BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGB THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1933 TheSoviet UnionIn Danger Pioneer Publishing Fund The Hitler Press Moscow mouſik fell into the same relation and the peasantry has still not even of economic the Teriod of civil farms, the workers and peasant. us a loan of 355 for this purpose. after its rapid consolidations. Dit new form of the link. wize, The Free trade, by raising to the war. But the bureaucracy leads al begin to feel more and more as it Work on the book a radical rebecau the bureaucracy succeeded in weakhle to reduce the temperaturement of mankind in that sphere. ership; but they would have taken dollars we have got out three pam in the past this Kightist press has naught, the German working class not pertanding to. Move to Unite Rail Unions In p lis The Left Opposition at Albany THE ONLY ROAD In response to our appeal for The government press in Gernational, which has nothing to do (Continued from Page 1) economic link between the state cided with the extreme sharpening tories plants, mines, electric sta. Lunds for paper for The Only many offers quite a picture of the with the government. Der Tag.
difficulties which did tions, collective and Soviet Road comrade Field made strategy of the Fascist coalition Feb. 1933. not obtain since the to commodities as a lottery ticket been attained.
moving for ferences within the coalition itself Innumerable such samples could stands in relation to the which is so most excessive heights the column double life, one for display they are in important in the perspectives of of mercury that causes prices, has the other in reality. This dual Phantoms. indifferent to the rate word again. In a week it will be are carefully suppressed and cov: be cited. Their primary aim is of fate on the press. It will be a hundred ered up: the working class must course to cast despair and discour transtorming the village, namely brought out into the open the mality it transfers everywhere, among of living men. An acute feeling page pamphlet and will sendesed. Every rumor or report of tower of strength, from the USSR a be made to feel that its counter agement into the ranks of the work.
possessed quarter.
the productive link, which is real lunant condition of the economic others, into the sphere of economic of disillusionment has that comrades are a soliders, to cut them off from revolutionary opponents ized by tractors and farming mach organism. The the masses. The populace, as con to help us rush the book to comagainst statistics.
a de With a stop watch in his hands, sumers, can no longer understand pletion he ordering it now. Enclose the establishment of the proletarian the fortress of the world OctoUnited Front is quickly squashed ebr. And it must be said openly: attraction in the eyes of the peas examinatione economic plans and Stalin insists that if the plan is to what end they are straining five cents extra for postage.
THE PUBLISHING FUND and discredited. consistant at By its silence, by its criminal absremain unrealized by him Fifteen methods of management. Fright cent, it is only because the threat which Had Stalin openly confessed, the With comrade Field loan the ers faith in proletarian internament, the Stalinist leadership is seletite places have beetle consecracy, however, decided to direct time the plan was formulated, had to beat muchand great as it came due. The balance will also be serving every settore to scatter, the stalinist leaders were to the collectivized, and ten million priv. rise of the mercury, the bureau could not have been forseen at the results not match our total raised in loans is 129. 50. Oftionalism. These are the lines helping along this cunning game of to demoralize, to pulverize the as slightest degree true to the interas not to permit the exposure of her itself. Molotov proclaimed other words, the blueprints of the deal, and failed to fulfill a great be paid as it comes duc.
toiling 11 the superiority of barbaric small.
Acording to the signs, by the fulfillment of a gigantic pland masses, of course, would not have were addition about fifteen dollars yet yassive hosts of the German nationalist colors of Communism, raised in donations. When working class.
scale economy over the purely buket prices. Tegulation of mar CEC have been confirmed to the doll deal more. then the the purpose of the Fascists and by means of combined resources taken to this course. As if it is probability, have paring two more of if not in killing all stimulus to point on the scale of the the life of the Witoreover, wased the leaders an additional recan readily see what a great deal in the most nhantastic plots against many would soon present a differ Por work within the peasantry. The thermometer! The economy must drawn five full years beforehand: spite. But Stalin said the plan a few dollars accomplishes.
harvest of crops, even previously was marvelous, leadership extremely low, began to drop omin be cured. One must begin with an Once more we appeal to all our thundering against Marxism, call tarian internationalism which beously. From quarter to quarter open acknowledgment that the ques nothing else, this astonishing preholds the heights, the design has comrades and friends to lend using for the ruthless extermination can with the establishment of the in identity between the de the supply of industry with raw tion Who Will Prevail. despite sign and the realization must teen fulfilled to the slightest de helping hand. This is invaluable of the Communist party (utilizing theory of socialism in one coun.
