AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE The Three Sources and Three Constituent Parts of Marxism the greatest pour le diarziama By LENIN (KARL MARX March 14, 1883. March 14, 1933.
has International Pre Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis SCHOOL NOTES And Prepare for Demonsrtation and Anally give way to regular organland with the help of the German Czechoslovakian grouregroupThroughout the whole civilizedtuent parts of Marxism.
proves clearly every year to a larg. inference is the doctrine of class world Marxist teachings draw upon er and larger number of workers struggle.
themselves the extreme hostility materialism. Throughout modern the truth of this doctrine of Marx. People always have been and and hatred of all bourgeois science European bistory, and especially at Capitalism conquered they always will be the stupid vie samdee libera theme of the is the ci stentury attie the dialectic materialisme of Marseite the political superstar inte en established The doctrine of surplus value is throughout the world, but its victims of deceit and self deception (both Marxism and It sees in in France, where a decisive battle all the teachings of the bourgeois Marx gave most of his attention to the keystone of the economic tory is only an earnest of the vic in politics, until they learn behind the nature of a harmful sect was fought against all kinds of philosophers, with their new the study of this economie struc theory of Marx.
tory of labor over capital. every kind of moral, religious, pollNo other attado could be expected, medieval rubbish, against sertdom ways of returning to an old and ture. His chiet work Capital is de Capital. created by the labor of When serfdom was overthrown tical, social phrase, declaration and impossible in a society founded on is proved to be the only consist withstanding.
for an impartial social science is in institutions and ideas, material. rotten idealism, to the contrary not voted to a study of the economic tbe worker, oppresses the worker and the free capitalist society promise to seek out the interests structure of contemporary that is, by undermining the small proprietsaw the light of day, it suddenly of this or that class or classes.
other every governmental and lib teachings of the natural sciences, philosophie materialism, Marx car class struggle. In one way or an ent philosophy, true to all the While deepening and developing capitalist society.
or and creating an army of the up became clear that this freedom The partisans of reform and bet cral science defends wage slavery. hostile to superstition, bigotry, etc. Pled it through to the end, extend to Marx time had been formed in of large scale production is obvious Various socialist doctrines began to til they understand that every old The classic political economy up employed. In industry the victory meant a new system of oppression terment will always be fooled by the tollers. the defnders of the old regime, unand Marxim has declared ruthless The enemies of democracy tried war against this slavery. To ex therefore with all their might to ing its mode of understanding na England, the most highly developed at once, but in agriculture too we emerge as a reflection of this op institution, no matter how savage met impartial science in a wage undermine Hand ander ture to the understanding of bu capitalist country. Adam and Smith other teame phenomenon the pression and a protest against it. and rotten it may seem, is susKlave society is rather stupidly materialism, defending various man society. The historic water and David Ricardo in their investi. superiority of bis capitalistic agri. But this original socialism was a tained by the forces of this or naive. like expecting owners to be forms of philosophie idealism, an falism of Marx is one of the great sation of the economic structure culture Increases, there is a grow. utoplan socialism. It criticized that dominant class or les entre other couples were parte de mother to a defense or support of the gens het onheceler med samhoog bored the servaluede dare con Bagane coonomy tabitar inte etter et se care intercedentes de condemned the travers des contes come way to break Itut never mind that. The his opinions about history and politics tablished and consistently develop and collapses under the weight of struction, drew fanciful pletures of namely, to find in the very society the struggle, ity of exploitation.
those forces which can and owing tory of social science or et abunia morte ceteaterbation with the whole and symmetrical and scien, the value of any commodity is the ture the declined or small scale pro convince the rich of the immortal and organize for theory, showing how out of fined by the quantity of socially duction takes special forms, but the antly clear proof that Marxism has times explained the profound error one set up of social life, another necessary labor time involved in decline itself is an indubitable fact. show a real way out. It was un form a power capable of sweeping But utopian socialism could not to their social situation mustIn the sense of a shut in, ossified tion. Their views are expoundedence of a growth of the produc Where the bourgcots economist duction, capital leads to an increase labor under capitalism, to discover only the philosophie materialism toetrine standing apart from the most clearly and in the greatest de tive forges capitalism for example had seen a relation between things the creation of monopolies through find that social force capable of a way out of that spirtual slavery main road of development of world tail in the works of Engels, Ludwig out of feudalism.
