BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Program of Action Against Fascism Revolution Only Way to to Initiate the united Nazis.
este contra este procedures Nearing Breaking Point in China Fascists Command Police: Shoot the Reds PAGE THE MILITANT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1933 be those of the Sceiallst nation, on counter parliament in the event of GERMAN CAMPAIGN the foreign imperialist power To a Fascist Reichstag. or against an submerge its own class interests in extraparliamentary or perla those of the nation, to pose the struggle for the dictatorship and The congress must solve three for the ultimate Socialist state as Pledge Solidarity Chicago Advances al the preparation of the scene With Campaign a struggle for national liberation. 18 in effect to capitulate to the (The of the policy conciliable and at Cleveland Meet ruthless struggle eral ideology of the petty bourgeoiste, of the disteneyert Opposi against Fascism, for the purpose of seizure of power by Hugen (Continued from Page 1)
berg and Hitler; with its creation of supposed na tion for the situation in Germany, destroying Fascism in the inevitChicago. Chicago reaction Cleveland. At a big demonstrament rated its taxes again and tonal Interests which stand above as well as the fact that its polable, open struggle and for the con(b) the formation of one com the German campaign of the Left tion called by the Unemployed again, and used the money to re the tasks of the proletariat as a icy has been confirmed with strikmon non purty workers de Opposition was immediate. The Council on Market Square (West fense corps The united revolutionary class leve capitalists who wanted to serrate class. The Bolsheviks set ing accuracy by events, is shown meeting to organize the campaign Side) today, workers protesting unload their stocks or to engage in tied their accounts with their own by our reprint below of the open action of the proletariat must be (c) the elaboration of a common was held last night with members against Mayor Miller plan for minimum program with re of Spartacus Youth Club, Unser forced labor and demanding cash profitable bunkruptcy. The North capitalism and installed the dictaGerman Lloyd, Darmstadter Bank, torship of the proletariat in Oct rades to the central committee arvanized against the victory of gard to the next steps to be Kame Club (Left Opposition and a relief from the city controlled AsDisconto Bank, Nordwolle and ober; three months later they broke of the Communist Party of Ger This can be realized only when taken by the Committees of few party comrades in attendance. Bociated Charities, also echoed the It many more than a year age at all revolutionary forces, no matter Action.
host of other financial scandals the financial bonds of Anglo French The enthusiasm of the comrades cry for solidarity with the German ne repudiation in what camp they stand at the was the Left Opposition were solved by having the Ger Imperialism through the Under correct leadership, such was manifest throughout the meet proletariat faced with the attempt man government compensate the of the Crarist debt and in another that time and for some time be moment, unite for this common ac a defense action contains all the ing. Many speakers took the floor of the Fascist Hitlerregime through the peace alarm tion which stands on the order of necessary elements with which to with suggestions on how best to externinate their organizations, to real in view of the carry on the campaign in Chicago. suppress their military and to prewith 106. The big German steel Brest olpitalists who were threatened two mouwsk. achieved the offore that sounded the signal against the Fascist dan the day. We know full well that lead the proletariat. described trust, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke, is Piberation of Russia from foreign ger and called upon the party to the premises for such an action are objective The most important point on pare Germany for front move highly unfavorable. But in spite above, not only against Fascism, the agenda was the assignment of position in an imperialist aggression now about 30 percent owned by the Imperialism and its war. FIELD. ment against The of this, the as the histor but to the ance Minister bought them at three government because Bruening finfailure of the Communist party ically chosen organization must in geoiste whole of the bour comrades to sell the new thrice a against the workers fatherlandweek Milltant before workers or the USSR.
view of the seriousness of the sit Such a polley is possible only ganisations and meetings. Practie On the march to the Square and times the market price from leaders to adopt this course finpatriotic industrialist who threatally resulted in the present dana genuine fighting unity of the of the party. The experiences of in the next few weeks with the banners were displayed linking the uation make the attempt to realize after a radical change in the course ally the whole city will be covered at the demonstration, prominent gerous position into which the the French Communist Party speak message o party and the working class have working claes.
essage of the Left Opposition on struggle of the unemployed with terms were not accepted.