the official boasting, remains materials and of cities with food only stil unsolved even in the the entire report on the part orl lamentable results? Stalin is im we put out are the texts by which Reichstag fire) has the following concrete manner in Germany. Shall arouse the acutest distrusting tail. In that case, what about the work we are doing. The literature such obvious trame up as the try is being posed in a sharp and stutt worsens catastrophically, condi the German reactionaries be allowThe onerous conditions under puch, but that the very anyone familiar with the B posing upon the masses the idea the cadres of the revolutionary to say about Moscow today: ed to bank on this betraal in their the turnover ok labor within renter sively worsened as a result of the suflicient to remark that, according rotten, but the very elements of the work must be specded up and its INTERESTED IN THE campalsu ad annihilation against prises as well as lapses, careless Intisant and uncoordinated living work, damaging of machinery relucratic coercion of the the productivity of industry in 1992 its own blindness with socialism with donations and loans donament of Adolf Htler as Reichs they thus be permitted to make Chancellor was received quietly in the most adequate preparations in high percentage of damaged pro tissues of economy.
ducts, and low quality in grade The piling up of fixed prices. 36 percent which was set by the of its own infallibility, villes soRemember that every penny don the Russian athcial circles. There the longed for assault on the u.
of production. The entire planned those stoventionally and the early plan. Where has this granders and especially the peasante. it for the purpose of getting out it. Hitler does not represent any dan workers wake up and demand that MONEY INFLATION transition from planned collection the lapses of preceding seats Stalin seems as if the bureaucracy is con erature. It is a separate fund ser for the German Russian trade the communist International, that only of political control on the part government and the peasantry, to peasants. The report is necessar cialism.
The bureaucracy has rid itself not the semblance of trade between the celou rodinisicadinge des orderscomes to tind a way out other than so obligations. Send as funds in het of the Hitler Cabinet against the and give the counter revolutionary of the masses but also of the auto grain, meat, and milk taxes; the ily drawn in rubles. Within this Pioneer Publishers, 84 East 10th St. circles appear to be quite flisin of the Leninist Comintern? Let matic control on the part of the struggle not for survival Continued in the next issue New York City, terested. The Soviet government the Communist workers themselves chervonet. the dratt figures against death itself, against but supple implement of the report the there is to be found the key to the is said to have only an academic sound the alarm. Let them rut interest in whatever happens to the Stalinist leadership tremendous to the quality of production, to and against the mass concealment denee between the initial and final the Communiste outside of Russia. In the crucible of the treaba test basie costs and the productivity of of pillage; the out and out mill figures. Thus, the tremendous That is the affair of the III Inter events in Germany.
labor all these have been swirled tary inobilization of the party for over expenditures in construction 1932, at Union Meeting of the Switchmen and Railway Clerks Minneapolis On October 23rd. Firemen, Engineers, Trainmen, away like so much dust when the struggle against kulak sabotage, are set down as over fulfillments 21 Railroad Unions, the Minnes furnished the bulk of attendance.
stable unit of value. Bureaucratic as a class; and simultaneously fact, the material results of the med. The aim and object of this Lodge Officers and General Chair supervision tried its hand in this with all this: the undernourish construction, despite the billions of Council, and Railroad Councils in men failed to furnish the meeting The Conference was called by al all committees case as well to supplant economic ment in the cities, the return to over expenditure lag behind the general, is to provide a medium with either plan or policy for the Provistonal Committee initiated by The Communist League delegate conditions was designated then on to fulu the function of passport system what do all these look upon the fulfillment of the song, hay have an opportunity to Aways ease they were sease have a broad a representation of approval. Presenting to the com.
from and finally, the restoration of the We are least of all inclined to now divided into a separate uno Just precisely why they stayed through the united front call to to the seven hour day drawn up for a stable system of currency. This measures mean, independently of economie plan as a hit and uniss af moet together at each terminal oc furnish the meeting with something mustered within the from below reality of the six hour day, live day amounts to the same thing as feed the fact whether they are correct fair and would have considered the casionally to discuss and take ac they did not have, namely, a cor ing excerpts from a cook book in or no, if not the return of that fulfillment of the five year plantion an any question in which they rect program and policy on the policy of the initiators. The result week without reduction in pay.
piace of proper food.
