BakuninBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT CENT COPY dines and reliMonday, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Oppositlon) at 128 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York. under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME VI, NO. 18 WIIOLE NO. 165 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1933 PRICE CENT Published Wednesday and Friday Workers of the World, Unita!
We Demand Plain Speaking on Germany!
on Only Unmistakable Change in Comintern Policy Can Smash Fascism at 11th. Hour!
the united front appeal signed by Why is there not even an extract and Company apparently do know Buick waar keer ex bach Telerated the time besuous and contradictory. But tenance of the old polley of the they say, we are ready to unite the Executive Committee of the from the manifesto in the Daily How are the workers to judge the page, said a single word about the Olgin, does risk a word in public fords the socialist leaders an easy they want is to is to break your organi Cominunist International. which. Worker or Freiheit, to say nothing actions of the Second International Comintern united front appeal about it. In the issue of March way out. The policy of the Left zation according to the Moscow dispatch of the manifesto itself. The Amer with regard to the Comintern offer since that time?
10, 1933. Olgin devotes his whole Opposition formal appeal for the leaders. This is an unmitigated es, was dated January 22, 1983 and ican party maintains one or more they do not know the contents WE WANT TO KNOW: articles to a polemic against the united front, demand of negotiate of the socialist Tartues aud made public only six weeks later, representatives in the Comintern; of the latter? How are the Com Does the American (or any views we developed on the Comin tions to work out a on March 1983? What exactly it has a Moscow. correspondent for munist workers to approach their other party leadership know what tern appeal in our last number. action puts the Second Interna to unite with the comintern: Whey the this the Comintern appeal says, what from his article, it is evident reau It propose a united front with the finds it possible to cable regular question if they do not know what the change in policy signifesir Olgin knows as little abonati Cional right to the wall, compels do not want to launeu the it to speak and act unequivocally, militant struggle against Fascism.
Labor and Socialist (Second) Inly about the activity of this or that their own International proposes it is a serious change?
details of the Comintern appeal as forces it to show its true colors. But the masses do but yet know ternational? Does it mean that it shock brigade activity in this or concretely? How are the socialist Daily Worker waye nothing, we do. Consequently, he thinks it Olgin feebly defends his oppost it (it takes them even couger to pelled to accept the proposal, the vinces. Why hasn he found it common struggle to smash the Hit Well as the party membership bave been no change in polley: This is tion that the leaders of the Second policy, besides, has prevented them Communist International is prepar necessary to cable at least the im terite thugs to exert pressure on been demoralized, confused and the program. united front of International are traitors, with from learning. And unless this ed to negotiate with the social dem portant sections of the Comintern their leaders, to call them to ac paralyzed by the news from Mosstruggle. Imated from inter Olgin discovery, however belated socialist leaders will find a new of action, whom no united front can be made policy is drastically altered, the gram of action against Fascism? festo SentiWhy want toe mani. count to demand of them a favor cow. precisely because it was so united front for special ocracy concerning a concrete proent by mail on January 22nd? able reply if these workers do ventions, a united front with the is laudable, even if his conclusions Loophole through which to thee the If this is what it signifles, then WE WANT TO KNOW: not know just what the Communist masses, and if necessary, with their are ludicrous. It took the com. strucule, to leave the workers to the soportate changes in their pote the second International one which interne athered from an not be estab to fling back the march of Fasc vince Olgin, at that time a colla word, to betray them ugain.
