BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

DURING THE GERMAN CRISIS THE MILITANT APPEARS TIMES WEEK! CENT COPY Published times a world, Monday, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Wer eers of the World, Wednesday and Friday Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered us second clase mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 17 WHOLE NO. 164 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1933 PRICE CENT THE MILITANT Vnito!
Communist International Changes Policy!
Half TurntoGenuine United Front Must Be CompletedandActually Carried Out The Significance of the Turn Tho From January 22nd to March 6th What Must the Party Do Now?
ot The Banking Crisis in the United States The Communist International has 22 and published in the newspaper We cannot sit down, they protest proclaimed solemnly: This policy ting into the strength of social, low all over again!
times after hopeless delays. The at last spoken on Germany! Pravda today That is the Comin ed, with the murderers of Lieb. would mean that we would abandon democracy (see the last elections. The workers in the ranks of the correctness of our position will be The Communist Inedrnational has tern answer to Adolf Hitler knecht and Luxemburg, with the our correct Bolshevik at Task made a tum in policy on secess and the unparalleled camo social peletele dereiuded 12th The Pekers two weeks ago (Feb kunited front with the socialdem called upon to fight for the united overhead bursts into flame, the policy. the more do the Brandler reformist organizations must income appareut in action with each democracy!
against the whole working class of Plenum of the Comintern, the his ruary 27, 1933 and the Comintern ocratic Germany.
torie leader of German Commun. manifesto was dated January 22, made the Communists the strong. But unless the Communist party needs forget about prestige. Even The alarm signal sounded by the Loft rouge mouvement, the increase executive counmittee of the comins against those in the party who do Daily Worker: The more the com shevik tactics caused the inner dis ocratic party and the trade antons situations, Jump The manifesto, signed by the Ismail Erbest Thalman polemized 1933! Bedacht still wrote in the est single party in Berlin. Bol offers directly to the Social Dem. senuine privy councilors, in such many, the hopelessness of the pre throughout the world, first to ar al conclusions which have been buntet party united front with the integration. of the social dem a proposal for united front negotin their underwear. The pedagogy of ingly critical situation in Ger torn, instructs Communist partie clined in our direction: social democratie workers to cut oratio party.
tions with a concrete fighting pro facts will come to the assistance drawn from the false estimation action vious position of the Stalinist fac range a joint program of gram the agitation in the reform of our criticism.
tion all this forced the Comintern with Second International and other above mentioned article, are sub of the role of the in the ist ranks is confined to a Commun! The pedagogy of facts, the inist recruiting campaign which is in transigeant, unyielding, persistent par with the prono sense a substitute for the united blows of the Left Opposition, have led to come out of its disastrously bined staff work; second, to form stantially on sectarian retreat in favor of a un committeesiminediately for Solat sale of the elephant et proposals Lathe belowigion and matighell eller sociale democraels directly come from the communst International ha tey. The turn is in the right direc action with workers and ted front with the social democra parties that is, combined Dela which were made to the Social minded Neronian Aiddling while munist International is for setting been forced to make a turn, party to smash the forces of ism.
Democratie party with a view to the Fascist torch was being applied forth direct and comprehensible thus far the turn is one of words ized that it is inadequate; incomThis is what is revealed by the the holding of Joint demonstra coupled with the blows which the claims. It offers to act and not only, and clever. diplomatic plete, cowardly in a word, typicMoscow cablegram from Walter Times, representing the most per Joeted by the Central Committee of have now compelled a turn in the appeal, the Comintern deprived the three stalinisteatr imeritable Te Whan whelmede by Penthusiasto and to the tions, and which were rightly to Fascists themselves were dealing, concoet joint declarations. In its words at that The about face of ally Stalinist. The way to comMarch 1983. We quote directly serves that this is the indicadores and connected in the case policy of the Communist Interna social democracy of the possibility Trotsky a year ago The Communist International voeated by Trotsky.
of claiming that the Communists once in the past it has happened swallow everything uncritically. Trotsky, tional, 15 1983, page 35. Opposition enthusiast.
has reversed Its policy of CoinmunThe article to which Thaelmandicale the turn! But ont unit 10 the question that the Stalinist bureuncracy, hav but to strike twice as hard for the ut to is about for struggle. The ing spoiled paper in hundred tons views of the Left Opposition. It ist party exc or recent from his exile on Prinkipo Island, referred declared that the demand our regret, it is impossible to wel German social democracy is now in polemies against counter revolu is only by acting in this manner years and has to a un Turkey, a year ago advocate of the Berlin Brandenburg district come it unreserveilly. In the lat. confronted with the question of tlonary Trotskyism. thereafter in the past that the Left Opposlted front of all workers parties cooperation between the German leadership to the Iron Front move est turn of the stalinists, in the whether they come to an agree made an abrupt about face and tion contributed its share even under manifesto issued Jannary social democrats and Communists. ment, to hold a joint demonstration right direction though it is, we de ment with the followers of the tried to fulall the program of the the partial turn which has now been against Fascism, is most appropri tect all the features which inevit Communist party (only the follow Left Opposition in truth, some effected, ate here.