Money intlation meana an cruel struggle between the capital within six, seven or eight years are all interested.
wage question or any other ques was that the conference was con. During the discussion the theor.
increasing tax upon the living list and the socialist tendencies. grandiose success, under the con. Since the Union meeting, which tion. This being the case, the Rall. Hned to Party members and Op eticans Overgaard and Alexander stan. which in 1932 revived a number of dition that, simultaneously, the dis gave it birth, the Minneapolls Rallroad Council subtnitted a program conscious Party members asked seven hour day as formulated by dards of the masses. By killing features of 1918 1919?
position groups. Some of the more were called in; sustaining the the interest of the worker in piece.
proportions were mitigated and road Council has held a number of in the shape of a resolution which themselves, llow is it that 1983 the majority of work wages, by fostering the in and harder upon the administra was raised. But it is pariter in that local uuions of the Brotherhoodsalgamate the dwindling railroadssive? Wben in 1927 28 the oth minority report on this bill, the The bureaucracy leans harder the standard of living of the masses council meetings at the committee.
allowing a dignation of the peasant against tive lever precisely upon members were re added from different leadership for their fallure to am finds the American proletariat still However, while not fixed prices for rural products, in der the fork that restricts we have the most unfavorable evid. letterhead and program has been crafts, and their failure to reorcial policy was oriented around chairman agreed to mention the of pulling asun. these more important flation sets a frenzied premium the personal interests of the peas ence.
by. and the upon speculation and the specula ants in conformance with the real The composers of a plan pro program contains a briet outline ot have been left in company unione drafted, discussed and printed. The sanize the shop crafts which the mythical revoli apsurgeouson, whom of the American organization he represented. This He lies who affiring that ander condition of rural economy. It claimed in their own time as their the Minneapolis Railroad Councti, for over ten years. Also for their The Left Opposition participated of course would have the same of socialist construction there would has been decided to place Com task, to lift up the country to a and the aim and purpose of rail failure to organize the motor trans wholeheartedly to steer the confect as a red flag to a bull. It be nothing to lear from e re national un an alon. of the ruling center, in of of On the contrary, during the first the kolkhozi which ideally repre ment. Even during the first two algamation, organization and other cials conducted the last two ware secretary of the Communist Leaguel point of view on this important develop with nine proposals covering am. Independent way in which the offront policy. Comrade Cannon, the Left Opposition to present its this covers a series of live year tives. Simultaneously with this. in commodities was to have been road Brotherhoods. The program provided for amalgamation and or gation, mainced no words in his and the delegate of the Opposition The dangerous, not to say ruinous. That Communists are becoming soaked to have initiated the superabund action for the six hour day without and air transport into four indus the delegates that if they needed its Committee back into session He is precisely how a plan checks it with the spirit of peasant opposiance of goods. In the fifth year, the any reduction selé by bring compelled to make on and must undergo a mass puri consumption of Industrial products, proposition to unemployment and efforts, and called for united ac which they were assembled, it was the six hour day, five day pay as a counter trial unions and coordinate their to put into action the purpose for and to come in with the proposals both ends meet without inflation. Alcation. In the meantime, no less should have increased, according to wage cuts which tlow automatically tion by all railroad crafts in the necessary to abandon the false and without reductions in pay. Alexanof a plan nullifies the danger of kolkhoz Communists are required in two, and two and a half times. growing productivity of labor. The rote is taken that one ballot below. He drew a sharp line from seven hour day, which was carried To proclaim that the very existence than one and a halt million of various categories, one and a halt, from the profit system and the coming wage issue and that if a sterile the united front from beder, again took the floor for the thing as to insist that the presence de positions by party members. Was specified ut percent, in celved by ratlroad workers where act as a UNIT. After a full dis for a general strike proposed by by the conference.