civiyi yetions oe Mathe agentes en el voorks awchien, nike the communiste et des retirements nature existing this model waar people. covered exchange the production man knowl modity) Marx discovered relathe union of the biggest capital. Lecoming the creator of a new 10 in which up to now all oppressed itself becomes ciety.
that he save the answer to those Manifesto, are everyday books on dependently of him matter, that of goods expresses the connection more and more classes have been sleeping. Only social bundreds questions which the most advanced the table class conscious is, in a state of developments formed between separate producers thousands and millions of workers tions which accompanied the fall of explained the actual situation of Meanwhile the tumultous revolu the economic theory of Marx has thought of humanity had already worker.
raised. His teachings arose as a direct and immediate continnation But Marx did not rest on the man (that is, his various views and means that this connection is be economic industrial organism in Europe but especially in France ture of capitalism.
of the teachings of the kreatest re materialism of the 18th century teachings, philosophical, religious, coming closer He made an advance in philosophy political, etc. reflects the economie in one unit the whole uniting but the product of their general were making it more and more Throughout the whole world, industrial labor is presentatives of philosophy, poll ile enriched materialism with the structure of society. Political in life of the individual producers. of capitalist opriated by a handful manifest that the foundation of the from America to Japan and from Anarchy of produs, whole development to do this sets went organizations of the proletariat tical economy and socialism.
The teaching of Marxiste plus souhs bespecially deben ser term we see. for instance, how the vart. power of man becomes a commod. an market and secuentes population liberty over the feudal class was educatius and colles katernig letselt ncquisitions of the German classic stitutions are a superstructure Capital implies a further develop tion increases, crises multiply. force was the strugele motive Sweden to South Africal, independresting of. and therewith the mad search for complete and symmetrical, offering to the materialism of Feuerbach. ous political forms of the contem:ity. The wage worker sells his ence for the mass of the population, gained without overcoming a des by waging its class struggle. In an integrated view of the world. The chief of these irreconcilable with any supersti the dialectic that is risitions is porary European states serve as labor power to the owner of land. In enlarging the dependence of perate resistance. Not one capital casting loose from the prejudices underlearning to take any defense of bourgeois oppres deepest and most universal aspect. The philosophy of Marx is that day he spends in order to meet power of united labor.
basis without a life and death measured Binne is the legitimate inheriter the understanding of the relativity Miniche del perigoserbicum annisteria jism the cost of spporting himself and From the first beginnings of com struggle between the different class tempering its powers and growing irresistib:e.
in the 19th century in the form of us a reflection of eternally evolving eral, and the working class in part of the day he spends work ter, Marx followed the developed fact that he was able sooner than ten by Lenin in 1913 for a Russian The genius of Mary lay in the The foregoing article was writGerman philosophy, English politi matter. The most recent discover particular, the greatest of all ing for nothing, creating for the of capitalism to its highest cal economy French socialism. ies of natural science, radium, the struments of understanding. capitalist surplus value, the source to large scale production others to make and consistently magazine called Education. The Let us dwell briefly upon these electron, the transmutation of ele! Having seen that the economie of profits, the source of the wealth. And the experience of all capital carry out the inference to which the translation has been done by Max three sources and therefore consti ments, have admirably confirmed structure is the basis upon which of the class of capitalists. ist countries, both old and new, whole of world history leads. That Mantman Ed. Opposition continue: in addition, it Trotskyists. This inspired augplaced the International Opposition gestion was deftly emphasized by Workers Schools Confer on Fascism before the accomplished fact of a our section director, Gerty Morgun.
new split. By this fact alone the existence of a genuine section of cussion which consisted in repeatthe ILO in Czechoslovakia bas being what the party member sald come illusory. It would be an in Comrade Weber held the first ses and trying to add a bit here and Continued from last issue of the past the International Sec excusable mistake to tolerate a fic son of his class in American work there, seemed to agree whole heartA conference of representatives The party stand (If It is the On Party Democracy bationary period of six months un under the given conditions the In Brst tople under discussion was ple to them. spoke and explain organizations was held at the Rand so soon after the experience at the tione originating out or small pro as the one of le international possible to make a linal selection can history. We also outlined the man of Trotsky before the Plon or the purposes of organizing coce trom which, owing to the dispaganda groups gradually are Left Opposition.
