BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Tardy Acknowledgement be the slogans of real international spirit per tions, thus putting the leadership comrade Caldis as chairman sus willing to act. At times it seems lixen. Yo struggle against Fasewere The Jap Attack counter committed by and PAGE THE MILITANT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1938 THE LEAGUE IN ACTION Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs ted front, they are unwilling to Greeks Rallied On In Balance; United Front Is Urgent government organ, of capri Soviet seit capitania toccorreunistust make a 300 Hear Oppositionedke nelle are unwilling party member who is also a member of (Continnel from last issue)
1932, Karl Radek wrote an article The incorrect application of the utilToronto bles even out of their own party In an of local brought out German Crisis There need be no doubt that the social democratic aims in order to proposing an alliance with Amers nation of the contradictions de the point that in the attempt to can imperialism against Japan. tween the imperialist powers tended Toronto. The great interest of invite of locals the call On February and 19 our Greek millions of German workers who rully re establish capitalism. Thus Two days later, the statesmen of to weaken our struggle against Am.
the Dally Worker, in enthusiasticerican imperialism. The campaign the workers in the position of the of the ILD very often did not even Workers Club Protomagia the German reach the membership. This proved two lectures at the hall of the pathy and support either for the And in the development of this the columns of this Communist a rowing down of the mass morement crisis was shown in the meeting to his mind the correctness of Amalgamated Food Workers Union Communist party or for the Social brown shirted menace they deliberper with a rotton chauvinistic edi. because the party mistakenly ad held in Toronto.
torial. This proposal. It suid, opted as party slogans those which and only the meagerest form of ad representatives had nothing to say by comrades Papas and Caldis.
Although no leaflet was issued from below. The official party and the Pascist danger in Germany Fascism represents the Sword of would be only another affair to be Damocles hanging over their heads, conquered by ballots and to means a new step in the peace were not the slogans of the con sertisemon the meeting due to the from the left ustion, comrade elitor of the Empros attemptederen now miserable standard of morters of mecluding they still appeared less ths a two Eva Welner, pointed out in her re the first lecture the managing with destruction, threatening their iron front. threatening their organizations conquered by the forces of all the supof the Soviet scious days before the el cualitat esprit 16, 1932, we nowy, but rather the slogans Jameuble conditions that exist about marks the incorrectnonnorm the with the assistance of 15 20 other wrote that the editorial, com which express the unripe revolu. 900 workers packed literally every theory of a united front from be Stalinists to stop the workers from living and threatening their very speak in the name of this Iron frout. As a matter of fact the pletely devoid of a breath of prorom moods of the masses that inch of sitting and standing ac low and showed that letarian revolutionism, is one of are only now growing toward rev: commodation. workers stood precisely entering the Hall. Seeing that day of such an instinctive feeling social democrats are now all that out because the call of the in their efforts were fruitless they de of is left of it. But, and that is imthe most disgraceful pieces of olutionary consciousness (False!
the needs of the situation cynica Mirtation with chauvinism They were and are, right now, the side in the hallway to listen wbile the past did not reach the bulk of cided to come in and listen them. But compared to the immer kortant. millions of workers still that has ever appeared in the Com. slogans of the military chauvinist great was the attraction and inter ist leadership we must make a was packed with more than 75 is still holds the working class in of fear for their own hides simul many had to be turned away, so the membershp under the reformselves to the speaker. The hall passivity. dond hand of paraly follow these traitors, who only out munist movement. The Daily wing of the American bourgeoisie est of the workers in the German complete turn and invite the cen workers present. When the floor its grasp Its organizations are tancously, give hip service to the Worker, entirely consistent with. slogans to which the Party situation.
