AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyTrotskyismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1933 Litvinov at Geneva HOOVERVILLE the on bare like of divinitalistic barcharchistie in.
Hathaway at Membership Meet Now, with the manifesto of the thrown out of their jobs and con than uplift the men, by giving them out on strike.
LEAGUE ACTIVITIES This is just one step in a very The American Capitalist Paradise was high ladder. The next step is more adequate relief. The first measures New League Branch When one considers that recently in this battle have already been there in been a wave of terrorism taken and the Austintowa Unem Opportunist Diplomacy Plays Into Hands of Imperialists In Springfield The Moscow Daily News for Feb: they are sometimes compelled to Lions conclusion is that the cam11 every resource at its disposal in teing directed by respon order to gain another victory. ruary 15, 1983 contains the full offer it. But at a time when the Springfield, new branch ible people higher up. It is noth More about this struggle later.
speech made by the representative Stalinized Comintern is quiet as a Ambition and hope characterize working class elements, who have of the Left Oppositon was organ ing more than a desperate effort of ived here last night with six charthe Centrists to answer our Marxin the Geneva Committee on Disi eople Commissar of the Soviet almost every young man who, learned or who have been forced to armament. Litvinov, speaking on Onion is substituting for a tribune. caving his family hearth, enters team through suffering the class their her member of the National com as hy mavesmerhuse the Miners Hear Opposition the security question stated that some other means which are too are the formulie delegation is glad to dangerous to the building of so and hope makes his life bright and therefore being more class consel Ambition inition relative to these classes, mittee of the Communist League club. ay that some of the French pro cialium in the Stalinist fashion happy. The young worker, posous, have a great mission to per was present at the meeting and gave an explanation of the prin position is protesting The Chicago branch of the Lett On Germany Doxals, not all have met Thut exposure of the imperialiats seeing these natural stimull for form; to study the wychology and to the ciples of the Lait Opposition. The party clicials in a formal letter in Springfield The Springfield with full mort by the Soviet sehol consist only in playing up working and tighting, needs 30 ar interests of their fellowworker; to new members are all miners, active of the Left approach them correctly in order to members of the Progressive Miners will it points on the dangerous meeting of Fascism on legation. Litvinov submits sort one of the imperialist wolves titicial substitute.
Gerelf criticism. pointing out against the other utilizing their. But when ambition and hope fatte alcate and finally organize them.
possibility as well as the further the Danger as the to jump at each others the new branch will be the organl Coimisel on the part of Stalin conscious workers, represent they were five years ago. Accord throtts, not forgetting at the same against heavy odds the cold in unemployed MCS lo not become spruker. was attended by about 45 themselves at time stage where zation of a public masa meeting on tretients. the German crisis on March 19 with ing all tendencies in the city. After ing to Litvinov, the Geneva Com time that it is the Soviet Republic class different psychological char class who need all the help they comrade Oehler as the main speakthe speaker had concluded. the mitte is to be blamed for that which they hate more than any acteristics appear in a worker. As can get in their winter struggle er. We a considerable num. Austintown Jobless chairman, comrade Angelo, ber of the party members present to sel Soviet delevation that the best, To hope that these imperialist working at first steady joti, and The approach is a hard one. The pect to draw into the organization. Forge Ahead ect a saker, who would be given if not the only guarantee of securuwers will act as opportunists. afterwards lesing one job after an citizens of Hooverville do not read Plans are being made to start al study class for the new members Youngstown. Unter the directive miner comrade took merament com a mensentse maximum of overthrowing the Soviet Union and hop for a better future in dom think of anything outside their in Communist fundamentals.
tio of the local Unemployed the towor. He did not deal with the cition of armaments in a short for the lake of restoring the capit bis liteGradually, as he gets miserable dwelline and hardly talist relations there and thereby older and becomes of the struggle The struggle of the Progressive Dengue, the unemployed workers of the German question but confined into the army of un. They are devoted mostly to the Miners Union against the Peabody Auxtintowi have started to move himself to a five minute discussion As to the French proposals them transforming it into a semi colonial he is presery often the army accumulation of Sessions with selves, the Soviet vielegation finds country one of the very few ways employed and Coal Company and the strike break head again. After passing through on the united front from below.
