BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismNazismProfinternRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

CENT THE COPY Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition) Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1929 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March, 1871 VOLUME VI, NO. 11 (WHOLE NO. 158 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1933 PRICE CENT Fascists Command Police: Shoot the Reds!
WAS Workers! The Social Democracy Has Betrayed Again Stalinism Is Abdicating! Unite Ranks and Crush Hitler!
ses the manner of the workers Appeal to the Proletariat of Germany by the Paris Conference of the International Left Opposition (Bolshevik Leninists)oppose om policies, the State to imposes The German Fascists are moving merely to a direct command to the fer to rule after March with a bulk of the German proletariat has, bowly to which the militant and tutes, adopted in 1998, provide for for whatever line of policy forward in their ruthless campaign police to shoot down the Commun parliamentary majority of Fase remained comparatively disorgan revolutionary murs everywhere the convocation of a world Con elaborated for the German Comof extermination against the proist and militant workers on any ints, on the Italian style. if possi ized and has not yet mobilized its look for guidance and counsel es ress every two years. It is al munist Party This is precisely letariat, with a breath taking speed convenient rasion, but also guar ble But he is not troubled about ranks for a serious and decisive pecially at critical moments. When most five years now since the last what the Stalinists want to avoid.
and resolution.
weeks just prior to and since Hit all inclusive immunity in advance. ority or minority. Hitler intends Vascist gangs.
the outcome of the present strug not the faintest sign on the horizon World Congress is a cowardly, crller was appointed Chancellor; it. At the same time, the prepara: to continue in power by means of is reported that more than sixty tions are continuing for the one the increasing utilization of naked munist party should be in the fore of the whole proletarian movement. any intention whatsoever of calling duty, which can have nothing but At this moment, when the Com sle in Germany depends the fate that the Stalinist bureaucracy has minal evasion of an elementary rsons have been killed in political batwing of the Communist party, not force.
front of the movement to unite the and not lenst of all, the fate of together the Seventh World Con catastrophie results for the German encounters, of whom thirty seren merely for the general purpose of An Alarming Situation ranks of the proletariat in strug the Soviet Union, the Communist kross! At a world Congress, es working class, Stalin in particular, were known Communists or social driving it ont of existence, but also The alarming feature of the Ger sle, it is doing nothing of the sort. International is not only silent but pecially one where the left op the best discipline of Lenin. is lsts, while only fourteen were to keep it off the ballot in the elec man situation does not, however, in this crucial hour, when it can it is not taking the first step to position would be afforded the op anxious to evade the issue now Nazis. Scores of Communist, notions scheduled for March. The lie in these facts: Hitler course be said without exaggeration that wards assembling the Communists portunity to participkite, the Stalin being posed in Germany with such cialist and even Catholic news Fascist and Hugenberg press now was to be foreseen and was fore minutes count, the general staff of on a world scale to speak and act ists would be compelled to submit inescapable acuteness. Stalin, the papers have either been suppressed speak of the proscription of the seen by 18. What engenders a the world revolution, as the Com in unison. It is more than four their past course to a review and to leader of the international prole for long periods of time or their communist party is a matter of mounting disquietude among all muniat International was once and a half years since the Sixth speak out plainly abont the pre tariat has not a single word to issues confiscated by the authorit. course. The only point in question those who realize that around the rightly called, is absolutely silent! World Congress of the Comintern sent situation. The central leader say about the situation in Germany e compelled to assume today.
has been cleared of the social dem Belal pretext to be given for the of the world revolution, is the fact imagined at such a time than the International provided for a world responsibility before the eyes of the But if the responsible leadership ocrats who rendered the bourge. act. Hitler would, of course, pre that up to the present time the deadly. ominous silence from that Congress every year. The new sta world Communist and labor public of the Comintern does not speak, olsle such signal servkces while in ir it is unable to meet and reply office, and their posts have been to the arguments and demands for filled with reliable Fascist officials a united front which the Left Op Thus far the struggle in Germany position has put forward, the sec ond and tenth rank bureaucrats (1.
fered a single serious setback in e. the scapegoats of tomorrow. the Fascist drive to establish their are pushed out in the forefront to complete domination over the state make the official apologia while the power. The social democracy is not only retreating but is seeking hides silently behind their infallible suts. Less than ever to drak with it in ignominious able to answer our contentions or following its banner. The Stalinists are compelled to not ists are either mute or else they The Pre Conference of the Inter what conditions this could take TELEGRAM TO THE COMMUN: all the proletarians of Germany, to all the organizations of the only to misrepresentation and ritucontinue to Jabber a language and national Left Opposition (Bolshe place. For this was necessary the IST INTERNATIONAL and we say to yo you: German proletariat, for the formalistic abuse, but to the most pe vik Leninists) which took place a treason of the social democracy Executive Committee, Comintern, ably impose upon the German pro couple of weeks ago in Paris with anothie pernicions polley of StalinTHERE IS STILL TIME!
tent absurdities.
struggle of all against Fascism.
letariat a capitulation without ser delegates from Germany.
