AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyGermanyHitlerItalyLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

of Banking Law party and the labor press: debate wonld be held. Glotzer got in have sat by. Sanctioning the beating the mistakes in the presen Comrade Bracy of the Chicago the movement.
integrity We demand the expulsion from the greeting is to be sent through Numption of power by Hitler. No me and hrinelas force to money wages, would be upon. Conference cemeteryho Pislation of the most recentem recente berica conference proverete mands: melns PAGE THE MILITANT FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1988 united front, the actions organized THE WORKERS FRONT Appeal to LEAGUE ACTIVITIES under the leadership of the revolu. The New Against Slugging Big Oehler Meeting Our branch, about an hour in Alexander Darin, an the vanguard actions; they do not sue Carpenters Protest afternoon and about an hour after ceed in reaching the less awakened the FSU accepted thrmative the mass meeting was over. Ser workers and drawing them into the and comrade Albert Gloluer would Against Bureaucracy (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
In Davenport eral comrades that are not in the fight; and, consequently, they fall speak on the negative side. PlugLeft Opposition attended both of to exert the necessary class pressgers were printed and advertising GROUP BUT IN SOME PETTY their drawn, more notes will be printed.
THAT SUCH If these additional notes go into at United Front» est une rett Opposition accept FOOLHALLA GANG, EHU Davenport, Iowa. very enth the lectures. In fact there was not ure on the capitalists and ed at once, although tbey made sure TACTICS CAN tion of the Alban Conference (al circulation, you have inflation at THE HANDS ENEMIES.
open letter sent by Carpenters presentative of the Left Oppoal ºr you to tolerate such tactics national committee, when he spoke he reached Davenport to the time oft wing delegates. is the most prevented the increased note issue Local Union 2090 to the Socialisttion, on so vital a subject as Can in Davenport on What Is Happen that he left.
March 15, 1953, the on this question. decisive turn posits from resulting in effective striking illustration and warning caused by the withdrawal of deput out announcing the debate Socialism Be Built in One Coun in the least is to sanction them. ing in Germany. Comrade Oebler Workers Educational Forum will to the genuine tactie of the united lotation already has been the fact AN OPHN LETTER TO THE LABOR COMMITTEE OF THE In order to make sure that the responsibility for this act, for you in a very enthusiastle report show for Karl Marx at the same hall. now for the further development or drawn to be hoarded not spent.
SOCIALIST PARTY touch with their yorum director. ings we have received by your sit. Stalinist leadership Gentlemen :But at any time the ex depositors the treach branch will give a review of Marx that ence. You bear the preponderance The actions of the impoverished may become still more panicky, may rance ery of the social democratic lead life and the significance of After listening to the report by He was informed by him, our two delegates to your conter. Darin, had decided not to speak of the responsibility because youlership. Comrade Oehler answered tenchings. There will be a musical can follow with accelerated speed notes will lose in value, and go this and hunger driven masse, which be afraid that even their bank ence on Feb. 22, 1933 this local and withdrew. But this did not sat by, never allowing a word of many questions about the situation program by a German singing so and accumulating force from the out and spend them and thus put your union wishes to register a prb mean that the debate would not criticism to emanate from test against the conducting of the be held. Oh, no, another speaker office against those who persist in Germany.
The Stalinists there were only will be served after the meeting above, must now primarily take cently. issued currency into circula: ciety of this city. Refreshments program and tactie laid down the whole of 1. billions of re conference onlled by your commit would take his place, because the in disgracing the revolutionary tee and especially against the treat means to hold this debate. movement because of their rev about six present. They result made Admission 100 Unemployed Free. the form wide misses in strue. in rising prices and in a genuine an excuse that they were doing really unite ment accorded of demonstrations which ton. This would at once our delegates and After all this is not a party organi. olutionary, and politald of pool. more important work than disby beating with ti gle. The appearance at the State inflation those whose viewpoint on the un xation!
