BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Trotsky Replies toS. Editors On Opposition View of SovietEconomy LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Roosevelt Regime Reopens Question of Soviet Recognition and Credits dc as out us Union are annual increase) two, three future of the international work xibility and danger, to the posts of workers crowdexi about the few ment and of the necessity of establiain stage of maturity of the rev number laws In the course of a series of years building up of socialism in the and exigent character. This con ermany and to call for Holidarity from the 10. was adopted. Sim. In such matters may be powerful are willing to do business with the he remained, at that time, when munist workers the policy of iernational does not intend to be the floor, becnuse the speech was munist parties in Berlin, THE MILITANT FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1033 PAGE of Marxian foresight but behind handedly, after its head had collided against the disastrous consequences of its own economic ad.
venturism. That just what we not in line with the subject under accuse it of. And that just why Another «Friends of discussion. few comrades we think that its new emergency present could not restrain them selves and shouted social Fusc(Continued from Page 1) of world crisis. Carried beyond a (Continued from Page 1)
minfrom. We are far from the idea. aid he mention of the temporary to the future guarantees at the Soviet Union Even more glaring do the dis Cleveland on Saturday, Febru the meeting the Militant was die Socialism in one country have certain point this struggle could naturally, of explaining this lack proved the year before as the smaltinctions in the three conceptions ary 11, another Friend of the So tributed among those present.
parties outside of Russia to that raise the whole question of state watchman, whose purpose is power, put the world revolution of understanding and this inimum. Nobody decided to ability by the personal qualities him of them. Now Stalin proposed (the Right, the Centrist and the riet Union a lawyer by the name of the individual readers. It is for the second the year pianea a Marxiam appear on the field of of Maurice Sugar, trom Detroit. semi Seclusion some time ago, then we are the forelesna tintervene er en storm ordered the story and We do agriculture. But this problem is spoke before the Cleveland workers the party called for united front economic relations of the Soviet question of electroterenes, toinkine not at all conclude from this that too complex to be touched upon under the auspices of the FSU, at efforts in the organization of an Union with the capitalist worla ict Russia and one or more coun Hitler of the tries which. factions which bave grown out of Stalin calculates upon engendering even fleetingly within the limits of Engineers Auditorium.
uncritical side. small conference and the same methodology in the restoration of capitalism. But we the course of the next few weeks and rosy pink picture of the stato ened and there the party repre On the contrary. Stalinism has at of an international planning board.
the political leadership of Thael Paucracy arrived at a moderation the perspectives of Soviet economy. der the Stalinist regime, ques: plained, after he discovered that a sm (note the Stalin interview with quisites for such a situation have of the tion period followed. From all representative of the Left Opposi Campbell that its foreign trade is reached a higher stage of develop ment than in any other country: mann. One cannot fight sce over the the the came questions to ten, was present front pamet Strictly business it the working class can develop fully against the zigzags of mann without having understood The Stalinists have assumed that the power and cohesion needed to how the new Hitler government in was just asking for some ald, un capitalist economy would be both defeat Hitler, it will be in a post that it is a question not of Thael a Germany will affect Soviet Russia. officially. Some of these present willing and able to absorb the ex. tion to present and press forward mann but of the nature of bureauThe speaker in the generally protested and the Stalinist repre portable surpluwes of the Soviet its own demands, political and cratie Centrism.
lukewarm spirit that can be expect sentative had to explain that the Union without get the import workers control of production, insuch declines in economic, in which the e demand for Elsewhere your article calls (Continued from Page 1) sisting at all?
ed of was a to mind that the Left Opposition, In 1017, Lenin asserted: There that he he had not think that the so Nevertheless, comrade Gordon of procesa mas especially and primarily Rakovsky, proletariat. For. as Lenin said, warned against the over stretched Internationalem does not consists no doubt that if the Bolsheviks iet government was quite satisfied the League offered our cooperation program which is an essential part timately linked up with the demand tempos de elektraction to late sou bez eso not char bat in de toute constitutional illusions, by a faith Cendral waved the question reside party representative immediately and passumption has been knock the Sorbet Union, unlimited by com write of allegedly analogous warn Now. no illusion is possible on the convocation of the Constituent with a posture of unimportance restricted all his action in makinged to pieces by living experience. sideration for the profits of this arrangements with individual per England after the Conservative vie or that group of capitalists or of There were also some questions sons. No definite date, nor place with Soviet Russia some months velop all its revolutionary logic.
