BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorking Class

An End to Stalinist Confusion. For the United Front!
trade De of Lenin to Political Swindle Exposed he cannot at PAGB THE MILITANT MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1933 lowing activities; arrange March More will be heard from St. Louis LEAGUE ACTIVITIES 4th Joint demonstration for imme later. Already the Stalinist budiate relief: send speakers to all reaucratic have pointed (publicly)
working class organization in the to other members of the LA and In the from to sympathizers and stated that Worker of Monday, a united front proposal to the 80 munist party) and the Reichsbenfar reaching enough program to alty asking for a speaker 20, mart Stalinists Sabotage United Front blem. It narrowed its alms down leaflets explaining the aims of the ally mght against the expulsions of the Central Committee of the for the socalled united front from ocratic party) to defend a parliato the State Hunger March and program; make ar with all our forces by relentlesely communist party writes: They below. Since such, according to mentary meeting, why not a united Demonstration. No organizational raneren offerences organize St. Louis. The Unity Conference report was discused by the dele second the Stalinist bureaucrats in others) come with the proposals of man Communist Party perhaps he and the Relchsbanner, the Communheld in St. Louis by the Unemploy gates Our resolution was unreunion committee to concentrate on whose hands the working class de united fronts between the Commun, can explain the following incident ist party, the Social Democratic ed Councils unanimously passed ported by the committee and com getting union support. Payer fense movement has actually lost sta and the Social Democratic reported in the Daily Worker, Feb. party, and the trade unions, to de the demand of the Left Opposition rade Roberts had to force the issue pointed out that the entire program in membership (10, 000 members in parties and accuse the Communist 15, 1983. We quote directly from tend workers meetings from the for a standing committee of each from the floor. The bureaucratie adopted was our Trotskyist pro 1920 only 8, 600 in 1982. desplta party of splitting the workers be the Inprecoor cable to the Daily assults of the murderous Fascista?
addressing it Worker: Let the Stalinists cease their This is the very same pro the most favorable objective cir cause it insists organization to compose a United steering committee was able to gram.
call for a united front not to the Front Unemployed Conference prevent it from being taken to gram which we had been urging cumstances. The Central Committee of the policy of confusion! clear cut Committee. And from this com vote.
the to adopt and for which Noskes, the Scheidemanns and the MARTIN PAYER.
the polley of the united front tactic Wels, but to the masses of social Reichstag met today under Trotsky before it mittee trade union and organiza The final action that the confer wo had been called counter revelectdemocratie workers. Our em tional committees were to be Communist workers: Why is the phasis. ence took is indeed significant. The olutionists.
puty Loebe, whereupon the fascist too late.
ed to work for the Permanent Uni conference was called He also report upon the sabotag. Communist International silent Thus it is clear, according to deputies repeated their tactles of ted Front movement and the call meet the following Saturday. In ing of the ing of the second conference.
New York you recall, party lead. centrale work by the about the crisis in Germany Why Bedacht, that the German Commun bowling down Loebe and prevent Trotsky Genius Denied The bureaucreats did not dare to ers attacked our comrade pro ed Councils by the failure to hold ist Party is opposed to addressing Ing a session of the Committee. He therefore, again declared the ses With this headline, today World sion adjourned: whereupon the Telegram prints a United Press come before the workers with any posaly to send delegated to a sim. the agreed upon Tuesday (Feb.
opposition to this. The committee lar meeting, because we would committee meeting.
