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DURING THE GERMAN CRISIS THE MILITANT APPEARS TIMES WEEK! CENT COPY Published times a week, Monchay, Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Ofice at New York, under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME VI, NO. 12 WHOLE NO. 159 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1933 PRICE CENT THE MILITANT)
Workers of the World, Unito!
Leon Trotsky Analyzes German Situation eneralmente per le vent First Article After Hitler Appointment as Chancellor By Leon Trotsky otherwise ceilor bevoch totes German Class Struggle and Youth Debate Militant Correspondent On Collaboration with This Sunday the Spot German Crisis cracy ranks; among the assets an octo the Nazis, will attempt once again not united within a single hand.
The Camp of Counterto take to the road of presidential The Reichswehr, to sa nothing of more remained? Nothing. except Bonapartism. However, the prob the Steel Helmets, is not in HitRevolution for Hugenberg. Whereas Schleicher ability of such a variation, which, ler hands. His own armed forces personified the urladultered idea of thereto, could only an episodic represent problematic quantity The shifts in government since Bonapartism, Hugenberg personifies Brening time show how vapid in himself the chemically pure commensurably much more prob millions of reserves are human ruband hollow is the universal philos. idea of property. The General was able is the further development of Dish. In order to conquer complete ophy of Fascism (cut and dried coy, refusing to reply to the questhe crisis to the side of Fascism. Power Hitier must provoke a sem Fascism, national Fascism, socialtion which is better, Capitalism or Hitler, in the character of Chan blance of civil war (he, himself, Is Fascism, left social Fascism) Socialism; Hugenberg makes no is such a direct and open afraid of an out and out civil war. everything and everybody, except is nothing better than an East sanction of the reactionary and unwhich the Staliniste slap over homes about announcing that there through the monarchy for the prothan within the limits set by the challenge addressed to the prole. His substantial colleagues in the representatives of the agrarians worst instance, a series of disparatechswehr and the steel Helmets crust of the possessors is much too The most rooted, the most ponder bridled rabble.
the plan. But how will its execuate reactions, is absolutely inevit would prefer to strangle the prole small in numbers and much too ous, and the most intrenched form The investiture of Hitler with able. And this will suitice to pustariat by peaceful measures. They hated by the people to be e able to of property is private ownership of power served a two fold purpose: tion turn out?
the Fascists into the foremost are much less Inclined to provoke rule in their own name. They re land. ir economically, German first, to decorate the camarilla of The government of Hugenberg places, displacing their much toul minor civil war for fear of a quire a screen the traditional agriculture is the kept whore of property owners with the leaders Hitler includes within itself a com corpulent mentors. But on one big one. In this manner there replex system of contradictions; be condition: if the Fascists liberal parliamentarian. Sovereis that no other than Hugenberg him. Secondly, to place the fighting them. mains no short distance from the tween the traditional representa selves remain on their feet.
nty of the People. the Bonapart self should be at the head of the forces of Fascism at the direct distives of the agrarians, on the one! The assumption of power by Hit Chancellor to the complete victory ministry headed by the Fascist ist (The Impartial Arbiter. or, political struggle of the possessors posal of the proprietors.
side, and the patented representaler is indubitably fearful blow 06 Fascism. This means that there tires of large capital, on the for the working class. But this is is still time at the disposal of the the People. War and revolution gine of the supreme Judge of ar that the high and mighty clique It was not with a light heart other; between these and the still not a decisive or an irrevocal evolutionary camp. How much?
others, on the one side, and the ple defeat. The enemy, who might It cannot be computed beforehand.
them. Thanks to the reformists, all classes and arties, has been Fascists. There are too many. All the higher ups should consciously bourgeoiste, ou oracles of the reactionary petty have been crushed while the other. The only striving upwards, has occupletion.
was Rattles alone can measure its durton the crutches of democracy, for of the German Nationalist Party upo tarts and therein lies the dad provoke a civil war with problem: combination is extremely unstable today an entire series of command fourteen year When, the the most self seeking and greedygerous side of the brown allies stage in the development of the endure. What will come in its great advantage, but there has It is to this new in its present form will no longest his allows his side. The Camp of the the parliament split asunder, they government presents the quintes their fundamental, more exactly new governmental combinatiou cor. In view of the fact that the chief ion of advantageous positions de to hide behind Prest. sence of Pasitism. But their only advantage. And this is dent ter of Bonapartism, e, the bus came necessary, in its pure state, such are the times now that there the haters, while the plebetans has amply demonstrated that The Reichswehr and the police arty stated that the social deep economic posts remain in the hands Elitler hands, and since the latter decide are the living forces. When the official Communist Is raised were society and which requirewa sereno. As yet today, as with me ane te is properes er et are assigned decorative or second alongside with the batred to the the Steel Helmets, and the store cracy is the most importante persona with fists. There news, et rate posts. The unofficial but all proletariat there is deeply ingrand troops of the Nazis represent a bourgeoise dowhich served as the equlibrium between the two opposa Kniver and he is forced to resort it to likewise impossible to give Fascist ministers is to bind the possessing classes and their instiles in the service of the possess ing camps.