Soviets, cte, they would only be tory renounced the trade treaty capitalism as a whole, would denes Pour article refers twice to which the thuat victors of his lite miserable traitors to the cause of about Trotsky, as usual. What nor plan of preparation was ago; Germany has imposed a quota Credits for the Soviet Union and out recalling with single word be consequences of the crushing the repleta roting with lamin war. Sugar failed to do in the Cercided upon Sunday on its imports from the Soviet UnAmerican Working Class Demand meeting care oft quite un business as strictly well ion: polidors entered into these In the United States, development tween the Right and the Left Op The whole future of the Russian self to be trapped by Illusions in his own mitanddeup fore several days later, on of the workers forces and of the position. deem it all the more revolution is at stake. The whole about non agression pacts, by the the usual slanders and brazen lies extedly. Amis and Lands stepe. In any case, the crisis makes revolutionary situation has not necessary to clarify this point be future of the international workery milding of socialism in a single about our comrade. Comrade Kel made the usual speeches for theit advantageons for capitalism tol cause it is precisely the Stalin fac revolution is at stake. These words. country. to leave the road of the ler, of the local group of the Left narty. In the discussion a German restrict all its operations, includ. sone so far as in Germany. On international revolution to close Opposition, arose to reply, castig comradle made a lengthy addressing foreign trade.
the other hand, American imperialtion which recolls from we attempt sendo do 10 best teacher riboblemes one eyes to the Fraseiat countere ating the speaker for os herimined calline forme united front line But the immediate as well as the while that of German Imperialism ism has a powerful financial basis antagonisme between the opportun. posed today as in 1911. In 1917. revolution which threatens the cynicism with regard to the Hitler many in the same sense as float the whole world proletariat is to and polnting to Trotsky proposed by the left Opposition. It ultimate interests of the working Week a The appronch to cronomic collacamp of Bolshevism.
Ist and the Marxian wings in the in tussia, it was question or German proletariat, the Les an attack by a victor. was this speech that was greeted Chase call for a different line of preventing the repression of the is to rally the working masses this country might well the through Since 1922, the left Opposition, measant insurrection, which would betray the conse of the proletar tous Hitlerism in Germany against with the greatest applause by the action. The revolutionary answerboration with the Sov et Union in iat, the Russian workers state. The workers present.
more correctly its future state, con bention and have signified the What Is Demanded? comrade concluded by stressing the Before a German Workers So around the struggle for economic ducted a campaign for the working The only means of making of a five year plan, the axis final triumph of the Kornilor reTrotsky and the Bolshevik Lenin don was given the floor at a meet It provides more Jols: it streng Suropean countries (Germany.
cist of which was to be the Industrial kimon: in saving the Russian rev. supreme effort to exclude the ho hocersity of the return of comrado ciety. On Tuesday. comrade Gor collaboraton with the Soviet Union the question of credits. In many of the German Mutual Aid and thens the workers state: it brings Bustam, Italy. Hollanıl, etc. ex: zation of the country. As far back olution, the first fortress of the astrophe, to deal with this crisis ists from exile to take their plaBenefit Society (Krankenkasse la their feet masses of worker port credits to the So tempo con est development at the tion was being savel. At army in this. of sympathize with the Soviet Unionpercent by the government. This ism and the meeting was ended. in solidarity with their German ports, to the Soviet Union. Cer.
of Russian capitalism very next years, exceed the tempo the Fascist counter revolution in International, with the recall, at with more of his pink hued cynie. tion of the worker in this country tion of the Soviet state from the and consequently the cost of percent Germany which puts the whole this moment so heavy with respon After the meeting, however, numer comrades under the Fascist govern workers of the capitalist countainly the very lenst that the Am.
tries; and it leads over, in a cer erican working class has a right and of leadership which ous and more fold. Our opponents ers revolution at stake. This struggle belong to them of an comrades of the League who were lishing the united front against colutionary development industrial phantasy. Bucharin, and erroneous is the stalinist the comrades of the Left Oppost wesent. expressing their agrement Fascism in Germany boga, bloc of struggle, Into the demand for lourgeois government go as far as called this program nothing but an act alone proves how pernicious singletion the hourgeois governments of Eur (Rolshevik Leninists. and with them that the liberal shyster the the the trade Tomsky, Rykov distinguished them theory of socialism in a selves in any respect from Stalin. Country. which has reduced pro primarily the comrades of the Rushnd treated the serious qnetion of unions and other workers organizaWorkers control of production. Jope in supporting exports to the Molotov, it was only in the fact letarian internationalism to abs. sian Opositon who have been contemptuously. They asked all vited the members of the organizainass pressure, to force private large part of the exporters crethe fate of the German workers, tions. At this conclusion he in It is admittedly Impossible, Soviet Union by a guarantee of a tract declarations of solidarity thrown into the places of exile and that they fought even more so theory which has weakened, atom deportky. the hundreds upon grasped at copies of the Militant, meeting in Painters Hall, on Wed ble for them to do so under given worker and of the Soviet Union de lutely against our super induscomrade Trotsky, com sorts of questions and eagerly tion, to come to our Anti Hitler interests in a capitalistic state to alts and sell where it is not profit! But the interests of the American trialism. The struggle goodnesday, February 22. Trotskyism was theororsulnaised, disarmed the working class in rade every country by creating the illu hundreds of other old warriors of which were distributed in But short discussion on the matter conditions.