Fascists pushed him from chalrman table. The Communists, reads as follows: the dispatch from Moscow which was supposed to hold its first meet increase the prestige of the fakers. Payer introduced the motion that ing at the Labor Lyceum on Tues. But now! the meeting decided (1) the Beezly branch, re (Continued from Page 1) Opposition pleads guilty. In theory Socialists and other oppositional Leon Trotsky leadership of day, Feb. 21st. The Opposition to elect an official committee of quests the of the Unemploythe Red Army during the Civil and its auxitary organizations sent ten and have it represent this coned Councils to carry out the dect obviated by the collapee of the and practise, Brandterism has al members then left the room.
ready been tested: In 1923, when it forence, to the socialist conference slons of the united front unem proletarian movement As happened led the German working class to of the oppositional parties met to a speech delivered by Climenti three delegates to this meeting In the afternoon the members War period is bitterly attacked in The ployed discuss the situation. The Social: Voroshilov, present commissar of the committee were made up for insisted, that all delegates present Ching the proposed meeting to saves itself the expense of the indefeat and demoralization, as at at the Labor Lyceum. As soon as be delegated by thelr organizations the u. o le committee consist evitably ensuing sanguinary, contestad among more decisive things ists declared the Constitution had war, made public today. voroshi the Lett Opposition showed up the to the Socialist confub to fight foring of one delegate from cach ornict, a period of stabilization sets by dozens met articles and speeches been violated and proposed that lov dented the world Wide Felice exile. posbureaucrats hanging around the the adoption of the program of this ganization represented at the con S, and the Fascist movement he is the same Lovestone, from 1923 protests be made to the Pacist that protoky, nowine president of the Reichstag. Goersesses great military genius. He lobby became nervous and there conference.
ference The vote was affirmasins to decompose. And with it, to 1920!
That the party leadership for de and the stalinists was much running to and fro and and 20 negative three abstain from this it does not follow that Messrs. Swindlers and Forgers of The Communists declared such pro saved the situation on all endanWhile we are on the subject of ing, and to President Hindenburg. claims that Joseph Stalin really much whispering. Our efforts, to breaking out of their long third naturally the Faselst danger to the German the Lovestone group, it is instruc tests were useless, and proposed a storeyat building For the latter period stage had no intention of a voted against.
real Leninlet United Front and Then a stalinist motion. To ac proletariat Is now eliminated, ortive to point out that their new meeting of the Control Com Army was built up to an imposing Lyceum the Committee was to prepare to jointly work and fight cept the report of all delegates to even definitively on the decline Whole critical review on the mitted to be defended by detach strength in spite of Trotsky in Such a conclusion can be drawn theme of the German crisis, Love ments of the Anti Fascist Leaguo efficiency meet, were in vain. We were final for ly led into a room on the second offering program to the extent of the conference with the exception only by those for whom the class stone does not mention by a single and the Relehsbanner. Ourem. Voroshilov 18 spitting in the wind.
proportional representation of Payers. On the question (by thoor where we sat twiddling our is think undeniable. But what Casano) as to what was struggle begins at the ballot box word the role of the Communist pbasis Daily Worker, 15 Better men than he have tried in the last ten years to re write the thumbs for about a half an hour a vindication of all our propaganda with Payer report none of the and ends with the parliamentary International and its leader. 33. when we were informed that this That many of those present recog. Stalinists could give a reason.
Stalin! Not a word about the mandate. Our emphasis. like to history of the party and the Red Therefore, we would Now, Anally, for the Militant, of criminal silence of the Not was one section meeting orderen en andere plec doubted elegante e vertematic, e negative roting Feb. 29188. contralong the arts erou multenebs on What is happen other member of the Central Com Worldwide holder andere tot, sounds know, and let Bedacht or any army as it never happened. The there.