To this end we submit the follow. an unequivocal language. Despite the German events. The Chicago the fight against German Fascism, In all these ways the German peopools made below not only con ing proposals: the third perio. despite the workers that have already been with such slogans as: In Cleveland ple have been plundered for the tinue to hold good today, but are The is immediately to ultra Left trade union tactic, de contacted through our German Miller wants Forced Labor. In benent of their own capitalists and (Continued from Page 1)
also for that of their new foreign paper adds: Japan today is the an imperatively necessary prere approach all political groupe, tradespite social Fascism and similar campaien are applauding the efforts Germany Hitler. Long Live the unions and workers organizations slogans, the party has been forced of the Communist Left to raise the Internasional Solidarity of the masters. The accumulation and third naval power in the world. movement that will exterminate who declare themselves prepared to by the pressure of objective con German Communist Party from its German and American Workers combination of the two burdens has she is, perhaps, the second mill. the hordes of Hitlerism. Ed. fight against Fascism with the aim aitions and partly also on the basis Stalinist political stupor. against Forced Labor, against Hitbrought forth the sharpest clash of tary power. In combined naval To the Central Committee of a common appeal for the forma of sound proposals made by the In the meantime the effects of ler and Fascism.
of the tion of a Joint Council of Action Left Opposition to change its course the campaign are making them. On the Square, atter speeches by The big bourgeoisie, in addition to none. It is impossible to attain Dear comrades: Against Fascism. This appeal must radically. See the proposal to the selves felt within the ranks of the unemployed militants and party fighting for its own privileges, will such a position in the world withVictory is possible, vietory is pro contain: Socialist Party of France for com also struggle to keep intact its all out being regarded with a certain bable, everything must be done to The creation of Committees mon action on the second hallot, bureaucrats have not organized any the Lift Opposition was asked by ance with foreign capital at the amount of awe and apprehension. Essure it. Only in this manner can of Action consisting of representathe Preliminary Congress for the mass meetings on Germany yet. The party workers and sympathizers cost of the German masses, supAmerican Apprehensions revolutionists porting itself on the power of The apprehension of their Ameri the present situate the question in tives of factories, trade u lona, establishment of trade union in Chicago organization of the left to address the crowd. In a short.
political groups and other workersity. It is high time to draw the Opposition however, is holding a but impresioned speech, the com torelgu imperialism while at the Loop atrade from the Left Opposition same time trantically pounding the croubusinesten overalt bele as. Indeed deen bile questione cost the victory over portanden statt test of greatest comes to termen Germany and to the meeting in the the unity of all genuine Redifer Hall, Sunday, the 19th, an sounded the call for active support other the following Sunday, Feb of the German proletariat in their bus a certain analogy with that of inent gives tacit encouragemene to passion for Germany is also the importance, that all the entsting the Russian capitalists before the American citizens not to buy Jap regardless of whether it is working class of each locality be We declare emphatically that, de 26, P. at Division and Western desperate revolution, in respect to their lean anese silks, Mrs. Hoover ostentati considered from the economic, the represented in the Committee of spite profound differences in a Mirror Hall) with comrado Hugo Hitler hordes. He showed the theo this was even more true of Rugowns, American merchants call in point of view. But that means The Joint Council of Action support with our innermost con South Side group will organtze a American unemployed and the Gere SLA.
meaning of Hitler coming into Lanks refrain from granting Toang future of socialist coonomy in the of delegates from these Committees on every step out serta keeservar el cering on the south side very man workers, pointing out the GIGANTI.
the party in this direction with all power, showing the danger of a Role of Petty Bourgeoisie to Japanese applica waterpret etc. Is it the Soviet Union must of Action in the the stake all of its forces on the victory which is to mentire cost our strength and that we are comThe petty bourgeoisie, Fascist German attack against the on the a shrewd guess to 200 SOLD IN FEW HOURS Soviet Union. Exposing the role other hand, tries to make a distinc Hurry in the Japanese stock mar over Fascism of the European rer possible time. This congress is to pletely and entirely at the service the proletarian concentra of the party in any instance what. In a few hours, comrade Jim of the yellow German social dem tion between its domestic oppresket recently as the dumping or olution, with which it is inseparably represes vast the concentration of soever.
