BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

The Stalinists Distort Our Stand Albany: Years of Party Policy Falta ism!
let PAGE THE MILITANT MARCH 18, 1933 that the dollar has already been depreciated till it is now worth only quarter, because with the new of notes there will be of paper currency to each of gold Trotskyltes Retain On Our Faith in the ate is therefore a criticism of the by which reasoning the dollar was The Alban State Conference for The Opposition Criticism anebit for hunemployment insure Strength of Capitalism. with this Communist party, and is resented never worth a dollar, since there Labor Legislation represented a of Stalinist Bankruptcy rates of wages for various categor heading the balang arbeten Wareh Strength of Capitalism suche consequently they deny the of paper. They say that the 1907 of the party, over a period of nearies of labor employed on proposed continues its campaign of confusing Afacts: cover up the failure of the scrip was finally redeemed at a ly three and a half years of the AAA public works at same future time and miseducating the workers as e principle differences between Scond Congress of the Comintern party to win the leadership of the Wg discount historically untrue. crisis, to organize and develop the helt opposition and the ceu that capitalism can always find lot the mistakes and trimero post They draw the conclusion that movement of the workers on the ment, the eficienda leader it added tail fee with one su come dice con le vanob conference of the workers thest stalowe Batid night he weng way out unless the revolutionary for the mistakeriand close to the depositor must demand repay issue of unemployment. In all that Albany. ee conference was heavy of Lovestoneite groups. The instead to lull the workers them mand full payment of wages in and Here was a picture of the double was a gathering of the vanguardpoint implied talgut boimputoal of the Communist Party, will block possibility of the upturn, preferring refuse to accept scrip, but must deploymes more and more intol any real sense of the word It Seriously, for hours on end. Pitiful!
of escape. The economic has been that of the left opport contradictions of capitalism, includselves with the end of capitalist old currency values. which woulderable, and the situation has there not and never of the Communist party and its face of bureaucratic Centrism.
ing its cyclical form, will come to stabilization.
mean an immediate increase of 300 by become increasingly tiun.
favorable auxiliaries and sympathetic organi Poised on a half turn in policy unWith this busic approach, they percent. if it is true that the dol for the work of the revolutionaryzations. Besides that it had very der the pressure of bureauTo bolster up its assertion, the an end only with its political de are unable to formulate a policylar is worth only a quarter now. party. There has been no lack of sittle of a State wide complexion, our criticism. the futes and of Albany Conference Dolly Worker brings two quota struction. They will not cions come from our curtido de called the end of capitalist stablerts so hegelapoest places bank the preciple that the conscious rechern dennast rattened and merches. Merved, with a few alterations, fornitored with some foot in the mud of 11, 1920, and one from an article ts hands it. or by any other material crisis as opening the collapse class at the head of the broad mass in these past years have centered the functionaries of the party and menta poet etnisthe mine on parlia the present writer in the Militant Camerade Shachtman article is there will be crises, that is creli crisis, which during capitalism contradictions that capitalism has The Albany Confernce itself was latido, ter united front con both, and thus it was confused and As long as there is capitalism coming at the end of four years the walut ovat osapitals er eller plund the burning question Left wing organizations in New wentary cretinism. The conference Among all the leaders Exchange crash) does not polut to its cycles have both an upward power, it must have a secondary crisis, within which alternatione demonstration. It was preceded by there in the whole of New York be ersten Seite buite indicates a growing and a downward phrases its truewin rather than a fundamental import si es clical stabilization and crisis months of preparatory work, e had been aimed at, might have been wark moto eleta to explain to the ance.
pression. have will What he actually did say was Ward to an upward pbase by capl. With typical contempt for the in to take place; that a turn in the York City. On top of that it turned to advance the con Worker delegates that the fight for a legislative program does not reference had been by half way that This does not yet polut to the workers, will be impossible it him that the banks have not enough of the cycle at the expense of the ference came after the recent hall have sixed up the situation, charsence of several hundred workers competent they would by trying to transforuyaconter depression. His very next sent and it will delayed or rendered imposits because their holdings have working class prevents such super and provided a means of measur. tion to protit and loss, and de way out for the workers for the protive, organized resistance of the located er billed the fact exploitation as it should under the brand Socialist party voted themselves to a discussion of workers The task of the vanguard branches and of and means of transforminsgram of demands clearly and cou simple reason that he cannot repost war general crisis to the ex: deposits at one time, no matter party: that in the absence of such. of the multiplying contradictions of tent that workers well knited to particube Albany conference of the van aited front guard into a conference of isely and then to mobilize the po explain leadership, capitalism can find all. were tbe capitalism, American capitalism in resistance is inadequate and in that the banking crisis is due to way out of the crisis and that the from below.