icy, which should be openly acknow appear to be in progress in one lished by diplomatic negotiations ism this has been the policy of borator of Abraham Cuhan and WE WANT TO KNO: ledged, the reasons for the change form or another being conducted on the quiet and behind the scenes the Comintern, so it shall remain. the Forwards, that his leaders were When will the Comintern make Is Olgin view that of the Com traitors on the other side of the clear its position? When will it ers, and the party really oriented vision of the working class? Chiang Kai shek, as conducted by intern, or to be just whistling in revolutionary barricades. That be stop playing wide and seek with the towards an intelligent and con. The socialist New Leader of Tomsky with Purcell, as conducted elementary crisis in Germany When will certed application of the new pol March 11, 1913. prints a cable from by Barbusse with Friedrich Adler Zurich signed by Adler, for the Sec during the notorious Amsterdam will contain a manifesto of the The next issue of the Militant assertions, the change is only the truth, undoubtedly to his credit. peak out so plainly that there will bankrupt old policy of the united The great misfortune, however, Ive no room for minderstanding If this is not what it signifies, retariat of the Second Internation Congress. All negotiations must National Committee of the Communist League of America Op disastrous and irresponsible by the necessary to spend invaluable time Europe, and consequa. the making a literaty record, behind which to sereen the a position on the situation in Ger fact that an attempt is being made trying to explain to him that he world, is at an historial furning gesture for the tive common rublished yesterday and control of the masses on both! of 540 words concern sides, with the important documents many, the menace of Fascism, to smuggle it in under a new man will yet have to sit down once, an point. In the two uments criminal responsibility for the pre ing the Moscow united front offer, and proceedings available to these the tasks of the working clase of de Comtle at a time when every day and perhaps twenty times, with the intern still lie the sent situation in Germany which which was a reply to our manifesto masses, especially the social dem and the Communist movement.
democracy, which ensule it to influence del In addition, we shall publish an of months and years. If this extraitors though they are, to force sively the direction of this turn.
upon its back.
will be considered at the next upon to exert mass pressure on open letter sent to the Executive planation is wrong, then all the them into a common struggle in the express of the Fascist In either case: plain speech, meeting of the Executive of the their leaders for common action more reason why the party and the the course of which their followers advance in Germany has left but please!
Labor and Socialist International with the Communlets providinal Committee of the Communist.
Party of the United States on the Comintern are obligated to speak will learn that only the Communista little time in wh. cb to act. But Affiliated parties are asked to re the latter make it possible for WE WANT TO KNOW concrete tasks confronting the plainly and unmistakably for its have the correct policy and leader. time is still left.
Why hasn the appeal of the frain from definite action until these workers to act.
party in this country and interactual policy.
ship. territie historical responsibilCommunist International been pub then.
But how are the socialist masses nationally, and presenting the Are the social democratie lead. The socialist masses do not yet ity weighs upon the Comintern lead lished in the Communist press? The Moscow united front of to be mobilized if they do not even proposals which the Left Opposi ers to be permitted to escape the know that their leaders are trait ership. Its duty is plain. ir The Moscow Pravda, we are told, fer so unknown to the masses of have the Comintern appeal be tion advances as the quintessen responsibility for the treachery ors. We must patiently enlighten calls to do its duly, it will itself sued on January 22. More than It is deliberately withheld from know what the Comintern prodeclares that the appeal was is communist and socialist workers. fore them, if they do not even tlal pre requisites to the mobill they are preparing? Are the states them. They will learn it through be inundated under the overwhelm.
aztion of a mass movement to men of the Second International to their own experience. The polleying catastrophe which its own six weeke have elapsed since that publication in the official Commun poses? Why doesn the party crush Fascism in Germany and to date. Regardless of its contents, ist press. The masses thus do not press say a word about the comcreate international solidarity for the appeal is of vital Internationall know what the Communist Inter intern appeal? Why hasn the the German proletariat.
