, movement for the entire post Len out to do? Why was it decreed Saturday or an isolated case of ont loud what they think sacred to hold to that line at extraordinary intensification of eliminates double dealing. this inas a socialist victory the introduc globe, as the systematic, even if returning to the road of the what course the de which adventurism stalled at the forces. Socialism is the labor of ner lining of the Stalinist tion of the passport system. incorecions salotage of the pro Opposition. Within the last two velopment of the world proletarian well known moment, and already future generations. But it must th: that has no leaders who in.
The helmuman of the October letarian revolution. For the past years, a truly gigantic shift revolution, the builder the so ten years, the Stalinist leadership occurred in the consciousness of revolution takes in the next few well in the process of retreat? One be so assembled as to permit the herit leadership for life that free: vlet state the Bolshevik party is has contribute nothing to party. crushed, bulldozed, trodden under struggle of the international pro the top are only belated and upon the outcome of the struggle revolutionary bogies lisped by the luck. The stable of currency system during congresses of the foot. demoralized a tordriven underLetarian vanguard, save mistakes, diluted reflections of the oe Germany and from withouqubat. an revolutionary conquests occur USSR for the left Opposition, up is sent to betrayal. The rol at the present stage of its devel that serves the word the party e branned economy serves the that smashed the party feat. Bulgaria, Germany (1923. in the masses. Ilere we has been within the appara. 1924. China (the period of thel of the power that is latent in the has opened the epoch of assured is demanded by revolutionary real of planned economy will inevitably inenns that the party directs the dictatorship.
supplantel dy personal Fathoni onenavatn Bulgaria extraordinarily clear illustration the upurge. The fiftieth anniversary ism. In relation to rural economy full to make the grade.
system of proletarian dictatorship, tus those are handpicked who are loc with Chiang Kai Shek as well correct and undeviating line of or Marx death in honored by or it is necessary first of all and rebut does not strangle the mass orxanizations of the toilers, but on trustworthy are chosen the most England (the Anglo Russian Com groupe, outstanding even in regard reformism and centrism. But from store the rule: Leadership and not. For An Honest the contrary leads them to the burtrustworthy. No one in effect. mitter. Spain (the period of revay driet at times into the camp ar tartian, e. genuine Bolshe geoning of their initiative and intrusts any longer in the leader olution. such is the far from. com of the enemy, under the influence Ix policies is inextricably tied try is still inevitable for a The differentiation in the peasandependence. As one of the most Important means for the disciplining about a series of frightful miscar genuine deeds of damage perpetrat of temporary conditions, but they of any and every apparatus and ringer. Everybody knows and sees ed by the Centrist bureaucracy in are forced ultimately, by the mark with the fate of the Communist tracted period; there will be well that his own policies have driven the sphere of international revolu of events, to return to the old mit Left opposition.
to do kolkhoai as well as poor For Soviet for subordinating them to the position party. the secret ballot must be inStalin into a blind alley and that tion. The growing isloation of the tant banner.
ones within isolated kolkhozi there will be not only preserved but also developed considerable social troduced within trade unions and the Soviets, during elections of exwill do tomorow. But the more for by any non aggression pacts bat in its kind no less symptomatic Listinctions, with the development ecutive organs, this to be done the apparatus loses its support in whatsoever.
significance in the 100 percent cap of productive forces. And over and No new revolution is necessary gradually and regularly, widening are trustworthy and most trust op het schoon te madhe seria cap Bucharin. The policiens cohorta construction of the scope on the basis of what ex above that, there exist 10 million to save and strengthen the dicta: perience demonstrates, worthy isolate themselves away talism. Reformism has drained to the camps of class enemies.
correlation must be established with sided and fully thought out reformings within the Bolshevik party created group from the apparatus, the. religious is the homage paid the slavish sagacity, and it more the dregs its fum of Irands be we had forecasted more than once.