Roberts as one of its committee of Then another Stalinist motion ing in Germany. And for cause. With the exception of the deleten. After the meeting individual to get down to business to expe Eugenberg government repreLovestone gives a fig for the Ger. It the Stalinists are opposed to the table manufactured by Stalin Eates of the Left Opposition and said, Well, you got your kind of and Party. comrades speaking into the Payer from the branch because of seres home. Cubates us social man revolution. Bah! He making proposals to the leaders of and his clique. To take but one two the days, we cite from Gorky memparty no one else showed up. The United Front at least think it being a disrupter. In the disparasitism. But just because of winst Browder and Co. he for the Social Democratie party, why quotation out of hundreds in those its cussion that followed Paper en this, when it became necessary. Stalin, whom he zealously offers did they propose common action to one of Lenin, written in 1924. last named delegates however, did deavored to show that it was the in its pure stato it became im. his services as funkey in chief in the Reichstag leaders of the Social Yes, have often heard him not suffer the same fate as as that The Socialist Conference on Stalinists who were disrupting possible. Hugenberg, requtres the American party for the inter Democratic party to defend the (Lenin) praise his comrades. And of the Left Oppositionists outlined Unemployment (Saturday, Feb. the organization and not he. He screen. As yet in, for him, lies the wisdom of the the disruptive actions of the Fuse energies of ev to Justice the even those with whom Stalinist organizations represented of the similar conference of the bow all committees, all delegations brown shirt of the Nazi. If one and the beginning of all good and was this proposal in line with unsympathetle Surprised by the he was supposed to be personally was the Unemployed Councils in New York City. Almost to which he was elected were snb cannot obtain the sanction of the proper things the party policy of only the united Lattering appreciation he showed front from below?
rade Goldberg, who came late and zations received or could get the to interruptions the Stalin monarchy for the property for one of them, remarked that MISTAKE IN THE Why are the stalinists a good many people might be by the merest chance stumbled into official Invitation and so they made ists he was not allowed to continue. owner DAILY WORKER parliamentary united front, the committee meeting. Informed out credentials of their own lackie spoke to lowed for continuation of the reactionary and un with amazed by it. Yes, yes, know.
the leaders of the Social Dem. They tell a lot of lies about my us of this fact and also that not ing the official of the So the substance of what about a bridled rabble. The investiture of The Daily Worker of March Socratie party in the Reichstag. relations with him.
Yes, they tell only was no regular meeting held callst party organizer, Dan doxen Stalinists were saying Titler with power served a two prints a picture of Joseph Stalin which is a united front purely from lot of but no definite date was set fortels, Militant. they were re the same time. The vote was 19 fold purpose: first, to decorate the with the following caption. The the top and opposed to a united me and Trots especially about the next meeting of the committee. fused admittance, Even organiza. affirmative, negative with three camarilla of property owners with above picture, printed for the first front with be Social Democratic Pounding on the table, he dethe leaders of a national move time in the United States, shows the committee meeting we found Actalpaper, but, being radical were Payer was then ordered to leave fighting forces of Fascism at the the Communist party, Soviet Union In the course of our search of tions which had obtained the of absentions ment. and secondly, to place the Joseph Stalin, present secretary of party on the basis of a Hegitim the hall. After Payer left, one of direct disposal of the proprietors. as he appeared in 1919 on the south te meseca Linte action?
minimum program of serupa de clared: Show me another man who guards downstairs in front of the ate organizations.
could organize in a year an almost against Fascism, which will draw model army and win the respect of auditorium where an open meetthe newer Stalinists, Horrum. Further on in the same article: front in the struggle against the was in session. Thinking that we ncult time to get in! Comrade skyisme made a motion for an When the official Communist party whileceu ardh bandas ace Derukip and united front of the car and Fascistening and so we do wonderer: military experts besides. We ve keepers of the gate informed the Hosiery Workers Union, and ista with speakers from both sides. the most important prop of bour tempted to invade the Soviet Un League (controlled by the Com. Comment superfluous. that it was a private meeting and a few others who did get in, de Pandemonium loose. The cools domination, it repeats only lon. The Dally Worker bere makes no one would be allowed to. The couple hook at method a madawa is van het questions the voting his not megta point de departure for the organe well known to use respecture Nation wide Bankas personer une general workers and the Just what manipulations will be ROBERTS. this Inside the together live and affirmative with aba zation of the Third International. of Stalin at a masquerade ball in invoked in this particular case is with the IWW made a united front, taining. The motion lost, but only when the bourgeoisle invite It to Moscow two years ago, where he Crisis Breaks Out to keep the Communists out of by a small margin.
