CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

THE MILITANT CENT COPY Workers of the World, Wednesday and Friday Unite!
Published three weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 120 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1028 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879 VOLUME VI, 14 WHOLE NO. 161 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1933 PRICE CENT Published times and recei, Monday, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Fascists Frame Up The Communist Party The Life and Death Question: Leninist United Front In Germany or Disaster!
disastrous in Record a The Reign of Terror Against the Reds!
which White terror and Red panic be purposes. An eye witness of the Ile las already proclaimed his ini inary to the next step to be In the first year after Mussolini, The whole world situation hinges below which unites only the gan in Germany today.
arrival of Chancellor Hitler at the tention of maintaining the rule of taken by Hitler to consolidate the established the Fascist dictatorship around the cutcome of the terrible Communists and their supporters This is the way the astute capi burning Reichstag building last acis recardless of the ontcome position of Fascism and to proceed in 1922, the Italian York Evening Post, II. Knicker to have been God grant this to consumente tente che des de la llemstore the communist party take up with much greater success than with it is involved the fate of the Tomorrow? Tomorrow may see elections.
The with the extermination of the profought on a far wider scale, with our eyes. The rate of the German ted front of all the workers to bucker, begins his Berlin dispatch the work of Communists.
of February 28 Berlin is an armAn Agent Provocateur ed camp, with armored cars and The alleged incendiary, a certain strictions decreed against them so inal to conceal the fact that with fighting against Fascism before it with it is also involved the fate mand that heads roll in the dirt 13, 000 rilearmed police concen. Marinus van der Lubbe or Van der as to render their participation in its present policy, the party has has consolidated its power! of the workers fatherland, the So Then the miserable self criticism quarters. Anew decree has been of the Dutch Communist Party. Ficipation at all. On March 5, ae Hitler murderous been mobil seek. The social democracy is be of the world proletariat. the is today, today. today that the trated heavily in the working class ling, is supposed to be a member the elections equivalent to no par proved impotent in the face of The reasons for this anomalous, vet Union.
And in face of this, the hender defeat, will be of little avall. It practised by Stalinism after each les against those who give false card in his pocket when he was will for. not to to all indications, Hitler working classe has nodance. The intolerable situation are not far to only openly declaro arbit:ized either directly under its ban ing allowed to play its treacherous communist International las party must change its information for foreign publica arrested! If there were who print such false informa frame this fact would suffice will finde his police, augmented by the Communists. It is fact. sacrificial altar of the Nazis. Those of Lenin. Joseph Stalin, is as in turn, will strike the dagger from tions. as well as against those close to prove how crude is the foundation in the Relchstag, butted front movement initiated by class bound hand and foot to the the situation, the best discipline strike for the united amont which tion in the German pres. The But in addition, the Communist the storm troops and armed to the which we repeat here: who are directly responsible for silent as a tombstone! In face of the hands of Fascism and Fusclem Rote Fahne, central organ of the Party of Holland his issued teeth, concentrated in Berlin for In his march to power in Italy, allowing the social democratic lead the dreadful catastrophe which from the seats of power.
German Communist Party, which tatement showing that Van Der armed defense of the coup Etat Mussolini encountered a far more ers to retain control over the threatens, the party leaders con Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1933.
appeared for one day after its Tubbe was expelled from the party and for smashing any resistance energetic, militant, sanguinary re cialist masses, are the Communist tinue to babble philosophically previous suspension, has had printing plant confiscated and, in agent provocateur and that since munists. In this connection, it tariat than Hitler has thus far Ject the only means whereby the front from below as it they had addition, has been suspended by then be tons twee a notorious anti should be remembered that right encountered in Germany, where the German muszes can be mobilized months and years at their dis The Socialist the government until April 15.
An Communist agent is farfur successful struggle!
edition of the paper printed the Nazis mobilized in front of the stronger than it ever was in Italy, The twilight However that may be his con: Communist party headquarters of where the working class does not reached. The next stroke of the sive battle which is impending has been cerman proletariat for the deciLeipzig was confiscated, together coples to Berlin, than the socialist only commutate Socialists with the Reds. The party proved a deteat, as in Italy, and where the masses: Elther it will strike the the neck of the Communist party with the truck that carried the tension. which implicated papers in that Prussia have been bas hocomecoder och te impotent to accept the challenge. Communist party is ten times as dood of the working class for at has aimed its kuite at the have been ordered suspended. pretext to or ler the arrest of The virtual suppression of the strong as it was in Italy in 1922. decade or more to come or it will heart of the German working class.
suppressed. Even liberal pournals Nacis. who never needed much of mass meeting of the social dem. the Reichstag, one hundred of them.
very single Communist deputy of Communist party now is a second To this fact should be added the strike the beginning of the offer of a test of strength, prelim following: of Fascism!
end whoever is silent at a time like PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT this, whoever relegates the deci ONLY POSSIBILITY semtle party to commemorate the In this manner, they hope to de sive German situation to the back As against a Reichstag which fiftieth anniversary of the death of drive the party of every one of its ground of second and third rate abandons its state tasks the socall.
