BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT WEDNESDAY, MARCH I, 1933 THE LEAGUE IN ACTION The Flower of Bourbon Civilization Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs In Balance; United Front Is Urgent Negro Lynchings in the South leader the Our and the ottical party leadershin returul year after year with ever Communist League were among white the country on the basis or far serater in historical importance fend the indefensible position of program as it pertains to the im all elit, were al present emnicial change from competitive cap, of the George Milton that says general strike. That is already the instrument of power. It is in not Nearing, Stalin Apologist, on Germany of the tured before tlue Friends of the wing that capitalism is in decay. ly absurd to think Communism will general strike purely under so Germany will do ite duty.
the the the Cleveland Workers peated attempts to support the. Wilkes Barre Miners tion on the struggles, and exposed Continued from last issue Hear Oehler Ing class and particularly before the lies, slanders and bureaucratic Hear Opposition But that is only one side of the the eyes of their own following.
intrigues used by the party Lynching the South is a phen the Negro race, used by the forces picture. On the other band the Failure to do that spells failure to Cleveland, highly gratifying ship to bar our organization from Wilkes Barre, Pa. An audience of mass meeting of the Left Opposi direct participation in their move 30 people, Hearly all anthracite omenon that must be explained his of reaction and useful only for politically corrupted Staliniat bu fight the traitors. The means with morse van die in here that Wednesday ment! Similarly when this com coul uniuers, curied out at 1k0 weapon el, the secretos de la parte into your need political agents vote the one the momenta ot fateful decistou. tion is still the united front. Nay.
torically if lynching as a political such furces. When capitalism was reaucracy did not hesitate to ed which to do that is the united night at Painters Hall than 130 workers were present in the German Opposition, the weather, to hear Martin Abern, effect on a tremendous scale by the ex skive holders, that is, the side it publshed and broadcasted leaflets it is more, it is a matter of life of more than half of them party mem penker was able to drive home member of the National Commit Ku Klux Klan during the Recon of reaction. When captialism in which the Socialist party and death.
berre et members of party mass or more sexsons to the hundreds of tee, Communist League of America Struction Period, it claimed far less derwent a qualitative change that the trade untons were called upon The Left Opposition Conference ganizations. Comrades Hugo Oehler how rank and file comrades in the composition speak on the Menace victims during the 80 of the last created possibilities for the Netto to form a united front with the the hall, on Communist leadership and ot Fascism in Germany. Comrade century. In the last decade of the es escape from the degradation of Communist party for general Appeals to Comintern point of view of the In this fateful situation, in this League on the German crists, with Staliuism imposed upon the party of the social democrncy of Germany inore frequent again, there having keep him in that degradation, InDONIA directly to these organiza hour of mortal danger, no guldcomrade John Brantin in the chair About one hundred Militants Nince the World War up to now been 1789 known lynchings between his place. When capitalism is olations officially as organizations. It ance, no assistance, in fact not a good collection was taken and were sold and every worker present the program and activities of the 1990 and 1960. With the beginning and denying, adapting to itself evaid not make any proposals for more beard from the Communist was given past 18uch This marks the largest and first general poverty, ten copies of the Communist International, as of its victims again decreased until it is again a weapon on the dark It did not make any concrete pro lect. What criminal failure. What peaceful meeting of the Left Op What Nexty and additional lit conceived by the Stalinist Thael during the present economic crisis side of reaction.
posals for the conduct or the ob has become of Lenin world party?
position in this city. All previous nature Trotsky were sold. New leadership, and the policy the Southern bourbons more fre But let no one underestimate the jectives of the general strike. It It too is paralyzed, gagged and ized attacks from the stalinists.
far reaching nature of the social did not prepare its own member bound by the disloyal bureaucratie contacts with advanced workers and united front program of action quently wield this awful weapon.
were made.
The above are cycles, but cer change that is taking place at the ship and followers to fight for the Stalinist regime.
