BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismKamenevLeninLiberalismMarxNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

CENT THE COPY Published times as well, Monday, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Wortext of the World, and Friday Unite!
Published thrice weekly by the Commontat League of America (Opposition) at 120 Bast 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Once at New York, under the act of March, 187 VOLUME VI, NO. 15 WHOLE NO. 162 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1933 PRICE CENT No Retreat! Struggle or Annihilation. reports pondent of the New York Times Soviet Union. The man who aims to the workers of the world so the next decade or more of the has again approached the Social Communists in a common struga victory over the social democracy, the Every day brings the report of suppressed and the Fascist swas significance. The world movement greater practical interest is the reauthoritative backstairs spokesmen that what was counter revolution, well and the newspaper a new blow dealt the German work tika still waves from the Kard of the proletariat is at stake in cent agreement concluded by the of the upper stratom of the apary on Tuesday is good Bolshevism to the humilitation of the com ing class movement by the Hitler Liebknecht House. New decrees Germany: the fate of the Soviet Deutsche Bank und Disconto Ges paratus.
on Wednesday? Unfortunately, the munist movement, confirm it that the age of six has put the slightest burg. erstwhile presidential candi ism in Germany and the workers provide 50, 000, 000 in new credits ence is being manifested by the be. The Once More in the Frei ders are being passed by an in as the bor credence in the Faseist charge that date of the Social Democracy, pro State there can exist only an ir to the Soyiet Union.
upper layers of the Stalinist bu belt headline gives away the Stalin. creasing number of Communist of the Communists set are to the vide for the most rigorous. penal reconcilable antagonism which, in The continuation of normal bust reaucracy, matters do not improve ist stratagem. The appeal for a ficials and leaders from Germany.
Reichstag building. The American tles against revolutionary or mili the long run, will be settled only ness relations with Germany under in the German Communist Party. united front with the social dem. For such capitulators, who are sa mously openly expressed its skept. In addition, the Hitler regime has isn must not only not be conceal the decisive battle is imminent the Inprecorr cable from Berlin re ions in the past has meant an ap bave nothing but contempt and icism. Fmnce the Paris corre struck the first overt blow at the ed it must be openly proclaimed battle on whose outcome dependa porting that the German party peal by the Stasinists to the party hatred. Of them. Trotsky wrote and the trade unions to join with more than a year ago: Without (3 1983) informs his paper, judg to be the super Wrangel of that they may know how the situa world development as if nothing ist Party, the reforming by today press, even seems world imperialism ordered an in tion stands and what the attitude unusual was happening, as if the ist trade unions. the Reichsban sle. against their leaders! In we cannot battle against Fascism dlatinctly inclined to blame the solent raid upon the suburban Ber of the Soviet Union really is. In Soviet Union were not concerned Der, etc. with a proposal for Joint other words, it has been the old say such terrible revolutionists, and wrecked the Reichstag building, viet citizens, where literature was tion, we see disquieting signs of lished in Germany means little ist terror. The headline given to sound better At bottom, there has passports ready. Worker Communand sees in it simply a crude ex seized; a raid upon a Soviet citi. the contrary. Walter Duranty, the short of leaving the German pro this story by the Freiheit is even been no change.
the opposition just before the electwo employees of the Soviet trade York Times now in Berlin, cables ing it to the later, without le plus coming under trear committee once Nevertheless, the change is im. sunds, millions you cannot leave moral and when necessary the More to the Social Democratie and up to now still demoralized passive passports for you. Should Fascism London Times to the Laborite Her released. and a raid upon the quar While it doubtless would be an material assistance of the workers Trade Union Leaders. If the and divided unite their forces, come to power, it will ride over ald, the British press is similarly ters of the Berlin correspondent of exaggeration to any as some of state. When Duranty points out headline is correct, it would un Fascism will bathe the country in our skulls and spines like a terriunambiguous about the despicable the central Soviet organ, Izvestia, Chancellor Hitler close associates further that only recently the doubtedly mark a turn in the right the brood of the proletariat. the tank. Your salvation lles in traud of the Austrian adventurer. which is carried out not by the do, that the Soviet Union wants official Soviet Government organ, direction by the Stalinists. But To this moment, the world re merciless struggie. And only But while nobody takes the police but by armed Nazi storm a Hitlerite Germany because the the Izvestia. took occasion in con our bitter experiences in the past mains unaware of the program of lighting unity with the social demcharge seriously. It has sufficed the troopers.
Soviet Union knows that would be section with a speech by Foreign cause us to volce our reservations action of the Communist Party ocritic workers can bring victory.
