AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT Leon Trotsky Analyzes the Hitler Regime oma and Peter MadsenEnde FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1988 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES the Brother ity. For Militant Correspondent Reports On Oppositionist Beaten Musteites Exclude (Continued from Page 1)
ing political facts and compose at dred atmospheres?
selt, if, in the wake of the social of Communism; to coordinate the Oppositionists present a part of the objective. But maybe the masses will go democracy, even though in different blows organizationally, but not to In Cleveland already occupied important com background. The situation must into action of themselves, overturn terms, it turns its electioneering mix the banners; to maintain abCleveland. The readers of Youngstown. Recent Youngstown manding posts, the question inevit. He taken as it has been composed. Ing the barriers of the apparatus agitation into a purely parliament solute loyalty in our relations with an eye od Militant will recall the activity of papers reported that efforts were call for a regrouping of forces in it is. But it is not hopeless. transport strike broke out in Ber distracting the attention of the him, as our enemy of tomorrow. the Left Opposition in Cleveland being nade to unite the Austin on the German situation apd the town and Smith order to repel the enemy? But first political turn about face but a lin in November 1932 There is no masses from their present impotShould the Stalinist faction real speech comrade Sam Gordon made ployment Leagues with the local we must answer here another ques: real one, a bold one, an open one, ground, of course, for considering ence and from their preparing for tion, what does too late mean in one that is thought out from all the spontaneous movement of the the defense. The bold polley of the put in effect the turn that is at the party demonstration in that independent Club as the first step the given instance? Must this besides can completely save the masses as being excluded. In or united front is at this moment the dictated by every phase of the sitelty on the danger of German Faac in a movement to create a large boldest turn about face on the road victory and open up the road to do to become entective it must on only correct basis for the election nation, the Lett Opposition, ofisin to the American workers. This city county unemployed organiza.
course, will take its place in the struck fear into the hearts of tion. meeting to consider these of revolutionary policy is no longer strike a hundred or two hundred Again, are there enough forces in common ranks of battle. But the the local bureaucrats who have plant club on Sunday afternoon.
was to be held at the Inde capable of ractically changing the Hitler needs time. revival of fold in scope. The German prole the Communist workers have turn will be all the greater the tional manner by slugging Gordon. But newspaer publicity had apparty for the turn? confidence of the masses in this replied in their well known educa pondent correlation or hope of achieving trade and industry, should such betariat is subciently powerful in Wm the the necessary turn? These are two come a fact, would not at all sig order to sweep into such a move enough energy and resolution to more democratically it is achieved. Since the Left Opposition German parently frightened some of the different questions.
nify the strengthening of Fascism ment even we hindered from above. Help the pressure or one hundrea Traelmann speeches or manifesto campaign began cordon has been nembers, for whoever pos Is It Too Late to Act?
ture capital, which has been fam. Originate without leadership offensive such an least betterment of the conjunct spontaneous One are atmospheres bent its way into bu of the Central Executive Comittee active in spreading its idees, mak sessed the keys to the club headthey eaucratie skulle? No matter how are much too little for the presenting contacts hjarty members quarters did not appear.
acknowledgment sweep of events. What is needed and distributing Militants and re The few members of the wer to the first already in what need for peace in the factories, and problem of what the party should question is prosed at present.