The previous intense and wide In the midst of these develop An active functionary of the the International Left Opposition spread activities of the local group Ist danger participation in demon Noke in discussion. Apologetic was an intense interest among the They are cycles or periods of great overestimate the consequences of cause it was not meant seriously ments the Tett Opposition held its distribution of leallets, etc. haa stitution and Germany by saying questions put by them after the shox Klan Reconstruction period ad cenedly and for reaching 80 the bureaucrats could say to the ance in Paris, participated into ematical proposition, it is a poliare. We offered them the united conference dispatched an urgent aroused great interst in the Germany thing is not bad in the conclusion of the opening talk by Alembers of the means of military dictatorship over man meeting of the Left Opposition. that in Vienna the 25 minunist party in the Youn6tom of chattel slavery NO ELS to lod or change is such that though the South were prooting the sya tical one. The nature of this perfront, but they did not accept it. anal to the Comintern for imme Only the United Front Can De Mobilize Workers Power Congress, with the left Opposition saw itset forced to retrain from increasing inajorities.
those present who asked numerous the well known physical arguments fensively he pleaded for lese critic The general strike, now that the participate in its deliberations.
this time and actualy to send down ism the in order better questions and participated in the capitalism, was outstandingly not even the Civil War Reconstrue general discussion that followed. ticeable for its terrorism against thon Ku Klux Klan period, far to effent united front with it. representative to take the floor three workers answered him. The Talian and Lithuanian organ Negro rice and the vast num le lynching should be expected establishment of a Fascist govern. We proposed that the main point in their name.
were responsible for the ber of lynchings that took place, to accompany the fight against this ment has become a fact, will, of on the agenda be the Comintern Second International, the AmaterAfter the presentation of the tenker pointed out to him the tion of this meeting, which was but at the same time it was a change, not because the enemy is course, be very important first Initiative for a conference of the necessity to our organization the itx organizations 16 or trade Annfors night ainst clues defense against the menac and the Communist International Brabtin, asked if the itself against Fascism, by mass ac ang enemy. But it can be only to establish united front in de man, comentative wanted the such a united front cach organiya Barre on the present situation in Immediately preceded it than was that in party thon, and can and many without Leonard Patterson, in the name of the class, that workers democracy distributed among interested work calls it, considering the great And while we are thinking poll the most complete working class against the Fascist menace.
number of deaths through lynchings, tically instead of mathematically unity. The P: Fascism hns not yet conquered the party, did his best in the in the united front allows criticism Acheck up of the audience reers.
alone cannot was the period of sharp political course of twenty minutes to de and evaluation of every party rule that only seven workers of struggle that was a part of the let us not fall into that other rut mobile the working masses for a Germany. But it has its hands on Stalinism in Germany. After a mediate action and problem before Noyed. It was at naphic illustra italisın to monopolist or that with the exception of the prehurling the slogan with ments of the attempted Bonapartist mering, he finally concluded with The meeting lasted well nigh to limite cerisliste progether anthracite of decaying capitalism it is again in withines, and operanssent crisis the twentieth centuryconet. Wively proven. Its method of the government together with ote ne situation is when, by what means of organiza for this combination will not finally that poor trump card of the bu midnight. It demonstrated the miners. Workers who stroke, also true that the increased number or in lynching that the situatiese ont proposing concretely how and regime. Even an election victory and around settle the issue. There will stil reaucracy the swindle about the dissolution of the German lett Jeft Opposition, when applied to which the John Lewis leader. ante crisis in America reflects the under capitalism, we are outgrow which issues, canal lead to disbe a stage of differentiation with Lett powerfulness of the ideas of the wronght out the treacherous role lynchings during the present econ setting better and better, and that tion, at what point Opposition.
Comrade Oehler replied for Kreat problems thrown up by thip of the United Mine Workers fact that here too the great social in the fiendishness of lynching credit of the slogan and to demor the Hugenberg and von Papen Communist League and with firm. revolution. We plan to duplicated tower is the further the clving at largo is affecting the social struc that under Imperialist capitalism, that the most resolute working fundamental and are entirely subbut comradely, arguments tore the this meeting in St. Paul.
and working standards of the an ture in our midst.
which he is most acquainted, the danger of further isolation and de For the working class there is get FORSEN. thracite moal miners.
But many are falsely informed Phase when lyncings were decreasstruction. To speak of a general time, but every day, every hour 18 the party representative, exposing in an even more convincing and concrete way the faltering. criminal squacy and Study Lynching that the com. Drutal, more dramatically brutal scrutle and average rade union of the immediate future are in the of the munists, the banner bearers of the so that they were more impressive workers in criminal lightminded hands of the Communist forces. Ot Stalinist position in Germany these lynchings and many are won. kop the Negro subordinated was mobilize these workers for such our ranks in Germany have grown and appreciably in the recent period; intense Many elastifying to the in the subject. In Chicago In Pittsburgh were asked by the audience, to tinue in the south in the society. It is the height of a bendity to less so by counterposing Communit numerically we are still small Pittsburgh. On Saturday, Feb. Der, not conversant with the forces will voluntarily drop this reaction to reach Chicago. The lecture that Scott ist party.
which our comrade gave the proper is necessary.