the fight In this, replies Thaelmann, Centrist bureaucracy: Whatr heartea against the candiese maleta the dictatorship. we see the continuation of the ness, obscurity, covering up the Just what does this pompous The frst uestion which rises in It is not (Ufficult to Nurmise the false judgment of the role of the traces in the interests of the theory ambiguity signify concretely? In the reader mind is the unexplain truth about this suspicious gap. The proposal made by the ot infallibility and apparatus pre the same issue, the Daily Worker The Communist worker, whose united front, it will almost cered reason why six weeks was allow between the date of issue and leaders of the Berlin district to the stige, ambiguity.
Internatinal Notes report a united passive resistance to the old Stalin. tainly permit the attack of Fascism ed to elapse between the alleged the date publication The Tron Front was sharply criticized Communist International. front declaration which the co ist polley was not the least factor to be beaten of, Trotsky wrote in date of the issuance of the united manifesto on the united front was by us, because it expressed an overa be ous victory over Fascism will clear front manifesto of the Comintern withhell until the last moment estimation of the degree of matur Pravda, much earlier offered to munist representative, Torgler, from in his revolutionary duty in 1400. In its own turn, the seri. January 22) and its first public (assuming that it was really writ ity attained by the social dem all workers partles. the pro reading at the Socialist demonstra fails to drive ahead now. The turn the road for the dictatorship of appearance (March 6) in the Comten January 22. until the plebis ocratie workers, and an underesti posals to create joint fighting front tion in Berlin on Februaty The must be completed; it must be made the proletariat. But even at the munist press at least in the Mos citary elections of the Hitler Húg mation of our own power among the against the onslaught of the capl. declaration read as follows: Dur. concrete: the bureaucratic loopholes helm of the revolution, the comworld outside the immediate ranks that the past policy of the united tion of widespread demonstrations or what? Is the reference to the has repeatedly appealed to the them already apparent) must be in itselt many contradictions. The of the Executive Committee front from below had not suc of the united front from below, Sunited front from below. to the Socialist party, the Free and Chris plugged up.
mission of the Left Opposition will What is to be done now? not at all be completed. In a cerextstence of. If it precin ble section of socialist face of certain sentimental feel mand for the united front under upon the working class to oppose First: the party membership tain sense it will only begin. In was not, what reason was there masses who continue to follow the ings in favor of unity which are Communist party. If a repetition ascism and the employers. In the Communist worker s, are our the first place the victory of pro for withholding it from attention Social Democratic Party of Ger to be met with.
all during the recent period, when many, had not succeeded in estab And again, attacking Trotsky who turn signifies, then it would be a Communist Party again calls upon headed party, which understands would signify the lig of the past frolley is all that the this hour of the greatest peril, the first concern, for without a clear letarian revolution in Germany of the tinued to advance the idea that the world and mobile, which is the es the Communists going hand in hand pings of a more guarded phrase ist party, the Free and Christian best policy is worth very little. Communist party upon the Stalin united front with the socialist sential prerequisite for the victor with the murderers of Liebknechtology of the bankrupt policy of yes trade unions at once to join us in Therefore, it is imperative that the ist apparatus. and Rosa Luxemburg, who de terday. From the Pravda quota. Meginning the fight against Fase turn be eincidated, the reasons for Even though much water and social Fascism peculiar to the By this, at least two extremely mands negotiations between the tions given by Buchwald, how ism.
it made clear, the blunder of yes blood has flowed since this was Trotskyist vanguard of the coun serious blunders were added to the leaders of the Communist Party of ever. statement with micro united have any meaning, this terday revealed and condemned to linally squandered by a bureaucracy it appears (one must look for It words ter revolution. If the Communalready over long record of Stalin Germany and the Soclal Democratic a clear to written, and invaluable time crimfront prevent ist parties were aware of the exism: Germany Thaelmannscope) that the comintern has fin rephrased united front from be cratte prestige sacrificed in the in Jealous of its prestige, it istence of the manifesto, why waa Precious, irretrievable time terests of clarity. The party, essentially true, Fascism can still It not made public in the last six has been lost, during which Fascwhich he been so horribly disbe conquered. The proletarian reyweeks (In fact, it has not yet been is has been strengthening its oriented and miseducated, must be olution may still be put at the top printed in the American party points of support, has been goinre oriented and re educated: in at the order of the day in Gerpress. or, if it was available buting in insolent confidence, has been word, it must be re armed. many, and consequently through not ready for release. why was proceeding virtually unbampered to TWO BILLIONS IN CURRENCY AND GOLD HOARDED, THREATENING TO CRIPPLE THE It not referred to in the press, or strike blow after blow at the work.