sagacity of the beloved leader fore the proletariat exposed in its the sharpening of the crisis of the ate the de classed kulak from question lies in who will put it must be bound to carry on their leading the peasantry against the through. This The personal oath of allegiance has impotence branded by its treach revolution could not but inevitably in their appraisal of the possi Soviet state. One must come to not persons or question touches entire activities within the framecompletely superceded loyalty to ery. In the Soviet Union as the throw the Bolshevik and tiny hena bilities and tasks of Soviet econ an Cliques but the work of regulations, and by means with the party.
of serious discussions, free from personal persecution and calumny, and speeches are permitted which us been fulfilled and socialist its hefty counter revolutionary tail. the point of departure not the middle peasant. And the village. It is absolutely self evident that prepare for the extraordinary con: rehash the oracular maxims of the has been adolutely guaranteed. The moment for this has arrived. vapid abstraction of socialism in poor must be sconomically strengthe ruling party in the USSR is increas of the party. This can be leader. The voice of the entire So What other conditions are there Alarmed by the mood of their etxreme need of a purification from attained only by struggle.
Bolrelations operative swinish and loathesome toadyism. ts over the organizations or crawled unconditonally on their living contradictions. Only the ormachine and tractor stations, ists, Thermidorians, and the ordin. must raise their voices the protest One cannot, without blushing from reformism that have rotted to the knees to the official leadership fomniations that have been laid by etc. etc. without at the same time condidates foret tonethe tickets against the usurping clique, that raged covenants of the party and the proletarian masses and lead this surgery all the more casily, the country from the fate of India ants, or the prosperous kolkhozl. of the bureaucratic clique. Only the revolution to ruin. We dethe trampled down banner of the them to the conquest of power because no matter how acute the ar China and issure, in the present or the more well to do collective the revived party itself, to be more mand an honest party congress!
October revolution. Concurrently, however, official com internecine fight became from mo transitonal epoch, serious successes farmers of the stimulus to further exact, only its proletarian kernel is Let this slogan unite the Left opDefense of the tions and influence, is becoming mained the fight between Laft and talist society into socialism. The mechanically liquidating the kulakleign and Inimical elements.
who are worthy of the name.
isolated away from the masses, and Right shadings in the camp of bu discussions concerning our decisively. comThe strangling of the party which This same system of activity prosed denial of the proletarian pletely and sup must be woconditionally. It is took place in the course of the last must be extended to include the unions. At best, sections of the In this manner, the capitulation character of the October revolution necessary to understand and to ad len years is the reverse side of Comintern. The Third InternaComintern now serve as thorough the right wing leaders reflects are a hodgepodge of scholasticism, mit that the kulak exlsts not in the interminable attacks upon the tional can be saved from further It is self evident how important the matter lies in the fact psychological survivats but as to revive the party without return only by the radical change of all are the successes of industrializa has been the tracce zenither and phous but which indubitably was that it is possible to pursue various an economic and social actor. The ing the opposition into its ranks. its policies, histicat ahin nate in Its mode of action in Germany Opposition, which remained amor wist of nical reinforcement of the Red Thesis one conscious one. The test tense of thousands, party men what still remains to be decided is ploiting tendencies or the Kulak, in upon all Communists, young Com changes in the regime the real de faction. Were one to get on the last the exArmy and the Red Fleet.
world wide situation imperiously from disintegration a serious manner, and for a pro munists, and all class conscious mission of the Left Opposition into the Soviet Unione a role de except spletched shorteste movements and ver cracy, gravitated all the more enn which has been disordered one wiretory perlehe potecarlat unto the We direct this slogan at the Right Theimo ratne iya pregateste stedet upon the armed forces of splotched socialdemorthe crime atelier demdismayed by the eco precisely which one. tional importance both in the West for Fascists none could have de turally to the side of the Right epigone leadership e. to miti West.