The victory over lascism still Socialist workers, Opposition and Stalinists France, ism. was necessary that the enor. In face gravity German situa possible. Whoever tells you that lous struggle the Impone upon your leaders Belgium, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, mon mass of the German proletar. tion and threat against USSR we all is lost that the struggle is now realization of the united front, the the social democracy and Fasclam The Opposition has declared that Goering Order Italy, Spain, Eugland and America int be maintained for years and While the social democrats are in attendance, decided to address yours in a state of division and Congress Communist Internationdemand urgent convocation world in vain tetraying you.
can still conquer. But in order to class brothers enn defend your bourgeois society not its You wote iverpon by which you and your constitute the two extremities of playing their treacherous role the following appeal to the German inaction.
al with partielpation InternationRain the victory, to avoid the delives, but its extremitles. Unable any while the Stalinists confine them proletariat. telegram sent by Comrades al Left Opposition fout, the whole working class To art immediately means not to longer to solve its problems and It is in order to crush us, in which only emphasizes their be ist International is published in an order to find a way out, that the united front terorganizations de the reaction.
Juwite Comintern to propose une rechten the struggle against the oceneny then go dice de toute keep the proletariat check the big wildered passivity and lankruptey. other column.
German bonrgeoisie, the great potThis is possible upou one conditie under conditions which allow of which the social democracy 19 the Fascists are going ahead with Appeal of the Pre Conference of the intates of banking and industry Profintern, Amsterdam Internation: that all the organizations of us to conquer.
the most cynically brutal measures the landowners and the domestie tional for common action German the German proletariat, the com The German revolution is passing class, the bourgeoisle has reagainst the proletariatt and its van (Bolshevik Leninists) to all the cliques have raised the Brown and International proletariat manist party, the social democratic ing through a historic moment in sorted to Fascism the naked, antiGuard. Now that they have gained members of the Communist Shirts to power. To snatch a way against German Fascism for de party, the trade union organin which the fate of the proletarian democratie dictatorship of force control of the police of Prussia Party of Germany, to the the conquests attained by you and ſense USSR.
tions, the factory councils, etc. Germany, the fate of the USSR is and violence. The rule of Fascism more than two thirds of the Ger. Social Democratie workers. hy your fathers in a heroic strug Pre Conference International undertake the joint struggle against at stake.
man Reich they are making the excludes the existence of any demto the entire proletariat gle of the three quarters of a cenFascism.
Left Opposition (BolshevikHistory will condemn to shame ocratie (even bourgeois democratic, maximum use of this armed force.
of Germany!
try: to destroy your political and Leninists. To realize the united front of those who, in this critical moment, to say nothing of proletarian demYesterday, an official order was is comrades, trade union organizations; to reorganization organization, to will desert the theld of battle.
ocratic) forms or institutions. Thla sued by the Fascist federal com More than ever at the present duce you to complete servitude: We the Bolshevik Leninists, af establish in every f:ictory, in every Demand the joint action of the determines the conflict between missioner of Prussia, Captain Goer moment are the eyes of the world that is the task of the Fascist dicter having for years drawn the at locality, in every quarter, every proletarian front; Fascism and the social democracy.
ing, which tatorship. The Fascist dictator tention of the Germau and the where your organs of defense. Form your organizations of This does es not convert the social unwilling police the the not proletariat turned to German ship is the inferno of the prole world proletariat to the danger of Here is the road: through the par struggle: task of protect With over Increasing democratie leaders into defenders ing and assisting all Nazi and Na and tension of the nerves it is tarint, Fascism in Germany: after hav tial struggles, to pass from general. Fight to the death for the salva of the interests of the proletariat maganda, and of smashing all de conducting winst the stranglers tariat cannot believe that in shown the road towards deaction Fascism, a strike which you hold in your hands the fate maliciously attributes to us. But tionalist demonstration and pro following the struggle you are No, contrades, the world proleto the fighting general strike trou of the German proletariat. a stupid idea which the Stalinist its flating and triumphing over it; monstrations of the Communists of your liberties, of your life. It brothers in Germany will let them after having denounced the trench will lead, by means of the popular of the world proletarfat and of for the social democracy to perwith drawn pistols. The principal well aware that the extreme selves be rednced to the state of ery of the leaders of the social lighting organizations, by means the Russian revolution; Arise ye millions of proletarian leadership over the social dem.
form its role, for it to retain its of of the Relchswehr is thus trans for imposing its lease and black determined to attain his goal bs tactie of the Stalinist faction whish the reaction and to the conquest of of Germany!
ocratie masses who are violently formed at one blow into an open dictatorship upon you will have en blood and death, will encounter on has the leadership of the Communpower.