power, the social democracy casts disguised himself as the Organizer not of great consequence; it may be the issue of clearing House Two Unemployment their united front. Outside, in the At the very same time Payer its vote for the capitalist regime of the Red Army. He lost first The social democracy tolerates costume prize ante room milled about the party! was being expelled at the Martinov, scrip, or a tax on gold, or an em(Continued from Page 1)
South bargo on gold exports, or guar Conferences organization delegates and our side the following motion (suffers) any bourgeols government, who appeared at the ball disguised carrying through its own solution antee of deposits by the governselves; enough of them by far to was made and vigorously defended that tolerates the social democracy, as a Bolshevik, of the crisis.
ment of a banking pool, etc. That swamp the socialist conference it on the floor at the North Side But even when completely disParty and Crisle increased exploitation of the massPhiladelphione last conference admitted the wonder the See Sooney branch of the ILD by were come interest the portal THE MILITANT es will be the next step to be atOne was sponsored by the Commun. one were in fear of being cap tests to the National Committee workers that they conserve their Post Office at New York, would be part of a general retreat as it is, can and will find its way Philadelphia on on Cunemployment. Only after the communists mee tied Heberti coneg branco como seos society, recommending to the neredovamber contre entre la crisis like the present would have cempedalin poles than ever fourthe profoundest social results. It geolsle, panicky and lat Unemployed Councils; the other tured.
by the Socialists. To both the local What shall we do the resolu workers from ILD branches because prepared never to issue a call. Byl Under the act of March 8, 1879. in struggle of a demoralized bour out of such immediate predicaI. Against the expulsions of forces for battles, for which it is branch of the sent tlon we had calling for joint of their political affiliations, in paralyzine the revolutionary enthe Communist Logue of Amorsanized, well staffed and victorious ments as the present banking crisis, Published three times. weeks by delegates, to present our program sessions was not admitted. The particular, members of the comes of the proletariat, the social loa (Opposition) at 126 Fast army of the proletariat.
and to participate in the work. At task remains, to prove our sincere munist League of America. Oppose: ciety with an opportunity to remain on the backs of the proletariat and the Left wing conference our de desire for united action of the tion) called Trotskylsts. We de 16th Street, New York As things stand, we cannot as the working masses, unless the legation was seated. At the 50 working class against hungerourmand their Jmmediate reinstate alive under conditions when it le Martin Abern EDITORIAL BOARD sign it any such importance. It masses are organized for struggle James Cannon becomes one of a series of episodes under the leadership of a powerful common with all other radical or in action for approval cialist conference they were in willingness to show our program ment in order to maintain the ILD holonger capable of living thus Maz Shachtman Maurice Spector in the development of the crisis, Communist party. The rearming of the as a broad defense organization of turning Fascism into a political Ame Swabeck like the heavy gold withdrawals and development of the Party to ganizations, not even admitted to working class; to propose this all workers. The motion was lost necessity.
Monday MARCH 6, 1933 of September October 1831 and a scale commensurate the hall.
with it must be done by the Executive but also by a narrow margin: Last Sunday, February 19, the Committee of our As for branding the Brandler Vol. VI, No. 16 (Whole No 163) April June 1932, which were met taske is the basle function of the Unemployed Council Conference joint meeting of both committees stentions Conference a negative, affirmative with ab ist theory and practise of the unl Subscription rate: 00 per year, by temporary financial manipula Lett Opposition.
ted front opportunist, the Left Forelga 50. One cent a copy. tions on the one hand, and increas. FIELD.
