BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS THEMILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York. Entered a second cine mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Port Office at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI. NO. 20 SWHOLE NO. 167 NEW YORK, SATURDAY MARCH 25, 1933 PRICE CENTS Turn to the United Front in Germany difference of ders!
preserve the, the Communist Party of Germany The Executive Committee of the all the forces of world reaction rate attempt to cial democratie workers. Our Fascist terror. How quick is the at the crucial moment, its vacillaCommunist International has made against the working class of Gerthery of infallibility by shouting cannot propose a united front with Wells, but to the masses of the so, lets who are in the toils of the weakness, its readiness to betray a distinct turn in the policy of the many, calls upon all Communist to the membership whom they the leadership of the Socialist Party emphasis)
na word, the united front. Now that its Mani parties to make yet another at have bewildered and demoralized:of Germany. To do so would Could the between our blunders! How criminal and social democrats have been de festo of March has finally been empt (when was the last one we were right yesterday and we amount to making peace with these good Bolshevism and Trotskyist disastrous have been the blunders manding that the Communist party made public in the United States, to set up the united front of are right toxlay. Our polley yes: Leadis and thereiore, with those renegacy he put more bluntly and of Stalini. m! What a dreadful re dissolve itself into a socialist domtailed and thorough evaluation of workers through the medium of or today. The situation may have and would around. The Com the Communist International reit is wible to give a more de struggle with the social democratic terday was correct, so is our policy whom they represent (capitalists)uumistakably?
sponsibility rests upon its shoul inated fusion, thus assuming equal to betraying the The January 10, 1933 issue responsibility for social democratic 18 significance the social democratic parties.
chaugeit, but our line has not proletarian revolution.
And what scoundrels are those betrayal.
With Indignation and contempt, Three days before the publica Not, therefore, the united front is in the stadie wunist policy rule ulted front le printed Thaelmann speech at the brass templed bureaucrats who, for Worker, its new editor Sam Don the united front over they hearlent the party workers, who are leaders, Tased on the imme12th Plenum in which the specific the base ends of saving their own the Communists have repeatedly declarat in the leading editorial of at the leadership. This time to changer le premiere de incapable white beste header er kendt for of the party for proposing to the cuddle the streads badly befuddled the Left opposition, while potem the stration de correct had been made by the communist through the medium of the social color its confusion and disorien tight. For the reason, all traitors from Communism frain: There is no turn, we were ton of the united front, has never International, that the categorical democratic parties. Trot against proposal and right yesterday, are right today. theless supported the party whole refusal to make a united front Is it really necessary to prove wky, Lovestone) to bring about unlike the Manifesto of the Com will be right tomorrow and for heartedly in its rejection of non with the social lemocratie lend The Executive Committee of the at this date that the frightened the unity of the and the lead. intern, a timely proposal, less time ever!
aggression prets with the social ex remained the policy of studs the Communist parties of the make a turne The theories and analysis, a betrayal of the Ger. Left Opposition, but still more cowardly and evasive though But belated though the turn to democracy. Non aggression pacta it of a similar nature with Chiang came the following day cene arious countries to approach the practises which it dinned into the man working class and the poole timely than the present Manifesto remain, it is clearly a turn in the Kal Shek and the Kuo Min Tang.
the Central Executive of the party, democratic parties with proposals in the last three years Is it con: What was nothing short of a sold as follows to quote him word the same time that the Left Opl Congress leaders, brought about rev.
the Looden Dally Worker which Fascism and against the capitalist been forgotten? 10 refresh the thon a week ago, what was nothing Clare complete rendiness to form a pelled to draw attention to the olution and the British had. in turn, transinted it from offensive.
the Paris Humanite.
memory, we quote only from some else but counter revolutionary Moe with the social democratic cloven hoof of opportunism which movement respectively.
