AnarchismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

CENT COPY Published times a week, Monday, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Workers of the World Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 128 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, Novena ber 28, 1928 at the Post toe at Kew York, under the act of Warsh, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 13 IWHOLE NO. 160 NEW YORK MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1933 PRICE CENT THE MILITANT امالUn Hitlerites Shut Down Headquarters of The Communist Party Why Does the Communist International Continue Its Silence About Germany?
Japan Widens Attack On North China the of the social St. Louis Unemployment Conference Adops Left Opposition Proposals the bappen Intensive Exploitation of the German Workers is Prospect Under Hitler Differing from their Italian pro ites are encountering at the pre. ever, that a general strke would eign observers seem to expect. The two generations, but the socialists. We socialiste realize that totypes only in the greater speed went time less resistance than did lend inevitably to a confict which time may come, indeed, and that will not accelerate such govorov but we do not view the situas. Dupler Teitsenteidwer the Communist musses are actual have a formidable task anead o Yuugums LU WUIK Wcb tue sowith which they are succeeding in Mussolini Black Shirts either could only end to the disadvantage before long, when things will come ment. The endesivors of the so consolidating their power, the Nazi fore their march on Rome or after of the workers. We socialists can to a head and the trade unions will cialist leaders to organize even altion in any spirit of depression or wels buve tus unen a lear out of Kangs in Germany have now addi the installation of the Fascists in not be revolutionary, or militant, came to put up passively with poli temporary tactical alliance with the latalism. Fuscism stands no chance. Ook. sky eltional measures to insure execu wer!
at the present time, as many for tical developments, as they have for Communists have failed completely or gaining a tootmold in a mulon mall. While the situauunchies tion of their murder program The working class, which is like vermuty that has a certain out for a la crunt lluin organi against the working class. After showing such an unmistakable de lever o poutical culture, owing to ou www. vu, vua te sohaving instructed the rolice to susire to unite it ranks in a move the distance that will be tortului vec Twers and woung from the workers. laulet bul educas ulti ticalthe aid of the brown shirts and kept in a state of impotence from That the socialist leaders can ea Wicu my, wadau ou cutSteel Helmet, a new order has two sides. The social democracy. The hypocrisy of the Imperialistification due to the march of his and Japan ruin each other while not be revolucionary, or militante about we neu ALOM been issued by Captain Goering, the at a moment when the proletariat League of Nations in its attitude tory, this is still the doctrine of we keep the arena from becoming and will not ve, kies chuat say.
Fascist commissioner in charge of should be aronse and every instru towards China stands recorded in the League. It must be recalled a free for all. Churchill goes on. 16. ExClug even their tear vi Sampier consons the working of. the cuss will the wory liat bermany terior, commanding the arming is drugging the working class Just The Lengue was founded for the Conference was initiated by another not force England into a war: uses may unsold such a LOW the Nazi storm tromets for use is descending upon its body.
and the mem at the time when the Fascist knife maintenance of a robbers statusi Czar, Nicholas II. in 1898; that The first duty of British states. leuit as wall lead to the more in too culaureu to revolucioni quo and for the crushing of the So finally, the League was constituted men is to make sure we are not ary victory of the protettriat. That Pue atuliaus demoveata more hers of the Steel Pas to un Ouluuid in it.
as auxiliary police. The trainStampfer Interview viet Union, these two aims going by the most reactionary imperialist drawn into any war, and it is only the socialists have cuceavored to han av year 0 ALU isurmed ing of the latter has already begun be com che masses oy abung wem that and they have already been ottell the editor of the central organ or worth recalling for a moment the war. China is in the throts veut otbers from the brine or to try muusi, is just as much or an in their couli y, Le Cradle or moorities as part of the government the wncial cemuracy. llerr Freistoric antecedents of the present of revolution, halted but for a moto end their quarrels. We do not truth as the contention or tue per evitou. the SE bar ly reviewed by government authLeague.