We have in eđect siven an ansished for profits, will feel the acute Whereas, our question toucbes the may be, that is precisely how the is the voice of the party. There cently leaflets advertizing com present were invited to attend a is no was said above. Even under the this will at once shift the corre do in order to give impetus to the The above lines were written confidence of the party in itself, Cleveland. The bureaucrats began one of the League officers, Perkins most favorable conditions for litlation of forces in favor of the mass movement, in order to help when we learned, after the inevit and of deepening the confidence of to take alarm. Gordon was spot. The matter had failed to answer an ler, the requires a long number of workers. In order that these contattain its sweep in order to able delay, from the German news Congress must take place within Central Council of the Vuemployed skuew that it possible bed and Leche rend what critical months omic struggle should from the very take its place at the head and guar papers, that Moscow at last has two or three weeks, not later than on Saturday. All regular proced other followers of Muste would. in order to establish the anony of Fascism. It one takos strage it is urgent that the com Tolny telegrams have brought a of the German Communist the opening of the Reichstag af ure was Left Opposition organizer. Mis with other communists in St. Louis the economic and political situa: the factories and within the trade news of urgeneral strike in Luebeck Party: the time has come for the Reichstag will be convened at the cakes roken of and sudden locker to exclude me from this danger the proletariat is right we have announced that they do true, does not in the least rebabili hand but it smacks of the truth; immediate proposal to all social the Staliniste sigmarole were band cant worker from the Before tion, the ominous character of the bes. The socialdemocratic lead democratic oflicial. This tact, No confirmation of this news is at The program of action is clear quotations from the Militant, per and other cities. But managed dan list, the frightful alarm of the sire an accord with commundet exasperation, the presence of ex. 300. 0K workers who belong to the cracy. But it inevitably condemns commands a turn about face only to bottom of a united defensive Gordon from the meeting. Ile was lave it to him and he immediately perienced fighting elements in their head Trade Unton Organisation theory tail istehsal salone mwisho their after the events deal the working trobotte not given the chance to defend seemed perplexed and said, Com ranks, and the incomparable capac catch up the reformist ehe gender development and the sharpening of in England, in Germany) a blow eral German Trade Union odern would be given the opportunity to answered him the militant worker Imunedinte proposal to the Gen himself on the pretext that he munist? Before had more than ganization and discipline, then German Trade Union Federation tonal Socialists and the social Chancellor trains his machine guns Organization into the trade unions where he is a member. The motion The answer is clear: during those with the proposal to enter immedt: demoerats can bring the Commun at the temples of the proletariat Immediate preparation for an for excluding Gordon from the, ists! They are just like other meeting passed. About five com workery.
Fascists in order to break down u fraction. One such step will bring were made from ont of isolation then is the presidium or the com emergency party congress No, Terkins replied, What is at stake is the head of Hades the only ones who knew Gor BUT don like the dirty lies proletariat under correct leadership entire political background.
to intrench their dictatorship, the the workers, and therefore into the But one must not binder but assist the time has come to Tuntie the the working class, the head of the don, abystained from voting. Anna they tell in the Daily Worker! So this process which is ingrained in ropes.
us not forget it the head of the ard latterson, a Negro organizer Followed him into his home.
Communist International and let Onda, local bureaucrat, and Leonle we were find my places Percan come to power two and three the logic of the relations themTurn Depends On Party Soviet Republic. times over again.
selves. The road to this lies through Party Democracy and from Ied this railroading ackins must have put the leading tion.
League members wine to my identTwo and a half years ago the However, is the turn itself possi. the bold polley of a united front. the Turn In the light of recent events the meeting had no more On Left Opposition insistently proble? That is what the task to Elections Can Decide posed that all the institutions and duces ftself to at the present mo It goes without saying that the tragic mistakes of the Stalinists. was crowded with strange faces asked me pointedly, And whom do and against the background of the back committee mer. The meeting than started with a roll call of organizations of the Communist ment. The vulgarizers of Marx. Nothing Lett Opposition will take its stand the anecdote of the capitulation of obviously called down by the stal you represent? The Communist with both feet on the ground of well and others is comparable to inists. functionary. Berndt, League of America and a group of Committee to the serve turn to the parallel social dem But, in effect, the more acute the order to paralyze the energy of the thing that is possible for the vie announced yesterday that the the usual lokum about the counthreat and announced cleared met saun ninceuse should immediately Hical arena save objective causes the social democracy win clutch to will try to squeeze from it every speare tragedies. These gentlemin Gordun without any delay. First syrepublice negrul locale care reisen teratie organizations with the con class struggle becomes, the closer workers will in themselves resolve tory of the proletariat. But while danger of scism is liquidated ter revolutionary Trotskyists then, know our attitude in regard to action it draws to a datastrophe, the more nothing, Gordon is not just a rank and Communists what shall we doo against the impending suppression reason for the bureaucrats wenor test discussions have ever heard tion is entrusted to a given party which court to the elections, mot for a moment forget that the party. b) the policy of the united struggle against the Nazis been and its leadership. At this moment another place, then the Communist empirical zlazak, performed in the Howon 18 become counter Tex. Gordon had raised the German is as to why not be Chancellor today and the mer: If in its time the stalinist an lucrease in votes will be inwals who equated social democracy and schols Hitler casted or pure and simple charity demon munist, a disrupter. The Dailly Communist party would be occupy bureaucracy has kept hard fast on commensurably greater if the Com with Fascism are capable, in the and Stalin announced that the pol the rut of Stalinist opportunism. They couldn work say, ten working class. But there is no re despite the pressure of. take upon itselt the initative for alor going ovep Into dcellation of revolutionary in the part. from now and awakened them to internation with Communists, and besides this turn to the past. The consequences political atmospheres, defenste united front. Yes, today the social democracy. We must on becomes necessary.