tral bodies of all workers organiza was thrown open for discussion cither wable or their leaders un one must give conditional support but is precisely the country, which means in practise pot mot forward in its ownername the formation of the the abandonment of every revolu. Expel the Japanese Imperialist interruptions from a small number that the failure of the to marily tionary principle in the alleged in representatives, etc. of ers who insisted on mak aranize the broadest united front editor was forced to get up and sexta federaf called Sandemone class becomes the key to the situaterests of defending the Soviet Un tion which the Communist forces lon from military attack, pleks even this picer confused and is the Radek thread with all its im not the least of its nimy te political bankruptcy. Most of the Mooney latest call for the coming our comhades appealed to the chairlin. It became a monster turnont. must take hold of. It is the means of is to convention Welsafter many to defeat. plications elaborated upon even cover up the traces for the Mos tically to our viewpoint by listen Molders Committee. It was at hour. This the chairman accepted phrax wdeclarede portocalesfinally unmask the traitors. This cue, the editorial writer proceeds Shamefaced neknowledgment that after the moeting purchased the amounced himself and after hour is not enough for the presenta un only a further step to sabot Accache the lines insure that ordet to address himgelt to the American the criticism levelied against the Militant and fraternized with our typically stalinist line of denunction of the opponents views and as the genuine united front butu ve attempted to show the way.
ruling class in order to show it Stalinists by the Militant was more comrades.
that its best imperialist interests than a little justified. We have comrades MacDonald and uniting with the misleaders of lato accept our challenge and debate expresses the increasing pressure The Balance Sheet of Stalinism lle in a break wth Japan and an no doubt that now, in view of the Spector were the principal speak hor. called for an honest united with us any day and at any time. for unity of action which these In Germany alliance with the Soviets.
Now fact that we have been proved cores. Comrade MacDonald gave the front from below Many workers appealed for the leader feel upon them from their The Communist workers, howthe party deand for the expul rect beyond dispute, the Stalinista workers an opportunity to compare Comrade Schechet then spoke unitication of the clubs, Spartacus own mass following. Again yes crer, were also unprepared. They sion of all Japanese diplomatic will make up for it by multiplying the position taken by the were lulled into false underesticomes entirely clear.
representatives from the be their violent attacks upon the Lefttern in the German remate de chain briefly on the united front and Protomagia. and they stated terday afterno, February 10, explaining that while it is clear that a debate will be very useful Bizantic funeral procession wendea mation of the sinister menace, inOpposition.
Lenin was alive with the position enough to the sixty delegates at for their enlightment on the views its way throngh Berlin to the ceme o the false security that We come For these sharp but entirely jusof the present International under this conference that the role of of the Opposition and those of the tery of Friederichsfelde in honor after the fascists. They tifled strictures upon the Stalinist the Stalin leadership. Comrade the reformist leadership means be Stalinists. The staliniste preferred of the three class victions Bermer, misdirected by the slogans of napoliticians, we were at that time Spector traced the German events trayal of the workers, we must not silence to an answer as to the de Kollatesh and Schulty, who were tonal liberation and of peoThey thousands bate. Following the 35 minutes oftered by the brown shirted ple revolution.
to the vilest abuso. The and the revolutionary possibilities overlook the fact that subjuration.
were (Continued from Page 1) which had opened up after the col upon thousands of the workers still poor and unconcinving talk of the bandits. Despite the police prohi sharus divide from their class revolutionists, enemies of the so goverument that wished to do so lapse of the monarchy to the pre have confidence in their leaders, editor, other staliniste spoke for an ition over 100. 000 workers march Brother by the fale concepts of viet Union, social buseists, renegades were from every party tribune. Even going) would be prevented from significance of the present German workers who it is that sincerelkedness and their degene duhed the. the the many organizations by the criminal spattered at and the munitions makers of all sent day.