Opposition as well. We do not congresses of national sections and the East. But it is precisely vised tactic more direct than that wing leaders, the more sincerely gate the disproportions, strengthen Such a system of combined activ. trust the selections of Stalin Men compose the second stage. The within this sphere that a policy of employed. Stalin placed General they were inclined to interpret the link between the city and the ities can be applied with success zhinsky Yagoda. they have as their World Congress of the Communist illusions would prove most danger. Chiang Kai Shek into the saddle Stalin policies as the direct ap village, create a stable unit of cur only in the event that the pauper criteria not the interests of the International is the consummation ous and criminal. The Red Army with the friendly hand of an ally: plication of Trotskyism after rency, and improve the condition ixed layers of the peasantry are proletarian revolution but the inter. The platform of the Left Opposltechnique alone. In war, bread wwer casy by guaranteeing the entire preceding anti Trotskyist de fall to break away from the bu lage Poor, the chiet support of the of the party of real opportunists, proletarian revolution, has been exand meat play no less a role than division of labor between the so magoguery. The differentiation of reaucratic mudaling and lying. The party in the village.
to say nothing of the Thermidor pounded in numerous documents, projectiles for artillery, the horse cial demoeratie and Communist bu the Right wing means the libera general character of economic mea The of industrialization inns, must be carried out freely and bas been consolidated in the occupies no less a place than does reaucracies. screening themselves tion of these proletarian elements sures, which are dictated by the must be subordinated to the task and openly, by the will of the party program theses of the international the army have as a reservoir the have led and still lead the tactic ofences; and their drawing inevitably rectly denoted by the word retreat. brium of economy as a whole. One What is at stake is the fate of Ists, in the beginning of February workers and peasants. The mood retreat. maram, of the workers determines the The results are and cowardice. closer to the left Opposition, the It is precisely because the collec must reject the development of mis the party and of the Soviet regime of this year. It is with this plat.
open book. To mood of the army. Taken on the serve its class enemy under the scale of a major war, military tech suse of the administration as the most imvengeance that the Left Opposition nique itself is a function of the struggle against it this is the waging irreconcilable portant task of the dictatorship. will return to the ranks of the entire economy, demanding This platform it shall from curse that hangs heavy over Cen Every cook must learn how to Comintern.
manage the government. The proplace upon the table of the next the latter inner harmoniousness and triem!
ability to operate without a hitch. Continued from page 1) This position the ILD was always mouth on political questions while the reverse. The number of the cess that has taken place is quite world Congress.
If Stalin seeks to justify the masacred such ancient shrines of explained to outside attorneys who he conducts a court room technical administrators did not grow to in terial privations of the tollers as our civilization as our Caucasian accept legal assignments from it. It job will, however, not be enough. clude every cook. it constricted. Two and a half years ago, the a sacrifice they place upon the sense of even banded justice, he has not required them to espouse it is no surprise that New York instead to a solitary chef, and Left Opposition gave the alarm altar of state defense, then this ex planation is as false as are all the and of honor and the rings the chimes it has required them to remain behaves this way. Least of all is courses online poetichist rien peppery Bienal because of the danger from bureaucratie totals of the first five of white chauvinist condescencion silent on all points where they dis. At a surprise to the leading func. become unbearable to the masses. blind as usual, the Stalinist year plan. In point of fact the disjointure between rural economy and in the Southern states have recos: they serve purely as court room warning from his letter of Jan.
en as the name of his packe bare einer aus demands of all the end even nized for many generations a moral technicians entitled to interfere who was responsible in the frat ful to them.
is industry hits directly at the army National Socialism, and The course of events within the obligation toward the simple and neither in word nor deed with the place for hiring a man of this of hysteria. The events have and saps at the will power of As far back as 1926 Stalin was brought their merelless verification.
the Soviet sovernment in the intele ce site halso was held in the the comme le rohe o What elsa very brought to be conoch, for example, there clients internet comes the counter told that banaliza e per lengre ting Today we not for the first time but disorganization of Soviet sconomy, the revolution, and that it is fore The fact that the ILD has dur the terms on which the ILD retain. al opportunists who took that re undertaker to the party and the alarm signal because of the sitita the extraordinary insolence of Japing its way more and more decising the past two weeks issued num ed Walter Pollack, a liberal whose sponsibility were betraying are lopen the activelor deres en el foro the locatie tana tarty toimi ewitz states concerthouse Toled elaniks on the site, interested it before mastel pole te interests of the nine settimbas come insert close to the date de rester threatens not from man Fascism would have been impetratus.