Second: the turn must be made the Europe The Lett Opposition, at the very least, why wasn the ing class precious time during FINANCING OF genuine and concrete. We BUSINESS; PLANS BEING WORKED OUT BY BOURGEOISIE TO not the slightest ronson doubtl the watchposts of the world rev.
ch nge in polley which it represents which Communist st party has re reflected in the line of conudct of mained passive and impotent.
TIDE ITSELF OVER CRITICAL PERIOD, WITH INFLATION MENACING PROLETARIAT that the party leadership will con, Wed. March 8, 1983.
the parties? How could the respon. The Second International The basic problem of banking is of the civil war und civil war City group wants to issue Clearing ocracy, equivocally couched, with in. 1920, after done. The New York a formal appeal to the social dem SPARTACUS YOUTH AFFAIR sible general staff of the world and the German social democracyclonal income in boom years WAS and the transition from capitalists House certificates, which represent a good deal of united front from hold an entertainment and dance this: In the United States, the years of imperialist revolution permit itself costly which paved the road for The Spartacus Youth Club win luxury of keeping under cover so is a part of it) has been allowed about 80 billion dollars a year, at to war time Communism, the low. only the balances which one bank below babble smuggled in.
lly important a document for to take the formal Initiative in call present about half of that the est level reached was 18 of has with other banks. Anyone who it and when it is lgnored or reheadquarters of the International Then, Staurday March 11, 1933, at the during whiching for negotiations with period of six weeks du cance munist International for the pur billions. This income is realized in out of credit and the reduction of do so, but unlike regularmoney. leaders, the Stalinist lenders win Workers School, 126 East 16th events of paramount Com national wealth about 300 to 400 normal. The complete wiping wants to accept this as money can lected by the social democratic were beating down upon the of the German proletariat like a that the yellow reformist Interna part of the transfers of wealth paralleled economie collapse. When him to accept it. This is the de ing the hopeleseness thunderstorm? And why, when it tional reeks of hypocritical dem take the form of money 88 an in there is a danger of this, as thero vice that was used in 1873, 1893 united front with the leaders. Allment has been arranged.
of any cents, program is finally made public, does the goggery in ſte appeal and contermediate stage. This money is has been on six occasions since the and 1907, on each of which occas. The correct and only procedure is cordially invited to attend and ac young workers and students are after cir to address formal and public ap quaint themselves with the Left it in the columns of the bourgeois treacherous role which it and its to billions of gold in this coun enough gold or currency to meet culating for some months. peal to the social democratic party. Opposition youth.
Times which, not for the first time, German section have played in the try. The whole business of bank the demand, and finding their credit to in its reports of developments in Change the fact that in the eyes 34 billions of gold and the bun with emergency paper of some sort is to have new Emergency Certia ing before the eyes and under the Have read the Militant for the between the steadily cut down, all in the sup by GevLehman. New York State aitto to the trade untons; to pro: RESPONSE FROM MONTREAL The plan being carried through through its executive committee the Soviet Union an Leghe Comintern manifesto and the initiator of the united front goes The banking system is a device for mal basis for banking has been will take over assests from banks control of the working class) of last month and have beeu prolar, the prestige accruing to the actions which are based on gold. then retire it as soon AS bor cate Corporations organized which Prava. coeditoria do not go unre to the socialdemocracy thanks filling this gap by means of credit, restored. This happens when sold This kind of paper is backed by the gram of action against Fasclem. It warmes my heart to see an and issue certificates against them. the representatives of both move foundly impressed by the sincerity ported in the Daily Worker, to be to the insufferable blundering of in other words, japer. Every sure, even if a day later than the Stalinism.
lar of gold received by the Federal into the banks, so that deposite is Issnedsets against Wered At the same time, to call upon the issue handled and driven home, as dol and currency begin coming back particular Times. On page of its March in its public declaration, the Reserve Banks can become the increase instead of decreasing.
issue (page one is occupied with Second International 189erted basis for 1 dollars of Federal Just what has happened in the like the Clearing House certificates. united front proposal, that their Enclosed herein please find 00 of all the banks in a given district, reformist masses to demand that the German crisis has by the Left the more vital question of the de weeks ago that it has always been Reserve paper, each of which in present banking ons. the Daily states at a time, and depositore mands of the small bank deposit ready to negotiate with the Com, torna cena become the bad ide pools have been shut odwa by whole by Woodin, Secretary on the Treassen der gemeing protect answer and wanted to add my best for the cause.
its own corres from to common action as soon as this in the ordinary commercial banks.