Avainst the Comissionary and the calling of a conference Relief Plan meeting, 200 delegates with proportional representation.
representing about 150 organiza This will remove the rejoinder of led at the beginning of this year the influence of its internal strug. Marxist wing (Bolshevik Leningles on the development of the ists. the Centrist fraction (Stalintlong, and many visitors enthusias the fakers that the toally greeted the first marked want to capture them. It will give Communists According to the conditions its other national sections. Still, it ists. and finally the Right, or protara in Phila. of the Official us a mass to appeal to which from privileged situation and its habits is absolutely false to regard the perly speaking right centrist wing organizations toward a broader the outside we can meet. It can of thinking, the Soviet bureaucracy evolution of the Comintern dur Brandlerists. which leads direct political united front. The week provlously well start in Philadelphia and in has many features in common with ing the last ten years as a mere rely into the socialist party was forced by the State a broad united front to e reformist bureaucracy of capi Nection of the fractional struggle development cocok tbe calling of this conference, to knitting together the employed and (We begin today with the pub revolution. Complete counter rev talist countries. It is far more within the world Communist party. tries without exception has consend out their own call for the unemployed, the organized and lication of the most important olution means the displacement of Inclined to trust in the revolu. In the development of the interna Armed and every new day confirms of the theses adopted at the in the rule of one class by that of tonary Kuo Min Tang, the Left tional labor movement there were the correctness of this classifica with their Unemployed Citizen struggle for the needs today, offerternational Centere Opposition and while still under the rule of unions, the petty bourgeois fri drove the young Communist see it was and remains ternational Pre Conference of the another. reaction begins and devel bureaucracy of the British trade internal reasons of its own which tion and its living reality.
the highLeague organization and the Host the workers. In such united ery Workers (AF of L) Union front of action our program will which concluded its sessions last the revolutionary class. the ends of the Soviet Union. the 11b tions to the Stalinist bureaucracy. est degree characteristic of cenbearer in provisional committee, Cher. he demand its adoption and prove its were present trom the Russian. Ober there appeared the petty bour the independent revolutionary in everywhere, particularly in Europe, hand in hand with the right as the signature of Bender, Greek, Swiss, American and other geoisie, particularly the leaders of tiative of the proletariat. But, a period of expectancy of the near current most nearly related to it coped with it, in the form of an sections of the Opposition. The the peasantry. Its spokesman be through the necessity of defending by overthrow of the rule of the in principle, but never made bloc hold, not to the rank and ante be Expels St. Louis now up for discussion in the close to the petty bourgeoiste.
Sup the Soviet bureaucracy is forced when the internal crisis of the against the Right. As to the Right membership of the Opposition, ported by the pressure of the petty crery time into sharp, collisions Party broke out, most of the Eur wing on an international scale, conference, Frauz Daniels. Oppositionist international Conference which is won a very far reaching independ capital. In this way under unique first great defeats and disappoint is marked by an extraordinary ers at the conference recognized St Louis. Although the Beezly planned for convocation later in ence of the proletariat. After it historical conditions a fraction of menta. Particularly depressing was variety and contradictoriness among had correctly enough the splitting tactie branch of the ILD has an average the year. Ed. of the local socialists, but there attendance of about ten, the last of the international revolution by ated out of proletarian Bolshevism, man proletariat in October 1933. all have in common hostility to the they stopped. The united front aid meeting was filled to overflowing The task of the coming Confer national reformism, it made the and has laid beavy band on a new political orlentation became an Bolshevik Leninista.
not extend to an offer of joint with the tense and heated faces of ence of the Left Opposition (Bol theory of socialism in one country whole epoch of development of the Inner necessity for the majority of work Soviet bureaucracy, exploiting the the absence of legal opposition resolution on program and tactics com. carry membership cards in such as well as or selecting the Soviet bureaucracy with the petty worst degeneration of the workers workers with respect to the Eur editably becomes the tool whereby Comrade Lecomte presented our communist party. not sve tour ing clear and precisely formed of the proletarine sumere de tudok Srolet Filepublic and of the world the Communist parties. When the conditions of the least one dier this the necessity of action with the Socialists on the was the report of the ILD dele! theoretical, political and organiza masses and the backward strata oftically degenerated form, the Soviet tional reformist theory of Socialism to the proletariat exert their preso immediate demands outlined by us gates to the Unity Conference. Totional work of the Left Opposition the workers themselves. That Union remains a workers state. in one country, the young bureau sure therein consists his of opposition: adim the last four years, has created of Leninism by Stalinism. the centrist bureaucracy into ed a sigh of relief; the new per. the other hand, the consciousness ther expose thelr claim to any deted Front Unemployed Conference solution of this quisites for the After the organizational break struggle against the Soviet state, spective opened before them a road of this danger paralyzes those leadthe full cooperation of the langue ate relier, unemployment insurance and polfulde decuments on the nete a policyhot empirical scillation which declares. The state solution. In this way the internal the Communist party all the shades The fundamental programmatic official policy became definitively safe level as the stalinist clique, process of the international rev. through their whole past are bound ing up of the Left Opposition, the would be to place oneselt on the to Socialism Independent of the ers of the Right Opposition who in the furtherance of the work of six hour day and Long Term credita Opposition are issued in no less between the classes. The depend the conference.