Karl Marx, was dispersed by the leaders. At the same time, all consequence, is drugging the prole ed Presidial government the police.
Communist publications, placarda truriat and helping to prepare it only actual possibility left.
All these measures are part of and election material have been for the slaughter! Whoever stands Vorwaerts, August 7, 1932.
monstrous frame up concocted by suppressed for four weeks, and all the Fascist butchers in control of Socialist publications and propa in the way of the genuine united front, from organization to organi the government. fire of incend ganda for two weeks that is, until zation. Communist party social DEFEAT HITLER BY lary origin in the Reichstag build the wretched farce of the March democracy, trade unions, Reichs VOTING HINDENBURG ing is being used as the pretext elections live long been passed. As we go to press, dispatches mindedly with the life and ship. bold and Intelligent and banner, Red Front is betraying Hitler is defeated. The victory for delivering a mortal blow to tho The additional announcement from Berlin declare: death of the Gorman proletariat?
the working class!
Fascism thought was already Communist party. Anybody who that the entire police force of timely. terrifie historical reMore than eighty prisoners When will the call be issued for sponsibility rests now on the Communist workers, miltants ev in its bands, has been soatched is even snpertieially acquainted russia has been mobilized. All have been taken by the Fascista the united front of the working shoulders of the leadership of the erywhere! It is not yet too late. from it. Now the basis can once with the theories and practises of furloughs hve been recalled and in Berlin alone, in connection class!
Communist International and the The masses await only the signal more be levelled for political and the Communist party is sufficiently for the first time Captain Goering with the new reign of terror Are the Stalinists waiting unfor action. The Communist party economeconstruction, German Communist party. For aware that arson is not in its pro has brought into action his recent launched by Hitler against the til the streets of Germany run whatever happens in the next must give the signal. It must. Appeal of gram. That is a method of tighting ly created Naxl assistant police. Communists. Most of them were red with the blood of an unpre March 17, 1982.
be aroused out of its awful lethperiod in Germany, the proletar practised almost exclusively by the recruited from the storm troops leaders of the Communist party. pared, disuniteil, demoralized iat and its vanguard will hold argy and impotence. It must put a On March 13, the Fascist genFascists. In the present instance, is of tremendous significance.
working class? Are the StalinIn Hanover, one hundred and this leadership directly responsithe frame up is so flagrant that ler is leaving nothing to chance.
stop to the self deceptive jabber eral assault upon the libertarian forty Communists have been ar ists preparing to retreat without ble.
ing about the united front from rights of the German people col even the American correspondente rested.
giving battle: Are they planning lapsed. April 10 must bring about in Berlin have not failed to com to organize the masses for strugWe speak solemnly and issue by the election of Hindenburg the ment adversely upon Hitler crude Similar reports are received gle only after all the levers and a solemn warning! Unless the collapse of the National Socialist attempt to crush the Communist from other parts of the country, party leadership, at this crucial movement.
weapons of power are completely The Socialist Vorwaerts has been part as a result of it.
hour, issues the call for the real in the hands of Hitler and his united front, for the mobilization Appeal of Iron Front. Why Communists should Junire raided, Its morning exition conmercenaries of the masses, the Fascists will April 2, 1932.
fiscated, and its editors put under to burn down the empty Reichstag surveillance.