Smash Fascism auxiliary of the Fascist party in ormous consequences for the de his path the detrmined and invin ist International and the Commun Members of the German Commun Long live the joint action of the Co. are compelled to carry on at anti Fascist, Wels. Kunstler and its drive to crush the Communist stiny of the working masses of the cable resistance of millions of Gerist Party of Germany in its hands, ist Party, proletarinn front. least an oral and literary strugmovement by authorized assassina entire world.
man workers. The German prole. we now address ourselves to you Demand that the leadership of Long live the victory of the progle against Hitlerism, are comtion and massacre.
After having passed through var tariat will know how to stand up at this moment of the greatest and your party propose from the bot letariat.
pelled to make gestures of defiance. The police must refrain from ious stages, the Fascist reaction in the harsh struggle, the bloods most tragic danger, to you members tom to the the united front to The International Communist while restraining the masses from even a mere semblance of an an has succeeded in establishing itself struggle, the civil war, to defend of the German Communist Party, to the social democratic party, to the Left Opkomsition (Bolshevik really militant and revolutionary tagonistic attitude toward organi in power. You all know under itself and to defeat its mortal foes. you social democratic workers, to Federation of Trade Unions, and Leninists. action that is, from the only ac zations such as the Nazi storm tion which will smash Fascism.
troopers and the Stahlhelm of the From this elementary fact, the ne ho parties.
Stalinists now draw order. Every manifestaconclusion: The Fascist bourgetion for a Nationalist purpose and otsie, in order to save the social Nationalist propaganda must bel supported with full vigor.
democracy, has arranged with it to drive it into a sham opposition On the other hand, the activities The sharp tension of the revolu portation of American capital has In the modern era of finance petus to the development of ber so as to continue deceiving the State must be countered with the tionary crisis in Germany points taken the form of direct invest of organizations inimical to the capitalism, or imperialism. peace monopoly Anance capitalism, Japan proletariat which follows it. There greatest vigor. The police proceed against Communist acts of imperialist chain today. Its social the powerful German electrical MASS MEETING IN CHICAGO truce between wars. The truce is German capitalism before the war, united front with the social dem terrorism with the utmost severity and political forces have been lined monopolies, the and end must use thelr arms ruthlessly up for battle by the ever sharpen: Siemeus Halske, are being in of the Com utilized by the future combatants Japanese imperialists fear being ocracy, for we will be helping per.
The Chicago bacal (Opposito polish up and perfect the wen left out in the cold in the explolpetunte the sham and Illusion of its American son has arrangemeldet mass rons of spedy death whilst eyeink tation of the rich earth through the yawning gap between premise when necessary. will protect eving contradictions of German econ. creasingly controlled by opposition to Fascism. To leap ery polloeman who makes we of omy.
meeting where. mow the foot of These contradletions have been As a result the German duty, regardless of results. Police given a special form by the post. are being doubly exploited by the crisis in Germany and we the Worla War is drawing rapidly to completely shared out, the Japanese batle skm which only stalinist officers who from false considera war changes in Germany, beginning their own bourgeoisie and his that standpoint of the name opposition: a close, the second world war lo tion fail to act may count on dis with the peace treaty. This form of the larger imperialist ciplinary penalties.
new territory by seizing it from these acrobats, whom the desper.
is the contradiction between the especially France England and airror llall, 1154 Western Ave.
powers. The meeting will take place at darkly just ahead.
The first World War was preced some other possessor, in this case ate disoriented American StalinIsts have called up from the re For the protection of the Na high imperialist development of America.
on Sunday, February 28, at P. od be the race for armaments, dis the Chinese. The Jars have covettionalist population, often hampered Germany its level of technology, hall heartedly now and ed the Manchurian provinces since serves, is Max Bedacht, the Dally In its expression, there must be the its concentration of industrial capitalorest highly demerspection speech will be: Germany. Alarm again by Standstilt agreements the Russo Jap War. They viewed perfect on called this obsolete most trigorous application of the tail and domination by finance capi perlulist power, and at the same Signals for the Working Class. All that halted nothing. The stage is with alarm and increasing dismay specialist on Germany out of the bitederations, unliceysed to which it has been reduced under time as a semi colony has been Chicago Workers are cordially in being set in exactly similar fashion the influx of Chinese immigrants which he was retired some years against proht tal and the semi colonial status reached meetings, incitement to German vited to attend. Questions and dis for the Second World War: dis that began in 1911 and treason, the pressure of France, England masses. In order to meet the pay cussion will follow the speech immediately felt by the armament conferences that lead to such tremendous proportions in 40, to break lance with the the mass strikes, delinquences of the and America.
ever greater piling up of guns and 1926. This, in conjunction with Trotskyists on the question ments reqnired by the exploiting press and othe activities of dis. Before the war, Germany was a countries. Germany has forced exmunitions. mounting mational bud shrewd gunging of the opportune united front. But the acrobat slipe turbers of the peace.