the struggle for fear of its reve socialist leaders to retain their parents are now serving to pre olutionary consequences? The maio hold over the masses. You see. Friday, March 10. 1933. Left Opposition On Germany The New Banking Law Militant Back Appeal to Com. Cannon The State Conference On Slugging to Weekly Opposition Youth At Albany: of banks kinds of ROOSHVELTS EMERGENCY MEASURES LEAVE OPEN ROAD TO LEFT OPPOSITION SETS FORTII ITS POLICY AND PROGRAM INFLATION; HELP CONCENTRATE BANKS INTO HANDS OF IN THE UNITED FRONT MOVEMENT OF THE UNEMPLOYED MONOPOLISTS, PREPARE FOR BRANCH BANKING SYSTEM IN STATE WIDE MEET AT THE CAPITAL The heavy task we set for our To the District Executive CommitThe new Roosevelt banking lawlar of the new issue should be selves of bringing out the Mill tee, Young Communist League Comrades and Fellow Workers No. We meet here in the fourth year The next issue of the Militant aim to put the New York section of makes it possible, under cover of worth a dollar of the old, what. tant three times a week for the of the crisis which has brought the will contain a detailed analytical this national movement on a tirm To the National Committee, Young most appalling misery and privation report of the results of the Albums foundation by bringing forward the immediate banking crisis, for ever a dollar of either kind will period of one month, in order to finance capital to carry on a pro le worth in actual buying parel alarm and awaken the Communist cess of elimination of Comrades, founding affecting the entire work Jumes Cannon, who headed the class demands which set the milland concentration of big ones and put in a position, through their workers to the immediacy and Walter Dannyluk, member of the ing class. The terrible and unpre Left Opposition delegation to the the tant movement on foot. In our thus strengthen in finance capital control of the national government the burning importance of National Students League and mem. cedented conditons are undermining conference. Pressure of space opinion, it would be a grievous itselt the monopolistic tendency and its new dictatorial powers, to German situation, is successfully ber of the Spartacus Youth Club the workers accustomed tsandards in the current losue compelled us error to clutter up the legislative which finance capital has given to advance rapidly toward the crusbil completed with this issue.
With of Chicago, has been attacked and of life. They are destroying all their to omit the report this time and program with all severely beaten to unconsciousness security of existence, such as it was to include Incidcomrade my and the resoluthe speech of ental and secondary proposals ada there are nine banks which do the concentration of finance capital the next issue we return to our practically all of the banking busi into a few gigantie units along the regular weekly four page edition which would detract from the ist League in the streets of Chic every more categorie terms, the tion submitted to the Conference sharp emphasis on the real importness of the country; in England, lines of other imperialist coun and, in the next weeks, will con ago. Western Ave. and Division necessity of seeking a way out by by our delegation.
ant class demands.
United States there are about a The policy of the official party centrate on the task of organizing St. on Monday Night March In our opinion, the most importThe united front conference for ant points to be incorporated into hundred banks of world import overlooks su this and results Fix and consolidating the great poll 1983 at 7:30 and again at a situation this conference of 1348 STATEMENT OF O about 8:15 delegates from 248 workers organi tical gains of the Left Opposl.
smaller banks which collectivels tion and a few empty and contration in preparation for another a. This cowardly and atrocious zations can serve as a starting alleenloginent insurance and relles he program are as follows: do a large proportion of the coun dictory slogans. They view the forward bound a series of warnings given to num working class resistance, or it can progressive step in the process be paid for by the employers and try and neighborhood business. whole banking crisis as a sort of of the Spartacus remain a mere episode soon passed Simultaneously with the return Pestricted in this country, while in in inflation, to reduce the value of to the regular four page edition Young Communist League Norts us to decide which it shall be in the building of a genuine muss erous member members of the over and soon forgotten. It is to struggle around this central issue state government.
It The hour day and day most other imperialist countries the workingmen wages; in the is the National Committee of the this the first attack.