lishes a Moscow have about the body is also ready. In our Monbeen withdrawing As a result of this mechanism, money. Deposits have been cut serve notes of a special kind Re with the Communists. Therein and Montreal. GEORGE KELLEY.
pocutiarly dated Comintern ap day issue (simultaneously with 4 billions in gold supports 7 from 14 to 42 billions, while note bank assets; something like the ance of a against only therein les the true signifie front from bepeal. The American Communist the Pravda publidation but, of Lehman plan but on a national low as deshed from the ST. LOUIS CLASSES Party maintains a permanent re course, unaware op te stated tations in paper money which in circulation has gone up over cale and without forming a new stalinist conception of yesterday tional Workers School The St. Louis Branch, Interna.
turn supports 44 millions of bank billion dollara, from to over 1 is conduct (and to a certain extent of today. ing a study class on the FundaMoscow: it even has its own newsclare: presentative (more than one) in that the Comintern must now de deposits, which are the real funds billions, at the same time as gold banking corporation. There Be Inflation! as well as from the Chiang Kal mentals of Communism with Mar with which has paper correspondent there, who The is prepared to negoti. Country is transacted. All of this to 1 billions. In other words. No matter which of these plans shek and Anglo Russlancommittin Payer as instructor. Sessions is said to have critic, one Buchwald. But the ad for the claboration of a concrete works well enough until and unless about bilions of currency ai is actually carried into practice, tee united fronts from above.
are held every Monday evening.
Third: outside of Germany in In such representation do not seem the German Communist Party an elk forma per money instead. cand aangeraait ereduction en odoops to the mountain Propertion el regide the mothers capitalist countries the club room, Cruden Branch Library.
to che ceremonial Thally workerom Prepared to do it down for et loint the people benene paper Lappeenrantopere the change in mounting ne the total amoNet noordelen metalen met any and the trade of the militant Ariston Atoll reedence such cruelal questions as the pre discussion of the problem with the the credit, which stut the gap be became imminent. As a result of all these new issues of whatever unions in the same manner. de Tuttion is free. Suffelent literasent.
Executive Committee of the Gertween the amount of gold actually the hoarding, there is not enough kind, is kept down to the amount manding a united front to mobilize ture is avallable to all students.
man social democracy and party.
ST. PAUL MEETING With this we were only repeat cut down. This cannot govery is being withdrawn, not extended, total of cash plus credit in the an international movement ness which has to be financed, is not able to fill the gap because it hoarding, it will merely keep the United States and elsewhere for Newark Meeting Speakers: ing what the Left Opposition bastar without raising Lot deposits How do the banks and the gov banks started: if the amount of solidarity with the German prolestubbornly insisted upon for the that the first 4 the posalbllity when everybody wants cash. status quo before the rush on the struggle against Hitlerism and a: the Hungarian Workers Home 37 18th Ave. HUGO OEHLER nection with the situation in Ger entire rest of the banking struc them propose to meet this situation even a further deflation and redue These are elementary preliminmany. Against our point of view ture be left without any gold foun. In the same way as such situations tlon in the amount of circulating artes. The latest events have only CARL SKOGLUND Newark, the Stalinlsts never tried of launch dation.
have always been met by putting medium. If, on the other hand, fortified the standpoint and the Saturday Evening, March 11th, P.
Up till yeaterday, we were de to put it somewhat diferently out something which will take the morete or Peper la tested than the confidence of the Lett Opposition. THE GERMAN PROLETARIAT ST. PAUL LABOR TEMPLE nounced as traitors and countere all the economic life of the coun place of money until the emergency amount of cash that has gone into our vigilance will not be diminish AND FASCISM revolutionists for defending the try were to be ricted to is over, until money comes hoarding, or if it is kept in circused for a moment: our trreconcil Speaker: idea of a united front from organican actually be financed on cash back out of hoarding and credit, lation and not retired while JAMES CANNON Tuesday ovo, March 14, 8:00 Zation to organization, the leader: gold basis, it would have to be realong with deposits, stops declinboarded cash comes backit will not be moderated Scar Tore will result in a net increase in the total not be reduced. On the contrary.
ship not excluded. The united duced, not to 50 of normal aging.
amount of means of payment front, retorted the Stalinists, can at present, but to about In Evidently there is a difference Should the Communist party be!
Communist League of America (Continued on Page 2)
Admission 10c Unemployed Free Le concluded Yonly from below. Soviet Russia in the worst period among the bankers as to just how compelled to apply the policy of the (Opposition) Newark branch Speakers: LABOR TEMPLE FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, P.
14th Street and Second Avenue MAX SHACHTMAN LARGE HALL Aunploos: Communist League of Ameries (Opposition)
MARTIN ABERN, Chalmen ADMISSION 18 Cerita this is to be the its of in con 8CMANHATTAN After the German Elections What Now? JAMES CANNON MASS MEETING