Kram and the Left Opposition in revolutionary answer. After com Nearing delivered here a few weeks 11. Irofessor Scott Nearing lec making for social change nor realary capitalist Weijon. It is equal paration. Such a stage further pre strength lies in our Marxian prorade Oehler summary, the moet We ago under the What Next in Soviet Union on the Second Fivefigure that lynching in America will pick it up. The Communists will cial reformist leadership without commenced a long time ago a deing adjourned amid continued pri. Chicago Forum, on Germany. was an additional fllus Year Plan. After a long speech All in all, this represents a great ratione che densor andere the one whoren echtesement session planned capitalism.
established organs of strug class unitel front Today it is the To get at the truth one must them generally and will mash it gle can have prospects only of only way ont; a united front from tion in Cleveland. Not only the just few days before Winden asked among them was Why was the leader of the Fase comrade Trotsky exkled. 10 the deal with the nature of lynching in the sime way as we will smash further sell outs and betrayals. Organization to organization, ComBut the social democratic workers muntst, Social Democrats and trade the comradely and sanie spirit of ist butchers to the chancellorship surprise and astonishment of all is capitalist institution. It is the bourgeois state GEO. SAUL.
are threatened by the comienist definite united front organs of these of unions and the establishment of the discussion is bound to have a one had the right to expect of Near present he answered like one who indeed a weapon for suppression of profound effect on the local Coming an analysis that would cover ins just returneil froin itussia Fascism as are the at least the fundamental questions where he attended the Stalin school «Barbusse Stalinist»
these very organizations to function as workers. Even munist workers, but those who con Oehler Meeting In stituted the majority of the audi relating to the present civil war e falsifications. that Trotsky was and trade union bureaucrats are centrally directing force in will nericel in Germany.
ence as well as those who exiled because he was a counter Capitulation being forced toward the wall, but struggle for defense Pittsburgh these these or come in contact with them. For He gave a historical picture of revolutionist. Among other ques tions was Can Socialism be comSan Francisco. The Feb. 27 isthis menace. They feel the pressuns, within this united front, the the first time in their experience, the postwar period of Germany pletel in Russia alone! His ans. yue of the Westem Worker prints a hell atmoeting on Shall Fruscism Bebe pressed also from the other and fonght for. That is the they saw how deep principle dis and, coming closer to the present Pittsburgh The ittsburgh br. sure and fear it. Now they must Communist solution will be proputes among communists can be situstion, measured the relative treaks out in China or Japan it report of the students Anti War Victorions In Gerinan with com side from the revolutionary work: rond to the Soviets. That is the wer when a conducted in a Bolshevik manner, strength of the political parties could be completed Russia Conference in Los Angeles. rarle Hugo Ochter as the speaker ers. They must be put to the test only road.
complains that the conference in on Sunday Feb. 19, at the Irene and exposed at this crucial. ARNE SWARECK.
genuine clarification in the prole atie wet up, the Communist party quite smart. which the Communists and Kauffman Settlement. It was the ment before the eyes of the work. February 11, 1933 That this will show in overwhelmed by heavy odds.
ten the futility and at wefulness the heavy mods preclude the mos Three of our comrades were played the leading role. in pollbiggest meeting ever held by the of the Stalinist methods of physi sibility of a struggle for power by tributing the militants to the crowd acifists. In heavy type it states room was crowded with sympath cal terror in settling disputes with the Communist party. To Nearing, as they left the meeting. Stalin that The United Front in Los izers of the Communist party, sothe Left Opposition cannot be there are no differentiations to be ist gorilla grabbed the bundle of Angeles was essentially a capitu cialists as well as sympathizers of doubted. Continued from Page sought in Von Papen, Von Schlel papers out of the hands of one of lation to the pacifist elements. the Left Opposition. Comrade och (Continued from Page 1)
cher, Hitler, Hugenburg, and the our comrades and walked away The article the Agad meherorspokesmnow up on the integreerde hew at eto pelo para leal 400 at Minneapolis lumped together as if they make up ent. More than oude the stadiu: main reason for this consisted in Germany and gave a definite pro on the platform and now with the attacks they attempted to an integral whole. On the basis of Ists have stolen display and Young Communist League under. He said that useism had not yetree he announced that the original in part and the fact that the members of the gram of action to defeat Fascism. report of thic Credential Commit. banners, in which they succeeded the students ou Meeting such a consideration Nearing con placed in restaurant windows by stood the tactles of the united front consolidated its power, and it committee of ten had enlarged it from address revented the speakers cludes that these forces are too the Pittsburgh branctorn down the action of the other parties intern admits its wrong tactics and point delegate from Carpenters Unfortunately the strike at City strong a combination for the Com Opposition. They have Minneapolis. Last Thursday evemunlsts to attempt to struggle leaflets we paste up. Yet they bave the conference. That, the article issues a call for a real trade union, and Left wing work ording to im. Strong work main. The likely variant ac the nerve to say that if the work claiins, deprived them of the right united front before it is tool. 2717 and protested against College was not very well prepare is too late. such procedure, but surrounded by ul. Called scarcely with more than ors packed the Mayor Reception sishment of a malition between au Hall in the Court House to hear there gentry.