Nazis to launch their reign of ter But the protest immediately de a strong Germany, which the Soviet Commissar Litvinov to assure Ger in advance.
up lista, with the passage of every day. They the official Soviet representatives that Moscow would welcome Sven not interesente in Street food and up to yesterday, the Molotove, the communist party and its lead you have very little time Times reports that Communist ar far from exhausts the question of a 100 percent Hitler regime on the countries, even in the event of a manns, Bedachts and Olgine in resistance of the proletariat to counts! The socialist leaders, the reste included the entire executive the relationships between the so rounds that it would conjure away Communist revolution it smacko velehed abusively against the Left Fascism, or does it intend to capitraitors to the proletariat, will not and Reichstag deputies and party in Germany. There is an unillu the sleep of Soviet statesmen for degeneration in general, but of the proposed that the united front be half formed or fully conscious Communist leaders must be forced executives elsewhere in Berlin minated side to this question upon the past five years namely, an preparation for treacherous nation set into motion by an open propos theory that it is hopeless to fight, out of their criminal passivity.
alone there are more than 300 Com which considerable light needs to anti Bolshevist munista held, 120 in raids for the be shed.
or a holy war against the Red German and world proletariat in trade unions from top to bottom, and give way to Bolshevism? Are to this lightminded Jurkling with apprehension of Communist mill The silence of the Communist In peril. Moscow already has reason the concrete! The sharpness of leaders and masses. Counter rev. the party leaders preparing for the the fate of the German proletariat tants and officials are now the orternational on the German situa: to be our terms 18 justified by the crim olutionary. assistance to the so Anal struggle or giving up the alt There is no retreat: All that is rise to power on Inal and socialist press more than one out plainly, has become a notorious France and Poland. But that by the broad hints of Duranty who, not original terms were applied position does not consider the sittin!
hundred papers all remains international scandal of dreadful only one aspect of the case. of experience has taught us is to us on this score. How It uation hopeless it knows very Thursday, March 1933 M8 der of the day. The Communist tion, its criminal failure to speak Herr Hitler Over the effect of deadly silence of the and cial democracy and similar bright uation as hopeless? The Left Op left is mortal combator annulla in LEON TROTSKY Arrest Soviet Jap Advance To Union Sq. on Roosevelt Regime Reopens Trotskyists Hits Saturday Question of Russ Soviets «Soviet Economy in Danger. today then letter mo foundation for facWe are reliably informed trom LEAGUE PRICE FOR SUPPORT The Unemployed Councils of the SITUATION Your reproach to me is wrong Greater have issued a call OVER RIPE FOR AMERICAN The following letter was adMILITANTS то dressed to the editorial board of also for a deeper reason. To shift In the course of the month of OF JAPAN IS ASSAULT ON for a demonstration on Saturday, the Sozialistische Arbeiterzel the responsibility for all the d10RAISE DEMAND FOR LONG TERM CREDITS TO SOVIET January, a large number of arMarch at 11 on Union FATHERLAND OF WORKERS Square. This demonstration is tung (central organ of the Ger culties and for all the phenomena rests were made in Moscow and UNION AS PART OF INTERNATIONALIST CAMPAIGN man Socialist Workers Party. of crisis upon the ruling faction, ingrad. Smirnow timed with the inauguration of In addition to PreAfter the press of the could be done only by one who be Roosevelt which takes place in reprinted the deliberate falsifica lieves in the possibility of a plan.
Ufimtsev, more than one hundred With laudable thoughtfulness, the Washington on the same day.
Tomorrow, Roosevelt will be in basis of the interests of the Soviet tion of the Stalinist bureaucracy ned development of the socialist) former Left Oppositionists were Japanese imperialists Lay their The Left Opposition endorses augurated as president of the Unl state and those of the bourgeois about the liquidation of the society within national boundaries. apprehended. They were accused plans in advance and then follow the demonstration on Union ted States. One of the first ques American state. The role of the Square and will be there in full tions which he will have to decide proletariat of America, whose class Trotskylten to cerrado cromoterey But also not my standpoint. The recordeonkle Trotskyist thele schedule carefully. Many moons main difficulties for the factional work. It will be remem ago, a Japanese surveyor. en force. The demands of the deSoviet Russia. Bourgeois and libed with those of the Soviet workmonstration, however, can and will be whether or not to recognize interests are indissolubly connectingrethe letterretat as ittheam pertenecekte route ward the economie sand some the conta foeder over endogonal to the veshow end to must be broadened to include the eral papers have been hinting for ers state, has not made demand for long term credits to Itselt ance, we publieb it here. EX. nounced the Opposition and capi Baron Tanaka, discovered an obto the tasks which capitalism has tulated to the stalinist regime, scure prince, the direct descendant the Soviets and to draw atten. Dew administration will be much tive slogans and demands which are some time that the attitude of the heard so far, with its distine Dear comrades: claiming that it had adopted of the great Genghis Klan. This tion to the German crisis. more favorable to recognition than not those of the American capital In the two numbers of your pa solved in advanced countries. b)
most it not all of the essential Mongolian prince could never have The demonstration meets at that of previous administrations Ists.