THE ONLY ROAD Legislature must not be concelved employment problem is similar to But things didn turn out so ball hoodlums, individual revolucussing the Germany revolution so webcam seems, after all, that the tionaries whose political concepts that is the reason their leadership has been completely len trotaba as an end in itself, but as a means drawn would mean to have more To have more deposits withour own.
The initiators of the conference National Committee of the feu differ in the least. To continue could not be present.
About seventy five Militants were will go to press within the next few these mass demonstratione.
the danced and add further to that if the new bills union and to numerous other or gainst this delate and instructed recent concurrences is to commit sold at the meeting. motion car days. This is a fundamental an Such demonstrations, in the next actually go into circulation, in delegates. Not all of these dele held. The forum director, relates olutionary youth movement.
ganizations. Many of these sent this branch that it could not be the greatest injustice to the reved to send a greeting in beball the factors that led to the as stage of the movement to the extation, with rising prices and lowof the workers in Davenport and tent that they really involve broad er buying power of money and with cand extractions, informing them, the the Young Chen unter andere med the International luft opposition. The book will consist of more than rulers en pressure which they have the party cannot have both views of those in charfedd have su does not debate with the left Chicago, of alted Crucktheds hd militant ean fail to read this book. hear can put upon the capitalist been possible for all the delegates opposition, and strengthening that Peck, as well as all others who. Comrade Oehler while he was in save a lecture on the prin nominal price. Watch for its publ pot felt up till now. These demon ght against intation for the sake to obtain admission into the con repented and stale najectives in ex. comrade Dannsluk and whom we ciples of the Left Opposition before lication.
the capitalists and compelose from the workers, and a fight for ube pause before further onslaughts on posits which involves additional to submit their proposals or replaining why. The debate was to could not identify, on the followsolutions, and then to have have been held on March 10. The ing charges. the workers out of fear of giving currency and so opens the door to stimulue to the movement. intatlon Moreover, such united demonstraput before the conference. This is the debate came five days prior. beatings given to young revolu.
The unanimous vote in the House, the only correct procedure for a The FSU was saved. But it al tionaries, whose sincerity has been most went a bit too far.
substantiated by countless arrests (Continued from Page 1) any organized movement of the un tions, increasing in size and will working class movement.
and the vote of 73 to in the Senand jail sentences, by such worth the overwhelming majority. if not employed on a sufficiently large tancy and gaining visible results are for a banking law which ita Instead of this, our delegates lees elements as Red Cruck.
witnessed exactly the opposite. For the violation of the most coter it with both hands. In meramente sabalyse the develop then the morale of the masses every single delegate here, would Merle, and the disunity in such in concrete cases. ns, for example, own father, Senator Glass, describexisted have in Chicago. will enormously stren ed as shocking, show how demoralWorkers who came with regular credentials from various Jabor or ganizations, particularly Left wing axtons which distingnish us from of the vanguard. The important ment of a real class movement. an increase their self confidence and ized and terrorized are the parliaand mentary bodies. To propose mass (Continued from Page 1) anarchists and nihlists.
and decisive questions for such a this does not preclude the possibil lead, in turn, to broader, bolder pressure on them to change the of and stormier demonstrations, labor organizations, were refused For destroying the prestige conference are the questions of ty of a change in the attitude On this road the hesitating mood the big bankere is simply not sericourse which is being dictated by admission into the conference by tional scale. Our conference should of the Communist movement.
a credentials committee which to extend the novement to draw of the masses and their more or ous.