they give it much wider interpreto escape the revolutionary couise of unemployables.
no purpose beyond the pleasure of After the question period the tation to the obligations assumed quences of the present crisis to still raging furiously here. The they sliceeded in molvilizing their chairman raised the question new branch of the Left Opposition forces for a strike today and win the Taylorville cases and pointed Briand act. On the lsis of that words, as a shyster politician and over our unilroads and ted by the signatories of the Kellohope for this is to act, in Lenin multitudes of workers, who roam vanitas collecting useless furwill give a good account of itself wing their demumis. Ilere are the out the danger of withholding he is an elad to be able to state cheap diplomat. Lenin gave that in a continuons stream, who in which they cannot use. These in this strugxle as well as in mass pressure the other affairs of the Propre faci low frestre, Ohl, succeed they can take care of the case be ready to sign Il convention in sions, to those who would try to stitutions and jails in our cities, human animals, with their potty incull. uninteresting. sellish, crude, Miners. The Left Opposition has in getting his son. Boyd Ohl, a better in this way. and the de corporating them.
carried on its propaganda work and bas forman over the gangs of Cenne committee is yielding to this Thus it in plain that the Kellogge between the imperialist pow that the residents, who make up aturliell ragpicking and drunkhas made its ideas on policy felt men who are forced to work on the false policy. The meeting unant act continues to fulfil its greaters, but the secondary ones, ex the population of Hoovervilles alene. They have drifted into the over a long period of time in the county rounds for their meager remously went on record for mo historical task ax an imperialist actly as Litvinor is trying to do over the country of shanty towns, Hoovervilles where they settle and Illinois miners movement. Up to liet. The older Ohi has never done on calling on the miners of the sand hear into which the stalinist lle is attempting to convince the shack cities and jungles, have gone recome either passive or indifferent izing the effects of our propaganda him, and the son was foolish enough to proced to mobilizof America strici is putting his head in order oil sharks of capitalist diplomacy over. First a steady worker, then towards the class struggle and dePMA and the inase press to fortall the dangers to the build that the French proposals are accasual worker, and tinally an envelop it work in Springfield in an organized to walk in his father footsteps. ure at once in order to have a ing of socialism in the Soviet Union thereby to put French diploman average American to the Soviet Union, hor employed worker: this is the lot of character orlegenerform. The construction of a branch He kept upart from the men solid foundation under the cases alone, thereby also preventing that in which will organize and regulate thought him of superior to them when they come up for trial. The treacherous heap from crumbling acy in a difficult position in rela slave!
industrial ate into lumenproletariat that is, into the category of workers our collective work means a big denincered men who know more Peabody Coal Company intends to under the blows of the world pro tion to its old friends, the Japanese These latter institutions, popular known unemployables tramps, step forward for the Left Opposi about construction work than he burn some of these miners in the letariat, sliplomata.
did, and bullied several men small. electric chair. This can be preily known as Hoovervilles, are of bums, vagabonds pretty criminals, Lenin defined the gist of oppor JOE ANGELO. er than himself. This typical writed only through properly di Litvinov is doing this at the time a recent origin. They have sprung etc. In short the down and outers. Boss went just a little too far rected maxs pressure fundamental daterests for the sake Ders ne doing everything in their empty lots and a river ter with these men, and how could The mass meeting also took up of martial and temporary advan rower to strengthen the diplomatic edges only during the last few they be deacain useful to so Chicago Stalinist Again Temel workers in the face o the ease at Webb and two other great the rundamentariaskop position of Japanese imperialism pars. They consistor a number orts many varied answers have ter he had provoked him into argu miners who had just been framed the Soviet delegation at the Gen in its rk for an as of generally crudely, but sometimes been given to the Try Gangsterism ment by continual nagging. That up and runt to Jail. The Right eva and all similar conferences, sault on the Soviet Union.
skillfully constructed one or two sit the last cight months in an night an Enlarged Grievance Com wins in the minion object to Webb should consist in one thing only: Litvinov did not find a word to room shacks. which sometimes at River shack town, by curious Chicago say abont last Wednesday night appeared at strike Saturday morning, demand and tile workers. They are not fol the machinations of the Stalinist gangsters, mitte tuet and decided to call a Tarily with the left wing Tankto expose to the world proletarseim. That was not, you reach inte several hundreds inal and interestel visitors who tlock to see. luster.
these places in singles and groups.
a session of the class in Theore ing that young On be permanentiy lowing up this clear cut, class, case its from the very tribunal which on the agenda. GREEN.