to the brown shirt of the Naul over to them the actual power to revolution with toint of departure for the organiza Passing through the transitional It me cannot obtain the sanction day, the threat on the part of the the suppression and annihilation of abolutely the possibility that the meaning of the present government when the bourgcuisie invites it to and of the highest leavenly powers proletariat is not so hcute that the proletarian vanguard the Fase social tops, in case of a break with al combination these armies ar Papen, Bonapartism assumed its jower, the social democracy casts parest form in the person of Genits vote for the capitalist regime. he social democracy tolerates eral Schleicher. but only in order to disclose in him its insolvency. suffers) any bourgeois government Hostile, doubtful, or alarmed, all bat tolerates the social democracy.
classes viewed this enigmatical But even when completely discardpolitical figure that resembled nothd from power, the social dem ing so much as a question mark ocracy continues to support bour.
with the epaulettes of a general. eols society, recommending to the debsite in which the Left Op But the chief cause for Schleicher workers that they conserve their position youth will defend the prinfailure, and, incidentally for his What is to be Germany road which is destined to remain on ciples of Communism against The Militant prints here the first munist party Stalinist leadership. corces for battles for which it preceding successes as well, lay out of the crisis? To this funda paper and be discarded at all points representative of the Anarcho articīe from comrade Arne waLet all is not lost. The issues anyzing the revolutionary energy. By not within himself. Bonapartism mental question every party repre where it conflicts with that of the Communist youth group of New beck, who is now in Germany and not yet decided. The German work the proletariat, the social dem cannot attain stability so long as senting the leadership of a distinct big bourgeoisie, calls for a differ. York, is scheduled to take place who will continue writing directlyers have previously proten the provide bourgeois society 26, at 8:30 about the events there.
camp of counter revolution have own answer. Since the contradic beyond local or at most national gigantie fighting capacity and the with an opportunity to remain alive all is located will still have a decisive word to under conditions when it is no not measured their forces in bat tion between the isolated proletar interests, it demands autarchy. at F. 12th Street and the ad Berlin, February 11. While the say.
tie. Concurrently, the frightfalian state, the Soviet Union, and the or economic self sufliciency. It mission has been set at the low Farcist hordes are at the helm of industrial and agrarian crisis that capitalist world is the outstanding wants to develop the Gerinan domo price of 15 cents to insure the max goverument in Germany they have 30, when Hitler received his man. onger capable of living, thus turnOn that oninous night of Jan. og Fascism into a political neceshangs over the country like a night contradiction of the present stage estic market, including the agriculimum attendance.
sity. The very call of Hitler to The debaters not yet conquered. mere glimpse date, heavy Fascist columns werewer emanates from the Hoben.
mare does not facilitate Bonapart. of decadent capitalism, the attitude tural market, at the expense of are Ierbert Capelis for the Spar at the country where the fate of marching by the fare of torchollern Field Marshall who had Arst sight, the Malvity of the Russia is an integral part of their sure of Germany industrial pro for the Vanguard Youth Group. The future is concerned, hangs in the through Brandenburger Tor, to the democratie workers! The political proletariat facilitated in the high proposed answers to the basic ques ductive forces akainst its national ortance of the dispute has been balance, fully justifies this contenery of: Clear the streets for the chain that leads from Wels to Hitbound General. But, it turned out other The attitude of the big oburgeoisie program a Utopia. But to a events in Spain, where the standbrown batallions. That signallealer has quite a personal character. Throughout the Reich there is the intention of a coming terror which can be gathered from inspecened the hoop of fear that binds Russia to the state of a colony. the interests of certain special Gerisin have come into direct conflict storm, but interrupted surreptiti Last Saturday and Sunday alope. upon this can be no two views together the possessing classes through the usual processes of imman groups within the agraran and where the opportunity has been ously by the harking of guns in February and 5, witnessed six But what in question is not how among Marxlats.