ment. The league and the Japan. want to throw away our old friend unite that they stand for the runs coulu noc bope to gain a Tel forces. The suppression of meeting to the Heatd Tribune (2 24 1933. rich Staunpfer larel, according hi jarty was not very muchance initiated by Czar Alexander movement of the cand profound ship with Japan. Churchill tells united front from below with the Loothola. And why not! secuse Its prototype was the Holy Altese call this intense and of Cominunists and social del terried about the Missibilities en The clearest expression of that that is forcing the submerged workfectly free hand in China so far as their organization Chinese masses Japan plainly that she has a persoaist workers, but not with the socialists will resist. How?
ocrats is being carried out without The the slightest camouflage. In Berlin, joymt ly the Pausent for remaining alliance was given in the Protocol of history, nothing but chaos and compares directly what Japan to united front with the Commuttraction gives an idea of wout ers and peasants on to the stage Kugund is concerned. In fact he democrats have indeed demanded a nemocratic party anu kecuaug the social democratic Reichsbanner long in wer! From his interview of Troppau in 1820. The advance anarchy In reality this places doing in China with what England ist, but on the little condition that this stsauce Will 100 Hike. whule has been forbidden to hold a de we extract the following items of democracy had not yet made China outside the rule of the herself is engaged in cartele! What else is the meaning their violent regime or terrorism, monstration on the ground that it characteristically signiticaut! mandatory care in the wording of out the Communists dissolve them the Hitterites are proceeding with would collide with Nazi arrange The German working class is documents. That protocol stated. Lasgue. And that is the complete in India. And indeed the comparof the socialist demand that in this with fire and sword, with the utmeats. In Altona, the Nazi storm not wory strong as attacking It owing to such revolutions tenor of Matsuoka speech of ison is most apt!
interade hopenly in the outcome on the defensive immediate danger threate con esother speech is the declaration, il at still new tune on the arms embargo, and conduet of the socialdemoera mentarism so cherished by the so Atreets, this time not merely with and it is conquerable. On July states, the Powers bind themselves needed any declaration, that united front the Communicate must brutality and cynical uncos the official approval of the author. 20 Inst, when the Braun government by peaceful means, or if need be open season for the robber im Such an embargo would hardly ities, and under police protection wax deposed in Irusia, the Com by arms to bring back the guilty tie leaders?
but the formal announcement that muists ng us to all a general state to the boom of the Greatperialists in China. That (lack worth the paper to record it. No The current issue of the American We shall wage our struggle up cial democrats, the latter announce: the most rigorous measures will be strike. We were convinced, how. Alliance. With the necessary modof unity) is one reason why China. wable to defend itself today. Continued on Page 2)
adopted to suppress any countersocialist New Leader boasts that on the basis of the Constitution.
demonstration. At Cologne a fact unable to rid itself as it desires, We shali detend the political and of foreign military forces stationed social rights or the people, estabof enormous significance. socialin und about the trenty ports and used by the ist meetings are to be permitted of foreign vessels that rily uw. New Stitution and by 26 1993. only If no Communists to Yangthe River. These forces are The program of the social dembe present. In this Fascist order is contained an acknowledgement not only Japanese. They are Britkracy has the merit of clarity. We ish, American, French, Italian and of the fear experien by th know what it is driving at: it aims others. Less than five years ago to keep its record of treachery unNazis when faced with the prospect whity contention of the em squabble workers stepped up and a portion of these forces, British of united demonstrations and ac played and the unemployed was protested against any trouble and and American, had to go into accconomy presents new contradie gime of apen schleicher together on the basis of the ConstituThe present situation in German bankruptey of the Bonapartist re impaired. To talk about strugtion of the German working class called in the name of the Needle demanded the unity of the work. tion at Nanking. In short, says thous every day. Unemployment has with its economic program, which ton at a time like this, is dellboth of the Communist and social Trade Committee of the Un unity program of the Left Opposi the matter, we are doing precisely plus has fallen to the lowest figure possibility of stimulating a separ working class, bound and gagged, Workers Industrial Union ere, thus concretely vindicating the Japan, let us make no bones about been increasing, and the export sur was essentially a gumble on the berately to surrender the German democraticamp and the city In the radio, a govern employed Councils on Feb. 19th, tion on unemployment. The 25 what you would like to do, but in three years; yet prices of comate recovery in German economy to the butchers of Buscism.
ment monopoly from which Communists were excluded in the sout fifty delegates representing more reinforcements.
the 1983. Nome thirty organizations fanatics retreated, going back for we are doing it first.
modities and securities keep ad independently of the world situa Fortun. The attitude of British capital canctions. The latter fact is espection by making a present of bil at least this merit, the same cannot past, has now been allocated approximately 00 workers. The ately Charles Warner, a rank and ism at this juncture is superbly cially interesting as it shows the lion marks to the capitalists.