Its Inhabitants form a community Bourgeois Explanations tical System of Marxism conduct removed from the payroll, and sugatul defending the victim of caplcomposed primarily of the afore The bourgeois ciement usually ed by comrade Giganti. The gang gesting that lie could work in the talist persecution. committee sters were armed with backacka ditch for his relief like the rest was elected from the meeting to mentioned average American un snys that the men are too lazy to and clubs and came for the purpose of us.
aroyse the PMA to action on the skilled workers, but during the pre work: the laws, courts and police setit great unemployment crisis are too soft as regards begging, of smashing the heads of the The Grierance Committee was frame up and to demand that the counter revolutionary Trotskyist out on the road where the men case be appealed. Continued from Page 1) German working class and to strike many skilled workers and even loafing and living in shacks that professionals are moving into the do not ty taxes; and the charity students.
were working at 7:30 Saturday has been steeled in the struggle of at the strategie point.
The Turn Shantytowns. men who are organizations demoralize rather 1918, it has been steeled in the Red. Second Big Meet In leader of the crew, came up before ing for this work relief respond struggles of 1923. He pointed out that although in 1923, 25, 600 work. PXCI, there is a turn. The Mantantly being evicted from their meals in the breadles without Working comrades present that he was giving Eindty and without haucho persua Minneapolis ers lost their lives and the insur. fexto calls for a unite front, both living quarters This last mentioned layer of these them half an hour The charity worker says that heat it out sion. The men ail agreed to stick the revolu with the leaders as well as with rection was suppresentinued. What the rank and file of the reformist Minneapolis. The second large tionary movement of the neighborhood, at the end of together and strike until our de the men themselves are defective which time he was coming back mands were met: the Committee meeting on the crisis in Germany forgot to mention was that it ornixations. This Hathaway haul Communits can mense with the and responsible for their misfor up with a gang. Our comrades, promised to tight to see that the was held here in the Mayor Re. took ten years after 19:22 for an to admit on Monday evening. But social democrats without habits, have lost their rugged inand the class Wits ojonel as usual. even though they didn work with comrade Oehler of New York come into being in Germany and feel front and the change in folicy as an example of theoretical connulge in drunken however, refused to be terrorixed men would get their grocery orders ception Tall at the Court House, other revolutionary situation to the theoretical meaning of this uning wint in lathawaye Volating tunes. They have required bad inthaway speech is interesting divdnalism and will power. They Of course the sky pilot suggests in marched Reel (ruck nm his crew howed up the Committee gave him lower the Minor meeting of the tinn to sixe power and at idis. Tie nid. state categorically that atacks and misstatements for the men to turn to God and all YCL al rty mem a written coly of the demands and official party by three days, at which advantageous Misition for the mo there is no change in the basic bers, The educator am moralist preach what they wanted to which they not going to work until the deixed to cover with Militants and timism of Hathaway and the stars national as regards the united front shows bow much our influence as and the social democratie leaders. inervand due to the German situa that the main canse is the lack of made no answer. However, in ormands were met. The Committee hand bills advertising the Oehler inists is in dangerous as the fatal cler to avoid provocations Giganti then visited the Relief Headquart meeting. This was told them they could remain to or the State Investigatoruly place the bro primarily the inte lissimism of the social dem. He explained that the manifestation and the about face of the Conveneral character building and the distributed cracy Neither permits accurate was called by two factors: the intern. Many of his remarks con presence of maly rakensies listen in provided they kept silent and the Trustees its advertising for its German adly is of a situation. The Stalin creasing sentiment for unity among cerning the discouragement of the and disorderly house And finally comes the technocrat and made no noise However, in a little while, tiring whom the superintendent had adhwed that we practically dupli not conscious of the meaning of alls for suited front by the sothe Communist Party of Germany, and explains scientifically: the In the meantime young on meeting the large turn out of 400 ists have delayed because they are the workers and the treacherous wrty members, their criticism of the sentiment of the united frout existence of employed workers, of the knowledge that was being vixed to go home. had gone to the cated the lurty meeting minus the Fascism, and because they forget cint demokrats and the Trotskis among the workers all show that who live in large numbers in vari.
