BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Cym monist League of America (Opposition) at 128 East 16th Street. New York, Entered as second can wat matter. November 28. 1828 at the Port Office at New York, under the act of March. 1879 VOLUME VI, NO. 19 WHOLE NO. 6 NEW YORK, SATURDAY MARCH 18, 1933 PRICE CENTS Notice To Our Readers Danger Draws Closer in Manifesto of the Left Opposition ERS!
the Cafeteria Strike On in HAS RAKOVSKY BEENASSASSINATEDI An Open Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party 00 ve convention.
Just as the Militant was going.
to press, we received the highly important article of comrade Trotsky printed herewith. ComOne would be a coward or purnegligence, they threw themselves ing at a time when evento move TO THE MEMBERS OF THE must not be. Clarity, above all or Communism means to the interC. else, is the need of the moment national working class.
the danger castastrophe looms collectivization. Twenty five mbil sharpness, the article bears all TO ALL COMMUNIST WORKThe Left Opposition, in America Precious time has already been over the Communist Party of the on its own, with all its creative Dion of isolated pensant exoe as well as elsewhere, has been in lost. Many unnecessary sacrifices Noviet Union (Bolsheviks. the imagination, to command over the only the day before represented much so that we have been fore The onslaught of Fascism over the German work. Gerinan Fascism because this strug. Ist contation in de is the forefront of the struggle against have already been made. The Fase ruling party of the first proletarian economy of 170 million souls. But the motive power of rural economy ed at the last moment to elimnnhas state. It can be prevented only that is precisely the gist of the. reedy, feeble is the moujik ate a number of reports and ing Angers a pace.
ly the self sacrificing struggle of matter, the Politbureau of Marxes nak. but prime movers neverthe comments on pressing local and ness. The heavy blows alreads tarian internationalism, of the rev cisive battle has not yet been the advanced workers struck have served to raise the olutionary working class in the fought. The test of forces between The situation is so pregnant Lening would have never even less these millions the bureau national class struggle issues.
itself such a task. And on cracy attempted to supplant at a These latter, as well as the reat necessity of united front action as present period. As interna the ranks of the united proletariat Polit single blow by the administrative of the article by comrade Trotsky the immediate life and death questional vanguard of the working and the motley hordes of Hitler areas that the centuries are bein to turco the consists or second rate oht. Whilor 200, 000 Kotkhoda (collective of the pareacleihoa. commande eventos de pe tion of the German proletariat. The class, the Lett Opposition has point. Brown Shirts has not yet come out cry for the united front is resound ed out tirelessly that the rate of into the open.
participate in the activities of the rotucrats who are drunk with the farms) directorates which were the Militant.
ruling faction that is sapping the power they have wrested from the without the necessary equipment ing from the ranks at a high pitch, Germany, the weakest link in the The united front of the proleOctober Revolution. Under the party, who have lost the ground the necessary training, and which spurred on by the whip of events. chain of a decaying capitalism grip tariat is on the order of the day Under this pressure from the ped by its deepest and most wide for practical arrangements. The Stalinist regime, the class enemies from under their feet and who are lacked the necessary support of the are better informed of all that most of all concerned with preserv peasantry itself.
proletarian mass, both the yellow spread crisis concentrates within takes place or is about to be uning their intated personal prestige.
ball way and halfThe excessive shift in the apporsocial democracy as well as the itself the fate of Europe, of the hearted measures of Centrlat Stalinist bureaucracy have world. We have pointed out that democracy will stand exposed in the social dertaken, than the working class. Is it 80 long since that these tionment of national income from been forced to give an immediate there the solution will be given their nakedness once the proletarThe possible attempts on the part homunculi repeated their badly the village to the city, from light of counter revolutionists to make thought out formula of the alliance industry to the heavy Industry; the answer to the question of the prac for years to come on the road to lan united front is established. The use of our outspoken criticism do between workers and peasants, as ominous ticul formation of the united front. the international extension of the open struggle between Fascism and inNerer before have the working it in this above all which accounts October revolution or on the road working class can only be a strus andredth part the foundation of foundations? low dustryportions within of that danger the mallunant misinformation the middle peasant?