We demand that the National From This point of view shall tively short time.
program, perspectives and tactios. the workers, and that in a compara o was never elected but arbitrarily wider masses of workers into it and appointed by nobody knew who. In to develop it into a genuine class and District Committees of the undertake to analyze the situation The program for the translation passive discontent can be ra pidly transformed into the impulse addition, squads of strong arm men movement which unites the masses Young Communist Lengue take im as the left Opposition sees it and of the mass discontent and resent for active resistance all along the without hysteria or exaggeration, The workers must be told plainly, mediate and austere action against from which our proposals flow.
ment of the employed and unemline. The moment were stationed throughout the hall of workers of various organisations the participants of the attack, and this decisive that there is a possibility that the The crisis is preparing the ground played workers into class aletions turn in the situation is clearly represent banking crisis may develop and without the slightest pretext, and political views in a co on a broad scale and for the fusion cordeid, new and vast perspectives into a period of intlation, which will to make vlo. struggle. Only on this path can make an example of them by ex.
they were woon these the level of the movement be raised telling theme elements from the tor great resurgence of the Amlent physical in a common struggle centers self confidence that will follow from delegates who did not meet with and its must be met with a dethe approval of the conference or the burning power incrensel Young Communist League, is an erican working class. The cynical of their interests and their actions will be opened up. The increased amount to a wage cut. Such a need is for unity in desirables who are obtructing the indifference of the capitalist rulers of the workers slugged and forcibly eject the unemployment movement infamowcent. The debe conary youth to the plight of the hungry masses around the following main de the first successes in the demon mengor higher dollar wages, to gantzers. Not only were these the light. The attempt to aplit strations of the unemployed can be compensate for the lower buying the paltry relief doled out you (1) Immediate relief rapidly reflected among the employpower of the dollar if it develops.
ed from the hall, but any delegate ated by the Socialist party leader passer judgınent upon your own charity, the savage wage cute (2) Unemployment insurance, to impulse to resist further aggresshould determine the amount of who rose to protest against this ship in New York City can only be revolutionary integrity and will de other aggrexions on the one hand, be paid for by the employsions on their already unbearable increase needed. The struggle for scandal, was immediately threaten regarded as a treacherous blow at cide the problem as to whether the and the bankruptcy of all the captortalist the other all this is for overcoming the ers and the government.
ed with a dose of the same meds. the mterests of the cod CL shall contlute to KTOW standards. This can lead to eco such higher wages must be waged crisis on CEILING (3) The six hour day and the nomie actions of the employed on as broad a front as possible, cine. The delegate from our local workers. The Albany union was twice puuted back into must put itself firmly on the ground. Comrade Dannyluk wax ques. Working and temployed masses tive day week without re workers, to local strikes on the as it will gain in strength it fought his seat by these strong arm men of a united class movement and those by the police after he had the most profound resentment and duction in my basis of concreto local grievances en national basis and be proporwhen he made an attempt to take lay out the line of policy and tae regained consciousness. He refusalissatisfaction. The necessary con. 4) Long term, large scale and to the combination of these tionately weaker if it has to be names of his saitions for the transformation of ed to reveal the floor and voice his point orice which will frustrate the spisallants, nor did he utter a word the hychology of the working class, credits to the Soviet Union. economic actions with the political fought out from shop to shop ters and smash their view and his protest disruptive as a that might throw the slightest sus for its polítical awakening and its demonstrations of the unemployed of womerican mases, and to the reciprocal infu who are charged with the duty of Second, such workers committees organizations, in order to help. This cannot be done by denuncia: was responsible for the deed. Her the class struggle are maturing We sent delegates, like other maneuvers.
relief for the corters fraternal between other.
ment to make some headway in of every treacherous blow at the pleaded lignorance to all questions rapidly to a certain extent thes the American and Russian In fare of continued wage cuts, along with them the petty bourment of prices could well carry the fight against the misery and unity of the movement is an abso that might in the least incriminato have already matured.
workers. This implies the which raise the workers resent geois masses, organized into conhardship which unemployment im. lute necessity. We e must find a way the YCL You, AND NOT THE POLICE are the ones to pass de.
The furious resentment of the poses upon the working man and of approach to the rank and file such action.