In the eyes of every revolution march to power over the dead building on the eve of an election socialist All Communist and ist, of every class conscious work boulies of the militant German that thefr opponents declare to be LET HITLER COME TO er, the social democracy has been placards are being removed from proletariat!
unimportant in that it will not at forever branded with the stigma But if the program for the unifect their retention the billboards, in accordance It National Socialism demonof power, with the decree to suppress all of Cain. Its treachery is written ted front demanded by the Left cables Birchall of the New York strates in deed that it is capable of in the blood of the workers it Communist and socialist election Opposition is now adopted and Timel, is one of the mysteries of doing fruitful work the Social Dem.
sent to fight in the World War the present situation. The press, propaganda for four and two ocratic Party for German imperialism, In the German proletariat will not only refuse it of Germany will not weeks respectively, reports Knickerbocker, will not blood of the Spartacists, in the narch in serrled invincible ranks be able oven to point out ironically THOUSANDS Severing, Nienburg speech, OF The treacherous leadership of STUDENTS blood of the victims of Noske, July 3, 1932 against the monster of Fascism, STRONG ARM SQUAD OUSTS that the Nazis planned weeks ago the social democraey, true to its Hoersing and Zoergiebel. We do but in the battle to annihilate it, DEMAND to lay before President von Linden RESTORATION role, has telegraphed to a very not look for leadership from from it will enter upon the high road MILITANT DELEGATIONS burg evidence that the Reds were will much amused Captain Goering. The Social Democracy those who have sold the proletarOF ACADEMIC RIGHTS deploring the emergency decrees to working class vetory, to the AT planning an uprising and that the SOCIALIST iat for a mess of pottage In office.
CONFAB sroet a Bruening Hitler governtriumph of the dictatorship of the burning of the Reichstag aime on and emphatically denying any inent because it will thereby be But to the Communist party proletarlat!
railroad schedule time for 80 and its captains, the proletariat chting Choose now! Now and not free from the government policy total of 1500 students particles in tbe the democrats are cipated in strikes at City College, has the right to demand leader. tomorrow!
As a delegate from Carpenters and the Another Complaint on the basis of the Constitution Local Union 2000 to the socialist prevent Centered in any case At the same time while workers are being murdered (lay and evening.
Party Conference for unemploy the National Socialists.
hair of the student body in New and every Constitutional guar.
ment insurance, was in a posl. Breitscheid, Emden Speech,. We can put the campaign York University, about 2000 left antee is being suspended.
tion to witness all the proceedings.
November 4, 1931. group of semi business men, such over in a big way but our hands against the suppression of thele Among the Communist prison as real estate dealers, ex judges, Her Pittsburgh. The Were there the certainty that Chiengo no village, you know.
are tied by Insufficient papers. daily nuper. Ioth strike movements ers, is the deputsader of the Councils of Alleghany County 1secl the delegates of the tol platform. The front rows of seats respect the rules of the game of were the results of basic issue parts and are of its most pro mann Renmele, Unemployed Unemployed Council then challeng jewelers, and dentists occupied the the National Socialists would also Our comrades are line to speak sued a and dehate in various organizations that of aendemie freedom.
The strike at City grew out of mann, the outstanding party minent spokesmen. Ernst Thael couterence on Feb. 12 at Walton resolution. Icone of our endelegates Mellied men, some of them with then we would all be ready to let for floor up of they At the road and this will re the suspension of llall. Our branch elected two dele took the floor and pointed out that canes and derby hats who appeared them into the government today a recent issue of cell arrested by the Faseists, wil Fatex wlo were present at the con of all the speakers and all the rebe retired and landlords of the rather than tomorrow.
easily alapose of 2016 coples over the comptar a esta rezudents acheted hetm. Piece leader of the Berlia capacity. From the names that the the recognition of the Soviet Union. them of hea mer tioned into wed Vorwaerts, December 3, 1031.
get our quotid (535 coples. 1o carry out the demonstration. head of its fractton in the dissolv organizations delegated, one could with the tactic of the united front liet, unless some of them were in NO LONGER DANGER think the guaign is going over signal in the history of the college. ed Prussian Diet, is arrested, as see that as long as the Communist from below also polnted out on interested in their tenants so that today much bigger than we expected and During the course of the day is Ernst Torgler Communist hirty leaders do not flve up their the point of the recognition of the they may be able to pay them the who can have any doubt that this has found is short. mean number swelled to thousand, whip in the dissolved Relchstag. Slogan of the united front trom Soviet Union that the unemployed rent.