among the existing Oppositionist method which we will follow, that cers. gave my views on Ger. an anti Fascist demonstration in ruptive policy of the official party, transformed into workers organi xations. This transition puts into this measure of the Internationalements in Czechoslovakia. There of having each pupil report upon many which are the views of the New York City. The initiative in the Left wing was violently ejectThe pre Conference approves the pre Conference regards it one tople that he has investigated Lett Opposition and was asked to calling for the demonstraton was ed without a hearing, represents the foreground the tasks of party Secretariat as a means of checking as necessary to declare the after which we will have a discuss report to poided strict office. There taken by the Rand School Students on a small scale, a form of capitudeinocracy, the kind of regime to over the regrouping which has. al groups in Czechoslovakia, which sion and summary by. Association, lation. We must trust that the Schools Represented party has learned its lesson closely connected and understand charges the International Secretar. position to be sympathizing groups. rades who have not signed up for Lett Opposition and urge all PlonThe call was answered by the that in the more important class party workers school, the Interna struggles involving united front decisions in a casual manner, must of the CPA Bolshevik Leninists) six months the activity of the March 19th and will deal the views of the Left Opposition with the Left Opposition, the New tive to call to the socialists whose formal indications, making all their ment of the group Lett Opposition Secretariat to follow for the next session will meet on Sunday, beland to serlously study tional Workers School affiliated action it will not permit the initiatheir evo with Colonization.
xatioual relations section to support its conversion lution and their question of present German sit group the National Students Leathe real united front by placing The foundaton of party democracy into a real section of the Interna Ing. In order to propose at an ap Comrade Shachtman has given uation for discussion in their units. Bue, the Brookwood Fellowship themselves in the lead.
is a timely and complete informational Left Opposition. Signed) DAVID LEVITT. several Yipsel educational centers tion service, available to all mem The Left Opposition in the It is taken for granted that the two lectures in his course on the Principles and II istory of the Inand the Rand School.
bers of the organization and coverBalkans various groups must make every ternational Left Opposition. The Attitude of the Party ing all the important questions of their life and struggle. Discipline ist regime in the Balkans has taken ment with regard to their public Trotasley The New Course his The disintegration of the capital effort to arrive at loyal agree: first lecture dealt with comrade Workers School If the action taken by the party can be built up only on a cononun ever accelerated rhythm activities (publishing work, meet fight for internal party democracy: Workers School is in line with the scious assimilation of the policies Creat social shock are being pre ings, etc. and in general to main the second lecture covered the present policy of the then in of the organization by all its mem rared. An epoch of great revolution tain a loyal attitude to each other. The Lessons of October. The the course of a few days the party bers and on confidence in its leader ary struggles is opening. In the near so as to avoid anything which might third session dealt with the strughas made one of those sudden, un ship. Such confidence can be won future the burning problems of the discredit zechoslovakWorkee you sle for the industrialization pro prepared. Continued from Page 1)
only gradually, in the course of strategy of the proletarian revolar of the Czechoslovak workers.
The Newark branch of the Com most compleep turns reversing al.
common struggle and Continued in the next issue discipline in the Balkans in all their sharpclass will be held this coming Wed. tion) has a year activity behind it. be in keeping with the reversal on pany submits to their demands.
which is needed cannot be achieved ness and scope.
nesday March 22, on the Oppost. During this time it carried the das part of the comintern, forced upon De victory of the Polis:scher tion Bloc by naked command. The revolu. The pre Conference calls upon and tionary organization cannot do the sections as well as the and had more than one battle and blows aimed at the working class organization among the unorganized without the punishment of undis to follow with the greatest attenComrade Martin Abern is con. But only on the Hungarian feld. Comrade Betty Ganett ciplined and disorganizing eletion the events in the Balkans and tinuing with his course on the Prin We addressed a crowd on May 1st. Workers School, after of the watching the results of the strike but such disciplinary mea: the life of the sections which exist with great interst. However millstating sures can be applied only as the there, and to make every effort to Dear Comrades, ciples of Communism.
In spite of the fact that the under the condition of solid suptions with those countries in which writer of these lines has been openican Labor Leaders has been post the Party Comrade Cannon class on Amer. had the official representative of in which she. nion be attacked the are needed to carry the port from the publle opinion of the no sections have been formed. ly but unjustly attacked by you on the program. We leaders of the social democracy strike to a victory. The real strugmajority of the organization.
