Anti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarKaganóvichKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismNazismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGB THE MILITANT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1933 Expelled Letter from How Can Fascism Be Smashed? GERMAN CAMPAIGN From the We hear the name of a duty. To reject this for reasons flor? Of course we are. But that cumstance were we victorious.
phia have had its reper, agents of the bosses, etc. into the teeth leppen that cadres no one believes in his workers group two thirds of thomas selves the officialdom let us do to support will shoot us by the thousands. struggle against Fascism. On this nesses and vacillations of Kerensky victory. In the meantime, there and Roberts had been expelled for rennined unanswered as did many not a compete for the social toont ultra radical phrases be Worker soldiers haste.
on the first 1917: To Delay the Anti Nazi United Front Is Fatal Cannon (Continued from Page 1)
Minor replied that no one was ever expelled for desiring to fight against agreement with the social dem are not duty bound to support the itew. between the democrats and Minor Challenged at Faxcism.
ocratic and trade union organ: be unprincipled. It is asked: then back the Fascists all the more cer Kerensky government. That would the Fascists in andere more Philly Meeting On being asked the role of the tions is not only permissible, but we are not to fight against Korn tainly. Only thanks to this cir(Continued from Page 1)
Philadelphia Our German meet. Red Army with regard to Fascism, admit that out of the 100 dames he began by calling us provocatof principle (in reality because is not one and the same ings in New York, and only 15 were circulurized with the more and more often. They fear of bureaucratie stupidity, or what Militant and that these lists were to speak of him, only a remarkt is still worse, because of coward. There is a limit to this, it is be When the Central Committee of here. It awakened the party bu and said that the German workers stolen in November. The reply of thrown out. then passing quickly. Is to give direct and immediate Who Fall intentatonism. and the communist Party of Germany renuerats to call an Anti Fascist mustake their own revolution aid to Fascism allow themselves to be driven by adopts the position expressed in meeting in Girard Manor Hall, in Hedl not mention, however, that the. Stal: it anew. Among the old party practical program of agree the current of events.
workers that Iitler cry will not inites. 1) How does it ments with the social democratic We shall Aght, we are fighting above, the entire approach to the er.
only out of the 100 names only 15 were ter revolutionary character. They workers was proposed by us as far against Kornilov but we do not social democratic masses and the. Our presence in a solid same month Mixty five Militants speak, to explain. They recall the turhan the Cominter and the Site Eng The Weeknekwe mehe listine change at once. instead of the ar ranks of the party leaders that of where he was they want parte were circulatet. 3) of these 65 civil war, where and how Trotsky nation in Germany, published by tion is rather delicate, but highly ticles and specches which are con they turned this meeting into an were spoke in these same circles, they Tho Militant. that is, a year and important, and must not be for secins rondly to come people who was No hay cattacking. chin and Soviet Union Minor Feed (The Luton branch list included Sofortunately, the best in Siberistig ership undertaken in this direction. vnat does the change of our thon the insitators will find a com Trotske after the play store las Kostuu kind of bourgeois dictatorship. into another.
names received the militant begin doing what has he written, has he Next to nothing. The Central Com tactics consist of after the Korn mon language with new hundrels Nian Revolution in 1917, has lost mittee of the Communist party has low insurrection?
and of work. none of his ability in this respect.
The question in regard to the fore the alleged theft. 6) Comrade little information on the work of which constitutes is direct task formes de struggle against here is the social democracy will proceed attacking the Bolshevik wing of Red Beferendum was a bone in privilege of examining bis mailing An old party member said: Sure time has been lost! As a matter of to him even by one singleos note, will soon feel that their task does any difference being that then he lorde icke icon sistere for More bat about it. The acts speak them me if take off Stalin portrait program of action must be strictly from what we have said against feating Kruoning. Braun and Wels, he docx it under the clonk of Com vote for dissolution at one time and to vote against dissolution at But what is the real which is hung near his and place practical. strictly objective, to the him, without giving up the task of het of taking up the open strumu reason for the expulsion? We in its stead Trotsky If our presence threw consterna another time. Ile refused to tell quote their statement. Ilyitch (this is very frequent. claims without any reservations, We must oukeulate the moment, we class on this plane a profound tion into the hearts of the bureau why it was not inconsistent We also asked if Fascism came They hud let us into the One often hear from an average so that every average socialdem: will not overthrow Kerensky at produced within Fascism. Only by tion period, drove them into a still into rower on July 20, 1932, why greater frenzy.