YOU workers is accumulating to the of the Soviet government multiplication of such strike sezations Seagues comme cela corrunte committees woman. But our delegates were workers in the Socialist party, the ciston upon and the establishment of tons is quite possible. In such an suppression of abuses such as breaking point, preparing the way MUST ACT not given the slightest opportunity conservative labor unions and trade relations with it.
for a great explosion of working event, and on the basis of a storm hoarding of commodities by dealers, to present our point of view, to other reformist organizations those We have tolerated these beat class protest. of decisivo importsubmit resolutions or to for leaders seek in one way and an inch long enough. WE REFUSE ance to facilitate this are: the one the scattered separate movements demonstrative general strike of sted price advances, subThe tactie by means of which ay developing strike movement, al Se the ANY Fur gram. ec Practie na ceste etc.
them. The time was taken up by can be welded into one, and the short duration is not excluded.
long winded a united movement This can only THER ATTACKS UPON OUR tive. The present conference has still inactive masses can be drawn speeches from leaders of the So be done if the Albany conference COMRADES Yor: YUIST ACT to be concelved not as the culmina into the struggle, in the tactie of not an 86 aventurous playing with inflation night be developed within These are only typical of The general strike, however, 18 methods by which a brand united slogan for the prefront movement for a fight against delegates were made to listen only unity and puta no arbitrary, de flore the settlingen problems we parture in the struggle to set tactic aims to bring about common the sound of the general strike at the proletariat and under the guid. We do Instead of serving there as active mands to the other organizationsfore real class movement of the working action of various workers organi the present time can only operate ance of its vanguard, which could participants in a conference, they in the Conference, except the de know of more effective ways of and unemployed masses on foot. zations, trade uniors and parties to prevent the development of the lend the petty bourgeois masses and were lured there to give this con mand for united action and for settling such problems in the revference of semi business men and real strugle on a common immedsolutionary movement. Your de. The hesitation of the masses toit proposes their joint action in elemental workers movement on not be swamped by them. Such a political job seekers a workers and ate program.
proletarian aspect.
The splitting maneuvers of the dition of comrade Dannyluk, win at the terrible conditions imposed aims. It is addressed to the oth actions which are appropriate to crisis develops into a real currency upon them in the crisis in aggrescial organizations as well as to the the present situation and the pre breakdown, and if it is cu femly We hold to the view we bare Socialist leaders in New York City far to decide our action.
We register or revolutionary sive struggles on a broad scale rank and file members, and puts fent cele general strike zuided by a resolute and correctly had before, that it is necessary to were facilitated by the failure of protests, unite a large and powerful move our own unemployment conference the most outstanding characteristics of struggle without this tactic the preliminary partial actions nec could rapidly derelop from such ment for unemployment insurance in New York to adopt the tactical NATHAN GOULD.
and relief. For this purpose, we proposals submitted to it by the For the Spartacus Youth Club, The mass unemployment over and saiwotage the movement cacape it. We must not attempt to come boldebe a rendu lionited tasks to the We JOSEPH GIGANTI.
whelmed the employed workers unpunished, they continue to de pensate for the failure or the in. workers control of production to ence called by the of com advocated a mass favored the merging of the confer Communist Left Operation of For the Communist League or with a sense of insecurity and celve large masses of workers with ability to organize a brond move a road to the dictatorship of the mittee with that called by the this Socialist conference by delehelplessness, and served as a de empty phrases and to thwart their ment on the most elementary basis America. Left Opposition. terrent to actions labor committee of the We gates from the organizations adproletariat.
intended to present this view at hering to our movement and a ditheir part. desire for united struggle. On the with big talk about a general Chicago Branch. In addition to that, the absence of other side, without the tactle of the strike.
the conference. But before we rect appeal to the Socialist party FIELD.
could do it, the slugging and ejec branches and other sympathetic or tions began, and an atmosphere of ganizations to take a stand inside ods of ideological influence. Exact social democracy today, in the never assumed a loyal attitude toterrorism was created.