propounded, they left the Toom County Courthouse to conter with most harul shelled stalinists. the rudimentary fact that a rer. This Manifesto in simply a mancuour The concentration of 11 League olutionary situation, once lost, mayrer by which the Comintern check deeply into the party. The the present organization of our instating that they were waiting his father who was there ou busicorrect criticism has penetrat ons hack towns, is an essential of outside where they would get 18. ness. Soon the County Commis members in front of the Finnish not reappear for a The mates the counter revolutionary de encas been mands of the Trotskyists. The und falsification of our position, epithet, the lynch demand, theurial system; rapid introducclose. In the meantime the young coniessed that he thought Ohl in of Daily Worker spoke, covered the steeled in the struggles of 1918fed front demanded by the Leftonstrate how hard pressed and environment in general. Only The session proceeded to a regular sioners called the Investigator who Hall where Robert Minot editor German proletariat altion, and pressure of circumstances toughy with clubs and blnckjacks te wrong and that the thing had bulk of workers attending the meet and 1723. it will survive 1933. Opposition was characterized by Hathaway and the Stalinist buihe enrgy certificate and the Our comrades e sided affair Violence. News reporters phon time of starting the meeting, the not at all one of the survival of the willingness of the social de to answer us. But curses and lies decided that this The widely variecl opinions should not be and immediately proceeded to im details, and later drove seven a dozen strong arm boys who a question of whether the revolu must be based on the in general, provize clubs out of chair les miles for the complete story. At threatened to fight if we did not tion is to triumph now or be smash socini democratic program. It would suites for a workers pirty.
in reality make the Communlat Viewing the determination of our the committee request one trustee stop. They were told about the cd for a decade.
Characterizing the confusion and blem in their minds, and the lack show the complexity of the procomrades with evident apprehen was sent after a third one; and workers struggle for free sion, Red Crack army thought it we latter learned that these two that they were facing a group of been pointing out the danger of Comrade Hathaway either has gangs in Stalinist policy is the the existing uniserable conditions of press. For years the Left Opposition has ocratie betrayal of the workers. members have been thrown by the They party, partirent or the workers. com: demoralization into which the parts of complete understandinem not like to admit that best to disappear leaving their ne visited the scene of the strike in workers who were some ready to Fascism being permitted to consor never read the proposals of the to along its asked, none dealt fundamentalis hour wiemployment are to be that out of all the workers tilities together with a creature by were bluffing. Trustee Ohl, of right to distribute it. After a con years the Opposition has been callthe name of Ben Brown, an indivi course tel not make his appear. fab. the kang went back in the ing for a united Front of the Com or else he has very conveniently with the question at stake: they traced through the whole capitalist dual who is snid to be at the pre lance. But the other two were an hall. We finished distributing what munist Party of Germany and the distorted them. From the begin were all of a technical nature system, which is responsible for thening the left Opposition has fought set penge og en is the leading parts stopere our demandes when com mdletantseehad het, and those colorist oftenizations to unite the for a real united front. From 162 prisenssion of the little there was of Hoovervilles, and the of hoboes and tramps the Communist workers will yet that is, the surplus labor poputhe hall into the sidewalk Rell these two trustees. Brickley and hall. After the Internationale tion to seize power. All this Hath indwidence of the Cruck and Brown advanced with Shiveluy promised to call a meet the collection, Robert Minor was away demolished by stating that party was steriticed. We avec language will be unmistakable. there is nothing wrong with the open knives in hand with their ing of the three trustees on Mon introduced the Trotskyists say that it Fascism sistently stated that the party must PARTY MEMBER men themselves they are just as faces leering, but soon that look day and to see that Ohl was dis After a few minutes of discourse comes to power the revolution is always remain independent and human as anybody. They do not changed to fear as they saw that charged. On these conditions the in which he spoke sporadically on lost!