per, January 11 and 12, there ap: In an epoch in which the division planks in the Opposition platform. dreamed how fortunate was his crucial moment for the working it is even rumored that preliminary Sovket Economy in Critical State The est of those who previous class of the entire world. While Soviet Economy in Danger. As of labor between the states of the conversations between Soviet and Jap. For lo and behold, the press the unemployed are dying of star American representatives have alical state, which have been fully capitulated, following as it does Yet Soviet economy is in a critIt deals with an extremely impor whole world has become the most right on the heels of the arrest already hints at the Japanese de vation in this country the bloody ready begun.
tant question, about which every Important postulate of the nationand exile of Zinoviev, Kamenev sire to restore this scion to his Fascist regime of Hitler in Ger. If the attitude of the new ad his famous revolutionary worker must for a al productive forces.
analyzed by comrade Rakovsky in Bureaucratic Centrism and many others, is a fact of rightful place at the head of a new many is murdering the flower of ministration is more friendly. It and by comrade Trotsky in his reclear opinion. If not Barnaul We do not charge the Stalin the greatest symptomatic signifie Mongolian state to be called Tayuthe revolutionary proletariat and tomorrow, request you to afford is not primarily because of the cent brochure, Soviet keonomy in Anice.
destroying their organization. liberalism of the party of Jef Danger. The utopian theory of Thus the In the buge Moscow automobile me the possibility to elucidate to 1st faction with the your readers by the present letter, obective dificities, but for its lack All out on Union Square on ferson and Wilson; It is March 4th!
rather socialam in one country, of an unin the shortest possible terms, those of understanding of the nature of plant Amo. approximately one continue to build a militarists because of the pressure of the eco interruptedly developing socialism the ultimate struggle with the Sosides of the question which in my these difficulties, inabllity to hundred workers were arrested, For Unemployment Insurance nomie erials in the United States in a backward country going on viet Union. Inner Mongolia wiD because an Opposition leaflet had foresee the dialectic of their de opinion were submitted to a false relopment and unintermitent mis been distributed there. The same follow the road of Manchuria and and Relief!
on the one hand, and of the pouletrom triumph to triumph in an Jehol, possibly after the conquest For Recognition and Long Term tical crisis in Manchuria on the aver faster tempo, has been reCredits to the Soviet Union. other.
of North China. If the powers In the article it says a num takes of leadership springing there futed by the facts. Increasingly torles. Similar reports emanate (Continued on Page 2)
ber of times that you are not in For the United Front to crush from Leningrad.
continue to Jockey for position to the Hitler Gangs!
In other words, the question of sharp internal contradictions and agreement with everything and the present situation, each hoping recognition is being treated on the disproportions, the failure of such to reap the benefits while the other important branches of Industry us far from agreeing with everypays the piper: 11 ere is no real coal and steel to meet the planned of Soviet economy. Difference of opinion between us are all the more into China, it all, the serious food shortage It is because these and a host of similar facts natural as we belong to different military intervention in Siberia, of OONA. Nevertheless CDmy regret that with course America and England are Soviet Union today. The weakenone single exception, deal with When comrade Trotsky in his hilation without the struggle will be relied upon in the more careful to establish the record that ing of the bond between workers below you did not indicate which writing Germany: The Key to the eventuality which only traitors to atstant future to solve their interbeld under the auspleea of the ers, Kaufmans and their ilk in the private Initiative. and the grow.
The conference on unemployment, brothers of the Lewises, Schlesing and peasants, the concessions to conceptions you are not in agree international Situation.
Assued the the cause of the proletariat can nal connicts. But as yet, that Labor Committee of the Social. labor movement, revealed at this le dangers Thermidorian reac Engels and Lenin censured and cons of all countries, to the Communist The German proletariat is far merely a record.
ist party of New York last week, conference how seriously are to be tion, have their basis in this ecodemned evasiveness in fundamental International, to the Communist from having exhausted its revoluRussia and Japan offers a number of aspects desertaken their plously hypocritical nomic situation.