Forty Can there be sny doubt about or the most recent contributions to Trotskylam is now taught to against Fascism. One must com sticks right out of the Manifesto. the end of the Comintern Mani Now, however, we read towards eight bours enough time, in the the sharpness of the turn after revolutionary tactics made by the the Communist workers as good. pel social democracy to for a bloe The social democracy, to cover testo in the adoption and prac editor opinion, for his readers to residing this passage, and more, Stalinists in this question: sonud Bolshevism!
forget what he said on the 15th which we quote iwelow? At the Just a week before the Manifesto on February 2, Bedacht wrote would mean, Thaelmann concluded Fascism, to screen the cravens who trade carrying out of these two Warehe 10 de tonapontNew Yorker crayonundershto meet appeared, the freeducational De in the Daily Workari eusto two columnly that we would abandon 8:00 to Switzerland and renounce possible to the orice consideront made its appearance in the columns sure, Hathaway hail the effrontery Young Communist League Sed in Humanito. Renoegades llow bitterly one must reflect to excuse their treacherous pasat munist parties during the time of of the Worker. In direct contrast to deny that any change in policy lued its Paphlet Outline No. of Communism, Trotsky. Lovestone npon the fact that this obstinate vity by pompous declaratione in common fht against capital and before, and to what the Comintern The burvanerate party and so recent is its pub of united fronts between the Com intern leaders to abandon onr Communists on the basis of a nonon social democratie organi zations. The most ruthless lendership itself has been stating the International concerned pri leation that it has not yet even manist und Social Democratic correct solshevik policy (i. e, the aggression pact. By this for the past four years, the Mani marily with their www festo declares reputations, with The Executive Committee of the which events have no cruelly unpage of this authoritative docu cause it insists on auldressing its the present moment by Thaelmann munists shall pledge themselves not agreement in carrying out the unl.
their prestige units of the youth League. On party of splitting the workers be in goot time, is being paid for at singular united fronter the come who violate the conditions of the Communist International, in view dermined with their posts, which ment, we read: From the call for a united front not to the himself and thousands of other to criticize the social democracy, ted front, as against strikebreakers of Fascism which is (Continued on Page 4)
unchaining are endangered, are making a mis above it will readily be seen why Noskes, the Scheidemanns and the courageous proletarian revolution not to attack it, not to expose its!
LEON TROTSKY tacks they must be conducted fight against all these Alarm Signal Kincaid MinersUpl First Daily of For Trial Workers:Out Opposition On Saturday!
First Underground Leaflet of Left Opposition Issued in Germany Bonapartist Tendencies are when has been of growth the Hathaway Seeks to Explain Away Turn at Membership Meet The Militant has just received, in every country of the world.
Chicago. The famous Kincaid the first underground leaflet to be To war against the Soviet Union, battle between Peabody company issued in Germany by the Left op alle proof of the profound dislocaThe Second Five the We have just received thugs, seab miners, all armed for mili demonstration of the To unleash a new world war.
position since the assumption of tion of Soviet economy. but it is news that the paper of our Greek battle and the plekets of the Pro tant working class of New York power by the Hitler gang. To The victory of the German proYear Plan absolutely incuble of leading to comrades, Paliton Takseongressive Minern Union has been is to be held at 10 Satur gether with the whole Communist letariat, however, would signify a a way out of the great wreckage.
Strusle) which has been shifted to the court struggle for day morning, March 25, 1933 to went, our brother section in tremendous impulsion to the forces The Seventeenth party Confer the moment.
has been suppressed; so of the world proletariat in its unce, in February 1932. approved long time, is now a daily. fight in which ifty pickets were gime of Hitler Hugenburg. The also has its weekly organ, Die Perstruggle for emancipation.
attacked by two hundred thugs and demonstration organized at the manente Revolution. True to its The struggle of the German year plan. Its annual coefficient in the Party Through their ardent devotion to the proletarian cause our scabs, has been the indictment of all of the Conmunist party, is revolutionary duty, however, ourletariat is not only a struggle for of 61 member of the PMA and the to be held at the corner of White comrades are continuing with their its own rights, for its own life 25 percent, stry was set all Akalust the luckground of on Greek comrades have raised them.