But if the social democracy has tirely for the use of the Nazis and real branch of the Communist file militant, who enjoys a vast stated by Winston Churchill who opinion which the German bourse. Significance of Low Export Surplus What is the party doing to mobllize the Nationalists, so that not only league of America (Opposition) amount of respect among the rank telts America that she will have to pinte taste hus, and is willing to the Communister and the social den and its auxiliary organizations, the and file workers for his militant all her own chestnuts out of the markets, of its immediate future, the export surplus was reduced to desperate hour? Nobody knows, the back with. ocrats are to be deprived of it te International Workers School and tights in behalf of the unemployed, The fact that in January 1938 the working class at this crucial, ut even the Cathlie Center the Jewishi. Workers Club sent de arrived at this time. He insisted are. Even if foreign countries enand the People by the deceased Dr. Oee heuchd legates to fight for our unemployed that the Trotskyite delegation be why a wine, honorable foreign polfact that Germany is now in a crit. nitent. Since German capitalism The official party press continues gaged in a war there is no reason The contradictions reflect the million dollars is even more sig cast of all the Stalinist leaders program.
Party Quarters Radel admitted. The bureaucrats did not ky should not enable to the polical position, in which the next few needs an export surplus of over 20 to report an incident here and anHowever, it appeared at first dare to oppose the will of the sold. That is to say let the weeks or months may impress their milion dollars a month to meet its other elsewhere about clashes beTo top this record of a couple of character on years to come.
It interest on borrowed money, most tween Communists and Fascists, in Germany, is to be noted the fact would have difficulty in being seat agreed with our demand that our days of intensive Fascist activity that the Trotskylte delegations extremely popular fighter of the Hitler wins full power, he will ly from America. Since no new but nobody can discern just what that not only was the huge come. Stalinists told us before the committee should distribute our open a period of the most intense capital is coming into the country the policy of the party looks like.
munist party meeting in Berlin meeting that they would unite with leaflet and none of the fanaties exploitation of German labor with on the contrary, an international The hollow repetition of broken up by the police, but the anybody. This was later con would interfere Victory. Number view to squeezing out the max bankers committee is meeting for the united front of the slogan headquarters of the Communist Armed by the enthusiastic recep med imum profits possible under the Berlin to consider how to take out significs less than nothing. The situation of the general world crisis the capital that they still have left Fascists are moving with seven party, the famous Karl Lieknecht tion of the Stalinites to two reHouse, was broken into by squads ligious delegations. John Spenger.
The conference was opened by of capitalism intensitied by cycli in Germany) the dettcit between ongue boots the Communists, who of police, literature and other party mann and Charles Mahler were on Stone Warner was elected chair monthly payments of interest and should be in the vanguard of the of unheard of Intensity.
Ie then an effective property confiscated, and a police the distributing committee giving man by acclamation. And guard left in charge of the build out our unemployment busiCommunist and reformist workers come out of Germany goud reserve. front, are bewildered, confused and Ing. One day later (Saturday. lentets to the workers attram the conference kot down to The sales of the Militant in formed, it may well not only de the extent of over 40 percent rebourgeois correspondent referred to the police announced the discovery the conference. Luckily the Left resolutions committee of six, New York are mounting with untheir organizations is These are not only depleted but to impotent. The observations of the feat Hitler and reestablish the present borrowed gold. Another above are, sadly enough, close to of subterranean vaults containing Opposition members were close by which included two Left Oppoel usual speed. The campaign of the terrible truth.