to the Soviet Union; the formation than 15 languages. The Left Opence of the bureaucracy upon the Soviet Union against world imper cided with the reaction in the capi: countries, where to the right of a What the conference lacked was set permanent con position disposes of 32 periodical proletariat meanwhile expressed it. Lallem 18 such an elementary task talist countries and created the ot reformism can spread themsel working class and a broad and organization to carry out the fol has reorganized and strengthened a series of blows, it did not dare that the Left Opposition tolerates strative punishment of the left or has no deld of activity. Insofar its sections in countries and in or was not able to overthrow the in its midst no vacillations or position by the centrist bureau as the Right Opposition has mas the past three years created new essential achievements of the Oct doubts on this question. As before, cracy.
organizations, it turns them over OFF THE PRESS sections in countrios. But the ober revolution: the nationaliza it will break ruthlessly with all But in their further movement directly or indirectly to the social most important and most valuable tion of the land, the nationaliza groups and elements which attempt to the Right, the official Parties democracy (Czecho Slovakia, swe Two New Pamphlets By achievement is the undeniable rais tion of industry, the monopoly of to occupy a neutral role between collided with the real Kuo Min den. except for the revolutionary ing of the theoretical LEON TROTSKY Opposition, the the Party bureaucracy in 1928 felt world (Monatte Louzon in France, Trade Unlons and of the Social Bolshevik Leninlets (Czecho Slovgrowth of its ideological solidity itself endangered by its petty bour Urbahns group in and of its revolutionary initiative. geois allies, the kulaks, In its fear The Left Germany. Democracy, just as the Stalinista akia, Poland. The Brandlerlat collided with the real kulaks. The elements who have remained inde Soviet Economy In Defense of the The Organ of the Left Oppostion of losing its whole support among Imperialist Countries new zig zag to the side of an ultra pendent here and there (Grmany, In the the proletariat It carried out The Third International In Danger Russian Revolution The Left Opposition arose in sharp turn to Lett. The Anal as the immediate result of the ex led to the split of the offical Come on being called back and pardoned 72 Pages 10 cents 48 Pages cents 1923, ten years ago, in the land of results of the zig zag were: the pertence of the advanced workers intern majority into the ruling sooner or later by the stalinist bu8 for twenty five cents Minimum number per order the October revolution, in the rul: adventurist tempo of industrializa in the imperialist war, in the epoch Center and the Right oppottionist reaucracy: in the name of perspective they carry on a cam Postage le extra per copy PIONEER PUBLISHERS state. The delay in the develop zation, and the administrative larly in the October revolution. In the camp of Communiem, palen of lles and slander Againet ment of the October revolution had breaking up of the kulake. The This determined the leading role of therefore, during the past your it the Left Opposition quite la 84 East 10th Street, New York reaction in the land of the Pooctober about anythm of sconomy brought usian Bolsheviem in the Third bu bon peetble to follow our lapint of sthlintem.
arcoaldered Internationaland therefore alvel three fundamental groups: theo to be continued to Tax and demoralized State International Pre Conference of those to the Right the Left Opposition Presents Thesis As before the confers of common in this We