al consciousness.
was secret meeting and they of the mistakes that have been per capable of withstanding a pres the matters deal with defense! But vigilantly keep watch to preserve Prinkipo, February 5, 1963.
Gordon was given no chance to didn want a word of it to get in petrated have succeeded in becom sure ten times greater, of one hun the Communist party can ruin it the complete political independence. TROTSKY.
defend himself. Upon a signal from the Communist presso the system as a whole, has de the party bureaucrat (Berndt. a tried to program of a keynes, McKenna, out the general cided to settle the issue by civil a Morgan these are the answer of Fred Dell pounced upon him, un. member and a loft Opposition inte stalinistere!
plishing the destruction of the war in the hope of thereby accomthe way out of the crisis. Under from all sides. Comrade Gordonsible for the mistakes of the Party Events After Hitler Took Power working class movement maintain itself in power onder to the existing high tension of Interthat Germany national cooliomie relations, was absolutely alone in the affray. As a worker interested in the build aim Fascism is the instrument.
every country is competing with blackened in this manner are the asked to be permitted to remain. Continued from Page 1) gime toward a united front against quick in its actions one has fol(Continued from Page 1) Tall the others in putting up walls the growing threat of the German lowed the other in rapid succession trade unionists instinctively unite is the Versailles Treaty standing consolidate its position. The Reich interests of the agrarlan capitalist In a world of inport quotas, ox This great apprehension on the to build a Council and we want to ocrats, Reichsbaumer people and revolutionary workers. True, there in the attempt it is making to United States. The foreign trade against the entry of foreign ronds Cleveland bureaucrats educating Some fool grabbed on to the word the proletariat. council and exclaimed, You want prohibitions on and light shoulder the export of Numerous are the accounts brought ters can be adjusted to enable the ing ermitted the opportunity to subordinated to its interest in program is not of party members in Germany and the lessly: they were determined to working clase where asking: Why do we not to work hand in hand. In this man take place, not after the usual sixty capitalist agriculture.
by our comrades of workers every. German and the French bourgeobale convene. The new elections will tecting the productivity of domestie interests of the betrayal of the dicates the great interest of the The diseission proceeded fruitA ridiculous blindness to the facts. Platform of the Left Opposition ou get me out at all costs. So pro build the united front Line of Big Bourgeoisie The question of Russia as a disA good crowd is lose flint a vote be taken as to bourgeois papers reprint letters the spearhead of the army of in March The important positions from workers posing this question. tervention against the under the ministry of the interior, comrade Oehler whether or not could remain But this poliey can be carried tinct factor in the situation is expected for ignored.
meeting without votee or rote. was told tion the leaders, Staliniste, Social. heart of the question of a possible police, are being alled by Fascists. brond in a limited way; the that couldn make a motion and runs in the exactly Answer of Communism some one moved that be invited direction on the whole the one whoant munte mbetet reales crowwer Youngstown Proposes to attend an open meeting of the from by. of the big bourgeoisie since of Communism to the question of Anstintown League on Wednesday rganization to organization.
United Front night. This passed, and a motion The workers are still sadly be dawned upon Humanite (the chief of police the authority to pro trade at the expense of the internal crisis? It must be one that reongto evlet me was made and voted wildered. But it is not so in the French party daily. It did men hibit any paper which advocates a market. The methods of high nizes the necessity of still further upon. The members of the Youngstown. The sell were bewilderel, but two sturdy ranks of the bourgeoisie. The pretion that danger in one of its re general strike, or strikes of any prices and low wages, of dumping developing the productive forces of well preparol. The forces on that recognition it demonstrates its ut liberate misluformatiou. All city backed up by the Rechtbank and that German economy is an inte betale focal branch of the Commun favor of my remaining even though side of the barricae were not taken ter helplessness, its paralysts. councils Caldermanie bodies in the last analysis by the taxing gral part of world economy, and ist League of America (Opposition was a cortunist.