Money inber of an existing leak, To force upon the peasant collec. etc. In actuality, the shortage in it is less than two months old it a secret voto was taken on its ad. Provisional Committee and District fraternizing spirit prevailing becomes the source tives, economic leadership in accommodities has become unbearably has already been read in a limit option or rejection with only Organizer for the At the throughout the conference or as conclusion of his remarks comrade a ten percent bureaucrat mention ne per. Please reiterad till printed to undermine not only the kolkhozi sharply decreased, meat and dairy the R. Council idea permata on the whole, the first surton Cannon received a round of ape you follows ought not have fictitious criteria. Planned econ. It means to substitute a new dose in return for this, there has been road workers we think it will be erboods, sponsored by the Minnea. speech had not fallen on deaf ears. ocracy. Bagainst workers demomy is ravaged from within.
getting plenty of it the toplied that it was no there should be hung stens means not to go ahead of the Nepsociety. The consolation bears too will promote healthy and much to greater meetings yet to come. They selected a membenaren ere the arsenal of the Left Opposition task of economie. a of of the Railroad Brotherhoods success and is but a forerunner ca accident that the bombshells from dictory specifcations cal Bureau are translated into stat munism. even it on a higher econ the Politi: away from it, to Military Com. In the midst of newly erected race towards amalgamation and organt that the railroad workers will Left Opposition for the Bills Comhad thrown the bureaucrats into isties, each sign with the warning: omie plane zation of transportation workers welcome the Railroad Council mittee and at the same time to such a frenzy that in actuality they We shall consider in detail in general.
Movement inside of the Railroad least effective on. It must be menhe would be don know what to do. Inflation is the syphills of Plan THE BALANCE SHEET OF THE the question about the balance shee Minneapolis Railroad Council hela late activity and needed changes in tioned that the steering committee present the bills we had drawn On Sunday. February 26th. tho Brotherhoods as a means to ned Economy.
We marched on the capitol to WHO WILL PREVAIL!
FIRST FIVE YEAR PLAN of the first five year plan in a The costliness of premature rudi five year plan was concluded coin in preparation.
The moment at which the first book on Soviet economy that is now its first Union Meeting of the 21 structure and policy.
Railroad Brotherhoods on the fol.
guaranteed their line a majority on up but Lehman was too busy with mental bureaucratie collective farms alongside of dislocation of the nezervangen move walichen Illinois Miners Framed is the real reason Al Greening, the so that all discussions over the majestie impartial State Attorney insertion of a whereas or another the ties between rural economy and pected to shape itself shortly after of Sangamon County has stamped adjective in this clause, June 15th, the expiration date Continued from Page 1)
to the the peasants will to economie acagreed upon at the wage con tivity. In order to partially re(Continued from Page 1)
Left Opposition at any rato that uprooting of the harmful and dan fab of December last. The ques remain in slavery, or to suffer violproving Its resistance, refusing to of Sangamon County legalistie phraseology of where.
turn to the moujik the economie of world imperialism is well aware gerous stalinist theory of social tone proposed for discussion and ence and tyranny by the Peabody that nights against oppression and remain ineffective medlums to seek To Mr. Greening every worker as and be it now resolved will leadership has legalized will within It is their intention to well known limits, free placement of Stalinist national Bol. as follows: cause Just a few days ago the min for his children is a Public En. the Roosevelts. That the burning Screening them under the Jesuitica. feat of the national working class the party of the proletariat, only take, and what should be our streets and steeded inclosing em. But to Mr. Greening, men question is to the masses, and with of kollhoz trade. The exclu and into war of destruction the displacement of national Bol like Lewis, sion of traders middlemen under against the USSR.
policy and procedure. b) Should the 21 Brother ing many scabs out of town. All and gunmen recruited from the four Peabody mines and driv. greatest racketeer, Lewis thurs! elt and Lahe will compel RoosevAll the great shevism by tried and tested LeninLehman to listen to us.
the legalization of private trade, er therefore the task of the Comist Internationalism, only the sub hoods vote and act 28 this was a terrific blow against four corners of the earth, the Pea the tactic of the genuino the The first prerequisite for this is prices in a speculation which is then the re arming of the Commun tive of the Permanent Revolution zation vote and act separate so, Al Greening, State Attorney of guns to their scabs at three dol. Dosed internationally by the Lett proatomized and therefore more in est international. Against the forces for the petty bourgeois utopia of sane. The prices on the markets of Ilitler and his imperialist back socialism in one country can save trement and agreements. bloodhound for the Peabody Lewis men, are respectable and honarable ly, and make separate set Sangamon County, acting as the lars a pay ah all these gentle Opposition, at once rose ten, fifteen and twentyers must be rallied the internation om new defeats, free it from the log and the program were printed to smash the Progressive Mineral up against birrer obstacles than the International working times over the fixed governmental working class and its fatherland, Handbils advertising the meetmachine is leverishis attempting citizens of the community. But JACK CARMODY.