our comrades were not in the committee directed the men to re Germany but more on Soviet Union Hathaway pointed out that for ultra Leftist swing of the EOCI, we distincte Si nece 1028the International Workers to dever the only solution that of orerthrow of the capitalist slightest bit cowed. The last return to work at about eleven and the world rise of communestul revolutiollutionary. not the socalled united front two. condihave system which will do away with fought for a real united front maining member of Red are of ism is against the decay army o clock the trustees tions must exist. a School Notes these conditions the products of took to his heels and left Red to course, to my the main the full Capitalism we were told off band upsurge of the workers and a split from below, which is in reality no face the music alone. Red submit day amount. And it was generally about the terrible fate of the in the ranks of the bourgeoisie. On united front whatsoever. on are now definitely under way. Com the shanty towns go about their Two new classes in the New industrial slavery.
York International Workers School How They Live ted to a little receberem con future is removed immediately as the local capitalist press carried the Fascism the split cannot be said the Comintern Manifesto calling rade Max Shachtman lectures which the basis of then In the meantime the residents of on occasions, should slutar thoughts restes promised that the more announcement of the call upon to exist: The socialdemocracy is for a united front with all possi the Principles and History of the wax onda nistumind in the least of breaking up Left Opposition than 300 men working for relief the Second International for a simply the same. But actually, against wage ents for unemploy bringing a larger attendance with pers, or in what pose they are meetings ever occur in his head in this township would be called united front against Hitler. Minor the left wing of Fascism. ble organizations against Fascism, International art opposition is what is said about them in the pa stuck to his old guns, the resolu when Fascism arises, there is a ment relle and insurance. He said each session. The lectures take same for the tabloids. They are generally willing and desirous to already achieved in Soviet Union Left wing of the bourgeoisie: reformist or anizations to show ers School, 124 Fast 16th Street.
in the present unemployment crisis At the membership meeting of later on was prominent in the or He did not mention the offers of Fascism its light wing. But the them the call for a united front. The admission et lecture is as they are supplementing their living.
means as beggars and ion on Wednesday, March 15, the eils of the seaman. which showed ocracy. Time and again he would at the same time. When it uses every reformist organization, branch Comrade Jack Weber class im go for their kill like wild anim stealing taking. At night they Stalinist bureaucracy managed to specially good results last year. break his speech to vilify comrade the Faseist wing. it liquidates the and local. This position in Hath American Working Class History Wals. But their skill consists most unburden itself of another dis nder the direction the TUUL, Trotsky social democracy. Fascism, to ex. away speech showed that the meets ench Sunday afternon at ruptive element. Mink, Pludson also took an active part in the In a din of howling and hooting ist, must break and destroy all CCI has made at least a partial clock those who starikh to y of loads of week old bread from the expulsion de ends Weser, man ir kitos industrial kunton ana na thebers of the through organization work of the needle organized by bureaucrats, the memorkers organizations, including them away from the old united register for this course have an Lakery back doors. discarded vegeunemployed man, on the main strike of the Alteration Painters their questi Lett Opposition asked the social democracy. Thus the front from below. The danger is opportunity to do so at the next ington markets, rotten fish est tables from Wallabout and Washfrom since lascism enso too far. as indicat the Fulton Street pier and The class in charge of Trotskyism as well as Chion, In the course of which he united front, social fascismo to the bourgeoisie, cinetes cilt in the swing of the Ecci will niThey Comrade Weser had been especi in the near future, the sloganon party but the hot ally spotted by the stalinist hench It is not at all strange that mill the role of the Red kemstoran, cu went leaders together democracy as sentences in the Manifesto. Point conclude, after he clientes wen do not overlook anyone straight and successful tles in the hallways and pastry.
als Point Hathaway interpret, next Monday, March 27th.