ly for that reason the work of sel year 1933, after the enormous ex: Ward our international organizatheir own party conference for a ecting endres that has been accomperience in all the countries of thon. By compelling all their memWe therefore wish to protest most merging of the two conferences energetically against the procedure into a single united movement. By permanent character. By checking sectarian character of the Promual opinon, to come forward and at this conference. In spite of such an approach, a real and over each and every one on the eteo group. The Bortigist faction, to vote in no other way than in what has happened, we intend to powerful unity movement from becontinue as before with the defense how could have been set into mo Continued from last Issue arate groups which count them Opposition must carry through to dependent matarxie cutrent, an hintactilete the majority of their of our point of view that only the tion, even if it did not come to Cleansing of the Ranks of the Lettermissible only as a starting point of allen elements, since, as experiexercise any influence on the detion, the Prometeo group has placed selves among the Left Opposition is the end the cleansing of its ranks proven its complete inability to ences of the ternational Opposigenuine united front of all work complete fruition at the moment.
es organizations can give a real The failure to put the question in Opposition and Composition of and that later on, based on the ence has shown, only in this way velopment of the official party. its national forward push to the movement to this way, gave the treacherous the International Conference theoretical and political work as can it expand and educate its prole Within the latter there has arisen the intereselpline bigher than thereby viorelieve the workers from the ef. Leaders of the Socialist conference the excuse they needed to justify grow and strengthen itself only by necessary selection must be made. Conference can rest only on the entirely on the basis of the ideas democratic centralism The Left Opposition de able to well as on internal criticism. the principles sentatives, wherever they are will themselves before their own rank the purging of its ranks of Casual In fact, the last four years were basis of the work which has al of the International Lett Opposi those of. but also defend this point of view.
and file.
and alien elements.
Fraternally yours, for unity in the struggle remains ter the war seized not only the tion and deepening of theorg The proposal to call a conference Prometeo group is its complete in. Lett Opposition, it in spite of of mutya su been loget, but the need to the revolutionary awakening at ton a time, not only of clapisce constante din een the resultado element and those clustians sharing a mark of None proves that the Bordigheter CHARLES EBEL.
The Albany conference must hat, but also revived a great war: tries, but also of its cleansing of reckons itself in the left opposition more than ten gears to extendite loomal adherence to the Internaand of turn to the helm and become the lety of sectarian groups, which alien, sectarian and adventuriat (the groups of Landnu and Rosmer, intluence to other countries. The clonal Left Opposition, that is only 243 84th st. c. real banner bearer of the unity soubts way and on the roadstof cloments the International Boh: the Mahuruf. Spartacos. the role oltations of Bordigism. because in that way the character leaders Backs Out and backward of the cendenhatoost and most recent arxisme otsed But the policy being branded and convicted hoped to find an arena for their cause, without connection with and gives evidence of a of disruption before their own confused ideas in the Communist the masses, without a sense of re lack of understanding of the oraplete bitter condemnation.
of the condiFrom Debate frank and open proposals to merge International.
The International Opposition, in guise. While paying due recogniinto one, to unite the better elements of sponsibility and discipline, but fortions and laws of development of this case as in others, has madel tion to the bonesty and revolutionpetty bourgeois Bohemia also that all the more inclined to listen a revolutionary organization and every attempt to make possible the ary devotion of inany Bordigists, Chicago. on the with an in common struggle toined under the banneewet. com ante vatce oto en reeds otheLandar of the methods of selection and adaptation of the Bordigists to the constateer net on le Opposition sliti the Friends of the branch of way without any arbitrary condi their Puts by the war and the post lettes of the same fundamental Conference not only rejects but events which have taken place in elk group does not belong to the Chicago there exists a Union tions in advance, it will be clear war upheavals.
active to the honest rank and file workers many colored army of partisans dis. The principle of party de ities, hold lectures, debates, International This branch decided one day, that is already clear to us, that they entered into the composition of its principle of the open door. The The Left Opposition in Italy etc. in their own organizations, as it solved itself into Communism and is in no way identical with the rational policies of Marxism. haustive checking up of the dir Left Opposition it might stage a debate between a do not want to take part in a real apparatus poachers often make Left Opposition has never demand.