What is the order to which capa; he brutal attacks of the social Phelir preachments of the pacife Soviet Union is the necessity of and The basis of the crisis in the mostly in the empty formula, fardanger of Hitler of the Fascist has been enormously weakened by Read the careful, restrained press ist gangsters upon the left wing methods of democracy.
from agreeing with everything. counter revolution in Central Eurthe multifold treacheries of the so What every revolutionary worker ope, this writing took on the esclat democratic leaders and the of the Japanese advance delegates who came to present their Socialist United Fronts and backward one at that. This The fervid claims that are necessity idealized in the attitude man proletariat preserves a capacto their astute campaigning. Then session, avec la natural accompani movement and for the united one country. In the second place construction in the Crisis. Two undoubtedly Melalte towards the questions of October 7, 1917: The Impepty and a possibility of struggle recall the violent, almost insane. ment of Socialist bureaucratismoront. did not stand up 30 well the stalinist bureaucracy, through In only one point does your chs. In 1917 it was the eve of to triumptible to barring the road attacks made periodically in the weapons borrowed from the class in the conference. The united front its adventuristic as well as its op situations; two palpably different stiu of the Hitler regime and decade after the October revolution enemy and first introduced by the of the socialist bureaucracy is portunistic methods, bus aggrayon Soviets and more concretely from my coneep the eve of the Fascist counter res. But this possibility depends upon ilitler against the German Com. Arst raised the banner of interna whose militancy and boldness in ing those carried over from Cuarand contra in the days when the Left wing which they fear and hate, from dictions of proportions includthat Trotsky considers matters arst warning as in the second, te of Germany and the Communist velous campaign cour parender the The socialist patrons, alles and standpoint, they recolle right into between a highly concentrated in somewhat onesidedly when he Lenin of 1917 as in Trotsky of ternational.
corded in the capitalist press of ascribes the main blame for these 1931, In spite of the difference beA Turning Point cracy Further on the arers the same revolutionary and in turning point of the international that experience, one conditions to the Stalinist bureau tween the two epochs, one encount We have undeniable arrived at asian Bolsheviks. In the light of the entire world against the Rus OPEN FORUM in the labor movement or into the white third place, the world crisis tide sets out that the main blame ternationalist spirit, the same clale revolution. This truth should not pigeon hole the present quartel with can easily. liberal politicians. Confronted bureaucrats could be kept out of does not lie in the bureaucracy but royance, the same strength.
in the circumstance that tasks of Now, it can no longer be questhe proletariat of all countries. The all the failures and blundespite BONAPARTISM THERMIDOR.
be concealed from oneself nor from Japan as a family atralr.
with the cholce between the unt Soviet Russia through the State IN THE SOVIET UNION too great dimensions are put betion of foreseeing; now it is a ques Communist International, o ted front with Wm. Green and his monopoly of foreign trade and for of economy, for the fulfillment of tion of steing. Hitler is in power contrary, is silent; it remains mute still remain the nightmare of cap on the the Stalin bureaucracy, the Sovieta DORS THE DANGER THREATEN? Left wing and communist move boundary lines and convincingly which the necessary qualified forces and how the task of leading bla out of fear of being forced to draw italism, spelling the twilight of ment, the socialist bureaucrats will proved that, whether it like it or Speaker: always choose the former unless not the Soviet Union is indissoluset up these exaggerated tasks if the organizations, of all the organi decade. But in its silence, In At bottom that to the explanation MAX SHACHTMAN the Communista are able to arouse bly bound up with the worla situ.
not the bureaucracy? And who zations of the working class has stubbornly sealing its lipe, in DR of the Stimson note to the League the socialist rank and Ale to force tlon economically as well as pollPoday, March 8, 1933 was it that warned in proper time been facilitated for him! The tiently supporting the forward accepting ita Invitation to express wgninst their exaggerated dimen battle which the social democrata march of the Hitlerist troope, it on accord in view. For Stimson to their party and their party leader tically.
128 East 16th Street, ship to a reluctant choice of the Soviet Trade Strictly Business latter. Confronted with a choice The methods of Staliniat bureau Thus it results that precisely your he evaded by submleston and doch its train the rain of the German Genova and while agreeing blandly Br. Communist League of and servile atempts to ingratiate reduced the role of Communist ADMISSION: 15 between relying upon treacherous cracy operating on the basis of ity to the bureaucracy.
able. Otherwise, it will be annl (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
America (Opposition. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Anti United Front Policy Plays Into areas overal generator Decisive Historical Turning Point nay na parte da parte de Hands of Socialist Party Bureaucrats forectele care to be able to of this paper is ha definite and clear proletarians a debateste emner on es realisere determipo manner or which reference is made origem, which perxelled the whole aglinstebe splitting of the Yabor revisionist theory of Socialisme de secondena, more complementovanog credentials the autente here me te fore BROWNSVILLE MASS MEETING «The CRISIS IN GERMANY, MAX SHACHTMAN Brownsville Labor Lyceum SUNDAY, MARCH 5, P.
219 SACKMAN ST. Bklyn Bruweda Glamore Liberty Ares ADMIRALON 16 Cat Editer of The Whitant Auwploes: Communlet Leagus Amerlen (Opposition)