wer of a mas movement behind the class another time.
ciuded. fine defense of capital eftertive, rument than a cen workers still more, having found rest of the cyclical crisis which has And what was the net result of solve the contradiction by a charac to do this. As for the drafting of has so far shown the bankers desire to exploit the banking crisis together with the Net Result of False Policy Instead of that, they tried to is to show the vanguard the way program. The task of the leaders us no other More than that this correct Wine Communist party which can that wage cuts along are not Marxian station of the situation as it stood in early December 1929, mize the effective resistance of bough. They y that the developed since 1929 is part of the three and a half years of the third teristic exhibition of Stalinist sell the hills for machinery with which capitalism period frenzy capped with the lat deception. The thing that WAS is heading at the same kind of restores temporarily its equillest half turn? Out of 318 delegates became transformed in their legislative presentation to the the workers.
small committee with was kulutely representative of the auutude of the mutuut during To say that a turn in the crisis indation, in Germany, siure the sit. brlum. and not the prelude to an only read the intent wing local ends. Into the there that had betys sufficient. It is a shame to end that whole period, which correi is possible because the resistance uation has gone beyond the possi automatic collapse FIELD.
and one branch of the Socialist members and sympathizers was de through the rigumarole of solemn worker militants sponded to tue lucts of the devel of the workers has been inadequ Ibility of control. They point out!
party were represented from the clared oping crisis. In the previous iswith the comrades was extremely entire state of New York! Crushence of workers organizations, debate about the wording of legis.
sue, Dec. 1923, the autant said. What Congress will do nothing Sidelights On the Albany Conference interesting. There weren enough ing and irrefutable testimony to the political parties and trade unions seats; the organizers rushed up and water fieniler hin the policy of the Ther speeches to the conference. Sows thituslehost. It is the series for about except to hand out sort were predicated on this tictitious ture of the struggle for labor tegis slopis the increasingly obvious Albany Between freight cars, ed. Comrades. First tenuency wwarus deep economic via jail, and in the back of tish see what the Daily Worker ways. were in, one of us sitting on a pile The shadow of this catastrophic assumption. The conference neededlation. This was to be noted already in the session of the conferdepression which is cutting gruuud trom under the feel of the Youth delegates arrived at the the line of the Stalinist faction first wonderfully comrades manner for the sphere of direct party intuence situation and uniting daging tbelence devoted to this trasl comedy.
comrades offering condolences in a of a united front movement outside tion of a program for the vanguard The bold note of militancy in the Amer. cau workers. The issue be Albany Conference for Labor Legle from Duranty and then from the hung over the conference from the with the masses a single bullet remarks from the floor in the carlfore tnut, Nov. 30, 1929, under the lation on Monday morning.
Worker, did not dare to use this the uncomfortable position heading. Crush in the Stok Mar.
The first dominant impression in argument. Instead: Where is the ketcloses with the words, the the hall was that almost all pre leaders a united frout, and dido ined the united. ront from below Winters and lesser bureaucrats of der of agitation in the name of the ed. And, even more significant, a tum? Didn we offer the socialist the night we microscopically exam. ers of the conferencellathaway. From the official leaders, the thu came more practical and restrainCame discussion. and far into Arst day. The attempt of the lead aimed at a real target. It gotler sessions was muted down, beerusa on the stock market aistrosent were party members or from they refuse, that the proof you for hours we discussed the prosate for the failure to attract the in the conference was het idee conspicuous in the discussion. The the Stalinist apparatus to compen masses who were not represented different type of delegate became hurbinger of the coming catastro groups athliated to the party.
quoted the Wally Worker, wrenched out of us was the featereted. Po word dat he dining rom wbere we work why don you lead the mass with Windy Soap box agitation could were the same caricature Comedy, took the wording of lights wery The second thing (which struck betrayers of the workers. After tion. There was the inevitable to their own thesis, are eager to builty talked; the actions of the of the class struggle wave place is typical of the stalinist anethod of openegas no diety Looks et serred 18 Walters. dette feeling en rent strikes. We could only not banish from the minds of the in the speeches of the leaders, a seriously and, read them carefas us out, but instead at comradels in penise without contributing question ternated with tragedy in the misty lest a comma be out of place tical opponent.
any only personal events and by diere why are these workers not repre Buldud legislative deliberations and the law fail on that account The quotation from the article ofterest and sympathy for the way thing.
from a of the delegates.