The frequent practical objections, especially necessary to devote more time; that he has been slandered paign, the Albany unemployed con the Party more than once to como ly the plan for a demonstration in Sils. Kangstera, The pre Conference regards it as and your comrades from time to based on the loss of time in keep attention within the International by false charges; in spite of every Terence and other activities Stalinist policy of the Party, which Even though there was still plainly the strikers. Our union is rich in to our meetings and defend which front of the German st. complaint their injunetions to be used es have at them. The iude police, judges with short sighted opportunism.
The tions to the education and the consolidation of section Archio marxisto. Greils phone on the caulike to chora beld over. It will begin at the first was the pioneer work we carried on vasicient and the coreceptor check such past experiences. The united of our Greek cause you claim that you are visible the false ideology or social opportune date.
ted front from below. comrade the industry is necessary. This portant task, for whose fulfillment its ideological level and its revolu trying times when we meet at the nelther time nor efforts should be tionary consolidation represents the crossroads, as a comrade and a held our first meeting in English position that while a committee of mast immediately propose a united spared. Moreover, Party democracy, most advanced of our European see worker.
Pioneer Leader and appealed directly to the anthe the conference should se rabe enabled front conference for localsport as the only conceivable guarantee tions.
and of the slogans to be used would like to call your atten.
against unprincipled conflicts and After the experience of the partion to the following questions unmotivated splits, in the last anticipation for more than two years which demand a clear cut class alysis does not increase the over of the Greek Left Opposition (Bol standpoint. tional proletariat was the subject have the right to issue in addition unorganized in the industry, which burning problem of the interna: organizations participating should of the strike and discuss a pro head costs of development, but roshevik Leninists, Archio Marr. have been expelled we discussed with an audience of their own leaflets to their own or by the duces them.
ists. in the life of our interna.
about fifty people, mostly Party ganizations Only through constant and con tional obres the pre Con lam. The victory of German Fase Pioneer district as Pioneer lender sympathizers and members. Com in the uniscent seleir stand the union should explain, is a lifeand death question for all existing of the Harry Elsman troop. rade Cannon, our speaker, convinc scientions keeping to the methods ference of democracy can the leadership un The Greek Left Opposition The stand of the of been wavering and standing on the ed the listeners that the stand piposed The Soclalists present were At such a conference, if it madertake important steps on its own (Bolshevik Leninists. Archio Germany.
fringe of the Left Opposition. Only point of the Opposition the only as to the right to criticize, fearing terializes the role of the fake cases, without provoking disorganl tive of the ideas of the Internation International. The stand of the Communist when the events in Germany took road to solve the German problem that this meant disruption of the leaders in this industry will be re on such a critical aspect and test Leninist line from which they de pointed out that the committee pate in a conference the Wit will was vealed. In their refusal to particisation or dissatisfaction thereby. al Left Opposition in Greece.
ed before my eyes the Leftop parted by the destructive tactics of elected by the conference (one from prove in practise to the workers The pre Conference charges the The International Left op investigate the position taken by Communist to take a definite Comrades! Is it not time to reposition, was finally compelled as the stalinist Secretariat trei observe the carrying positionbearies to responsibility the International Lett Opposition stand. Questions like socialiam care tully constructed queries and banners and slogans. The social pole lege will be strendetened along ocracy in content as well as in groups Spartacos. Traction Buchart you think that the Stalin. che country. bureaucratic the per questions clear the Asts then accepted a motion by. com Prestige will be strengthened among mostrade Ganett on this score.
as in the reciprocal relations be etc. which in words accept the a classless soclety in a singlo, iso in the realm of theory. The Chlrade Cannon reached the goal for Role of the Left Opposition ganization. Away with the policy tween the Secretariat and the sec. International Left Opposition.
lated country surrounded by capt nese revolution of 1926 27, tions, particularly and above all The in the question of the preparation all honescence calls upon talism is totally false?
The tardiness of the P in cor of the united front below. which Anglo Russian committee.
the which the meeting was called.
Many of the Party members reeting its blunders permitted the has proved to be a failure! Also to condemn the Don you think that this theory Spanish revolution of a year and initiative in this case to fall to away with a united front from for the International Conference.