the few months of such small or vantons of treasonable printed matter as the Stalinist fanatics came out tonists, was elected. The Creden the Left Opposition on the Ger rights of the workers under Staliniat Silence and labyrinths of underground pas en masse 90 or 20 of them to tials Committee which was elected bourgeols democracy of the Weimarishing export surpluses and Gerrepublic, but sweep ou beyond these many will have to suspend interest The proletariat has not yet struck stges providing secret exitx. One inform us to desist from distribut. Nincluded a Left Optionist the greatest interest and support of any movement yet on foot of the first moves following this in our literature or else our sympathizer. Victory number two!
limits and open a period of revolu payments, or else go of the gold back at Fascism. And for this the by us in this countryre tionary crisis on the way to the standard through exhaustion of its stalinists bear the main burden of gold reserves der forbidding the Communist the fanaties that we would con unemployed Council were only o vious issue of the Militant, con seizure of power.
responsibility. The program of party to collect money, publicly of their threats. In order to avola nature. The Left Oppositionists in taining the article on the Gerthe present in Germany, economic which now controls Germany wants the social democracy and the trade man situation by comrade TrotThe Fasciat Bonapartist alliance the left opposition for a united All these moves are only the flank of attacks, the preliminary skirmish fist fight and the interference of the resolutions committee brought sky, was sold on the streets, like the entire program of the cs, in the plan of Battle of the Fisc. the police, who were across the cost Teague of America (Op and sympathizers of the League.
the fes before they by members immediately preceding past but imperialist capital, and there out of hand. Are they waiting unanticipations of the new. The into harass and weaken the party street, we retreated out of the lobby (Continued on Page 2)
sidewalk. During the sufficiently to be able to give it onto the (Continued on Page 2)
In New York, we sold one thou crease in unemployment reflects the til the German proletariat has been the final blow that will drive it cut to pieces before they decide to sand coples of this issue in one out of existence.
day, in addition to the copies act? That is the question and that is how it must be put.
It is not to these event, how which go regularly to subscribers and those which are bought on And above everything else, ever, that the center of attention should be directed.
repeat our question: What the the newstands. Comrade Spithas sold 181 copies; Sammy Sold 179; WHY IS THE COMMUNIST INFascists are now doing and what they intend to do tomorrow that Two Negro workers were lynched White women in the South comrade Levine, a sympathizer, The State Senatorial Committee bona fide union of coal diggers in TERNATIONAL SILENT ABOUT we were able to forecast without the same day, Sunday, Feb. 19, not protected against those who sold 170 coples and Jim Carr sold investigating conditions in the the state of Illinois with the ex 133, one in Ringgold, La, the other prey on women. such as the fam.
upwards of a hundred. In addi mines of southern Ilinois received tinct and discredited shell of WHY DOESN THE COMMUN Par exceeding this aspect of the Abented to death like one local New Orleans the same as he did fin tion fifty copies of the latest pam a real dose of the class struggle in union of Lewis Walker and Co. IST INTERNATIONAL DO ITS phlet by leon Trotsky, contain a battle that occurred in a Peabody But they are meeting with stift re ELEMENTARY DUTY AND German situation in importance teen besten remains the state of paralysis of ty. the Negro in Alken having New York, any more than women ing his Copenhagen speech in denine in Springfield which they were sistance from the miners. These SPEAK OUT? WHY DOESN IT liquor. are protected anywhere else under fense of the Russian Revolution. investigating. Two members of miners working in the Peabody GIVE COUNSEL TO THE GERthe proletariat which makes po been accused of the capitalism. They are forced into were also sold on the streets in the Progressive winers Union, three mines have been out on strike now MAN PROLETARIAT AT ble the murderons advance of the That even the THIS one day at five cents a copy. The scabs and two deputy sheriff were for almost a year. They are strikNazis. The Berlin correspondent North are jurtners to perpetuating prostitution with low wages, unemD KSPERATE MOMENT OF of tht New York Times, Mr. Fred this worse than barbarous institu ployment, general economic uncer whole New York branch of the injured in the skirmish that occuring virtually only for union rocos CRISIS? WHY DOESN IT CALL erick Birchall, an observer who tion, used to the southern Bourtainty even more than in UPON THE INTERNATIONAL many Lengue is enthusiastically and reren an unusually lucid under bons to keep the worker divided other places. Certainly their out succesfuly engaged in the drives mines when the labor hating lee body slave drivers force them into WORKING CLASS FOR PROLE standing of what is happening WITH along color lines and the Negro look for happy marriages is very with every comrade at his post.
body trust attempted to operate the treacher us outfit known as the TARIAN SOLIDARITY them with scub labor.