sessions, baskets outside the chain store men for his agitation on the water tant workers, starting out by fight ply Minor made curt restatements rank and file. Thus, on Hathaway front around the question of the ing against the ultra Left policy of the Stalinist politcal fallacus own grounds, a revolutionary sited as a threat to the reformists it Comrade Camon lecture course oors though they usually take German crisis, in which he defend and bureaucratic methods of the Trotsky says socialism cannot be uation exists xists in Germany. But they violate the united front. But on American Tabor rendersohas it only in such quantities as to ed the views of the Left Oprosi Stalinist in the puust, shoukl inbuilt in one country: we say that bound to the theory of social Fushe said nothing to reassure the been indefinitely hostponed. Those satisfy their immediate needs. How tion, which have been confirmed by this case draw their conclusion it can be and is being with an Ism, the bureaueratie leaders shorts lehet about the procedent who desire to worselaises that earn their living by working ever, being workers they prefer to erents, articularly since that time and look for the principle causes of one country. etc the be silent social At the packed membership meet their right which intimately luk it Oehler covered the German pol. and the Comintern see the revoln ocracy until it be too late. As he are now under way for this avere to work because their ner of are po che pawischwere majority of the with the struggle of the letitical situation from all angles. ansatte situation bethence there the enterpreted to the party will not ston.
vous systems, by suffering and primembers, the bureaucratic machine membership meeting of the MWIU. aspects of Communism. In the dis organization and literature. The ly and completely.
it has broken the agreement clear THE MILITANT vation, are exhausted. But this Entered as a second class mail seeming laziness is nothing more went into action inst Weser, at comrade Weser explained to those cussio two rank and file leaders in first down town Open Forum this The danger of this united front matter November 28, 1928, at the than a kind of defense reaction tacking him as a Trotskyist and present the course he had taken in the Unemployed Council spoke year was announced with comrade Manifesto lies in its failure to say Post Office at New York, forced upon them by this rotten to organize an option in an distortions and ultra Left putsch action. Ozoreticians and wanted Oehler speaking on Soviet Economy a word about the independence of Under the act of Barch 1879.
charging him with the attempt criticizing th leadership for their against underhanded maner. The crew of (Philadelphia. New Orleans, if the Russian revolution would be workers attended the Forum meetize the social democracy. Instead, League of America (Opposition) ness. Rainbow chasing is again an in reply asked them for the following day. Fifty seven the party and the freedom to critic Published weekly by the Communist find a sort of relief and forgetful hand raisers assembled naturally etc. as one e which had brought him possible if the Russian workers ing Sunday and heard more of the the paragraph referred to has at 126 East 16th st.
supported the Stalinists. into fundamental antagonism to had such an attiude toward Left Opposition program.
artificial means of making life new Comrade Weser, who has for a Stalinis. lle concluded by point. Lenin, Trotsky and Marx, and workers expressed their desire to theism and also a threat not only Martin Aebrn EDITORIAL BOARD Is hopeful. Their lark of abil.
James Cannon ity to concentrate their attention long time ben sympathetic to the rich cold Howed from the fundamenters were no doubt Party mem. the Forum. At the last branch munist who dares to criticize the out that all the ontrages he cri other theoreticians. These work be members of Lett Oppositon nt to the socialists but to any Com Max Shacht man Maurlee Spector on anything could be explained by the fact that they are worn out, in the union and in the waterfront a return to internationalism and Checkling carlier in the meeting. It recruitments through an organiza liathaway Ignored. At no time did Saturday, March and as a result their will power Vol. VI, No. 20 (Whole No. 167) has gone to preces.
section of the party. Partielpating the displacement of national 10 soon melted away before the ideas tion drive for members. Hathaway define the Communist Subscription rate: 00 per year.
in a leading position in the Morgan cialism. declaring his support (To Be Continued)
Dunne spoke with Oehler stressing FORSEN. position in a united Line strike of October 1981, Woser the Left Opposition.
front. The Foreign 50. Five Cents per copy PAUL SCHWALBE.
were slinking around the entrances to be settled in order to avoid anying with Militants. Near to the That is true, but The question is Hathaway as one contingent on renterney must be in their attempts will solve the problem.
of the cumployed workers thout the As our comrades marched out or in the presence of many workers, their dinne, and also entered the to resist Fascism and be in a posl falsemited front in which the speak up, and when they do their latent. They refuse to see that Mink Co. Expel Trotskyist Seamen tions of the XIIth Plenum. He split in the ranks of the bourge it was the duty of all party mem place each Wednesday evening at it there are any wages. But Arne Swaben 1933