his attack ILD the Court of the United Scottsboro boys. They and along out the party and outside of it. Centrism has become the chief possible. The stalinist religion of The exclusive Stalinist faction line, seems to indicate that his in States. Pollack was, as Lenin in with them those functionaries of the Genera as pacifism. well as that is mustered around the pleb. solent letter of Jan, was swallow sisted lawyers always must be the the Communist party who gave Down with Stalin. The For the struggle against it we is spreading ever wider the Amsterdam brand, is the relliscitary leader. whom it hased by the ILD and that the ILD Instrument, the tool of the class them permission to take the ster causes for the origin and the grow. call upon all true revolutionists, gion of weakness. Today the chiet ensed to trust, exerts its efforts proposed to make no reply which employed him. Only If the deserve a rap over the knuckles. It ing popularity of this proverb all class conscious workers, defense of the proletarian State desperately in order to maintain The ILD has itself relationship is on such a basis man is up to the ILD and Party rank require no explanations. But never leninists, who have remained Lenlies in the putrefaction of worla itselt. The first condition requisite forward as a class struggle organi the ILD fight and lite to administer that rap. theless we consider this slogan in. inints. The task is difficult, and and portant, it is still an insufficient Awakening. Repressions against defense of all victims of class political light.
means of defense. In order to con the opposition have now assumed justices lwy means of an able legal This does not seem to be the front movement on behalt of the It is true that for the last two ranks must be closed, the cadres it always has, the broadest united Stalin personally, but his faction, it must be pursued to the end. The quer the initiative in the world a mass character such as did not fight based on mass pressure. It basis of Liebowitz relation to the Scottsboro boys as on all imme years it has become extremely con must be strengthened, and the con arene, it is necessary to rehabill. obtain even in 1928 when promises nas contended that this strategy Scottsboro Defense. He is getting diate working class issues. It de stricted in its scope. But it still nections must be spread wider.
tate the cconomic foundation of were given and taken that all op not only provides the best defense a free hand to attack that defense mands that the Communist party includes many thousands of appar No repressions, no provocations, no The Stalinized blows are directed against the Bol. involved in every case. It proclaims gle which has saved the Scottsboro ILD must maintain its freedom and eyes have been opened as regards of sympathy envelops more and and for all, Naturally the chief alone defends the general principle ILD. He attacks the mass strug such united fronts. Similarly, the sands and tens of thousands, whose lyze olur efforts. for the atmosphere shevik Leninists, the only faction that it approaches all cases from boys four time, he maneuvers just must not permit its allies or its Stalin. continue to support him more sollilly the work of the Left whose authority has grown immeas the angle of the class Comintern urably and continues to grow. reveals the political underpinnings ing to make a deal. When one mouth remains shut Down with The slogan, Down with Tolsheviks of the Soviet Union, Two most recent facts are parti of class justice and fights a prin considers these facts in relation sectarianism and opportunisi! Stalin. may be understod, and Bolsheviks of the World! Soviet Salarly significant of the situation sipled Asht. 10 do less is to risk to the equally regrettable fact that Substitute for these the Leninist could inevitably be understood, as cconomy is in danger! The dictaIt one were to leave aside for the in the marty: the arrests and de: the defendants immediately con: the mass defense movement has tactic of the united front! There the slogan for the overthrow of torship of the proletariat is in scious damage done by the bureau Opposition who capitulated about organizations have repeatedly done to the vanishing point, it begins to izing the American masses in de more the overthrow of the appar. Oltion is in danger!
upon all of us, tion of the Soviet Union is rooted and final capitulation of the lead. class Justice by trading the prin ering on the brink of a rotten and tack on general persecution of throw the system but to reform it there is a placed the incommensurin the economic backwardness Ofers of the Right Opposition. ciples involved for an immediate dangerous piece of opportunism. Negroes, for the common interests by the efforts of the best prole ate responsibility before history.
the country and in the interna few months after the quite notor partial concession.
To force Liebowitz to hold his of all workers, white and black. tarian elemente. TROTSKY.
as The New Scottsboro Lawyer Groupings in the and buthe Comintern ere is legal link