The League for the Fascists precisely out of Stalinism it cannot show the way, and new elections set for March 12. have resulted in a surplus of ex possible intertwining of the direct. tion: fear of the growing misery and it can only repeat what in view of the Prussian state government, the white cering the period of stabilt Germany with those of Russia.
and serveded in getting a few of Section Committee, Communist Party of the rank and file Youngstown Section discontent of the working masses the concrete needs of the situation Braun cabinet, which had only a bers of the to vote with them.
Perkins and his clique wouldn Reich continued to present their place. It repeats the slogans of ously and completely dissolved to than its exports. In other words, the imense potentialities of R18 The party press has recently had given up a list of names permit me to leave the house until protracted black picture. Unem downing Fascism and of the united prepare the road for dissolution of German capitalism has looked for sia, looks on it as a field to be ployment was on the increase The front from below.
the Landtag despite its majority on the way ont of the crisis abroad. exploited after tirst crushing the come out with news of turn to which had copted down Official figures of January 15, 1933 The issue is Now to be Settled position. Even bourgeofs democracy wbile decoying the petty bourgeois working class in Germany as well ward a broader united front in the the rull call.
gives the numbers of 5, 065, 000.
by the Means of Civil War due to its flexibility, still has a masses with the Fascist slogan of as in Rureia; the German prole unemployed movement. The Daily This accounts only for those of But we will get in contact with che fically registered who receive unThe Fascist government does not decrees, get new elections with all are being closed tighter by tarixintie steps toward building up need for united stion of all work workers in the Leagues and the employment insurance, but not or at all hide its objectives. Hitler s, the machinery of suppression in walls and other restrictions. The Socialism on the basis of the comery of all shades of opinion and ofl. in spite of such nonsensical intrigues and obstructions! We those not registered or the part very first ministerial address help to build a united local time workers. In reality the total the mobile declared. The greatest seadiness so as to obtain a voting last unspoken subjugation and German technology, but filling this veryone of us will agree with unemployed organization that will Agure is much higher. The emer actual danger is the danger of Strength which can furnish a mask is the imperialist its platform bination of Russian resources and whatever organization is desperate.
Communism. Bolshevism would of authority. That is to be pre exploitation of Russia. Same economie formula with an this. The especially ikor showing function with workers democracy gency decrees had already helped spell disaster not only to Gernang paratory to the final coup Etat. The social democracy attempts to entirely different class content that we all madle when the hospit and not according to the whims of to reduce further the working cleanse but to the entire world. The na strategy of the Fascist government. alism of the manufacturer anation of great proletarian common shows the before the City recomci FRONT OF ALL UNEMPLOYED The Communists bad gained in the total governinent is determined to (To be continued)
defend Germany against Bolabev.
banker liberals. The removal last elections. The Schleicher govism. against anarchy and against ARNE SWABECK. restrictions on foreign trade, de the working class, in accordance desperately needed in Youngstown.
ernment, evidently despite its good the scourge of the class struggle.
without political interference, on and marching Armly on the road to step forward for the party and the ABERN SPEAKS AT WILKES the Bonapartist regime. Its pro. That the Is the vanguard of hampered movement of capital over the world revolution.
whole working class movement CHICAGO COMPLAINS!
BARRE MEETING spects of maintaining capitalisters fully understand. But the full national boundaries the typical to due. FIELD rule and avold elvil war diminish scope of their objectives became Martin Abern, member of the NaRebecca Sacherow of the Chicago cessfully here: as well.
ed. The bourgeoisle called upon further clarified by Hitler election branch writes: Our German camSince the Unemployed Councils in League of America (Opposition)
tional Committee of the Communist its last reserve the Fasciats campaign address of February palen is going over bis here. The this city are in particularly poor will speak under the auspices of hordes.
shape, it becomes first of all neces the League at Wilkes Barre, PennAgainst the dangers of a grow. style, but now with a more sinister all of us here and all our sym AMERICAN LABOR LEADERS is Single lectures are 15.