Carr of the New York branch sold ocracy in paving the road for Fasc The Left Opposition of the 200 copies of the New Militant ism he continued with an explananot convinced that its future lles erican holders? But these meas egte line of the Communist party. the reactionaries The congress must be organ Bolshevik Leninists) at a cent a copy in the 14th Street tion of the need for the immediate The National Committee. vicinity. Other comrades have sold establishment of a united front lack of a clear cut program and a main steps are pressure applied of departure that rests upon trreized in advance as the proletarian from 50 to 150 copies in a few against the Hitler hordes which the powerful, united and growing pro through American influence and hours. The absorbing interest with Communist party alone can do by which the militants are following directly challenging the social dem therefore turns to lisieren uns It power in Europe, and transfer for with its an indefinite period of the Ameriour paper these crucial hours is ocratie fakers to join in the fight domestic bourgeoisle, and under can navy to the Pacific.
a guarantee of the advance of the in this way showing the way out the pressure of its chauvinistic preThe Balkanization of Manchuria revolution will gain. For by re. settlement of accounts with the Left Opposition.
to the socialist workers and arousJudices and narrowness, brought to goes on a pace nevertheless. Continued from Page 1)
with taining our independence and not murderers of Liebknecht and Lux ing their pressure against the lead. white beat by the bellows of Japon throwing its armies into the masses and prevent them from relenting an iota in our criticism emburg whom we know the social HUNDREDS SOLD IN ership. He called upon the work hate against foreigh including verbose document of inanities it retain this hold? Précisely by not be helping perpetuate the 11. not with sufficient clarity) will try pathizer in New York, ers present to demand that the Fascist propagandi, it turns its Jehol. The League promulgates really fighting Fascism. How does of the social democracy, we willist masses do not yet know it, or Nat Levine, Left sold 117 Communist party take this course sym; Jewish, capital, in the first in whose meaning, as given by the means of its sham, verbal, opposi lusions spread by the socialist lead to stab the movement in the back copies of the Militant on the pre and ended up with a cheer for stance, and is content with vague diplomats themselves, amounts to tion. How can this hold over the ers. On the contrary, by a firm, when it becomes dangerous to coding Friday and 200 copies on the international solidarity of the Fascism will do to its fellow Ger League permission to fight back Communists in the shortest possi destroy these illusions in the minds These simple ideas, which Lenin the labor Temple. He reports against hunger, war and Hitlerlem.
man capitalists.
The working class, on the other is insured how to taking advice decisive in Germany now? By masses. With united efforts we the heads of the opportunists and a week Miltant and its efforts to million headed socialist and Trotsky tried to hammer into wide interest in the three times. The speech was greeted with a good und applause between the two. In 1917 the Bol. Mig navy is proof against such reveal in action that their oppost. But such a movement will be set must become the policy of the Germany. Mac Cudler, another quarters of the Associated charitsheviks struggled both against the advice.
tion is a sham. How is this to in motion that providing we are party. The vaporings of all the sympathizer, has also been active ies at which a Committee of uneminfluence of foreign capitalism reflected in the alliance of Russia with England and France in the ber of the central strike commit. eaders that demanding of these not stupid we shall be able to specialists and theoreticians of In the sale of the Mbitant and in ployed presented demands.
Comrade James Gordon is a be done? By mem they translate their push it further along the correct the stalinist cut lead only to im the securing of subscriptions.
verbosity into deeds, that they road to the formation of Soviets, potence and confusion. It is high Imperialist war, and against their tee and is active participating to show what their words are worth to the establishment of these so time to call them to a halt!