did the party wait seven months tion. We had done everything that Trotski returne se other add what the Communists proposestion of the struggle against him is real is victory zasible.
with fright: If he returns they completely indispensable for the differently: by explaining the weakBut it is necessary to desire this We asked why comrade Pappas to call this meeting. This question ILD activities. Comrade Shechet particularly hud put so much entf the old party cadres conduct basis, we must pull the social to the people (who are fighting are among the Communist officials demanding the leninist united others which were unimportant.
ergy into the ill work that the themselves towards Trotsky and democratic workers along with us against Kornilov. y cowardly careerists and front against Fascism. To this. ROBERTS.
comrades were talking about it. Rakovsky in this manner, it is hy our example, and criticize their She was active in canvassing In quite another matter among the leaders who will inevitably serve as cut. Complete independence of the hides, are dear to them. These uits Anti.
Va one. If after this, it is neces We are proposing nothing differ. akers whole little posts, whose incomes and more than that. whose the Negro section; in obtaining youth. They know only Stalin. a check and a brake. Only in this Communist organization and press, ar sary to plan specific student tacties, then district conferences, etc.
support of of and way is victory possible.
of Communist creatures are very much inclined may be called. But at all times locals for the ILL. The John Reed Piatnitsky recently spoke at the Good Quotation from Lenin criticism, the Committee it should be remembered that beBranch elected her to its Executive Society of Old Bolsheviks. In his The present day epigones, that democracy and the trade unions. neath which is concealed a wretch cause the roots of war lie in the Committee. And this comrade is speech he sounded a strongly capt is, the thoroughly bad disciples of Only contemptible oppormists caned and contemptible fatalis. Continued from Page 1) capitalist system, that because only the worl:ing clues is historically of the working class! The state ism is vanquished. But the center comings on every occasion that ist party to be limited (for exam democracy, we cannot battle of confusion.
ment continues fureberiar be these reland chahe ang worlatom elseoners itself with quotations often, og entrance aire not the adaxed to combat that system, it Kuo against Fascism! say such terrible That these facts are forgotten by is false to speak of iwdependent can be traced to a recent visit of This capitulatory note displeased the question is not decided by a number.
Marxists, Min Tang. We are not of their revolutionists, and for this reason the Stalinists, the official wing of student activity. they get their passports ready. Communism, who no readily lund feel, further, that my continued comrade Biedenkapp when he spoke many. They have no perspective. quotation but by means of the cor No retraction of our criticism of He The subordinated to the rect method. It one is guided by the social democracy. No forget of thousands millions de intellectue af de dentsittee may lead to a misinterpreCommunists, you are over the struggle against war to depleted the sud condition of the interests of the Foreign Affairs correct metlieds, it is not hard alsoting of all that has been. The whole you cannot leave for any place be regrettel. We of the left Oosttation of my motives for accepting crats blamed it on the membert a meeting of the bureau of had drawn the above analogy with reckoning for Karl Llebkuecht and you should Fascism come to clear. We propose that in view of tion to the committco which am ship. Comrade Shechet asked him the Moscow Committee they decided the Kornilov insurrection, said to Rosa Luxemburg will be presented wwer, it will ride over your skills the incorrect basis of existence of ble for the three months delay in Red Square. They called in about theoretical cincidation of our bloc sian Bolsheviks finally presented a Your walvation lies in merciless Students can the Committee of the core with me your mise of its torines eesamerated above this statement.
from the Committee that write calling the Mooney Conference. thirty experts for this She asked him if the membership ter lengthy examinatiox Jeet. Al with the conciliators in the strug. general reckoning to the Mensbe struggle. And only a fighting un for the reasons against they dele against Kornilov, in Lenin. And Viks and Social Revolutionists for ity with the social democratie This can be refused only at they were responsible for the delay incided to build it. The experts left, here is what actually found in the the baiting, calumny, imprisonment workers that the Committee dissolve itself.
liring victory.
calling the Scottsboro conderence they went on to the second point second part of Vol. XIV of the Rus and murder of workers, worker Communists, bein of middling the issue and THE MILITANT until few weeks before the trial on the agenda. Suddenly Kagan sian edition, in a letter of Lenin and presents.
perkuating a body that may have have very little time left!