united front being formally tab away in small sections from the countries are most eager to get Both Speakers pointed out the prove in action to the masses of the little Lovestone sect came rushwinking at slight irregularities events for the world revolutionary represents their interests. Com who after all did not surer while Reichsbanner and the cofficial policy of independent revolutionary ing out of obscurity to give the that meant good business. Rigbt inorement and for the Soviet UniFace Schechet thereupon moved that in prison for 19 months but came y participated The Reichsbanner trade wions. The position of the Stalinists a theoretical founda now both England and France Spion. Although Fascism is in power the conference immediately call out of jail quite fat. Comrade pokesman appealed to the workers Party leadership to date has tion for their policy, equipped with supplying munitions to Japan at it has not consolidated its posi second conference inviting the cen Pappas answered to the point the of his columns for common strugsented a criminal capitulation in quotations violently divorced from erican Guggenheims hesitate for not yet defeated and the adoption sanizations, Socialist party, and concluded by also appealing and for a united front of action litter received his nomination, it their context.
Ten months have passed since titles of nitrates from Chile section of the Leninist united front organizations, etc. etc. to unite was adjourning the meeting the el his followers to make all possi oral strike in a sort of hit or miss smash Fascism to with us in the struggle free Stalinist editor nekel the floor to We wacrifice for the establishment fashion and naturally the response that dispute and we are now in a enough for a prolonged war with tactics will Rounds of applause, dom of the Scottsboro boys, Mooney answer the demands of the work of fighting united front. Com was almost al. The party leaderposition to cast a balance and America it that war breaks out. An smithereens what a balance! In the Draft arms embargo would be merely an greeted the remarks of the speak and all other class war prisoners. ers for a debate, and when he took rade Pieck in the name of the sheet up phantom united front Resolution for the Eighth Conven other scrap of paper.
printed ers. resolution was then pre. And that leat aistributed among it he hurle accepting or refusing callel upon all the workers to organis. For example in Berlin on this it instead of sented from the meeting demanding effect and some epithets and rom Join the united front. Yet the the fateful night of Jan. 30, a con tion of the American party (Daily Opinions have been freely exparty fails is to act, fails to organ ference attended by more than Worker, 1983) we learn with pressed that Japan will shortly find the real of Section 98 and the the workers in order that mass down to the street.
ite the united front. 000 delegates convened to take considerable astonishment and not herself in dire financial straits. anconditional release of the eight ressure may be brought to bear on.
measures against the Fascist danThere are radiant rays of hope Rer. It listened This is not true in the immediate. politieil prisoners. At this point Conveniently enough, a substilittle gratification that: February 12th to much oratory Extremely grave errors The following Sunday we post. When one feels the throb of such derdded to meet the next day to hely care a errehen the were naive sense stated. So long as the aforementioned small group be tnte motion was made to proceed pored our next lecture on Germany road shoulders of these husky collapsel. It represented in reality mighty marching columns The the robber attack of the Japanese im gold, Japan will secure all the fin perialist armies in Manchuria plac ancing it needs from the great the applause of the crowd the mittee which shall decide on all front by the surty for the unen. Ist touched one another. seneral strategy of these Stalinist chairman announced all those in further work.
ployed. Protomagia ed the question of war before the larly is this true because France favor of the resolution stand up, it must be said in conclusion with delegates, comrades Corned distinct determination. What leaders since Nank to the level participated their faces were solemn but showAmerican Party in a sharper more real form than ever before. ars is much as does Japan the and the whole audience stood up that this action committee mustlins, James Gordon and Caldiseid picture of class solidarity of isolated demonstrations, mass on their feet.
set to work most seriously and at Comrade Gordon was unable to at unification of China which would While the arty correctly perceived mean the ultimate ousting Tower is expressed in these heavy one hour or two hours, one day in meetings, demonstrative strikes of that the contradictions between reactionary French tome. The question period further exouce. Realizing that mass pressure tenul the conference cause he was toutes rosed the shameful political educa is the strongest weapon which will neeting at the same time with the one smaller factory or small town, rival imperialisms must be utilized and South China. The rub will tion of the new HCL cadres. sain freedom from the nine Scotts. Central Strike Committe of Foltis Why Are the Strong Hands another day in aonther and in some to the utmost by the revolutionary come for Japan when the debts Every question under the sun ex boro boys and all other class war Fisher The Conference comitet Paralyzed places merely economic strikes party yet an inexcusably incorrect fall due, when its internal shall come those that dealt with the prisoners, the committee must stop ed it business in the same steam But the defeat of Fascism in Ger against certain special measures.
aps in link adopting tech na periods becomes accentuated by de tot tibel cant events have this making matera Sestures about do roling fashion as the other Stallonnen is er een renouns translian Even this strateer, or lack of strategy to speonciliatory attitude towards the ploitation of its workers and rear grupin hen. comradeon Spector tow.