these conditions mand that the American govern.
nurtured almost exclusively by word nou pentire locations to the the Octoint revolution Bucharin His criticismet erot workers state, by tons on imports, etc. There indtur ports limited by the extent to which the first The immediate convoention of At the Socialist Party Forum at hand followed and a resolution themselves depend upon state lawment to further. It must extend At the forum, that same eve expressing solidarity with the Gerints, credits. guarantees, restric in a large measure treaties, tar substantial credits to the Soviet the platform of the Right wing.
international revolution, the Euro munist pean revolution primarily, as the reasonal, demanded by Noor to bring the attention of the establishment of the united front in of the Left Bucharin Stand American capitalista fact which is of no interest to the position, thus acquires an urgent workers to the critical situation in the sense presented by the comrado ence of the masses In a struggle on such issues, which Soviets.
Bucharin was, to employ his own gress, with the participation of the of all American workers with the ilar resolutions have been adopted concern also matters like the cost The main reliance for the finance eludustrialization. So the preacher of torThe Decisive Question International Left Opposition, must hard pressed! German proletarians. by mimerous German organizations of living, the proletariat can even ing of Soviet imports in the past Noy it is clear to every com prove to the proletarians of all he was cut short by the Socialist in this city and sent to the central sweep along behind it masses of has been placed on its export trade.
the pretty bourgeoisie. what was meant and countries that the Communist in ureaucrats present and forced of organs of the socialist and Com the Left Opposition demanded going Trading with Soviets and Workers credit, and that only at exorbitant over to the five year plan and to what is meant Control rates, about 30 to 10 percent higher tempos of Industrialization socialism in a single country. cumb; that the Communist Inter (in 1923 1928) as well as in the selt, with all the conquests of the of regenerating itself to tight and The Communist International it national is on the contrary capable The question of a more system year. The average increase from atic intluence of the masses on the year to year in the Soviets outexternal commerce of a capitalist standing credits has been only 10 the Stalinists, when the left op: October revolution, is in danger. to triumph. What is the Communposition warned against the trans important mection is cleciding to it Intend to do? There is the ques.
And it is in Germany that the most ist International cloing, what does state is intimately bound up with percent of its best year experts.
formation of the live year plan into day: the Hitlerist counter revolution which every couscious prole (Continued from Page 1) suitceeded only in isolating itself the question of workers control of Obviously this is only a slight re.
a four year plan and conspecials tion is taking the Icad of the inter sariato punts anxiously to himacle themselves with the bourgeois poli Sot merely this is of importance, tione di wages and profit, the con the Soviet lufon, and consequent ly to its construction tion in 1930 1982. From Buchar German proletariat is representing Communist International regain eine respectability, of bush hush does not, it is true, conflict with the other functions of the enterIn mouth spøke not the dialecticut in this moment the most vital in itself its intiative and its proleting the mass movement and rely lie other. The socialist workers prise, then on the group he enter aobut the Soviet Union floating contradictory development, but an over Ontaristie attitude from the very or the other and upon the store forces, ready to struggle of the action, its demonstrative pressure. We are not interested primarilynomy.
must be decided in one direction see all the healthy and honest movement and its militant mass ds and millions of unem dustry and the entire national eco but the figure mentioned was about 40 million roubles, a drop in the an economic minimalism. or the counter revolution or of the world proletariat, tlocking to its the socialist fakers will always (most of them are not interested How unfortunately your arti revolution will depend whether the side.
Workers control of production The financial blockade of the sochoose the former again unless in it at all, as yet) in whether would compel capitalism to colla: viet Union continues to be effeccle mixes up Bucharin criticism Holy Alliance of all the big pow. Paris, Feb. 16, 1933. FEROCI. thelr rank and file is afforded the or not the Communists have or borate in the work of economic live, in spite of the high interests with the criticism of Rakovsky, is ers will return, or the road will be perceptible from the following cirtaken to that which is demanded blive or united front with the employed movement. What they beyond the limits which are set by Est policy of relying on the strict cumst called attention to the the Soviet Uuted States of Europe.
