Antifascist FrontBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninismMarxMarxismNazismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

CENT COPY Published times a week, Monday, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Workers of the World, Unite!
Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered a second claw mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Once at New York. under the act of March 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 16 WHOLE NO. 163 NEW YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1933 PRICE CENT THE MILITANT TE National Banking Crisis Fascist Elections Show Stalinist Bankruptcy Tuns Policy of «United Front From Below» Fails to Win Over Masses of Socialist Workers By giving 81 ions to e action against other te program Oppositionists Chinese Bourgeoisie Is Impotent Attacked Before Advancing Japanese Armies Political Swindle Exposed of or to STAGE IN GENERAL CRISIS OF CAPITALISM IN COUNTRY THROWS BOURGEOISIE INTO PANIC; ITS WAY OUT TO or if ita) The election posters of both these servative elements of the populaBE SOUGHT ON BACKS OF WORKERS. an atmosphere of unprecedent held its own, but with the shifts, munist party is outlooded from parties were ripped of the Hition. Their vote for Hitler WELS. suppression of Communist, social creased vote cast, it is no longer the Reichstag, the Nazis would then boards. The possibilities for elec essentially an expression of thelr to affect the parlia have an absolute majority on the tion propaganda and agitation by fear of a bloody civil war with its The present cyclical crisis be many more defeats than victories ist anderen Centrist publications in a mentary have gained a distinct election vic power a position It has enjoyed the support of their present Na a tiny minimum.
Hitler a parliamentary majority. in the form of a crash on the stock conditions not only in strikes toroup by the Hugenburg Na Party did a little better than hold The uneasiness of the Hugenburg spite of the terrorism of the they hoped to avoid the costs of a market; now, after nearly 1 against wage cuts, in the question which, together with the vote for years. The Social Democratic tionalist colleagues in the cabinet. In years, it kinmarked by the nation of adequate unemployment reliet tionalists, gives them a parliament. its own. The Communist vote, camarilla at the prospect of the to retain some eighty percent of will not be averted.
Fascists, the Communists managed civil war. Only, it cannot and this mean? Is it what the Stalin have not been able to mobilize the has now lost particularly all im does and Insurance, but politically they ary majority in a kelchstag which however, was drastically reduced communists being unseated, on their previous votes, and the social ists call the end of the stabiliza masses against the bourgeoisie. portance.
some twenty percent, to a total of those paradoxes of politics which democrats even increased their bal of even greater significance, 18 of less than 5, 000, 000, losing heavis quite comprehensible in the pre loting strength. But there is litthe vote cast for the Communist tion of capitalism. or the terrified There is no use in recapitulating The election victory of the Hitler. lly in Berlin where the Nazis, and sent circumstances.
and social democratie parties. The bourgeois still more?
simply tle consolation in this for th the end of the call the chapter of defeats and mis Hugenburg regime is due almost not the Communista, are now the the Com. Communist vote declined, and the takes; we have pointed out the re excusively to the rise in the Naxl largest parts, with 1, 000, 000 votes But the parliamentary field is the munist party. As soon as thel Crises, as we know, are not acel sponsibility of the Communist party vote, which though it is far from declsive, can not only exceeded the as dents under enpitalism, but an in as the record has developed, ita vote in November 1932, but even oven. Jared with 720, 000 votee latest decisive of all in the present Narch 5, 1933 elections were an importance of this fact, even German situation. The just connounced, the Militant trinsic part of the mechanism; they fullure to assemble the proletariat passed beyond the number they had National Socialists proclaimed not be ignored. The social dem.
cluded election was purely and them to be a Fascist trap, dealguedocratic masses continued to give 289 106 have a definite role, which Marx around its banner and assume the at their apex, in July 7932. Forty simply a plebiscite, the present to concentrate the attention of the their support to the social Social Democrats has described as follows, 125 123 dem Crises Leadership of the broadest masses. Pour percent of the voting populaReichstag is a plebiscitary Reich working class exclusively on the ocratic party. By this act, they Communists 100 are only violent and temporary stag, and the Hitler regime a parliamentary field and to distract gave a decisive reply to the empty Centrista This failure constitutes the poll tion cast its ballot for Hitler, in solutions of existing contradictions Lienl pre condition for the capital Catholic Bavarla, the Nazis made 78 69 Bavarians plebiscitary regime. The principal them from mobilizing their efforts boastings of the staliniats that 19 19 Nationalista 52 51 for time the equilibrium which Inte solution of the present crisis, auge sweep ousting the centret internationally as well as on the party from control an accomplish Scattered 24 munista through the social dem sl the only kind of struggle their polles was succeeding in ocrats as far to the Right as the whaleh can effectively deal with the from their leadership. And preThese contradictions involve the of policy executed in a line ment which they all but attained in mational scale. With correct the Catholic capital of Germany Catholic Center, were bound and now overwhelming threat of Fascisely herein lies the most signide 647 582 overproduction of goods in the face manner, Hitler would stand every Cologne.
gagged for weeks before the elec tum. The outcome of the elections ant aspect of the March elctions!
