BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

China Report Confirms Opposition Fighting Lynching in the South The Banking Crisis PAGE TIE MILITANT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES First Mass Meeting Communism and the Negro In Los Angeles posal, to defend the Staliniat stand Successful Meeting Los Angeles. The first official The Foreign Policy Association, the prediction and analysis of the. one of them asserting that the In Newcastle party policy was now in favor of Appearance of the Left Opposition bardly known for its Communist Left Opposition. He characterizes as having mado the united front with the lead was the mass meeting on the ques interesting report on the class steady gains in Chloa agrarian. est in the Negro question and for no matter at what time a mot 20, and spoke to a meeting arrang gustele room trae elitev party portese March left the newly formed Bisson lacks the usual bour. urban and industrial centers. And erally there is a widespread inter watch over the County Jail so that arrived here on schedule, February ately refuted by Shachtman who tion of the The Crisis in Ger forces and relations in China. The hinterland Not a word about the Over 85 workers including Port to confine itself to the actual menting their criminal errors in thout experiences of the party in the Do argused at a moment notice. Iall, secured for this occasion. In communists present approached u braneh Bighly enthusiastic.
As such it deserves com the revolutionary period the Stalin.
ist bureaucracy has turned its face listened to the presentation ment.
the decrees of the bureaucrats, Negro worker was transferred to sentation, and keen South as more authoritative than The result was that the jailed numbers, response, poorest mantour views or their dissatisfaction score of members of the party and facts.
with the official point of view.
there are vitally important lessons the state penitentiary by state fested, the meeting was a success. Others declared their disagreement et Opposition The ball chosen situation, today, is the expanding established what is virtually a peas.
of the position of the International The central pivot of the Chinese away from the proletariat kand bas concerning tactics and strategy in authorities before his trial took About seventy five workers, from the struggle against lynching, par place.
the CP, SP, iww, and other work with the attempts of some parts for the meeting was far too small influence of communism in the in. ants party drawing on the belated ticularly, and also in the struggle But why was this the against fraternal and trade union locals, meeting by constant beckling. Every inch of standing space was terior of China, which the southern rulers employ to perpetue sale biten se Sounds som. en toteutonia to je urge toate houden met een ate racial antagonism in the ranks rades may well wonder. And the many old militants active in the made, however, upon the workersThe door was kept open to allow events in China. The recognition and which has not as yet re arisen The fundamental problem of the ochoregorized as to keep the South movemente as the campaign, south of noxement for presentadttended presioninainy se mindividu agitation comodated within the hall to bear revolutionaries throughout the world. It points to the complete future of the Chinese peoplo 18 work that has been carried on by It is of very great importance ers were active participants. But selectiverety representative and preliminary individuuded to the the workers who could not be ac. of this fact is most significant to In Its real force.
the speeches and discussion audience.
e evening were bankruptcy of the Chinese bourge raised by Bisson with singular our comrades in this section, this Rose and Curtis. Comrade oisie to solve any of the needs of clarity.
to note that the only really effee to understand more fully it should comraden hel er oldestur en eerst in meeting revealed the sentiment for Sam Meyers was the chairman. the Chinese people. In spite of hill the Kuo Min Tang however, has the Chiang not suppressed the issue thus lynching was possible south a han ports and energies were being part of the audience.
Alle phases soon be forthcoming.
after were together because the party and concentrated interest on the good organizational results will had concluded the Hoor was thrown Kai Sheks have received from the raised. With the progress of the led to and made known to the directed in the a open to discussion. The comrades American imperialists they have Chinese Communist movement, the between reconstructing of the YCL and the party are not been able to alleviate the inde choice world the Loray strike at Gastonia, ixing the industrial workers of the in their logical order and relationmarked here as elsewhere by a lack scritable conditions of the Chinese China on a socialist or a capitalist the communist demand for full the feast farmers of the Black deration of the objective factors: Two Good Meetings of any serious education. They masses even in the most elementary basis is pressed more and more social, political and economic equal Beli.
have, however, plenty of that which manner. They have not been able insistently on Chinese leaders. On ity for Negro workers. Negro The campaign of the parts economic crisis in relation to the In Boston goes as Marxism Leninism in the to consolidate China and consum which of these bases shall China present day. organizer had been sent into the against lynching came to a halt as international situation, and the field there to pull out in solidarity Par as being effective was concern political crisis flowing from the Boston. Two cxcellent meetings Driven into the corner by the Ir contained the compradores, the sal necessities national unifica with the whito lackeys of foreigu imperialism. tion, stability and security? This kers, groed (there were many reasons sub economic. All these points which on the crisis in Germany were held recade resorted to the inevitable rolley, the drastic social and interzle just as it is of the chaos that flow of Marxism, one young Bisson states that the anti foreign the crux of the Chin pusworkers in the picker rooms of that ordinate to it) when it put forward are ABC to Marxists, were a very by the Boston branch of the Commill and the result of his efforts the slogan of self determination valuable and interstin Jesson to poetit Jendere week. Americas under retreat of an exposed person mal reforms, which he claims were reigns throughout the rest of the for the composition) last Sunday.