All this recalls an incident. About own capitalism in the civil war. the Foltis Fisher strike. He is by joining with the Treachery In Communist Pieters the organs of the prole Tuesday. Feb. 21. 1983.
a month before the recent national Only through putting itself at the not the chairman of the strike comperty in a ucited front on a contarian dictatorship, to the final presidential elections, the SLP head of the nation through set mittee as was erroneously reported crete program of action to smash Springfield called a mass meeting in Spring Ism, through installing the dictator article on the of the Militant. Anlascism.
tling accounts with its own capital in a re recent strike and the situaGillespie, Illinois, will speak on field. The members of the Left The socialist masses say to themSpringfield, III. The the mine war in southern Illinois.
ship of the proletariat, will the tion in the Food Workers Union selves: My leaders, my organizaSocialist Opposition present at that meetFebruary 27, Hugo Oehler, member Labor Party of Springfield, like ing exposed these labor fakers as German working class impose its will appear in the next issue of the tion bas taken a stand against own class interests, which will also Militant of the national committee, will the Plebs Leaders of old have be agents of the bosses. These same Fascism. They speak against it.
speak on What is happening in come a strategie post of peculiar SLP fakers threatened to throw They call for a struggle against it.
strength for the patriciate and of the members of the Left Opposition The Communist party must say mischlef for the proletariat. the out of the meeting hall, because All our activities center at the work of enslaving and slowly de they insisted on their right to de America Role in Germany to the Social Democratic Party Hibernian Hall, 421 Brady street, trading the working You say you want to fight Fascism.
class totend Communism. But the SLPers We do, also. It is not matter Davenport, Iowa The branch of Davenport, Iowa. Our headquartwere prevented from doing this be of mutual confidence for wo the Lett Opposition in Davenport is ors are located on the first floor. quote Daniel De Leon.
The issue in the Minois miners cause of the militancy of the work haven a particle of it where you making very substantial headway. The open forum meets every Wedstruggle is clear. On the one side, ers present. Since that meeting sharp, closing you have the whole machinery of and this latest betrayal, the work are concerned. But the masses We have had to increase our nesday at want a united fight against Fase Forum to every week as the re at 10 sharp. Indamentals of the capitalist class on the other, ers that were present at that sponge among the workers has been communism every Friday night side you have the working class, meeting have become fully con Fascist victory and the defeat takes root in a more developed of the German proletariat would country as the expression of INlet the masses judge who really Wednesday. We get anywhere each month Elementary Economics, scious workers to give the keenest Left Opposition took against these join us in fight. Then lay the basis for ironing out the TERNATIONAL a JOSEPH ANGELO.
ing to the way of the imperialist between Japan and America in the march with our own banners (air the kind of a speaker that we have open every afternoon and evening support and to stand on the side of labor fakers is correctement any other conflict for improved con GEORGE PAPCUN.
War on the Soviet Union. Fascist Orient must be kept on the prole ected against the Fascists, and also Our class on the fundamentals of from P. to P.
ditions of labor occurs either as Germany and American capital, tarlan order of business but can against yourselves. retain our in Communism has been progressing a spontaneous action of the workers ABERN AT BOSTON MEET mass meeting at which the truths form their hoperialists would not be separated from the imperial dependence can be our criticisms. We belle and be about finished. We transform economie war into military war against the Soviet situation in Germany. The contra workers who still follow you see class will start the first Monday Marx Lenin School in Chior as a result of action taken by German situation today will be ana labor organization. And by do alyzed and the reasons given for in March on elementary Marxlan Chicago. The first term of the ing this the class conscious work Union, using Fascism as the spear dictions between the imperialist what your deeds are The socialist workers will then economics and will take place every Marx Lenin School, conducted by ers do not for a minute lose sight the Left Opposition demand for united front to smash Hitler, is to period, de Germany Cerita Bostawa powers on the one band and the in Soviet Union on the other finds ex. say: The Communists really want first, and third Monday of each the Left Opposition, is now conclud of the revolutionary goal.
the way of well organized mill pression in Germany and in China. United Aght against with them of Communism meets Fascism. month. Our class on fundamentalsed and a new term is about to be. But the Socialist Labor Party March 6, 1938, P. at Belmont be held in Boston on Sunday night.