As to the quantity of Militants per many students Joining the strikers leaders Scores of loss ported among below they will fall to rally the situation cannot be considered as issue you are printing. Why not as they paraded around the school Fascist dictatorship will not come of the party are These gentlemen ruled the conworking class into mass action an isolated problem and apart from ference and in order to save time a deadly danger for the proletariat. The time when Fascism was tant and satisfy everybody, includ. sterdam Ave. and assembled print a larger number of the Mili uilding at 138th Street and Am those selzed in the net by the The names mentioned were organe its objectiorkinbe general work spokesmen of the committee apnd for freedom. bas passed away class problems. for their own propaganda ing the frate literature agout of around the school flag pole. good Hitlerite thugs. All, or at least zations such as the unemployed Chicago?. get a severe heart number of those in the protesting most of the prisoners, are being councils from each district in thel ing class objectives: Its struggles pointed a certain ME. Beardsley out since the November battle.
students of other held incommunicado.
ache when think of the meetings ruuks were city, outside the city, from sur part of the general working class of th as chairman. Our thetr midst Heilmann, Kottbuss rounding towns, the Communist struggles for the revolution.
we ve had to pass up in the last schools who had come down to The Fascist have moved with demand that all delegates from show thelr solidarity Torty, the ILD branches, NSL Pen os 15, 1933 week due to lack of papers.
with the lightning speed. Before formally Frankfeld, secretary of the Unworkers and political organizations. REBECCA SACHEROW. striking militants.
suppressing the Communist party and Hammer club and some frateron the same grounds as THE PARTY DEFENDS NOSKE The comrades in Toronto front with all workingmen the delegation from the and Noske belongs to the party with also band of hoodlumns. defenders which is their goal the Fuso organizations. These organizateak edoc unells came out for a se sented write that the Militant sale und Kathe beamericane het wel ha bretti mundst publication. That blow conference without the call for the party, contradicted him and the chairman should be elected from has not ceased to be a socialist and distribution is going over big, and the lines of the strikers around the they dealt Monday. In addition united front because they are spoke in favor of a united front the floor were of no avail. Three a democrat by a hair breadth.
ask that their bundle order be sub(Continued on Page 2)
already under the influence of the from below and used the term 90 of the protesting delegates were stantially increased.
by Imprisoning every one of its party. None the AFL unions or clal Fascist. Decision of Berlin officiale beaten up and forcibly put out of of G, September 28, 1919.
prominent leaders. That is the seconlist organizations was present.
vw the hall. The floor then was CHICAGO MEETING blow they have dealt today. Tuets could given to Gerber followed by Algerleaders are still under the Im.
exterminate the whole party. The the love seen that the majority of OPEN FORUMnon Lee and Panken, who between BOSTON MEET day after comes the whole workpression of the slogan of social them with numerous interruptions for almost two ing class and every single Fascism and that is as much as BONAPARTISM THERMIDOR. hours. Gerber was the main one of its proletarlan institutions you can expect from halt turns IN THE SOVIET UNION THE CRISIS IN GERMANY speaker and pointed out the great WHO WILL PREVAIL: HITLER International connections are now so strong that conditions and conquests.
Our resolution, mimeographed in and policies Jump national boundaries. Reaction in Ger The stage is set for the last a number of coples, was distributed DOES THE DANGER THREATENT their struggle. He said even votes OR THE PROLETARIATY many means the stimulation of reaction everywhere.
act. Who will prevail! Hitler to the delegates present. copy were stolen on them in the last Hear the Viewpoint of the Speaker: of our resolution was given to the HEAR AN ANALYSIS OF THE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN has the upper hand. The party clection. He forgot all about MAX SHACHTMAN Left Opposition on GERMANY FROM THE MARXIAN STANDPOINT is paralyzed no other term can resolutions committee. The chairwhat has hppened in other coun SUNDAY, MARCH 5th, P.
man of this committe, in his reexpress its failure to arouse SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 3:00 Friday, March 3, 1933 tries such as Germany and Enggenuine movement of reast port, read the resolution adopted by re the Socialists got all Belmont Hall, 150 Humber Ava HOPKINS HALL, 426 West 63rd St, anco to Fascism, the committee and also read our 126 East 10th Street, their yotes ever since 1918. Yet the Speakers ROXBURY MASS.
We ask we demand: For what resolution which he proposed be ADMISSION: 150 Speakers: betrayals of workers are not com Albert Glotzer, Communist League of America rejected Is the party waiting before it because all the points in this country.
ADMISSION 150 UNEMPLOYED FREE acts! Why are the party leaders it were already adopted by their Br. Communist League or parable with those Martin Abern, of New York Auspices, Militant Workers Club being allowed to play so tight resolution. The secretary of the America (Opposition. Continued on Pake 2)
Antionette Konikow, of Boston.
Students Strike in Protest Fakers Drive Out Left Wing their Defend Opposition StandIn Pittsburgh ane per week for HITLER IN POWER!
219 SACKMAN ST. Bklyn ADMISSION 15 Centa Ausplode: Communist League of America (Opposition)