sary to rebuild these. We know sylvania, on Sunday, February 26, ing working class threat the capi sureness: shall not resign my pathizers are offering to belp disthat the party forces small and 1933, P. on the crisis in Gerfunction THE MOVEMENTS AND THE MEN HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES OF amount of work at han. We know Left Opposition. Admission to the as yet inadequate for the great many and the standpoint of the the national boundaries, not even that ne mission to accomplished the most good. Last night we had taking cognizance of such distine That within less than ten years a general membership meeting of THE LEFT OPPOSITION that every available force is needed meeting is free and all miners and On Sunday, February 20, comrade for the work. To this end we other workers are cordially invited tions as former mortal enemies. Narxism shall no longer exist to all our sympathetic organizations Cannon will give the first of his On Wednesday, March 1, And se niso in this casesthe change Germany in Soch are the threats and everyone volunteered to do his series of eight popular lectures for rude shachtman will give the secreyescentes entre sous les attend. The meeting will be in Germany produced its echo in of extermination of every section, share. One party member was pre workers. The title of the dret lee und lecture in the series on the us in terminis ces permeten hoe die kante told at the Workers Circle Hall, 31 commented: Hitler in power class movement, for in their usage papers for distribution within the Grand Master Workman of the The title of this lecture isciplined manner. Of course were Oehler Tour: have produced the effects of include the Social Democrats and short of our requirements: Chicago lectures will take place on suc Congress of the Comintern. These criticism, but we declare ourselves but there is not much detonation. Yew the reformist trade unions. is complaining that it doesn re cessive Sundays. Lectures may be lectures also may be taken singly always ready to come to an agree Davenport, Iowa Feb. 27 bombshell. Today reverberates even Des Moines, Iows Feb. 27 precisely that is the mission ceive enough copies of the new taken singly it comrades are un by those who missed the first leement with y This bourgeois paper is fully con of Fascism. German capitalism, Militant to go around. able to take the series. The course ture. Single lectures are 15 cents. place of criticism as to the time and Kansas City, Mo. March 1, 2, Bclous that the imperialist road the weakest link in the imperialist St. Louis, Mo. Mareb 4, now leads through the Fascist re chain, in the throes of the decay of Every hand is needed. That is Illinois Coal Fields. March 6, etc.
clear to all We of the Left OpABERN AT BOSTON MEET THE MILITANT position are only a small group in Works by Leon Trotsky mass meeting at which the OFF THE PRESS!
this town, to be sure. But we want Gorman Entered As second class mall parboe and can be of aid to the alyzed namication today will be an Two New Pamphlets By matter November 28, 1928, at the What Next? Vital Questions for Problems of the Chinese this important turn. It is the Left Opposition demand for a Post Office at New York.
up to you to decide Under the act of March 8, 1879.
the German Proletariat Revolution united front to smash Hitler, is to Hoping that you will give this be held in Boston on Sunday night, Published three times a week by Paper 450 pages LEON TROTSKY Paper 00. 65 the Communist League of Amer Cloth letter the serious attention it re March 5, 1933, P. at Belmont Cloth 50 quires Hall, 150 Humbolt Ave. Roxbury, Soviet Economy Communism and Syndicalism The Permanent Revolution In Defense of the les (Opposition) at 126 East With Communist greetings. Mass. The meeting, under the aus16th Street, New York.
On the Trade Union Question Youngstown Branch, Communist Cloth pices of the Rostou branch of the In Danger Russian Revolution EDITORIAL BOARD League of America League, will be addressed by Mar10 cents 48 Pages Martin Abern cents James Cannon 72 Pages Problems of the Development of Strategy of the World Rev. Opposition)
tin Abern, member of the National Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Minimum number per order the olution for twenty five cente Committee of the organization, and Arne Swabeck Postage le extra per copy The Spanish Revolution in Whither England?. 75 by comrade Antoinette KoniVol. VI, No. 12 (Whole No. 159) Danger PIONEER PUBLISHERS Postage le extra per copy kow. All workers are urgently inFriday, February 24, 1933 WHY IS THE COMINTERN 84 East 10th Street, New York vited to Subscription rate: 00 per year, PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 Erst 10th Street, STILL SILENT ABOUT THE hear the standpoint of the Opposlattend the meeting and Foreign 50. One cent a copy.
lats inexperienced memduring New York Courses Start. 35 Paper 50 00. 15 15. 25 Secretary 15