The Hitler regime based on the tion took place. Not a single Com bear out this contention. The esec tion of the massess the creation to the weakest links in the capi are not yet complete as we go to has an absolute parliamentary may days before the votes were caat. nor could they have settled ans. tront from below was winning the credit and he took speculations and broken; the masses in other capl quate for a summary of the results. ally in the carrying out of its papers allowed to appear before the fascists a convenient parlia party. The Left Opposition reptted sharp rise in money rates and com. cruist countries torn reware apparently to identificome wote he was cher deganizmolde an exterminations the elections in the produtostaterutar y parvis. Por destroying dem. That the socialiste musses will be we call intiation, or a contradiciniluence and mobilized behind the lons in the largest vote yet cast of the working class. More than attack on the Marxists in thele. But the elections nevertheless when the Communist party makes tion between real values and the communist party, and capitalism in Germany, and it is mainly from that the Naxi threat that the columns. Several Catholic period. have a considerable symptomatic an open and sincere offer to their paper representatives increasing dirticulty in this source that the increase in the Communist deputation in the Reich of such cals were confiscated or suspended. significance. The increase in the organizations, when it sits down values. Continued on Page 2)
Hitlerite vote was obtained. The stag will not be seated is constant No meetings of the social democrats Fascist vote came predominantly with the leadership of the social The role of the crisis is to get Catholic Center appears to have ly kept in reserve. If the Com or the Communists were permitted from the petty bourgeois and con democratic party and the trade unrid of overproduction by forcing concrete the capitalist to reduce his produe.
tion, to get rid of intlation by fore Lovestone Group and the Opposition ascism. The elections are one of ing down prices, money rates and The numerous proofs that the unloutstanding credit. Uitimately it ted front from below has not only creates a situntion in which prices :ot succeeded in breaking the alare low, money rates are low, legiance of the socialist masses to capital is abundant, the growth and swellings as Trotsky calls The democratie phase of the Chi, The lessons of the second phase hat das seloos the leaders, but them, such as Insull and Kreuger, Last Friday night at Pitkin and nese revolution included as its of the Revolution remain aw ter IIilferding crew perfectly.
The current issue of the work the support of the negle, and to Rockaway Avenue, members of the major task the ousting of the folding memory in the minds are removed, and the pre condi. ers Age, organ of the Lovestone repondingly undermine it. It is veft Opposition were again treated eign of China. This task China. It today they are com. are not, we repeat, of decisive im and the the present rulers The results of the elections which ttons are created crisis into a depression, and ultim attack upon the Opposition wbic Fascia anch a highly industrialism in action. For the third or could only have been accomplished pletely impotent in the defense oportance, but are highly symptoca turn in the Right wing, contains the following never yet been demonstrated that to a wholesale exposure of Stalin unification can have a stable endur ately of stabation or a boom.
even into a period we quote in full: Crisis and the Class Struggle cuit by the Trotskyites. They who powerful and well organized work bureaucratst en theer America teritorite arkens swepe Teowards the goale out everything else to arouse ene nous sential, that the course of the party But the most piticul figure is ixed country as Germany, with a fourth time in year, the aspiring with the aid of the wide masses of China against Japanese Imperial coatic, must ulve every communist But the crisis is also an arena not so long ago (Militant, July 23. ing class. The imperialist bourge a physical attack on us. Though its first phase only as long as the sand arm them for a real struse steered now towards the LeninThe Fascist economic but also certain social and to think that the imperialists will the fate of German capitalism, our grander surrection of the Revolution which, triumph in the elections will the ending of a crisis period and Germany. who sayely informed us desperate alternative of their own guy display that has taken the cale into the movement for ub they clearly see, could only result result in greater arrogance, more political conditions are required for welcome a Fascist dictatorship in have no interest to plunge into this our comrades halted this hard sistibly and on an ever place of Leninist education. After eration. It was inevitable, how in their own dowufall ultimately. rorlat and its movement, more viobrutal measures against the prolethe preparation of a period of stab that on the contrary, they (the volition. On the contrary, then. well organized through its own realists) have the social support the social democracy and ilization. If the working class, and every reason to bave every reason to reinforce and ticipate in putting back the furnion whom rested the actual burden ing a single soldier to Jehol forent suppressions and attacks. There and ture of an unemployed worker in of carrying on the armed strug. the defense of China against im is but one way to meet this attack the mobilization of the Gerthe masses, and resists all the mea foruns. who were so sure (in 