bringing out into the open the perialist conquest and exploitation capitalist bloc, and thus further afforded anew to examine which is clashes between workers and Fase killed, many scores of wounded to expound poultical situation but antagonisms that tear them apart. They want to continue the line of cement their alliance the trimphant road to the emanciists. Daggers flash in the hands of some seriously, and many arrests. how to transform it in a revolution instance, the first economic pation of the proletariat. Every the latted. Political assassinations Schupos (German police) armed to ary manner.
nomy leads a parasitic existence, which led to colonial expansion in step undertaken by the Hitler young worker and student in New increase but these areasoning van the teeth care in evidence everyo The guilt of the Stalinist bureaugovernment was symbolic, it York should attend to hear the con guard skirmishes before the battle. where. Their actions are carried and it is a heavy ball and chain on Africa and China, and to hardly Pannon one of these limited tending programs presented by the The situation as a whole leaves a out with characteristie German er cracy is not in that it is irreconthe feet of Industry. But the con less concealed subjugation of Turtouched stricted social basis of the indus kes and part of the Balkans.
Since points where the interests of Hit qualified representatives of both paintul impression as it the Gerticiency and surety for the existing cillable is politically impotent trial bourgeoisle turns into political Germany reached its first working ler petty bourgeoisie in autarchy tendencies.
man working masses do not necessity the preservation of na agreement with the Soviet Union at and those of the feudat agrarians really know what is at stake. The be too late when workers are mur under the leadership of Lenin han revolutte Papen coincide et com OUR GERMAN MEETINGS advent of the Hitler government dered. It is necessary to note that proved victorious in Russia, the of Junkers and rich farmers along has been steadily pushing putting a prohibitive tarify on the German meetings organized in Pound them stunned, bewildered, the Fascists, while recognizing the stalinist bureaucracy deduces that with all the it is the duty of the German pendent on the ta that are de. the idea that Germany must com importation of lard. These iroports various cities, including those of and unprepared, left in the lurch by Comunists as their mortal enemy. proletariat to rally around Thaelthem for this policy. pensate itself in Russia for Bismark laid the foundation, tirin losses of its pre war colonies, and so percent of them come from the will be found on page two of the cialist party bureaucrats and be that, still make to 12. 000. 000 a year; about comrade Oehler during his tour, the deliberate treason of the so and not in the least mistaken about ly binding the agrarians and the in the expulsion of German capital recept the (Continued on Page 2) Militant.
the criminal failures of the Com. whatever in their assassinations less the German workers dustrialists together by military from Turkey.
victories, gold Indemnity, high and terror acts. Among those kill forehand, a priori, and without reOn this basis they can form a leader profits and the fear of the prole working agreement with French, mayor of Stassfurt. At Chemnitz, ship they must not so much as tariat. But Bismarck time have British and American imperialism, in a clash between Fascists and dare think of serious battles. The passed into eternity.
Reichsbanner people, one of the Stalinists express it differently. But all circumlocutions. restrictions, the world had a immediate latter was killed. At similar and oratorical tricks change noth any illusions, Tientsin. Of course, this new in. was one of the more no indemnity but she pays France. cessful drive by the German bour that Japanese imperialism had ac vasion is purely defensive to causes of the present campaign. cash in Bregled. One Reichsbanuering in the fundamental character made it man was killed. At Charlotten of bureaucratie ultimatism, which Decaying capitalism supplies no srcolste against the Treaty of Ver tually relinquished its twenty one oust Chang Hseuh llang from North The Japanese generals profits opens up no perspectives. sailles.
demands forced on China in 1915 China so that his armies cannot their Art objective to gain the burg Nothing coments together the pos Isreparing for War those illusions are sessing classes except their fear of This incans war of this there pletely dispelled. now com attack the Japanese, and also to important strategic railheads onwa At Harburg Wilhelms helped the social democracy to Japan is staking protect Jap nationals from the recom have just occupied Pelplao, a rail. Socialist meeting was The history of the German workthe workers. However, the Ger can be no doubt. Therefore all on subjugating China before treating Jehol armies. As the come the Chinese network. Thus they burg one worker coming from a bring Germany to Hitler.
man proletariat for which its lead German big bourgeoisie is prepar that nation can be unified, whether ments on the League Report made road in the Jehol coal mining re the university of Muenster several ing class from 1914 represents the ership is entirely to blame remaining to break up so organizations under bourgeois or proletarian hege: publie by the Japanese diplomats zion. Hututao will divert no more students were wounded in clashes most tragic page of modern his lecture period and the antagonisms be would be capable ore resisting ched in unifying China with the ata the maintenance of peace and order can help it.