being rapidly and easily achieved world.
bosses by their attack on the Na which carried with it the aim of posed its audience. Passing from night, March 5, comrades Antion journed at midnight. We are sure during the 1925 1927 period no But this problem has passed from tional Textile Workers Union on agrarian revolution instead of pro the objective to the subjective fac otte Konikow of Boston and that the comrades and workers are Jane 7, 1020, the very night the letarian revolution in the south. tors, the role of the working class Martin Abern of New York spoke going to seriously consider the longer obtain today. This clearly the domain of pedantie inquiry to picker room workers joined the when that change was made by a fost acute interese, as there tensely interested persons at the the issue within their organizationary role of the Chinese bour cisle seized the relais oito govern the analysis made by the plane of tested reality. In mill of Ressemer City, strack ter let down, instead of rising to were Stalinists and Socialists in Belmont Hall in Roxbury. After a tions.
It is noteworthy that the declared many times, not only on a paralytic impasse, unable to solve the American mills of that town winning the south for Communism. ed or by the Social Democracy in the causes that brought the base here has not taken notice of the the basis of the experience of the any of the burning questions of its in protest against the frame up of. GEORGE SAUL.
1914, and the criminal policies of ist Hitler into power in Germany German events. The necessity Sen Russian revolutions but the national economy, let alone the Fred Beal, the strike leader and a.
fourteen other comrades and millbuilding a wall between the Social lays of the World War up to now. ternational events has been bluntea exist in China, that the Chinese To put the question is to answer cial Democracy and Fascism by democracy of Germany from the tant workers this frame up follow it by the years of the Stalinist rebourgeoisie could not be a progres. Either capitalism will plunge ist Workers and the Communists the enormities of the blunders com sime. More important things. sive factor. Our analysis direct the masses into the abyss of baru ing the bosses attack of June through the theories of Social Fasciitted by the leadership of the shop campaigns, unemployed work ly contradicted This frame up changed the struglem and Third Period Zig zags, Communist Party of Germany and. the bureaucrats mumble.
the revision barism or the emergence of bu sle into primarily a defense of the In the workers framed in the Gatsoniathese phases of the lecture drew fire the Stalinist Communist Internaist policy of the Stalin Bucharin manity on a higher plane will come the Aderholt case, but the calls to during the discussion period, esional in relation to the Fascist defeat or victory of the most poweraders of the Comintern, which through the triumph or the prope menace, the speakers brought for erful working class movement out in the camp of the Kuo Min Tang. CLARKE every meeting and (Continued from Page 1)
demonstration were addressed to and invited both The discussion period took such ward in detail the program of the side the USSR because the Negro and white workers. Nevertuall in circulation, the result of a turn, due to the political cur. Lett Opposition, particularly the against imperialism because it The Seventh Congress of the theless, with the exception of Negro which is inflation.
This would mean higher prices Oehler actually gave a series of the united front policy in order to rents in the audience, that comrade matter of the correct application of The meeting resulted in a num feared the consequences of the acComintern Is at least two years ally no Negro workers who doted for goods, less buying power of short talks on the history of the achieve a militant and victorious ber of contacts for the o. and tion of the tolling masses who would verduet muse be called imme quite a sale of literature.
necessarily have to be brought into diately, with the Left Opposition intenst Comintern since Lenin, dealing with struggle against Fascism.
the ever real terrorism in the South fication of the capitalist attack on the Chinese Revolution, the British The remarks of the speakers were The comrades of the are with Bisson, who says echoing tho motion. At this point we disagree participating!
because of the institution of lynch the workers standard of living.
It simply cannot be predicted at the Soviet Union, and the problems questions aimed stili further to clared movement and are the recos lost the Kuo Min Tang had set General Strike, the situation in very well received, and numerous seryactive in the mass unemploy: Mensheviks of the Stalin faction, Unemployment and the sponse to the calls until the south the present time whether or not of the labor movement in this ity the situation were put to the nized spokesmen within the move an outl imperialist movement a foot ern Convention of Textile Workers this will follow If the capital country in order to answer American Working Class all speakers. Large numbers of Com ment for the Left wing. The Lefto the 1926 1927 period. Innumer.
held in Charlotte, October ist decide that their interests will questions in detail.