How long functioning of labor power and been so bad as at the present time. Hattons between the second and the and mortal danger to the existence end. In such a struggle the masses of social democratic workers spread by the bureaucracy and by ago did they ignore the very exist capital expenditure the economia e borses, having taken advantage Third Internationals. It is in this of the Soviet Union.
tarian vanguard.
ages is it since they rejected the industry and the peasantry turned the absence of a powerful workers rect the reported negotiations as Fascist rule cannot exist with their treacherous leaders. Their In a broad historical sense, the program of planned industrializa out to have been broken prior to ready miserable Co have been VO been fighting for from the be can only exist as a unit with the guard, the ranks of Communism.
situation of the Soviet Union cantion in the name of, presumably. its having been achieved.
organization, have reduced the at the incident tultilment of a de out imperialist aggression against will to life, to power wil merge The conditions to a mand that the Bolshevik Leninists the USSR. socialist Germany with that of the proletarian van not be so hopeless as is the situa preserving the link between the chervonmetz in the pocket of point of slavery. Wages tion of world Capitalism which city and the village? Frightened reduced to a starvation level, the ginning of the lascist danger as USSR in its extension to the soThe Fascist camp and the camp finds itself up against an absolute by the consequences of their own. Continued on Page 2) working time lengthened to 14 and a coutirmation of the correctness viet United States of Europe. That of its revolutionary foresight. It is what the question of Fascism (Continued on Page 2)
impasse. This general 15 hours a day.
historical perspective not only completely The Foltis Fischer Cafeteria the reports are true, a desperately been Company after having reduced the they are not true, a criminal and justifies the October Revolution, taken, insofar as it requires justification, wages of their employees to the uniorgivable hoax has been per but it also dooms beforehand as all programs of utterly reactionreols democracy it, forces them to buy shares in petrated on the whole international the petty the company, with a threat of working class!
The Left Opposition has been (Mensheviks, Social Revolutionists. March 16 Associated Press night, the noble internationalist losing their jobs. Under these con sghting for the applicate for the etc. etc. which inevitably reduce dispatch from Istanbul, Turkey, whose two generations of militant of the To the Central Executive Comditions and with the persistent Leninist united front congress of the Comintern imme mittee, diately, with the participation themselves to the restoration of reports: Marxism constitutes a stainless propaganda of the FWIU the workestablishment of the proletarian Communist Party of the democratie capitalism.
of the International Lett UpposiEven in brformation from several ers realized the necessity of an oruuited front as the gateway to the Comrades: record difficult to match in me tion, and toat Trosky and a the event of the victory of the sources has been receive by Leon demn times? Has the man who ganization as the only weapon resolutionary struggle against Hit Events in Germany are moving OVSKy be especialysuwmuued counter revolution, the Soviet bydra Trotsky, living in exile on Prin proudly gained the enmity against the attacks of the bosses. Ierism, to the working class solu with break neck speed. There is to ALOSCOW to take part in the will grow a new head in place of kipo Island, that Christian Rak every Balkan tyrant, who foundeach one that is chopped off. But ovsky, former Soviet Ambassador.
Congress ed the Third International, who their shop committees. Through tion of the German crisis, to the very little time left. The German proletariat, facing the extension of the World October.
bloody this does not at al to Paris and former President of one stool pigeons the bosses were That the German question was first chief of the Ukrainian The Left may with an easy conscience, per the Ukraine Republie, has been be put as the most important Soviets, who was driven from able to find out who were in these Communist Position says to thel avalanche if Fascism, stands in workers: If the necesneed of Paris by the French bourgeoisie, question before the party, that returned to Moscow from exile bring ruin upon the present, living and put to death.
excusest bergan drink the box pel tata sury turn of the Communist Inter uia. eine the tirst pace, it needs systematic discussion ou it who was later driven from the none at a national in the united front policy the aid of the Communist InterSoviet regime. In the given case, feeling of the deepest horror party by the Thermidoriao reac time. The union Immediately is really to be carried out, if its national la guiding it to a cor organized in every unit of the the historical reckoning is a re will the heart of every workparty from top to bottom, and been de staged a demonstration in front of to be carried out in the revolu rect policy. tremendous reckoning in terms of decades. Ultipartire like itselig. ines militant at the mere tuut it be the first pumut on the mately, the downfall of the Soviet reading of this report. We know reacratie apparatus?
reinstatement of the discrarged tween the agenda of the for comme party State would express itself only as that Stalin, rude and disloyal, hour. As must be tern in this matern, the Amsection of the We demand an answer from workers. Although the company reformist Inew and the an historical episode. But should personally vengeful, has not hesi the responsible head of the Rus That the Laft Oppositon be to with the this happen, it would be one of the tated in the past to send to their sian party: mands of the union, a few days brought out into the broad day erican party bears a full sbare of this great historie responsireadmitted to the party ou the most horrible episodes in universal deaths such sterling revolution WHERE IS CHRISTIAN RAK later they fired more bakers who scenes but united struggle agree bility. The Lett Opposition, which basis of party democracy; that history. Our sole task lies in pretionists as Heinrichsen, Butov, OVSKY the American wupport in venting it. Meanwhile the danger Silov, Rabinovitch, Blumkin, Zin HAS HE BEEN EXECUTED? these conditions a strike on the meats concluded before the eyes is a faction of the party and the the of the Communist and social dem Comintern, turns to you now once approaches closer and closer.
the Let the reason of zaze and other Bolshevik Lenin The revolutionary proletariat part of the union was not only in ocratic workers! No covering up more with concrete proposals for Opposition ош шезSound the alarm! We must sound ists in the Soviet Union. We national scale, and the release the alarm!
know that he has not hesitated Anal accounting those who have strikers and the organization are of mistakes, no silence on the past, a line of action which in our but candid and frank explanations opinion must be followed without and return of the imprisoned BolBUREAUCRATIC SABOTAGE OF to send to prison and to distant dared lay murderous hands on (Continued on Pago 3)
shevik Leninists in the Soviet exile the flower of the old Bolare necessary: Why the new turn, delay.