prices the USSR. Against the Brown possibility of new betrayals of the and circulated. Through its chair of America by railroading the mill the miners of Sangamon have been know of his incessant activities in ed farmer sent bread and other the ran Army, the arm or the adequate defense of the USSR, the Labor Executives Association was State Attorney Greening stamp they have won against Lewis and America. They are proud to say products into those channels toute international working class, must sion to the Soviet United States of bers from four different organiza No. of Sangamon County weeks Coal Company. The miners most vicious hatred of the Lewisthe negative side of kolkhoz trade, Tremendous tasks are facing the No time must be lost. The strug its spokesman on the question by the ancie wat ons of youth that ans of the asserts Stalin, without, however, class and its sle must be organized. The Com volved. Another letter, sig drawing any further conclusionis. international working Webb? He was one of to bring Webb back into the ranks Webb and Wang must not be left to rot away behind prison bars!
tional. These tasks can only be the stomatkoise solved by the reestablishment with armed to meet the imposing inter General Chairman located in the coming back from worker must be Brotherhoods, was sent to about 20 call to save de france since webb. and there are the The miners of Hilinois whole of the Webb Wang case to abigher Efforts are being made to appeal moujik prefers the channels in the ranks of world Communism. national tasks facing the working Twin Cities urging their attend found out through experience that them, admire him because of his court. Progressive Miners and other he has private trade and speculation to the planned trade with the state of the principles and the spirit of class. means nothing else but that the Marxist internationalism, by the ance at the meeting to help the the democracy he fought for was tested devotion to the class strug workers everywhere must demand Communist workers. Morgan gle. They have found in him one the immediate release of Webb and the calling of the Seventh Congress program and policy to pursue in bankers. He went to Washington of the bitterest foes of the reac Wang!
of the Communist International the expected wage move after June with the Bonus Marchers and attionary racketeering elements. They ANGELO.
with the participation of the Inter 15th. No Grand Lodge Officer ter being driven away from there national Left Ovend that their Chairman Whitney did not to Springfield and established Camp showed up at the meeting and by the heroes of 1932 he camo Party member Continued from Page 1)
ternal end of this problem they the leaders of the Red October, that even reply to the letter sent him. Neal, where a large group of attempt to reconcile this ever press dara, beren though they deny it as Fades e Kiamediately restored one of the General Chalmen and only borels from any thing they could ing this, goes the problem of Japan denies it has a war on their posts of struggle.
one of them attended the meeting. pick up here and there.
attempts to drive in an indirect take a blow of the American imperd party of the Left Opposition. Demand the readmission into the He said he was for unity and amwage cut by inflation and rising ialists that was very effective for From the very Inception of the Two New Pamphlets By Valence Without telling the Forward of the Internal debt helps certain wers of the President and the meas solldarity with the German working 100 members trom 38 Lodges and of veterans cast their lot with the mas internatfonal mote those things.
what he had done to prostruggle against the Lewis Walker machine, Capt. Webb and his group LEON TROTSKY aldes the imperialists who are in ures which followed, the embargo class!
12 of the railroad unions attend. Progressive Miners of America and the Anal analysis responsible for on gold and the return of gold to Forward to the revolutionary deed this Union Meeting. The com wherever the fight was thickest, in Soviet Economy In Defense of the the tightening up of the American the central banks and the process fense of the USSR!
position o of consolidations all this is en productive force to enable them to abling America to prepare Down with the black regime of mined by register. The seven shop Springfield, the miner could In Danger Russian Revolution a Hitlerism!
72 Pages 10 cents 48 Pages cents worl market and reduecd costs at for further onslaughts against the man and international working that most of the are still in the Webb organizing ability, and his Long live the victory of the Ger. meeting on account of the fact in the front ranks. Because of for twenty five cents Minimum number per order Postage le extra per copy cess baggage of the lesser exploit the other imperialists, especially. also class!
Company Unions where they have militant speeches to the miners PIONEER PUBLISHERS ers and debt upon the American England and France. NATIONAL COMMITTEE, been left practically unmolested for and because he fought courageous84 East 10th Street, New York Industrial structure.
COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF over ten years by Jewel and and spiritedly to build the ProWhile they are busy with the lo RUGO OBHLEE.
AMERICA (OPPOSITION) the rest of the official drone. The greselve Miners of America that!
any missioployees of e Manifesto of the Left Opposition class Bankers Consolidate Control or al