Women Auxiliary charged with hall and South Streets, hard by work under the most difficult cir. Victory or defeat for the German ed that this coefficient would ever cured silence and irresponsibility. selves to the highest level of the international struggle for the Inw violations of various kinds. South Ferry, in front of the Gerbe surpassed in the process of con the economic crisis becomes a dou cumstances. The leatlet, issued in workers deeldes the fate of the Hamburg, is mimeographed both first workers state, the fate of the ideas of Marx, Lenin and Trotnguration and fulfillment. The Left ble triple danger. The more bank Twenty two of the indicted min man Consulate. It is the de mentary duty of every class conin Ciernian and English and is ad proletariat of the whole world.
ers are under charges of murder mious worker in the city to join Cressed to all Oppositionists cautioned against rerupt and despite the leadership sky. They have extensive IntluHitler will and must be beaten In this first important publie de We present it in the international arena. Protransport workers. road zation. They were end of the resistance of beings as well as proletarian vanguard help and or double murder.
The first trial scheduled for Mar. monstration to be organized in here in full!
letarians of the world. support counter revolution, and placed in thinex The ruling clirue takes supports them. Today they have 13. has been continued to March 26. New York since the assumption TO THE actively the struggle of the Gersolitary confinement.
PREVOLUTIONARY of power by the Hitlerites. By It becomes increasingly clear that of the class caemy are manifest to spite of the double repressions man proletariat!
Eleven months later, in January all types of disharmony opposition, the capitalist the Peabody Coal Company in al our merried ranks and united To the Senaman, Transport Workers 1933, Stalin proclaimed unexpected resistance dissatisfaction, passivwhich has thrown hundreds of lunce with the UMWA and the deeds by crying out in a single NOT SHIP, NOT TRAIN, and Rallroad Men!
loud voice our vows of interna ly that the coefficient of growth ity and friction which are engenthem into prison, and Stalinist state forces are intent upon gaittional solidarity, we will help to Under the insignia of the bloody NOT CHEST, NOT BAG INTO during the second five year plan dered by objective obstacle, and be slanders and provocations, they ing convictions in this case. For would be in all probability, around case of miscalculations and priva are at last publishing the first this reason a mere court struggle make the Brown Shirted ahsas terror of the Swastika, the Pasche HITLERITE GERMANY!
Boycott the Germany of 13 percent. None so much as dared tions. The bureaucracy, which up daily paper of the International would be playing into the hands of sins feel the pressure of the work dictatorship is being established in Germany. The streets have been Brown Terror!
to contradict him or to refer to to 1928 amounced the Kulak danger left Opposition, the forces of reaction. In the ining class of the world, and give cleared for the brown terror troops to the sore pressInternational solidarity, a comWe send them our most fraterest of the indicted miners and ed of the the decision of the year before. was a cand originated by the eternal Kreetings. We will give the PSA it is of paramount immon will to struggle that is the Thus, the actual results of the first opposition uncovers at present Thousand army.
of proletarian corpses demand of the hour.
five year plan buried the fantastic after the ticuldation of the kuink them all the assistance at our portance to prevent this struggle The Left Opposition whole already litter the path of Fascism.