ferences of opinion in the questions The only section of the Bolshemember of the and a re struggle. On that basis a really the best gendarmes. The dissatis ed of the Stalinlsts that they (Relations with the Bordigists) of democratie slogans and of the vik Leninists for Italy is the New would not permit such a discusston to the rank and file of the reform. returned immediately into their antcal sum of fractions, groupe, Italian Communists (Prometeo position struck against the stalih U, that their National Committee broad propaganda can be directed filed ones on the other hand either transform the party into a mech The so called Left Paction of the critical blow which the left or Italian Opposition (N. But the arrangements were made. membership. The way to do this political non existence or attempt sects and individualities.
To be continued We ac group or Bordigists) has its tradiist workers with most telling to the Opposition. Such cloing on an essentially false policy guished from the traditions of the against the Bordigists. The three THE MILITANT effect. And thereby new and ments are prepared to accept in which at every step brings them Bolshevik Leninists. The Bordi years of existence in common, the What Next Entered as a second class math powerful motive force for unity words the best of condition that they not be matter November 28, 1928, at the On the other hand, if these retrom remaining good bourgeois for the way out of these contradic of the old Italian Socialist Party, no nearer to us. Now the necesprevented of the proletariat, and that it looks struggle against the opportunism ism of events have brought them Vital Questions for the German Proletariat.
Under the act of March 3, 1870. them, really participate with us in o no discipline of thought and sac democracy. Between lot more of an around blowy Beauti parliamentarise within the framework of mans by LEON TROTSKY Published three times a week by a united movement, under the pres cion (Souvarine. Or to give up untional por general line there their opposition to the Comintern to live together with the Bordtelettel of bu bureaucratie cen and of ultimatism and persisted in party it would naturally be pentrating Marxist analysis the Communist League of Amer sure of their own rank and ile their syndicalist and other pre trism and of the elass dynamics and forces Ica (Opposition) at 126 East and this is by no means excluded judices (Rosmer. at work in the present situation.
is an inseparable connection. In as early as the period of its Arst. under the condition of a firm disin the unemployment situation In approaching the task of as contradistinction to Stalinism, the four world Congresses. The ciplne in action; but within the burning indictment of the 16th Street, New York.
treacheries of the social dem EDITORIAL BOARD movement needs a militant leader as well as the international scale, theory of Marxism and to the ism, which took place atatter the pletely impermissible, especially ocracy and the criminal blun.
Martin Abern James Cannon shirt but the Might of the Let the Left Opposition could do noth strategie achievements of Leninism second world Congress changed after the entire experience which ders of the Stalinists. work Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector wing miltants to lead the move ing else than begin with those in the world labor movement. As nothing to support no Left wing worker and Com Arne Swabeck The rejection of the fiction of unity with an alien munist can afford to neglect.
Friday, March 10, 1933 ment, must and will be demonstrat mnany fold groups which actually far as principle methods are con the In the policies orl we have gone through ed in the struggle itself.
VOL VI, No. 18 (Whole No. 165)
existed. But from the very begin cerned, the International Oppost the struggle for democratic slo group, which remains ideologically One of the texts of the future.
COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF ning It was clear to the basic nuction bas never broken Subscription rate: 00 per year, 192 Pages Cloth. 65 Paper 35 com and the refusal of the policy of tarian manner.
Postage:. 06 per copy exira Foreign 50. One cent copy. TION. the moontent combination of soprade without chausting nu met the waited treat with regard to the The Bondiglete the res have the International Pre Conference of Local Union 20scretary UB of cl day.
condemns such an the organi and Germany. have been an ex.
LIRICA (LEET OPPOSI lots of the International Left that group or with any indianyang under any and all condition. Immovable and isolated in sec