SOCIALIST CONSTRUCTION the man whose life and struggles, how is it to be carried out, on Our proposals are the followUNDER THE GUISE OF IN6. That the party call for a shevik loadership, men whose unyielding intransigeance what basis?
ing: wbose serene firmness under the FALLIBLE LEADERSHIP 10 leave the confusion of 90 That the American party united front collerence of all tionary struggle behind them. hammer blows of reaction have Workers organus, including By dint of unbelievable exertions Has he now dared to assassin been and remain an inxhaustible cial Fascism. of the united front openly demand of the Comintern the party uuu tue source of inspiration to every from below unexplained, to fail and the German that they on the part of the toiters, at the ate Christian Rakovsky, the or to Love to bring clarity on these questions adopt completely and unambigu concrete great champion of the revolution proletarian revolutionist!
program for uuluu Irout uemou sacrifices there have been created ary proletariat? Has he now Therefore, an open answer: that is the way to make the turn ously and carry out in practise an empty, worthless maneuver, that the polley of the united front.
straculis iu Suray wacu the grandiose technical values, there dared to put to death, with a WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO Springfield, TIL German workers. Tu acLOM LO have been gained extraordinary That the American Party CHRISTIAN RAKOVSKY? Dewitt Webb, one of the out is the way to undermine the procoward blow in the dark of the பய 1 HULIMAI பயம. und productive victories. The October standing leaders of the Bonus Army gress which 1s essential. Thatl demand the convening of the 7th proceed iron tutto local acLUDS revolution has demonstrated while in Washington, captain of along the summe tue.
mankind the potentialities inherent bor severul years bow, Week in Socialism, by speaking in terms in and week ou, the Left op Springtield and honorary member of steel, cement and kilowatts of of the Progressive Miners of Amposition bus veeu warunk of lue electrical energy. But during this John very times tout are support.
same period, d, the bureaucratie leadpend to bave been State framed up and now in Germally as the coueuership, which is self sufficient and Prison ence of a fuse pucy, it was preirresponsible, which is incapable of diced audit prouicuous are foreseeing and intolerant of cricio Mooney Conference was no ordin the sight of their leaders voting Speetively and fined 300 dollars.
The New York United Front the other half were confused bs for one year and elght months reThe banking crisis has within it, capped on the world market by literally vermed. lu Let op position was bleu vut we way mirage of socialism in one coun. and weakness of the Satlinist mach skyite and did not vote. The 140 was that they carried concealed, financial capitalists over American some banking apparatus in the mud the eveus e curmed try, has brought national como mine. As it turned out the confer. votes Berman got were enough.
weapons while on the picket lines economy. it was a condition that world of lanperialist nations. The its prug usus. It is uwe www to the brink of absolute chaos. In:ence got out of control of the against the Peabody Coal Co. But could not be avoided in the pro Federal Reserve System and the turu le menu. There is very sitFrom this point on the confusion the evidence in the case showed cess of reorganizing the American moves toward the further develop the achievements are devoured by dis broke loose. rlot was avoided this eventful gathering. Louis shadow of a doubt that neither tion in the intensitled competition forward for the American Imper favorable post iment of branch banking are steps we sell.
proportions and gape. No one so only by summarily adjourning.
We hope you will realize it, and do your purt to help the much as bothers to consult the Scott. Mooney personal represen Webb nor Wang has any kind of for world markets. More than one ialists in this respect. But it the Cominteru uuu tue German party of workers and peasants upinio there werkenndamentale e sarete Tee conference, overwhelming tative made the report. He sum weapon whlle on the picket lines. factor entered into the process that American imperial sts are to take Lo reunat i, vetore it is too late.