In both sides of their polley the March, 1983, is given as follows: the boss bulls treated us on the delegate from the National Stu and tactics they were led into a bakers local union give a truer The Discussion up At the present inument in the Uni way dents League was the only youth log of empiricism. Then we have expression to the unspoken senti. As sad and pitiful spectacle against a fruitful outcome of the ted Stutes, whether or not the turn fine We translated the in the crisis has already arrived, which prevailed into open discus Speaker while we were there, all our comrades facing the guns otment of the great majority than as one could expect to see in the conference. With their sectarion spirit though we asked for the floor.
Illinois miners disgusted with Com all the official speeches when he revolutionary movement was the Left tactie they shunted the unquestionably most of the work ons on tacties and principle, all the sh. munisin because of which are preset said: read in the Daily Worker ste imeport the core ferens levelete conference after the broad highway of the crisis in violently aud brutal over the ball, and perhaps for the It was great to note of the party post peroductos de vela peut plombier see Felles fons were the committee that had to a bronder motwheet coveted lead union man would this ben charged comedy of the The Daily Worker distorts this Unemployment which we distributed tion devoted to the delegate from ing the workers. We don aim to all packed with union delegates. drawing up legislative bills for pre bills they put brakes on the into the following comment, the present bankiny crisis the Trossay. We know you Left Oppost the other positionerens set up rival organizations to that nt such delegates were not there. sentation of the State legislature. further development of the narrow in the hall, with a smile as if to the Communist League In aroused of the One delegate of the absent and how to attract them in the delegates, Communists almost. vanguard movement skyltes already see the solution of you ve got to way. What is your is contra de cartesen a ner en mesurer le bomo pertsa Uenovateding in the future to these questions, a man, who had expressed their a broad Workers front of stressie tionists. well, let see what Lovestoncites Weisbord)
all the evils which crew out of program?
before against unemployment was in Althe boour period, thus clearing the way for a new turn in the The big moments for saone moment from the floor, and from the organization, the proposals last movement on the class lasne Lallsın, were put through the raditions, just because the pick of the sperity and the moral. us the Times with Duranty a article. We this time was up, but be readed by hand clapping from a com bail no answer. They could only many weurisome hours, of discuss able dynamic force for the creation Emily Worker puts it, is that Since dartel bitter and hence to all the the cutite resolution come toplorerade at his side. In all we are put a cross over the bankruptcy of ing und deatos, line by line, the of a broad class movement, were all their previous manoeuvers and legal phraseology of proposed legis there. But the lenders, not all of 1920, in unison with the capitalist where, pushing the article in their the delegates, to a quiet, very at ing a serious communist attitude ase the future blank.
economists, the Trotskyites and faces only a few hour agree tentive andience.
to the criticisms and proposals of To all that has gone before, to ple, is the precise legal residence they expounded Lovestones denied the sharpening with the bourgcols Times. Most of the crisis in order to luli the altered bawed, hammed and bede the great detriment of the move of a seaman under the terms as they could to frustrate recent home The return trip on the busl the Left Opposition.
growing readiness of the workers present tendencies but no masses were careful to avoid any reference This incident aroused a furious of the experiences of the morement to stubble.
The article of March 6, to the left Opposition. It was storm of indignation and protest.
1933, begins, The present eyelical easy to see that the tremendous The chair was deluged with mo. for this would require the exam crisis began in 1929 with a finan.
donations questions ination of messed opportunities cial crisis, in the form of a crash (Continued from Page 1) utes a flood of and ites were jeered and howled down. impression made on the party mem Lions points of order, took pledges was poured into the treas. Boos greeted other delegates who ers by our campaign on the situa seeking information, and verbal left the movement weaker than it mistakes which have on the stock market: now, after In the discussion which nearly 1 years, it is marked by place later the party offered no lina ury of the conferenceby Iwo even timidly proposed that to draw tion in Germany made them eager protests. The Stalinists made began three years ago, despite all a nation wide banking crisis.
of its own mor any criticism of branches, ILD Branches, Unemploy the socialist workers into the con to hear what we had to say on desperate attempt to unseat the de the powerful social This clearly shows tbat the writ this essentially liberal legalistic ed Councils, TUUL unions, the ference it was necessary to suffer the Nooney question and especially legate from the left Oppositioning the movement forces propellfrom the permament committee. Inid They er was talking about the specific line. Why did the party maintain and Communist opposition the presence of their leaders. Not on the united front.