In the same days that by the modern epoch, the road to your For the German Left wing.
This brings us to the question of thon a genuine united movement, larly under the present conditions talism to serve as the basis of ecoare interested in is to set in mo the possibilities of profit, particulty business self interest of capiapparent perspicacity of Bucharin Germany, by itself exhausts the the tactics winch the official Com powerful enough to extract some in the past, Bucharin himself cate problem of the pernment revoluOpposition munist party leadership pursued. imrectiate concessions from the nomie collaboration which is indisgorically and completely renounced tion. The truth of Marx that no In the Left wing conference for Un plutocracy and its government. They all his former criticism at the truce, no respite is possible for the construction in Soviet Russia, has Plenum of the Central Committee, forces of the revolution (for the of the Left Opposition which resentatives of the Communist those who, to their minds, seek to been an atter failure.
class. before and all his former prognoses, as work. annihilated the power by laris, adopted a decision to raise proposed that the conference shall struggles for purely party (Continued from Page 1)
has de cently concluded its sessions League of America (Opposition) exploit the unemployed and their fundamentally false (Pravda, JanCredits for the Soviet Union as a in general and in principle Politieal Question uary 14, 1933. Rakovsky, how. which the old society asserts it an international fund for the work make a direct appeal to the sons. The policy pursued by the with the League position, he will The energy of the International to Bernoul as an exile, but because revolution becomes for the forces where. Orgasitioners all the organizations represented front a call only strengthens not reap the harvest it Washington Permata on the event that ondergetele; Plenum, not because he is chained revolution, the permanent counter was decided that in every country both movements, for the merger of in our conterence or no nnited into war at this time. London windene matervetheheshire he has no need must be mobilized in political thing daily existence. The German bour contribute a day my to the fund action of the New York workers the mass. There is not, in our London again reveals her back manner in the various capitalist Right after the appearance geoisie, after having utilized the forecour Germans section. The last for this specific goal might be sue view, the slightest necessary coning of Japan by declaring an arms countries for the benefit of my brochure Soviet Economy in social democracy to strangle the meeting of the National Committee cessfully coordinated.
of the Towards Hict between building the strongest embargo, whose patent fraud it broad masses and of the Soviet place in Soviet economic policy to risk the Fascist counter revolucica composition decided to that the Left wing send a delega the masses, and establishing the here and abroad. Present contracts the theory and practise bore socialwhich throws a bright light upon tion, by arming the discontented dose this campaign and to onenation to the conference and claim of the Colomunists to leaders are inviolable. And pray for how ism in one country but it was the possible an infallible check upon lling them Ilgainst the working Militant.
likewise) for the purpose of chal contrary. The Communists, by de How much has been allottert toties up the immediate needs of the all the prognoses of Our German section is laboring lenging the Right wing leaders in onetrating in practise and in the Japan by factions. The story of the turn from it the last concessions, in at the present time under the their own citadel, so to speak.
That simplest, most understandable, least the debate on the embargo that the tries with the problem por este comic about face in two words is the order to preserve its profits at the greatest of difficulties and the fund is, the Left wing delegates should arabigtions way that they have no imitable pooh bah, Lansbury, following: reconstruction in the price of the most ferocious repres collected will not only be of the have been represent at the Rand Interests separate and apart from reals the inner hollowness of The XVII Conference of the sion and the starvation of the toil greatest aid financially, but it will school conference to demand of its the interests of the class as a whole. social democracy. He states that tal by Stalinism that the building the principles of the second five So also on the international scale of the international solidarity of declare themselves publicly on the not only for the movement in gen. sibility of war between Japan and connecton with the workers more year plan. The tempo of growth No trựce between the two socletes the list oppahyarhizens with the the left single adopted our ship within it in particular.