Members of depends in the highest degree or movement of the working class week, without reduction in priy.
istic organizations of Anance capi will be worth less than the old the basis of the widespread senti tal is the backbone of the banking paper and which the masses should ment aroused in the party ranks after beating from YCL members out the way to the imporerished and property developed, can alue: Long term eredits to the soin system.
refuse to accept; and in the rob. by our agitation, to submit to These beatings are, without a methods and means of uniting with ment and its soure capltailsm. Doyment relief for American work New Deal in Banking System bing of depositors by bankers who the Central Committee of the Through such a broad movementors and the cementing of fra ernal doubt, futile and ridiculous as them in the struggle.
the working class can be closely relations between the American This contradiction between the refuse to pay out full deposits in party a series of concrete proposals for action in the present well as scandalous attempts to In order for us to give the right welded together in common strug. and Russian workers. This implies centralizing and monopolistie tend cash.
situation, and will develop the combat the teachings of the Spar answer to this question, which is sle for the immediate and also for che demand for recognitioa of the Bankers and Inflation encios of developed imperialism, soviet Government and the estab and the decentralized, small scale, competitive relics of a pre Imperial certain that the bankers will gain ists further on the basis of these communist League of America, first see the situation as it really es. The Communist Lengua orishment of trade relatione ist era represented by the American more than they lose by it: the proposals. Along with that, the given the revolutionary movement must discard any illusions about welcomes this moved activities and Lett Opposition deems it necessary In supporting the movement for the (Left Opposition. Marxism has 18. And at the very beginning we America (Left Opposition) beartily partici exislative action, the Communist banking system, 18 being solved higher the value of money (iefour page editions of the a theoretical weapon to combat the real nature and composition of pates loyally in ruthlessly in favor of monopoly by If there is no inflation) the greater will proceed to the systematic fundamental political opponents. Only political our conference. To talk as though works for its advancement. to point out the inadequacles of a. must to the fist as the conference represented the un The specific tasks set for the con warliamentary campaign to achieve of state and has control, under on homes and farms, as well as or tactics employed millions of New York ference is to work out a legisla any one of these demtuds. Such which thousands of can neither were able to keep allve, and the the greater the per claims, and policy in the German crisis and means slagte hanks all their ofbenower of American brings us into irreconcilable anus; it can only subvert the YCL ficant section of them. sure the unemployed workers, and come would be misleading and Incuable right to stay out of the Federal capitalism on the world arena. As tagonism to the policy of bureauReserve system, are on the road to the reduction in wages, tional scaler sin the past Weeks the Socialist party and the Amer. tions of the conference to futilits class of which the unemployed are terence. The broad mases of the to elimination. large part of bankers have been able to carry the new law is taken up with the it out directly, by cutting down the new technique of the same time closing powersvelope: not sm Germany in banks. At number of dollars. In the pay the necessarily concentrated on the black jacks and suns in an ac workers against the scourse of une to make prebierpart is propose to the se met wan hustotam tempt to destroy the growing influ employment, does not yet exist on legislature is a necessary part of mands. hrough mass demonstrations and activity among the workthis is the most acutely critical ence of the Communist movement. any wide scale. The movement the fighting movement for the un are given the national government. 1920 93.
the strength and It is clear that thousands of banks, militancy of the workers organlparticularly the smaller ones, wil zations inade it preferable for the new readers have recognized the methods. And just as the tactics to struggle against the conditions employed. The night on this fronting class organizations. trade un utter falsity of the stalinist pol of the and the AFL acted as of the crisis remains, in the fourth tive, even to serve the immediate the employed and unemployed. the never open again. Monopolist con bankers to pick the workers poctrol of baking will receive a kets by reducing the value in buy ley on this issue. It is now nec. la boomerang: so will your meth year of the crisis, primarily and interests of the unemployed. Only Organized and unerkanized must be essary to explain to them funda ods react in the identical manner. almost exclusively morement of if it is supplemented by and com united in the tight for possithat the great commercial banks At the same time as it opposes these blunders. The four page Lionary process of the Sokialist composition of this conference, call mass pressure through huge uulted ble mass pressure of the cconomic formally separate themselves from party and the AFL, against which ed together after the most extensive and political organizations of the their investment banking afilates, Inflation, the party puts up as a Militant, which will have space we fought like the National City Co. and the slogan the fight for the right of for longer articles and more de the full talled analyses, will undertake completely dominated has so preparation and agitation, is the emonstrations of the workers. We working class must be exerted upon are not here to lobby.
most eloquent testimony to this not allow ourselves to be caught legislative demands.