Demand of all workers organl.
project of the second five year as a class. the kulak danger there disposal in the march towards from being wealed within the four heartedly endorses the demonstra Many thousands more will follow. zations the convocation of plan, before the latter could have and everywhere, within the Soviet victory, by making their struk walls of a capitalist court that is tion and gles known to the American pro been su bere ley a new one. At present, bunday ban company towel het het with all its forces. The New clalist laws are being surpassed WORLD WORKERS CONGRESS (Continued on Page 3)
is no second five year letariat plan at all. Nor 19 there any posmachine and similar interest. League (Opposition) has issued The extermination of proletarian to adopt a position on the followsibility of one in view of the chaoWhat additional examples are a mobilization on call to all its memclass consciousness ing fighting measures: tic condition of capnomy at the needed to prove this, than the re bers and sympathizers to partici The smashing of all workers or Against international Fascism, close of the first five year plan. The full of the Sheriff in Christian prate in the demonstration. All BanizationsAgainst the war in the Far East, Janny plenum sketched ont only County to accept the warrant friends and supporters are there The robbing of all the democratic Against the attacks on the so hazy directives. Considerable time sworn out for the arrest of one fore urged to assemble first at rights conquered by the working viet Union, wili yet he spent upon a formulaof the thugs who shot and killed the International Workers School Against wage cuts and political tlon of the second five year plan Hall, 126 East 16 Street, at or Back to barbarismAt a closed meeting of the Com. characterized its members as yol the wife of the striking miner, oppression of the proletariat and and it will undergo more than onel munist party membership on Mon low curs. suid of the Militant that comerlatto. It is also significant before 10 o clock in the morning, These are the aims of Fasciam. the colonial peoples. defeat of the German working The Initiative for this Congress The current year 1933 turned out izer Hathaway explained the unt communist. vomit. and that the night at Kincaid only members of in a body in the demonstration class and a final victory of Hitler must come from the Communist to be separated factually from the ted front to the party. His speech conuter revolutionary propaganda the PMA and the Women Auxilt before the Consulate. Attendance will be the signal for the worla international which must invite all the international labor organisecond five rear plan. The control deserves the fullest analysis as a of the Left Opposition should are were founded to Sosati be at the hall IN TIME is urgently bourgeoisie: figures for it have been designated typical example of theoretical con arouse a lynch attitude in all com comes obvious, that this affair is needed.
To establish the blackest reaction zation to join it in organizing this Congress apart from the general perspective. tusion, mis statement of the Germuniste. Atter this subtle reto another attempt to railroad a group Obviously, the concocters of the man situation and misunderstandtation of sound Marxian Leninist of militant workers engaged in The International idea of the proplan for 1933 sought only to initi. ing of the factors involved.
theory. Hathaway attempted an struggle.
tionalism of deeds.
gate those disproportions, and tol Hathaway began his speech by elaborate rationalization of the That briefly is the background plug up those yawning gaps which a consideration of the capitalist German situation by means of the were inherited from the first five crisis in America, but we pass over theory of social Fascism. His to the meeting called by the Civil common action.
Liberties Union of Chicago year plan.
his false position on this score to argument in effect was this: March 14, and participated in by. Left Opposition of the In their reports, Communist Party of GerMolotov, and the Scenes time me the main questo forces of revolution grow the some of the leading organizations one of the bright spots in the rel. loyal Democrat and patriot. Mr.
Ordljonikidze tried to mock at our ton before the meeting. forces of counter revolution grow in the city. The aim of this meet. Labor Defense has been the strugther radical organizations, and proposal that 1933 be set apart as many (Bolshevik Leninista. The Hathaway Apologeties the year of capital reconstrue to build a broad united front Ble for the nine Scottsboro boys. onctuously a revolution without a counter defense movement in the interests tion of Soviet economy. The After dealing with the economic revolution reporters cited as a fact that during turned to Germany. He stated that Stalinista, draw the false inference of the Chicago Workers Commit legal defense, built a fair mass sincere destre of the good people situation in America, Hathaway truth, Hathaway. and all other of the Taylorville miners. Present The ILD had the original good togal lynchers as follows: Liebowitz Attack New York on that night were representatives fieult ense. It provided 1993 new enterprises would also there was a growing feeling among that this growth of counter revolutee on Unemployment, the Interna movement and good publicity good am. fully mindful of the be undertaken. As if we had ex. our party members that the German ton is uniform and continuous. tional labor Defenso, the League campaign, won a series of Impres.