were ca quickel the not take on the broad character and of the but to the teacbings be expected from people who came questions were asked and a long spokesman also announced that beforerful effect it might otherwise comrades Dunne and Skoglund ex pound the position of the Left op It would be a good thing if some of Stalin.
position on the German Crisis of the social democrats could be Lorovision of the third period discussion followed which lasted cause of the lack of time, the reso have had. The strike committees This was the first large meeting on the support of the Common: THE MILITANT Amsterdam Peace Conference And for the militant and bought our as well as all other resolutions did not show a clear understanding protesting the assault of Hitler upstr, including too, some cleinents besides, where is the guarantee literature.
banded in by various delegates of what move to make next. Not on the German working class or of the middle class. Then perhaps Entered as a second class mail that the party itself in its revision would have to be taken under con nough students had been reached in ganizations. small welighborhood Mtruggle for power. And here one post ofice at New York, NY. third period and social Fascism the revolutionists might make a matter November 28, 1928, at the of the yesterday tactics of the Pioneer Publishing Fund sideration at some time by the com wrance to, firstly, sound out their mittee of 30, and that the commitresponse, and, secondly, to ascerweek on the North side by the expects, that Naring would take Under the act of March 8, 1879.
tee would also arrange for a contain their support. Furthermore of the Stalinists upon this vital to show how and in what manner the Communist League of a With Chiang Kai Shek and the Anate of bringing out The Only Rouendorsed the Cincinnati much of the hectie features which Wett Opposition. Seeing the laxity the question of the united front Published three times a week by the day before yesterday tactics Everyone understands the import: ference at Albany. The conference by more carefully detailed plans question the League advertised it the Communists could wage a vie Ica (Opposition) at 126 slo Russian committee, for which it by comrade Trotsky. Work on it insurance bill.
de acted from the serve been the events could meeting primarily through distri torious struggle. But apparently 16th Street, New York criticizes the Los Angeles Confer has been going forward as fast as Again stood up and this time avoided. However the strike will bution of handbilis at the party led he has heard nothing of this tactic.
State Relief Demonstration, the it was not mentioned once in his we can push it. But we have been was recognized by the chairman. remain a memorable event in the then Martin Abern James Cannon Especially vociferous in its crit. We want to make this short note or before the delegates and be as those at other institutions, for terribly delayed by lack of money. asked that all resolutions be read tight of the City students, as well ployed headquarters.
This result that in his de Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Icism is that part of the article an emphatic appeal for donations voted on. reported that the reso recognition of their rights. The ed in bringing to our meeting bun clares: Unless the revolutionary Arne Swabeck Wednesday, March 1, 1933 which is directed against one of and loans to devoted exclusively lution from my local union con: evening strike, which suffered from dreds of Communists and party fol movement. wins to its side some social dem lowers and numerous trade union elements, elther the Vol. VI, No. 14 (Whole No. 161) with the help of and which THE PUBLISHING LOAN FUND to the delegates to the same faults, gathered about 500 this conference to merge with the temonstrators.
ists and Left wing workers.
ocratic elements or some of the Subscription rate: 00 per year, demands the enforcement in both middle class elements, they are profound effect was made upon whipped before they start, because Foreign 50. One cent a copy. spirit and letter of the The strike at was obWhen we put the question of provisional committee for loans and donations we do not pose unemployment relief at 799 Broad viously better prepared aside from this audience by the speakers ar the round up of the class forces peace pact. Poor Inds! Knowing it as a new and untried scheme. less the aims of this conference certain factors that made it eashow gumentation for unity in the Com. With the middle class and ruling munist ranks, for a correct united class and the aristocracy of labor Unemployment and the that the Soviet Union signed that The Publishing Loan Fund has alwere when they seek to co operate ler to call. Here the students were front polley in mass work, for a on one side of the round up is un American Working Class heart that part should be enforced. pamphlets.