Friday, tary operation and direct attack Both situations must be approached is a proletarian Wednseday, February the Leftcluded were quite successful both by a majority vote decided to be Mass. The meeting, under the aus: upon the Soviet Union. Fascist from the international point of and not merely a purely party quesGermany eliminates the sharpest view and the proper connection of thon. We will demand that our opposition opened its headquarters from the point of view of attend come scabs, rapression of this contradiction, their economic and class relation posal for a united front. It our bined. In spite of the zero weather. At the present time we are about sive Minors of America and to in Abern, member of the National body machine defeat the Progres. League, will be addressed by Mar.
This does not mean that social ships obtained.
In these preliminary struggles of the Communists were not mistaken ning we had forty five to Atty pre Jonch a new class on the sub force the miners back under the Committee of the organization, and democracy te just that many de leaders refuse, we shall know that (22 degree below zero) thate eve to Theoretical System of conditions of the coal operators. by comrade Antoinette Kontgrees better when it rules. it the imperialists for the redivision in their appraisal of the role of sent.
means that the position of class of the earth these two dangers Wels and Hinterding. If our lead. February 15 the open forum was of nine sessions, covering all im. rank and fle members who tore vited to attend the Timeline and The portion of the working class est link and America as the dom course of the united front struggle a Union of Unemployed was organ: a rounded out view of Marxism as Lawrence Lamb, DeWitt, Fri relations like to the degree different points reveal Germany as the weakers accept, we will see in the turned over to the unemployed and portant phases of the fou bestemte up the energy cards in redhe tace near the standpoint or the supposed and its party is different. Social inating Imperialist power.
democracy drugs the proletariat. Japan has advantages at the pre Whether or not the Communists are ized, due to the fact that the en: a Fascism annihilates its is a whole. Its tenor will be such, oft and Joe Brown, these staunch pre right in their assertions that Wels employed Council in this city tions in this struggle for the re the role of a brake on the move. leaflets or advertising afty workers beginners, nor yet too simple for scab in a body under the Lewis Italian Fascism has the most Entered as a second class mall agreeable relationship with Ameri erican Imperialism hold upon the crucial moment.
three organized and joined the Un ary knowledge of Marxism. The isn all. Fred Koch, former na matter November 28, 1928, at the can Imperialism. Italian Fascism European imperialists, through war We Have All to Gain ion of Unemployed.
following is the outline for the tional organizer and the apex of Post Office at New York, does not rest upon the same econ. debts and through the billions inThe Communists will say to In the last couple of months six course. 1879.
omic base that a victorious German vested in Germany, and America themselves: We have nothing to new members Joined the Left op Philosophy takes his young son and this youth Published three times a week by Fascis would have. The White economie weight, gives ber by really set in motion, we have con now total membership of ten.
a lever rear. Once a mass movement is position, which makes this branch (conducted by Giganti) is introduced and initiated to all the Communist League of Amer Terror government of Hungary affar greater than that Materialism and Idealism the chicanery in the art of being ica (Opposition) at 126 East ter the Hungarian revolution, Japan, for world struggles in gen Adence that our leadership and Comrade Brady of Chicago lec2. Dialectics and Scientific a professional strikebreaker by hbo 16th Street, New York.
Method mente soethe White Perrone e vene against Japaneles in the Orlent policies are superior to those of tored here con el trentary Mara se SLP father as his first job.