Entertainwent cluded this, as if we had made a situation was due to the blunders Thus it follows that Hitler coming for Industrial Democracy, the So sive partial victories which saved Seat South to give every point of putting patches on old of the thing on God green earth The Fiftieth Anniversary of Kari rubbers, and not of the recon of the German Communist Party. to power means no radical change inlist Party the Chicago branch of the lives of the boys four times, and a square deal. It these men really struction of economy as a whole. Opposition for its defeatism. He only some intensification in In unswer, he attacked the left in the correlation of forces, but the Communist League of America The struggle to restore the disrupt od balance presupposes, necessit. AAAAAAAAAAAA counter revolutionary camp. Hence: Giganti and Artsented by Joe to the level of a significant and on the other hand, if these girls Mars will be Celebrated at the erat sed the dissue of a rape frame up ten rytted to the retur eflouse meelme.
Ily, also new constructions, at most the German proletariat the Chicago Civil Liberties Union. Le unforgivable if.
It would Sunday Headquarters of the has suffered a slight setback. Hath. Although not presented in person, the ILD were permitted to weaken blooded, upstanding American cleGlotzer, and clear political struge all the know that there is not a red are making false accusations, then made in the past, and not under PENFORUM away entirely forgot in stating his the General Defense Committee INTERNATIONAL WORKERS the chapter of piling up new mis THE BANKING CRISIS AND argument, that Fascism means, in that struggle. That there 18 takes.
among other things, an attack upon Blanified its intention to particip grave danger of such a weakening lzen below the Mason Dixon line SCHOOL ate in the provisional committee is indicated, among other things, who will not pray utal with heart and Thus, under the blows of the ITS SIGNIFICANCE all workers organizations. com. that would be composed of the by the ILD failure to react to soul for their cannot 126 Fast 16th Street crists, which it did not forsee, and plete suppression of the workers which it does not openly admit Specker: subscribe to what in some quarters a statement press and propaganda, the loss to above mentioned organizations even now after it has broken out. FIELDS workers of all their weapons The meeting opened with reports York Times Puring in the News the prevalling notion, that the of January 14. MacKenna The states that Southerner will not give these on Saturday, March 25, P.
falr retreat in the sphere of industrial Sunday, March 26, 1938, at Cact, which refutes the whole social the Civil Liberties Unton and Glot Me. Samuel Llebowitz. ILD dhe tree you the line absolutely tion even as it had begun to at International Workers School Pascism theory, which makes the correct the Catewasistensiewe, has divorced himself from the save the Times on copy of a letter At time, Mr.
Admission: 15 Cents retreat still earlier in the sphere of collectivization. However, it is Hall German situation executing its maneuvers of retreat 1:26 Kast 10th Street Hathaway omitted. ile said optimere largement mother meeting som helped crystallize sentiment in the the Tand. wherein helsdated the Auspices. New York branch of the stealthily partially without a Auspices. New York Branch. istically: The German proletariat the provisional committee whleh South against the accused Negro he enters the case to help keep Communist League of America plan, hiding the significance of its own actions from others as well as Admission: 15 Cents (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
the case. After declaring himselt (Continued on Page Opposition)
from itsell, and preserving compietely thereby, even redoubling its SPEAKERS: Stuyvesant Casino FRIDAY MARCH 31, 1933 methods of barefaced bureaucratic JAMES CANNON at P.
commandeering The new zigzag MAX SHACHTMAN 2nd Avenue and 9th Street Auspices: Branch, Communist of Stalinist policies is an unmistak MARTIN ABERN ADMISSION 15 CENTS League of America (Opposition) Allows Reactionary Lawyer temor a los comentar inte Preta To Injure Scottsboro Struggle ternational laborar Force the Inon the Opposition)
der the head of correctingut un NO The Crisis in the Soviet Union