Entered as a second class mail so that no time was left for action ovitch came (always late. He to the Central Committee, written But we presented our general re December 8, 1931.
dire (OPчјетиеѕ, Інесаuѕе of the. Also when comrade Biedenkapp interrupted the dereit it engenders in the tight Post Omee at New York.
matter November 28, 1928, at the called for a resolution against the what they had det aker and asked at the beginning of September, ekosing to them two months after we had ntilived the partial reckon TROTSKY.
against imperialist war.
arrest of comrade ing, secretary point. Having learned that they had Young Communist League, the offi Published three times a week by The Under the act of March 1879.
etal banner bearer of Communism the Communlet League of Amer.
of the of Chlua, comrade decided to build, Kaganovitch ansSchechet suggested that the name werel: This is foolishness. and among the youth, should issue a Ica. osta New York.
at 126 East of comrade Chen Du Siu be added proposed not to build the ice house.
call to the leading youth organiza 16th tions, on the basis of several to the resolution. Did comrade The proposal was unanimously ac Biedencapp answer her? Not in cepted, even though they had preEDITORIAL BOARD (Continued from Page 1) trict to the Iron Front was sharp alive: ly criticized by us.
James words, but in expulsions! We ask us to accept the the opposite pris It is precisely because the social lock weut on to explain, the maimum proposals, for a prelim. Martin Abern accepted proist Maurice Spector want to lopputti war conferences. The lat. Max Shachtman Arne Swabeck were expelled just after comrade posal.
accept in advance the leadership or in all serionsness, to see the Com wait until Fascism goes MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1933 Bledenkapp visit when all the afortunately, one must say, that yesteretion of calling throader com Vol. VI, No. 10 (Whole No. 157. facts on the stealing of membership list were known since ing the proletarian state, the Stal social democracy. The problem is this with Herr Zoergiebel, and will to resist. split in the workhave till now remained with the of Rosa Luxemburg and beyond to arouse in the working class the and terday position. it wants ference, the basis and time of such America Role in Germany November?
true to itselt. The last plenun of petty bourgeois socialist camp. The the Papen regime chooses to leave premises of a Fascist dictatorship, dom of the ILD with subotaging from the Party (Zinoviev, Kamenev We herewith charge the official the and the new expulsons un has already been solved! proletariat. Trotsky his attempted bring about the unity of the work slogan assumes that this in office for the repression of the The Communist party strives to the work of the ILD. We challenge etc. demonstrates that they have The united front from below 1sou more than one occasion, to on, to leading class. Pieck emphasized that questions on the two sabotaged con decided to persevere in their lenor postulated on the ferences. We refor them to the absolute correctness of the line of distinction between the extreme Lions between the leaders of the Socialist Party of Germany and dissolves the sharp writings, by demanding negotia put two official proposals to the The problem of the metal e moratorium, the reparation et of the ILD. and in the labor Des economic plan, the disorganization democratie wing at the other er not having made one change in con: the colossal difficulties quote him word by word: One again repeats this offer. The first bound up with the question of The moratorium and reparation democracy. settleinent were frantic attempts which common with Marxism, or even readiness to form a bloc with the when Papen set up his semi Fascist Only the defeat of the German rev. to hold in check the inevitable of bureaucracy and too Germany. These functionaries.
remains un As for ourselves we deny every ors are responsible for it.
tions and of the plan. The execat discovered to the present day. At ocracy to form a bloc against the Hitler became Chancellor; and to realization of its plans for the they were able to strengthen the charge made and demand a prole workers, and not the false line. theory the Stalinists refuse to make the all events on the basis of this Fascists. This polley would mean day, for the third time, when the womentarily reaceful subjugation reactionary forces of Fascism our branches, and whatever het regime, under which recen este parts, or to approaches it sollecitellyternational, January 15, 1983, pp cialist party wud the trade union cull magultude.
Justead, the leaders along the Octobra revelion tarian trial before the members of On the necessity of a change of bloe with the social democratie that we would abandon our correct aims and the very existence of the of Europe. Under these circum against the proletariat.
Bolshevik policy. Communist In working class are being threatened stances, the American problem the contradictory problem of proWe will continue to work for the on an astonishing malformation to porary united front on concrete Qulle clear. is it not? To sit organizations hve not yet replied ship of the Pith Congress simply the American Imperialists have its realization, under which party questions. Those who like ourselves down with the socialist leaders is to these open offers. Ourem passed it by. Trotsky Strat been jumping, in the hope that a WILLIAM KONIKOV. not a word on this. The answer antomatically become, according to Bolshevik polley. proposent to the exact nature of these united such an analysis as early as the lated for these two factors in the GOOD SALES IN BOSTON The Boston comrades write: We dle section of the apparatus 18 ary vanguard of social rule in sold yesterday 70 Militants at a more expulsions from the party. This can be read any day in the take it that this holds not only for ment. We Fascismo. Ized, and the action rejected. We consequently we reserve finall. com the role of American Imperialism. nany is desired But Forum where Aluste spoke and we more arrests, more exiling of Bol week in the Daily Worker, in the Germany, but for every other land, the first proposal to which Pleckoping new class relationship change its attitude when the time know, however, that and also the changing and devel: inperialism knows enough to gave 30 away free. We are desheviks.