We must the ruling class to reinforce the Chase Securites Co.
depositors to withdraw this duty without in the least There is indeed, a touching affin fact. In this there is nothing fatal in a maze of legal technicalities and it is necessary that this ConterThe section of the new law deal. The money that depositors withdeal amount of their deposits in cash.
moderating the agitation for a ity between the trade unions slug iwe recognize the fact; it we do chicaneries. The capitalist legisla ing with the issue of additional circlating notes does not come drew is paid out in bank notes correction of the united front ging and murdering of comrade not decelve ourselves with muture, where we appear at the molence shall conduct sharp campolicy.
Weisenberg in Chicago in 1930 andsions about a united front movement, is for us primarily a forum the so called labor representatives paign of exposure and criticism of out clearly for inflation whether which are printed for the purpose.
the present set results in inflation or not will 57007000. 000 of new notes auttment which does not as yet exist from which we appeal to the work and thelt lobbying methods hebind disgraceful The publication of our Mili upon comrade Dannyluk who is in reality.
depend on the final decisions of the printed last week over 3900. 000 tant three times a week for the now in critical condition.
The composition of the Confer. From this point of view our Albany and elsewhere in order to big bankers, which do not appear past month was an enormous Whether our YCL comrades have ence determines its specific tasks.
program should not be secure a few cheap and to have been formulated as yet. 000, bringing the total money in undertaking for our small group All that has been settled so far circulation up to over 500, 000. and it strained our resources and repudiated Marxism, for the in To me it is quite obvious that gen to the narrow groove of concessions for the unemployed.
dividual terror of is that new currency will be print. 000. If more deposits are with. energies to the limit. The task Bakunin, or eral agitation against the evils of the rules of the state legislature. This capitalistic politics is only ed, of the same type as the old, exwhether they are being influenced (Continued on Page 2)
was accomplished only because by the teachings of Al Capone, we since everybody is already con demands of the workers on a na ers and serves to disarm them becept that it bears a small circulaof the unbounded enthusiasm and tion tax which will probably induce do not know. One thing is evident. vinced. There has been enough.
SPRINGFIELD MEETING self sacrifice of the American Bol.
fore the attacks of the capitalists THAT SUCH ACTION CANNOT if not too much of this already.
the bankers to withdraw it from shevik Leninists and the loyal BE TOLERATED IN REVOLU There is very little doubt that the ST. PAUL MEETING and their agents. These labor tak circulation in time. There is no THE DANGER OF FASCISM support of the sympathizine TIONARY MOVEMENT. THAT conference is ready, now without ers must be shown up in their true as to how such notes IN GERMANY workers. To all those who help colors by counterposing a program are to be proSpeaker: ed in this task, we extend our Speakers: CULMINATION OF THE DE the most radical demands, and the of class struggle to their political hearty appreciation and declare vided in the Glass Steagall Act HUGO OEHLER chicanery.
GRADATION OF THE YCL TO social revolution too. If someone HUGO OEHLER passed last year.
Member Communist League our firm confidence that this As has been said above, it is In short, the que question of whether (Opposition) support, on an ever wider scale, HOOLIGANS WHO HAVE THEIR dictatorship of the proletariat, in CARL SKOGLUND necessary to look upon the present SundaRCH 19 at P.
there will be inflation or not is will not be lacking in the still conference not as an end in itself, not yet solved, the new emergency HOFFERKAMP HALL PLACE, NOT IN THE RANKS OF order to test the sentiments of greater tasks that now lie ahead.
but as a stage in the process of REVOLUTIONARY ST. PAUL LABOR TEMPLE YOUTH conference, there is no doubt that 627 2 Adams St. currency should circulate on struggle. The central problem is level with the old (that a dol ADMISSION FREE THE MILITANT. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) Tuesday eve, March 14, 8:00 pm (Continued on Page 2)
menger new probe issued the basis