This mass pressure can be protected against this procedure only be the small bezinnings. Why strate the frightful weakness of the speculations of the bourgeois corresants. The cost of living rises to in replying to the questions, asked brought about only through the and demanded that at least a minhen are these strong hands para rty position and particularly its. And real wages fall. The strict Japan situation, the Stalinist spokes by the Left Opposition.
Radek? about a possible alliese censorship screens out the news inwghter that he (Stalin) was too League pledges its entire and most prior to their voting. They went has the treasonable role of the solent unemployed. The party inman replied amidst protest and work the Boston branch of In this rates to discuss the resolutions portion of the parties, of policy ustrice. The party own memberance between the and USSR. of pasant riots and the that were subinitted for ratification and leadership Never before ship compition is about so per workery against Japan (Daily Worker, strikes that are surface indications busy building socialism Rus energetle support. ahead and passed it any way. Finelinlist, there bureaucracy been so ability to lead and to nobilize tinguish between the correct Lenin end it is the inescapablo internal ally the floor was given for only clearly revealed as at this moment. masses became sadly revealed. Such In the discussion only one YCLer five minutes to comrade Caldis who Since their betrayal of the revolu is the balance sheet to date of ist utilization of antagonisms by a contradictions of Japanese economy took the floor to reiterate the old Mine Situation Told protested against the steam rolling tion in 1918 and their murder of the party Stalinist leadership proletariat in possession of State that spell the doom of her imperial demagogy of the Stalinists. In the and pointed out that the six hour the best working class fighters they To be continued power and the different forms such ism.
course of his ten minute speech he In Davenport da and five day week must be in have made a parliamentary shamARNE SWABECK.
cluded in the resolutions and also (leaflets on Germany and German was afraid to give them the opon the Berlin Stock Exchange.
crisis Militants were eagerly reach portunity to reply to our arguments. held Feb. 18, at Hibernian Hall, Union and explained the necessity Davenport, Iowa. lecture was the long term credits to the Soviet ed for, especially by many party The comrades of the Spartacus where about seventy five workers for the agitation of these demands.
These companies will be among the first to belit not only from a war, Youth Club immediately challeng attended to hear Gerry Allard, the The chairman didn allow him to St. Louis Meet members and sympathizers but also from the re armament of Under Hitler Rule MARTIN PAYER. ed the LA spokesman to a leader of the coal miners in south proceed any further.
which both Nazis and public debate. This he promptly ern Illinois, describe the condi Then the Staliniats (they were nationalists have inscribed on their (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Abern Speaks at Boston that the question of Trotskyism for their fight against the Peabody that took the floor) forgot all about fore will attempt to carry through a discussion by one or two stalinists. mass meeting at which the had been liquidated and Coal Company and the betrayers the united front for the usemploy a thiryl alternative: the still further place in German stocks while the our program was unanimously ad German situation today will be an net the discretion circle The of the coal miners, John Lewis ed Greek workers and began their forcing down of German wages to major world security markets ference. In the floor discussion the left Opposition demand for a moment under pressure of Allard gave a very enthusiastic tion. The floor was refused to on its exported goods, which will ulators are betting on is not carried unanimously. Briefly they be held in Boston on Sunday night, Tome an asleen reopened in miners are putting up in southern to refute the stalinists about the pluses. But the workers have alwy. in which Gerinan because of were as follows: S. at Belmout heale Staronist groups throughout Illinols. Comrade Allard showed composition of our club Protom ready begun to rexist in spite of its mancial weakness would not be United Front Program Hall, 150 Humbolt Ave. Roxbury. conclusively that the miners knew agin. Anyway, when the collection the handicap of reformist domina among the first to share. Their Immediate Relief concretiz Mass. The meeting, under the auswhat they had to face in the strus was taken, they didn refuse the tion. Wages camot be eut mater. calculations are rather based on ed by the Unemployed Council plees of the Boston branch of the Scottsboro Conference which the leader of the local Stal wilaon of Protomagia and the iully further without smashing both at special development within Ger gle. discussion took place at suggestions.