Communist International, and so France included. But in France refers is precisely the one against are not understood by the Comin ists were slow and by no means un lighted with the good work done TONOV.
in New York.
Moscow Early October, 1932.
animous in changing from soela!
policy being pursued. In the cen which he informed us the Central commeren to this dias At the recently concluded 12th tral organ of the French Commun Commitee had condemned and reThe defeat of the German revolu democracy, to coalition to BonaPlenum of the Executive Commit ist Party for January 17, 1983, we jected! Nor is it excluded that iton in 1923 made possible the Am partism and now to Fascism. The tee of the Comintern, the leader read the astounding report that what Pieck says today is only ericanintton of Europe through American imperialists will show co fulminated for hours against the Thorez and Jacques Derlot, in the up the tracks or yesterday boy en etc. Upon this defeat and the change or position, and is lower proposal for a united front with name of the social democracy to smash Faure and Severae, represent yesterday and not followed up ser Intern, the necessary hase for a new pt the American capitalists are in BERLIN. The Stalinist asser given there for Well and Co. Hitlerism. Our party leadership atives of the Socialist party and fously tomorrow. But whatever it alignnent of class relatioux in Ger Lavor of Hitler and Hindenburgquestion In Hamburg only the daughter set its face severely against the Paul Louis and Juncker, naturally any was established. The propping since the Bonapartist tion that the integrated, supported of its restore arkest the attempts up of the she American have been dislodged by the sharp objective base ening class relations.
by the forgery of an issue of the for the program of the capitulat in an article entitled Change of tarian Unity. The purpose of this which is the policy of the Com capital laid Permanent Revolution. the organ ors. well and Senin lied in ob Sien have Then theam Corcusione contenente antity discuietlothom he and Thorea is it Thaelmann triumph of Stalinism, upon the serialism has supported in turn re In South Amerien, American Imrefuted by the action of the branch. It is a swindle to say that well, false estimation of the role of the proletariat and to define its forms. Is it Pieck We cannot ask wave of revolutionary rekreas, laid actionary, liberal, and revolution es of the German Opposition with senin. etc. constitted the major in the above mentioned How is this possible? Is the about the policy of Stalin, the the subjective base for the return Ary governments and has resorted Tators who made the forgery post twelve members of the National with the proposals of the Berlin greater in France than in Ger teen todellissile ce as the trave Neun while capitalism nurtured the tions and imperialists relations, ac of the Communist in for crippled German capitalism. in each case upon the class rela ble.
lutions adressed to the German It is also a swindle to say that Party with a thic Social Democratie en It is impermissable to abain on the German crisis. The work. Fascist force for the coming show cording to the posts relations, ac. American capital. Germany will National Committee, have either they had a majority for their plat. of Joint demonstrations, and which icy. What has happened in workers whom the Stalinists have in this period, while capitalist beo exception. The only differdemanded the exclusion of the capt. form on the editorial staff of the tree rishtly rejected by the Cen France? Is Paul Faure one hair so criminally disoriented, confused Germany was walking upon the nice is that the explosive class reexpressed their solidarity with the corrected in the case of Berlin. of Liebknecht and Rosa Luxem rendered impotent in the present the American dollar, the main task higher stage than in South Amerdecisions of the National Commit Lovestone and the Capitulators article contains tee: The current number of the Love other things the followings passages many? Why is it correct Bolshe ambiguous reply!
ocer ambiguous replyst demand an un problemer te prebogerlig visite est toute la Francheme femei de enheter To temporize and dilly dally at of the October revolution, of prop fore, far more precaution has been. But the moment of crisis, said Lento, ping up Dresden, Bruchsal, Karlsruhe, Kais our exposure of the forged issue the Berlin Brandenburg district the social democrats in France, erslautern, Mainx, Neustadt a, of Die Permanente Revolution. leadership to the Iron Front and an abandonment of this policy is a crime. Confusion ambiguity of maintenaying capitalism, and hown by ruthless American imper thereby the dominialism.