That true that Japan is holding back In America, where tho whole proximately 25 percent, with Stalin material interests, their needs, de Marxian wing of the German rev. proposal. and at the same time car is what the united front intelli. the forces of communism. No, saya question of recognition declaring at the conference that mand a mortal struggle: one of olution. Despite the financial dir ried on an agitation among the gently understood and correctly Lansbury, do not give Japan is to be and that in the working out of must succumb there, according to ans at the present moment, we the ranks for this united front Stalinist rejection of the united es so to the insipid Lansburys and money the researhead course umat the plan this percentage must and Marx, is the only entente that can sladly and enthusiastically appeal offer, it would not only have stren. front and their substitution for it the social democratic betrayers. forth its demands for the extent will be raised The Second Plan he established between them to all our readers to make a sensthened its position immeasurably of the ultimatist, united front Lansbury, expresses faith that the ston of adequate credits the The Left opposition character are at the present moment before fund for the left Opposition in ize a movement among the social present position in the unemployed will one hundred percent right. The demand of credits for the ized this wholo perspective as a a decisive turn in the revolution Germany. All contributions sent to ist rank and flle demanding of movement, and more specifically, it for American imperialist. Soviet Union can, no doubt. be It was, as is to ho understood, actory of the Bolsheviks in October carefully set aside and forwarded be taken on the Lett wing propos de made with relation to the so the present situation is still being slogan. Such a way of posing the The attitude of Soviet Russia on considered as an isolated practical cused of striving for the counter 1917. Not a doubt that Hitler in toto immediately to their pro al.
revolution, for the intervention of seeks to gain for German imperial per destination.
sent shoots should Stalinist Blundering As it was the official Left wing LECTURE ON GERMANY oisie but by the Communists of the character, and as such would not the feudal restoration.
world. Russian diplomacy under giver serious practical results for of the Versailles powers by making specflic purpose. The contributions decided on a policy which could the last Plenum of the Central Int of his countries and the Galliret League of America (Opposition. aid. It decided to go to the social be the subject of the lecture ty of that shrivelled tree, socialism by considerations of profit, and the Exactly one year has passed. At himself the butcher of the proletar should be sent to the Communist not but yield the outcome that 14 program of the Left Oppositton win of Litvinov, mas tasted all the fruits tions of capitalism care determinarea Committee Stalin brought forward of the Russian Commune. Is all 120 Fast 10th Street, New York, Ist conference with the ultimatist comrade Morris Lewit this Sunday, in one country. Again and again, political interests of the capitalist new project for the second five this to be stood for without re demand that the delegates denounce March. The lecture will be held the lasting interests of the world class, not by the pressure of the THE MILITANT the organizers of the conference at the Free Workers Center, 219 proletariat have been sacrificed to working class.
and follow the lead of the Com Second Avenue, between 13 and 14 the desire for immediate benefits The slogan of economie collaboraEntered as a second class mall OFF THE PRESS!
munists, that is, of the Left wing St. under the matter November 28, 1928, at the unemployment conference of Unser for the Soviet Union. Russian diption with the Soviet Union, credits.
With Kamf Workers Cyp. lomacy is again placed in the direcognition, etc. must be introduced Post Office at New York, Two New Pamphlets By such a polley, the Leaders emma of deciding which road to into a system of transitional slogane Under the act of March 8, 1879.
were easily able to strengthen OPPOSITION DEBATES follow. If the Soviete properly of the Published three times a week by LEON TROTSKY ther chands with their following and on Sunday, March at 2:15 denounce the entire traud Paberingar mediately pre horoletariats. The the Communist League of Amer.
weaken any sympathy that the lat. the debate will be held between perpetrated by the League of Na favor of the Soviet Union could be Ica (Opposition)
at 126 Fast 16th Street, New York.
Soviet Economy In Defense of the The Left wing was put in the post trial Union League on the sub feel that the chances for recognt products, insofar as reforms gen EDITORIAL BOARD In Danger Russian Revolution tion of claiming that its confer. Ject Can the program and tactics ton by America will be jeopard erally are the by products of a rev.
ence alone was legar. so to of the Communist League of Amized. It the Soviet Union agreesolutionary struggle.
Martin Aberr James Cannon 72 Pages 10 cents 48 Pages cents speak, that it alone was entitled to erica bring about working class to cooperate with the League. But the main achievement would Max Shachtman Maurice Spector for twenty five cents Minimum number per order the monopoly of leadership which emancipation in the United Stathen in the immediate situation, be the fact that the workers would Arne Swabeck Postage 1c extra per copy everybody must acknowledge in ad. tes. George Clarke will speak for Russla again renounces her leader de concretely and practically conFriday, March 3, 1933 vance and on its say 80. Instead the affirmative and Adolph Silver ship of the proletariat. Can we fronted with the problems of planVol. VI, No. 15 (Whole No. 162)
PIONEER PUBLISHERS of gaining the Indisponuably neces the negative. The debate will take hope for any change of polley? Or ned economy that le, the problems Babacription rate: 00 per year, 84 East 10th Street, New York sary support of the soleitet and place at the Burnal de Manor, Bure will wo wituese new compromis? socialism.
Foreign 60.
One cent copy.
the Bronx.
The Socialist Party Conference tolt talk геа the in spite of the the Soviet Union, to