League, will be addressed by Marapplause of the delegates con social democratic and Communist many, and that is the coming into Unemployment Insurance at tinabern, member of the National Rejects United Front Inists made an attack on comrade siderably annoyed the Stalinists. organizations, political, trade in power of Hitler.
state government.
by comrade Antoinette Konierne linois. Bet comrade Allard Cotamittere a member of restoration can do this Joh. On the other clared contradictions of the artists For the hour day and the kow. All workers are urgently in Boston. The long lelayed Moon in a very few words was able to But at the last meeting secing that hand, effective resistance even ontinue to crash down upon it and day week with no reduction invited to attend the meeting andley Scotsboro conference was held in annihilate the sianderous attacks our club members began to penelication of time trade union organi of tacular economic gamble the economie arena means the unithe pay hear the standpoint of the Oppoal. Boston on Sunday. February 19. of the present party leadership trate the ranks of the unemployed. lvations with the last possible de hoj, that the still bigger gamble For trade relations with and tion.
program collapses, and The credentials representation framittee reported amidst the enthusiastic applause especially at the soup kitchen of the extension of credits to the Sofrom sixty organi of the audience.
St. Barbara where three of our lay: the revolutinary Ited Trade ou Hitler will after all succeed, the zations.
viet Union, as a means of unemSeventy five While brief reports were being this lecture despite the fact that delegates, decided to appeal to the with the reformist General Gate German bourgeoisie has reached a workers attended comrades were clected as their Union Organization ist ployment relief for American work point where only desperate measres and for drawing the American given on the cases in question, the there was three other big meetings Central Committee of the Unem Trade Union Federation and there will sutice it. It is willing and Russian relationship. Forecognition into closer. Continued from Page 1)
resolutions committee of nine, in in the city. The of par poyel Councils for their approval free organizations, cluding one of the delegates from ticularly to exted an unlimited credit in special of the Soviet Union by the scattered on isolated plantations of the the South; and 1, 500, 000 in 1820. let Leon branch of the Commun with freement low out to removing our club from the! The Fascist Bonapartist alliance confidence and in resources to Hitat the united front.
showing its results in the new tar ler and his murderous rabble.
of America (Opposi Grand Theater, though they knew Many misguided workers begin to practically ir legislation, which means that Only one thing can stop them Unemployment charges of rape against Negroes session. After the general reso in the city.
of products, can enter the and its steady march each organization which shall carry ample opportunity for commission solution for a genuine united front held by our branch of the Left lcles of the Stalinists were correct, the present crisis began, prices of ate moal. No petty considerations tee consisting of one delegate from were unknown although there were Intion was adopted a further re. After the meeting a party was the danger of the Right wing pol country. For the first time since immediate demnalet ultimNom because they are already serving them products have advanced steer of factional prestige must be perout the following instructions: of such crimes. Rope Faggot conference is to be called at once for comrade Allard to strengthen the prestige of the ly. and have forced the general inmitted to interfere with the adop To mobilize the membership by Walter White)
was introduced by comrade Sche with twenty to twenty five workers of all the organizations for a joint demonstration for immediate re tionists and those Negro slaves who though this resolution was defeated, night. Everybody was enthusiastic agia and those of the Greek Op the industrial capitalists.