Under the hammering the Stalin Ballham made a motion to replaced out no perspectives and onerea cyclical movement that began and con1920, not about the general post vital question of policy and line this was a Stalinist conference.
eet in their formulation ists offerense. Their feeble attempts tol Amalgamated Food Workers. This guard movement ont of the straitjacket of isolation because this a new wind.
capitalism, The it must speak openly and clearly The resolutions committee was counter the political attack with brought forth a roar of protest would require sharp turn in turn in the crisis he steering committee. It was com The voice of the Left Opposition nrliamentary procedure alienated from the delegate from that union policy which they are not permit ferred was a cyclical turn, the kind slon.
of limited and temporary recovery The credentials which is possible within the frame to carry out the Premittee tried posed of reliable people: Beck rang loudly and clearly for a genu. them. Panic began to seize thel He said that the union would will ted to make.
of a gener, Benjamin, Gubernick (1) Corine, Leninist unitedfront. From the chairman who publicly rebuked incly serve on the committee but The Left Opposition strering committee. They not at the expense of unseating any It remained for the delegates of work of the general crisis of capi. nine united front. Nessin reported liss Lamont, etc. Its retirement to beginning to end the speech of our parts100e their hea vest arti other organization. The motion the Lert Opposition, a small minTo deny the possibility of such tions. All attempts to obtain anference created a vaccum in the attention. An attempt to becklellery. The speeches were the same was defeated. Two additional de ority in the conference, to analyze 599 delegates from 347 organiza consider the resolutions of the con delegate was accorded the closest turned ference. At its conclusion there was clear. Heretofore there were to provide spaces on the perman joint out the way to improve it The Stelluists intended, no doubt was not the faintest sign of hosta dar they were last line defens. noncies represented were defeated of our ability within the short capitalism, is to say that capitalism the stubborn resistance of the party discussion.
ent commitee for all political tend radically. We did this to the best violent incitements to violence.
has no way out, that the collapse steering commitee which publicly of capitalism is: Nassin from giving the to confine the discussion to the Ity.
Politically they were a denial of statement welcoming all Notwithstanding, Balibam realisime alloted to speeches from the only that the revolutionary crisistoor. 49 trade union organizations comrades. The discussion thated to the Stalinist policy on the the Comintern Invitation to the and of Workers as the word our views did not presei an immediate prac ked for from the routine speeches by their leading The blow the Opposition deliver tical question, and this can inean is around the corner in the lan were reported but what they were took place caught them completely united front aceounts for what Second International for a united sentiment of the conference. It The Stalintsts entrenched in the front. Alexander strained himself carried.
guage of it happened.
Proletariat should prepare for the sanizations, 50 defense organiza spoke. And all the speeches Een Stalinists were forced to take this trattle with Green and Well By this time delegates were which, like their old victories over apparatus scored another victory seizure of power in the immedi tons. 23 unemployed organizatered around the united front. into account. All their later at speakiug at the the Warxist wine ate futuro. It means that capital tions, 195 fraternal organizations ism can fall of the weight of its were also listed but no analysis In this discussion the Lovestone tacks against the people who are did not dare to say it openly they tops of their voices as was the the Party name was a defeat for made the implication clear: no uni could be heard. Above the roar But this victory had certain own Internal contradictions, when was given.
ted front with the leaders.
the decisive forces of the working However, it is known that there the iww announced that they were Phyrrie quality alled with ominous class are not yet mobilized under were very few of locals.
The resolutions expressions on the Mooney question Hall the conference was on its feet. fact stood out above all others at were abstract withdrawing from the conference forebodings for the vietors. Ong the banner of Communism for the The CPLA was there as were Weisrevolutionary overthrow of the bord, the loveste emocracy. The and class war prisoners. The re riot was imminent, To avold it the Albany Conference: the debet the League solution on Mooney set May Day as the conference was adjourned. gates bourgeoisie.
This is not and never has been New York district of the P was a day of united struggle for his The Stalinists have succeeded in position. Our speches were heard to hear the Left Opthe language of Leninists. It is represented. In front of us sat de WHAT NEXT? Vital Qoustions THE PERMANENT REV.
the language of pseudo Socialist legates from the YCL. It was vaid OLUTION for the German Proletariat monstration of the socialist and ing fruitful came out of Sunday cle interruption from the floor, and Communist workers and includes session. The approach to the so received closer attention than any sectarians of the Socialist Labor that some YPSL locals were prepaper 35 180 pages paper 50 Party type. Lenin proved at the sent. The SP was represented by cloth 65 cloth 00 posal is correct. But the line of is still incorrect. The positive tributed to all the delegates with a lone individual, Gubernick Postage fe extra per copy Postage 6e extra per copy the conference and the content with sides of the conference are its out interference and was read atof the Huntington, Long Cornelia Davis STRATEGY OF THE WORLD THE SPANISH REVOLUTION which the Stalinists allt Branch. It was reported from the their uni size and enthusiasm, and the be tentively by them. The closest REVOLUTION. 15. 25 IN DANGER ted front propeals make it doubtful ginnings of workers whether this will be realized.