And think of their bewilderment Marxian estimation of the German beatable. That is the position of of the Daily News, school paper, to Ilow was this possible!
Let merford, Broach, Green and cool freely express his opinion and to crisis and the tasks of the the German Communist Party and when the righteous elders of the the figures speak. Since its incep by Arne Swabeck who for years were checking the take his stand in favor of the stuThe local district leaders of the believe it must be dismissed as1114 popular, Marxist explanationlenlighten the with solemn mlen tion the Fund has realized the fol Western Worker official party were not present, but an improbable way out of the dif But before was. dent body. The Daily had made The Kellogg lowing sums: from comrade his sent to finish Becusations against the athletic peace pact is an imperialist docu Marcus. 45. from comrade group of lower function ficulty. My emphasis for workers. Excellent for was pulled and pushed back in my committee for mishandlingen in aries to observe, take notes, and propanganda and distribution. ment, a means of strengthening im Spithas 50; from comrade seat again. The delegate from Car Having dismissed the possibility 24 pages jured athlete. To this tho school ask questions. One of these, Minor, centa who proposed authorities responded with suspenwho had participated actively to of a victory and rejected the need bar the Left Opposition from a re that the possible result of this Postage le extra per copy nial areas and against the Soviet Branch 10. 00. This makes that at least one building trade ion of the paper. Before the strike Minimum quantity por order Union total of 94. 50 in loans.
e proper precent unemployment conference, PIONEER PUBLISHERS We would like to know who We ask for only 35. 00. This is mittee because of special problem paration had taken place. Conse beplay the communist cember to thes, would be a coalition or on 84 Fast 10th Street, would not get laxy in there for paper for The Only Road. of demanding publieworks as gently greater numbers of student circumstances?
it too much! We think not. And part of relief was treated in the were involved.
participate in the unemployment Schleicher, Von apen, Hugenburg.
we expect that it will be forthcom conference can not see why my That in a liberal school like GREEN ing at once.
wering was able to state our re under the charge of the first. Thus was invited to participate in the students are pressed a few days before the Fruscist chief that the reaction of the Communist vvvvvvvvvvtook over the chancellorship and workers who listened to him speak, this conference, and this applies to to take strike action, and that they OFF THE PRESS!
CHICAGO all other delegates. There was no stand ready to pursue such action, his legions spread a reign of blood was utter disgust.
discussion on a single point of the as they were in Columbia Univer over Germany, Nearing diamissed Nearing is not a momber of the Two New Pamphlets By Civil War in Ill.
question. Not a single proposalsity last year, another liberal the idea of a Fasciat assumption to Communist party and therefore heard of by any of the delegates. school with upper class enrollment, Coal Fields power.
does not speak in its name. But No one of the delegates was electts a healthy sign. Even in the city Some days later, after Hitler he has been a member of the party LEON TROTSKY Lecture by ed on the committee and may ada owned colleges where academic assumption to power, Nearing again and is sufficiently close to it now.
the whole fratr. therefore was of freedom is so much more suppress GERRY ALLARD spoke on Germany. Added to the to give his speeches a semi official In Defense of the no concern to most of the delegates ed, it is unusual for students to Editor of The Progressive Miner confusion of his first lecture, was character. Ile is looked upon as a and Illinois Miners Leader except for a bunch of tricky politicare classes. It is to be hoped In Danger bopelessness and despair. Nothing representative of Communism. His Russian Revolution ticians and job seekers.
that taking measures which are the natural instruments of the on FRIDAY, MARCH 3, P.
could le done now. It was too lectures, up until this date, were 72 Pages 10 cents for twenty five cents cents HERRMANN.
late. As in his first lecture, the the only ones to be held, in addiworking class in its resistance to MIRROR HALL Minimum number per order the Loft Opposition fundamental questions of the situation to those by capitalist exploitation, will help to 1136 Western Ave. tion were left out entirely. If one in Chicago. The party here, has as Postage le extra per copy identify more closely the students (Near Division St. Oehler Tour: PIONEER PUBLISHERS expected to recelve from Nearing yet not moved a finger on the Gerwith the struggle of the Questions and Diseussions a way out, he was greatly dirap man situation.
84 East 10th Street, New York St. Louis, Ma Mareb 4, int. In that alone rests the full from Floor pointed. It wae not for dothing GLOTZER.
value of the action taken by the Illinols Coal Fields. March 6, etc. City College and studenta, mo Conference Student Strike of the nature Woni pact, they believe with all their really enabled us to get out three with such discredited to a Com. Insisting on the right of the editor acessive Soviet Economy 48 Pages