Large exporter of capital, pursuing ports at the expense of its internal ABERN SPEAKS AT WILKES Every police officer must always a policy of imperialist expansion market, that is, by forcing down.
gets for armies and navies. Yes moment from the point of view of and falters through erery sentence terday it was Japan with the the international situation, decid of his (excuse us. analysts, and bear in mind that falling to act is through direct seizure of colonies ward the standard of living of the BARRE MEETING largest military budget of its hised the Japanese generals to act ends up limp and exhausted from graver fault than errors made in (Kino Chou. German West Africa, great masses of the German populahis herole effort.
Martin Abern, member of the Yatory. Todely it is the United States before it became too late.
Why is the social democracy tantamount The order is etc. and through the possession of tion.
not spheres of influence of more or less tional Committee of the Communist with its three hundred million dolopThis was done from 1919 to 1923 League of America (Opposition has not the requesting pared years before by the Katos and position. Precisely because marked political thavor (China, Turkey, South America. OPEN FORUM Since the war, it has been depriv.
the value in goods of the worker the League at Wilkes Barre, Penn for the militarists, gives an account Manakas with their Bix Army and role is to retain firma erip (Continued on Page 2)
cd of its colonies, and through the Western Since the temporary stabi nilanla, on Sunday, February 20, of the relative naval standing of Navy programs which took definite CRISIS IN MANCHURIA the United States: personnel. num. nationalist, imperialist Kobe JoureImposition of reparations was com methods of inflation were tropped. many and the standpoint of the pelled to import capital from 1924 and a series of Left Opposition. Admission to the ber of battleships. cruisers, deal, the Japan Chronicle. wrote: DANGER OF NEW ce on export measures was carefully devised meeting is free and all miners and stroyer rernit carriers, wybmar. The great Navy is to be built Help the Militant toward the WORLD WAR sume end. While wages were be other workers are cordially invited Ines. It was Lenin in his Imperolely that Japin may be able to Its indebtedness to foreign counUSE THIS BLANK ingent, prices were kept high in to attend. The meeting will be no other conceivable basis, tin and present them to the world as Speaker: debt. amounting to 5 billion dol gonds were sold in les post trade for s. Hancock Street.
so called commercial Germany and at the same time held at the Workers Circle Hall, der capitalism, for the sharing out he risk of acts without running The Militant of spheres of influence of interthe Powers offering 126 East 16th Street lars, puts it in the hands of Brl what they would bring. The big JACK WEBER Enclosed herewith is.
est, of colonies, etc. than a cal advice such as they offered in tish but more particularly Amer industrial monopolies cutered into Friday, February 24, P.
1895 regarding Laotung. The exas a special contribution to help culation of the strength of the par: pansion of the Navy is not for the publish the Militant three times a can finance empital; the repara international agreements to divide Oehler Tour: 126 East 16th Street, tions payments bleed it for the up export markets and assure each ticipants, their general economic, benefit of France, Belgium purpose of being aggressive brat week during the German eriste.
financial, military strength, etc.
Eng other complete liberty in exploiting Chicago, Ill. Feb. 24, 25, for the purpose of deterring pro Name ADMISSION: 150 land, Italy and others of the form their own internal markets without Davenport, Iowa Feb. 27 Japan Reaches for North China test 1f aggressive action should for er Alles; even its gold reserve of competition. The German govern Des Moines, Iowa Feb. 27 Not by accident is it that a de any reason be committed. This Address Br. Communist League of 200 million dollars is borrowed to (Continued on Page 2)
Kansas City, Mo. March 1, 2, 3cade after the first world war, America (Opposition)
St. Louis, MA March 4, the extent of 86 millions. The imwhich gare such a tremendous im(Continued on Page 2) City. State following Proletarian Revolution Only Way Out German Meets Breaking Point Approaches in North For Doubly Exploited German Masses China Conflict of Imperialist Powers Scheduled munist League of melon its to 1929 it.
Dependentendo BRONX MASS What the Left Opposition Stands For James Canon MEETING Hollywood Gardens 896 Prospect Ave.
Sunday, February 26, at 2:30 ADMISSION: 16 CENTS Auspices: Communlet League of America (Opposition)
Max Shachtman