1981) served them and saved them up to a house at which a rent strike wassle under the ferment of revolu perialist invasion, continue tempts to throw the barken of the strated that Fascism can have until they have to. Our em ter les orkets present condenado. Ironie pieture was afforded to not to frontThere is only one way off to other classes; if it is stable endurance in such a highly phasis. able to put up effective and gen Industrialized country as Germany been engaged in the melee of the All the difference in the world, common bond of unity between the tive exploiters. This phase of the Soong. reactionary banker at the present time the appeal from us Chinese eralized resistance to wage cuta, to these people, who Inter Militant, isn there! Now, the Milltant of despite slander and despite terror on the successfut did not wait up the richest man in China can only organization to organization, achievement of say at this juncture that the Jap In its appeal, just published in force demands for unemployment Nov. 12, 1932) saw the Nazi so November 12, 1932: ism. However, after we had ar the program of unification common anese aggression is a good thing, the socialist New Leader, the Buto tax the rich instead of the mass Italsts, to compel the governments well nigh exhausted that the As we have pointed out previ rived at the house (the furniture to all classes, bourgeols, worker for in the long run it will result reang the Marcade Socialist es, and in time of crisis, the weir aims by violent seizure of ites cannot hope to arrive in power llar. waiting for some of the cops first stage. The Irrepressible class Meantime he impotently otters, notal) has declared: The Labor and nd its other immediate into the but the lives of one hundred mil. been ready to negotiate with the will be a long time in restoring the ns opportunism the first calls or the preceding election already in who saw at to suspend operations. perialists had been sehat follow lion Chinamen to the Japs. These Communist International with a margin of profit in his production the Communist Opposition for adicated that, so far as elections are (Trotskylsts cannot fraternize sea and in the on which the restoration of buat united anti Fascist front, these concerned, the Nazl social reservole and they have no right to move ed the vanguard of the working Chinamen will know how to dle. view to common action as soon 88 social Fascists. We said we were depended the continuation of the rulers and bourgeois compradores inton of the desire for action of in the crisis, depend.
Feb. 29, 1933) regard Hitler as the extrement in the ordinary bourgeo always ready to cooperate with the revolution, was all but exterminate ending their wealth, that is the socialist bureaucracy, is quite These struggles are most important aspects non parlia hopefully assert that the chief in sense, the Fascists must strive to unemployed councils and had done ated.
Fallure to Unity China fulfill their aims by the violent 80 in the past. It could be seen blood of the Chinese masses, outerous record which has paved the mentary they tend to mobilize struments of power are not in preter of the country and are disappear road to the triumph of Hitler. But the masses for broader sims, and Hitler hands, who echo the of selzure of power and the more that many of the changed their violent extirpation of all proletar attitude toward us. We invited red far rather the The Chinese bewontinued stran ing themselves. Governor Tang It is precisely with such statements crisis becomes deeper and menstly drugsman of China, carefully eva men of the Second International highly political and revolution. tant prop of bourgeois domination. If the necessity for such a step is and the proof of the beginning of powers, 80 long as they were percuated his gold and his wives and retain their hold upon the socialthelr education was that they came mitted to continue their own or has now lett Jehol himself for ist workers. The Communist Interary character. The German crisis under all circumstances all the (Continued on Page ploitation, than their own over destinations unknown.
of 1020 23, based on the steady in time, these same people now have and their disappearance na national, which should have been flation of the mark, culminated in the audacity to declare (Milltant, a class through the dictatorship of The Japanese Continue Advance the one to initiate such move the revolutionary crisis of October Fb. 1933) that the Left Opposlment, must pick up the challenge, 1923, followed by an abortive Nazi tion was the first to sound the Pol But with the bloody was of the revolutionary Thus the Japanese conquer with must break its criminal silence, and bourgeois German state had proven threatened. that it had be workers and peasants, the native almost no resistance because Chipa declare: ST. PAUL MEETING its ability to stave off the revolu met by a united front of all work MASS MEETINGS ON GERMANY bourgeoisie, with the willing as under the rule of the Chiang Kai The Communist International is sistance of foreign of tion even without the aid of the ers organizations! is this mere y counteheks has failed to unify and bas prepared to negotiate with the Pulled to build up its industries Second International for the ela.
Nazis, it was able to invite the ty shabby sele deception or is it became the spear Speakers: revolution in China. The revolu rapidly enough to supply a modern boration of a concrete program of Dawes committee to discuss cur outright political swindling?
Speakers: reney reform, and begin its way out Not bad, what? More exactly, it HUGO OEHLER of the crisis.