12, 413, and 14. 1920) appeared as be best served by intation, the preso Inteuse was the interest, that ulte a few members of the young xation of 40, 000 heads of familles. Events have incontestably demon Saunists and Socialists, including Live Rellet Association (an organi prove the falsity of this statement.
by Arne Swabeck pregnant with the possibilities for sent banking crisis and the issue the chairman, comrade Reyburn, People Socialist League who es popular, Marxist explanation a general movement to organize of scrip may afford them a favorfor workers. Excellent for the entire working class of the able opportunity to carry it through, had to declare the meeting adjourn. pouse the cause of the so called through the initiative of the strated that the Kuo Min Tang propanganda and distribution.
South. This contention to which This is by no means certain, how court per cento de lectures and discusses of the Milifant were sold and participation in the work. The com imperialism but against one or an at eleven after a threeS. against 24 pages centa both Negro and white delegates ever. It would mean a serious ston. We have reason to believe distributed a large batch of Pades of the P: are having quite other imperialist nation with the Atteinated Postage le extra per copy Germany. a time one meeting we support and sponsorship of some Minimum quantity per order to southern white workers present hegemony, Copen are counter revolutionists, and at other imperialist nation.
the fundamentally important fact remains France sound and tion have been greatly advanced What Next. his speech hagen In Defense of the Russian another cether.
are comrades in arms, The driving force of Communism PIONEER PUBLISHERS.
that any serious movement to or supports the English pound against as a result of this meeting.
84 Fast 10th Street, MAX HUDSON.
ganize the South must develop not the dollar, still retains its vitality despite the viet Econoiny in Danger were defent which stalinism led it into merely on the basis of wages, hours The Daily Worker has already sola.
and the four years of ruthless exand sbop considerations, but just decided that there will be tota 250 At Brownsville as important or more so, on the tion, and furthermore that the new On Friday Match 3rd, THE MILITANT tarmination of the flower of the comrade Martin Abern addressed an Entered as a second class man Kal Shek and his hangmen. Bisson workers in the workers organiza wint be depreciated and that it Meeting Open Forum, at which 40 people matter November 28, 1928, at the admits that under this danger of What Next tions.
were in attendance, at Peabody. Post Office at New York Communis the Left and right all a trick to cheat the worker and Two hundred and fifty workers Mass. on the subject. The Crisis Under the act of March 8, 1879.
Vital Questions for the Following this conference, in and small depositor by giving him German Proletariat.
around Charlotte, especially, worthless paper while the banker packed the hall at the Brownsville in Germany. good number of meetings of defense let the framed holds on this capitalinde Un ever held in that section of the this meeting, and after the lecture the communist League of Amer closely together as to become prac by LEON TROTSKY Labor Lyceum in the first meeting socialists were also presented at Published three times a week by cry gulte distinct have drawn so pentrating Marxist analysis Russian revolution, meetings to or cluding the bankers will try to city by the Left Opposition, to discussion took place among those 1ca (Opposition) at 126 East might add that so great is the of the class dynamics and forces ganize the unemployed, ote, were throw the burdens of the banking sesuai standpoint presented to present on the situation in Ger on the re16th Street, New York. apprehension of the Chinese generat work in the present situation Almost spective roles of the Socialists and reces, and workers of both race general, on to the petty bourgeoisie half of the audience was composed Communists in the class struggle.
als of the spread of Communism in burning indictment of the EDITORIAL BOARD the interior of China that even un.
treacheries of the social dem became members of the organiza and the proletariat. But merely to be members oor syriopathizers of the This meeting was arranged through Martig. Aberma James Cannon der the impact of the blows of the ocracy and the criminal blunMaurice Spector Japanese partitioning ders of the Stalinists. work were blows at the bosses weapons away with the necessity of study Communist party and the Young the efforts of the Boston branch of Arne Swabeck There is northern China, they could not of division, segregation and Jiming the concrete situationen attentively to the exposition of our a noticeable enlivening of the ac no Left wing worker and Com Wednesday, MARCH 8, 1933 Spare any forces from their cam munist can afford to neglect.
Vol. VI, No 17 (Whole No. 163)
paign against the Communists. One of the texts of the future.
preparatory to the only real strugary class policy on the basis of views by comrade Max Shachtman. tivities of the Boston comrades, On the character of this Commun192 Pages Cloth. 66 Paper 35 gle in the South carried on against a correct understanding of what is in the discusion, three tatives of the party took the floor and these are reflected too in the Subscription rate: 00 per year, ist novement in China the state Postage:. 06 per copy extra lynching as in these instances too going on.