EDITORIAL BOARD Historical Materialism Lawrence Lamb, another old De Max Shachtman Martin Abern James Cannon best of relations with the American American Imperialism is watch of the fight, the workers will see had an attendance of about an Economy Imperialists. But Fascist Italy ing with vulture anxiety the sains with their own eyes. They Leonite. like a good flunkey, turns (conducted by Al. Glotzer) over to the Lewis gang all the and all of these Arne Swabeck pector will average of twelve regularly attende White Terror Gov. of German Fascism. ir Vol. VI, No. 11 (Whole No. 158)
be able to compare the two and ing each day. We are holding Commodity Production material property which belonged ernments can not disorganize the triumphs in Germany reaction will Judge for Wednesday, February 22, 1932 to over six hundred rank and Ale Subscription rate: 00 per year, world working class to the themselves. We will aside from our regular forums Surplus Value members who broke away from the degree that German Fascism in the world. The American workers gain in the end, which means the special meetings such as this.
Forelgn 50. One cent a copy.
Polities On February 17 Gerry Allard of working class and the proletarian Lewis machine and joined the Proevent of victory, could. The eco will be confronted by a wave of (conducted by Satir) gressive Miners of America.
nomic base below these forces is reaction. Greater capitalist pro Political structure The Dewitt, the secretary of the different.
spects for a way out of the world State Springfield branch of the SLP The Stalinists consider Musso crisis will be obtained. The Political Party of the wrote to his two brothers in Harco.
What Next lint united front of reaction against Proletariat Ilunols, to come to Springfield and All Just another form of bourgeois the Soviet Union will alter, even Vital Questions for the Revolutionary Strategy and help break the His two German Proletariat.
rule, and then conclude that Fascthough it intensifies the antagon What Next? Vital Questions for Problems of the Chinese Tactics brothers came to Springfield and by LEON TROTSKY Iam in Germany would be similar. isms between the imperialists. And the German Proletariat The first session will be held on got jobs as strikebreakers at one Revolution heap Wednesday February 8:30. 35 pentrating Marxist analysis Peabody Paper mines. Then one form of bourgeois rule.
Paper 00 of world capitallsm has far more to at 1214 Washtenaw.
of the class dynamics and forces All night after a socalled union meetCloth But from the class point of view gain than to lose in much a new. 65 Cloth 50 at work in the present situation.
those wishing to enroll should come ing of the UMWA which was held Communism and Syndicalism The Permanent Revolution there is a vast difference between alignment for the coming Imperialdirectly to the class or call the see in the wash house at the mine and burning indictment of the On the Trade Union Question Paper retary by phone, Webster 1279 for which was presided over by the treacheries of the social dem.
one must add to this, that with Fascism is victorious in Germany. 15 Cloth 00 information.
ocracy and the criminal blunProblems of the Development of Strategy of the World Rev.
and at which the Fascist varlety of bourgeols But this is not yet a settled ques there was plents ders of the Stalinists.
of booze, the two work the rule there are diferences and more tion. The time is not yet too late. 15 olution. 25 SHACHTMAN AT BROOKWOOD brothers started out for their hotel no Left wing worker and Compressing dangers. Fascism in Ger to turn the tido Into a successful The Spanish Revolution In Whither England munist can afford to neglect. 75 Max Shachtman will speak on the in an automobile and on the hard.
many would make Fascism in Italy proletarian revolution, thereby One of the texts of the future.
Danger. 15 Left Opposition in the Communist road got into a wreck and both Postage le extra per copy look like child play. Because smashing Facism and the plllara 192 Pages Cloth. 65 Paper 35 movement before the student body were kllled. Truly, the Springfield PIONEER PUBLISHERS WORLD CAPITALISM ts in of American Imperialism.
84 East 10th Street, at Brookwood School, Katonah, SLP has become an gut filled full Postage:. 08 per copy extra more crition wituation, Bascism HUGO OEHLER. on Friday, Febritary 24, 1983. of a lot of excretion.
Opposition in Davenport The Threat of Imperialist War 18 head of organizadores růE MILITANT 2 of Works by Leon Trotsky 460 pages. 150