in The way to do this bas been outmuch should be used, and how much helf turn on the united front. The case. His perspective for the fu way police and then arrested and sive action of the imperialists, entirely inadequate. The banking for its part stands ready, now as in. put away for the future. The bu contradiction between this political ture of the fight was essentially a after that taken to jail and framed against the other sections of the crisis in this sense represents always, to help the jarly biuu its reaucracy takes stock at a glance orientation and the attempt on legal one. He laid down the tasks in the Sangamon County Jall. The exploiters and the working class, crisis in the stage of reorganization way on the pach ot international ondere editerima actualiteten. mitte to run it in the well known fronte mass meetings and is the the part of the party steering com of the movement as follows: united evidence further showed that Chlef enabled them to turn an unfavor: rather than a stage immediately duty. Our agitation, our criticof the State Highway Polrecognizing no laws other than the Stalinist, closed corporation man trations delegation to Redon. Mood his Cossacks on the moth. Wole situation into a successful following the period of overproduc. ism, and our waruings are all to ice tion and liquidation. Roosevelt directly loyally to this end. And laws it willfully wills, supplanting ner is the key to an understanding demand the immediate and uncon: ing that Webb was beaten up had. The rural middle class had its New Deal was started off with in any actions which will be un plans with commands and balance of the tense political drama that aftional release of Mooney: dele been told to get Webb and to Farmers Holiday movement in a bang in the Interests of the Am dertaken, to rouse the American sheets with coercion. The task was fought for eight hours on the gation to Roosevelt to get him to bring him in. Within a few order to fight against the falling erican imperialists. This was facil working class and form a united that is most complex, the task floor of the conference intercede with Roph for Moones; a minutes after a decision was ren world price level that was increas itate by the fact that the immedi front of International support that not only was never before the conference was opened by congressional investigation and if dered against Webb and Wang, they ing their debts, reducing their ate surface Interests of a large see the members of the Lett Oppual: solved but never even undertaken the reading of a message from these measures fail, general were rushed on to Vandalla Statelanies and causing ruin. The bank. tion of the middle of the big tion will put themselves at the class run paral. with the German proletariat, all. to achieve by means of planned Mooney. Following this Palmer strike. The emphasis be save the Prison ers came along and by declaring lel with the interest forecasting and regulation the mu ot the Federated Press was elected legal fight gave the impression that Why all the haste? And what a Bankers Holiday turned an un bankers, thereby enabling Roosevelt disposal of the party for any sertual congruity between the branch temporary chairman. motion to me somewhat helpful auxiliary: an up and railroading of Webb and further consolidation over the other. The middle class wants Inflation vice required of them.
With Communist Greetings enormous country, this task which carried and the following were ac in the bote to be sprung on the Wang to prison? Because the Pro sections.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE by its very nature Winsolvable elected: Sultan of the Frelbelt; capitalists if all else falls. gressive Miners of America There is no question that the with cheap money. Roosevelt first COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF without the daily experience of Nessin of the TUUC; Gubernick of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) American Imperialists are handl got their support by letting them AMERICA (OPPOSITION)
millions, without their think he would open the gates for CANNON, Secretary.
checking over their own collective e Huntington Branch of the unlimited local scrip. Then he experience, without their openly Itiner of the Brotherhood of Paintclosed the gates to local scrip bp Imperialism must liquidate the bulk One thing is certain American expressing their needs and demands ers, Local 145; Penn of the Brother concentrating the issuing of two to win in the international strug.
this giganti, all embracing, na hood of Railroud Trainmen; and tion wide historical task is solved Berman of the Left Opposition who billions in currency through rigid control from above where of its heavy Internal debt. It is gle for the dominating position and within official sanctums, in the see was a regularly elected delegate March May 1871 they hope to control the process of make the Dollar the basle internaretariat of the CEC, all depending from a Workmen Circle Branch.
indation, thereby eliminating the tonal medium of exchange. The upon how the spirit moves it, and Berman election caused the party lower sections of the exploiters capitalists had to find some form upon what this or the other spetx members no end of confusion. ComSpeaker: from the benefits. In addition, the of juggling the contradiction be buzzes. What could be more mon rade Berman is well known to strous?
party members as a member of the much stronger by the process of tionally and the need of liquidation Even if the Politbureau consist LO. When it came to voting on squeezing out the small banks and of the internal debt nationally. The ed of seven universal geniuses, of Berman the party steering comconsolidating the banking structure seven Marxes, or seven Lenins, it mittee raise their hands. Half the at the International Workers Hall, 126 a Est 16th St.
and Its capital in the hands of a present move of the bankers is an would have still been incapable all party members followed suit. But FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1933, at P.
ADMISSION: 15 smaller group at the top. Continued on Page 2)
men with decades of the and wo TwoFramed Up by Peabody Coal Co.
to Stalinists Discredited at Mooney Bone dengan pendant Neue Bankers Utilize Situation In Order United Front Conference In or To Strengthen Holdon Whole System battle.
THE PARIS COMMUNE Martin Abern MANHATTAN MASS MEETING The ALBANY CONFERENCE Spealer: JAMES CANNON Delegate of the Left Opposition to the Albany Conference IRVING PLAZA 15th Street and Irving Place SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1948 ADMISSION 166 And the Next Step in the Unemployment Movement Auspices. Communist League of America (Opposition)