Maunhelm, Frankfurt, Cologne, published by the well group of ca movement to hold a joint demonto alm for it in Germany?
lack of clarity and determination ating imperialist position and the HUGO OEHLER.
Solingen, pitulators which makes the ex stration against Fascism, Is most of Stalinist confusion is not exothe key problems of the present to problem in this post war per Erkenschwieck, Remscheidt, llam cuse of ignorance untenable un appropriate here.
But alas and alack! The well are the causes of temporixing.
The suwer profits that and its rema burg, Berlin, Oranienburg, Birken. smilingly reports that the group hansted by this comparison What Next Magdeburg. Halberstadt, Die Permanente Revolution has In this we see the continuation Thaelmann of capital Rinteln capitulated and gone back to the of the false judgment of the role of munint with the French Com German crisis is the equivalent orlod revolves the comples a crime. around Vital Questions for the For reasons that will be readily official The last sedle of the The proposal made Daily Worker devoted to loading Precious hours are slipping by. Germany and its Fascist hordes, German Proletariat.
understood we do not enumerate its organ contained a full page ap by the leaders of the Berlin Dis editorial to a ferocious tirade at the better knows what he wants and the same thing is seen in a peal for unconditional return to the Militant for demanding that the he marches ruthlessly towards his form. The key to the interna by LEON TROTSKY ors were able to gather only 26 sig tional Left Opposition Toterna ed the Social Democratic Party but German party propose a united Roal. The Communist party and tional situation, as Trotsky has In Leipzig, where the capitulat party! This leaves the pentrating Marxist analysis without a who are quite ready to join the Sta front against Fascism to the social its leadership. upon whom such a said, is Germany.
of the class dynamics and forces natures, the most inactive part of group in Germany. Even if the lin faction on the proper terms. democracy, it prints (2 17 1933) tremendous historical responsibility American investments in Gerat work in the present situation.
the organization capitulated. Two American Right wing (which Love In Czechoslovakia. too, the Right with the utmost unconcern, as it rests, are floundering like fish in many are tremendous.
dietment of the of the social demthirds of the group stands with stone also usmilingly reports to wing is not without group. there were not the slightest con the meshwork of the stalinist net. Their protection is a major conhave 900 members) can only pub only, its group is now part of the tradiction between the two, the fol The net must be cut through with corn of our In the ocracy and the criminal blunBruchsal of which the capitulat: Mish its paper once a month, this is Czech social democracy. As for lowing correspondence from Berlin, a quick, sharp knife. The German past, erry mark Germany ders of the Stalinists. work ors wrote that it would probably hardly a reason why deliberated Lovestone, as is known, his fierce in which is reported an interview Compaunist Party must be set free in reparations was more than no Left wing worker and Com foln them, and which alone has falsehoods should be repeated. attachment to principle would nev given officially to the press by the so that it may act with decisive equalled by loans from American munist can afford to neglect.
One of the texts of the future.
ors are able to show signaturea. a group in Germans. as we know to the Stalinista. Really just try Pleck. Read it carefully ana and final action of the whole Gor Indefinitely is not possible 192 Pages Cloth. 66 Paper. 35 standa unanimously with the Nathat is, it has remaining in its him and see. Just try him. Or, compare it with the dunderhonded man proletariat.
American profits. From this flowPostage:. 08 per copy extra tional Committee. Not a vote was ranks those who have not yet join ask Gitlow.
observations of Thaelmann quoted Saturday, Feb. 18, 1983 ed the new problem of the Hoover Wall Street Stake in Germany The plenum confirmed the Fascism which teory of social the working class astray by his the Communist party has already sections on self criticism in the the leadership. The cause of democratic wing of the bourge and the SPD. Among the reformist trade unions to formations between the United States Element and the war debt ques.
report of the National Convention the cracks in the execution of the oisie and the extreme Fascist another things he said as follows to fighting united front, and now and Europe was very intimately tion.
fender, and we charge theip with monetary circulation and all treme. What this theory has in must actually declare complete proposal was made lust July 20. Fascisin and social formity with the wel eriticism threaten, these are. According to with the simple and known facts social democrats against Fascism dictatorship: the second official or olution of 1923 made it possible civil war in But Between the exto the growing discontent of the the Stalinists, social Fascists, or them a joint demonstration against front proposals made by the Ger Fifth Congress would have enabled decay of capitalism.
Ger forth.
German Opposition Overwhelmingly Against the Handful of Capitulators The Around German go with it.
werder, higher UA tor MS.