HUGO OEHLER might be bad if it were all true.
tlon failed of accomplishment be stacles, the Japanese will continue man Communist Party is prepared At the present moment in the But when the Lovestone press CARL SKOGLUND CARL SKOGLUND in marching forward, under the territory. The press repeats state of the problem with the Executive whether or or not the quote the Left Opposition, the in the crisis DUNNE, Chairman leadership of the Communists, be bents that the Japanese have de Committee of the German social rived, unquestionably most of the for granted that it is deliberately, ST. PAUL LABOR TEMPLE the revolution, to the Conquest of troops from Wienerwaldor Chinese democracy and its party. We clan the next ob under no circumstances agree to work of the crisis in violently and misquoting us, distorting our point power under working class dicta Jective of the Invasion.
the social democratie party probrutally solving, for the moment of view, or resorting to slight for Saturday eve. March 11, 8:00 pm.
torship. Thus the Chinese revolu. WEBER. posal for a non agression pact the contradictions developed during sery. The present instance is a MAYORS RECEPTION HALL Tuesday evo, March 14, 8:00 pm. tion is a negative example (ono where we are supposed to refrain the boom, has been accomplished. case in polnt. Let us examine from COURT HOUSE hesitate to call it living exfrom criticism and an independent Com prices are low, many the fles of the Milltant the sec ample) of the theory of the perof busi. tions presumably quoted by Love have gone policy: such an agreement would Admission 100 Minneapolis, Minn, nesa, capital has been rendered stone, so that one may judge who Newark Meeting Unemployed Freemanent revolution.
be capitulation and treachery to the revolution. But we will enter more liquid, money rates are low, is engaged in outright political production is down at the Hungarian Workers Home into a united front on a minimum to 50 of swindling. normal. Here is what the Militant of 87 16th Ave. program of action, with each or The violent crisis in the banking July 25, 1981 really said: At the ganization to retain its independNowark, ence, its freedom of policy and field has not therefore the character present time, the main prop of The end of this week will mark weuteness of the crisis in Ger generous ald of every reader. Our criticism. We enter into it not flation and liquidation; that period cal democracy functioning through one month that we have been is many. The silence of the official treasury is not only entirely de out of love for the social dembut we have incurred party has been countered by the Saturday Evening, March 11th, is largely or entirely behind the democratic forms. Its strength suing the MILITANT three times ocratic leaders, not with any illuploter as it the character of the begin derives from the illusions of mil a week. We have accomplished alarm signals of the MILITANT. P.
stons about them, but because of ning of a final collapse of capital lions of workers the democratic this enormous task under the im The party has not only been foro hang around our neck like millthe burning need of the hour is ism?
deceptions. It is absurd to think pact of the German situation, and ed to call meetings on the German stones. We cannot move unless the united working class front to THE GERMAN PROLETARIAT that the imperialists will discard by a supreme effort. When we situation, but also to put Germany we got Immediate financial relief!
smash Fascism.
this mighty bulwark against rev. got out the first issue, there was on the front page. But this is We must have the sum of two Capitalismoe of AND FASCISM The Communist International, toThat woems most unlikely. It olution as long as it serves its pur not only the first, but many of ortow. beginning. The situation hundred dollars forthwith! gether with the German Commun.
special effort must be made by would mean that capitalista could pose. Only when the majority of them. We are propared to every friend of the Opposition The International movement is imSpeaker: 1st Party, must take this step. be finally defeated on one sector the workers turn away from the along on schedule, to issue the they fall to act in this manner, they of perilled. And the MILITANT The hand must dig deeper into JAMES CANNON will bear their share of the direct automatie working of the ists will the capitalists turn to the at least for a month, during the alone bears aloft the banner of the pocket the most generous responsibility for the murderous market, at that. The forces of the last resort naked force expressed hulgh tension of the German crisis. proletarian revolutionary inter donations are imperative. All EVERYBODY WELCOME! bloodbath and catastrophe which nationalism working class, poorly organized through Fascism. Fascist dicta Our hammering has already had contributors must be sent right the Fascist bands are preparing for divided and without the class lead torship, by Its ruthless abolition of its effect. Thounds of class We intend to carry on, despito away by y fast mail to 126 East Communist League of America the German proletariat.
ership of a determined and clear democratie forms, would thereby conscious militants, Communist the tremendous difficulties. But 16th Street, New York, for this, we need the immediate, The need is urgent. Opposition) Newark branch Monday, March 6, 1933.
sighted Communist party, have had turn away millions of workers from workers, are now aroused to the. MS.
14th Street and Second Area MAX SHACHTMAN LARGE HALL Auspices: Cousunlet League of America (Opposition)
MARTIN ABERN, Chairman ADMISSION 18 Cente in GERMAN MEETINGS the United States, was already Ar very first thing to do is to take it Our German Campaign Is Endangered!
No Automatic by MANHATTAN MASS MEETING After the German Elections What Now? JAMES CANNON