With the few exceptions of Aboll chet. It is noteworthy that el present who stayed until after mid bankrupt clergy.
dex of vlees up. This cemcuts the tion of the sound and tested line All these activities of Pretom alliance between the agrarian and which the Left Opposition has been llet at the Citizens Committee on were intelligent and courageous the nine delegates serving on the The enthusiasm of comrade position cannoy considerably the The Inter have been able in all at a time when the immediate four of about comrade Allard visit.
March the second conference inviting all out of the question, when the vic realed howlittle the State in spite of the small crowd. Many of last three weeks the Empresaran increasoerinis. to put through economic situation, as well as the To frsue a call immediately for Influencing others, lynchings were committee lard was catching by the workers nerves of the Stalinists. For the the face of the The discussion from the of 22 percent in the political working class organizations to par tims represented cash value, the workers expressed their desire ries campaign of lies and slan price of export Neel during the that Germany of forces, show is balancing on the teipate.
when the worker was To organize the sending of of his master, when cheeroperty have learned from the past and de to form a relief committee to help clers in a fashion that far exceeds past month, in the expectation of cge of the knife.
miners in spite of the that of the tabloids. But all these closing arrangements for an interspeakers to the various organizery was the basis society: lyhex: their incorrect position on the oust themployment there of serving their purposes national cartel including France. FIELD.
reveal on the contrary to every Belgium and Luxemburg as well as tions to urge the acceptance of the ing was not an institution. It was invitation and to explain the aims only when lynchings could be used thinking worker the depth of their Germany. In this way the indus. THE MILITANT of the united front movement to subject Negroes for the purpose OFF THE PRESS!
degeneration. They especially com trialists of the Rhine Ruhe and plain about the wide distribution Silesia expect, in collusion To issue a minimum of 20, 000 of extracting profits for the new with Entered as a second class mall leaflets to popularize the confermasters tirat lynching became an Two New Pamphlets By among the Greek workers of New bated foreigner to be able to matter November 28, 1928, at the ence and its projected program. institution, that is to say, lynchof Militants, Pali ton Tesburgh, carve out a bigger slice of the ex Post Office at New York, upon each ing is a capitalist Institution used tion represented to hold a publle by the capitalists to protect their LEON TROTSKY once because they realize striking down the resistance of the Published three times a week by that a large numbers of mis German worker to wage cuts with the Communist League of Amer meeting in support of the conferinterests, their profits, their social ence under its own auspices.
Soviet Economy Ica (Opposition) at 126 East In Defense of the informed workers get a hold of the other, and enforcing a regime To organize a joint The aim of Nash, if the lynchers our publications, it will open their of super exploitation based on poli16th Street, New York.
meeting of all organizations parti got the man they were after, was In Danger Russian Revolution eyes and will impose upon the Stal tical domination by naked bruto EDITORIAL BOARD cipating in the conference with re to get money. He took the banker 72 Pages 10 cents 48 Pages cents inists the discontinuation of their force through Hitler bands and Martin Abern James Cannon presentative speakers from each to the bank for that purpose. How for twenty five cents Minimum number per order hely, nemelises parents for each co the army, the police and the Steel Max Shachtanae Maurice Spector tendency often the bankers steal thousands Arne Swabeck Postage le extra per copy and millions of dollars from the the wall, from time to time try to The German bourgeoisie is betMonday, February 27, 1933 PIONEER PUBLISHERS The fight of the Opposition was workers! George Jeter of Alken present to the workers as insignis ting on its supporters. Stocks of Vol. VI, No. 13 (Whole No. 160)
after appropriating 84 East 10th Street, New York completely victorious and as the likewise was ficant errors on their part. iron, steel and coal compantes have Subscription rate: 00 per year, worker delegates went home our property. GEO. SAUL. been making new high prices lately Foreign 50. One cent a copy.
in Opposition at Dark Prospect program.
are the expenser Lynch Negroes he calesting use mass