The Left Opposition in Russia the revolutionary spirit and that of past history, were misinformed by the teaching the delegates of the International sions in closed chambers with the The Austrian Frey group first serving the interests of the slow and Narxism in the same way the testing the then of and of the Party leaders and urged the Workers School upheld the banner officials. genuine united front, convincing enough in themselves to make known the platform and clearly that this conference, small ers, with articles and leaders to These were branch to arrange more meetings of Communism by potnting out open, in the presence of all work entered the composition of our ist fraction, now of the class en second International?
grouping, then left it, against at lemy, which the above mentioned Don you think that Bornstein. But when the situation to Germany the tactics of the Opposition to and hone too important escoit was explain to the workers the meaning tempt to enter, but refused to give groups have been carrying outsm misguided the 2nd International today, under our very notes cives show to the misted misses the only represented in cuality victory of a united front from organization dition and broke of negotiations. The pre Conference calls upon parliamentarism and then to trea rectness of the Left opposition and proletariat is possible. We del of the we criticized both the not delay such action. We must in actions it has shown that the mentioned groups to break with the on its own initiative. Through its all honest members of these above Don you think that Stalinism istion, the Alte de vacilla cided to do so.
of the Stalinist LOUIS NAGY.
socialists and the official party for act immediately.
tasks and aims of the Left Opposl policy of the united front which leading the 3rd International to the polley, then one must take a detheir false united fronts from bel Also, the case of comrade Petras tion are completely strange to it, the Left Opposition in Greece, and same end?
Anite stand without and that it needs threat THE MILITANT broader scale the social democratic Petras has offered his assistance the Bolshoitation to support the latter in its ideolo Don you think that the victory The world proletariat isition.
banner of Lentista gical struggles and its every day of German Fascism means the vic ened!
only as a cover for its hopeless actions.
Plintered as a second class mau waiters could not initiate het real to the union in its strike was chased tory of world counter revolution? At our last section council meetpre The Left states openly that the International Comrades! In the name of our ing (a meeting of Ploneer leaders) matter November 28, 1928, at the was the role and duty of the com. cause he did not share the political Czecho Slovaktin common proletarian International Vers Sanders, a member of the Post Office at New York, munists. We explained the specite views of the leadership.
Left Opposition bears neither diof March 8, 1879.
et nor indirect responsibility for to achieve a permanent unification serious attention to this question to lead a discussion on Ger Published Weekly by using comrade Trotsky slogan ship book ront movement. wook reads as follows: The in the new member the Frey group.
of the various Czechoslovakian sincerely hope that you will have many. She mouthed the same the Communist League of Amer march separately, strike Results of the Conferedly. FWIU stands for the united front In Austria the group Left Op sroupines which claim to accept the space in your theoretical magazine united front from below stuff Ica (Opposition) at 126 East position of the CPA (Bolshevik. ILOin order to make possible for the clarification of these prin and the phrases of social Fascism The conference accepted the idea of all food workers, regardless of Leninists. originating as the re their assimilation into the ILO, clples because this alone enables us had Hathaway and Bedacht, 16th Street, New York of holding a demonstration, not in political of trade union affiliation sult of a first regrouping of Ophave not shown the results desired. us to prepare and perform our hla even if not so expertly. In the EDITORIAL BOARD James Cannon nation here, but in front of the was dry these fundamentals were front of the small Fascist organt But apparently not including Left of the principles and Unte organization created by the toric mission and achieve victory true spirit of the new tradition sho Martin Abern Conference of Easter over our class enemies.
then launched into a campaign Max Shachtman Maurice Spector German consulate. It was planned violated by the leadership of the methods of the International Left 1032 has proven unable to exert an Not Slavophilism against Ger against the counter revolutionary Are Swabeck to appeal to the worker student Organization. Such action brings Opposition and is engaged rani. Not only did the condition of splitCommunem renegade Left soela! Fascist, pitalisthout SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1933 ing the foundations capitalism.
agents of Wall St. the Trotskyista. VOL. VI No. 19 (Whole No. 166) as well to participate in a militant only harm to the organization. This zation of the Left Opposition, up groups and of insufficient con Comradely yours, Finally she wound up with a call Subscription rate: 00 per year. demonstration against Hitler, date must not be repeated.
In ylew of the sad experiences solidation with the International Co.
pointing out to us the role of these to be announced later. SEBASTIAN PAPPAS.
New rk German Meeting Cafeteria Workers Strike Slovene Stalinists menta; 1932 as the speaker of the Hungar frankly that she was a member or tant the strikers and the members efforts action against organizations.
on the secunde menta, pinces itself The