Cornelia Davis, a long standing Hoor that the had instructed democracy fraternization between the Lett Postage le extra per copy accorded to the left Opposition. Oppositionists and other delegates, member of the New York Branch it has control, to stay away. Scott Postage le extra per copy PROBLEMS OF THE CHIof the Left Opposition, died a reported later that the City Central COMMUNNSM AND SYNDIC NESE REVOLUTION few days ago in Utica, X: Committee of the had voted ed the rout of the Stalinists came position on the ALISMOn the Trade Union with the nomination of a permanenti tee to broaden the went commit groups of Party members and paper 00 conference and pathizers, went on continuously Stricken by the full weight of the unanimously not to endorse the Question. 15 cloth 50 committee of 25. Nessin reporting make it a genuine united front.
throughout the conference.
economic crisis, comrade Davis conference and not to attend. That Postage le extra per copy Postago 10e extra per copy for the credentials committee which STAMM.
still remaining within succumbeut. It is with extreme Is how the Socialist party answer had been instructed to make the sorrow that we report this untimeed Mooney call.
But it also testnomination read only 24 names.
framework of the bureaucraH. the discipline and voting as they were ly death of a very sincere and acifics to the weakness of the united Comrade Berman protested from What Next required to vote, the conference detive comrade. The passing of com front policy of the Workers Pocket Series the floor, pointing out that the legates nevertheless expressed in rade Davis is but another of the The fight to establish the comname of the delegate from the Left Vital Questions for the all these innumerable instances in which the position of the conference on the By LEON TROTSKY different att By Arne Swabeck Opposition who had been agreed on German Proletariat. tude. In 1008 after four and murderer, capitalism, strikes with floor was intense but short lived IN DEFENSE OF THE RUSby the committee had been omitUNEMPLOYMENT AND THE the weapons of hunger and priva and unavailing. The Stalinists were by LEON TROTSKY ted. The chair asked Nessin to a halt years of falsification, slan.
SIAN REVOLUTION tion one victim after another in in complete control of the proceedder, ineitement and violence against AMERICAN WORKING pentrating Marxist analysts explain. He blame on Berempted to lay the of the class dynamics and forces the lett Opposition, the rank and Speech Delivered to the the camp of the this comrade finally disposed of by Scott per Weings at this point. The matter was CLASS. 95 Berman con at work in the present situation filo delegates, by their attitude, mourn the loss of Socialist Students at Coptention was supported by another burning indictment of the said to the bureaucrats: We don whose services to the revolution sonal promise to publish a detailed enhagen. 05 Postage on all the above le member of the credentials commitary movement might yet be mani report within 48 hours:1 The rebelieve it, we want to find out for Minimum Quantity per Order extra per copy treacheries of the social dem.
tee. The already heated atmohas con coples phere was beginning to simmer, ocracy and the criminal blunfold. We send our most fraternal Arms our analysis of the composi Armed with the invincible ideas SOVIET ECONOMY IN Minimum Quantity per Order The chair appealed to Scott for his ders of the Stalinists. work rade Peter Hansen, who is likewise tion of the conference.
of Marxism that is all the left DANGER. 10 coples no Left wing worker a long standing meinber of the But what the credentials commitand supported Ber munist can affordkercand. com to neglect.
hearing, as was the cause at AlLeague and we promise to continue tee report failed to establish, was Pioneer Publishers man. Nessin was left standing One of the texts of the future. bany to a far greater extent than our relentless struggle against this made clear from the collection 192 Pages Cloth. 65 Paper 35 ever before, our eventual victory is on the platform, in view of the on84 East 10th Street Now York system which tire conference, caught red banded Postage:. 06 per copy extra assured.
flgbtong long bees of our best which together with pledges exbefore their time. Iceeded 600 For some forty min in a clumsy attempt to remove the JAMES CANNON The Stalinists at the Mooney Conference and multiplied talism.
Socialist toor. In the formal sense of the Marxist Works by Leon Trotsky 192 pages Island 450 pages While ourselves!
Opposition needs. Given such a came forward the incident. Scott