ocracy! What ineptitude and what tween the possessing classes broke war of imperialist aggression. The the ultimate peaceful penetration to deal with China with the utstope Japanese army will not less of a Social Democratie pro its historical party, the socal dem.
of American dollars it would mean in the Far East and she intends even in Peiping and Tientsin But in these clashes the workers impotence of its revolutionary cut into the open. With the lett social democracy can no longer bedre u. Finance capital and the most good will end forebearance. it all goes well. The twenty one do not turn the other cheek. They wing! But there is no need for flati concreta tell under the blows masses with it as it did in 1914. Not eno ting of both England and Japan Meantime Jehol is being mop demands attempted to set up four bave ulven a good account of them coing so far back For the past When this happened, the upper democracy is any better now than English capitalism, badly dam pletely in the hands of the Japan. Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mon. a Fascist storm troop was broken upurge, the policy of the Stalinist crust of the possessing class took it was then. The existence of the aged by the war and no longer ese army, perhaps the profits of solia, Llaotung leased territory, up, its otficer killed and several bureaucracy represented in itself Its governmental in their owning, and the enormous organization ket, is not averse to seeing Amer. be once more restored. These pro campaign may yet develop along ang of dozen of them were and thereby prepared for the subon the Communist Party, its mass follow. dominant on the international mar the South Manchuria Railroad will and the Yangtse iron region. The wounded. At Leipzig similarly, a nothing else but a chain of crimes debit side split was broken up which literally saved reformism, and about al pressure which it would exertion become involved in war with tita began to decline alarmingly the Yangste River.
But a campaign South of the wounded. This is only a partial squent successes of Fascism.
OPEN FORUM In the event of war, make it un Buglish government, reflected in British and American capital, par great wall will inevitably involve account of the events of two days. this moment, when the enemy has (Continued on Page 2)
count too much on the support of has done its part Sand now coun a unitled net work of railroads run the murder of Captain Nakamura rades in Oranienburg, who has been Supomost tries with interests in the Far East ning North and South through gave the Japs a pretext in 1931the work of our local group actuCRISIS IN MANCHURIA crush social democracy as well as read America) must themselves anchuria from Aigun on the Amur some similar occurrence may preally to establish a genuine united Help the Militant DANGER OF NEW Communist if it is to prepare for dec. to the early restoration of coast south of Dairen, was intend brewing For Janan this will not front of the various working class what polley is most likely to to Hulutao. This city on the the sen cipitate the world war that WORLD WAR the next war.
conduce USE THIS BLANK olsie is being forced to form a close change its tune as soon For this reason the big bourge peaceful conditions, etc. Howevered by the Chinese to compete with come unexpectedly. Having asked tendencies, has so far barely eslikely to that Japanese terminal of the south on the frontisplece of a new book sination which was to be carried 124 East 16th Street assas The Militant Speaker: alliance with Fascism, representing British Manchurian kallrond. Although The Army Nanual. under a pic out at night in his home by local JACK WEBER the mass organization of the petts interests in China are themselves the Chinese network was never ture of the yawning muzzle of a Enclosed herewith Is.
completed, it had already begun to treat American field ploce, Which er just in time to take the neces publish the militant three times Fascists, was discovered by a workbourgeoiste against the proletariat. directly threatened.
Friday, February 24, P.
as Not only must it form an alliance, This threat to the other imper. dlvert trafile fom the Japanese con way is this pointed? Japanese sary measures.
126 East 16th Street, but also put itself at the head of ialist powers will not be long in trolled road. The Japanese pro imperialism answers by laying in week during the German crisis.
it, and in practise carry through the making. For the Japanese gen tested at this outrageous violation supplies of cotton and fron for a Capitalism Mobilizes Its Last Name ADMISSION: 15c its progam as that of Fascism.
Reserves erals, following a schedule pre of treatles with China in which long war. With Manchuria to sup In these continuous skirmishes workers, Communists, Social DemThe petty bourgeoisie in and of pared long in advance, have given the datterhad promised not to ply food and ores the generals say Address Br. Communist League of itself is not intersted in imperial due notice of their next move: build parallel, competing railroads they can face the world.
America (Opposition) ist conquest. Its own program, namely, an advance on Peiping and to the South Manchurian. This Continued on Page 2)
City. State.
is score regime.
the 25 Japan Defies Other Imperialist Powers in China kiled. At BRONX MASS What the Left Opposition Stands For James Cannon MEETING Hollywood Gardens 896 Prospeet Ave.
Sunday, February 26, at 2:30 ADMISSION: 15 CENTS Ausploete: Communist League of America (Opposition)
Max Shachtman