Foreign 50. One cent a copy. ment of Bisson further vindicates the workers had to be ever reads It is possible that too many aerip with extended time at their dis columns of the Militant to defend themselves from attacks. may be issued leading to Inflation, Recognition of the necessity, position of irreconcilable hostility centrism, and toward helping the It was on February 8, 1930 that or that delay and confusion in getof mobilizing the masses under to the Stalinist fraction which cur German proletariat not only to get Senator of Alabama deliver ting it out may result in a general aunts in Faenong od transitional slogans corresponding rently dominates the rid of Fascism but also to conto the concrete situation in each and the The recognition of quer power. Standing on the and lynching, which was a signal to the price, which would take the form of democratie slogans insofar as it is the decisions of the first four con and of the Third International, the southern Bourbons he represented a premium for dollar bills over a question of struggle to employ this weapon more frescrip. But this cannot be assumed against gresses of the Comintern, is an Left Opposition rejects the idea of quently as an aid in their efforts in advance. This scrip must not Continued from last issue feudal relations, national oppres indispensable condition for the ac parallel Communist parties.
Fundamental Principles of the to push still more on to the shoul be confused with something like ders of the proletariat, especially the scrip which the bosses use all Recognition of the internasion or different varieties of open ceptance of single organizations. The entire responsibility for the Left Opposition tional and thereby of the perman imperialistie dictatorship (Fasc groups and persons into the comsplitting of communism lies nathe Negro proletariat, the burdens the time in many mining districts, The International Left Oppost. ent character of the proletarlan sm, Bonapartism, etc. the Stalinist bureaucracy.
of the deepening crisis, at a time for instance, which can be used tion stands on the ground of the revolution; rejection of the theory Recognition of the necessity Opposition.
preFaction and Not Party when the strikers of the Leaksille only in company stores, and consti first four Congresses of the Com of socialism in one country as well of a developed united front policy pared at my moment to return into The International Left Opposi the composition of the Cominten mill in the vicinity of Charlotte, tates an outright cheat on the intern. This does not mean that as of the policy of national Bol with respect to the mass organi were yet under the influence worker, to be fought against att bows before every letter of its shevism which complements it in xations of the working class, both tion regards itself as a faction of and to preserve strict discipline of (platform of national of trade union and political char the comintern, and its separate action, while at the same time izers, a time when him that tean, et les were the kind of scrip purely temporary Caracter and in siceration acter, including the Social Dem national sections as factions of the carrying on an irreconcilable strug meetings preparatory to the March which it is proposed to issue here individual practical consequences Recognition of the Soviet ocracy as a party. Condemnation national Communist parties. This cle ngainst bureaucratie centrism demonstration against unemploy or if the new serie were really have been ret sted by me subsequent state as a Workers state, in spite of the unit matist slogan only from hoe hotel tema the organization in the basis of Party democracy In just a few days, several lynch It would be the duty of all rev. principles relation to imperialism bureaucratic regime. Uncondi the refusal of the united front and regime created by the Stalinist but the spilt, our adherence to the comings took place, the first and most olutionary or anizations of the and to the bourgeoisestate to clonal command that every worker consequently the refusal to create beaucrate oroas finals on the communist international cannot be exdhomh by reduizational as selle Jimmie Levine at Occila, Ga. This a defensive movement to refuse to problem of the insurrection; the imperialism as well as against in portunistic application of the unithe banner of Bolshevism out of beat Front policy caso in the lang to the hands of the usurping bureau independent political Initiatives and prompted the comrades in the field accept it, under some such slogan dictatorship of the proletariat; the ternal counter revolution.
to call protest meetings in all see as We want our full wages cash, press to the creatoriete toone. Condemnation of the economs leaders without the masses and munist International to the prin expressed by the content of our beginninireseta where even the there does not seem to be any in the trade unions; parliamentar in its stage of economle opportun krainst the masses. double conciples of Marx and Lenin. That work. The Left Opposition does tions of the not time oppressed nations; Soviets work policy both of organization had ism; the policy of the united front) ism in 1923 to 1928 (struggle demnation of the policy of the pre aucune police under the given con not adapt itself to the Stalintst very first to get active were raised unless it is workers and comrades in Charlotte meant and responds to the living pression of proletarian stratexy in staking all on the kulaks. as well which combines the ultimatist slo proven both by theoretical analysis its mistakes and crimes in silence: who held first a noon day demon experience of the workers.
on the contrary, it subjects them to stration against lynching in front! The typlen! Stalinist two class Opposition rejects the tempo of industrialization, through parliamentary pacts with the lead to a final break with Mathe aim of this criticism is not to the mich of the general crisis of as its stage of economic adventur gan only from below with oppor. as les historical experience.