UMWA. While the remainder of THE GERMAN MASSES?
makes the following comment once unbjected as the government order to arm the ened by the fact that in their re alry of the South is a thin clouk More than 1, 000 miners of the the miners is lilinis, not in the For the Communist InternationFascists to help the police against ports of the lynching of Nelson that covers not only the bosses OPEN FORUM were on hand at each employ of the Peabody Co. have al, the general staff of the world the Left wing: The growing ex Nash of Louisiana they include the excuses for lynching Negroes, but mine when the strikebreakers were signed up the Independent employ revolution. to persist in its silcesses of the Left radicals are lie of the white South that they also the worst kind of degeneration. setting ready to leave for the day. ers and have been at work forence now IS CRIME!
purely mythical. Neither the Com place at the base of so many lynch of women in the Southern States. BONAPARTISM THERMIDOR The 100 scabs (according to the Reveral months these workers bavel For the Communist worker to Not only are Negro women outIN THE SOVIET UNION Times report) were protected valiantly held out. Those miners be quiet while such a crime is be the lett have dared to make the Ratchelor. the wife of the late side the pule of Southern Chivalry: slightest demonstration for weeks. banker.
they are often the victims of this DOES THE DANGER THREATEN? Somediately opened fire on the working at the presrat time bave SELF AN ACCOMPLICE TO IT!
Virtually all excesses and disturb They always say, he raped, he wenpon the bosses wield, and one pickets. The miners who could not contributed large amounts of money Louder and louder must rise the ances have originated from Nazi attempted to rape, or he attacked luqutres of those who maintain this be subdued even by this murderous out of their mense wages to main ry: The Communist International her, as if the purpose of their sex angle, if lynching is to protect Speaker: sources.
fusillade, retaliated by hurling tain their brothers yet on strike must speak out! It must demand In a word, the Fascists are not whing was none other than to white women from being raped by MAX SHACHTMAN chunks of coal and stone at the Not only this but at the first the united front of the German merely very much ch on the offensive, protect white women. Certainly Negroes, why are Negro women Friday, March 3, 1933 things and scabs. According to this sklemish with the bosses the mem working class! It must set in mobut the working class has not yet they never make any pretense at also the victims of this weapon?
same news report the miners, over bers of the PMA have joined their tion, the machinery that will crush even organized its defensive!
protecting colored women. But In 1710 there were 50. 000 Negro 126 East 16th Street, whelmed by these armed tatives of law and orderesen forces in solidarity with the strik Hitler m! It must stop talking In Germany, with its trade un they lie even here, and the workers in the country with ing miners. power to the about detending the Soviet UnADMISSION: 150 drew their lines.
Illinois miners in thele struggle lon and actually defend it on its fied for freeint democratie 700, 000 were Br. Communist League of where the reabody gang is making agents of the Lewis gang!
party throughout the country, especially 740. 000 at the time 000 in 1750: Instance against the seab herders and their most threatened front: Germany.
stronger than they ever were in given a chance to see through the Italy, the fact is that the Hitler Calvity of this accusation. Continued on Page 2)
America (Opposition) Tan attempt to circumvent the only. Sunday, Feb. 20, 1933 Militant Sales In Sharp Rise ists to Two Negroes Lynched In South Wounded In New Mine Battle we Speaker: MAX SHACHTMAN Editor of The Militant BROWNSVILLE MASS MEETING Labor Lyceum SUNDAY, MARCH 5, P.
219 SACKMAN ST. Bklyn ADMISSION 15 Cents Ausplode: Communlet Louçon of America (Opposition)