Although the special conditions an irreconcilable criticism. But The ism in 1928 to 1932 (over stretched tunistie practise on the occasion of of Russia had brought of one of the local mills and then opportunism in dealing with other revisionist decisions of the Fifth going advertised the special protest meet classes is shown in the demand for and Sixth World Congresses ers of the social democracy.
set up competitive Parties against and tive liquidation of the kulaks as a.
collectivization, administra Rejection as early as 1012, the Bolshevik the existing Communist Parties, ousy was guilt on the part of the depositors to get their deposits out statement of the program of and of the whole International until the end of the nucleus of the Official Parties over Charlotte police that they inter In cash. This is a capitulation to Comintern, in which the gold of Soviet state hae send that the practice bound up with it, as servisear 1914. The lesson of the world to our side and in this way reviv.
the inal bureaucratie already entered ing on the against the lynching that was being don care what happens to the pletely worthlow by the centristic the necessity of a return to the real democracy other, prepared in Charlotte at that time others, just so get mine. It alloy.
10. Differentiation of three groupinstead of as demonstration in no sense a workers demand. In accordance with the spirit and Estic economie policies of Leninism. ings within the camp of Commthe October revolution was necesſly and more sharply in the USSR against lynching as an institution, such as those for higher wages of the sense of the decisions of the or systemete communist work and the Right. Recognition of the Such an historical catastrophe the polley of armed insurrection sary, to call the new International than anywhere else. The policy of Recognition of the necessity.
campaign against a colored fellow posits are not thelr main worry continuation of these decisions, the the proletarian mass organizations, amper wissibility of a political alll as the collapse of the Soviet state and new revolution. The pol County jail at that time, charged to harness that forces of the most ing principles, develops them theor. and practice of the Red Trade Un the class enemy, irreconcilable and the same way, the victory of Fase of the Party and of the workers unions. Condemnation of the theory tris supporto centrism against the Third International too. In course toward the internal reform with raping a dead white woman advanced section of the proletariat etically and carries them through for Organization in Germany and systematic struggle agalust Cenism in Germany and the smashing state. Despite all the slanders of in a funeral parlor, leaked out be to a reactionary individualistic de practically: cause of their attack on the pre mand of a section of the petty bour similar constructions in the other trism and its zigzag policies.
parations for the protest meeting. The Independence of the proseoisie, a demand which is neither untries.
11. Recognition of party dem hardly allow the Comintern to sur. its admirers, the Oppositione Of course, this transformed the practicable on the basis of the Letarian parts, alwaye and under Rejection of the formula of cruey not only in words but also vive the consequences of its dis malus fully and completely on the meeting into an experience or ra step in a revolutionary direction.
the ground of reform.
in policy of 1924 proletariat and the peasantry as a the Stalinist plebiscitary regime camp of the revolution would today. Our relation to the Communist the ther, a test of the forces in the FIELD.
locality for and against lynching. At this crucial moment of the Ger demnation the Anglo Russian Committee on the dictatorship of the proletariat of the party. the rule of pers: Peseism in Germany are inevitable tion. The content of our ideas and 28; condemnation of the policy of separate regime distinguished from (gasging the will and the thought dare to say that the collapse of the International is determined by the within loss than halt a block from man crisis, the Left Opposition two clase of Stalin theory of which carries along the pensant deliberate rule of usurpers, Soviet power and the victory of name of our faction: Left Opposi(worker and pensant) and the oppressed massed In gention from the party, etc. and Invincible? Not the Left Op methods is characterized with aut the protest meeting, did not carry must be readmitted Into the party parties and of the whole practice eral behind it. Rejection of the out their threats to break it up with full party rights, to fight sidd based on this theory condemna anti Marxist theory of the peace merated above, which are of basic are, on marleedundamental principles ou mostom the convento delle predictors in the near future to be the name Botshot dem. Importance for the strategy of the ward defending the Soviet Union bear both of these complementary it But the workers made plans workers for the cause of the prodam Congress, in which the com. ocratic dictatorship into the social proletariat in the present period, from the danger of Thermidor designations to carry their struggle mueb far latarlat. munist party was dissolved in thel ist one.
place the Lott Opposition into which has been brought closer by To be continued International Pre Conference of en la manera contra este condensamento come to terms in the Left Opposition Presents Thesis position of the International Left Solshevik Leninists are be question of a new International: This question is put more con con the